
TEAMWORK YIELDS BETTER PRODUCTS FROM HURON New improved Huron® instant Starch example of plant-lab cooperation

The development of new improved Huron Instant Starch—the starch that dissolves readily in hot or cold water—was no accident. I t reflects Huron's more than 50 years of experience and leadership in the starch field plus close coopera­tion between Hercules Research Center in Wilmington, Delaware, and the Huron Milling Division Plant in Harbor Beach, Michigan.

This combination of experience, research facilities, and modern production talents assures a continuing re-evaluation of Huron products. That 's why for the best today and tomorrow—you can look to Huron.

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RESEARCH — O n this spacious site outside Wilmington, Delaware, Hercules mainta ins one of the most extensive research laboratories in the chemical industry. It is here that the entire line of Huron starches and the basic chemistry involved in their manufacture are continually studied. Such research is j u s t one reason for Huron leadership.

PRODUCTION—At Harbor Reach, Michigan, this modern plant pro­duces Huron starches. T h e finest in equipment and quality control methods mean you can depend on Huron starch products for consistent results every time. Production knowledge is another indication of the experience t h a t s tands behind every starch in the Huron line.


HURON M I L L I N G D I V I S I O N Virginia Cellulose Department


900 Market Street, Wilmington 99, Delaware

7 2 C & E N SEPT. 8, 1 9 5 8

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