  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    Brought To You By:

    The Best Affiliate Program

    How to Setup Your Sites For Maximum Profitability
  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: The Income StreamsPg. 3

    Chapter Two: Creating the Website...Pg. 9

    Chapter Three: Mareting......................................Pg. !"

    Chapter #o$r: Tracing..............................................................Pg. %"

    Than &o$..Pg. %'


  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    Chapter One: The Income Streams

    (efore )o$ act$all) start creating )o$r website* )o$ nee+ to +eci+e what income streams)o$ wo$l+ lie to tae a+,antage of. What is an income stream- It is simpl) a wa) ofgenerating mone). n+ when it comes to websites* there is no limit to the n$mber ofincome streams )o$ can ha,e. In fact* the more income streams )o$ can mae a,ailableon )o$r site the better. #or this reason this chapter will present for )o$ an e/tensi,e listof the most pop$lar income streams $se+ b) the Internet g$r$s. s )o$ rea+ thro$gh thislist tae note of the income streams that interest )o$. Then when )o$ are rea+)* mo,e toChapter Two* where )o$ can learn how to create a website a+,ertising )o$r selecte+income streams.

    !. ffiliate Mareting

    ffiliate mareting is when )o$ promote another compan)0s website in ret$rn for acommission. This commission can be generate+ in a n$mber of wa)s* tho$gh the mostcommon is when a sale or lea+ is act$all) ma+e from )o$r a+,ertising metho+s. 1esspop$lar wa)s of getting commission co$l+ be base+ on if a compan)0s 21 has recei,e+a clic* or if their a+s recei,e+ impressions* 4which are simpl) the n$mber of times an a+has been ,iewe+5. 6ither wa)* promotional metho+s wo$l+ be the same regar+less ofhow commission is generate+. This means )o$ wo$l+ either a+,ertise the 21 +irectl)or $se the 21 within a banner. In both cases the 21 wo$l+ contain special co+ing thatwo$l+ trace bac to )o$r affiliate acco$nt. This is +one so )o$ can be properl) cre+ite+ if)o$r ,isitors tae the actions that a compan) +esires.

    Most of the ma7or companies on the Internet are $sing affiliate mareting. 8owe,er* the)+o not necessaril) a+,ertise their affiliate opport$nities blatantl). Most of the time )o$0llha,e to scroll +own to the bottom of the site* where )o$0ll fin+ in smaller font ffiliateProgram*0 ffiliates0 or similar wor+ing. #or e/ample* tae a loo at the screenshotbelow of the bottom portion of the site (est($).com.

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    Can )o$ see where the circle is- This is where )o$ wo$l+ go to fin+ information abo$t

    (est($).com0saffiliate program. If )o$ were to clic on this lin* )o$ wo$l+ be taen toa sign$p page. On this page )o$ wo$l+ ha,e to enter in general information s$ch as )o$rname* a++ress* telephone n$mber an+ site information. Once this info is s$bmitte+*)o$0ll ha,e to wait a few +a)s to see if )o$r site is appro,e+. In+ee+* this process is thesame for ,irt$all) all t)pes of affiliate programs whether it0s (est($).com0s or anotherwebsite.

    If )o$0re not intereste+ in signing $p for affiliate programs thro$gh an in+i,i+$alcompan)0s website* )o$ can consi+er 7oining an affiliate networ. With an affiliatenetwor* )o$ can appl) for more than one compan) at the same time. ($t first* )o$ m$stget appro,al from the networ itself. &o$ +o this b) offering the same information as

    )o$ wo$l+ if )o$ were appl)ing to an in+i,i+$al affiliate program. This wo$l+ be )o$rname* a++ress* telephone n$mber an+ site information. &o$ ma) also nee+ to fill o$t a#orm !99* +epen+ing on the affiliate networ. Once )o$ get appro,e+* )o$0ll get accessto an acco$nt manager where )o$ can start appl)ing for the affiliate programs of specificcompanies.

