Page 1: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord



Number 146




Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord is shall make there is you free.- Liberty-Jno.8:32. 2Cor.3:17

" Stand fast therefore in the lib· erty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." -Gal. 5:1.



Number 146

Entered as l!Jecond~clas9 matter March 24, 1915. at the post' office at st. Louis. MissourI, under the Act ot March 3, 1879.

Page 2: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

Pag-e Two. THE \\,EEKL Y E\-A:\GEL July I, I916_

ID1Jr .rrkly 1£uaugrl Published wceklYI with the exception ot onc week during the meeting of the General Council ot the A~semblles or God. and Christmas week, (50 issues per year) by

TUF. GOSPEr, l't'RLlSlllNG HOUSE. 2S!1S Euston .4 \ 'C" St. Louis, Mo.

;\lulluglJlg CommjUec. J. W. WELCIl Editor. J. R. FLOWER Wm. G. SCIlEI_L

OWce Editor. Representative.

Executive Presbytery. J. W. WELCH, Chairman, 2838 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. J. R. FLOWER, Sec'y., 2838 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. JOliN GOBEN, Trens., - 815 N. Main St., Charlton, rowa, E. N. BELI_, 2123 W. 24th St., Little Rock, Ark . R. A. BROWN, 454 W. 42nd St., New York, :>. Y. ARCH P. COLLI:-lS, - 1509 N. Houston St., Ft. Worth, Tex. ANDREW L. FRASER, - 3748 Forest Ave., Chicago, lII . A. G. GARR, - - 332 Monterey Rd., South Pasadena, Cal\!. S. A. JAMIESON, - 3508 Grand Ave., Dallas, Tex. D. \V. KERR, - 6403 Linwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohif') . B. F. LA IVR"NCE, - 1001 N. Main St., Springfield, Mo. D. H. McDOWELL, - 822 Rlchmont St., Scranton, Pli. WILL C. TROTT"R, - 51 E. 13th st. N., Portland, Ore.


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Page 3: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord



Published in the interest of the General Assembly of God, endeavoring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace ..... unti l we all come i:l the Unity of the Faith.

NCMB1~H .1 '16. s'r. J..oC IS, ) 10., .Ju 1r 1, t H10. $ 1.00 pf~1t YEA 11.

Editorial ] ,OO I(I:'W FO IIW,\IU).

\Vhile there i s much to be gained from a r etrospecti ve

Yiew, looking backward is of l ess Importance than the pros­

pective view. The past has brought Its peculiar experiences.

The picture hol ds both light and shadow, s uccess and fail-

The h igh-light in the f uture 1)I'OSpect i s tile advent of

Oll l' Lord and Saviour. "Unto t hem that look [Or 11 1m sha ll

li e ap pear," ( I leb. 9:"28.) Very natu r a lly ou r hearts and

minds r eoch out to this g l orious coming eve n t, as we turn

our attention to the Cuture. Happy Is the man 01' woman

who has th e re-al 1I IHnt r ll·J.:Hze. the true and certain fore­

view of that event. It will mean so much to a ll who nrc

ure, victory and defeat. All we have passcd through may truly prepared to m eet Him in the ai r . Not all wh o believe

profit us in t h e future, if w e havc l ea rned our l esson s well

and have had our sc nses exercised th ereby. I f we h ave

been train ed by t h e diffi cul t probl ems of the past to under­

stand othcrs which may come to us, have learned to endure

through past trials, have been able to o \'ercome in past con­

flicts, we may feel somewhat confident as we look towarll

the fut urc.

One thing we see cl early. " Hitherto hath the L ord

helped us," (1 Sam. 7:12.) God has surely lleJped us in

lhe past and H e will yet help u s. 'Vlth the past before us,

w e dare not face the fUlure without tilis assurance, That

I}ast has proven both our w eakn ess and God's willingness

to h elp. If the future shall hold no more severe trials, no

li e is coming will be r eady, as all a r e not living in th e lIg-ht

of that coming. Many who iJelievf', arc walking ind i ffer­

cntiy, careleRSl y, haltingly; not carf"fully. obediently, trust­

full y, expectantly as they should; and m any will not he

looking for 11 1m whcn l i e comes. AOt a ll who wouLd g l ad ­

ly go to be with Him i n H is J'elgn as Kin g, will be prcsent

at th e cr owni ng ce remony, Some wi ll be confident and oth­

ers will be ashamed a~ His coming (1 Jno. 2:28.) All de­

pends on th cse intervening clayf', and what we do with our

stewardship. )f w e allow ourselves to lo~e the vision and

become occupied with other th ings, we may be among the

"ashamed" when 1Ie comes. If we get into error and CO II­

tentlon, strife and bitterness, we wlIl miss being ready to

more difficult problem s, no more bitter conflict s than has m eet Him. It will most certainly be hard during these COtn-

the past we shall surely need divine h elp; and as we COI1-

tem'plate the possibility of y et greater difficulties, w e can

only be comforted by knowing that our heavenly F ath er w11l

yet grant His favor a)jd suppl y our nceds.

A very practical l esson Crom the past is that which

shows us th e n eed of walk ing where divine h elp is r ead ily

given and r eceived.

"'Vhen w e walk with t h e Lord

I n th e li gh t of His 'Vord,

'Vhat a glory He shed s on our way:

"'bile w e do His swcet will,

H e abides with us still.

Never fear only trust and obey."

'Ve have learn ed the truth of this verse of an old hymn.

Let us not forget it. " 'e will surely find need of thi s w el l

taugh t lesson in ' th e days that yet li e between the present

and the day o f ] I is coming.

ing days to avoid harsh feeJings toward others, un l ess we

li ve very close to God and r efuse to enter into any conten ­

tious mallers. Th ese are the days of which th e word spea k s

as "perilolls times" and th ey are perilous days to tb e world

and to the church. The spirit of ditrel'cnce and cli\'i s io n i s

active in our time in a v er y marked and distressi ng way and

measure. Only th e very humblc and very cal'eful will es­

cape lhe distracting influence of its power. \\'e should en­

deavo r in every way to orr-set its subtle power, by seokl ng

to be at peace with all mell and eS"peci~ l1y all the h ou sc­

h old of faith. 'Ve must not con sent to be at variance with our

br other. Nothing will h elp more in this than to come to­

gether as opportunity offers and setlle all adjustable mat­

ters before they become fixed lines of separation; and

where th ere arc those things which do separate, g reat caro

must be tak en to avoid hardncss in our attitude towa r ds

the brethren.

Page 4: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

Pagc Four.


"Then they that feared the Lord spake otten one to another: and the Lord hearkened. and heard it. and a book ot remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name." Mal. 3:16.

ARTICLE X.-Further Incidents From the Early Days in Azusa Mission.

\\'e an' indebted to :\Irs. C. J. Hagg, the sister who took the light of this truth to Fl. \\'orth, Texas, for the folllHling report nf thc Lord's work in old .\zusa. While we han' sc.'1' that this Pentecostal revival did not orig-i­natt' in I.ns Angeles, there is in our hearts a very tcnder spot for the Azusa work. and the grcatness of God- there rl"vca1t-d stirs our hearts to joy and gladncss.

"One l11orning, while services were being hel,1 in the "l'PPt'l' ixoo11l" at AZllsa .street, a stranger came in and apparently cJ1gaged in taking notes of thc l11e<:!ting. A young- girl. probably ten or twelve years of age. was praying- for h<:r father to receive thc baptism in t~le ~piri.t. Shl' arose . w('nt to this stranger and .spoke to hllll 111 hIS

own tong-tie. :\ddrcssing him hy his first mIme. shc told hilll that he should preach the (;o'pel. After this [ heard him tt'stif\' that no one in Los :\ngc1cs knew his first nam" ;tl1d~that his wifc even. never used it. ] waited at til(' dlxlr to ask him ii I hat! unt!erstoorl him rightly re­.g;II'ding- the language and he told me that I had,

"2. On another occasion I heal~i a young man speak a wonderf111 message in another tong-uc. ::\0 one ga\'e the interpretation, but, at the close, a Jewish womaT1 said that he spoke to her a wonderful message about the ~res­siah. Later. this incident was published in the .\postolic Faith paper and a Jew in Chicago wrote to the ,lewe,,;,s asking- if the report was true, say ing that if it was. he would come and .seek this also. I heard this letter read, and ,a w the J ewess who brought it to Azusa.

" 3. 1 assisted in answering the Azusa mail for awhile. This mail came from all over the world. from people in even' walk in life. One letter, I rcmcmber. came from a won;au in England with a handkerchief enclosed. ,\n­other sister and myself prayed over this and sent it back to h('r. Tn due limc we received a letter from her son in \"'hillier. CaL, and later one from the woman herself. Both sait! that she was healed.

"4. ;\nother lime we received a lettcr from a man in Boston. ~rass. His wife's mind was affl·icted and she wa.s ill the hospita.l in Boston. ] Ie was in bad condition, his motley was gone . he had been compelled to give up his practice (he was a doctor). and it seemed that his life was wrecked. Thev had turned to Christian Science (false­ly so-called) for help, but had receivedl none. \Vhen we answered his pitiful letter wc laid hands on it and prayed that the Il olv Ghost would accompany it. When the man receiv<,<1 it li<- was leI I to la)" it upon his wife's body. The answer SOOI1 tame from him that his wife was ablc to leave the hospital. ,\bout six months later they came to and in three weeks he was saved and received the baptism in the Spirit. while God dealt with her. I have had the pleasure of having them in my home a)ld have heard their testimony.

Jul), I, Il)t6.

"I anc,wcred ano:iH:r ktter irol1l ProYiclcl1c,,:. R. J.; the letter and a paper J'('sllltl:d ill all outpouring of the Spirit there. ,\!so at ~C\\IY)rt ~(.'ws. \'(1., lhe I roly (~host fell on them as on us at the bcginning- through a letter and a paper.

"5. :\Jany came, through the course oj the Il1Ceti~lg's, to il1\'estigatc and to write anel speak against these things thal to them secmed to be impossible, At one time a priest came to sec what he could Sl'e. The Spirit llsed a young girl to speak to his heart and life. She spoke to him in another tongue and narrated to him his life story, tell­ing him among other things that he was a murderer. The lan~lIage she llsed was all unwritten one, he had learned it on some island among I>':'lrbarous peopJe. He went out, but came back ant! asker! the girl if she had ever been there. She told him that she had not, but that God was speaking to him. lie thereupon confessed that what she said was true. Jt11lllcrliatcly, another person spoke to him in another language which he ull(lcrstood and told him that if he did not repent he would lose his soul and go to hell. J Ie was savcd and baptized in the Spirit and spoke ill several languages as the Spi rit gave utterance. (. \nd the movement which has such works of God in it as this is criticized l>y cold heartoo professors who have not seen a genuine cOllversion in tcn years.-Ed.)

"Ii. A professor of Greek attended some of the serv­ices; he came to 'prove that it was impossible for this to be truc and to speak against this way. T got up to testify and i111111ediately the Spirit came ul'X)n me and I began to speak in tongul's. The profcssor a ftcrward told a preach­er with who111 I was acquainted that J spokc the most per­fect Greek: he ha(l come in an unbeliever, but went out !>clie\·illg. It i.s writtcn. "tongues are for a SI.f(It, not to them thnt bcljc~'c, bill to litem Ilrat belirve Hot."

"7. Lastly, I want to mention two visions which I had after I was baptized in the Spirit. The first Sunday after ] received thc baptism, I was sitting in the meeting with my eyes closed. r saw Jesus with a halo of light whjch was as the sun that shineth in his strength . Iris eyes \\'ere so full of compassion that I could not describe it. l!e mct me. 011 the cross, wc werc onc and seemed to be hanging there together. I felt Ill)" head fall over and we wellt into the grave and arose. 1 re .say ing, "I have burst the bonds of death." At this time there was a sister sit­ting behind me who, to outward appearance, seemed to I>c d),ing. The Spirit told Ille to turn and look: I did so and was told to kneel and put my hands on her heald. I did so and immediately she opened her eyes and said, "I am dead." (Such a vision as this was bound to edify the seer. It bought to her heart marc forcibly than any thought or teaclring. her unity with the Lord in His death and hmial and resurrection. \\ 'e all need to have this consciou.sness. whether it come by vision or not, as a con­dition for baptism in water.-Ed.)

