
The Lifeboat

April 2013

South Cornwall


Monthly Magazine

Sydne`e Teversham


Inside the Lifeboat

this month

MS News

Page 3 Tysabri to become potential ‘first

line’ therapy for MS

Government to blame for Work

Capability Assessment flaws

Page 4 New MS drugs referred to NICE for

NHS use

£75k social care payment limit to

be introduced in England

Page 5 High profile supporters

Page 6 First results from key NMSS-funded

CCSVI studies.

Salt intake may play a role in MS,

new research suggests

Page 7 Calling all carers

Request from Elayne

Page 8 This conundrum

Page 9 Quiz page

Page 10 Quiz page


Page 11 Sydne`e

Page 12 Malcolm & Jackie

Page 13 Gulval School

Page14 Read-A-Thon news

Elsa raises funds

Page 15 Megan’s page

Page 16 Youth group

Page 17 Scrap heap challenge

Page 18 South Cornwall Events

Page 19 Information page

This months cover picture is

of Sydne`e Teversham.

Sydne`e agreed to be

featured on the front cover of

our magazine and I am glad

that she did,

page 11 Any more takers for our front

cover picture?


South Cornwall Vouchers

Jackie Thorne will be away for a few weeks

so as from 1st March 2013 please make all

voucher requests to Chris Sargent

01209 315386


Chairman’s Report

Editors Note

Hi, everyone

It is sad to read that the Merlin is having

money problems, as a Branch we support

them as much as we can , but if anyone

can give them further help I am sure they

would definitely appreciate it . We are funding the Fast track CAB initiative

for another year so PLEASE use it as so

many changes are happening to benefits

and I am sure Trish can help you. Please

ring me and we can get you on the right


It amazes me every month how Jasper is

getting funnier by the day, he certainly

makes me laugh and I am sure you do too.

Malcolm is too gentle on him because he

will want a whole magazine soon as he

already often has a whole page.

Soon we are hoping to have a day where

you can come and here our support officers

ideas on being 'Newly diagnosed' I will give

a talk to anyone interested in having their

own Personalised Budget and how it can

change your life for the better. Also there

will be an opportunity to work with other

branches in Cornwall to raise branch profile

and overcome the publics confusion

between us and other MS service



Hello everyone,

I hope you had a good Easter avoiding too

many Eater eggs. I have had some really

good responses from you this month with

articles sent in and my first front cover from

you our members, but who will be next on

the front cover and featured inside our

magazine? Keep sending me your pictures,

and remember they need to be good

quality or let me know and I will come and

take them.

Thank you for your positive returns about

the Hub project, keep them coming in, and

of course your responses to our events


As you will see in this months magazine the

schools projects are really moving forward

and the schools awareness and Read-A-

Thon has been a great success. The last

two schools in this round are about to finish

and I can then publish the results.

I am working on revisiting the branch

awareness programme and to this end I will

be holding a meeting of all

branch committees to

discuss how we can help

each other to give the best

possible service to our


The invitation for branches

to attend will be sent out

shortly and the meeting will

be held in late April. Enough of business, what about your

Easter adventures, do you have any stories

for me about your Easter activities, I know

that Jasper will come up with a few and he

also wants to be on the front cover. Thank you all for your support and don’t

forget we are here for you so get in touch if

there is anything you need or you have any

concerns and we will try to answer your


Have a great Easter break! Malcolm


News from the MS National Centre

Tysabri to become potential ‘first line’

therapy for MS

Government to blame for Work Capability

Assessment flaws

The manufacturers of Tysabri have applied

to the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

and the Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) in the USA for the

approval of Tysabri as a first-line treatment

for people with relapsing remitting MS, who

have tested negative for antibodies to the

JC virus.

Tysabri has been approved by the

National Institute for Clinical Excellence for

people with "highly active, rapidly evolving

multiple sclerosis" who have not

responded positively to current first line

therapies (Avonex, Rebif, Betaferon,

Extavia or Copaxone).

The use of Tysabri has been restricted to

these types of MS due to its license and its

association with a potentially

fatal infection called progressive multifocal

leukoencephalopathy (PML), which is

caused by the JC virus.

