
ratYear. $1.56 ISSUED EUERY THURSDAY cfcCopy,5«nrS

Devoted to the interests o f Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Carmel Highlands, Carmel Valley

J U L Y 31, 1919 C A R M E L -B Y -T H E -S E A . CAL. V O L . V , N U M . 26

I TheMomentum

I of a bank account

) is great. Regular

I deposits and com-

| pound interest do

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j accumulating money

I Start an account

with the First N a t - I ional Bank of M on­


4 Per Cent paid on interest accouts

First National


Under U. S. G o v e rn ­m ent Supervis ion

Evening of Dancing An Artistic Success

The Hoft winds of the night Heemed lo lend their presence to the gnlexy of clever dancers gath­ered log, t,her I)}' Jeannette Iloag- land in her annual even ing of in­terpretive dancing and fine music, given at the Forest Theatre last Saturday.

the extensive program was pre- aeiited smoothly and well, aud the large attendance was treated to many surprises, and considerable new talent was witm ssed.

The Greek pastoral dance, iu which ten y iu ig girls look part, "as undoubtedly (he best th ing Ou the program, and the producer ,s to he congratulated on her achievement. The toe dancing of Jeunuctte Hoagland was a revela- b'Hi, not only to strangers but to those who have seen her dance before. Better music than that 'ei.dered by the Highlands Trio has not been heard at the Forest Theatre.

Events ScheduledTuesd’y.Aug. 12— An Hour

°t Russian Folk Songs, Arts a»d Crafts Hall.

Friday and Saturday, Aug. 15. 16 "Romeo and Juliet,” 1' west Theatre.

Friday. Aug. 22 — Concert l>y Allan Bier, Arts and Crafts Hall.

Friday and Saturday, Aug. and 30—Annual Arts and

Crafts play, Forest Theatre.

buy FURNITURE at Rudolph’s NewMonterey

9 im VieedkiiClarence U rm y, dramatic and

musical critic of the San Jose Mercury, and Harold Marshman, literary editor on the same journal, are here until August I. Botl gentlemen are frequent magazine contributors.

The Fow ler fam ily motsred into Carmel last week, but le ft shortly after for Los Gatos, where Theo entered school on Monday.Tenn is Racquets and Tennis

balls a t C arm el Neu-s Co-, L. S- S lev in , M anager.Tire Sempervirens Forest play

is to be produced iu a natural for­est theatre in California Redwood P a r k , Saturday, September 6 . The proceeds will be expended ex­pended for improvements in the park.

Mrs. Dr. Eckstein (M iss Fran­cesca Beudeke), has returned from Cincinnati. She will spend the next two months here with her husband, g iv in g violin instruction the while at the L loyd residence. Dr. EckBtein is oi the faculty of the University of Cincinnati. iiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiicriiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiir

A l la n B ierP I A N I S T

| Limited number of pu­pils accepted

1 Address Carmel Postoffice iriiMiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiii

Professor and Mrs. Preston W. Search were summoned to Sau Francisco last Saturday. A tel egrain was received that morniug announcing the sudden death of Mrs. Martha M. Cochran, sister of Mrs. Search.

W illiam T . K ibb ler has been named to collect funds in Carmel by the finance committee of the Peninsula W elcome Home cele- bratiou on September 9.

The new Pacific fleet, on the way to Monterey bav, where it w ill anchor for twenty-four hours, passes Carmel bay early ou the morning of Thursday, August 14, Better retire early the night be­fore.

Dr. G eorge J. McChesney and wife spent tire week end here with Mrs. Sarah J. McChesney, Major McChesney served a year and a half in hospiial work iu England and France.

Our neighboring city. Pacific Grove, ie go ing to maintain its lily white reputation. N o more will the pajmist, fortune teller or clairvoyant “ skin ” those good souls The city trustees have said so.

A goodly number of guests gathered at the home of Dr, and Mrs. C. A. M cCollom yesterday afternoon to meet their charming daughter, Mrs. A lfred Koilo.

Allan Bier, pianist, now sum­mering here, w ill g ive a concert at Arts aud Crafts H a ll on the even­ing o f F riday, August 22. Among eminent present day pianists Mr. Bier has won a pla'ce o f distinc tiou, aud the concert here among his friends should be largely at tended.We te ll the tru th in our mess

ages to the buy ing p u b lic— H o lm a n ’s.The Doultous of Santa Barbara

have purchased the Marx cottage on Camiuo Real (Professors Row), Now, having their own place, they will spend much more time here than heretofore.