    One of the most pop$lar affiliate networs aro$n+ is Commission ;$nction. ll )o$reall) nee+ to get appro,e+ with them is a 21* which* 4as )o$ will learn abo$t later inthis e

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    nother wi+el)$ire+ an+ the

    appro,al process is +one instantl). 8owe,er* Clicban is not as e/tensi,e asCommission ;$nction. ll )o$ are able to sell thro$gh them are e

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    a+,ertisements from other income streams as )o$ want* pro,i+e+ that )o$r site offersworthwhile content for the ,isitor.

    In terms of the appro,al process for pa)

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    Wholesaling is when )o$ b$) in,entor) at a significantl) lowere+ price then sell it tocons$mers. &o$ hol+ all the responsibilit) for pacaging an+ shipping metho+s.Con,ersel)* with +ropshipping )o$ onl) p$rchase in,entor) when )o$ mae a sale from ac$stomer. Once )o$ let the compan) now )o$ nee+ a pro+$ct +eli,ere+* the) will taecare of the shipping an+ pacaging. ropshipping is an e/tremel) con,enient choice for

    an Internet newbie* b$t it ten+s to offer less profit margin than wholesaling. egar+less*before )o$ can wholesale or +ropship with most companies* )o$ will nee+ a b$sinesslicense. The e/ception is* which is a +ropshipper that will wor within+i,i+$als who ha,e not )et gotten a b$siness license or +on0t wish to get one.

    Oa) so )o$ $n+erstan+ what wholesaling an+ +ropshipping are* b$t what are nichepro+$cts*0 an+ wh) +o the) matter so m$ch- Wh) can0t reg$lar0 pro+$cts be sol+thro$gh these means- Well* simpl) +efine+* niche pro+$cts are those that meet the nee+sof a specific maret* which are often neglecte+ b) mainstream b$sinesses. #or e/ample acompan) selling +og br$shes0* 4a reg$lar0 pro+$ct5* wo$l+ be meeting the nee+s of ageneral maret. 8owe,er* a compan) selling a shagg) +og br$sh for sensiti,e sin

    +ogs*0 wo$l+ be meeting a niche maret. The latter compan) wo$l+ act$all) be mores$ccessf$l beca$se there is significantl) less online a+,ertising competition for shagg)+og br$sh for sensiti,e sin +ogs*0 than there is for +og br$shes.0

    So* how +o )o$ fin+ niche pro+$cts to wholesale or +ropship- The best wa) to +o this isto $se e)wor+ anal)Bers. These are programs that tell )o$ all the ,ersions of a e)wor+that has been entere+ into a search engine. @oogle an+ O,ert$re offer free e)wor+anal)Bers* b$t these are not the best to $se. This is beca$se since the) are free* thee)wor+s that are gi,en are more liel) to ha,e alrea+) been $se+. #or this reasonconsi+er $sing a pai+ e)wor+ anal)Ber s$ch as Wor+ Tracer. To $se it simpl) t)pe in apro+$ct that )o$ wo$l+ be intereste+ in selling. The site will ret$rn all of the e)wor+srelate+ to that term. Pic a e)wor+ that gets a lot of searches b$t not a lot of a+,ertisers*4Wor+ Tracer will pro,i+e this information to )o$5. fter selecting this e)wor+* go toa reg$lar search engine. T)pe in the e)wor+ along with the term E+ropshipper*F orEwholesaler*F maing s$re )o$ incl$+e the >$otation mars. 1oo thro$gh these listingsto see if )o$ can fin+ a +ropshipper or wholesaler selling )o$r +esire+ pro+$ct. If )o$ +onot ha,e m$ch l$c +oing this* )o$ can t)pe the term in 6

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    )o$r ser,ice to a niche maret. So* 7$st as +escribe+ abo,e* $se a e)wor+ anal)Ber s$chas Wor+ Tracer to +etermine what )o$r niche marets are. Once )o$ ha,e +isco,ere+this niche* )o$ can go on an+ start creating )o$r website aro$n+ it.G. Selling Online +,ertising Space