Virus test

There’s now a test for the virus, which

identifies if people are at risk of developing

PML. If they’re not at risk, and if Tysabri as

a first line treatment is approved by the

EMA, then people will be able to consider

taking Tysabri earlier than is currently

allowed – regardless of whether they’ve

failed on current first line therapies.

Clinical trials have shown that Tysabri can

reduce the number of relapses by 67 per


The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has

released a report today which states the

Department for Work and Pensions are to

blame for problems with the Work

Capability Assessment for the out-of-work

disability benefit Employment Support

Allowance (ESA).

Chair of the PAC, Margaret Hodge MP,


“The Department for Work and Pensions is

getting far too many decisions wrong on

claimants’ ability to work… Nearly 40 per

cent of appeals [against decisions] are

successful, with a third of those successful

appeals involving no new evidence."

"The Work Capability Assessment process

hits the most vulnerable claimants

hardest… There needs to be a substantial

shake-up in how the Department manages

this contract [with ATOS] and in its

processes for improving the quality of

decision making.”

The report used evidence from Citizens

Advice, Disability UK and the DWP.

Flawed assessment

The Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is

designed to support a ‘fair and objective

decision’ by the DWP about whether a

claimant is fit for work, but in far too many

cases the wrong decision is made and

people are incorrectly told they are fit for


The MS Society has long argued that the

WCA is flawed and we have campaigned

hard to influence positive changes for

people with MS.

"Wrong decisions being made"

Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive of the MS

Society, said:

“We welcome the Public Accounts

Committee report and agree that the “one

size fits all” approach is poor at assessing

people with complex and fluctuating

conditions, such as MS.


New MS drugs referred to NICE for

NHS use

The current assessment process makes it

extremely difficult for people to

demonstrate how their condition affects

their ability to work and often leads to the

wrong decisions being made.

“Reassessments also occur too often, with

seemingly no logical pattern or regularity.

This causes further needless stress - which

can make MS worse - and also contributes

to unnecessary costs for the state. We

strongly believe the Government should

enforce contractual penalties on ATOS,

where they have failed to perform, and take

serious measures to make WCA fit for


The Government has referred four potential

MS drugs to NICE to consider whether they

should be made available on the NHS for

people in England and Wales.

Alemtuzumab, dimethyl fumarate

(sometimes known as BG-

12), laquinimod and teriflunomide are all

drugs that have shown positive results in

clinical trials for the treatment of relapsing

remitting MS.

The appraisal process

Although the drugs are not yet licensed for

MS, NICE is going to carry out four sepa-

rate single technology appraisals. These will

consider how much each drug will benefit

patients in relation to their cost. Appraisals

normally take about nine months to com-


This means if the drugs are licensed by the

European Medicines Agency, NICE will be

able to issue guidance quickly (they cannot

issue guidance before a treatment is li-

censed for a condition and/or symptom).

If NICE decides the drugs provide value for

money, and they are approved, hospitals

and PCTs will be legally obliged to provide

them on the NHS in England and Wales, to

all those considered eligible.

In Scotland, it is the Scottish Medicines

Consortium who decide whether a newly

licensed MS medicine should be provided

on NHS Scotland. In Northern Ireland, the

applicability of all NICE guidance is subject

to a review carried out by the Department

of Health Social Services and Public Safety.

Your input

The MS Society will respond to the

consultations and your individual

experience will help us explain the benefits

and disadvantages of the treatments.

If you have been involved in the trials for

these four treatments and would like to

share your experience, please contact Asha

Kaur on [email protected].

£75k social care payment limit to be

introduced in England

The Government has unveiled plans to cap

in England the cost people over retirement

age have to pay for social care at £75,000.

People of working age who develop care

needs before they reach retirement age will

benefit from a lower cap, but it is not yet

clear what this will be.

This announcement confirms reports made

at the start of January that social care

would be capped. If these plans are

approved, the earliest they’ll be introduced

is 2019.

Social and residential care changes

People with MS might need to use social

care services to complete everyday tasks

like getting washed and dressed, and

preparing meals. There is a lot of variation

in the amount people have to pay, but it is

usually expensive.

Some people are forced to sell their homes

or spend their life savings to meet the high

costs. It is hoped that by ‘capping’ social

care at £75,000 people are more able to

plan for their future.

Also announced was an increase in the

‘asset threshold’.


