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I N C L U S I V E N E S S | H A R M O N Y | E M P O W E R M E N T

J U S T I C E | O P P O R T U N I T Y | Q U A L I T Y O F L I F E


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2 O U R Y E A R I N P I C T U R E S

Zahra Ebrahim, Board Member and Liane Regendanz, Executive Director, at the Scotiabank Marathon

Joining with past and present Board Members at the retirement party for Executive Director, Liane Regendanz

Bill Sinclair, Associate Executive Director, and Liane Regendanz, Executive Director, at the World Pride Parade

Participants at the ‘Real Talk to Real Action’ forum as part of our Youth Employment Campaign

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Former volunteer mediator, Premier Kathleen Wynne, delivers the keynote address at the 30th Anniversary celebration for our Conflict Resolution & Training program

Our new LGBTQ Paper Game was created

to create awareness about LGBTQ issues

Cooking up dumplings at our Seniors’ Bazaar to raise more than $6,000 for our Seniors Programs

Chiloh Turner and Kalale Dalton address the audience during the youth documentary premiere of `Making Sense of One`

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4 P R O G R A M S A N D O U T C O M E S | L E A D E R S H I P R E P O R T

In 2014–15, St. Stephen’s Community House assisted 25,205 individuals who made 350,223 visits to our nine program

locations in downtown-west Toronto and North York. CHILD CARE Our four licensed child care centres offer a stimulating and nurturing environment for 317 children between the ages of three months to ten years, with programming that benefits single parent and low-income families. Each centre offers a program of social, emotional and cognitive development in addition to nutritious meals and snacks prepared on site.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & SOCIAL ACTION The Community Development and Social Action Program educates and supports staff and program participants in a process of social change and identifies opportunities for long-term engagement. Last year, 568 program participants spoke out about major issues in their lives: poverty, inadequate social assistance, and the lack of quality affordable housing and youth services in the city. Voting videos and our democracy festival also helped encourage participants to vote in the mayoral election.

CONFLICT RESOLUTION & TRAINING In 2014–15, our Conflict Resolution & Training team provided community media-tion for more than 600 people. To help fund this free service, our social enterprise offers af-fordable mediation, facilitation, customized training and con-sulting services to businesses

and other organizations. New partnerships were established with the Ontario Criminal Courts in North York and Etobicoke.

EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING CENTRE Over 5,900 young people, adults and new Canadians gained employment support through Employment Ontario, workshops, counselling, job fairs and training programs. Connections, a program which helps newcomers gain skills and learn about the Canadian labour market, helped approx-imately 60% of its participants leave social assistance behind and find permanent work. Our Summer Jobs Program helped 2,276 students find work, and improve their ability to find employment through job and school fairs, and training workshops.

HOUSING AND HOMELESS SERVICES Our Corner Drop-in provides life-saving services for more than 3,225 people each year who are caught in the cycle of poverty, addiction and mental health issues. Open six days a week, the Corner welcomes up to 250 people daily for nutri-tious hot meals, and access to telephones, computers, showers and a mail registry. We offer assistance with affordable hous-ing and eviction prevention, addiction and crisis counselling, primary health care, mental

health case management and financial trusteeship. We also operate L.L. Odette Place supportive housing for 13 previously homeless men with mental health issues, and run the Toronto Community Addic-tion Team (TCAT), which helps people with serious addictions. Last year, we started the Corner Drop-in Employment Program to help participants find work.

LANGUAGE TRAINING AND NEWCOMER SERVICES In 2014–15, we helped nearly 1,800 newcomers with their transition to life in Canada by providing English classes, settlement counselling, referral services and employment preparation in five languages. We offer 15 English classes in four locations downtown and one in North York that includes free child minding.

SENIORS’ SERVICES The Senior Activities Centre helped 1,387 seniors live inde-pendently in the community and out of costly institutional care. It is a friendly, welcoming place that offers one-on-one assistance and group pro-grams where seniors socialize with peers and participate in health-related workshops, special interest classes, cultural celebrations and nutritious meals. We provide services in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and Portuguese.

WELLNESS PROMOTION With a focus on women’s health, HIV/AIDS educa-tion, perinatal and settlement support, the Wellness programs promote healthy lifestyles through culturally appropriate education strategies. Each year, our community health workers reach close to 8,000 women in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Portuguese and Spanish. In 2014–2015, we produced a new fotonovela to help prevent violence against women, and a new paper game to raise aware-ness about LGBTQ issues.