Under the direction of Super visor J. L D. Roberts, 160,000 fish from the State Hatchery at Sissons have been placed iu the upper Carmel R iver aud nearby streams.

W illiam J. N eid ig , formerly an instructor at Stanford, now a sue cessful magazine writer, was here for a few days lapt week. H e met a number o f the writer folks.

You are protected by a $10,000 accident bond when you travel in Carmel Garage Stages W e are responsible.—C. O. Goold.

T lie Hardys left for their home iu Piedm ont on Tuesday, aud to­day the Hoopers are o lf for the city. By next summer both fain ilies may have homes of their own here.

A fter an absence of nearly two years in Duluth, Minnesota, where she was head of a large girls school, Miss Eunice T. Grav has returned to Carmel. Many friends and relatives here may determine her to remain some time.

Another daughter has come to gladden the home ot the Andrew Werner Lawson Our Mrs. Law ­son is pleased to be a second-time grandmother.

The Western Drama SocietySUMM ER FESTIVAL

Friday and Saturday, August 15 and 16

Romeo amuuciecWith a Splendid Carmel Cast,

Under the Direction of Herbert HeronF O R E S T T H E A T E R

N U CO AButters the Bread

40c. the lb.

Cherry PlumsBest for Jelly 10c. the lb.


Oregon’s Best 45c. the lb.

Keep Coming 1C t i ft i 0 *0


For Sale cheap. cot*i u i and twolots, southwest cor. E leventh ave. and Lincoln st.



ELERS CHEQUES The safest and most con­venient way to carry your travel money.

Your countersignature is the only identification needed.

Ask us for particulars.

Bank of Monterey Monterey Sav. BankS a m p B U I L D I N G D a 11 I t ! M A N A G E M E N T

Wermuth Stage, Leave Orders

Fisher’s Schweninger’s Phone 604 W 5 U. S. Mail A $10,000 bond protects you



Jackson G regory



C H A P T E R I—Senor don Antonio de la Guerra, wealthy Spanish ranch owner on the American side of tho Mexican border, is informed by his American attorney that a technical error has been found in his will The senor signs a new docu­ment without reading it.

C H A P T E R IT—Teresa, only grandchild of the senor, finds evidence o f a struggle in the library and her grandfather miss­ing. The belief is that the senor lias been carried across the border by Mexican reb­els. B illy Stanway, Teresa ’ s sweetheart, takes command o f the situation and or­ders the servants and vaqueros to arm themselve^.,

C H A P T E R I I I —Stanway, w ith twenty men starts iu pursuit o f the rebels. They meet Eduardo Ramon Torre, kinsman of Teresa, who has been wounded,. he claims, by the escaping rebels.

C H A P T E R IV —Stan way loses the reb­els’ trail and returns to the hacienda. Teresa shows him the copy o f the new will which she has found and which leaves all the property to Torre.

C H A P T E R V.

The G am e Beg ins.Teresa de la Guerra’s face went red

and white, and Torre, sejriug, smiled.She heard in the words only an in­

sult to her beloved papa grande, know­ing as she so well knew that of all men the old Spaniard hated his arro­gant young kinsman most Implacably.

“W e don’ t understand,” she said presently, turning her back upon the man at (able and addressing Stanway. “ Perhaps Captain Juarez’ call will Clear matters for us. 'Will you come with me, Senor Stanway?”

Torre’* fact darkened an he watched them (t> out together.

In th# ( tn t r lr f to ti* . In ion *, wptti uniform barft-grftag hi# rtoik,- B broad, heaTj-*»t Itectidah, ewanlif, hard-featured, keen-eyed, was waiting He bowed deeply a* (bay «M *ro&

“ Senorita,” he said brtsbly, his. ayes disregarding Stanway and resting upon the girl’s face in a keen regard, "It Is an unpleasant duty which brings me here this morning.”

“Be seated," she said quietly, going to a chair. “But first. Captain Juarez, this is my friend, Senor Stanway of the Painted Bock rancho.”

The two men bowed coolly. Stan- way remained standing near the girl's chair, while Juarez sat down.

“ We of poor Mexico,” said the cap­tain shortly, "are fighting hard for a dear cause. We sacrifice ourselves, our hopes, our homes for the tiling we love most, senorita.

