Page 1: THE SEATTLE STAR State Public Service Board Panned by ...€¦ · THE SEATTLE STAR State Public Service Board Panned by Seattle Officials MAYOR AND CITY COUNSEL ROAST COMMISSIONERS


State Public Service Board Panned by Seattle OfficialsMAYOR AND CITYCOUNSEL ROASTCOMMISSIONERS


While the HunAsks for Peace



Tonight, BetterKeep Eyes OpenNKW YOHK, f*t 31 H« t

adrift In u hmiill Imm I In midAi In fit !«? by tin* commander of a

Herman *uhrnartne, ten men oftho Norwegian hark Htlflnder «rrhnl lirrp today after 16 day*of NtruKKlinic toward land. ('aptHerkland and wfVfn other memtier* of the rrrw are rnlM»ing and

lielleynd to have died of thirntnful atarvution They Jnanother Immil The survivor*dared thr *uhmarlne held themup (Vtohfr 13 at a point l*f»ooin Ile« off the A hot Iran co-i*t

They were ordered into the lifttMMt« *nd the Herman* blew uptheir *hlp with bomb* Afti-rward the If hoat ndtmirrffrd andleft the marlnem to their fate.

Keep your eye* |m-«-Ih| and your

earn alert Krlday fiJ«ht t folk*!W AHIIINCITf»N, Ort. 31. ('on-

Mtrurttnn of additional huildlriicx at(*nrnp Kearfiey, t'nl , in order to hi -coitif'HMlutii 9,000 additional men, will

tie nt»»rted at onre. the war d«|turt

nient annourwed today. Th«* rout laeMtlrnated at f1.1t24.U1M

WAHHINOTON. Ort ai^--AJth«It'* 1fa llow»*en.

n'-rrif detiUUi of the aj/.

plane program fire ' ritJ' iM-d, on tMwy»ole the plan* of the war depart.riH-nt and the r* ulta that \ av«luhleved. are f*ruJ»»#-d in reportthat ha* l*-#*n M#»rit to I'renident WIJ.«*>n hy f'harlen i: ifuKhea on tho air-f raft lnveatljfatlon.

Hi-athlit; dentil* latlon of the pub- Dispatch From RobertJ. Bender

Hldewalkn are apt to be d«-«or it

ed with ftklddinir banana MklriN.Wire*, ahln high, may atretrhai-roMM the favorite path. Thenthere will lw "jchonta," pumpkinheailM, fain*- fa/\u2666 h, tick ta'-kn, ? tc.

lic service commission la eontalned Ina letter written to the elty rouurll hyMayor llaimon. and la supported bycrltlclam lewled at the commissionby Walter K. Meier, corporation counMl.

Hy f 'nitrii !*rru» l*-a»rdMrrct to The Htar

I-'our tw*» Htury barrar ku for enlluted men and two harrark* for offl« emwill added to Camp Truvla Teaaa,

at a i-ont of 977.000, and a < old MtorUK 9* plant in to tie inutalled at t'arnp

Mai Arthur, rtwUni $lO,OOO

WASHINGTON. «M-t SI Th*IHlatr" will pa** <"< ?<> th* »l

II, Turkey'* nqunt for mi Immedi-ate armlatic*.

Thin waa tho answer of Herretary

of Mtate l«n lining. made to Turkey

today In » forinul not®

The note, delivered to the BpanUhiliihrtiuwiitor, *aid:

i:i, rll.-n. > I rtld not full to lay

the prcalilent the note which

>ou addreaacd to liltn on the 14th

Inntant, and handed to mo on that

dale.\u25a0 Acting un'ler the Instruction of

your government, you Mrlowd withthai note the lr*t of a communlci.

tion received hy the mlnlnter of for

elgn affair* of Hpaln, from thei-harge d'itff»lr«« of Turkey at

Madrid, on Octobw 11. In which the

good office* of the government ofMpaln were nought to bring to the

attention of the |.re«ldent the request

?if the Imperial (Utoman government

that he take ui*>n hlmoelf the U»*kof (he re mtahlKhmenl of |>eiiee. andthat he notify all belligerent *t«te»of the re<)u**t and Invite them todeleirnte plenlpotentlarie* to Initiatenegotiation*, th* Imperial OUnrungovernment accepting a* a hunt* forthe negotiation* the program laiddown l>y th«- president In hi*to rotiKreMM of January A. 1911, andIn hi* »ut>*e«iuetit declaration*, i mpe-rially the \u25a0iirerh of September 17.