YOUTH SERVICES Recognized as a best practice model for youth spaces by the city, our youth services offer safe and positive meeting places for more than 1,539 neighbourhood youth, ages 13–21, many of whom are at-risk. They socialize, attend workshops, develop leadership and conflict resolution skills, and participate in alternative sports and recreation activities like our new music club. We also offer educational support, community service for young offenders, and our annual ca-reer mentoring conference. In 2014–15, we started two new projects: Cyber Defence, which helps prevent cyber violence and sexual exploitation among young women, and Sons & Daughters, which focuses on solutions for addictions in families across generations.

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Opportunities. Strengthening Communities.

VISIONSt. Stephen’s envisions an

inclusive com-munity in which

harmony, em-powerment and

opportunity create social and economic justice and a better

quality of life for all.

MISSIONSt. Stephen’s works

with individuals and communities

primarily in downtown west

Toronto to identify, prevent and

alleviate social and economic problems

by creating and providing a

range of effective and innovative


A unifying visionSt. Stephen’s Community House staff and volunteers are guided by

our vision of inclusive, harmonious communities where people feel empowered, are supported in overcoming challenges and have

opportunities to realize their potential. This vision informs not just what we do, but how we do it. Our community development approach puts the self-determination of our service users at the centre.

This vision also shapes our strategic plan and the development of our services. Consider our Youth Employment Campaign, which touched on multiple strategic directions: We engaged youth participants and partner organizations to build on their own experiences and provide recommendations to the Ontario government for its Youth Jobs Strategy.

This year was a period of transition with the retirement of several long-standing members of the management team and the passing of Randy Heasman, Director of our Employment & Training Centre. These individuals left us with their unique and far-reaching legacies of accomplishment.

One of those retiring was Executive Direc-tor Liane Regendanz, who stepped down after 30 years. Liane’s leadership and unflagging dedication enriched the lives of each person we served. We remain in good hands with the appointment of Bill Sinclair as Executive Director. Bill has been with us for more than 15 years, first as Program Director, and more recently as Associate Executive Director.

Through it all, our vision remains strong. Thank you for supporting our goal of a more just, equitable and compassionate city where there are opportunities for all.

FROM LIANEWhen I walked through the doors of SSCH

30 years ago, I knew I had found home. I have had the privilege of working with so many out-standing staff and board volunteers, colleagues, donors, and service users.

Thank you all for the honour of serving this dynamic and special organization.

FROM CHARLESAs I step down from as Board President and

the Board itself, I am proud to have played my small part in the overall success of this won-derful organization over the past eight years. It has been an honour to work with so many outstanding people.

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6 L I V I N G O U R V I S I O N : I N C L U S I V E N E S S

‘M’ is for ‘Mom’For many children, one of the first words they learn is “Mama”. That wasn’t the case for Tomas Silva.

While Tomas was in the toddler program at our Harbourfront Child Care Centre, it became clear to his parents, Raquel and Pedro, that he was having issues with his speech. “He couldn’t pronounce the letter ‘M’. We were lucky that the teachers noticed his difficulty right away.”

Staff referred Tomas to the Toronto Pre-school Speech and Language Services for an assessment and lessons with a speech pathol-ogist. They also recommended the Hanen Centre workshop, “It Takes Two to Talk”, to his parents. “It helped teach us how to work on

Tomas’ language skills at home.” Now in preschool at our Waterfront Child

Care Centre, Tomas has shown marked improve-ment and is happily working with the early childhood educators to prepare for Kindergar-ten. “The staff at Harbourfront and Waterfront are so understanding and supportive of Tomas. They genuinely want to help and we can’t thank them enough.”

IMPACT40 children with special needs in

our four childcare centres received additional care

that helps improve speech, physical

mobility and cogitative skills

Tomas Silva playing at our Waterfront Childcare Centre.

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Jianwei Zheng studying in her linc English class.

Living together, learning togetherWhen Jianwei Zheng came to Canada in 2011, she left everything behind: her family, her friends, her culture. “I didn’t know any English. I couldn’t even say ‘Have a good day.’ ”

The problem came to a head when Jianwei could not understand how to apply for a birth certificate for her son, Jack. “Someone told me about the Language Training and Newcomer Services at St. Stephen’s. I was so happy to find staff who speak Mandarin and could help me.”