"And that is our country. W e do things which we do not like to do iimply because it is onr duty to take any opportunityjvhich chance gives us to free the neck of our land from the foot of the tyrant.”

Teresa bowed.“ And you have called this morn­

ing; you have crossed the border—•” “At the behest of a Mexican’s dutv.

rt?ry sinrmorn.“ Our cause needs money and he has

It in great, unnecessary quantities.“ Had I made a demand upon him

1 for a note to you, stating that he was I held for ransom and urging you to pay 1 it, I know that he would have refused.; So 1 come straight to you, without so I much as a word to him, Informing you

that unless the money Is sent imrnedl-j ately— ”

He broke off, shrugging his slioul- I ders.

“Ton realize, senor,” broke in Stnn- i way coolly, "that this Is rather an un­

usual sort of thing nt tliis day? That it is not without danger to you? If the senorita were not disposed to give what you ask, i f on tlie other hand we held you for the crime you have committed^”

Again tlie captain shrugged.“ It would mean imprisonment for

me, or perhaps death,” lie answered promptly. “Things which a soldier faces every day o f his life and grows to think nothing about. And— pardon me, senorita— it would mean the death o f the Senor de iu Guerra."

Again a little shiver trembled ] through the frame o f the girl. Stan­

way, his eyes steady upon the Mexi­can’s, was silent a moment. Finally he said, turning to Teresa:

“Before you give this gentleman his answer, senorita. may I ask for a few words with you?”

“ May I interrupt again?” It was Eduardo Ramon Torre, insolent and debonair, bowing in tlie doorway, a fresh, uiilighted cigarette between his fingers. “Buenos dias, Senor el Capi- tan,”

Captain .Tnnrez slared at him fixed­ly, his hard eyes as insolent as those of Torre, and made no answer.

“ I think, senor,” went on Torre in mock courtesy, still lounging in the doorway, ‘ ‘that it is with me that you wish to deal. Am I uot right, prima miu?” lightly to Teresa.

The girl's eyes darkened. Juarez looked from one to another curiously.

“ I think,” he said slowly, “ that I can have business with no one except la senorita. She is the one to speak in n case like (ids one, since the old senor i.s not here lo speak for himself and site Is his "heiress.’ '

“Bet yunr keen eyes rest on this.” Torre .drew tlie will from his pocket and carelessly tossed it into Juarez’la®. -} ,

The iieXcau k e V e i at it ffwlftly, his tve ran k rtn the Written sheet, and he started palpably when his glance* rested upon tlie name Eduardo Ramon Torre.

“ I have been misinformed.” he cried, shirting to his feet. “ The se­norita is not the heiress. It is Senor Torre who inherits!”

“ Segnro,” replied Torre, putting out his shapely hand for the will. “And I, senor, am that Senor Torre. Now, what do you want?”

“This is true, senorita?” Juarez whirled about, his eyes bright and hard upon Teresa’s.

“You come from papa grande,” she answered him guardedly. “Did he not tell you of a change in his will?”

- “ We did uot speak,” Juarez remind­

ed tier. “As I have said, I knew that it would be useless to talk with him. He knows Only that he is being held; he does not know why. I know only,” and he resorted to the shrug so much a part o f his method of speech, “ that mnior has ii that you are his heiress, and this paper states that Torre in­herits.”

“ Rumor at limes is misinformed.Senorita, your grandfather is well and j Torre said smilingly. “ You have the

will aud testament itself before you. I f it is sufficiently plain that I and not the senorita,” with an apologetic bow to Teresa, "repi esent my kins­man; I im et that you will state your errand concisely."

“It is this,” said Juarez .shortly. “El Senor de la Guarra Is held by my men fo r ransom. Twenty thousand dollars will bring him back to you promptly, without a scratch on him. A refusal to pay wilt be a signal for his death.”

“Shi,” remarked Torre eoollv. “ It is

sends his love to you.’"Tell me," she cried impetuously,

“where is he?"“ Many miles beyond the border,” he

answered succinctly. “ In the hands of friends— if lm a«cedes to our de­mands.” elpiiificiinuy.

“ And tiiose deuisridsi” curiously.“ I have not as yet made of him." re­

turned the captain. “ A llow me to ex ­plain, senorl/n. 1 know Senor de la Guerra, i f not personally at least very well by repute. I know that he does Hot love my Mexico, and that he Is

on ly 'tw en ty thousand aoriars. are modest, senor!”

