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Phra S. M. Sujano

1. Introduction

Buddhism introduced by the Prince Siddhartha or

Gotama Buddha who lived in ancient India 6 BCE. He was a

prince of Kapilavatthu in modern Nepal. He renounced the world

at the age of the 29. He, then having practiced 6 years of several

difference ascetic ways, became enlightenment under the Bodhi

tree at Buddhagaya in modern India. He preached for 45 years

since his enlightenment, the real way out from the Dukkha; social

and spiritual, to the society. Later, his teachings known as the

Buddhism, and was spread widely and quickly accepted by the

society. Buddhism got popular in India for many centuries.

However, later on Buddhism was on decline and disappeared at

1 This paper was presented as a required paper for the subject Buddhist Philosophy

of M.A. in Buddhist Studies at Mahachulalongkorn University, BKK, Thailand 2004.

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the end from its country of origin, which is going to brief and

main important points as the cause of the disappearances.

It is known from the records of some prominent scholars

that Buddhism began to decline in India from the seventh century

C.E., Which was basis on the testimony of the Chinese travelers

such as Fa-hien (C.E. 399-414), Song-yun (C.E. 518), Hiuen-

tsang (C.E. 629-45) and I-tsing (C.E. 671-95). There is no doubt

that these records are important for a study of Buddhism in

different parts of India2. The all the Chinese travelers had noted

down many things about the situations of Buddhism in ancient

India. Especially, the records of Ven. Hiuen-tsang give a one of

the important information about the existences of monks and their

activities. He also emphasized about the influence of Hinduism to

Buddhism, which might the result of development of Mahayana

and Vajrayana Buddhism. Further, Ven. I-tsing who came to India

2 Kanai Lal Hazra, The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India. (Munshiram

Manoharla Publishers, 1998). pp. 371 - 376

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about 7 century C.E. it gives important facts about the

disappeared of Buddhism in India. He records that he found

Buddhism in a many states decline excepting Bihar, Bengal and

Orissa. There was a clergy numbered several thousands and its

learning held in esteem till 12 century3.

The last cause led to its disappearance and was the

wholesale destruction of the monasteries and the Buddhist monks

brought by the Muslim conquerors about 1193 CE. Charles Elliot4

point out on his work that

“Whereas Hinduism was spread over the country,

Buddhism was concentrated in the great monasteries, and

when these were destroyed, there remained nothing

outside them, capable of withstanding either the violence

of the Muslims or the assimilating influence of the

Brahmans. Hence Buddhism suffered far more from

3 Charles Elliot, Hinduism and Buddhism. Vol. 2, P.112

4 Bahadur Mal, The Religion of the Buddha and its Relation to Upanisadic

Thought. (Vishveshvaranand Institute publications, 1958). P. 283

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these invasions than Hinduism”

2. Two main Causes of Decline

There are several factors that were responsible for the

decay of Buddhism in ancient India. Some Buddhist scholars used

to say that there were over 100 causes which led to disappear of

Buddhism from India. However, there were a few main causes of

decay. Each of them were e.g. laxity in Monastic discipline and

improper conduct of Monks and Nuns, Development of Schism in

Buddhism after 2nd

council, Buddhism developed as the Tantrism

and Hinduistic tendencies in rituals and worship, Brahmanical

hostility, Royal persecution, The Muslim persecution, Decline in

the patronage of the Ruling powers and nobility etc.. These all

causes can divide into two parts for better understanding the real

fact that are:

a. From Inside/ Buddhist itself b. From Outside/ Non-


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A. From Inside / Buddhist itself

After the 2nd

Buddhist council, one hundred years after

the Buddha‟s passing away (Parinibbana) Buddhism was divided

into several groups. They were not respecting each other either,

which was one of the main causes of decline of Buddhism.

Buddhist monks are one important part of Buddhism in

order to propagate and spread of Buddha‟s teachings. Monks were

separated from each other and claiming themselves as following

correct and pure version of Buddha‟s teachings, which made

different sects up in Buddhism. Moreover, they forgot their real

duty and far away from any checking of their practices. They

became self- centered, practiced morality (Sila) was very low and

having no any qualified leadership for the Sangha Community.

