
Spring Garden Lutheran Church

November 2019

The Messenger

The Baby Quilt Ministry

will be meeting from 7 - 9 pm on

Thursday, November 21st.

All are welcome to join us!

No experience is necessary!

Congregational Meeting --

November 17, 2019

Immediately following the worship service

The Spring Garden Church Gratitude Meal will take place

on Sunday, November 17th, following the

Congregational Meeting. There is no cost for the meal.

Please join us for great food and fellowship!

The Cherub Choir will be singing

during the worship service on

Sunday, November 10th!

Don’t forget!

Daylight Savings Time

ends on

Sunday, November 3rd!

The FMSC mobile packing event will take place on Saturday, November 23, 2019. As a community, our goal this year is to raise $30,000 and pack 124,000 meals with 575 volunteers. Last year, meals packed in Cannon Falls went to feed the children in Jamaica. What an absolute blessing to those most desperately in need. To be part of the community goal, at Spring Garden, we are looking to raise at least $2000 and have 40 people volunteering.

On November 3rd, everyone will be receiving containers of rice to prepare a meal for your family. This is a great opportunity to talk with your kids about world hunger and our responsibility in helping with relief. Please bring the containers back FULL of $$’s on Nov 17th!! We will also have our “noisy” offerings during the children’s sermon. Bring your change!!! On November 17th, we will have a No-Bake Bake Sale. You got it, no baking involved. Just bring your generous hearts and checkbook!!

We are looking forward to another successful event in Cannon Falls!

Baptized September 22, 2019

Born August 8, 2019

Lincoln Danny Tipcke

Son of: Ryan & Christyn Tipcke

Sponsors: Collin & Rachel Baska,

Tim & Melanie Sullivan

Baptized September 29, 2019

Born June 12, 2019

Amelia Rosemary Klair

Daughter of: David Klair & Becky Lindahl

Sponsors: Brian Lindahl, Kelly Helgren

Welcome to the Spring Garden Family!

The Pastor’s Article….

The Messenger

Pastor’s Article - Pastor Cindy Fisher-Broin


What does it mean to be a good steward? Being a good steward involves everything, for we know that “the earth is the Lord’s and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell” (Psalms 24:1).

Financial facts for September:

Checkbook balance: $23,596.88

Outstanding loan balance from Undesignated Memorials: $2950.01

Give Thanks

We are coming to November and the time of Thanksgiving. I always think Thanksgiving is kind of a strange holiday. It’s a day to be thankful for what we have….so we stuff ourselves with turkey, potatoes, gravy, cranberries, pumpkin pie and lots of other things. It’s a good way to count our blessings maybe, but is it a way of giving thanks?

Lately I’ve had a couple of friends tell me how much they appreciate our friendship. Their words kind of took me off guard. I wasn’t sure how to respond because people haven’t said that to me very often. They were giving thanks, and I was surprised that I was uncomfortable with it.

Thanksgiving is a word we use a lot and we associate it with the holiday in November. I like to take the word apart, however, to really get at the meaning of what it is we do on Thanksgiving. I like to think of it as “give thanks.”

Thanksgiving is a reminder that not only on that day, but on every day, we are invited to count our blessings, to realize all we have, to notice even the little things that make our lives better. And then to Give Thanks.

They say that if you live a life of gratitude and make a daily habit of giving thanks that you will live longer. I don’t know if that’s true, but even if it’s not, giving thanks makes the days of our lives more happy because we focus on what we have instead of what we lack.

So many times we can get caught up in how bad things are, how tough life is, how much we want something that we don’t have. And we forget that we have life! Life itself is a gift from our loving God. The fact that the sun came up and we woke up to a new day is a gift. The people who surround us – our family, friends, coworkers, neighbors – are all gifts.

If we pay attention, there is much for which to be thankful. That’s why I like the phrase “Give thanks” instead of “Thanksgiving.” When we give thanks we are more active. We think about the blessings God gives us and we actively give thanks. It’s not a day. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a way of appreciating what has been given to us from God, what has been given to us by others, what we appreciate about our friendships and the people who surround us, and actively letting God know through prayer, and our friends know through talking to them, that we are full of thanks.

Take the time to appreciate all that you have been given this Thanksgiving Day and every day.

See you in worship!

Pastor Cindy

**We will be serving a Meal of Gratitude following the November 17th Congregational Meeting.

There is no cost for the meal...please join us for good food and fellowship!

Family Fare Receipts

Receipts for October to date are $7,380.00.

Thanks to all who continue to donate them. It

truly does help support the senior center.

As a reminder, for every $150,000.00 in

receipts, Family Fare will donate $1,000.00 to

the Cannon Valley Senior Center.

As a reminder to the

congregation: Direct Dollars are not

given for the following : stamps,

lottery tickets, tobacco

products, money orders or scripts.

Happy Fall and Harvest! We sure haven't had the greatest weather for fall harvest this year. Sunday School is well under way this year. Thanks to our teachers for doing a great job and also to the people who signed up as classroom helpers this year, you guys are awesome.

A few things to mention.......Confirmation was held on October 27th. Congratulations to Marcus Goplen, Mia Jesh, Kris Kehrberg, Mackenzie Koppmann, Jenna Lundell, Ashlyn Sjoquist, and Beau Zimmerman!

I know it seems early for this but the Chris. Ed. Board met on October 7th and believe it or not we are now getting ready for the Christmas program. The practices will begin November 17th and the program will be December 15th. Please watch the Church calendar and bulletins for details.