"The other vision I saw whilc at home, sitting in front of the sto\·e. r saw a crown of the color of blood, it changed to purple, then to a dark grey shade. I opened my eyes andl saw the crown fade from one color to anoth­er jill it disappeared. Theil these words were spoken, "The crown that fadetl! "ot away/J with many others that space is lacking to speak of.

"I was an eyewitness to the most of these things here written. All things are possible to God and to them that believe God. This is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Ill' is my portion." :-.r rs. C. J. lJ agg.

I saw a pamphlet the other day which gave a partial list of onr missionaries who had gone out and had failed to speak to the heathen in their own languages. The pamphlet was trying to create the impression that the

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Tllr:: \\'r::EKLY E\·.\"GEL Page Five.

movement was a failure bccat1~c they did not do so. I do not kllow that any of those who '~'cnt out in the carly days of the movement thonght that they \\"onld be able so to speak or not. hut I do kno\\' that tOIlO'"llCS arc not taught in the Bible in that light. In Corinth. tbo~e who spoke in tong-lICs spoke not to man. but to (;od. for no man understood them. "everthcless, as on the day of Pentecost, Cod frequently. in llis s01.'crcigll 'H.·ill, cau~('s men and women to speak the long-nes of the nations pres­ent. OH/'V once is it recorded in the Bible that those stand­ing by tindcrstood the tongucs spoke11 by the inspiration of the Spirit. and I think that abont the same ratio is maintained today in the Pentecostal ~rOVCll1CT1t.

I want to call your attention to this, if there is a sin­glc--case of genuine speaking in tongues in the whole movement, it silences forever the cry that the gift of tongue's is pen11ianclltIy out of the church and that stich phenol11ena have no place in Cod-inspired worship to­clay. 1 f there is this single case, then the phenomcna COmes tInder Bible laws and we must look for a Bible con­dition to manifest ilself. Of course, we believe that there haye bcen thousands of cases of genuine Bible glossalalia in the world in the last fifteen years.

Thi.,; Department of Record can onlv be continued as the people of Cod will SC1l(l in accounlS of the dealings o f God with them. I wish that preachers espcciallv would write out the stories of the remarkable things that all of them have seen in the ycars of their ministry and send them to me. I ,,·ill be careful to give you credit for the writing. Please pray over this and sec whether there is not something that would glorify God. Of course, this in vitation is not cxtencled to preachcrs alonc.


"I Ie shall baptize )'ou with the Iloly Ghost and with fire." ~Iat(. 3:J I.

What is the haptism of the Troh' Ghost? It is the fioocit-tide of spiritual blessing typified by the deep ri"er of Ezekiel's vision: ",\gain he meastlred a thouc;and; and it was a river that J could not pass over. for the wa­ters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not he passed over." Ezek. 47 :5.

It is the en<iut'Jl1ent of power for service . Did not Jesus Christ our hlessed Sa,·i0ur. hid Ilis disciples to tar­ry at ./eru-.;ait'!11 ul1tillilf..'Y wcrc cn<i'llNI with power from 011 high? (Luke 24:40) .. \nd again when speaking to the111 jll<.;t he fore lIe returned to I lis heavenly hOl11e. He said. "Ye shall recl'i,'e power after that the 1[01y Chost is C0111e 1I1xm you: and }'c shall be '(VitHCSSCS unto .lIe both in Jerusal(·m. and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." .:\cts 1 :8.

it is G()(I ] fimself C'ntering into llic; temple, to abide ill all } I is fulness and g-Iory, Thus we read in I Corinth­ians 3 :10, "Know yC' not that ye are the temple of God, and that the ~pirit of (;0<1 dwrllcth in you?" :\gain ill Ephe,ian . .1 :17 . II'. the apostle Paul prays for the Ephe­sian Christian s that Chri:-.t m3.'· dwcll in their hcarts by faith. and that the\' might know the lo\·e of Christ which passeth knowledge aile! be fillcd <"itle all the fulness of God .

Just as the hexh· i~ immerscd in water in the rite of baptism, so the 50\11 of the belie\'er is immersed in the J [oly Ghost when he is baptizerl in the Spirit.

The Baptism of the Spirit is of necessity also a bap­tism o f firC', for "our God is a consumi ng fire." 'The whole being of the believer becomes on fire with the love

and leal of (;0<1. This is shown in Exodus.) :1-0. under the type of th" burning bllsh. Every hranch. yea. even ('\"(.'r." little twig- of that hush. was alight bccausC' Cod for the time wa~ dwl'lling" in it. It was not consumed hut it glowerl with till' holy fire of Gorl's presence.

"aiah. the prophet. feeling the need of this firt· to awaken the cold, indifferent hc:trt~ around him, cries out,. "011 that thou wOlllrlest rend the heavens. thal thou wouldcst come down. that the mountains might flow dowll at 'Thy prC!'iCIlCe, as when thc llH.."hing- fire hurncth, the fire c;llls<\h tht· water to boil." (Is. 0-\:1, 2.)

Tn Ezekiel's \'ision of the li"ing- crl.'atllre~, he S3,·S he saw them "like burning- coals of fin'. and like tlK' appear­ance of lamps * * * and the fire was bright." (Ezek. J :1~.) These living" creat11res typify the redeemed. hap­tized servants of ('rex!. and by !-ttuchillg the chapter we find that the secret of their being alwa~ .. s on fire, lie'S in the fact that they were continually dwelling in thl..' of the fire of Carl. Then too the)' were like lalllps shin­illg forth in the worlrl as lights lo gu ide the lost straving ones to Jestls. "Our God is a con:';1I11lil1~ fire." .1.\11 that is sinful 'is C011S\1II1("d as in a ll1omenll)\· [lis presencC'. 1£ He should enter into the heart which has not been puri­fied. that soul would instantly perish. for God cannot look upon sin (Habakkuk r :13). ,\Iso ill Isaiah 33 "4 we sec that the sinTlers and hypocrites cannot dwell with the devouring fire, 11('ither (A.1T1 they dwell with tht! ever­la~tjllg burning-so

Xone but tlw pure and the holy can dwell in the fiery presence of God: and therefore the first essential in s~ck­in!! for the Baptism of the Spirit is heart-purity. Thus Isaiah. when he got a glimpse of the glon' of God. cried out straightway, "\Voe is me * ,. ,. I am a man of unclean lips." The \·ision of God's holiness convicted him of his own g-reat need of cleansing, not from aels of sin so ll1uch as from his OWl1corrupt nature . I do 110t think am' soul can hOllesth' seck to he filled with the Spirit without getting- a similar rC\'{'ialion of his OWll lack of purity: for the temple l11ust first he cleansed of all un­cleanness in the inner part (cp. 2. Chron. H): 16). then it must be con.::;ccratcd,-i, c., hand<..~<1 o\·('r absolutl'h' to the Lorel. before it can he filled. .

Let us look now at the heautiful type of Penteco,t .([i\·('n in 2 Cl1r011. ,;:11-14. The priests-type of the re­decmed-wcre (111 sanctified. and with one accord Ihe\' were making aile l'ol1nd to prai~l' til(' I ~onl!. Cod was he­in" i:(lori fied and exalted I,,· tl1('111 all. anrl thcIC the i:(lorv of the Lord filled the tcl11llic. so that the priests could nOt ~tand to mini"tc'r l'rcau~e of it. The ~cck('r after the hapti~m of tile Spirit will find that whel1 his heart is pure :1I1d all his h.'ing- unitl,(l to 1)[:11<';' amI g-lorifv (;od. "the T~of(l whom he ~l'('ks ~halJ '=l1ddcnlv COllte to lIis tClllplr." God's th()u~ht for 11 is childn'll is that thL' 1 Tolv fire should ne\·cr goO o·tlt on the allar of jJ1('il" hearts. r...lev. (j:12, [~. Tt must he kept hurnill,!! by the fresh f11("1 of Cod's \\'onl clav b,· day, ane! as we mllSe (.r mcditate upon it. tile firc­will glow· wit h all e\Ocr-increasing and more vchclllent flame. cpo Psalm ')9:,~ and ,Tl'f. 20:<). n0X 74, 'liclddhl1rg, Transvaal. S. \frica.

S lm n cF,S ,\ T nllT Fmr, C HAPEIJ. Assembl;\' of God.

2{)21) )fo nt ,::om e l'Y St. , St. LouiS, )10. Sunday Services: Sunday School at 10 A. M., Regular

meetings at 11 A. 1\'1. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meetings. Tuesday and Friday at 8: 00 P. ~L A cordial welcome ex­tended to al1.-J. \V. 1Yelch. Pastor.

Rpcdul He ,·i\·al Ser\"ic("S every night except Saturday. commencing Sunday, May 28th. J.J,·ange1isl A. T. Rape of Chicago in charge. Pray for a mighty outpou ring Of lhe S pirit upon tJlesC meetings.

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"And yo shall hear of wars and rumOUTS of wars; see t.hat ye be not U'oubled: for ltll must come to pn~s, bllt tho ('nd 1"1 fit •• yet. For nation shall rise against nntion and kIngdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences. and earthquakes, in divers places. All lhese are tile beginning of itorrows."

St. Matt. 11:6, 7, 8. The prophet ic periodl to which the words of the above

passage rder has now arrived. 'We have just entered upon it. i\'atiol1 is rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and the sword is being bathed in hu­man hlood to an extent which hitherto has been un­knowll ill this sad and weary world"s history. ~rcn and womcn arc perplcxed as the Lord said they would be; they are proJ)r)tlnciing questions one to another to which they can find no satisfactory answer, and no wonder, for the vexed questions of the hour can ollly be answered by intelligent students of the prophetic Word which St. Peter tell, \lS has becu given in order to light the children of God through dark times like the present. Let us listen to I li s inspired word written in 2 Pet. I "9: "We have also a II,O/'r Sllre word of prophecy, wherellllio ye do well 10 101" hred as 111110 a li"ht Ihat shillelh in a dark place, 1i1llililte day dawn, aud the day star arise in your hearts."

This word of prophecy unto which we do well to take heed. is scattered up and down the Old and New Testa­ment in ahundancc. It illuminating teaching" is accessi­ble to the humblest and most unscholarly child of God, who will patiently and intelligently examine its testimony. Now it would be impossible to answer a tithe of the ques­tions which perplexed men and women are asking con­cerning this great European war. Our time just now is too limited for that, but by God's grace I will try and answer fi\'e questions, not out of my own imagination, or according to my own imperfect views, but out of the Word of Truth rightly divided.

r. 0111' first question sha ll be this: Does 1I0t this terri­

ble 'war wilh ,·Is 111lllameabfe atrocities justitv lIS I" fearillg Ihallhere lIIay be 110 Cod after all? If liLere was a Cod ",ollid Jfc 1101 slrelch forlh IIis lIIighly hand alld COII[Olllld the polilics alld frllstrate the kllovish tricks of lhasa ",hose creed is Ihat lIIight is right, alld that Ihe 1{1CaRcst lIIltst be crushed?

This is the question. \\'hat is the answer? This, that the children of God have been looking out for a war like this for many a year, and if it had not come sooner or later God's \Vorcl would have been falsified. Those who have studied the prophetic Scriptures, as every child of God should (but most, alas! do not) know that the prophetic period described as "the times of the Gentiles" is rapidly running out: then, we arc told, shall nation rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. In­steael of this war proving that God docs not exist, it is rather a testimony to 1 Jis faithfulness, and an overwhelm­ing reminder that 1101 a word lIe has spoken shall fail to come to pass. TTerc then is encouragemcnt for the saint, and a warning for the sinner. The European war writes the fact in large lellers "Heaven alld earlh sha.!1 pass away, but 1\1').' 'ZC1ords shall Hot pass away."