The Influfn&ii lain tiaa protilh

I ted many of the trstditinnal partied and ao<ialN. J'a rent a areuraed to k«ep youna«tera from

eonffraf "tint? In "tenngn."

But Juvenile morale in low,parent* re|>ort, and order* oftengn ami** on Halloween nlirht

The rejKirt nhowi that wantn-rtaJn amount of ar»d Inaffi\u2666 l« ru*y In tlie exi-rutlon Of thernent* plan*, b it otj| that?vrne thiiiK M whl' hat f)r«t < »\u25a0< me 4l»<- aubjeet to *erloua rrltJriKm, In tho

. llKht of l.iter development* proved tolie eiruaabl*.

Ilanaon and Meier declare that the

cotnmlaalon. In setting November II asthe day for hearing complaintsagainst the proposed Increase In »:a*rules. Is acting In dlrtxt eontravenlion of a state law. providesthat ten days must elapae betweenthe filing of a oomplalnt against atariff change and the day of the hearIng.

I ommiuuil rounrll of I harlemlwill ereit. on the m|tj*re. a rnonument to the Inhabitant* of Charlerolwho have dle«l for their country.

The city l>aa%ot yet filed Ita complaint against the Seattle l.lghtlngCo (gas company), altho such actionla Intended.

Th« mayor charges (hat the mmrnlMlon U working In the Interval* ofthe fa* company. and showing a"spirit of autocracy equaling that ofthe kal*er." *

Meier Insists that the commissionI* "forcing th* date" and workingagainst the Interests of the rltiirnnIn rushing a hearing before his department ha* had ample time to propar* Ila raw.

MAYOR HANSONCLOSES STORESTO CHECK "FLU" "It la further rr<ium»(o<l by th» Ira

prrlnl dllunun «ov«<mmrnt thai ?

\u25a0trpa Im> takm for (hat Immnllat*r*>n« lu»|on of i% r*ncn»l until*Urn onland. on ar* nml In th» air.

"Hy dlrwfiun of th« i»r»-»ld»nt. Ihavr |h» honor to Inform your <?*<*!

n XCoa.'tswcd from I'ae* O**

|*. . ? -Htide of pneumonia «le*ths following

partial recovery from Influent*.Disperse (iroup*

A discuss!"" to determine whethercloning rule* will remain In effect

next week will »>e held betweenMayor t»le Hanson and City Health

Commissioner Mcßrlde Haturiiay

lletween » a rn and 1 p. 11l the

police have been Instructed to pre

vent trolley cars from rarTylng m«{-

pn ween|T' m than can be seatedUroupa of people In the streets will

be dispersedSeattle went to work totally

masked Thursday Masks that liad

been worn Wednemlay and not

sterilized Wednesday night were inevidence Health authorities repeat

their warning to boll masks fur five

minutes every It hours.

Enforce Mask Order

Rtreet car conductors were per-

sistent Thursday In refusing hare-

faced Individual* privilege to ride

on the cars. One conductor on the

Kaatlake line bravely tackled atltlan-halted woman who boarded

his car without her features con-

cealed. and compelled her to mask.

Hhe was the only person who at-tempted to ride without a muk

Street cars were crowded with

industrial workers Thursday, andmany for the first time, d'splte

several open windows, seemed tohave an appreciation of how muchimpure air a limited and congestedspace can contain. The man whocoughed or sneezed found himselftremendously unpopular.

Guards at Htores

Guards are stationed at depart-ment store entrance* to preventthose unmasked from enuring fo-lic* are Rationed at the postofflc*door*.

There hare been 17 additional In-fluenza deaths reported during thelast 24 hour*, and 441 new case* Ofthese, but 117 new case* and threeadditional death* were reportedThursday morning, a* follows

Irnry thn rovrrnm«n>t of ih« It'nlted Mtntr* trill hrinr th« <tim- \u25a0munlrntlon of th« Turktah char**i! .tffalrrn to th» knowtrd«» of th»governnMnla at war with Turkry. I

? Arct-pt. Klrrlfalvy, <h«< r»nrw«-d ;

?\u25a0?uranrra of my hlshmit conalilar*-tion.

"ROnKBT UkXKISr,."Turkey »ak«-d th» praatdont und«»r

tnkr to notify th* nlllM of tVarmlatlro rr»»uo«t. A* th* I'nltwlHtiln l» not at war ajralr>"t Turkay.

It* lnti>r«-»t In th« Turklah maltrr lavitally lm* than that of th« alllr-a

Say* Czech* inRussia Must Gel

Immediate HelpPAN rKANCffICO.Ort SI Imm*

\u25a0Rata aid muat l*> a»nt to «*jwrb<v Slo-vak* flghtln* In Ituaala. or the armywill bn annihilated. ar.-ordin« to Ma).John #hlp«k. of tha Owcha' army,who la hora today on hla way fromItuaala to WaahlnKton.