    Once )o$r website starts recei,ing traffic* )o$ will want to consi+er selling a+,ertisingspace to other webmasters. To +o this )o$ can either mae a separate webpage +e+icate+to a+,ertising or sell banner space on the top* si+es or bottom of )o$r website. Price

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    Chapter Two: Creating the Website

    Dow that )o$ ha,e +eci+e+ what income streams )o$0re going to be woring with* )o$0rerea+) to create )o$r website. #or this step there are se,eral options a,ailable to )o$.These options incl$+e: creating the website )o$rself* hiring a web +esigner to +o it orgetting a pre

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    control o,er )o$r site* b$t it is not a necessit). If )o$ want to create )o$r website faster*consi+er $sing a wor+ processor or the W&SIW&@* 4What &o$ See is What &o$ @et5*portion of an 8TM1 e+itor.Wor+ Processor

    Most mo+ern

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    right in all of the ma7orbrowsers* 4which incl$+e Internet 6/plorer* #irefo/ an+Detscape5. So* if )o$ +o mae a more comple/ site in a wor+ processor* mae s$re )o$open it in each of these browsers as )o$ are woring. &o$ can +o this b) selecting Open#ile in the #ile men$ of each one.

    8TM1 6+itor

    on0t be foole+ b) the term 8TM1 e+itor.0 ltho$gh these programs are +esigne+ tohelp )o$ create or e+it 8TM1* 8TM1 nowle+ge is not necessar) to effecti,el) $se themas long as the) are W&SIW&@* 4What &o$ see Is What &o$ @et5. This means that theirinterface wors lie a wor+ processor* allowing )o$ to o$tp$t webpages that will loo thesame wa) on the Web as the) +o in the e+itor. co$ple ,er) pop$lar W&SIW&@8TM1 e+itors are #rontpage* 4which integrates well with the Microsoft Office s$ite5 orreamwea,er.

    In terms of +ownsi+es* 8TM1 e+itors also create somewhat nastier 8TM1* tho$gh

    $s$all) not as ba+ as wor+ processors. 8owe,er* the) integrate better with browsers an+the) contain more website

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    This screenshot was taen from* a site offering free websitetemplates. s )o$ can see the lang$age is foreign b$t this +oesn0t matter* beca$se once)o$ +ownloa+ the template* )o$ wo$l+ replace the e/isting te/t with )o$r content.

    There are literall) tho$san+s of templates a,ailable both free an+ pai+. 6ach are e>$all)effecti,e* tho$gh pai+ ones +o ten+ to be m$ch more elaborate graphicall). If )o$ arelooing to get se,eral website templates for a lower price* consi+er )et again the ,al$e of


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    Website esign

    If )o$ +eci+e to get a website template* )o$r +esign concerns are alrea+) taen care of. Ifnot* the best thing to remember is to eep )o$r la)o$t simple. Most effecti,e websitesha,e their logo on the top* 4along with banner a+,ertising5* website lins on the left si+ean+ content on the right si+e. There are some sites that will ha,e lins on both the leftan+ right si+es with the content in the mi++le* tho$gh be caref$l +oing this approach since

    it might mae )o$r site appear too b$s).0 ++itionall)* )o$ can also $se the bottomspace for smaller te/t lins an+Kor banner a+,ertising.


  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    The general g$i+eline for creating web content is to mae s$re )o$r e)wor+ +ensit) is %to " percent. #or e/ample* if )o$ ha,e content of A wor+s* )o$r e)wor+ sho$l+ beincl$+e+ ! to 3 times. This is for the benefit of search engine robots. If )o$ +o not $sethe e)wor+s eno$gh times* the search engine robots won0t be able to fin+ )o$r site.

    8owe,er* if )o$ $se the e)wor+s too man) times* )o$r site might get flagge+ for spam.If it gets flagge+ for spam it co$l+ not get in+e/e+ or e,en worse* get banne+. If )o$r siteis banne+* )o$ will not be able to get it in+e/e+ at all* e,en if )o$ change the contentlater.