But if there were a God, would He not intervene at a crisis like this? lIf" answer is,'He will. Read the sec­ond Psalm and a multitude of other passages of Scrip­ture and you will discover that God will not always keep silence. The time is coming. and it is probably not far off, when "He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh, and the Lord shall have the nations in derision: lIe shall break them with a rod of iron. and dash them in pieces like a potter's vesseL" "But why," you may possibly ask,

I'does I fc not do it now?" For three reasons at least First, because He has world-wide purposes to fulfill through this present disaster. Secondly, because He is a long-suffering God, and will restrain IIis wrath until the last moment. Thirdly, because He knows IIis post­poned intervention will be more for our ultimate good and II is glory. \\' e may not think so, but our vision is very limited, Olll" knowledge very incomplete; but God sees the end from the beginning. "Known unto Him are all His works from the beginning of the age." Let us therefore rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him. Tl e may try us, but lIe will never mock us. IT e may tarry, but He will never come too late. lIe may perplex us. but I fe will never confound us. "Blessed are all they who put their trust in Him."

II. I r ere is a second question :-T s it 1101 an 07..(!tul tiling

for all. Chrislian 1Iation 10 be fighti"" agaillst another Christian 1lGlioll?

Yes, it would be indeed, but that is not the case. There is not, and never has been, such a company of people as a CHRISTIAK NATfO T, and never will be until the Lord comes. The nations, in God's sight, arc regarded as great antagonistic world powers, who act at the insti­gatien of Satan, and whose authority will be terminated by the Sure alTd certain coming of 11is Christ. The peo­ple of God are one company. the Gentile nations of this evi l age arc quite another. The idcnti fication of the two is unscriptural, illogical, and confusing-. The people of God who form the mystical body of Jesus Christ are a small company of people scattered among the nations, among nations who in GocPs sig-ht present the aspect, not of Christian communities but that of wild beasts ready to devour one another; at least that is what we learn from the vision that the Lord vouchsafed to Daniel in the seventh chapter of his prophecy.

Tn this great European war the st rife is not between two companies of God's people, but between variolls world powers whose doom is sealed; those true Christians who are engaged in it are simply doing their d~lty in that state of life in which God has called them. AI.though engaged in war they hate bloodshed, and if al1 men were as the)' are (and this shall he the ca'e some day, Isaiah 2 :4) there would be no war. A little clear and logical thinking, accompanied by an intelligent · knowledge of God's Word, will easily dispose of the fallacy that this war is being waged between Christian nations, for it is impossible for us to find in this dispensation a whole Christian town. village or congregation, not to mention a Christian nation.

ITT. A third question is this :-Will 1101 Ihis present devas­

tatjug 1.t!ar hiuder God's 'Work? The answer, accord ing to the law and the testimony,

is XO, and for two reasons. First by means of this war God is fulfilling IIis purposes . and secondly by means of this war God is preparing for the Second Coming- of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. HolY is God fulfill­ing IIis purposes? In two \\'ays. He is punishing the na­tions for their iniquities just as He always does and die) in olden times in the cases of Babylon. Assyria, Eg-ypt and others. Think of the atrocities for which Belgium was. conlparativeiv recently, responsible on the Congo. Think of the infidelity, the legalized prostitution, and blatant Atheism of France ! Think of the awful persecu­tion of the ancient people by Russia, not to mention the opposition to the spread of God's Word by the Greek Church there! Think of the godlessness, the covetousness, the worldliness, the opium traffic, the neglected oppor-

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July I, 1916. TIlE \\'EEKLY E\'A"GEL Pag-c ~·cven.

lunities of the British Empire. Think of the estimate that seventy, five per cent of people never enter a place of worship. \Ye could tell things about the city of London, the world's great capital, too terrible to mention, that would lll,.r.lke every righteous SOli I cry out, IIShali not 111\,

God avenge His sou l on such a nation as this ?" Present­ly Germany's turn will conle to be laid in the dust for its greed and cruel~ and unlawful ambition. God could punish nations dircctl.\·, but lIe is a great economist, and lIe uses the crimes of sinfu l men for fulfilling His pur, poses without endorsing the crimes, and makes the wrath of meR to praise IT im. For another thing- the territory of the Old Roman Empire must correspond with the pic, ture given of it by Daniel's image (see Daniel 2.) before the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled . and Babylon. that gre.1tcst of all cities. must be huilt in the East according to the prophetic word. Time will show how this present war will contribute towards bring-i ng the necessary re­distribution of territory about. The way. too, is being cleared for the Second ,\dyent. Defore the Lord can re­turn to T"ael, the Jews must be in Palestine. assembled as a nation in unbelief with their temple rebuilt. The war is materially affecting the political situation of the Jews, anel probably will set them free for their own lanel , which in some way must be theirs, for God has swonl to giye it to thelll.

IV. I'ollrthl y :-Dors 1I0t this 7<'ar shew the failllre of


The Word of God replies, ,,0. Christianity is one thing. civilization is qu ite another. The records of an­cient Egypt prove that a high state of civilization existed centuries he fore Christ ianity was bo rn. Past ages and this age prove the utter failure of civilization apart from regeneration. " 'hat men and women need i.:; not civili­zation merely (although God knows how l11uch in some quarte rs that is needed) but they need TO BE BOR)), AGA TN (St. J ohn 3 :3), not to be veneered. but to be­come the subjects of a mighty spiritua l revolution from wi th in.

Christian;/;.' is not a fairure. In every dispensation God's purposes are carried' through in spite of all the op­position man or de \·i l Illay offer, and this present dispen­sation wi ll be no except ion to the general rule. Had it been Cod's purpose to convert the world in this dispen­sation then we should have to acknowledge that God had been thwarted. hut that is not His purpose. His purpose is to g-ather out from amongst all nations a certain num­ber of perSOJl< who shall form the body of Ch ri st. :-,ro ]Jowcr in ca rth or hell can thwart that purpose .• That number is referred to in Scripture as "the fulncss (or complement. as Bishop Lightfoot interprets the word) of the Gentiles" (Romans T T :25)- The order of events in God's programme is clearly stated in that very re­ma rkah le passage written in Acts T 5 : 13-17. where the Apostle James affinns :-"Simeon hath decla red how God at the first visited the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for IT is name. " A fter this (sa itl' the Lord throug-h the prophet) "I will return and will build again the tabernacle of David. which is fallen down; and J will huild ag-a in the nlins thereof and I will set it up." In other words. Go<i w ill resuscitate Israel as a nation. \Vhy) That the residue of men mig-ht seek after the Lord. and all the Gentiles. upon whom :\[y name is called, saith the Lord. who ooeth all these things." As a mat­ter of fact, numbers o f men a nd women are trying to ful­fil a purpose which appea rs in God's programme for the next ag-e. Ko wonder they a re disappointed. They are preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom instead of the Gos­pel of the Grace of God. They are preaching the Cniver-

sal fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, in­stead of the need of regeneration and redemption through the blood of II is Cross. :\0 wonder there are no con­"crsions in our churches and a low Laodicean t)'pC of spiritual life ill Ollf congregations. who are so contented II ith modern day corruptions. that they hardly recog­nize the tnlth when it is preached. :lIen pray to-day for the e"tcn~ioll of a kingdom which is in abeyance, because rejected by ]~racl. and which cannot even commence un­til the Lord comes. The right thing to pray for is what is pra"ed for in that beautiful Church of England ollect contained in our incomparable Burial Service , "That it may please Thee shortly to accomplish the number of Thine elect. and hasten Thy kingdom." The accom­plishing ot the number of God's cleet is the first event. 'That is b~ing carried forward. The present war is ac­tual1y helping it for the \I 'onl of God is now gathering out from the ranks of the conflicting armies a great num­ber who are definitely accepting the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. \I 'hen the elect are gathered out and removed from thi, benighted sphere of conflict. then (at least after a dark interval) the kingdom of hri t wi ll be es­tablished, and no power shall be able to hinder it, and it shall extend north. south, cast and west, and all nations shall do Jlim sen-ice, "and the earth shal1 be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea ." And-

"011. the joy to see Thee reigning, Thee. my own beloved Lord : Every longue Thy name confessing, " 'orsbip, honour, glory, blessing, Brought to Thee with one accord. Thee. my Master and l\fy Friend, Vindicated and enthron ed, U n to earth 's remotest end, Clo,·ifled. adored and own'd."

v. Xow our last que!,tion.-rVilI 110/ Illis 1i..'Or brillg i1f.

ultimately a reign of HI/broken peace! The answer is, :-,rOo If it should do so then the \Vord'

of Cod wou ld be proved unt rue, and that can never be. \I'hat docs lhe Lord say? T hi s. ""at ion shall ri se against nation and kingdom against kingdom. All these are the heginning of sorrows:' Alas! if what we have experi­e nced lately is only the beginning of sorrows, what will th e consummation be? \ Vorse than anything we have ever experienced, for the Lord' says. after the beginning of sorrows. "Then shal1 be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." \\'e cannot enlarge all this theme now j

but those \\'ho are looking for unbroken peace or a gol­den age imll1ediately after this present war, will be grie,'ollsly disappoi nted. The world's dark night has yet to come before the world experiences emancipation and glon--a night of atheism and blatant infidelity, a night in which men and women will seal their faith with their blood. a night that shall culminate in the manifestation of the great Stlper-~Jan, the Anti-Christ, who, when he has reached the zenith o f hi s power, will be crushed by the g lorious Son of ~ran \\'ho shall be seen coming in the clouds o f llca\·en. "A very pessimistic picture," you say . Perhaps so. but it is not one of my own invention, hut of God's rev elation. "There is 110 comfort in all this for me." you say in your impetllosity and short-sightcd­ness. Indced there is. for there is a wav o f escape from the consunullation of the present sorrows. Thank God if 'l.l 'e are borll again, sormdly cOIl'vcrlcd IhroftKh faith in Christ Jeslls, alld are rcstillg all Calvary's finished work (and this is not tnere dogmatism but the truth of God's \I'ord: search the Scriptures and see if these things are not 50). then. before that nig ht, in its awfu l intensity.

(Continued OIl page 9.)


Page 8: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

• Page Eight. TIlE WEEKLY EY:\:\GEL July I, 1916.

? ? Questions and Answers by E. N. BELL. 2838 E..toO Ave . , St. loui., Mo .•

I to whom.1I quutionl .hould be .ent. I

Adlln'~~ only pf'TlSonal Ict1.ers on Biblical Qu~stlonlS to Brother Of'I1. ' )() not writE" him ltbout Publishing Jlousc btl~lneijs or credf'ntlui ll'llllt(·I·~. Il.q T{'tlers nddrCS:lwd to him will be !orwnrded to him, ami lH" (!played In ret'urnl ng to tbe Publishing lIou8e bf'tore th l'.\' ('al\ he llJ1swf>r('d


1. The r}tU'l'Ilioncr mus t b (' a paid subscriber to the ",reekly

~;;~,~f:l'I~~I~:,lr:XPrtri; ~~1tg~aorcrhf~ ac~~~~~(>hntl~~ ~O~nb~~ly ~~~ bl~ COl'JtlJ too mll('h to answer each one by n private letter.

2. AJlk only qut>stlons ot real IntereRt on which you honestly arc seeking light. and not tor controversy,

3, ARk only ClUf"Rtions aboul' r eligiou8 matt{'rs that can be answerl'd from the BJol~ or History; don't a~k fOr interpreta.tion ot dreams or visions. 'Ve do not havo the gltt to Interpret t'hese.

-4. Mnk(! QUl'stionfi as .. hort a .. possible. nnd do not expect long cxh:'\usll\'c answers.

5. SlnC{'l'e QlIel'Jtlon~ on contro\'erl'ed matters wlll be an-8wcr('d by giving (l shQrt explanation of what ench side of the eontro\'('THY holdfl. nnd the reader left to judge whIch is mOSl correN according to the Bible.