“ American money,” Juarez added ascoolly.

“American money,” nodded Torre. “That Is better than Mexican pesos, at any rate. It Is at least less insult­ing to my kinsman.”

Captain Juarez made no reply. T e ­resa and Stanway looked at each other swiftly.

Torre, smiling as though the whole matter wore merely amusing, ad­dressed himself to the girl.

“ Terestta,” and she flushed under the easy familiarity, “ perhaps the val­iant captain has not yet breakfasted. He has a long ride before him and it would be better if he should not carry away a misunderstanding o f the De la Guerra hospitality. Also, while lie has his coffee, you and I might discuss the situation?”

“Yes,” the girl agreed slowly. “ That would perhaps be best.” Her hand went to tlie bell cord to, summon Pe­dro. “W e have just breakfasted, senor capitnn. I f you will go with Pedro he will see that you are served. And Se­nor Torre, Senor Stanway and myself can avail ourselves of the time to come to a decision.”

The captain bowed, and with no hes­itation turned his back ou them to follow the servant to the dining room. Torre came in, sat down, crossing his legs with elaborate care to tlie crease in his trousers, and favored Stanway with a look which mocked openly.

“An interesting situation, Is it not, senor?” he asked liglilly.

“An exlremely hazardous game you are playing, Torre,” cried Stanway an­grily.

“ I?” Torre lifted his brows. “ It is not I who play. It is I who watch the game.”

“ Watch the pawns your own fine hand has set moving!” was Stanway’s heated retort. “ Do you think that you can get away with a thing of this kind, Torre? Why, man, it smells to heaven!”

“Recriminations aside— at least shall we postpone them? There is a crisis demanding attention. Now,” lifting liis hand against Stanway’s words, “ I have a proposition to make— to you, Teresa.”

“ What is it?” she asked coldly. “Merely this: As heir to tho D# 1&

Guerra estate I may be tt person. You, with no persona* est,” und a quick light flicked eyes nt the girl’s wincing nt his “ are tlie one to decide. Shall A t tain’s request be granted? I **to you, senorita. Entirely to yon.

Teresa bit her tip, tlie color surfing angrily into her cheeks. She saw the trap as plainly as did Torre, as plainly as Stanway saw it. And she did hot see the answer to make.

“ It is perhaps not impossible,” went on Torre evenly, “that a large part of the sum mentioned is now on t ie premises. W e all know that my kins­man has always been his own banker; that he at all times lias been aide to produce a large amount of gold at a moment’s notice.

“ Unfortunately, in answering his summons to tlie rancho, I came too late for him to make me cognizant of the hiding place. Perhaps you, prima mia, are better informed?”

“ Perhaps,” she answered him quiet­ly, though the color still ran red in her cheeks.

“ Aijd perhaps,” added Stanway sig­nificantly. “ Senor Torre would lie glad to have knowledge of this banco; would be glad to have the money handed over to his emissary?”

“ Emissary?” Again Torre’s black brows arched. “Tlie fabrications of the Americano’s suspicions are truly wonderful! He would suspect me of robbing myself?”

He laughed insolently. Stanway looked questioningly at the girl.

“ Prima mia,” begun Torre.Tlie girl whirled upon him, her eyes

flashing.“ Senor Torre,” she cried passion­

ately, “ you make it necessary for me to remind you that our relationship is not of my choosing, and that we arenot rinse I'liei 1 nu for VOU to coll n*o

cousin! I f you nna It ne address me at nil I sh o u ld like *addressed as S en orita d e la Gtf8 Please remember.”

Torre flushed a n g r i ly but his careless smile.

“ As you wish, S e n o r ita de la ra." he retorted . “ M a y I something?”

“ W hat is it? ” s h o r t ly .“M erely this: T h is m a n w

him self Captain Ju aro z m ay be» impostor, as well us a scoundrel fore even considering t h e ninttd ransom would it not b e well N him to prove to us th a t he least where our k in sm a n is? E rang fo r Pedro a g a in and « with tfee message-^”

Teresa rang and s a t in a silence until Pedro c a m e .

“ Pedro,” she said th e n , “tell I Juarez that we a re consider* proposition. Tell h im fu r th e r * wish to be certain th a t he comes from the senor.”

