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The Politics of organized crime

Ana Lucia Johnson Antelo


[email protected]

Azul Aguiar, Guillermo Valle, Salvatore Sberna

June 22th 2014, Tlaquepaque Jalisco.

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According to the United Nations, organized crime is "a structured group of three or

more persons with a continuity in time and acting in concert with the aim of committing

one or more crimes in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a benefit economic or other

material order” (ONU, 2010)

Organized crime has existed for many years, "exists to provide goods and services

that are illegal, are regulated by certain laws or are scarce" (Finckenauer, 2007) that

probably will never change, over the years, the mechanisms for end this problem have

evolved as well as the laws and public policies, but if you really go hand in hand this

problem would be over, so it's clear that organized crime always seems to be a step

forward. The main factor in this change is undoubtedly globalization.

Globalization is a phenomenon of the new century, where countries open their

markets by an effect of interconnected countries having economic, technological, social,

cultural, political effects and capitalist expansion. Globalization has united the world, and

also has positives aspects and its negatives, this phenomenon is everywhere, sooner or later

come to be part of organized crime and illegal acts. So criminals do not have geographical

barriers by many organizations criminals not only problem in a particular area but it illegal

to be international in scope. "What might seem the product of globalization is actually the

result of state repression exporting the problem to other countries” (Varese, 2010, pág. 8)

Currently globalization has changed the way crimes are committed, because it

brings consign immense benefits like borderless, free customs, sophisticated weapons,

technological advances, and tax heavens where you can launder money and so it legitimize

all of this, being nonexistent in past years making money laundering much more easy now

days. "Globalization will Increase the Ability of mafia groups to obtain that some of the

resources without having they need to move" (Varese, Chapter 1 2010) that is why some

organizations have obtain presence in different countries and even continents.

Another negative effect of globalization is causing the concentration of wealth, due

to the open market so the most developed countries just get more get richer which makes

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the number of poor increase, coupled with technological advances and scientific

occasioning high unemployment and low supply of working and living in such a

competitive world, people have to find their own opportunities to succeed, and these

opportunities often only find it in counterfeiting, piracy, robbery, drug market, etc. for

many people this is the easiest way to make money and gain recognition. According to

Finckenauer the principal reason of O.C. are economic reasons, since to get easy money by

any, means possible is the main interest of organized crime groups (Finckenauer, 2007)

Transnational organized crime has become a major threat to security in the

international system. Varese Takes the word transplantation to mean "The Ability of a

mafia group to operate an outpost over a sustained period outside its region of origin and as

contrary to democracy could say that criminal organizations make similarity to a state

totalitarian regime operation" (Varese, Whats is organized crime, 2011, pág. 16)

On the other side, I think that democracy of a country is affected by organized

crime, which according to the Royal Spanish Academy democracy is the "Doctrine in favor

of intervention in the government policy" (Royal Spanish Academy) where the power it

resides in people, but democracy also relates to the fact as citizens and approval that gives

their representatives, then when a society is living in fear, violence, corruption, etc. you

could not call it democracy, but a country with limited freedom.

According to political science regime is how the State exercises its power, it is clear

as organized crime threatens the stability and democracy of a country, and trigger fear and

fear of society, as Hanna Arendt. Terror is the main tool of totalitarianism because it

eliminates freedom, limiting free speech, safety, etc. "eliminating the ability of men to act."

Terror exercises to control and not have opponents” (Arendt., 1951)

In my opinion, the democracy is affected by organized crime because it takes away

the stability of a nation, immediately take away from the main population is security law,

which the state is obliged to provide. Usually when a mob is fully in a region is because the

government is in collusion with them, therefore end up being the same criminals who

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govern. A democratic regime that does not respect human rights primarily of its citizens

cannot be named like that.


Organized crime is a threat for democracy in our country, for our freedom and our rights as

citizens are limited by many criminal organizations. It is necessary to confront organized

crime through strategies that are carried internationally, in the case of Mexico change the

free trade agreement and sign international treaties for greater cooperation between the

States involved in drug trafficking (Echeverry, 2010)

Usually organized crime seeks to neutralize the government by bribing either court,

prosecutors, lawyers, civil servants, etc. regardless socioeconomic level people

(Finckenauer, 2007), corruption will always find the way, is by why suitable and ethically

prepared for these positions, so for people to reduce crime are needed.

The government in a democracy must be for the people, when crime is involved in the

government, the government turns to crime and undermines the rule of law affecting the

basic rights, such as security, tranquility, employment, and crime increases, causing the

government does not advance. The best way to fight with organizations has to do with the

prevention, I mean a good education and etic) and abolition of the demand of the illegal

goods traded by the criminal organizations.

For me, the most important thing I learned in this course is that organized crime is not just a

problem of sub developed countries, is a global problem that transpose borders, which also

involves countries of first world such as Italy, Japan and even The American hegemony.

We have to use the phenomenon of globalization to neutralizer these big problem that affect

everybody, includes the people who lives in “safety” countries.

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Arendt., H. (1951). Biblioteca virtual de derecho, economia y siencias sociales .

Recuperado el 13 de 05 de 2014, de The origins of totalitarianism:

Echeverry, J. (2010). Universidad de Los Andes. Obtenido de


Finckenauer, J. (2007). Mafia and Organized Crime. Barcelona: Oneworld publicatons.

ONU. (2010). Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Delincuencia Organizada

Transnacional y sus protocolos. Recuperado el 20 de 06 de 2014, de


Real Academia Española. (s.f.). Democracia. Recuperado el 22 de 06 de 2014, de

Varese, F. (2010). Recuperado el 22 de 06 de 2014, de

Varese, F. (2011). Whats is organized crime. Obtenido de


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