G. ))rm'l (>xpecl an nnl:lwer In next Issue or the r,nper after )'OU u}lk It. 1.ook In every ISliue until you find It pr nled under this dep!lrtmcnt.

7:1, What lJenrtlt do \,.e get in partnking of the lArd'S S upper'!

Ana. There are four historic views of the Lord's Sup­per. We give them below.

(l) The CatholiCS hold that after priest ofticially bl('sses the wafer it t.hen and there becomes t.he living body of Christ that it Is no longer bread, but is the living flesh of Jesus with the blood in it. Therefore the Cathotic laity take only the waJer, never the wine, as they hold the blood also is taken tn the water.

This view that the bread by the blessing of the priest is tranRmuted into the literal living body of Christ Is called the doctrine ot Transubstantiation. Those who belie"e in th1s view hold that in partaking we actually eat the body at C'11Tist and literally drink His blood, and so get eternal lite by partaking of the sUI)per.

Dut aJl other Chri!';tians, outside of Catholics, deny the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation, This editor does not believe it IH concct.

(2) Consubstantiation. The Episcopalill.ns hold that tho bread hi not changed Into tbe body at Ch rist, but that th€' body and the blood really become present and exist along w!lh the bread and in the cup. This is called the d.)ctrin(' oC CohsubstanUation, that is, existing together.

While this view denies the Catholic claim to lhe priest's bl,?!jsing working a miracle in changing bread into the li\,­ing hody of Chril;t. yet it acknowledges the presence ot the actual literal body and blood of Christ as being taken unto eternal life in eating the Lord's Supper.

J think, If I remember righlly, the Lutherans hold this same view with the Episcopalians, but all the rest at the Christian worJod turns down this doctrine of consubstan­tiation. So does t h is editor.

(3) The noted theologian Zwingle held the Lord's Sup­per was simply a Memorial Feast in which the bread was still bread and the wine was still wine: that the only good received in partaking was in bringing vividly to memory the truths of Christ's atoning death. Accord ing to this "iew the body is not present. neither is the b lood, so we do not Rctual1y eat His body nOr drink His blood, but are oone­fitted on ly by the truth remembered and appropriated. Luther and Zwingle once had a great discussion over this.

Luth er quoted in LaUn the words "Hoc est corpus," 1. e., This is my body, and he turned down Zingle by holding that when Jesus said the bread "is my body," that Be meant It literally.

"'bile there is some truth in this view, yet to this writer there Is also error. It lowers our vIew ot the Lord's Supper and makes it a thing too common.

(4) A fourth view held by Calvinists , especially Presby­t erians. is that the bread is still bread, the fruit of the "ine is still fruit of the vine, but in the Supper Christ is spirit­ually present, not physically present, That in parta.king we partake spiritually of His u'Plifting lire and power.

As this editor sees it there is a good deal of truth in this spiritual vie w. In fact there Is some truth in nearly every view of it. But t do not believe the physical Christ is pres­ent in the bread nor in the cup. I believe the loaf is still real bread and the cup still only the fruit of the vine. I believe it is memorial, tor Jesus S<'tid, "This do in MEM­ORY of Me." But It is more than a memorial feast. Jesus is there in the Spirit to bless, Quicken, uplift and heal; but what benefit the partaker w1l1 receive depends much on his spiritua l discernment, his faith and his appro'Priatioll from the spiritually presenl lIvjng Christ. Instead ot benefit some are sick, others weak and Borne dead on account at the way they partake of t.he Supper. Paul says so in 1 Cor. 1]: 26-34. The purpose should be to "proclaim His death till He comes." It should be in hallowed memory or H im. \Ve shOUld examine ourselves before partaking, should sep­arate ourselves [rom all sin, judge ourselves and not others, should by faith realize His spiritual presence anel power to Quicken. to heal, or to leave weak and sick. ""e should appropriate spiritual life, real health, communion and fel­lowship with the living risen Ohrist.

wnoxa DJRF,£TJO?iS.

"RlInd J,('nders ot the Blind."

In an English excbange we find the following inCident, a true occurrence:

I was going west one time during the winler. The train had two engines ploughing along. There was a woman, with a little baby in her arms, who wanted to leave the train at a certain littl e station. where they stop the train if you come Crom a cer tai n distance. Th e brakeman came in and ca ll ed the name of the station when we were getting near. The woman said, "Don't forget me," and he replied, "Sure." There was a man there who said, "La,d y, I will see that the bra.keman doesn't forget you- don't you wor­ry." A while later he said, "Here's your station." Sbe hopped out oC the train-i nto the storm. The train had gone on about three-quarters of an hour when the brakeman came in and said, "'Vhere's that woman?" The trs\'eling man said. "She got off." The brakeman said. "Then she's gone to her death: we only stopped the train yonder because there wns somelhing the maHer with the en­gine." They called for volunteers and went back and looked Cor her. Th ey searched for hours and finally found her out on the prai-ries. covered with a shroud of ice and snow woven about her by the 'pitiless storm, and with the little babe folded to her breast. She followed the man's direc­tions, but they were "Ton",.

She followed the wrong directions and they led to ber death and the death of her little one. How great the re­sponsibility of the man, who sent her into the night and the ragipg storm! Greater stl1l is the re~ponsibility of the men who stand up as preachers and teachers of Christianity and wbo give to lost men and women and to their cbildren the wrong directions. Tnstead of sounding the ala.rm and warn­ing to flee from the wrath to come, they preach tha.t all is well. Instead of pointing out God's way of salTation by the

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]uly r, 1916. TlIE \\,EEKL Y EVAXGEL Page Kine.

blood, they obscure the cross, deny Christ's atoning work and send their hearers down the road which leads lnto eter­nal darkness and misery. How awful will be their remorse when tbey discover the work they bave done by preaching the devil's lie, instead of God's eternal truth. Of such who give the wrong <lirectioDs. wbo preach eTror and a delusion 1n the place of the Gospel, OUr Lord spoke in His severe de­nunciation of the scribes and the Pharisees. They are the blind guides and the hypocrites, who shut up the kingdom ot heaven against men. (Matt. 23.)-Our Hope.



Report from E. J.J. Jlnntll, Ch tliJ'man of SoutJlern )USSOuri District Counci l.

"As co ld waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." Provo 25: 25.

This is truly what the Evangel bas been to me. Many t i mes of late, while reading, r have been encouraged to press on in the battle for the right. Great r efreshings have corne [rom God as 1 read l it. My hear t has been made glad also broken; it. seems as though th e last few copies have been better than ever. As 1 have read them, I would have to put my fnce in my hands nnd cry, sometimes faT joy. other times with a burden [or lost souls.

Received the Evangel yesterday and read the report [ rom Dallas. Tex. A burden fo r souls came upon me and 1 spent a blessed season with God in the secret place, pleading for souls. My heart cry is that on ly the things may go into the 'Paper that wi ll cause a mighty reviving amongst God's people, then I know lost so uls wi Tl find God. Oh that God's people wou ld work for the salvation of the lost and a one­ness of th emselves as Paul exhorts us in Ezek. 4: 3.

Also let the brethren of Southern Missouri, wbo are striving for the unity of the faith and eo-operating together in the work o[ the Lor-d. not forget the quarterly report, which we pledged ourselves to make. The first was to have been made the 1st of June.

Your sen'ant on the field for the sahration of lost souls and a oneness of believers.-E. L. Banta, Crane, Mo.

"LICHT 0.'\ THE PRESEXT CRISIS." (Continued from page 7.)

breaks upon an unbelieving. Christ-rejecting, truth-neg­lecting "'oriel, the Lorel ITimself shall descend from hea,'en with a shout. with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God. and the dead in Qwist shall rise first, then wc ",hich are ali,'c and remain shal1 be caught up together with them in the clouds. to meet the Lord in the air, and so shal1 \\'e c"er be with the Lord.


"Some one will knock when the door is shut, Shall you, sball I?

Hear a voice saying, 1 know you not, Shall you, sba1l I?

Some one will call and shall not be beard. ShaH you, shall I ?

Vainly will st r ive when the door is barred, Shall you, shall I ?

Obtainable in tract fonn at 2 cents per copy from the author. Rev. Leonard :;tcwby, 2 Herbert Rd., Southsea, England.

How many subscriptions have you taken this week in the campaign tor doubling the s ubscription list or the Weekly Evangel? It you love tbe Lord and the message which we are proclaiming, you will not l et a day pas! with­out eend ing In at least one new 8ub8crlption.

rDl A_I.:....L_Y:....-=P=-:O~R.:::T-=I::....O-=N:::...:::::..:::F~R:....:O~M~...:..T_H~E ~ KING'S BOUNTY


]uly 1. ",\nel He led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation." Psa. 107:;.

And t.hat is just t.he way God leads His children today. "By the right way." Any way with the least suggestion of crookedness about it you may rest assured is not God's way for you to tread. We are serving a God who only eX'pects of 118 clean. straight. upright methods in all the bUSiness we do for Iiim. This holds true in temporal as well as spiritual affairs. Remember always, under every condition, -"clean hands and a pure heart~"

lul,v 2. "Ifc l11aketh the storm a calm, so that the ",a,'es thereof are still." P",. 107'29.

Let God Quiet the tumult of your life. The more you struggle to end it. the farther you will be (rom your desire. Call upon Him, as they in the boat or old, and He will arise to your aid, speaking to the restless waves that seek to over­throw you, "Peace, be still." And as it was with Utero, 60 with you, there will be a "gJ'eat calm."

July 3. "Take therefore no thought for the morrow." :lIatt. 6 :34.

}o.{y heart has no fear for the morrow, The God who is keeping today,

Whatever comes, gladness or sorro\l,"-, \Vill still be my strength and my stay.

Julv 4. "Stand fast therefore in the liberty where­with Christ hath made us frce. and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondag-c." Gal. 5:1.

This is the day when we are reminded au every side or our country 's liberty and freedom. Multitude cheers as­cend for our nation's colors. But how intent are we on m.aintainillg that higher liberty bough.t for us at even great­er cOSt theW our na.tion's li berty. God help us to "stand fast." And may we not with heart's exultant send up shouts of praise for the blood-stained banner that lea.ds us -the people of God..--forth to the promised victory?

July 5. "Let us get up earl)' to the vineyards: let liS

sec if the vinc flourish, whether the tender grape appear, and the promegranates bud forth." Cant. 7:12

Apply this to your own spiritual life, dear child of God. Remember we are brancbes of the Vine, and the Vine Is our Lord Jesus Christ. The closeness of our union with Him detE'l"mines the fruitfulness of out' lives. Has God's spring-time come, and fonnd youI' branch languishing, and no tender grape appearing? "Get up early to the vinE?­yards"- attend to this all-important thiug no matter what else you have to leave undone.

Tl1h' 0. "That the,' do good. that the,' he rich in Rood w01:ks" ready to distr-ibute: willing to communicate." I Tim. 6 :18.

If God measured out to us His blessings and merci es as 've deal tbem out to others. some of us would be in it very impoverished condition, spirituall y and tem'Porally. \Va dole out a few deeds of mercy. aod expect great credit for it, forgetting that God has literally rained upon us His acts of lovingkindn ess and tender mercy.

] uly 7. "I the Lord search the heart, I try the rei ns, even to give every man according to his ways, and ac­cording to the fruit of his doings." ]er. 17: 10.

~Ve may cover over some things from the sight of men; we may hold unseen in our hearts unholy desires, dishonest purposes. unuttered criticism ot others, unk.ind, unwar­ranted suspicions; but let us not forget God search es the heart of every man and a ll these hidden ch1ngs will be open to HJs ga.ze. Aud God will be compelled to deal with us a.ccordingly.

Page 10: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord


STUDY to shew thy­self approved unto God, a workman that need­eth not to be ashamed.



July 0, 1010.


Lesson TexL-1 Thess. 1: 10; 2: 17· 20; 4:13·18 .