Further, they went far away and having less relationship with the

society. One of the Chinese travelers recorded about the morality

of Buddhist monks and nuns were very negative and far from

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Vinaya rules as the Buddha lay down during his life time. The

account refers to Bhartrhari that: “Though a devout Buddhist and

no mean scholar, Bhartrhari became seven times a monk and

returned a many times to the life of a householder”5. Furthermore

says that there were many monks in his time they were morally

backward than Bhartrhari. In the same case, some monasteries

had divided into two parts; one for the monks who married and

another was for the non- married monks6.

Nevertheless, the monks were far from the society and

social activities. Buddhism became monastic religion and

monasteries became a Buddhist centers. It was totally only for the

celebrities instead of both to ordained ones and lay devotees. Lay

devotes had also less interests in dhamma. They turned their

interests into supernatural powers, blind faith and superstitions.

Hiuen Tsang recorded that when, Brahmanism got develop by the

5 Kanai Lal Hazra, 1998, op.cit. p. 378

6 L.M. Joshi, Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India.Delhi, 1967, p. 305

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leadership of Sankaracharya i.e. in the 7th and 8

th centuries, these

centers couldn‟t turn out the Buddhist scholars. Hindu rituals and

goddess worship became famous. Further, caste (discuss in detail

later) system was strictly introduced and practiced7. So,

Buddhists were defeated by Hindu ideal and missionaries, which

is not only because of monks are far from the social activities but

lay devotes also had been far from supporting Buddhist activities,

monasteries and faith in supernatural powers. Bahadur Mal puts it

that „in those days, defeats in controversies were serious events in

the life of the Indians, bringing about the rise and fall of a religion

or a sect or a teacher.”8 It would be say that the Sankaracharya,

the leader of Hindu mission and his followers were solely

responsible for banishing Buddhism from its origin because of the

monastic situation and Buddhist monks far away from the social


7 P.B. Bapat, Baoudha dharma ke 2500 Varsh (2500 years of Buddhism), New

Delhi, 1997, p. 172 8 Bahadur Mal, 1958, op.cit. p. 285

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Due devotes were wanting and had faith in supernatural

powers, Buddhist absorbed the Hindu rites and rituals, Such as

introduction of Tantric modes of worship, transformed into a

system of “Magical spells, exorcisms spirit beliefs and worship of

endless demons and divinities, which was very close to Hinduism.

Many Hindu gods and goddess were given a place in the Buddhist

pantheon. Monks and lay people are creating Buddhist amulets,

using magic powers and strongly accept them into daily life.

There were very less and less dividing marked so later on,

Buddhist monks couldn‟t against the attacks of Brahmanist priest.

Therefore, decline of Buddhism from ancient India was depend

on monks were less interest in social activities and vinaya rules.

Further, lay devotes had turn to have faith in supernatural powers

are one of the main cause of disappearance of Buddhism from

India. Present day also Buddhism on decline in different

countries, such as in Thailand, where they put an effort and

emphasis too much on amulets and supernatural powers. These

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are one of the main causes of declining of Buddhism in present


B. From Outside / non Buddhist

This point was another main and important cause of

disappeared of Buddhism in ancient India. The causes from Non

Buddhist were also from the different ways but mainly known as

two facts that are Hinduism or Brahmanical Hostility and Islamic

invasion other remain hundreds of causes were assimilate in these


B.1. Hinduism Hostility towards the Buddhism

Brahmanism, presently known as Hinduism is the major

religion, which is based on casteism. It was popular before the

time of the Buddha in India but they lost the popularity during

Buddha‟s time till early Mahayana Buddhism and looking for the

chance to return back. The Buddha‟s over casteism, freedom of

choice and analytical teachings strongly effect to Hinduism.

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Hinduism was defeated by the Buddha‟s by theory and practical.

Since, during the Buddha‟s time till great King Ashoka, most of

the kings were the disciples of Buddhism and supported to the

sangha and patronize. So, people of India had have faith in

Buddhism and practiced Buddhist teachings. Brahmanism

couldn‟t have chance to gain a place in Indian society. By the

time of King Ashoka, who was patronized Buddhism and

supported every faith and religion in 2 BCE, Brahmanism or

Hinduism had been in the process of developing from a religion

of sacrificial rituals into cults and worshipful devotion (Bhakti) to

gods of various names, such as Hari, Narayana, Vishnu and Siva.