Pedro bowed, w ith d rew , ai> turned almost Im m ediately , hii strangely white, h is h a n d he held out som ething to the S5

“It is the m aster's ring,” bf deeply agitated. “T h e ring he ' always upon his le ft hand, senorita,” his voice choking, W-,fk glistening, “you w ill n o t let tl“ “ " him?”

“No, Pedro.” She to o k the r own eyes shining. “ I f harm 1 him, Pedro,” she w en t on steadSW shall know what to do, shall

Pedro made no spoken answtf j his eyes, suddenly h a rd went straight to T o rre , resting' meaning upon him. T h e n , ruptly, the servant l e f t the roo»J

“It is. papa g ra n d e ’s ring. j S tanway." She ign ored Torre <“I am afraid that Captain speaks the truth.”

Stanway stood w ith drawn ' staring at the floor. T h e wb was so eloquent o f rasca lity1 part o f the d e b o n a ir , taclied Torre it w a s so in that his presence h e r e now part o f dark design , so ridif* suppose that A nton io d e la Gnf^l ever really purposed d is ln t girl «h e vrm d ttaru* to hi' JutghEBfle tt> tn O s t ® e f i —*aufl f to d * l

* * * * * • * £ ! * * » » * *


A n a men, a fte r StouwaJ 1 ished and stood e r e c t again f down upon her, as T o r r e wl "

narrowing hand clenched, her ch in sq*rl termination came i n to hor ,.■! voice.

“It is a chance,She rose and s to o d locking: steadily, still ignortn>? T(>^ game of dice w ith 0 n r deMit"

“And yon will p l a y {( ^ I eagerly from the A m e r ic a n

She made a little gestu re *


D r . G r a c e A n d e r s o nOSTEOPATHIC PH Y SIC IA N

Underwood Apts, MontereyRegu la r hou rs. 10 to 12, 2 to5

Others by appo in tm entPhone 179 .1 ________

J. E . B E C K , M . d 7Office at Carmel - by - the - Sea

Pharmacy, Carmel, Cal.

D r . A . M. D e eb oLicensed

Chiropodist and Masseure Hotel Del Monte

Will be in Carmel every Satur­day and Sunday

M a k e appointments at Pine Cone office

P A IN L E S S D E N T IS R YP it. KLE ISE Ii, located between

the Arm y Y . M. C. A. and Long & Gretter’s Drug Store. High

class dentistry at reasonable price.

Crowns, fillings, bridges; teeth

extracted absolutely without pain;

plates that fit. No cocaine, gas or dangerous drugs used. Specialist

in painless dentistry. 244 Alvarado street, Monterey. Phone 105.

Biie were mtnamg soinprrrmg to mm.“ I place the dicebox in your hands.

May I, Senor Billy?”“Then,” cried Stanway, “ we must

waste no time! Call Pedro.”She rung. Torre, si ill watching sus­

piciously, made no comment. Pedro came In his swift, silent fashion.

“ Send word to Gaucho to come to the Imu&e Immediately,” Stanwny told him. “Let him bring lliree men with him. Let them come armed. And see that Captain Juarez does not leave the house. I shall—entertain Senor Torre.”

A quick light o f understanding leaped up in Pedro's eyes, lie lurned with a brief, grunted “Bueno,” and hurried on liis errand.

Torre had I eg pad to Me fact, U» face crimson;

“ What does this mean?” lie . .cried sharply. "As heir to the H e la Guerra estates I cfmnand— ” > ,<•

"Sit down!" Siunway's' voice was very cool, but it rang with an Unmis­

takable sternness. “ We are going to begin our game o f dice presently. And you will do well, senor, in playing your hand to keep right on smoking anil—- Sit down 1”

His hand moved a very little as he spoke, coming to rest upon liis right hip. Torre sat down.


ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY, 1816 Entered as seaond-class matter Feb ruary JO, lit 15, at tlie post office at Carmel, California, under tlie Art of darch 3, 1879.

W. 1,. OVERSTREET,Editor and Publishor

P H O N E 6 0 3 W 1

Official Paper of the City


For President HIRAM W. JOHNSON

Del Monte LaundryWill do your

R o u g h D ry L a u n d r y

better and cheaper than it can be done at home. Try them and see for yourself. All laundry called for and delivered by leaving word at the office of the agents, J. W . H a n d & S o n

W E E K L Y G R E E T IN GTht simple, straightforward may

out o f the mess is to drop both treaty and covenant, make a separate treaty with Germany, and then begin the study o f the league business from the ground up and finally determine what kind o f a league %>e are willing to enter.—Exchange.