Golden Text.-"lf we believe that Jesus died and rose again even 80 them also that are fallen asleep in Jesus will God bring with 111m." 1 Tlless. 4:1.

Loudhlg T hought.-The hope of our Lord's return.

1. Paul's JOy in Ole }i'allhtulne5S of the 'l'hCSSlllollhws. elt. 1: 1-10. \Ve have just been studying of how the Gospel first came to Thessalonica, through Paul and his companions; and of how a company of men and women accepted the truth. That was the be­ginning ot the Thessalonian church. With a letter it makes nil the differ­ence In the world to whom it is Writ­

ten. And it will be found most helpful in the study of the epislle to keep in mind "the envelope address"-as some­one has put It. Read again the 17th chapter of Acls so as to have a good understanding of Paul's association wilh the town of Thessalonica. After accompl!shing some definite results for God, Paul was forced to leave lhe town through the opposition of the unbeliev­ing Jews. 'V1th Paul was Silas, the Silvanus mention d In the lesson. They went to Berea; from thence Paul was sent alone to Athens. ch. 17:14, 16. Later Silas and Timothy joined him in Athens. from whence Paul sent the lat­ter back a.gain to Thessaionica to learn of lhe welfare of the Christians there. Timothy presently returned to Paul, now in Corinth, with a favorable report ot conditions in Thessalonica. ch. 2: 17-3: 13. But he doubtless must have also brought a report of some little misap'Prehensions on the part of some concerning the r etu rn ot the Lord Je­sus. On the strength of a ll this Paul writes trom Athens these two epistles. the first ot his writings to the churches. Th e character of this first epistle is

personal and intimate, First there is his usual tender sa lutation; then thanksgiving to God for their "work of faith," "labor of love," and "patience of hope." A well-seasoned child of God will have all three qualities manifest in. their life. V. 8 is most highly com­mendatory of their lives and service, so evident that Paul says, "we need not to speak anything." That their church was largely composed of Gentiles we would Infer from the statement In. V. 9, "Ye turned to God from idols to serve lhe living and truo God." 1.'herc is likewise a s.piritual application wllich we may give these same words. It im­plies the thought of forsaking on our part all that partakes of the old li fa of sel!ish deSire and idolatry; and the en­tering upon a lifo of willing, devoted, unselfish activity for the Lord. "the living and true Cod. II How cO!llmend­abJe is our service? Much of it I fear is done from mixed motives, partly de­sirous to please God, but more deSirous to build up a name for ourselves. often­Urnes. The question of service is a great one for us all to consider. And we should remember before any serv­ice is done, we must "present ourselves a living sacrifice, wholly. accept31b le unto God which is our reasonable serv­ice." Once given to God withont reserve, tho question of outward activity is very easily seUled if we keep humble. obe­dient and wming. Those Thessalonians were servants in the highest and truest sense of that word . And we can be just the same if we purpose so in our hearts. We will do all the work at His direction, then be content, if so He

-pleases, to remain in perfect obscurity, whi1e the world gazes at tbe finished production ot our labor and gives all the praise to God. T he cre<lit for the well-kept houEte goes to the mistress, but the faithfu l servant bas done all the work perhaps. Dear child of God, do you not catch a higher vision of what it means to "serve the true and living God 1" And such a life will joy­tully " wait fo r His Son trom heaven." Just a servant, r emember, occupying tlll the Master comes. "Blessed is that servant, whom hi8 Lord when He cometh sball find so doing!"

July I, T916.

2. "Watcbing tor Our Lord's neturn. eh. 4: 13-18. The latter part or tbe first epistle of Paul's deals with the ~econd return ot our Lord . In simple direct words he enIigh~ens them on this most important hope ot the church. Paul says, "I would not have you to be ignorant." It is unfortunate that some today are similarly ignorant on other vilal points, and tbat very igno­rance has been responsible tor some very sad mistakes. God would not have us to be ignorant. He says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Surely we need a few Pauls to enlighten the darkened, muddled minds of some dear good pe()ple who really want 10 please and follow the Lord. These words are very familiar to those of us who are looking [or His soon appearing. It was the hope of the early ell urch. As the saints were laid to rest, 0. common in­scription on the stones which marked their resting places, was, "Asleep til l Jesus comes." It Is sad tbat so many professing Christians today do not have this hope. God would have had it kept alive in the church all down the ages. But thank God we have this blessed hope and we do "comfort one another with these words." V 18. A lliai.n carerul reading of these words fs eno ugh to convince anyone of the cer­tainty of Our Lord's return. Some ot u s may sleep-many millions of be­Jievers have fallen asleep in Jesus, but there will be a glorious meeting with our Lord in the air, "and so shall we ever be with the Lord,"

" Lord Jesus how long, how long, E'er we shout the glad song,

Christ returneth, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah,


The EWistie closes wilh some very pointed timely admonitioll-equally applica.b le today-on the life and walk oC those who would be ready for our Lord's appearing. "We are not of tbe night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober." Notice carefully Va. 12-22 at the last chapter. Then comes that wonderful conclUSion. Let it drop into your soul as tha very dew from heaven , remembering "Faithful is He that calleth you who also will do it.1t Hallelu jah!

~cxt \Veek's Jlcsson. July 16, J016.

l'A UL AT ATHE'S. Lesson Text.-Acts 17 :1 6- 34. Golden Text.-"In Him we live, a nd

move, and lIave our being." Acta 17: 28.

Alice Reynolds Flower.

\Ve enjoy the Evangel and wish it Dl uch s uccess for the glory ot God and salTation of men.-A. C" Marion, Ind.

Page 11: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

July J. 1<)16.


Do not contradict people, even If you are sure you are right.

Do not be inquisitive about the af­fairs of even your most intimate friend.

Do not underrate anything because you do not possess it.

Do not believe llun everybody else in the world is happier than you.

Do not conclude that you have never had any opportunities in life.

Do not believe all the evil you hear. Learn to hide YOUI' aches and pains

llnde; a pleasant smile. Learn to attend to your own business

-a very Imllortant point.-SeJectcd .


'Vhy is it we hear so many people say they are not satisfied with their ex­perienco and are not real Sure that they have been entirely cleansed from si ~. I want to say right bere that if you have ever been redeemed. been set free, made a new creature in Christ Jesus. and your heart is frce from condemnation. and Lhe Christ is ent hroned willlin. when people ask you this question you won't stutter and hesitate and stammer, but wiJI instantly brighten up, speak out plain. and praise the God of heaven, and say "Yes, sir, I know beyond any doubt whatever that I am saved and know that my life is enti re ly hid with Christ. II

Then if Jesus Christ has saved us from sin a.nd adopted us into the fam­ily of God, why should we be bashful or ashamed to acknowledge our Lord before men? Oh, dear ones. we must count it an honor to be really saved from sin and redeemed' from under the law, and be connected with that hea,'en­Iy fami ly. Let me say it again that if we have been saved we are too willing to testify to the cleansing blood at our Lord and Saviour: so. dear ones, if yOU

really dread for pcople to ask you this question in company 01' on the streets or in public places, and your heart seems to condemn you. the thing to do is to go down before God and call out might­fly for a full and complete deliverance from all sin. 1t docsn't matter if you brave been taking parl in divine wor­shiP. it doesn't matter if you have been preaching or if you have been an elder, doesn ' t matter what part you have been playing. i( you feel condemnation and 6pea k ~nd and s low and broken when you are asked how you feel, the th:ng to do is to a lways keep ourselves clean and unspotted f~om the world, then the joy bells will always be ringing in ou r sou ls. Then we can answer the Quest ioner br iskly nnd joyf ully, "yes, sir. T am saved. Praise God!" Let us not be deceived within ourseh'es, tor if our hearts condemn us. God is g reater .

I thank God there Is a chance of


knowing. all the time. beyond any doubt. that we are saved. 'Vhosoever is cleansed by Ihe blood of Christ is every whit whole and able to answer up at any time and testify that he Is a Christian. Well praif'e His Holy name! I am glad that I know I am saved from all sins. Bless His name.-T. A. Snod­grass.

T il I': C1U: H('H .\ T ) 11I,W ,\l' IOm.

God having definitely calloo me to :\filwaukee nearly eight years ago and having granted grace unto the present day. I desire to set hefo re you a brief outline of the planting and developing ot the work of God and of the need at the present time. Sunday. April 7th, 1907, r with a number of other brethren, conducted services in a small hall on Third st. The following 'Monday, 1'Ii ss Alice Baumbach at her home. instantly was healed at tuberculosis and {'ur .... a­ture of the spine, after three and one­half years of su(fering a nd at this time gh'en up to die (she is now the moth­er of two children). The following Sun~ day night I l>reached in R ev. 1'lr. Chap­in's Church on 20th st., and :\fiss Baum­bach and her mother gave testimony. After an absence of over a year, I re­turned to Milwaukee in answer to many calls, to pray with the sick. God con­tinued to bear witness to His Son's word. "They shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover." Soon many doors wer e opened for meetings and numbers wero sa"ed and healed.

On Februar)' 14th. 1909. the first Public Assembly Services werc held in the Free Methodist Church house. cor­ner 20th and Vine. where we continued t'.p to December. 1 !)10 . God continually bearing wltne~<; tQ lIi~ \\'onl with s igns followill.t;'. ).["ny \"('rr> saved and healed and baptized in the Holy Spirit.

DC'c('mh0r 18th. 1910 , we opened up in the plnr€' wheJ'f> we are at present, located at 82fi S'h!=lt. Large tent meet­ings we re held three successh 'e seasons. A prosperous German work branched off from this as"'prnbl~'. Two years ago an addition was built to our hall. Last s ummer we held a successful se ,'en weeks C<.'lmpaign in a large down town hall. Evangelist F. F. Bosworth and others assisting. ince then f;o me of our young people have opene<i lItP a work in the slum district, also a branch of this work has been o'pened up on the South sidc, yet with all this our hall is toO small fol' expans!on. Hence, we have been obliged to underta ke the building of a large tabernacle. This City not permitting the building of a frame taber nacle the size r e!"J.u ired, we are compelled to build of a pe rmanent nature, so we are no,,· erecting a ce­ment block tabernacle lhat wi ll seat 800 or more. Th is will cost us between fi ... e

Page Eleven.

and six thousand dollars. The bull ding of the tabernacle is progre!'lsing. THE LAYING OF' THE COR:>:EH STONE WILT, BE 0:>: E,\STER Sl'NDAY, 3 P. :\L The bulk of thE:' bills are yet to be 'paid. Our people are doing what they can.

As soon as the tabernacle is com­pleted we eXPect to begin a large Gos­pel campaign to which we heartily In­,"ite you. Announcement will be made later. And now rna)' the grace of God "That maketh rich and addeth no sor­row," be thine evcr more.

Your sel'vant in Jesus' name, Cyrus B. Fockler, Pastor.

I am very much pleased indeed with the Evangel and am praying for the Holy Splrit.-ilfrs. R. J . , KIng Hili, Idaho.

E \',\ XGE T, SOXG nOO)U"

The Evangel ottice carries a lar~e line of Song Books. About seven thou­sand (7000) books were sold In 1915 alone. Can supply you with any book you want at regular publisher's prices.

We have lhe following books in stock and can fill your ol'der promptly on re­ceipt of same.

WIXfmTT'S HOOW,. P entecostn l 11'0\\,('1', E nl urgod,

Round or Shape Notes, each. .2.1 Per dozen, postpaid ....... $2.50

Songs of the J(lnJ.!dom, each. . . .. .2.3 Per dozen, postpaid . ...... 2.150

Gospel Song Messenger, each. . .. .21') Per dozen, postpaid . ...... 2.50

J .... C. Hull 's Xew SO Il~S ot P ower, Round notes only, each .... . Per dozen, postpaid .... .. . .

Jewell Son~s, each .... .. ... . . Per dozen, postpaid ....... .