Brahmanism developed 3 Yogas that were Bhakti Yoga, Raja

Yoga and Karma Yoga for hostile towards Buddhism. Moreover,

Brahmins emphasis Buddha as one of the incarnation of Lord

Visnu (Avataras) but never showed their friendly attitude towards

the followers of the religion of the Buddha. Further, present

Hindu Mahasabha and Hindu conferences tried to dust Buddhist

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existence by Hindu propaganda claming Buddhism as is a part of

Hinduism. They showed their bitter hostility towards Buddhism

and its disciples all the time. The great scholars of Brahmanism

such as Samkaracarya, as maintain above, of the south who

against Buddhism and his owing to anti – Buddhist activities

Buddhism fell on its evil days. Buddhism was attacked by non-

Buddhist, especially from the Hindu priests in several times

because of these facts during the period (500 to 528 CE) of Gupta

dynasty Buddhism was gradually weaken and finally broke up.

Buddhist devotes were didn‟t support and help to Buddhist monks

and day by day sangha community became weaker. Gradually,

Buddhist monks were lost co-operation from devotes and Hindus

were succeeded to persecute, punish and also killed Buddhist

monks. Mihirakula, the Huna King, was belief in Saivite who

destroyed almost all Buddhist monasteries and persecuted the

Buddhist mercilessly. It was not only centuries ago but after the

revival of Buddhism in modern India. Hindus are against

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Buddhism and Buddhist followers.

B.2. Muslim Invasion

In India, The Pala line was brought to an end by the anti

Buddhist from south. In eleventh century, when the Muslim Turks

and Afghans conquered India, they destroyed not only political

and military enemies but also all people and institutions of other

faiths of contemporary. Some historian and Religious scholars

say that wherever they went, they killed followers of other

religions and destroyed their establishments. Buddhist monks

were mistaken as idolaters and cruelly murdered. All the shrines,

monasteries, universities and schools were burnt and destroyed.9

The Muslims destroyed the Buddhist monasteries and institutions

were because the religious faith. Muslims belief in God and He is

the greatest one in the world. No one and things are similar with

Him but Buddhism denies about the belief in supreme God or

9 Phra Rajavaramuni, Thai Buddhism in the Buddhist world. (BKK:

Mahachulalonkornrajavidayalaya University, 1990). p. 44 - 47

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permanency of something‟s. Buddhism was the non-religion

according to religious perspective for Muslims and out of the

Order of the Al–Laha or the Great God. Therefore, Muslim

conquered in India was not conquer but as they belief that

conquer with the non-Muslim is the real conquer especially, those

who not worship and accept the God and the Great One. Hindu

hostility, persecution and suppression from the ages were the

major cause for the decline and lack of support to Buddhist

activities in India. When Muslim Turk invaded to India brought

the end of Buddhism from India its country of Origin.

3. The Revival of Buddhism in India

Beginning of 19th century Anagarika Dharmapala, a Sri

Lankan gentle man had formed Maha Bodhi Society for the

Buddha gaya free and renovation of Buddhist places on India. His

campaign is known as the „Buddhist modernism‟ among the

scholars. Even though he was not able to see the resolution of free

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Buddha gaya but he was succeeded to brought Buddhist ideas to

modern India and published Mahabodhi Magazine. It was the bud

of Buddhist revival activities in India.

In 1926 under the objectives of Mahabodhi Society,

Dharmaditya Dharmacharya, a Nepalese student to India had

organized All India Buddhist Conference in Calcutta. It was the

first Buddhist conference in all India. This conference was held in

Dharmarajika Temple for 3 days from 27 to 29 Dec. with 24

different Buddhist organizations from Sri Lanka, Nepal and India

participated. It focused on the preservation of Buddhist places in

India; Akhil Bharata Baudha Congress was formed.10

In the

conference, one active committee was established for further

work as discussed in the Conference. Interventions of those things

some monks from Myanmar visited to India and have been living

one another continually.


Lacoul, Nepalaya Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha, (Kath: Hisi Press,

Nepal, B.S.2042/ 1985) p. 58-9

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Even though they were living and promoting Buddha‟s

teachings in India but they were still not able to reach the Indian

community. Buddhist activities mainly were in the country based

instead of social and communal of India. Buddhism is

significantly begun back to Indian community after in 1956 when

Baba Sahib Dr. B. R. Ambedkar converted into Buddhism with

millions of his followers at Nagapur, India. It was the remarkable

incident in the Buddhist history of India. If Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

did not born to India society, Buddhism hardly get the ground in

India and Indian low caste communities will not get chance to

develop themselves. The conversion into Buddhism of Baba

Sahib‟s with his followers was not only for revival of Buddhism

in country of its origin but also great revolution to the society of

India. Today, Buddhism is gradually growing in its country of

origin, India. It will be the Buddhist country as the Dr. B. R.