    Of co$rse* +on0t be scare+ b) this ti+bit of information. 6,en if )o$ are not tr)ing tooptimiBe )o$r website content* it0s nat$ral to incl$+e certain e) phrases more than oncethro$gho$t. When )o$ are conscio$sl) thining abo$t e)wor+s* the process becomese,en easier. Heep in min+ also that it0s L6& har+ to write normall) an+ ha,e )o$re)wor+ +ensit) go o,er " percent. Most webmasters that go o,er this n$mber +o so onp$rpose* nowing that the) are incl$+ing their e)wor+ too m$ch. ($t if )o$ nee+

    f$rther ass$rance* )o$ can simpl) co$nt the n$mber of times )o$r e)wor+ appears then+i,i+e it b) the n$mber of total wor+s on )o$r webpage. The res$lting fig$re is )o$re)wor+ +ensit).

    P$tting &o$r Site on the Web

    To p$t )o$r site on the Internet* )o$ will nee+ web hosting. This is when )o$ get acompan) to store )o$r site on their comp$ters* 4also nown as ser,ers5. Web hosting canbe free or pai+* tho$gh pai+ is preferable. This is beca$se free web hosting $s$all)re>$ires )o$ to place the compan)0s a+s on )o$r website. &o$ +o not recei,e an)compensation for these a+s. lso* 4as )o$ learne+ earlier5* since these a+s ten+ to be inpa)

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    Once )o$ ha,e establishe+ )o$r web hosting an+ +omain name* )o$ are rea+) to $ploa+)o$r site. Some web hosting companies* s$ch as @eocities* mae this process eas)beca$se the) incl$+e special file managers within )o$r acco$nt. &o$ wo$l+ $ploa+e,er)thing thro$gh this file manager. 8owe,er* if )o$r web hosting compan) +oes notoffer this feat$re* )o$ will ha,e to $ploa+ )o$r site thro$gh an #TP* 4#ile Transfer

    Protocol5 program. These can be +ownloa+e+ off of the Internet for free or at a cost.6ither wa)* to $se them all )o$ ha,e to +o is +rag )o$r files into the +esignate+ fol+ers of)o$r hosting compan)0s ser,er. &o$ will nee+ to cons$lt with them +irectl) to fin+ o$tthe specific names of these fol+ers.

    %. 8iring a Web esigner

    If )o$ are tr$l) st$mpe+ at the tho$ght of +esigning a website on )o$r own* )o$ can hirea web +esigner to help )o$. &o$ will still ha,e to create )o$r own content* 4$nless theweb +esigner )o$0re woring with has ghostwriters on han+5* b$t for the most parte,er)thing else is taen care of b) the +esigner. In fact* some +esigners also ha,e

    ser,ers* so web hosting ma) also be taen care of at an a++itional cost.

    To fin+ web +esigners* )o$ can +o a search online or $se freelancing sites s$ch [email protected] or* 4each of which were mentione+ earlier5. Thea+,antage to $sing a freelancing site is that )o$ can set )o$r own price. 8owe,er* )o$will want to mae s$re the people )o$ get act$all) now what their +oing. So* in eithercase* mae s$re )o$r potential web +esigner has a lot of samples to show )o$. lso* ifthe web +esigner has pre,io$s references* be s$re to chec them. In fact* if )o$ $se afreelancing site* )o$ can tae a loo at an) fee+bac the web +esigner has recei,e+ fromother people the) ha,e wore+ with thro$gh the site.3. @etting a Pre

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    Chapter 3: Mareting

    t this point )o$ sho$l+ ha,e a complete+ website. ($t +on0t thin that e,en withe)wor+

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    an)wa) 7$st lin to other sites that offer information similar to )o$rs. &et* mae s$rethe) are in the top ! listings of the most wi+el) $se+ search engines* 4which are @oogle*MSD an+ &ahoo5.