Jianwei also found affordable childcare at 91 Bellevue and started learning English with our free LINC (Language Instruction for New Canadians) classes. “Getting to the level three wasn’t easy. I’m proud of my progress and I can even help other people with simple interpretation.”

Perhaps more important were the friend-ships that developed between Jianwei and her classmates. “Together we learn, play, share our experiences. It helps me stay positive. That influenced Jack too. He likes learning and making new friends.”

Jianwei and her son are settled now. Jack will start Kindergarten in September, Jianwei’s command of English is growing and she is plan-ning her future. “I want to become a hairstylist and open my own salon. We are very happy living here. It’s beautiful!”

IMPACT1783 newcomers transition more easily to life in

Canada through settlement services and 15 different LINC and ESL

(English as a Second Language) classes and settle-

ment services

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8 L I V I N G O U R V I S I O N : H A R M O N Y

Saving the SpicemanMost cases that run through our Community Mediation service help participants avoid the court system. But once in a while, the mediation occurs after guilt has been decided in the court. The

Spiceman case was one.Nicknamed ‘The Spiceman’ in the media,

restaurateur Naveen Polapady was sentenced for assaulting, and throwing spices at, Manuel Belo, who he believed was a thief. Before the sentencing, they participated in a specially- designed mediation program, as referred by Ontario Court Justice Peter Harris. The emo-tional and legal benefits were clear: Naveen better understood his actions and their conse-quences, and received a lighter sentence; and Manuel had the chance to express the harm done to him and gain closure. Benefits were evident for the courts as well. Judge Harris had more information to aid him in sentencing, while the justice system itself saves valuable time and money by referring cases for mediation.

Judge Harris was happy with the result. “It was a very successful outcome for both the victim and offender. I hope to see St. Stephen’s play a larger role in community-based dispute resolution.”

Naveen Polapady approaching the courthouse for his sentencing hearing after participating in court-appointed mediation.

IMPACT600 people saved time

and money, and reduced their anxiety by choosing mediation instead of the courts; victims gained

closure; offenders received lesser sentences and reduced

the chance of recidivism

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Life is Life“Life is life.” Simple words of wisdom from Bryan Connell, words that stem from his experience with the criminal justice system, and our +Vibes (“Positive Vibes”) music program.

After his family immigrated to Canada, Bryan struggled to adapt. Although his love of music and art eased his burdens, it also lead him into the world of street graffiti, and unfortunately, into the Youth Justice System.

In lieu of court proceedings, Bryan was referred to our Youth Services Extra Judicial Sanctions program. For community service, he is mentoring other youth in +Vibes, teaching them how to read music and play instruments. More than that, Bryan shows how positive and

thoughtful lyrics can combat the negative ste-reotypes associated with hip-hop, and promotes music as a way young people can have a voice in their community.

The change in Bryan has been dramatic: his friends have seen it too and are now volunteers with our Youth Services. The story doesn’t stop there: After he completes his community service hours, Bryan will continue his good work here as a volunteer, expanding the scope of +Vibes.

Life is life. And Bryan is now savouring it.

Students in the +Vibes music program working together on music and lyrics for their songs.

IMPACT15 youth each year improve their levels of

perseverance and concentration,

while promoting teamwork and their ability for self-expression

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1 0 L I V I N G O U R V I S I O N : E M P O W E R M E N T

Getting out the municipal voteWith names of Tory, Ford and Chow on the city’s ballot in 2014, everyone expected voter turnout to be high. But names alone don’t explain the staggering 21% jump in ballots cast from 2006. One of the reasons stems from grassroots efforts to get out the vote, much like what was done here at St. Stephen’s.

Working with the Toronto Neighbourhood Centres, participants from our Corner Drop-in produced a video showing their peers the importance of voting. The video also showed how easy it is to vote, even for first-time voters who are homeless. Participants from our Youth Arcade also joined the campaign by creating and speaking out in a video aimed at young first-time voters.

But getting out the vote takes more than just videos: Partnering with other community

organizations, we held a democracy festival on October 17th. Everyone celebrated their right to vote and the ability to make their voices heard.

