

Profesor. Don Antonio Miguel Martín Ponce. IES Lauretum.

Espartinas (Sevilla)

Session 0: Andalusian cultural heritage.

La Giralda s. XII. (Sevilla)

Mosque Koutubia. S.XII d.C


Session 0: Andalusian cultural heritage.

Typical Arabs sweetsAndalusian Geometrical decoration.

Session 0: Andalusian cultural heritage.

Spanish words

az-zaytūna , الزیتونةal-hanbal

al-kuḥl الكحول in sha'a Allah) إن شاء هللا

sukkar. ”al-mahzan“ ألمخزن

al-mukkadha Arabic and latin


Session 1: What was Al-Andalus?

Visigoth kingdom in 700. Before Islam came to Iberian Peninsula, the ancient Visigoth Kingdomة

was. Visigoths kings had too many problems to rule, due to the will of the different nobles that intended to take the power.

So, Civil war was unavoidable.

Witiza’s family asked the muslims in North Africa for help. The governor of this

region, Musa, and his general Tariq, took their troops across the sea to Iberian

Peninsula and defeated King Rodrigo at Batalla de Guadalete.

Muslims conquered nearly all the Peninsula and called it Al-Andalus. Just a few northern territories remained under

christian authority.

Session 1: Al-Andalus political history.

Damascus Emirate 711-756.

Al-Andalus was ruled by aةgovernor o emir, under the

Ummayad Caliphate of Damascus.

During this period, Muslims found little resistance from the Visigoths. Just a few of them still fought in the

North. Pelagius and his men matched muslims forces in

Covadonga (722), stopping Islam’s advance through peninsula.

Session 1: Al-Andalus political history.

Cordoba Emirate

In the 750, Ummayad family was assasinated. Just one of them survived and fled to Al-

Andalus. His name was Abd-Al-Rahman. Supported by his

loyals, arrived to Peninsula and defeated emir’s forces. In 756, Abd-Al-Rahman

became Emir of Cordoba. Although he obeyed religious

authority from Caliph, he remained politically


Session 1: Al-Andalus political history.

The Caliphate of Cordoba 929-1031. Despite revolts and Christian

attacks, Abd-Al-Rahman III inherited the throne in 912.

He proclaimed himself as Caliph. He managed spiritual and political

powers. As a result, Cordoba became independent from

Bagdad’s authority, competing with the Abbasid caliph.

During the Caliphate, Cordoba got stronger and powerful. Hisham II

became Caliph after Abd-Al-Rahman II death. Under his rule,

his general Al-Mansur attacked and defeated Christian kingdoms.

Caliphate of Cordoba was the most brilliant period in Al-Andalus

history. It ended because of civil wars at the beginning of the 11th


Session 1: Al-Andalus political history.

The Taifas 1031-1147.

In 1031, Caliphate disappeared because of internal revolts and

divided into taifas or small kingdoms. The most important

were Seville, Toledo, Zaragoza or Badajoz.

Nonetheless, they were an easy prey for Christian kingdoms that

raided taifas very often. Taifas had to pay taxes called parias for

surviving. When Toledo was conquered by

Castilla, the rest of Taifas asked for help to Almoravids.

Session 1: Al-Andalus political history.

Due to the Taifas weakness, tribes from North Africa came to Al-Andalus. These tribes invaded Al-Andalus and continued

fighting against the Christian Kingdoms. Finally, a Christian force was mustered by Alfonso VIII, king of

Castilla, and defeated Almohads in Las Navas de Tolosa (1212). It meant the beginning of the End for Islam in Spain.

Granada remained as the remnant of ancient Al-Andalus glory.Almoravids and

Almohads. 1147-1212

Session 1: Al-Andalus political history.

The kingdom of Granada became the last muslim territory on the Iberian Peninsula. It covered provinces of Malaga, Almeria,

Granada and eastern part of Cadiz. It was governed by Nasr family.

For surviving as a kingdom, Granada became a vassal of

Castilla. However, Castilla and Granada were in war during two

centuries, until Catholic Monarchs conquered the city in 1492.

The Nasrid kingdom of Granada 1248-1492


1) Where did the Muslims enter the Iberian Peninsula? 2) Where did they go after that? Which cities did they go through? 3) Which territories were occupied by Al-Andalus during the Caliphate?. 4) Who lived in the north of the Iberian Peninsula? 5) Fill the gaps: ________________ is the Arabic name for the Iberian Peninsula under

muslim occupation. The History of Al-Andalus dates from _______ when Tariq’s troops landed in the peninsula, to ________, when the Catholic Monarchs defeated the Kingdom of Grana.



LINGÜÍSTICA Dictados - Realización Actividades - Pruebas Orales y Escritas.

MATEMÁTICA Era Islámica - Era Cristiana

INFORMACIÓN Y COMPETENCIA DIGITAL Análisis de recursos gráficos empleados.


APRENDER A APRENDER Mapas Conceptuales. Dictados.

SOCIAL Y CIUDADANAEvolución de hechos históricos.

Comparativas tiempos históricos - actuales. Modos de vida y económicos históricos.

AUTONOMÍA E INICIATIVA PERSONAL Realización Actividades - Actividades de Ampliación.

INTERACCIÓN MUNDO FÍSICO Mapas Históricos - Geográficos. Comparativa


VV.AA “ Ciencias Sociales 2º ESO. Proyecto Ánfora” Oxford Educación. 2008. Estella.


VV.AA “Historia del Arte. 2º Bachillerato.” Vicens-Vives. 2011. Barcelona.

Buscador Google.

Fichas Historia El Mundo.

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