After-Election Talk

H aving polled 61 votes in the Ocean Avenue bond e le c t io n , the “ Noes” c la im that t l ie “ Yeses” lo have won mimt have had 122 votes ; thus the latter, having but 97 votes, lost by 25. Ou the other hand, the “ Yeses” claim that two- thirds of 158, tlie total valid vote cast, is 105 ; thus they lost by only eight. I t depends upon how one figures.


Fresh Candies

Some “ N oes” aver they won be­cause tlie proposition was not fully stated in the election call. Many were led to believe that the job of im proving Ocean Avenue would cost m all $7500. They made a moral issue of it when they learned the total estimated cost o f the job was $30,000.

T lie vole demonstrates that a majority vvaut. our main street im ­proved. Throe p la n s are uow ba- inp discussed. First, a packed grave l road, with enrba and gut­ter#, Second, that the Trustee* ofder « road the same as that on Han Carlos H ighway, the fu ll ex­pense to be home by the Ocean Avenue property owners. Third, subm itting again the proposition that was defeated last week.

A disgusted “ Yes” came into the P ine Cone office the morning after aud said “ I hope your vit- rolie pen has been busy this morn- iiig te lling the opposition what you think o f them .” No, good subscriber, we know we’ ll get a good roadway on Ocean Avenue; only a liltle more ivalchful wait­ing, sore spines anti busted pails will hasten matters. Bumpty- burnp.

Property Transactions

Deed; Jennie Coleman to Elbert and Katherine West. Lot 9, Blk 113 Cai mel-hy-the-Sea.

Deed: Carmel Devp Co. to Lorena Underwood. Lot 12, Block 117, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Deed: Carmel Villas Co. to Mary I). Shaughnessy. Part Carmel Highlands Tract, Ro. San Jose y Sur Chiquito.

Deed: G. H. Marx et ux to Jas L. and Harriet D. Doulton. Lots 15 and 17, Block M ; strip 3§ feet wide adjoining east end of Lots 15 and 17, Block M, Add. No. 1, Carmel-by-the- Sea.


Carmel ChurchLincoln st., south of Ocean av.

Morning service 11 o’clock Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Rev. S. C. Thomas, Pastor

Strangers Welcome

Christian Science ServicesSunday, / / A .\ l.

Sunday School, 9 :45 A . M . Wednesday, <9 P . M .

Church Edifice- Monte Verde Street, one block north o f Ocean Avenue

■ I I I W o o l O vercoats a t H o l­man.'s, s p ec ia l $ 15.00

h n r c p For hire. Forde- * tails address Gal­

latin Powers, Carmel.

F o r S a l e j18 and 20. Block M M -N o rth Cartnelo Ave., next to path. Enquire Mrs. E. S. White, 27 Hi Ben venue Ave., Berkeley, Calif.

F U . S a l f ^ 5 ^ p E C





143 Alvarado st., Monterey

F o r S a le IjarKe ‘wo-sioryhome at Carmel-

by-tlie-Sea.— Tlwee bedrooms, *ei- vacU’ went, sarnie, w^rkihop, 11b- .--ry, ’»• ** livifef rowb, hb8 « ,kitchen, Cathroafu, t A v i foil at do#n Sta irs , hgfc-» froJrds. k#& , HtfFeM; electric lights, private gas plant; unfurnished; e!o<« in. Inquire at Pine Cone office.

ft is said contemplated private imuroeements invo lving the ex penditure o f $30,000, have been abandoned as a result of the fail ure of the bonds to carry. A number of b ig real estate deals have also been halted.

Del JVIonteB a t h s

Dancing Tuesday, T hurs- and Saturday evenings, and

Sunday day and evening.S. F. Ja*s Orchestra

M a k e U P A B A T H IN G PARTY

Warm Plunge, Hot Salt Bath

W h i l e in C a r m e ldo not miss the

M a r in e G a r d e n T r ipin Glass-bottom Boats

Boat Fare 50c.Between Carmel and Pebble Beach

g v w w w v w v w *

Buy your Meat at Home

Carmel Meat MarketBranch New Monterey Market



I T E M S O F I N t C R E S T .

Mih. Frank Gilibs and daughter Elizabeth are here for ttvo months. Mr. Gibbs will come down week­ends until his two-weeks’ vacation from the bank.

Edgar Hand aud son Teddy are spending (lie w-eek hero with their reliil ivf s.

