Page 1: The IRR celebrates its 70th anniversary

The I IR Celeb- rates its 70th anniversary

M. Anquez, Director of thellR

October 1908 saw the opening of the 1 st international congress of refrigeration in Paris which was attended by more than 2 000 participants, The Dutch physicist, Kamerlingh Onnes, who had succeeded in liquefying helium, proposed the constitution of an international refrigeration organisation to 'reunir toutes les intelligences qui s'interessent aux basses tempTratures'.

This proposal was adopted by the congress and a general assembly with delegates from 35 countries created, in Paris, an 'International Association of Refrigeration" which was later transformed, at the end of World War I, into the 'International Institute of Refrigeration', an intergovernmental body. As a result of reorganisation after the Second World War, the Institute today has 53 member countries accounting for three quarters of the world's population.

The main objective of the agreement which governs the Institute is to promote 'the development of research' and 'applications of refrigeration'; this purpose is accomplished by the four principal activities of the IIR: exchanges of viewpoints between highly specialised scientific and technical people during the occasion of international congresses of refrigeration (every four years) and meetings of the ten scientific and technical Commissions of the Institute; recommendations to governments and international organisations; assistance to developing countries; information and documentation (centre for documentation and publications: bi-monthly bulletin, the proceedings of congresses and Commission meetings, various other books).

The IIR has just launched the 'International Journal of Refrigeration' in order to accomplish this fundamental mission as well as to better fulfil its rTle towards all those, the world over, who are devoting their efforts to the development of refrigeration science and techniques.

L'IIF celebre son 70e Anniversaire

En Octobre 1908, le premier congr#s international du froid se tint Paris. plus de 2. 000 personnes particip#rent ~ cette manifestation. L e physicien hol/andais Kamerlingh Onnes, qui venait de fiqu#fier I'h#lium, proposa de constituer une organisation internationale du froid, pour "r#unir routes les intelligences qui s'int#ressent aux basses temp#ratures

Le congr#s adopta cette suggestion et une asesmbl#e g#n#rale, compos#e de d#l#gu#s de 35 pays, cr#a ~ Paris/"Association Internat/onale du Froid', qui fur transform#e, au lendemain de la premi#re guerre mondiale, en un "lnstitut International du Froid" caract#re intergouvernemental. R#organis# apr#s le second conflit mondia/, I'/nstitut compte aujourd'hui 53 pays membres, qui repr#sentent plus des trois quarts de la population du globe.

La convention qui r#git I'lnstitut pr#cise son objectif essentie/: promouvoir "le d#ve/oppement des recherches" et "des applications du froid;" ce but est poursuivi par /es quatre activit#s principales de I'IIF. #changes de vues, entre sp#cialistes de haut niveau scientifique et technique, r#alis#s par les congr#s internationaux du froid (tousles quatre ans) et /es r#unions des dix Commissions scientifiques et techniques; recommandations aux gouvemements et aux organisations internationales; assistance aux pays en d#veloppement; et information et documentation (centre de documentation et publications. bulletin bimestrie/, comptes-rendus des congres et des r#unions des Commissions, ouvrages divers).

L "/IF vient de cr#er la "Revue Internationale du Froid'pourparfaire cette mission fondamenta/e et ainsi mieux remp/ir son rSle aupr#s de tous ceux quL dans /e monde entier, se consacrent au d#veloppement de/a science et de/a technique du froid.

Volume 1 Number 3 September 1978 131

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