    Dow* as for one$ire as m$chin,ol,ement as message boar+s or other free metho+s of a+,ertising* thin abo$ta+,ertising on as man) as )o$ can. The) help both with search engine a+,ertising an+with b$il+ing $p )o$r traffic in general.

    =. rticle irectories

    rticle +irectories are sites that can be consi+ere+ content +epositories for webmasters.What happens is people write informati,e articles that a webmaster can $se as content fortheir website. In ret$rn for their efforts* the webmaster m$st eep the article intact*incl$+ing the most important element* the lin to the other person0s website* 4$s$all)fo$n+ towar+s the en+5. So* when )o$ write for an article +irector)* )o$ are getting: !5 a+efiniti,e one

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    If )o$ +eci+e to write for an article +irector)* it is best to mae it e)wor+

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    Most safelists wor on a cre+it s)stem. 6ach time )o$ rea+ another member0sa+,ertisement* 4which the webmaster can +etermine thro$gh special 21s embe++e+within the emails5* )o$ earn a certain amo$nt of cre+its. The more cre+its )o$ earn* themore )o$ can a+,ertise )o$r site.

    ,ariant of the safelist are a$tos$rfs. These are sites that show a+,ertisements inrotation* one after the other. 1ie email

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    co$rse or newsletter series. egar+less of what it is* mae )o$r ,isitor s$bscribe to )o$remail list b) pro,i+ing their name an+ email a++ress. The) can this b) $sing a form )o$place on )o$r website. To create a form* select the form option from )o$r 8TM1 e+itoror a++ the #OMJ tag to )o$r 8TM1 co+e. Once the form is li,e* an) informationcontaine+ within will be sent to )o$r email inbo/ once the ,isitor hits the S$bmit0


    s )o$ are b$il+ing $p )o$r email list* consi+er $sing an email mareting ser,ice s$ch to help eep things organiBe+. ++itionall)* email maretingser,ices help )o$ sen+ 8TM1

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    networ )o$0re woring with an+ ne/t to the search engine res$lts. Tae a loo at thescreenshot below to see an e/ample of the latter.

    In this e/ample* )o$ see the pa)

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    ma) offer more affor+able e)wor+s. &o$ will not get as m$ch +istrib$tion as )o$ wo$l+with @oogle b$t )o$ co$l+ get a higher spot for more generaliBe+0 e)wor+s whichco$l+ e>$ate to more traffic.

    %. ($)ing +,ertising Space

    ($)ing a+,ertising space from other websites is an e/cellent wa) to not onl) b$il+ trafficb$t to also get one

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    n+ b) the fact that members onl) get pai+ if the) act$all) ,iew )o$r a+,ertisement* )o$can be ass$re+ that )o$r mone) is not waste+. 8owe,er* it is this ,er) element that man)webmasters are $ncomfortable with. The) feel that ,isitors are not ,iewing )o$r a+ o$tof gen$ine interest* b$t rather beca$se the) are getting pai+ 4literall)5 a few pennies. Infact* for this reason* man) companies ref$se to wor with webmasters who $se incenti,e

    mareting as a means for generating traffic.

    &et* +on0t let this +eter )o$ from incenti,e mareting. The main e)* in the case ofaffiliate programs* is to fin+ companies that are still willing to wor with )o$.++itionall)* )o$ will want to tr) an+ a+,ertise things that are more liel) to appeal tothose in a pa)

  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    factors s$ch as home ownership* age an+ marital stat$s. &et* if )o$ get too man)a++resses from a mailing list* )o$0ll be shelling o$t tho$san+s of +ollars.