T lie moving tiiclure shows fiere in August will lie tlie beat ever. The bookings will be published next week.

I f y o u r e a d i t in the P in e C on e y o u m a y sa fe ly r e p e a t it.

T he Boke fam ily leaves tomor­row for San Francisco. Their large house has been rented to Sydney Joseph and fam ily for t hire mouths.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry of Stockton, who have been occupy­ing (lie Von Needa cottage, will occupy the W alls house through August. Thus the Kleiusmids can take possession of their recent purchase.


L ’’ AR M EL Library Associa- tion will hold its Annual

Meeting for election of four members of th e Board of Trustees and the transaction of other business, in the Li­brary, Monday, A u g u s t 4 1919, at 5 o’clock p. nt.

The Association consists of permanent residents of Car­mel, over eighteen years of age, who have paid a monthly subscription of twenty-five cents per month, or more, for one year past. All members are urged to be present.

Emeline Harrington,2t Secretary


t -a ro u r wagon makes regular calls

to Carmel. P H O N E 488.

Pine Cone advertising pays.





| C f l ^ J V I E L i I| B y- th e-Sea j| ATTRACTIONS

I Glass-bottom Boats.I

Library and Read ingroom |I

Fishing and Swimming | in the Carmel River. |

f Public Tennis Court 1i I| Visit tlie historic Mission g

| Good Moving Picture | show every Tuesday I

I and Saturday.i . iI Picnic at Pebble Beach, | a Point Lobos, Carmel | | Highlands.

I Visit the Forest Theatre |s 3I Golfing at Pebble Beach. 1£ mI Beautiful Walks, Drives | liiiiiiimiiaHiimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuioiiiiiiiiiiirHiiiiiitiwaiiiiiiiiiiuc


OF ARTunder auspices

Arts and Crafts Club

SIXTH SEASON 1919 July 7 to August 30


M. DeNeale Morgan, Instr. Residence and Studio:

Lincoln st. near Ocean ave.

Further in fo rm ation on app lica tion

T r a i n S c h e d u leLeave

Monterey 6:15 a.m. 8:15

10:20 3:25 6:25


Arrive Monterey 7:45 a.m.

11:53 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 5:53 p.m. 8:17 p.m.

Boys’ and youths’ W ool Over coats a t H o lm a n ’s Specia l $6.50 to $14.50.

litiiiiiiimcmiiiniiNiimimmiiaiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiimaiiiiiimiiK * ■- + 1 For Information |

As to Property ji

In and About ( C A R M E L j

A D D I t l C S S

Carmel r

Development Company

nS = —I


Day-light High and1'ides at Carmel

Low ,..H 8:08 a 8 :46 a 9:25 a

10:09 a 10:58 a 1J :57 a 12:57 p


Jly 31 A u g 1


Ft. llliflH Ft. 1 2[ 3:09 p 5 5

3 :38 p 5 54 :20 p 5 45 :05 p d.4 5 :52 p 5 5 6 :4I p 5.6 7 :30 p 5

1.82 3 2.73 I 3.3 3 4

Lost something? Put an Ad in the Pine Cone.


Ben Leidig Hardware, Household Goods, Agent Florence

and Perfection Stoves, Hotpoint AppliancesHeadquarters for Hunting and Fishing outfits

C arm el S tu d i


Liong & Gnettet*DRUGGISTS

246 Alvarado flonterey


jSchweninger’sjG R O C E R Y

C a re fu lThorough

Accuratein our eye examination and fit­ting o f glasses. I f you break your glasses, w e can duplicate


Hare - Harkins OpticalC O M P A N Y

Makers of Perfect Glasses

317 A L V A R A D O , M O N T E R E Y

i Best Goods3

I Fresh Goods I 1 Right Prices| F re e Auto D e l iv e ry | a7iiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiii»r

WEDGEWOOD Stoves and Ranges, Rudolph’s,New


Reginald Travers, Director of the P layers ’ C lub o f Sau Fran­cisco, with W illiam Rainey, the clever young actor, were week­end guests o f Anne Dare. Mr. Travers is on tlie outlook for good plays for the coming season at the New Theatra, which is to be the new home o f the P layers ’ C lub in San Francisco. Manuscripts may be sent to Anue Dare, Box 37, Cartnel.

Straw and P a n a m a Hats at h a lf price at H o lm a n ’s D e ­pa rtm en t Store.