2.;:;0 ,15


We arc also agrnts for the following books. 1t we do not have them In stock. we will forward your order to th e pub­lishers and they will fill the order for us.

" ·i nseU's F ll nCru l Songs, each 15 cts., $1.50 per doz.

Son~s or H is C'ominJ{, round notes only, manilla covers, each 20 cts., $2.00 per dozen. Pebbled cloth, 25 cts. each $2.50 per dozen.

) fnkc Christ l{l Il J:. round notes only, 358 songs in three bindings, manilla, each 15 cts., per doz. $1.75; flexible cloth, each 20 cts .. per doz. $2.25, and stitt cloth backs, each 30 cts., per doz. 33.50.

Muk e Christ ]\ing , Combined, 298 songs, not so many songs but adapted particularly to C]uartett and choral work . Rou nd notes only. Prices and bind ings as above.

The Best at All, 341 songs, manilla., 20 cts. each, per doz. $2.25; pebbled. flexible cloth, 25 cta. each , per doz. $2.75; stiff cloth, 36 cts. each , per doz. $4.00. Round notes only.

R e demption Songs, 25 cte. each , $2.5 0 per doz. Round or sbape no tes.

L h -ing 'Vate r , 16 ct s. ea ch , $1.60 pe r doz. Round or shape notes.

Glory Songs. 25 cte. each, $2.25 per doz. R ou nd or shape notes.


Page 12: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

Page Twelve,

S('nd All MIElR\Onnry Otrerlngs by PO~lal or Exprl'as Money Order to J. 'V. \\'("Ich, 'l'r('Q R, 2838 Erunon A\"('., St. Louis. :\10.

Plealu" do not write Publishing Hou'le and ml"fJlonnry mntl£'TS on the same sheel ot i!'ltcr pnpt"r. These bf'long to two dlt~ tflrent departmf'nt8, and ~hould be kept (f('pnratf>. nlthough lhC')' ('an be mailed to U8 In the sarno cn\'clope.


·We very much appreciate the Evan­gel, and are g lad to hear that you are going to enlarge It. It has been Lhe means of blessing, and we wish it a wider circu laUon. We rejoice that the council at St. Louis was attended with bl05slng, and that a greater splMt ot unity was arrived at. One feels that if we but keep humble before Him, and seek His face continually, we should see greater things -done in the name at' Je­BUS, H Pentecost means anything it stands for lhe exaltation of Jesus, and the carrying or this bl~ged Gospel. and the Pentecostal rulnc:>ss being preached to the uttermost part ot the earth. H we stand united for this, and expect it by faith, yea and claim what is ours by fnilh, then God will ful!ill His promise.

] have not had the ple3sure of meeting any of the brethren in America, I came out to China under the China Inland 1\[lsslon, unci was led into this blessed life in the Holy Ghost while at one o[ the Pentecostal meetings at Yunnanfu. But because of the mission pultlng ra­strlclion~ on me I was t'orced to resign, if I remained true to the light that I had rceeh'ed. r have heard of you through Bro. Hammand at Hong Kong and other members of Pentecostal work there, where I ha,'e enjoyed Rweet fel­lowship wilh them. The Lord has led my wife and F.('lf to step out on faith trusting Him for the supply of our needs, and TIe has been faithful. ,Ye llaVC had our tests, but faithful is He who hath called us. God is faithful, and it is blessed to trust 'Him.

'Ve have been led to this part of Yun­nan, which is a new field. There has never been any settled work done here, and has been only visited a couple ot times since work was started in this province some thirty-nine odd years ago. Yunnan Is certainly a needy field and one on which the Council of America

might center its prayers.

1'1 IE \\'E/,KLY E\',\:\(;EL

81('mao Is some eighteen da.ys south of Yunnanfu. the cal>ito l, and our near­est neighbors arc there. We certainly f('lt thc loneliness of leaving aJI our [el­low workers so far away. but the Lord comforted our hearts. that lie did much more fol' us when He left His Father to come to this earOl to redeem us from sin. and bring us back to God. 'Vhen we thought of the great need, and the won.derfu l opportun!tles fol' the preach­ing of this 'blessed Gospel, we rejOiced that we were given thi s great privilege of being the fi rst missionaries to this part of His "ineyard.

Szemao is not on ly a center for Chi­nese work, but there are all around it many ci:ffcrent tribes all speaking dif­ferent languages, 1 could name at least eight different ones, and there are others which I have not beard of. These difCerent tribes have come over from Burmah and the Shan states in the years past, and have settled <1own bere. The re are said to be forty different tribes in the whol e of Yunnan and at pre.sent tll('1'e is work being <lone amongst about seven of Olero.

This will give you an iciea of the great amount of work to be done in this PI'O'·­incc. "'here we arc many of the peopl e have never heard the Gospel. yea the greater portion of Olero, and what are two amongst so many. The nearest station to us is eighteen days away. Can you renlize this at home, where there are so ruany workers and where there are so many cll 1I1'ches. I do tru~t that some from .\mcrira will be led to come out here. There is a great field and one need not build on another man's fOllndation. One can get a tril~e to work for t1H'm <;el\·es. Then there are mony Chinese ('ities near here, all of whIch are centers for work and where there is a good work to be done. I do pray that the Lord ,\·~11 lay it upon the hea rts of some to respond to the call. or courfie J know there are great de­mands at home. but there are greater demands in foreign lands where they have never heard the Gospel that Christ has come to die for their sins. Just send the light to these poor darkened sou ls that they too may have a chance at aooel)ting Jesus.

Jul), [, [9[6.

T (!o p. ay that you will remember us in th's great and needy region that we may be fa·thful to our Master, and win many of these Chincse and tribes peo­ple to the Lord. IL is a great st rength to know that there are others praying far you, nnd God has g:vell the Church a miA:illy weapon in the ministry of in­tercession. IL is a blessed privilege to bring the work before Him and to lay hold upon God for the victory. Satan has a firm hold upon these people, but the power of the ri sen Christ is greater . .Jesus shall triumph where H e is lilted up,

May the Lord bless you in all your efforts for the extension of His king­dom. \Vith love in the Lord,

Yours in His service,

J. D. Fallerton.

I enjoy the Evangel above all my other papcrs.- II. C. B., Ricardo, Tex.


I feel led to thank you very espe­cially for the beautiful, earnest, sound paper you are putting forth in tbe Holy Spi r it, The last number (about Mar­tyrs, etc.) was especially sou l-satis­tying. I have given it away to other folks . Wou ld ask for prayers for selt' and workers. Have now 17 evangelists baing all the time and am preparin~

for ! ummer campaign. Seem to be al­most 'Perfectly selt-supporting, first per force. then almost by choice.

Now a Ch'nese general bas asked me to sllperintend an estate of fifty squar e mile~, with, he say!;, 22,000 renters on it. 'Vill give all [acilities for evange­listic worlc t should be free each month to look after the other work. ] n fact ha ve perfect 1 i berty at move­ments and an income that would per­mit of expansion in the work. Kindly pray and pray both ways: [or the Lord to break up the plan if not in His will. or to confirm it. I have t-ramped neai'­ly t\\'ent~· years in Gospel work and am getting lame (flat foot) and ask your prayers.

Several of the old guard of my work­er~ have the baptism. The younger re­cruits have not. Kindly ask far an out­pouring of the S'Pirit amongst us. The nalive chUl·ches are getting much more spiritual. M!s~ionaries likew:sc. Es­pecially ask the Lord to accelerate the changes and progress and speed up the year before He comes. "Maranatha,'" -Paul Bettex.

It is surely a paper worthy at recom­mendation to all men in these last days. Enclosed find eight dollars to the glory of God and our Saviour J esus Christ. Hallelujah!-J. P. R., Eau Claire, Wis.

Page 13: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

July 1, 1\)16.


Your pastor needs your prayers; he can get all tho cr iticism and cold wa­ter that is necessary from other sou rces.

Your pas lor is a lso human a nd con­sequen tly has many of the inrpcl'fec­tions that are common to humanity. so do not ex pect him to be a paragon of perfection or you will be di s3Jppointed.

Your pastor has a ll the needs that are common to men; he mu st eat, wear clothes and pay h is bills; th erefor e r e­member that you should do your part In provi din g tor hi s s upport.

'Vh en th e hand s of Moses were up­lilted at Ephridem, th e Israelites pr e­vailed, and whe n they we re lowered the Amalak iles pre vailed ; so i[ yo ur 1>a5-tor's bands are upheld by your prayers alld support the church will prevail and God "s cau se will triumph, but if t hese prayer s and s upport are withheld t he banner or our Lord will trail in the dust.

L:ke the winds of the airs and th e ' .... ars of the fates

As we journey along through life: "Tis the set of lhe !'ouJ that dec id es th e

goal, And no t the Etorm or the strite.

Conventions and Camp Meetings


The Camp-meeting to be held at Humeston, Towa, will begin August 1s t and last until the 10th. \Ve are ex­pecting God to work in a mighty way. Men filled with the Holy Ghost will have cbarge of the meeting, which will be conducted on the old-fasbloned Pente­costal line.

Uring bedding and toilet articles. If possible send in your free-will offerings early Hold on in faith for us in this meeting. Offerings and lions should be directed :Nicolls, Humeston, Iowa.

communica­to Hubert


\Vill be held at St. Louis, Mo., begin­ning October Jst and lasting until all matters of importance are concluded. An preachers , workers , evangelists $bould plan to attend this

Great Open Bible Council.


Sidney. lown,. Beginning September 2. 1'he Southwestern Iowa Di strict

Camp-Meoting at Sidney, Towa, will be held from Sept. 2nd to Oct. 1st. or long­er if the Lord leads. Mrs. M. B. ,V. Etter will be in cbarge. For furth er 111-(ormation address Hugh M. Cn(]walder, l>ustor, T.J. n. 63, Sidney, Iowa.

TIlE \\·EEKLY 1'I·.\:'\(;1OL

PJlIL .\I)I~ I.PHI.\, 1':-\ •• ('.\:\11'­)IEETING.

Th:rd Annual Apo:;lolic Christian Cam p-meeting to be held at 70th and Lansdowne AYe., from ,Jull' aOth to Sep­lombe r' 1st, or longer . the Lord willing.

Those desiring tonts or other infor­mation, write to '\'illiam Anderson, 6003 Lar chwood . .\\'e., Philadelphia. Pa.


There wili be a Camp-meeting of the Assemblies of God, held at Coffee Spri ng!:!, Alabama, beginning July 1st and running fifteen days or longer as the Lord leads. Ii'o,· flll' lhe r' pm·ticulul's Wl'ito T. P. HollowH)' , or J. O. Week s. COffee SJlr in l;~, j\l nbltlllu.

l'ENTECOSTAJ.J C.\l\(P MEE'l'IXG. pOJ'lIand, Ore,. July 9th to Aug. 9th.

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Port­land . Oregon, will hold t heir 4th an­nual camp meeting on the sam e beauti­fu l grounds located at A nabe l Station, beginning Sunday, J u ly 9th (D. V.) and contin uin g about two months, or as the Lord leads. Address all letter s of in­Quiry to- Pastor 'W ill C. Trotte r, 51 East 13th 8t. :\'ol'th, Portland, Oregon.


Huntington, L. I., JIII:r 2Jst to Aug, 13th, 1916.

Second Annual P entecostal Camp-Meet­Ing for Long Island, New York and vicin i­ty will be held D. Y .. at H untington. Long Island, beginni ng Fl'lday. Ju ly 21st, and con tinuing ulll'il August 13th. inclu..<;jve. For further particulars addre!'ls J esse B. Pullen, J r,. Huntington, Long I s la nd, Lock Box 244 ,

CA~IP-~IEETING , GLENDA I.E, FLA. July 7~17th,

"'Ve have an aSSE"mbly here of about twenty-sev~n m embc r s and the Lord h as w onderfully blessed. E"cryone come pre­pared to take care of h imself, and come praying much for the meeting. The near­est railroad stat'IOn Is Defuniak Springs, Florlda.-J. E. H a rrison. Gl cndale. FIn..