    So* what0s the best strateg) for +irect mailing- Start small if )o$ are low on f$ sells ! stamps for ?=!.* so )o$ can mae ! )o$r magic n$mber if )o$

    want. Then )o$ can get )o$r en,elopes an+ paper. (oth of these sho$l+ cost less than?A* e,en if )o$ b$) them in b$l. Dow )o$ nee+ )o$r mailing list. If )o$ get onl) !lea+s at a time )o$0ll pa) ?%A if )o$ $se Once )o$ ha,e gotten )o$rlea+s* )o$ are rea+) to sen+ off )o$r a+,ertisements. When )o$ get to this step* tr) tosen+ highl) targete+ a+s. &o$ want to tr) to get a s$ccess rate of !N* which wo$l+e>$ate to ! potential sales* 4if )o$ are sen+ing ! +irect mails at a time5. Heep in min+the e)wor+ is potential0. People won0t necessaril) b$) from mailings* b$t if the) lie)o$r site eno$gh the) ma) boomar it an+ +eci+e to b$) later. &o$ increase thelielihoo+ of them b$)ing e,en more if )o$ gi,e them a chance to s$bscribe to )o$remail list. These metho+s ha,e alrea+) been +escribe+ in the email mareting0 sectionof this chapter.

    %. #ree ($lletin (oar+ +s

    Man) grocer) stores an+ fast foo+ places offer free comm$nit) a+,ertising on b$lletinboar+s. ltho$gh )o$ probabl) won0t get tho$san+s to )o$r site posting on free b$lletinboar+s* still tae a+,antage of it. People +o occasionall) loo at these a+s* which co$l+con,ert to a sale or two for )o$r website. Pl$s* how man) opport$nities +o )o$ get totae a+,antage of free a+,ertising-

    3. Car ecals

    When )o$ go o$t on the highwa)* )o$ are enco$ntering h$n+re+s of people that co$l+ha,e interest in )o$r website. Well* with a car +ecal* )o$ can a+,ertise to these peoplewhile +ri,ing. Tae a loo at the screenshot below to see some e/amples of what car+ecals loo lie.


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    The e/amples feat$re+ in this screenshot were from +ecals create+ from starting cost for them is onl) ?3A* which is ,er) affor+able for a beginning Internetb$siness. Of co$rse* )o$ can get more graphicall) elaborate car +ecals if )o$0re willingto pa) significantl) more.

    =. Print Me+ia

    on0t neglect the power of a+,ertising on classifie+ a+s in the newspapers or in me+i$mslie thePennysaver. @rante+* if )o$r website +oes not relate to the t)pes of thingst)picall) a+,ertise in offline classifie+ a+s* )o$ won0t be able to promote $sing these

    ,en$es. ($t if it +oes* consi+er taing a+,antage of them. The) are affor+able an+generall) recei,e a great +eal of rea+ership.

    A. @arage Sales

    When )o$ are +oing a garage sale* )o$ are meeting +oBens of people that co$l+ ha,einterest in )o$r website. +,ertise to them b) incl$+ing fl)ers* broch$res or b$sinesscar+s on )o$r table. If )o$ are selling pro+$cts* $se the garage sale as an opport$nit) tosell )o$r pro+$cts offline b$t still mae mention of )o$r site. If )o$r c$stomers lie what)o$ are selling* chances are the) will ,isit )o$r website to b$) more of )o$r pro+$cts.

    ". &o$r 1ocal Phone (oo

    6,en the most a,i+ Internet shopper will still per$se their phone boo from time to timeto fin+ specific b$sinesses. This is wh) if )o$r b$+get can affor+ it* )o$ sho$l+ consi+erplacing an a+ in )o$r local phone boo. n+* nowa+a)s )o$ can e,en incl$+e )o$rwebsite0s 21 in )o$r a+. &o$ ma) ha,e to pa) e/tra to +o this* b$t it0s the onl) wa) toget )o$r website o$t there if )o$ plan on a+,ertise ,ia this metho+.