Currently anyone with assets (like home

owners) worth more than £23,250 has to

pay for the full cost of care if they move into

a residential home. This limit will be

increased to £123,000.

Too long to wait

Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive of the MS

Society and Chair of the Care and Support

Alliance, said:

“This announcement will provide much

needed protection for those who face

losing everything in the lottery of care costs.

Whilst our members campaigned for a

lower level of cap, the £75,000 lifetime limit

on care costs will help those with the

highest level of care needs over the longest

period of time.

"But many families struggling with care

costs will be dismayed by the four year wait

from announcement to implementation.

“It is crucial that the Government does not

treat this as the end of the story on social

care funding. It still needs to urgently

address the issue of growing numbers of

older and disabled people who receive no

help, despite clear need. Therein lies the

real moral scandal of the social care


"Today’s announcement will mean that

no-one will lose everything to care costs.

We are now looking for the Government to

ensure that no-one will be left to struggle

alone with their care needs.”

High profile supporters

The MS Society works with celebrities and

other high profile supporters in the fight to

beat MS. They help fundraise, campaign

and speak up about MS in the media. Oritsé Williams

Oritsé Williams, from

chart-topping group JLS,

uses his fame to help raise

awareness of young people

who care for a family

member with MS.

Oritsé’s mother Sonia was diagnosed with

MS in 2001 when he was just 13. He has

helped care for her ever since. He also

makes time to meet other people affected

by MS and share experiences.

Oritsé was named “MS Inspiration” at the

MS Society Awards in 2010.

The Hairy Bikers

As a child, Dave Myers,

one half of TV chefs

‘The Hairy Bikers’, helped care for his

mother Margaret, who

had MS. The MS

Society branch in

Furness helped

support Dave’s family

when he was growing up.

In 2009, Dave went back to the branch to

open the newly refurbished ‘Richard Cave


Lorraine Kelly

TV presenter and

journalist Lorraine, who

has a close family

member affected by MS,

backed our MS Week

campaigns in 2009 and

2010. Lorraine also

endorsed the ‘Moving Mountains’ calendar,

which helped members of the MS Society’s

Lake District branch raise vital funds in


Tony Johnstone

European Senior Tour

golfer Tony was

diagnosed with MS

in 2004.

Tony helps raise

awareness of MS in the media. In 2009,

and he gathered some of UK golf’s biggest

names to raise funds for ‘The Tony

Johnstone MS Society Pro-Am’ in 2009,

raising over £100,000 for the MS Society


South Cornwall Vouchers

Please make all voucher requests to Chris

Sargent 01209 315386 6

Sally Gunnell

Former Olympic champion

Sally Gunnell OBE helped the

MS Society develop an

exercise video for people

affected by MS.

She is also the face of the MS Society’s

running events for fundraisers in 2011. Scott Mills

Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills

is ran the Eden Project

Half Marathon on

Sunday 9 October

2012 for the MS

Society. Scott’s mum was diagnosed with

MS four years ago.

His colleague and friend Jemma James is

also joined him.

New research published yesterday in the

journal Nature has suggested that salt

intake may be related to MS.

The early stage studies looked at the

impact that salt has on the immune

cellsthought to be involved in MS. They

found that high salt levels drove the

production of a type of immune cell, called

a TH-17 cell, in laboratory models of MS.

Vital clues

TH-17 cells are thought to play a role in

attacking the myelin sheath that lines cells

of the brain and spinal cord. Finding out

more about how they are formed in

the immune system may give researchers

vital clues on the factors involved in causing


Researchers fed a high salt diet to mice

with EAE (a laboratory model of MS) and

found those with a high salt diet were more

likely to develop more severe forms of EAE.

More work is needed

Research has shown that EAE is not a

perfect model of MS and much more work

is needed in order to confirm these early

laboratory findings in people with MS.

Dr Susan Kohlhaas, Head of Biomedical

Research at the MS Society said:

"This is a really interesting study and it’s

positive to see new avenues of MS

research being explored in this way. It’s still

too early, however, to draw firm conclusions

on what these findings mean for people

with MS but we look forward to seeing the

results of further research.

"In the meantime, we recommend that

people follow government advice on

maintaining a healthy, balanced diet, which

includes guidelines on salt intake.”