And on October 24th, people across the city made their voices heard.

“It’s your one chance to make a difference. By not voting, you’re throwing that away.”

— Henry, drop-in participant

IMPACT14 formal screen-ings of our video in Toronto drop-in centres aimed

at increasing social engagement

among people who are homeless and giving them a greater voice in

their communities

Writing the reasons for voting during our Democracy Festival.

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Making cyberspace a safe spaceApril Luu saw firsthand how her friends were being bullied and exploited online. That’s why she jumped at the chance to join our Cyber Self-Defense project.

“My friends didn’t know how to talk about it and were alienated and ashamed. That’s how I felt when I first came to the Youth Arcade. Staff were welcoming mentors and counsellors. They accepted me for who I am and helped me evolve.” April volunteered as a placement student for our youth criminal justice team, became a facilitator for our anti-violence program, and directed a youth democracy video. Her experiences led her to the Cyber Self-Defense project.

“I tried to help my friends cope but couldn’t stop the cause. Being part of the Cyber Self-Defense Project, I can help so many more people.”

As one of the peer re-searchers on the Project, April helps survey young women about their experiences with cyberbullying, internet luring and cyberstalking. Shared experiences of a peer encourages people to be open about their an-swers to the survey questions. Those answers will help shape a strategy to address cyberviolence in the community.

“I’ve seen that many young women don’t report the violence. They feel intimidated and vulnerable. I know this project can help.”

IMPACTSurvey findings were discussed with research-ers, partners

and funders at the Webbing with Wisdom conference in

May 2015, and will be used to shape a strategy to help young

women increase their ability to

protect themselves from cyberbul-lying, internet

luring and cyberstalking

April Luu, speaking about her youth democracy video

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1 2 L I V I N G O U R V I S I O N : O P P O R T U N I T Y

Paul William Scott Heather McLean

Working to a better futurePaul William Scott and Heather McLean had one thing in common: no hope of steady work.

Paul was struggling to make ends meet on the Ontario Disability Support Program. “I tried other employment agencies but my age limited my options. And some people were judging me because of my mental health issues.”

Heather also struggled keeping a job for nine years because of panic attacks. After recovering, finding a job was difficult. “I was out of work for so long, I was worried I didn’t have relevant skills in the workplace.”

Right from the start, our Employment & Training Centre staff helped Paul and Heather strengthen their resumes, understand their strengths, and gain confidence in themselves.

Paul took advantage of free training to gain his food handler certification. “My advisor placed me at the Good Sheppard Ministries in the community kitchen, and into a Peer Support Education program through Work for Change. I gained a lot of practical skills I can use on the job.”

Heather qualified for the Youth Employ-ment Fund, which helped people under 30 who were unemployed and out of school. She quickly found work as a clinic assistant for the Village Family Health Team. Heather has since earned a promotion and raise, and is going back to school part-time to further her career.

Today, Heather and Paul share something else: a path to a better future.


confidence, self-image and career

prospects for 74% of participants in our Employment Ontario programs through employ-ment, training or return to school

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Bust a move, cut a rug, boogie ...When 13-year-old Karshell McCaffe first came to the Youth Arcade, it was like she had forgotten how to be happy. Quiet, she was uncertain about who she was, where she was going, and who her friends really were. What she did know, was that she loved to dance. She got the opportunity, through our Youth Services’ Breaking Boundaries physical recreation program.

Karshell was introduced to our services through our high school outreach. She wanted the chance to learn more about dance and that is exactly what she found. With the help of the City Dance Corps, Karshell and other youth in the program had the opportunity to learn dance fundamentals from professional instruc-tors, a service they could not otherwise afford. They also saw firsthand the benefits of working

together for a common goal, and the dedication needed to get there.

Together with her friends in Breaking Boundaries, Karshell is focused on training for the STOMP Urban Dance Competition/Show-case, held at the Sony Centre for the Perform-ing Arts in early June. She smiles a lot these days, and with good reason.

IMPACTImproved physical

health, greater self-confidence,

and stronger social networks for 45 young people through Breaking Boundaries’ physi-

cal activities

Karshell McCaffe practices her dance moves through our Breaking Boundaries physical recreation program.