H o w w e Miss HimEveryboby in Carmel knew and

loved Laddie, the affectionate dog of the Overstreets. H appy to be 011 his way home with Ph y llis 011 Saturday evening, Ladd ie ’s life was crushed out by a speeding auto 011 Sau Carlos avenue.

The driver did not even stop a f­ter the accident. A few arrests for fast d riv iug within the city lim its w ill make life for man and beast safer.

! For Summer—i




Climax Furniture CoT h e Big Store in Monterey on Franklin Street

Several patterns of Inlaid Linoleum to close out at low prices

Reduuood In n C r e e k

Visit the Bath HouseON C A R M EL’S FAM OUS W H ITE BEACH

L o o k f o r t h e B lu e F l a g



Longest Life-line on the Coast

Down the Coast, 18 miles, in one of the most beautiful of California’s

M i l t wonderful canyons. Rooms, board,j v m i K caking. Finest beach, best fishing,

interesting trails, horses, plenty of milk, still water bathing, and much to interest. Address: Redwood Inn, Mill Creek,Monterey, Calif.

M. De N E A L E M ORGAN Lincoln st. near O cean at*

Oils, Tempera (w a t e r col M onotypes

Visitors Welcome — To Saturday, Sun day , 2 too


13th Ave., bet. Monte Verde and L inco ln


Boost Your J4°me Touun

L A U R A W . M A X W E L I

S T U D IOSanta Lucia and Cam ino

Saturday, 2 to 6 Also by appointment


Paintings on Exhibition

at the

BOOK S H O P Ocean A ven u e

Latest Records, all makes, at Palace Drug Co., Monterey. Pianos for rent. adv

Goodrich TinesG U A R A N T E E D 6000 M IL E S

I P a y the W a r l ax

30x3% $18.70 P ostp a id


Pacific Grove. California

Native PlaysScore a

Scores of C a rm e l folk* * motored down to C a rtn e l H lands 011 M on day e v e n in g to ness two dram atic o f fe r in g s “ Three Corners,” t h e exte Criley place, feel th a t th e trip very much worth w h i l e .

Charlie Van R ip e r , who k like Irvin Cobb— s o m u ch so know ing him to h e a writ think o f him as w r i t in g like wrote “ Shadows.” T h e Iin«* beautiful, the a c t io n w e ll c* naled. and the s to r y \yaa f, sy ill pat. hi call y' by t l i e audit

Theodore M . C r i le y iy then of “ When a M a n ’ s L 011 one act satire 011 p re s e n t 1 cial .conventions. O u e sn was lieaid to rem ark ‘ ‘C ril be something o f a s o c ia l ref

Lem Partial, o f th e has written tlie fo l lo w in g Pine ( ’ o n e :

“ The p lay, w h ich w as giv the patio o f the C r i le y res” is a clever one act sketch , ing irksome con ven tion s. C riley ’s friends w e r e surpii*r! learn that, his fa c i l i t y as a I1’ w right is in k e ep in g w ith his*1 known aptitude as an an'*1 artist.

‘ Shadows,’ b y Charles I Van R iper, was s ta g e d in tin' 1 oral ampitheatve o l t l ie On I*? tate. I t is done in H ank and the scene is la id ou .tlu” ^ of a Spanish D on . As 1" Criley p lay, the a c t io n nKr<* an ironical c lim ax. A n in'.' man is punished a n d a eii'k wretch is rew arded. ] u genii'* e lud ing d ec la m a to ry hue" priest proclaims’ tlm t. a ll is •,but the audience k n o w s thaPthe fashion o f l i f e itse lf. ti,; have gone awry.

“ Mr. Hudson S t r o d e gave -1characterization o f tin- ‘ I'A Mr. John G r ib n e r ’ s * |i'ug',tiiT equally con vin c in g , C>ttref ^bils were Mr. C r i l e y ’ s • |v-o Mr. F. IT Heclidoll.’ s 'Priest,' Mr. H. A. Jam es ’ ‘ Jdiiloset*

trove, anMiss Marian Bolt lent portrayal o f f.lwj ‘ Fool.’ character b e in g th e phih isd foffset to the u n ction s 'pr iest .

“ In their e ffo rts to stia1* native dramatic a i t In Calif1- the Carmel p la y e r s arc t*> credited with a d is t in c t. aiV meat in M on da y ’ s n igh t '* ̂form 11 nee.”

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