Salt intake may play a role in MS, new

research suggests

First results from key NMSS-funded CCSVI


Chronic cerebrospinal

venous insufficiency is

a chronic condition

which causes blood

from the brain and

spine to be slowed or

stopped in its attempt to flow back to the

heart. The first of seven CCSVI studies

funded by the National MS Society and the

MS Society of Canada has published its

results, which showed no increase in

prevalence of CCSVI in people with MS.

Researchers from the University of Texas

Health Science Centre at Houston used

sonography techniques to measure blood

outflow from the brain to establish whether

any of the participants in the study fulfilled

the criteria for CCSVI.

276 people were assessed for CCSVI (206

with MS and 70 without). The researchers

found that CCSVI was present in 3.88% of

people with MS and 14% of people

without MS. These results showed no

significant differences in blood flow rates

between people with MS and people




Calling all carers

Are you caring for

someone with MS? If you

are, then come and join our

local carers group who get

together once a month to

chat, relax and laugh with others who are in

the same position. I joined last year and

found everyone to be friendly and


I have certainly learned a lot from other

carers, and it is good to be in the company

of people who truly understand the issues

and feelings we are all dealing with.

We would love to extend the hand of

friendship to other carers so don’t hesitate

to get in touch.

We meet on the third Thursday of each

month at Carnon Downs from 2-4pm.

Meetings are free of charge, and if you have

difficulty in leaving your loved one for long,

do let us know—we may be able to help.

Give Mike George a call on 01872 862031

to find out more, we look forward to

meeting you soon!

Sue Smith

My name Is Elayne and I am currently in my

final year of a level 4 therapeutic counselling

diploma. To complete the course, I need to

gain experience in working with people on a

1-1 basis. If anyone is interested in

receiving some therapy free of charge

(apart from any expenses incurred) then I

would love to hear from you. I do have MS

myself and am happy to see those with MS

or their family/carers. I look forward to

hearing from you. 07870 377 203.

Calling all carers

Why do we have Easter eggs?

A lot of us may chomp on chocolate eggs

at Easter, but originally eating eggs was not

allowed by the church during the week

leading up to Easter (known as Holy Week).

So any eggs laid that week were saved and

decorated to make them 'Holy Week eggs',

then given to children as gifts.

Victorians adapted the tradition with satin

covered cardboard eggs filled with Easter


Whilst munching on several

Easter eggs last month

(purchased by myself as

none of you sent me one) I

thought about how eggs

and rabbits became an

Easter tradition. Request from Elayne

Why are Easter eggs made of chocolate?

The first chocolate eggs appeared in

France and Germany in the 19th century

but were bitter and hard.

As chocolate-making techniques improved,

hollow eggs like the ones we have today

were developed.

They very quickly became popular and

remain popular today.

What's the Easter Bunny then?

The story of the Easter Bunny is thought to

have become common in the 19th century,


Rabbits usually give birth to a big litter of

babies (called kittens), so they became a

symbol of new life.

Legend has it that the Easter bunny lays,

decorates and hides eggs as they are also

a symbol of new life.

He doesn't do all the work alone though. In

Switzerland, Easter eggs are delivered by a

cuckoo, and by a fox in parts of Germany.

An AngloAn AngloAn AngloAn Anglo----Saxon legend Saxon legend Saxon legend Saxon legend ----

the Easter bunny and eggsthe Easter bunny and eggsthe Easter bunny and eggsthe Easter bunny and eggs

An Anglo-Saxon legend tells how the

Saxon goddess EostreEostreEostreEostre found a wounded

bird and transformed it into a hare, so that

it could survive the Winter. The hare found it

could lay eggs, so it decorated these each

Spring and left them as offering to the


This conundrum was sent in by Judy Reed

ENGLISH AS IT IS SPOKEN Part one...... You think English is easy??

I think a retired English teacher was bored,

and came up with this lot! 1)The bandage was wound around the


2) The farm was used to produce produce.

3) The dump was so full that it had to

refuse more refuse.

4) We must polish the Polish furniture..

5) He could lead if he would get the lead


6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert

in the desert..

7) Since there is no time like the present, he

thought it was time to present the


8) A bass was painted on the head of the

bass drum.

9) When shot at, the dove dove into the


10) I did not object to the object.