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1 4 L I V I N G O U R V I S I O N : S O C I A L J U S T I C E

Katrin Clouse, mediating a dispute in the Corner Drop-in, holds her talking piece, a mediation tool that shows it is her turn to speak.

Transforming justiceWhen Katrin Clouse spoke about her art at a show at Metro Hall, she realized the irony. “I slept there, through the Out of the Cold program. I never believed I could be back here for something like this.” The art show was part of a pilot Transformative Justice peer project geared toward helping participants from our Corner Drop-in.

Delivered in partnership with Rittenhouse, the project started with an art component that encouraged community building and an understanding of restorative justice. The next phases included mediation training, and finally, mediating disputes in the Corner, and the community itself.

Throughout the project, Katrin and her peers learned about de-escalation strategies, con-flict resolution styles, stigma and discrimination,

personal resiliency and communication skills. They also gained confidence, self-esteem and the ability to handle conflict in their own lives.

Katrin saw firsthand the power of restorative justice when she mediated a tenant/landlord dispute. “One of the building staff broke down in tears after realizing how his actions contrib-uted to the problem. The process was rewarding for everyone. It brings out people’s empathy and helps them heal. It really does change you.”

IMPACTIncreased capacity to cope with con-flict in their lives and the ability to help prevent and resolve conflicts in their com-munity for 12

peers trained in restorative justice


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Freedom from abuseThe Province of Ontario is taking action to stop violence against women. At St. Stephen’s, we are right there with them.

On December 8, M.P.P. Tracy MacCharles, the Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues, held a press conference at our Augusta Centre to announce a province-wide public aware-ness campaign. As part of the initiative, we partnered with COSTI Immigrant Services to create a new culturally-sensitive fotonovela that helps people identify the signs of abuse, and understand how they can help victims of abuse.

Targeted to newcomers with lower levels of English literacy, “Let’s Talk About It: Freedom From Abuse” uses simple dialogue and photos to improve readers’ comprehension about the issue, and the rights and freedoms enjoyed by everyone in Canada. That understanding makes

it easier for English language instructors and fellow students to reach out and help women who suffer from domestic abuse.

“Violence against women im-pacts everyone regardless of socio-economic or cultural back-ground. Helping Ontarians in our diverse communities recognize the signs of violence while learn-ing English is innovative.”

— M.P.P. Tracy MacCharles, Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues

IMPACT10,000 copies of the Fotonovela were printed

and distributed to social ser-vice agencies

and newcomer learning centres

across Ontario to help newcomer

women recognize the signs of abuse and know how to

get help

Pages from the fotnovela, Let’s Talk About It: Freedom From Abuse

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1 6 L I V I N G O U R V I S I O N : Q U A L I T Y O F L I F E

Twelve is the new tenJake Sebastian grew up in family with a multi-generational history of physical abuse and substance use. It left him angry and broken.

“I wasn’t expecting anything good in life. I had no life plans except for getting drunk to numb the pain. After being in and out of rehabs for years, I didn’t believe anybody or anything could help me.” Three years ago, Jake hit rock bottom. He was in hospital emergency rooms every week. Fortunately, he was referred to our Toronto Community Addictions Team (TCAT).

At TCAT, Jake received intensive support to address his substance use, physical health concerns, housing needs and trauma related is-sues. “The approach at St. Stephen’s is so good. My case worker taught me more about myself

than I ever knew. It helped me feel good about myself and accept others as they are.”

Today, Jake is thriving. “I’m a much happier person and I don’t need alcohol to feel better. I signed up for a creative writing course, started a relationship and do deliveries for a small catering company. A year ago, none of these wonderful things were possible for me. On a scale of one to ten, I feel like a 12!"

IMPACTIncreased phys-ical health and

improved levels of self-esteem, confi-dence and ability to cope for 221 people, resulting

in a 62% decrease in emergency de-partment use and 71% decrease in withdrawal man-agement services

Jake Sebastian making a delivery to our head office.

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Mr N

ham Kimh Van taking part in his daily exercise regimen

‘…day upon day, joy upon joy…’ ** from the English translation of Pipa Xing

Pipa Xing and Chang Hen Ge are the favourite poems of Mr. Nham Kimh Van. He could spend hours reciting them or playing the yehu, a traditional musical instrument from China. But that was before Mr. Van suffered a stroke.