    G. @eneral Detworing

    Thin abo$t all of the opport$nities )o$ get to tal to people. Whether it0s at school* atch$rch or thro$gh social e,ents* each time )o$ meet people )o$ ha,e the potential forgetting a new sale for )o$r website. #or this reason alwa)s eep )o$r b$siness car+s with)o$ an+* 4if )o$ can5* mae mention of )o$r website. ++itionall)* tr) to strie $pcon,ersations when )o$0re stan+ing in line* on the b$s or on the s$bwa) train. ltho$ghpeople ten+ to be more to themsel,es* most will not pass $p the opport$nit) to interact inan interesting con,ersation if someone else initiates it.


  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    Chapter #o$r: Tracing

    s )o$ are mareting )o$r website* )o$ will want to trac )o$r res$lts to see whichcampaigns are woring an+ which ones aren0t. epen+ing on )o$r affiliate program*web hosting pacage or email mareting ser,ice )o$ are $sing* tracing ma) alrea+) betaen care of* tho$gh it is probabl) somewhat limite+ in e/actl) what is being trace+.#or e/ample* most web hosting pacages will onl) tracs how man) hits )o$r site gets ingeneral* not how man) hits a specific affiliate 21 might be getting. The) also can0t tell)o$ where )o$r traffic is coming from. ffiliate programs are better as the) can tracwhich of )o$r affiliate lins within their networ are getting hits. ($t the) can0t tell )o$where these hits are coming from* nor can the) pro,i+e help with how m$ch traffic )o$rwebsite itself is getting. Then* there0s email mareting ser,ices. s )o$ might ha,eg$esse+* the) can onl) trac hits relate+ to )o$r email campaign.

    So* what +o )o$ +o if )o$ want website tracing that can co,er the complete spectr$m ofwhat is going on with )o$r site- &o$0ll nee+ to $se a website tracing ser,ice. There areh$n+re+s a,ailable* b$t two of the most pop$lar are Lisitor Lille an+ Stat Co$nter. 6achare +isc$sse+ in more +etail below.

    Lisitor Lille


  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    Tra+itional website tracing ser,ices +ispla) tracing information in boring charts an+graphs. This is not the case with Lisitor Lille which act$all) t$rns website tracing intoa ,i+eo game. Specificall)* the concept of Lisitor Lille is lie that of SimCityor TheSims Tae a loo at the screenshot below to get a better i+ea.

    The b$il+ings represent pages on )o$r website. The b$sses represent both traffic an+where )o$r ,isitors are coming from. Lisitors* 4which are not shown in the screenshotabo,e5* are represente+ b) people that wal aro$n+ the cit) or enter into the b$il+ings.0If )o$ clic on one of these people0* )o$ will get more +etails abo$t them incl$+ing theirIP a++ress an+ co$ntr) of origin. &o$ can e,en initiate an Instant Message chat sessionwith them if both of )o$ ha,e ;a,ascript$ire )o$ to pa)* b$t the pa)ment terms are


  • 8/12/2019 The Secrets to High Profit Websites


    e/tremel) affor+able. #or e/ample* 7$st ?%9 a month will allow )o$ trac an asto$n+ing!A** page ,iews. 8owe,er* eep in min+ that tracing b) page ,iews is not thesame as tracing b) ,isits.0 Page ,iews encompass all of the actions +one b) each,isitor. On the other han+* tracing b) ,isits 7$st shows )o$ how man) act$al ,isitorscame to )o$r site their specific actions are not incl$+e+ in the co$nt. So* tracing b)

    ,isits is more reliable b$t Stat Co$nter allows for so man) page ,iews in their tracingser,ice that )o$ can still get $se o$t of them.

    So* what e/actl) +oes Stat Co$nter trac- Well* lie Lisitor Lille* Stat Co$nter will tell)o$ where )o$r traffic is coming from. &o$ will also get more specific informationabo$t )o$r ,isitors* 4tho$gh )o$ won0t be able to IM them5. 8owe,er* $nlie LisitorLille* )o$ get more +etaile+ information on what e)wor+s specificall) bro$ght ,isitorsto )o$r site. This is especiall) helpf$l if )o$ $se search engine mareting.

    Than &o$

    Congrat$lations &o$ ha,e reache+ the en+ of this e

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