11) The insurance was invalid for the


12) There was a row among the oarsmen

about how to row.

13) They were too close to the door to

close it.

14) The buck does funny things when the

does are present.

15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down

into a sewer line.

16) To help with planting, the farmer taught

his sow to sow.

17) The wind was too strong to wind the


18) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I

shed a tear..

19) I had to subject the subject to a series

of tests.

20) How can I intimate this to my most

intimate friend?

Don’t miss part two next month!!


Chiropodist vouchers

We have a chiropodist who is willing to take

our vouchers so give him a call:

Stephen C Bloor DPodM, MChS, HPC Reg

RunRight StepFree Clinic

The Angel Centre

Tyacke Road

Helston TR13 8RR

Oh Judy!! You have

got me in such a

tiswas; I can’t take

this kind of confusion.

All this rabbiting on. I

will have to have

another cup of tea

This sand sculpture picture was sent in by

Judy Reed, I think it looks a bit scary, what

do you think?


April quizApril quizApril quizApril quiz March Quiz answersMarch Quiz answersMarch Quiz answersMarch Quiz answers




to date £924

Money Boxes

Happy birthday to:Happy birthday to:Happy birthday to:Happy birthday to:

2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Mark Osborne

3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Rachel Sobey

9th9th9th9th Vicky Richards

17th17th17th17th Gail Aldridge

19th19th19th19th Susan Bence

20th20th20th20th Emily Burgoyne

27th27th27th27th Tina Cameron

29th 29th 29th 29th Rita Last



Unscramble the letters to reveal some Don

Williams songs









What’s this mystery object?

1 In The Mood

2 Moonlight Serenade

3 Chattanooga Choo Choo

4 Tuxedo Junction

5 St Louis Blues March

6 Little Brown Jug

7 A String of Pearls

8 Pennsylvania Six Five Thousand

Bingo numbers called in: Bingo numbers called in: Bingo numbers called in: Bingo numbers called in:

January January January January 10, 26, 43, & 61

FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary 52, 90, 76, & 85

March March March March 5, 30, 46 & 67

AprilAprilAprilApril 13, 49, 23, & 73

May May May May 79, 45, 16, & 28

JuneJuneJuneJune 65, 18, 41, & 87

July July July July 57, 3, 8, & 69

August August August August 83, 59, 71, & 20

SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember 38, 63, 75, &1

OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober 33, 77, 55, & 89

NovemberNovemberNovemberNovember 51, 86, 48, & 35

DecemberDecemberDecemberDecember 11, 32, 53, & 68

January 13 January 13 January 13 January 13 81, 31, 15, & 25

February 13 February 13 February 13 February 13 40, 22, 78, & 36

March 13 March 13 March 13 March 13 44, 56, 21, & 6

April 13 April 13 April 13 April 13 80, 39, 50, & 74

Birthday cards

If anyone would like a birthday card send

from the branch please contact Betty

Alderton Contact number on back page

“Too bad all the people who know how to

run the country are busy driving taxis and

cutting hair.”

Thought of the Month

For the first time ever,

overweight people outnumber

average people in America.

Doesn't that make overweight

the average then? Last month

you were fat, now you're

average - hey, let's get a piz-

Did you spot the 10 differences?

Poetry CornerPoetry CornerPoetry CornerPoetry Corner




Some thousand words,

some thousand lines,

and not one feels right.

You never shall see her

tears fall on all the

crumbled pages, for by

the time when she’ll be

done writing,

her soul has already died.

Can you spot the 20

differences in the Wallace and

Gromit picture


My wife sat down next to me as I was

flipping channels.

She asked, "What's on TV?"

I said, "Dust."

And then the fight started...

Letter of Goodbye


Meet Sydne`e Jayne Teversham.

Sydne`e was 13 on the 21st February 2013, lives in Par

and attends Fowey Community College.

Her love of photography was the reason for her sending

me some landscape pictures for the front cover, but

agreed to let me take these pictures of her.

I had a great afternoon and came away with some

lovely pictures as you can see.

Sydne`e takes part in fund raising activities and

supports her Nan who attends the Merlin Centre.

We like Sydne`e and all the

young people who get

involved in helping everyone

affected by MS.