The lingering physical effects weighed on his mind. Mr. Van became withdrawn, sitting in the kitchen the whole day listening to the radio. His wife looked after him the entire day. But with her encouragement, Mr. Van cautiously tried the Adult Day Program at our Seniors Activity Centre.

“Staff paid attention to every small detail and made me feel welcome, connected and relaxed. I felt better the first day after exercis-ing. And they were so great at encouraging me to move, even asking me to get up and come

to different tables during afternoon games. I know I move much better because of how much they care.”

Today, his wife and friends have seen a huge change. Mr. Van is energetic and eager to discuss the poetic merits of renowned 8th century Chinese poet, Bai Juyi, sample the dif-ferent cuisines prepared at the Centre, and even practice Tai Chi. “Every day I look forward to the program. There are so many great things to do, great staff, and great friends.”

IMPACT30 minutes of physical exer-

cise each day for 15 frail seniors

improves physical health, increases mental activity and reduces risk

of depression

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1 8 F A R E W E L L S

Thank you to those who helped us live our visionThank you to our St. Stephen’s colleagues who

have helped us provide inclusiveness, harmony, empowerment, opportunity, social justice and

quality of life to some of Toronto’s most vulnerable men, women and children.

FATIMA ALVESAfter 40 years at St. Stephen’s, our Childcare Director, Fatima Alves retired in January 2015. As Director, Fatima’s exceptional guidance helped grow our program: Starting in 1974 with only 30 preschool children, our childcare program expanded to provide care in four locations for more than 250 children each year, ages three months to ten years. Through Fatima’s insight and dedication, children in our care continue to thrive in a safe, nurturing space. Fatima also managed our childcare’s accommodation of the Toronto District School Board’s switch to full-day kindergarten.

LIANE REGENDANZOn March 31, 2015, Executive Director Liane Regendanz stepped down after 30 years at St. Stephen’s.

Liane’s passion for improving the lives of the city’s most vulnerable people brought her here in 1986 as our Manager of Youth Employment Services and led her to the Executive Director’s chair in 1997.Her unwavering commit-ment strengthened our services in nine locations, helping us serve more than 25,000 people each year. Liane was awarded the inaugural Frances Lankin Community Services Award in 2012, for her significant, sustained contribution to the non-profit community service sector in Toronto.

RANDI REYNOLDSRandi Reynolds, our Manager of the Wellness Promotion team retired in January 2015 after 14 years here at St. Stephen’s. Our Wellness program focuses on women’s health, HIV/AIDS education and support for newcomer pregnant women and new mothers. Whether it’s the annual AIDS walk, LGBTQ paper game or recent fotonovela about

domestic abuse, Randi’s ingenuity, compassion and hard work helped us reach thousands of people each year.

EILEEN SHANNONOur Director of Community Programs, Eileen Shannon, is retiring on July 3, 2015, after nearly 12 years at St. Stephen’s. Her outstanding leadership has dramatically influenced our community programs, including Conflict Resolution & Training, Housing & Homeless Services, Wellness Promotion and Youth Services. Eileen has been a long-term supporter of our Board Program Committee and more recently our Program Population Reviews helping to ensure our programs remain vibrant and relevant for the future.

RANDY HEASMAN TRIBUTEOn May 12, 2015, we lost our beloved Director of Employment & Training, Randy Heasman, after an almost three-year battle with cancer. He faced his battle with the same courage, tenacity and determination that he brought to his work every day. Throughout his 30 years with St. Stephen’s, Randy wore many hats; his natural leadership qualities and positive personality were apparent as he progressively moved from his first position as an outreach worker to becoming the Director of Employment & Training in 1997. Randy is greatly missed by all who knew him.

New Associate Executive DirectorLidia Monaco joined us in April 2015 as our new Associate Executive Director. She has an amazing 21 years of senior management experience at multi-service neighbourhood centres in Seniors Services, Neighbourhood Services, and Children, Youth and Family Services. With her broad knowledge, Lidia has already fit in perfectly here at St. Stephen's.

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B O A R D | C O M M I T T E E | V O L U N T E E R S


In 2014–15, 546 members of the community, including service users, students, parents and grandparents, volunteered their time to support their neighbours. You gave 29,385 hours of your time! We could not do it without you. On behalf of our staff and the people whose lives we help to improve, thank you for your generosity!