Becky Haugen and Maggie Wilson

Sunday School Helpers

11/3/19 Robyn Pagel

11/10/19 Bonnie Sjoquist

11/17/19 Jen Lindahl

11/24/19 Jenny Jandro

12/1/19 Available

November 2019 MEGAN NERISON

507.263.4679 / 507.271.7491

[email protected]



• November 23rd—Feed My Starving Children event… sign up at church if you are interested!

• Nov 27th - Grocery Bagging Fundraiser. Watch for more info and sign-up.

• December 15th - Chili Feed / Cookie Walk Fundraiser

• Congrats to all the new Confirmands last Sunday!

• We had a joint Confirmation class with the rest of the Cannon churches at St. Ansgars for a concert by Rachel Kurtz. She was a performer at The Gathering in Houston.

• We kicked off November with a Lock-in at Air Insanity (trampoline park) in Rochester. The youth got to have the area to themselves for a bit, watch a movie, and sleep on the trampolines.

• Grocery Bagging Fundraiser: We are signed up to bag groceries on Wed. Nov. 27th. There will likely be two hour shifts kids will be able to sign up for. Watch for sign up and more information. Please also let me know if your child needs a ride to and/or from to participate since they will be off school.

• 2020 Summer Trip: Sign up deadline was Oct 27th! If you missed the deadline and still are interested, you can let me know and I can see if there are still spaces available with youthworks. Open to current grades 6-12th

• December’s coming: Chili Feed after the Christmas program on December 15th. We will also be having our 2nd annual cookie walk, great for the busy season and running out of time to bake!

Spring Garden Council Meeting Minutes - October 3, 2019

(October 3, 2019 Council Minutes Page 1 of 2)

Stress - what is it? Stress is different for everyone. What stresses you out may not even bother your friend or vice versa. First of all stress is not all bad. It can make you more aware of things around you and keep you more focused. In some cases stress can give you strength and help you get more done. Our bodies react the same to stressors. That's because the stress response is your body's way of dealing with tough or demanding situations. It causes hormonal, respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous system changes. For example, stress can make your heart beat faster, make you breathe rapidly, sweat, and tense up. It can also give you a burst of energy. This is known as the body's "flight or fight" response. It's this chemical reaction that prepares your body for a physical reaction because it thinks it's under attack. this type of stress helped our ancestors survive in nature. So what is good stress? Sometimes you can feel stressed for a short period of time. Like when you need to hand in a project, or you have to talk in front of a group of people. Maybe you feel "butterflies" in your stomach and the palms of your hands get sweaty. These types of positive stressors are short-lived and your body's way of helping you get through what could be a tough situation. Bad Stress. Sometimes, however, negative feelings can be very stressful. Maybe you are worried, angry, scared or frustrated. this kind of stress is not good for you, and over the long term can cause serious problems. While stress affects everyone differently, there are many causes of stress that can have a negative impact. Some causes could be working too hard, losing a job, marriage or relationship problems, death in the family, difficulty in school, family problems, or a recent move. If you let you stress spiral on for too long it can have damaging effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health, especially if it becomes chronic or long term. Here are some warning signs of chronic stress so you can take care of it - Physical symptoms could include headache, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, muscle pain or tension, digestive issues, and high blood pressure. Emotional symptoms of chronic stress could include feeling you can't get things done, moodiness, anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation, sadness or depression. If stress becomes too overwhelming and too much to cope with you should seek help from a specialist, primary doctor, counselor, or if you've gotten to the point that you're thinking of hurting yourself, seek help immediately. Signs of stress overload could be panic attacks, worrying all the time, overeating, feeling that you are under constant pressure, drinking or doing drug to deal with your stress, or withdrawal from family and friends. Now for some stress management tips - Accept that there are events that you cannot control, learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga or tai-chi for stress, exercise regularly as your body can right stress better when it is fit, set limits appropriately and learn to gracefully say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life, get enough sleep and rest as your body needs time to recover from stressful events and do not rely on drugs, alcohol or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress, and eat healthy and well-balanced meals. Just a few more - Laugh! Look for humor in your everyday life, or watch a funny video, listen to music, choose tunes that relax or revive you, and lastly, remember, that things don't have to be perfect. Sometimes "good enough" is just fine. Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving! Yvonne Salmonson, RN, Parish Nurse

Stress. For some just the word stress is stressful. As we are coming into the Holiday season for some stress can be good and for others it is not. So here are some thoughts on stress.

(October 3, 2019 Council Minutes Page 2 of 2)

"Building a Rural Family in


Church Council Members & Board Members


Permit #69

Nonprofit Standard Mail

Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Spring Garden Lutheran Church

P.O. Box 237

Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Phone: 507-263-5532

E-mail: [email protected]

Address Service Requested

The Messenger - Spring Garden Lutheran Church

President Jay Olson 651-460-2388

Vice-President Theron Pagel 507-291-0003

Secretary Stan Lundell 651-764-1623

Treasurer Rob Lorentz 507-263-2384

Financial Secretary Pam Davis 507-263-5657

Worship & Music Cindy Sjoquist 651-380-3547

Evangelism Lisa Emkovik 651-491-2012

Christian Education Becky Haugen 507-421-2964

Youth Ministry Monica Erickson 507-263-7299

Congregational Life Maja-Lina Lundell 651-808-5825

Church Property Randy Benson 507-298-7393

Stewardship Scott Hanson 612-221-6933

Missions Board Katie Sjoblom 507-302-9167

Music Joshua and Allison Wyatt

Parish Nurse Yvonne Salmonson 507-951-7921

Custodian Sue Safe 651-258-4619

Administrative Asst. Rachel Benson 651-380-0161 (Home)

Pastors Nick & Cindy Fisher-Broin 507-824-3216

P. Nick’s Cell: 507-298-0416 P. Cindy’s Cell: 507-298-0415

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