Well done Sydne`e

Cover photos of the month


Malcolm and Jackie Thorne went on a cruise to Norway and here are some lovely

pictures from their trip,

Ice sculptures in the igloo hotel at Alta

The official marker of the Arctic Circle

Malcolm and Jackie all wrapped up

The Riksgransden Hotel,just across

the border in Sweden, under 3 feet of snow

Evening sunshine turns the mountains pink Mountains reflected in the calm waters of

a fjord

The Northern Lights

13 5 5

Gulval School receive their Read-A-Thon awards

There was great excitement when 23 Students from Gulval School received certificates

for taking part in the Schools Read-A-thon, and the school received the MS

Read-A-Thon plaque, a certificate and book tokens for the library. Gulval School are ready to take part in next years Read-A-Thon

Group picture of students

with Head teacher Mr Ian

Fellows and myself

It’s a great achievement for these young

people to complete the Read-A-Thon and

picking up their certificates was an exciting

moment for them.

Thank you and well done Gulval School

Mr Fellows receiving the

School plaque and book



Read-A-Thon news


Schools completed:Schools completed:Schools completed:Schools completed:

Cape Cornwall, St Just

Darite CP School, Liskeard

Lanivery School, Bodmin

Kehelland school, Camborne

Gulval school, Penzance

St Mary’s C of E Primary

Schools started:

Devoran School, I will soon be publishing money

raised, I am waiting for returns to

come on this round of the schools


6 14

Canada schools project

As I previously reported, Gulval school has

been in contact with Gladstone School in

Cornwall Ontario Canada, and they have

started an interesting exchange.

Gladstone are currently on March break but

here are some pictures of the students

World book day at

St Mary’s C of E School Penzance

I was lucky enough to be invited to St

Mary’s C of E School on world book day

and what a great time I had.

The children were all dresses up as

Where’s Wally and the atmosphere was full

of excitement. World book day came in the

middle of their Read-A-Thon

The Read-A-Thon awards ceremony at St

Mary’s C of E school is on the 28th March

look out for it in the next edition of the

Lifeboat magazine.

Elsa has done it again Elsa Barker-Brown has

raised another £48 for

people affected by MS,

well done Elsa, thank

you for your efforts, you

are doing a great job.

Children from Gladstone School, Cornwall

Ontario Canada




I had always been like this. Paranoid I

mean. Since I can remember I’ve always

believed in karma and what not. But this

time it was bad, really bad. I had just read

my fortune from a cookie at a Japanese

restaurant. I was scared

REALLY scared! I rushed out

of the restaurant as quickly as I possibly

could, throwing the money to the

receptionist telling her to keep the change. I

literally sprinted to my car and got in as fast

as lightening. I caught my breath and put

the key in to the ignition starting the car

immediately; I drove out of the car park and

sped nearly the whole way home. I reached

my house, if you can call it that, it’s more

like a cottage I suppose.

My arrival was soon announced by the loud

barking of my dog, Charlie. I unlocked the

door and walked in and made sure to wipe

my feet as it was raining outside. I hung up

my coat and took off my shoes. I walked

through into

the kitchen

were my

small lab

awaited, as

soon as he

saw it was

me he

jumped out of his bed and began bounding

towards me form the other side of the

kitchen. He jumped up at my legs nearly

knocking me over onto the floor. But he

was the least of my worries. I walked

quickly over to the sink and got a glass and

poured myself a glass of water to try and

calm myself. That night while I was in bed

all I could think about was the fortune

“Something terrible will happen very soon” I

was tossing and turning all night trying to

get it off of my mind.

The Fortune

The next morning I felt awful and probably

looked it too. I then decided that I was just

going to have to try and stay safe and not

do anything to dangerous. That didn’t last

long though. The first thing that happened

was that Charlie almost pushed me down

the stairs, then I nearly got run over by a

car because Charlie decided that he was

going to pull me across the road in front of

flowing traffic After that I nearly ran into a

door in front of everyone in the shopping

centre ( so embarrassing).

Then I decided to just stay at home and

watch the TV and eat LOTS of popcorn!

Everything was fine until the door bell went;

this is it I thought as I crept up to the door

holding the nearest

lamp in both hands. I

opened the door to see

the postman standing

there looking rather

scared, I soon realised

that I still had the lamp

in my hand, I put it

down on the side and

he handed me the post.