Ambedker desired. However, to reach the goal as he desired his

followers have to carry his cart of campaign very carefully. He

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told once with his tears that his followers should not carry the cart

in wrong way. If they are not ready to carry his cart leave it where

he left. This massage should be consider and keep in practiced by

his followers for the fulfillment of his desired. If Ambedkar and

his conversion were not in the history of modern India, Indian

history will not be as we see today. It has great impact to the

Indian community and government of India. Amongst the

different causes Hindu hostility and domination was one of the

main cause. Today, the conversion of Ambedkar and his followers

have challenged to the Hindu community, who are trying to

impose casteism in the society. The Revival of Buddhism in India

under the leadership of Ambedkar, today Buddhism is flourishing

its country of origin. As far as the reports indicate that hundreds

of Buddhist temples been established, Buddhist monks and lay

people working hard for the upliftment of the society by

converting into Buddhism. Further, they are strictly following the

Buddhist ideas, which could be seen from the 22 vows that

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Ambedkar gave to his followers on the day when he converted to

Buddhism. Even though, these days Buddhist India might not

understand the meanings of all the 22 vows completely but they

are trying their hard to imply and practice Buddhist ideas in their

daily life. Nevertheless, this 22 vows become the key teachings of

Ambedkarites around the world. Only observing this vow one

could become a Buddhist, which seems different from other

Buddhist countries, where they jointly practicing Hindu gods and



Therefore, disappearance of Buddhism from its country

of origin has many different causes but briefly we can categorized

that the Buddhist were far away from practiced real Buddha‟

teachings and the persecution from Hinduism and Muslims. The

invasion from Islam was the end of Buddhism from its country of

origin. Further, Buddhist monks and lay Buddhist went far from

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the real Buddhist teachings, which made Buddhism weak and

unable to prevent from disaster. There are many countries, even,

that they are turning their faith into Hinduism. Among them Sri

Lanka and Thailand, especially Thai Buddhists are strongly

worshiping Hindu gods and rituals. However, beginning of 19th

Century Baba Sahib Ambedkar who born in untouchable

community and became one of the great scholars of India had

taken initiative campaign for the revival of Buddhism in India

after many hundred centuries. His desire and his followers‟

activities denote that Buddhism has reintroduced to modern India

and will be a Buddhist country once again as used to.

May they be success for the benefit of all

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Reference Books,

Bahadur Mal, The Religion of the Buddha and its Relation to

Upanisadic Thought. Vishveshvaranand Institute

publications, 1958.

Bancha Samretkit, Bothbat Dr. Ambedkar Naikar Yok Thana

Chandal, A M.A. Thesis of Thammasart University,

BKK, 2534.

Bhadanta Ananda Kausalyayana, Hindu Samaja Kidhar ?, Pub.

By Bhikshu-Nivas Prakashan, Dikshabhumi, Nagpur,

Maharastra, India. 1979.

Gombrich, Richard F. Theravada Buddhism: A Social History

from Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo,

Routledge and Kegan Paul, London and New York,


Hazra, Kanai Lal. The Rise and Decline of Buddhism in India.

Munshiram Manoharla Publishers, 1998.

Joshi, L.M. Studies in the Buddhistic Culture of India. Delhi,


Lacoul, Nepalaya Sthaviravada Gukathan Wagu Kha, (Kath:

Hisi Press, Nepal, B.S.2042/ 1985)

P.B. Bapat, Baoudha Dharma ke 2500 Varsh (2500 years of

Buddhism), (New Delhi: Ministry of Communication,

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India, 1997)

Rajavaramuni, Phra. Thai Buddhism in the Buddhist World.

Mahachulalonkornrajavidayalaya University, 1990.

Richard H. Robinson and Willard L. Johnson, The Buddhist

Religion: A Historical Introduction, Wadsworth

publishing company, 1997.

Thepvisuddhikavi, Phra. Why Buddhism was Disappeared

from India, (Thai version) Mahamakut University,

BKK, 2542.

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