DEPARTING BOARD MEMBERSNyron Dwyer (Jun 2009 – Jun 2015)

Charles Gordon, Board President (Jun 2007 – Jun 2015)

Bill Mackinnon (Oct 2012 – Jun 2015)

Grace Nalbandian (Jun 2009 – Jun 2015)

Between them, Charles, Grace, Nyron and Bill have sat or chaired every committee of the Board of Directors. In the past six years they helped expand our financial success, program outcomes, fundraising growth, advocacy profile and labour relations. These dedicated members have impacted all aspects of our organi-zation and brought di-verse community and professional views to our discussions. Thank you so much for your tireless volunteer work!

Volunteers from Ironbridge

Equity wrap presents and decorate the

Corner Drop-in for our





Board of Directors

Charlene O'ConnorKaren LoftusMohamed Hassan

Sarah DoyleTracey ReesPeter Khela

Sharry AikenKyle PetersonJerako Biaje

Cynthia BlissBarbara Mellman

Yogen Appalraju Maureen AtkinsonLory CorsoNyron Dwyer

Zahra EbrahimRob EcclestoneSerkan EskinaziCharles Gordon

Howard GreenSarah Hurrle Bill MacKinnonAnn Mitchell

Grace NalbandianMark SmyeYuko Sorano

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All our visionary donors, partners and funders recognize that excellence and opportunity go

hand in hand. You made 2014/2015 a great year at St. Stephen’s Community House. We are proud to be a United Way Toronto Member Agency.


FEDERAL Citizenship & Immigration Canada

Health Canada

Service Canada

Status of Women Canada

PROVINCIAL Ministry of Children & Youth Services

Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities

Ontario Women’s Directorate

Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network

MUNICIPAL City of Toronto

Toronto Arts Council

Toronto District School Board


Adelaide Resource Centre for Women

AIDS Committee of Toronto

Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services

Asian Community AIDS Services

Assets Coming Together For Youth

Bellevue Square Park Residents Association

Boundless Adventures Association

Butterfly – Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Network

Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

Central Toronto Community Health Centre

Central West Toronto Health Link

Community Living Toronto

Concurrent Disorders Support Services

Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto

Chartered Accountants of Ontario

COSTI Immigrant Services

Daily Bread Food Bank

Davenport Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre

Diocese of Toronto, Anglican Church of Canada

East Metro Youth Services

Eritrean Youth Coalition

First Work - OAYEC

Fred Victor

Friends of Kensington Market

George Brown College

Green Skills Network

Hassle Free Clinic

Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation

Humber College

Ingram Gallery

Innoweave Youth CI

Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre

Kensington Art Academy

Kensington Bellwoods Community Legal Services

Kensington Health Centre -Kensington Gardens

Kensington Market BIA

Krudar Muay Thai

Lawrence Heights Inter- Organization Network

Mainstay Housing


Mid-Toronto West Health Link

Motivate Canada



North York Community House

NPower Canada

Ontario Non-Profit Network

Ontario Women’s Directorate

Ossington Men's Withdrawal Management Centre

Parents for Better Beginnings

Parkdale Community Health Centre

Regeneration Community Services

Regent Park Community Health Centre


Ryerson University

St. Elizabeth Health Centre

St. Michael’s Hospital – Inner City Health Associates

Scadding Court Community Centre

Seaton House

Second Harvest Food Bank

Seneca College

Sherbourne Health Centre


Social Capital Partners

Social Innovation Generation @MaRS

Social Planning Council of Toronto

South Riverdale Community Health Centre

Street Kids International

Sustainable TO


The Apple Store

The Gerstein Crisis Centre

The Stop Community Food Centre

Toronto Catholic District School Board

Toronto Community Care Access Centre

Toronto Community Housing Corporation

Toronto District School Board

Toronto Drop-in Network

Toronto Employment and Social Services

Toronto Foundation for Student Success

Toronto Neighbourhood Centres (TNC)