I shut the door as soon

as he turned around.

I leant against the door and flicked through

the envelopes until I saw one that caught

my eye I held it in my hand and opened it

slowly. I pulled the letter out of the envelope

only to reveal that I had won the

competition I had entered a few weeks ago!

But wait something bad was supposed to

happen?! I pulled the fortune out of my

pocket and opened it gingerly I then read it

again and began to laugh it didn’t say

“something bad is going to happen”

instead it said “something terrific is going to

happen” WHOOPS!


Megan Robins

South Cornwall branch MS

Youth Group West “Making Sense”


16 16

On Thursday

28th of

February I

was lucky

enough to go

to Exeter to

watch the


league of darts with the top 10 players in

the world. The matches were Robert

Thornton V Gary Anderson

Andy Hamilton V Micheal Van Gerwen

James Wade V Phil Taylor (the best in the


Wes Newton V Adrian Lewis and

Raymond Van Barneveld V Simon


A great night was had by three members of

the youth group, who went to the

recent Fire 'n' Ice cabaret. Megan, Ben and

Lauren enjoyed a super meal and then

listened to Malcolm and Nikki

(Fire 'n' Ice) and also Laura. They are all

looking forward to the next one!! Hopefully

photos to follow in next months 'Lifeboat' Jamie had a super night watching the

Premier Darts in Exeter. His sister Lauren

and brother Jack also watched from the

comfort of their home, and saw Jamie and

their mum and dad on the television. Read

Jamie's report to find out more. The youth group have decorated

wooden bird houses and star clappers

which are available to purchase. If anyone

is interested please contact me, details are

on the back page. Will publish photos next

month. Nikki xx

Jamie reports

During a match one of the security guards

gave me flights that Phil Taylor had used in

his match and Wes Newtons practice


I had a really, really great night with my

mum, dad, uncle Ian and some friends

and really hope I can go again next year

as my Birthday treat, my birthday was

just 2days before!. Xx

This is my brother Jack, getting ready to

play for England

Scrap heap challenge

I am reporting this

month from Mike

Georges garage, with

the continuing story of

that lovely Range

Rover conversion. By

lovely I mean the

Range Rover, not the


Above is a picture of a standard Range

Rover and this is the story of how it could

look after a Mike George conversion kit has

been applied.

There is nothing these skilled men can’t

achieve, Mikes team of Richard and Phil

have technical knowledge beyond belief, I

wouldn’t be at all surprised if their next

project was connected with brain surgery.

In all seriousness this is a feat of

engineering and a labour of love, I have

heard that Rover are after the drawings if

only for them to be destroyed. Turning a Range Rover into a multi-purpose

off road vehicle is not easy so don’t try this

at home.

You can see that the sleek wind resistant

lines of the new conversion gives it that “I

must have one” appeal. If you want your

Range Rover converted call Mike George

01872 862031.

This is Jasper signing off from the Mike

George Rover conversion centre, Carnon



The Mike George Range Rover conversion

in midnight blue A tipping body, and that’s just Phil



Ellie May,

Communications and Corporate

Events Manager

Tel: 01726 885530

April 2013April 2013April 2013April 2013: Easter coffee morning with

cakes and goodies

May 2013: May 2013: May 2013: May 2013: Summer BBQ and Car boot


South Cornwall Youth Group West


South Cornwall Branch

events 2013


In next months Lifeboat magazine: Members pages & Magazine Bingo Youth Group page MS News Megan’s page Branch events Read-A-Thon news

Events taking place at Merlin MS Centre Dates for these events to be advised: Seminar for potential committee volunteers

Get together’s

Bingo afternoon


Quiz and games night

Magazine tombola

Carwinion open day

Wine and cheese party


Jackie Thorne will be away for a few weeks

so as from 1st March 2013 please make all

voucher requests to Chris Sargent

01209 315386


South Cornwall Vouchers

Sign up is open for the Grand Canyon Sign up is open for the Grand Canyon Sign up is open for the Grand Canyon Sign up is open for the Grand Canyon

TrekTrekTrekTrek---- 10101010thththth----17171717thththth May 2014 Trek.May 2014 Trek.May 2014 Trek.May 2014 Trek. Are you

ready to experience the breath taking

beauty of the Grand Canyon whilst raising

money for the Merlin Ms Centre? With a

year to fundraising you have plenty of time

to join us for this trek of a lifetime. Contact

the centre for more information 01726


Merlin MS Centre are looking for willing and

friendly volunteers to help with their

supermarket collection days throughout the

year and throughout the county. If you think

you can spare an hour or two to help then

please get in touch with the centre on

01726 885530.