The 70.000 «"»cha are fighting an? rrnr of 500.000 ItoUhevtkl and re-leased Omun and Aunrlan prlaonera.

"No quarter I* *tven and none laaaked by either aide." he d«~ tared

Ma) Hhlpek wu aerrelary to For?\u25a0?irn Minister llerhtold, of Austria-Hungary. early In the war Whenho wim aent to the front. he led hi*entire Curh regiment Into the Rua\u25a0lan line* to take up the fight againstthe Auatro Hungarian*

French CaptureBattalion Chief

PARIS. Oct. SI liepulae of a vio-lent counter attack weat of St Fergneui. In the Alane region, waa reported by the French war offlc* today.

Mrs K. E. Heme. 34. of (400 Ileacon ave.

"There waa fairly lively artilleryactivity on the Olaa front." tha communl'iue said.

Mrs. Frlda Ksne. 235 2!nd ave. 8Wilbur Pruria. IJ. 1709 11th ave. S

"At the end of yesterday theenemy violently counterattackedweat of St. Fergneux. Our poaltionawere maintained.

Altho but two deaths were notrdby noon Wednesday, the totalreached 16 by night. This Is slightlylower than the average to dateThere were. |n all. 492 canes reportedWednesday. Health authorities believ* renewed endeavor along proventive line* will serve to check theopld»*nlo quickly.

"In two daya our Fifth army ha*taken 1 45J prisoner*. Including cnvairy guards. a colonel and three battallon chlefa "

John F. Miller IsBack From CapitalThe following death* were re-

ported Wednesday afternoon:J. E. Stell, 10 years old, 215 Nob

Hill ave.

rV'larlnir that a republican ma-jority In conirreaa. If elected Tiiex-day, will atrangthen rather thanwonken the wnr support of Preai-dent Wllaon, Congressman F.Miller ha* returne>l home for a fewwei<kn' atay. He la the republicancandidate for reelection Tuesday.

Mrs. Clarence Andrews, nged 21,5303 lJth ave. H.

Arvle Erlckson, aged 30, 6*42 47thave. N. E.

Joseph A. Daniels, aged 22, 1517West 64th st

"The repubMcana will continue toaupport every war measure andwill do everything poaalble In conKress and out toward the early win-ning of the war," Miller said.

Dr. Glen Charles Spurgeon, age<)44, 3603 East Denny way.

Victor Malta, aged 1, 306 l»thave. Ito term* I're*ldent Wilson*# up

peal for a democratic emigre** (U1

iin "unfortunate political thrust"Mlnnlo Young, aged 23, 933 Alkl

ave.Raymond HI me*, aged 25, Fort

Ijiwton. KWSCO Fl.r CI.KAM \u2713Em 11 Nelson, aged 26, 1513 Second


cording to tho health authorities,the Influenza Rltuation bi clearingup In Kan Francl*co, lO3 death*and 1.1*9 new case* being reported

In 24 hour*.

Harry M. Campbell, aged 24,Providence hospital.

Esther Rosenberg, aged 29, 1711Washington st.

El mora McCord, aged 33, 203 15thave. CHICAGO I.IFTH IIAN

George Marenes, aged 31. Madisonhotel.

CHICAfJO, Oct. Sl,?With 556 newchn and 248 death* reported In 24hour*, tho Influenza situation Inheld to he sufficiently Improved |nChicago to Juntlfy tho lifting of thecity quarantine.

Ernest Merllno, aged 7 months,1146 Corwln place.

Probe Thefts FromInfluenza Victims II01J» MI-KNT I.AFNCHINO

Police along the Coast are search-ing for Dr. F. C. Donaldson. Interndischarged from the city's emergencyInfluenza hospital, after money wa*reported missing from patients there

The Ferris typo ship Ardena waxlaunched by the Meacham A HabeockShipyard Co. Wednenday, withoutceremony, because of "flu" regula-

tion*. The voHiiel 1* tho sixth product of tho plant.

A warrant, charging grand larceny. has been Issued against hlrrtt

Numerous complains of missingarticles led to an Investigation byMayor Hanson and Health Commlssloner Mcßrlde.


oral decline of influenza In nrtnycarnp* 1* reported, with tho excepHon of Camp I,n* Casca*. Portolllco. wliero Influenza In on the Increa*e.

A new system has been workedout to prevent a repetition of the oc-currence. A safe has been Installed,and a system of triple receiptsadopted.

