Page 1: The IS Scheme: Improving the sustainability of new projects

Advancing sustainability in infrastructure

planning, procurement, delivery and operation.

Antony Sprigg


[email protected]

0414 454 723

The IS Scheme: Improving the sustainability of new infrastructure

Page 2: The IS Scheme: Improving the sustainability of new projects

The presentation

• Straw poll

• What is IS?

• Current registrations and ratings

• Industry drivers

• Strategic use

• IS developments

• Infrastructure sustainability trends

• Who is ISCA?


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Straw Poll

Who has heard of the Infrastructure

Sustainability (IS) rating scheme?


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What is the IS rating scheme?

A scheme to guide (and rate) the sustainability of design, construction and operations of Australia’s infrastructure


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IS Scheme Ratings and the Brand


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Rating Types


Rating Type:

Project Phase: Planning &

Design Construction Operation

Design Rating Operation


As Built Rating

Design – As Built - Operation

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IS Background, Ethos and Objectives

• A voluntary national sustainability rating tool for infrastructure

• Australian made, globally benchmarked, industry leading

• Guides and informs sustainability performance across the triple bottom line (environmental, social and economic)

• Full infra lifecycle (planning to decommissioning)

• Incorporates independent third party verification (assurance)

• Informs decision and management processes

• Benchmarks, quantifies and articulates performance

• Promotes and supports enhanced performance through better decision making, evidence, data and knowledge, and not greater capital investment


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IS rating scheme


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IS Themes and Categories


Themes Categories

Management and Governance

Management Systems

Procurement and Purchasing

Climate Change Adaptation

Using Resources

Energy and Carbon



Emissions, Pollution and Waste

Discharges to Air, Land and Water



Ecology Ecology

People and Place

Community Health, Well-being and Safety


Stakeholder Participation

Urban and Landscape Design

Innovation Innovation

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Level 1

Good Level 2


Level 3


Beyond Compliance


as Usual




No net impact Restoration &



Level of


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Infrastructure projects and IS ratings


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Industry drivers

• Assurance

• Business excellence for projects

• Consistent communication and language

• Innovation and competitive advantage

• Sustainability assessment and options analysis

• Benchmarking and roadmap development

• Inform procurement

• Whole of life continuity (connect the phases)

• Risk and Opportunity (make a buck … save a buck)

• Asset to corporate performance and reporting connectivity


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Decision making hierarchy (FIDIC 2012, state of the world report Sustainable Infrastructure)


Conceptual Decisions

Inherent Decisions

Strategic Decisions

Tactical Decisions

Operational Decisions

End of Life Decisions

Each stage offers different visibility of tradeoffs, risks and opportunities, thus being valuable in its own right.

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IS for decision makers

Consistent feedback suggests the need for the IS tool to be used to support pre “project” phases. ISCA’s response:

• Encouraging pre-tender IS registration and verification to inform procurement and tender processes

• Undertake research with industry to determine how the current IS tool could be used to inform Business Case and Project Development stages


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Evolution of IS

Current or proposed ISCA IS development activities – in response to industry feedback:

• Operation IS Tool pilot trials

• Development of Workforce and Economic Themes

• Current Tool review and update (including flexible weightings)

• “Integrated infrastructure” and “Repeatable Assets”

• “How to use IS” Guidelines for – “Business Case & Project Development”; “Investors”; “Procurement”

• Industry Forums and Knowledge Hub


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Infrastructure Sustainability

Report Card


Infrastructure Sector


Transport 5 4 3 2 5 2 3 2 3 3

Water 2 2 3 1 3 2 5 2 2 3

Electricity 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Resource 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2

Integrated 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3

Investors 2 2

1 Silent 2 Interest 3 Activity 4 Commitment 5 Continuity

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Whitsunday STP Upgrades

Proponent: Whitsunday Regional Council

Contractor: Tenix

Infrastructure Type: Sewerage

Rating Type: Design

Location: Whitsundays, QLD

Capital Value: $45m

Start Date: May 2012

Practical Completion: May 2014

The upgrade of two treatment plants at Proserpine and Cannonvale are to serve growing communities and meet the most stringent effluent discharge requirements to protect the Great Barrier Reef. They will also provide benefits to the local community by reducing sewage overflows, and improving noise and odour.

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Whitsunday STP Upgrades – Highlights Category/ Credit

Score Achievements

Management Systems

7.3/10.5 • Good management systems integrating the IS rating tool

into practices • Knowledge sharing clearly demonstrated.

Procurement and Purchasing


• Strong commitment to and application of sustainable procurement including local procurement: • 50% of total spend in the Whitsunday region • 30% of total spend in greater Queensland

Climate Change Adaptation

4.2/5.0 • Did a thorough, formal climate change risk assessment

and implemented controls to reduce 22 ‘high’ or ‘very high’ risks to a ‘moderate’ or ‘low’ rating

Energy and Carbon


• 305 MWh electricity saved over operational life – thus a 14% reduction equating to $75,000 saving/year

• 14,000 tCO2-e avoided over lifecycle • Use of B20 Biodiesel avoiding 272 tCO2-e (cost neutral)

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Whitsunday STP Upgrades – Highlights Category/ Credit

Score Achievements

Water 3.9/7.0 • 15% reduction in water use over lifecycle, with

associated cost benefit

Materials 7.0/7.0

• Reduced the materials footprint by 25%: • Used 4,329 tonnes less concrete • Used 298 tonnes less steel • Used eco-cement with 30% fly ash • Eliminated asphalt from the design

Receiving Water Quality

2.9/2.9 • >75% reduction in N and >90% reduction in P (44

tonnes less nutrients annually) to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

Ecological Value

2.0/2.0 • Ecological value enhanced through >5,000 m2 of

regenerated native habitat and 1000 m2 of wetland

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Whitsunday STP Upgrades – Highlights Category/ Credit

Score Achievements

Innovation 5.0/5.0

• World’s-first trial of Parallel Nitrification & De-Nitrification (PND): • Significantly improves nitrogen removal • More compact • Less construction materials • More energy efficient

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ISCA Overview

The Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (formerly the

Australian Green Infrastructure Council) is a member based, not-for-

profit industry (public & private) council.

Our vision:

Enhancing the liveability and productivity of our

major cities and our regional communities through

advancing sustainability in infrastructure planning,

procurement, delivery and operation.


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ISCA Members

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ISCA Members (cont’d)

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