“I play all my Country and Western music

backwards – your lover returns, your dog

comes back and you cease to be an


Doctor, doctor, I can’t stop singing “The

Green Green Grass of Home”

That’s what we doctors call Tom Jones’


Oh, really? Is it common?

It’s not unusual.

Chairman: Chairman: Chairman: Chairman: Mike George

Telephone: 01872 862031

email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Treasurer: Treasurer: Treasurer: Malcolm Thorne

Telephone: 01209 717237

email: [email protected]

Address Coomar, 3 Chenoweth Close, Camborne

Cornwall TR14 7JR

Voucher Admin Officer: Voucher Admin Officer: Voucher Admin Officer: Voucher Admin Officer: Jackie Thorne

Telephone: 01209 717237

email: [email protected]

Secretary: Secretary: Secretary: Secretary: Christine Sargent

Telephone: 01209 315386

email: [email protected]

M S Support : M S Support : M S Support : M S Support :

Telephone: 01872 274911

Carer’s Officer: Carer’s Officer: Carer’s Officer: Carer’s Officer: Neville Reed

Telephone: 01637 875823

email: [email protected]

Branch Profile manager and Magazine Editor: Branch Profile manager and Magazine Editor: Branch Profile manager and Magazine Editor: Branch Profile manager and Magazine Editor:

Malcolm Glister

Telephone: 01209 860754

email: [email protected]

Branch Web manager: Branch Web manager: Branch Web manager: Branch Web manager: Mike May

Telephone: 01872 272 957

email: [email protected]

Membership: Membership: Membership: Membership: Betty Alderton

Telephone: 01872 270901

email: [email protected]

Minute Secretary: Minute Secretary: Minute Secretary: Minute Secretary: Moe Fisher

email: [email protected]

Branch Safety Officer and Youth Team: Branch Safety Officer and Youth Team: Branch Safety Officer and Youth Team: Branch Safety Officer and Youth Team: Nikki Jenkin

Telephone: 01736 787089

email: [email protected]

Events CoEvents CoEvents CoEvents Co----ordinator ordinator ordinator ordinator Carol Batchelor

Telephone: 01326 373464

email: [email protected]

Fund Raising Manager Fund Raising Manager Fund Raising Manager Fund Raising Manager Vacant

Branch contact details:Branch contact details:Branch contact details:Branch contact details:

Llawnroc, Mount Carbis Road,

Redruth, Cornwall,

TR15 2LD

Tel: 01872 274911 Satellite eventsSatellite eventsSatellite eventsSatellite events Last Tuesday of each month: Last Tuesday of each month: Last Tuesday of each month: Last Tuesday of each month:

Helston & Lizard Group meeting:

Wheal Dream Restaurant, Helston

from 11.00am to approx 2.00pm.

Lunch at discounted rate. Every Thursday: Every Thursday: Every Thursday: Every Thursday:

Yoga at the Well Being Centre,

Nance Lane, Churchtown,

Illogan. 11.00am to 12.15pm. with

Carolyn Smith by appointment only. Every third ThursdayEvery third ThursdayEvery third ThursdayEvery third Thursday

Carers meeting at Mike George’s Useful contacts:Useful contacts:Useful contacts:Useful contacts:

MS National Centre: 02084 380 700

MS Helpline: 0808 800 8000

Care Direct: 0800 444 000

NHS Direct: 0845 4647

Editors Contact detailsEditors Contact detailsEditors Contact detailsEditors Contact details:

To send in articles or comments.

Malcolm Glister

Whispering Winds, Crellow Hill,

Stithians, Nr Truro,

Cornwall, TR3 7AQ

Tel 01209 860754

South Cornwall Branch Information

Need help or advice, call our

support number 01872 274911

All views expressed in this publication are individual and not necessarily the view or policy of the charity and its supporters.

Multiple Sclerosis Society Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990

Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571

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