We are expecting to hold a camp-meet­"tng, if Providence favors it. a t Mountainair. New J\fexlco, some t'lme In August. The dale wll be given later.

Preachers especi::tlly Invited. For fur­ther in.formation addrBU: Jame. A. Per­k'ins, Box 225, Mounta1naJr, New Mexico. (We are expecting a glorious time.)


'Vichita. Falls. Texas. The Xorthwest Texas Camp-meeting an d

local convention will be at 'Vlchita Falls, Texas. Augus t 3rd to 13th, or longer. D. V. All ministers and workers entertained free. F o r f ur ther Informatio n write Pastor w. W. Hall. 309 Trayia St., Wichita FaU., Texas,


Camp ;)(ectings. Southwestern Sec tion Camp l'o be held

at Springf ield, Mo., Aug. 4th to 13th, 1916. Tent's will rent for $3 each. Cots 60 cen t s each for l l:'n days. All those coming must order tents be fore Ju ly 16th. Two m eals a day on free- will offering plan. Lunch stand also on g r ounds, For full informa­Cion write B. F. L awrence, 1001 N. Main St., Spri ngfie ld , Mo,

Southeaste rn Section Camp. August 26 th t o Septcmber 3rd.

Watch papE"rs for further a nd more def l­nlt'e an n ou nc<' m en t as to location and work­ers to be present.

Page Thirteen ,

LOC \!., CcUJI'-)IEETIXG. Xohle, l ,a., JuJ~' 13-~3.

Th(' l'amp-mt't'ling lit Kohlf': ha~ b<'en ("hall~('d from II Hate to a local. Send a ll nfft'rln~s for the ('amp fo 0, C. L.out, ::'\'0-))1('. La.

C.DIP-)l1mTING, THlTE, 'n~x.\s. 'l'h~ Camp-mt,.·tln~ will bl'gln at Tru("o,

T('xa!';. July :!Oth l!IlI), and w11l bt' run ns long a~ Ilw 1.01'(1 dlrC'<'t:'t. For turtlwr In­fOl'mntlon :1(h1r(>!«ro. rafltor O!'lcar Jones, Jnck~boro, Texitfl, or Ed Bakl'r, Xewport, T('x;ts.


'Ylchita Falls. 'l'exlls , Aug-us t 3 to 13, For Informnt10n addrt.'s~ \\'. \\~. J rail In

charge of local a.."Iflpml)ly. Arch P. Colilll~.

l'halrmnn State Councll. S. A. J~lml('son.



Petoskey. )ljch., Jul~' Ist-30lh. ~r rs. 'Voodworth-Etter anl1 hand at

Ch ristian workt'r$ In l'Im rg(', Com m unlca· tlons may be nddres~ed to F . "'. J('well, P astor. 901 'V.aukazoo r\ '"e" Petoskey, ::\Uchlgau.


FUldlay. Ohio. June 30th to July {)th. 'Will b€' held w lt'h til(' Aflflembly ot God

at t he Go~pel SchOOl. 40-1 Eo S:tndll s ky St. , Findlay, Oh io. Elder 'V. E. Moody. Win­nipeg. C:l.nada. and Elder C. A. MC I(lnney, Akron, Ohio. spE'cla l ('v(lng'('lists. Address T. K. LeonaI'd, Findlay, Ohio.

J,QUISlANA STATE CAMP ~n.;ETING. ){jnder, J.1a., A ugust ~·Jth to Sept. 3rcL

Let all the workers and lin-Ints every­where co m e. n re expect ~ome of the lead­Ing brethren. Send nIl offerlnJ:1i for State Ca mp and Bible School t o Lee l"loyd, Kin­d e r, La.


The Distric t Camp-m eellng to be h e ld a.t Dublin. Texas. will begin Augu .. "t first an d conti nue as long as t1)e Lord m<lY load. For further Information wrltp Palltor Benrl" A. Smith, Box 11, Dublin, Texa.,

CA1\JP·~rnETING, BnO\Vl\TJJEL. TEX. June 30 to July 10th4

Everyone is co rdially 1",'lted to come. Bro. H arvey Shearer will be In cha r ge. For furth (>r information address S. L. 'Vise-. Box 2 12, Remllg. Texas.


Landing, Miss., July 15tb. Will convene wit'h the Assembly at Land·

ing, M iss., and continue Indefinllely. Look for turther announcement later, or for further Information. write

Jas. O. Sa.vell , Sturgls, Mi ss .. Route 3.

SECOND AXNUAL CA~fP ~rnETING. Glen Rose, Tex" Aug. 25 to Sept. 11. A bc.'l.utltul locat ion w i th nice shade.

trees and plen ty or flowlhg sulphur water, Expecting preachers whom God may send. For any intormation writ e J. E, Osborn, ~Valnut Springs, Texas,

OKLAHOMA STATE CAl\1P~rnETL'IG. Tulsa, Okla., Aug. 18-28.

Elde r T. K. Leonard of Findlay. Ohio. A. p, Coll ins ot Fort ,Vorth, rrpx. , Frod Lohman, Malver n, Ark .. M. M. PinSon ... t Broke n Arrow, Okla, and o thcrs. Send a.ll offerings to S. L. Shockey, Trens., Paw· huska, Okla. FOr further info rma.Cion write 'V. H. Pope, P awhuska .. Okla.

Page 14: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

Page fourteen. THE WEEKLY EYA:\,GEL


That which we have seen and heard declare

we unto

you, that

y:e also

with us: and truly our Fellow-

may have ship is with

the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ=l Jno.l:3

)1\. "'-'NrHI~H. HOl .. OS ~JY Hl\ ~]).

My li'ather holds my hand, My Lord who loves me so, 1I1s grace enables me to stand He will not let me go.

Chorus: My Father holds my hand,

No fear my heart shall know, He'll bring me safe to glory land, He will not let me go.

Secured in Him I trust My all from day to day, Mid good or seeming ill, 1 rest. Becau se He knows t he way.

lTiH lo .... e can never tail. HiB mercy knows no end, Though lemptod l oft I shall prevail, He will my soul defend.

He knows the way I take, My lifo by Him was planned. Though friends may fail and eart.h lies

break; He will sli1l hold my hondo


'Va have on our books the names ot a number ot persons who ordered books, or other merchandise, from us in t he past, but who cannot now be located at their old address. Please let us know the whereabouts of the following named 'Persons. The addresses given are the last places where we heard from them. Your co-operation will be appreciated.

Sarah Jackson, Ft. Worth, Texas. Homer Sellers, Caryville, Fla. N. N. Kemper, Pitkin, La. W. M. Hawkins, P. O. Andrews, Searsport. Me. W. B. Redd, Texarkana, Texas. Lonnie Lochie, Marianna, Fla. \V. J. Read. Rusk, Texas. Send information to J. W. Welch,

Editor, 2838 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Missouri.


A Brofher at Three Cr eeks, Ark., Sends no Lit-tle HistOl'Y of God's Dealings.

I take this method to express my love toward the Lord who )loured out His Spirit upon me in January of 1913. A band of workers or about three months experience in this movement, came from Pickering, La.-Bro. Lout and wife, Bro. Burd·ine and wife, Billie Harrison, Bros. N. N. Kemper and McFadden. who slarted the battle, the first of its kind in this country. The people at first called it a show, but they kept looking

to the Lord and the power of God began to fall. Then tbe Bibles of many be­longing to the other denominations "-ere pulled down out of the dust and people began to search them tor some­thing with which to condemn the work, but it was the cause of many seeing it was the true way. I, being a Baptist for eighteen years, thought my way was the only true way, but the Lord got hold of me and I yielded to His loving Spirit and I was under the power at God for two hours, and received the bal)tism. Then It was that I could see how self ish and prejudiced I had been and the scales fell, as it were. from my eyes and I could see the true light wltich comes to all who will accept it.

At this time we had not heard at: tlle wide-spread movement, but after subscribing for the \Vord' and Witness, we found a lot of brothers and sisters in the Lord. We were, however, left alone to fight the battle and the enemy came against us with all his force. It was wonderful how t.he Lord was pres­cnt with us and cared for His children.

In May of 19] 4, Bro. Goss of Hot Springs was with us and ordained three deacons and by his assistance we got Bro. A . S. Adams and Bro. Sam McClain or Mal vern to ho ld a meeting in August, with the Lord present in much power. Some sixteen or more received l the bap­tism, this number being added to our twenty who had tirst received. The Lord called some ot: the saints to work in prayer services in adjoining settle­ments and our efforts have been won­derfully blessed. Twelve have received the baptism in prayer services. In Sep­tem.ber, 1915, Bro. ·W. T. Mack and Clarence Oraine were with us in a meet­ing. How we appreCiate their work. ·Whlle with us my d~ar com'panion re­ceived the baptism, ·along with others.

'Bro. Mack. while here, felt led to \Vessoll and by our help pitched his tent tbere in October. Praise God! He has wonderfully worked at that place. At this time about eighty (80) have received the balltism. Tongue cannot tell the great things that have been accomplished in three and a balf years time .since the first seed was planted. While we are sorry to say some have gh'en away to the temPtations of the

July I, 1916.

devil and have lost their testimony, yet we praise God tor the faithfnl. The promise is to those who hold out to the­end. Pray for us that we may allow Him to have His way with U8.-J. \V. \1"{right, Three Creeks, Ark.


\Ve came to this place on March the 16th and began a m eeti ng. We were­granted the usc of a Baptist Church and soon after the meeting began we learned that the church was to be sold for a. back debt. So the matter was placed before the people and in two days time­we received the money and placed It in the ban l< to buy the church. Praise God! \Ve now hold the deeds to the church which are made out to the .. As~ sembly of GO(l." \Ve also have a nic organ in the church.

". e praise God fan. the wonderful way He is blessing in th e meetings and for­the interest manifested by the sinners. Meetings have conti nuedl with increas­ing interest and good attention. The street meetings also have been well at­tended. God is bleSSing the seed sown. \Ve are praying for and eX"pecL!ng a great revival here. This is a new field. Th e laws of the Sabbath are not en­forced and the enemy is at work, and real true workers who are established in the \Vord are needed to help. God has a few here who are hungry for Ule rea l bread of life. A number hel'e have been baptized in the name of Jesus and some have been healed. All glory a nd praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Ohrist. Pray much for the work here-. that sou ls may become established in the \Vord; a lso that we may be strong in the Lord. Our hearts are open to receive and to wall{ in all the light as the Holy Ghost revp.als it. Amen.­N. ,"Vall a.nd wife.


I praise God for what He has done­for me. It has been six years since I heard the full Gospel preached and' ac­cepted it. 'Ve caDle here to Miles last October and the Lord is blessing us, praise His dear ,name! vVe have preach­ing twice a month and -prayer meeting every Sabbath night. We are having­lar ge crowds and the people are be­coming interested. We have fifty-nine enrolled in our 'Sunday-school and there is good interest. We give God all the glory. I ask an interest in the prayers at: the saints.-W. B. Kiener and wife.

I want to thank God for this paper. I live away from meetings and it means much to me to have the 'papers to read. I send one dollar for the publishing; fund.-Mr s. C. S. K., Oceanside, Cal.

Page 15: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

July I , 1916.


Pray for a brother in Los Angeles, Cal.. that he may receive the baptism 01 the Spirit.


A sister in Atlanta, Ga., desires prayer for her fam ily that God will have His way in their Jives.


A sisler I thal she may receive th e $3000 which is due her and which she wants to invest in the Lord's cause.


A sister who needs restoration ot nerves and the rigbt use or her mind; also that her children may be led to Christ.


A brother in Pampa, Texas wants prayer that he may gain back the JOY of the Lord which h e formerly bad in greater measure than he now enjoys.


A man and his w i fe in Munday. Tex., that they m ay receive the ba-ptism of the Spirit. Also t ba t the Lord will send the right minister to needy field.