. For kicking a f.omlon policeman,a mildler wa« sentenced to nixweek*' hard labor. A hundred per\u25a0on* (taw the struggle, but only a

wounded soldier Interfered on bolialf of Uio policumuu.

Wmxlm aiuidnl* ami llnrn foolwmr brlriK *ol<l In DulaburK. Orrmany, In lieu of leather aboca uuilboo ta.


?pile «t stormy weather n number

i>f rMH-ue vessels are "till continuing

their search in th«> vlclnit> of the

Yanderbllt Reef for bodies from the

111 fated Princes* So|>hla Occasionally additional bodlea u* picked up

and brought h»r».Letters that have found on

pome of the bodies show that lonsbefore the Sophia went down the

officers of the vesa.l realised that

they were In aerloua peril, but that

r> lt account of the raging »tort»

thoae on board knew that It would

l>e practically impossible for the re*

cue boat* to K**t alongside an.l take

the paasengera off. Their only hope

Vil , that the i>hlp would hang on iu

the rook until the storm abated

Of the 336 who were loat In the

wreck the bodies of 111? are now in

the morgue here. Several old timer*

(Talil Advertisement)


§Congressman John F. liter

What are we to do for our boys "over there" when they

come home?

Million* of active. Imaginative, vigorous young American*

mmt find their way from war activities to peaceful pursuit*.

A super problem, this, to he solved only by tried, experienced


Congressman John F. Miller 1* one of the few representative*

of the nation who had the courage to brave the danger* of thedeadly submarine and face nhot and shell In order to vl*lt and"rub elbow*" with American soldiers In the front line trenchesIn France. Ho ha* seen our boys under fire; known the debtwe owe to thone who are fighting our fight!

Congre**man Miller ha* *tood squarely behind the nation onevery matter affecting the successful conduct of the war. Howill continue to uphold the hand* of the president until Ger-many pays the full penalty; until America's noblo son* arereturned to the family fireside.

Seattle will re-elect John F. Miller, her Hundred Per CentAmerican congressman. The buniness interest* of the stateof Washington and the nation at large run safely be Intrustedto his keeping. The future Of our millions of World Warveterans will be In sympathetic, hand*.

havo arrived from the interior to

Identify these bodies. The Identifier

tlons not previously reported arcWilliam Sinuw, Thomas Nellson.

Richard Col vert llowa, l>«vld 1 Wll

Ibim* \rthur Runnel Itourne, l' W.

Porter. Km.inuel Nelson. t'apt. Augu«tlne Stewart. Qsorge Tribe. Au

\u25ba.?list Stanley Winkler, Aurla W Mryueen. Oiarles Muuroo CwUmun.John I'attergon, '?«?« Itlng I'lww, Al> l*-»i« Sit Wing. Arthur KdwardWllklntpu, Char It* Holmes. W. I'.Smith. \\ T Mi-Arthur.

The I'rlnoei* Alice will leave forSeattle «l*>ut Nov. 3 with the firstshipment of bodlea. Instructions forthe disposition o{ the b<Ktlea are beIng wired by relatives to I' WLowell, the local C. I*. It. agent.

It has been learned that amongthe vietims of the wreck were fouremployes of the White I'aaa andYukon company, who were not prevtously listed aa passengers. Thennames are O. Sangster. waiter,

steamer White llorae, J, Howard,waiter, steamer Tanana. OeorgeHowey, fireman, steamer Caaca. H.I'luml>er. waiter, steamer Helklrk.The name of Fireman Ahelson. re

ported on the first Hat, should readAbel.

x The Bon Marche Will Open at 10 a. m. Fridayand Close at 3 p. m.

Saturday This Store WillBe Closed AllDay,in the Interest of Public Health

U if ij|

Bon Marche WorkersMaking Influenza Masks

The Educational Class Room?the brightest and light-est part of The Bon Marche?has been given over to themaking of influenza masks.

Members of The Bon Marche Red Cross Auxiliary taketwo-hour shifts in making these masks.

Over a Thousand InfluenzaMasks Have Been Made

Made with the greatest care under the most sanitaryconditions. Every comer of the room is kept scrupulouslyclean?the floor is washed with disinfectants every day.Every care is taken that these masks shall be as sterile aspossible.

Members of The Bon Marche Red Cross Auxiliary arestationed at every entrance to distribute these masks.

The price is 5c each?which goes to pay for the ma-terial.

Please remember that City Health Authorities have decidedthat no one shall be allowed to enter a store without a mask. Willyou help us to make this regulation effective?

The Bon MarchE

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