Pray tor a s ister near Noodle, Texas, that she may be bealed and ba'Ptized in the H oly Spirit and that ber daughter may be baptized a lso; and that her hus­band may be saved.


Pray for the revival services being held in Roodhouse. III., in charge of " 'alter )lcCeehey, that the Lord may be glorirled and that many may be brought into t he kingdom.


A brother near Gatesville, Texas, de­sires prayer that the Lord will send some Spiri t-filled person to preach the Gospel there. He can be addressed as foHows: N.)f. H uines, Route 3, Gates­ville. Texas.


Pray (or a family in Ryegate, Mon­tana that God will pour out His Spirit upon each member; also that the motb­er may be completely r estored from lameness tn one limb, resulting from a break sOme months ago.


A mother in Milwaukee, ",Vis., de­sires prayer that the Lord will call her three children to t.h e Mission field . They have been given t o the Lord s ince infan cy. Th e moth er a lso desires to be brou ght out into clearness of faith and fitted to be of serv ice to the people whom she visits in the jails, poor­houses and hospitals.

Pray that a s ister in ",'hile Horse, Yukon Territory may also be able to find a buyer for her property.



After being called from Smithfield, Mo .. on account of sickness. the Lord laid it on our hearts to go to Stockton, Kansas. So. in obedience to the call. Bro. Long and myself went and rented the Colored Ba,Ptist Church and opened fire on the enemy. 'We found things in a bad condItion, Some of the saints were backslidden. But, thank God, some have prayed through. Others seem to be laboring und er a delusion. But Cod worked In s'pite of the enemy. The sec­ond night one little girl about fOUrteen years of age, led the way to the altar. At the end of the first week about six­teen claimed Jesus as their Saviour. Then things seemed to stop and we felt for a long time that our labor was in vain. Bro. Long had to leave but Bro. :\ltllsaps of 'YoocIston came up once a week . God wonderfully blessed his la­bors here.

This was one of the most peculiar re­vivals that we ever witnessed. At times the power of God would fall and then at times t he power of the enemy would be so strong that we a lm ost felt like cryi ng "My God w hy hast Thou for­saken me." Th e Lord would speak to us saying "La, I am with you even unto the end." Praise His precious name! If God be (or us who can be against us.

God a lso used Bro. Richmond in these services. lIe is a good singer, player and personal worker and we can recom­m end him to anyone. He is a dear boy.

On ),lay the 7th we had an aU-day meeti n g. The fo ll owing Assemblies wer e r epresen ted: Osborne, Alton, l(iIl Creek, Natoma, Codell and '''oodston. Th e spir it Of unity was felt in every heart, and God wonderful1y blessed. Sun day. May 21st, we b ad a baptismal service. Christ.

E leven were buri ed with At tho end of seven weeks we

closed with twenty-seven conversions. 'Ve also had some wonderful cases of h ealing,

",Ve were ca lled one evening to pray for a sick sister. and found her family about the bedside ex'pecting her to pass away any moment. "'-'e took her case to the Lord , but she seemed to get weak­er and finally ceased to breathe. ",Ve told the friends she was gone but we held on to God. Life returned and soon she was ab le to talk. She is st ill alive and givi ng God the glory.

Never before have we felt so deter­mined to live for God. Our daily prayer is that we may be real fire-brands in winning sou ls for J esus. Pray for us. - Evang. Henry Hoar.

Pray that a brother in Ind iana may be able to find a buyer for his property for the glory of God.

Page Fi fteen_

For the conv('nienc(' ot l'he brethren who d(>s;re to make spedal announcement through th('!"p column~, we will accep t Wa.nt Ada at thp rate of onp c('nt: pf'r word, with n minimum charge ot :!5 ClB. tor each In~('rtl&n.

\\.(' r('~('r\'f~ th(' rl~hl to reject: a.nd roturn objectionable nnnounc('menOl.

Anmmss \\' c\ X'l'En .

]f some one knows the address of Sis­ter ),Inggie Hayman it will be appreci­ated if he or she will communicate with. )[1'5. ~lary Diehl, Hightower, Texas.

DO YOC \\'.\.\''1' C llfllSTI.\X V.'H~{

H E .... P.

A Christian brother sends the fol­lowing : 'r am asking and believing that God will find a place for me on a farm for the next four monlhs, close to some assembly or assemblies that are in need of a Pentecostal preacher. I am in debt $130.00. ",Vh en that amount is paid I purpose in my heart to give my undivid ed time to Him who hath said, " And I if I be lifted u,p will draw all mell unto me." .\ddl'Css : Enurg. J. E. T/llr1,,:;<10(', Hoollest..on, 1)1,


Tn ~I ('eti n~s Held at nUll~(, . Texns.

I am praising God for the wonder­ful outpouring of Hi s Spirit whi ch He ga\'e us at Runge, Texas. B ,·o. Short, myself and wife held a three weeks meeting and the Lord was with us in power and great glory. T'wenty were baptized in water, all having been saved or reclai med. with the exception of three or fou r. Eighteen r eceived the baptism in the Holy Spirit as in Acts 2:4, with signs and wonders (o l1 owing. Some had v isions of the beaven s opened up. Others saw angels rejOicing about them, while stili others had a g limpse of our blessed Saviour Himself. I have at­tended some glorious meetings since I have been out for the Lord, but I must say I have never seen the spirit of JOY manifes ted so greatly h e retofore as I have seen it in th is place. Pray for us that God will be with us in our next place.-D. "'V. Edwards.

I am a reader of th e Evangel and I prize it highly. Always give it to some­one arter we r ead i t, or else send it by mail to some of our friends or r elatives. -'V, L, F., Fairmont. Okla.

Long 1ive the dear Evangel is my prayer-E. T., Natoma, Kansas.


Page 16: THE WEEKLY EVANGEL · THE WEEKLY EVANGEL GO YE INTO ALL THE ~ORLD AND PREACH Number 146 A DECLARATION OF LIB ERTY . Ye shall Where know the the Spirit truth and of the the truth Lord

Page ixtC<:ll. TilE WEEKLY E\".-\"GEL July 1, 1916 .

THE APOSTOLIC FAITH RESTORED IS TlIg TITLE of a new book presenting a History of the Present Latter Rain Outpouring ot the Holy Spirit known as the Apostolic or Pentecostal Movement, by B. F. Lawrence.


Over] 00 pages ot the most important in [ormation ever gathered together ot the rise and J)rogrcs~ at the Apostolic Movement.

IlcCiaI chapters on the subject ot the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the speaking in other LOligues, that specia l manifestation which has characterized this movement and bas knocked per­~istently and effectively at the doors ot all Christendom.

A Picture of the "Old Azusa Street Mission" This book shou ld be tn the hands ot every preacher, worker, evangelist and missionary in

the Pentecostal Movement. It shou ld be given to ~very Denominational Preacher and Sunday School Superintendent in the land. It will prove a means ot touching hearts where nothing e lse can do it. Order n dozen and start out for tbe greatest and most fruitful service at your ministry.


INTH()I)t.:C'TION ............ .. . .•.•.....• •.•..• .•. ..... ............•..••••..•.... ••• .••.•• ,........... 5 By J. \\'. 'Velch. Chairman of t'he General Coundl of the Assemblies of God.

CHAp·l' ... .;R I HACI( '1'0 pr':S'l'ECOS1' .... . .................. . ........................ . ... .. ........ " ... ... ...... .. .. 11

.\ Rt.ll<'nlcnt of facts r('gnrdlng the aim and purpose of the Movement. If "these signs" fol­lowed b('IIf'vers once. why m~y they not follow them now

CHAPTER II. TilE B.\p·!'rS:-'1 IN TIJE Hor .. Y SPIRIT ............................. .......................... .......... 18

('Ip:lrly l-lhow!i from the Scriptures that this eXIH'I'lenee is to be received .subse~uent to regen­(,I'ulion ailll that It Is for a.ll believers.

CIIAPT}-;n III. 1\I0llEHN TO:\'OUES IN BIBLE LIGHT .... , ............ , ................. .... ...... ,................... 27

Thl' Puq.o}le of 'rongucs, 'fhe Gltl of Tongues, 'fhe Sign of Tongues. All ably expla.lned In this wondertul chapter.

CHAPTER IV. 'I'O:\C('E!:) IN HiSTORy ... , ...... , .............. , . . .. ........ , ... . .. .. ......... ....... .......... . . . . ,. 34

J11~IOI'IC"nl uppea.ranees of "tongues" and other <i.'monstratlons of the Holy Spirit'. The Camo­:<lInl"" the Jnn:;oenlstR, Ihe Quakers, "'esley and \Vhitl"rteld, Edward Irving, Chas, G. Finney, etc.

CHAPTER V. TflE WORK 1:'\1 RHODE ISLA:\D .. ,., ................ , ................... . . . ... , . . . . .. .... ... ,', .... . . 40

Inlt"r('~tlng account of the "Gift Pl:'oplc" who enjoyed the speaking In tongues and other gifts ot the I loly Spirit as early us IS74. The Flr8t Pentl"cOSl'nl Convention.

CHAPTER VI. INCIDENTS F'UOM 1890 TO 1900 .•.•..... . ............ , ......... . ..... . .................. , ..... , ....... i6

nnnl'" Awrl"l'. Sarnh Smith and the Fire Baptized .\ssoclntlon, Ohio !lnd Tennessee, South Dako­lao nnd "!\'umerous other Incidents,"

CHA PTER VII. THE !·;ARJ.Y APOSTOLIC FAITH MOVEMENT ...... , ....... , .... . ..... . ..... . , .. ,." ............. . . , .. 50

Thf> work br~ks out In KanSas and spreads to Texas, The firSt' appearance of a definite form nnd purpose In the Movement. The first schism.

CHAPTER VIII. RBMINTSCEN'CJo:;S OF AN EYF. WITNESS ... . . , .. ... , ........... . .... . ..... . ,.,.,......... .. .. . .. . .. ... 5~

Personal experience or H. A. Goss with vivid df'~crlptlon of the early Texas work. CHAPTF.R IX.

THE Pl;::NTF:C'OSTAL OuTPOURING IN LOS ANGELES ..... ,., ...... .... . .. . ............... .. . .. .... . 66 Frank Bnrtlema.n tells how God Inspired the heart!! ot hunl;ry believers through t'he 'Velsh Re-"h'nl to seek tor nn outpouring ot the Holy Spirit in California, and how God answered the heart ('I')" by sending W . J. Seymour with the Pentecosl'nl Message to Los Angeles.

CHAPTER X. AZUS .. \ S·l'R.8~'l· SCENES ............. . .... . ....... · · ... ,, ········· · ···· ·· ····· ···· .· ........ , ...... ,.. 7S

P(,(sonnl obser\'atlons of the mighty revival at thp Old Azusa Street Mi ssion , with striking Inci­(lents which occurred there, by A. W. Orwig. The Tongues of Penl'ecost Duplicated.

CHAPTER XI. THE '\'ORK SPRE.·\DS TO I~DI"\, .. . .................. , ................. , ...... , ..... . ....... ,.... .... 86

Tht' frrst P,j!nlecostal Missiona ries to carry the ml'S~l:lI;e of Aoos'(ollc Faith Restored to torelgn lanlls. This chapter gives an account of tllelr wonderful ministry In the Pentecostal Revival In ]ndla.

CH A PTER XU. PASTOR BARR.\TT A~"'D THE "~ORI( IN EUROPE ... . . , .. ,., .. . .. , ..... , ....... .... .... . ..... . . " ...... 96

The beginning ot the outpouring in Europe with outltne of the progress of t11C work and countries rl"o('hNI. A striking gllmpso of Pastor Barratt's misslonnry work In Palestine told by M iss Mallek.

COXCLt.'SLON . ............. ... . , ..... .................. .. ..... .... ...... . .. ,', .......... . ..... ,.... . . 103

Price 25 cents each $2.50 per dozen. SpE'ela.l prices quoted to agents who order In lar ger quantities.

The Gospel Publishing House 2838 Easton ST. LOUIS


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