Toronto Parks and Recreation Department

Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services

Toronto Public Health

Toronto Western Hospital – University Health Network

Unison Health and Community Services

University of Toronto

University Settlement House

West Neighbourhood House

Women’s College Hospital

Wood Manufacturing Council

Woodgreen Community Services

York University

DONORS APRIL 1, 2014 – MARCH 31, 2015


P. & L. Odette Charitable Foundation


736 Outreach Corporation

J.P. Bickell Foundation

Brookfield Partners Foundation

Page 21: St stephen's community house annual report 2014 2015



BrookField Asset Management Inc. - Jack Cockwell

Emerald Foundation- Rochelle Rubinstein

Green Shield Canada Foundation

Intact Foundation

Lawrence Family Foundation

Bill Mackinnon

The Catherine & Maxwell Meighen Foundation

RBC Foundation

Sprott Foundation

TELUS Corporation

Tippet Foundation


CP24/CHUM Charitable Foundation

Evans Investment Counsel- Robert Evans

Maple Leaf Foods Inc.

F.K.Morrow Foundation

Mark Smye

Rio Can Management (BC) Inc.


4 Anonymous

Fatima Alves

Yogen Appalraju

Maureen Atkinson & John C. Williams

Cynthia Bliss

Rosemary Chan

J.S. Cheng & Partners Inc.

Lory Corso

David Crawford & Julia Holland

Laura Dinner

Lynn Eakin

Serkan Eskinazi

Andy Gallagher

Charles B. Gordon

William Hinder

William & Mary Horan

Lynda Hamilton

Ironbridge Equity Partners Ltd

Jackman Foundation

A & A King Foundation

Loblaw Companies Limited

Madeline Lunney & Geoff Grayhurst

Valerie March-Bennett

Theodore & Connie Marras

Ann F. Mitchell

Motion Clothing Company Limited- Nancy Moore

Fatima Pacheco

The Pottruff Family Foundation

Liane Regendanz

David C. Rich

St. George's Society of Toronto

Jennifer A. Scott

Amelia F. Sims Chapter IODE

Bill Sinclair

Terrance Sinclair

Jacqueline Solway

David Sterns Professional Corporation - David Stern

Tom's Place - Tom Mihalek

Jane M. Wilson

Avrum Udaskin



Rosemary Bell

Carmichael, Birrell, Loberto Corp.

Peter Cory

Charles Coupal

Donna Dasko

Jose M. Dores

Marc-Andre Dufour

Keith Durrant

Nyron B. Dwyer

Peter Firkola

Janet R. Gouinlock

Great-West Life

Howard Green

B & B Hamilton Fund

Elizabeth D. Hamilton

Geoff Horton

John Krukowski CA

A. E. MacKay

Anargyros Marangos

Murray Martin

Keli Mersereau

Grace Nalbandian

Simon Puviraj

Andrea Rosen

Cam Russell

Linda & Alan Slavin

William W. Somerville

Farhan Syed

Peter Tsakoniatis

Robert Vipond

Peter Yao

Yonge Street Mission


9 Anonymous

Mervyn D. Abramowitz

Joseph Albert

ACS: Alcohol Countermeasure Systems

Robert Allsopp

Dorothy Amos

Philip Anisman

Malcolm & Carolyn Archibald

Stephen Au

Augusta Fruit Market Ltd.

Christopher Bailey

Marsha Baillie

David E. Baird

Ariel Balevi

Eileen Barbeau

Dror Bar-Natan

Florence Barwell

Kent Bassett-Spiers

Margaret Bennet-Alder

Denise Bezaire

Lisa Binnie

David Blewett

Bloor-Bathurst Interchurch Gathering Spot

Ann Boehlke

Daniel B. Bogue

Suzanne Bond

David W. Booz

Brenda Bradlow

Lynn E. Brennan

Jacqueline H. Brookes

Jacqueline Brooks

Grace Brooks

Barbara Bruser

Thomas G. Budd

June Bushell

Judith C. Campbell

Giselle Campoli

Derek Leigh Carson

Elizabeth Carveth

Erika Chandler

C.M. Chiba

Robert and Virginia Chisholm

Michael Cooke

Catherine Cotton

Marc Coulavin

George Cowley

Lois Croft

M. Anne Curtis

Edward & Huong Dakin

Bernadette Davis

G. Dekenga

Jack P. Denning

Celia Denov

K. R. Jones & G. Deridder

Dianne Dias

Wendy L. Dicker

Colin R.C. Dobell

Kale Donner

Craig Donovan

Annette Driedger

Shirley Dyck

Zahra Ebrahim

Penny Ecclestone

Elizabeth Evans

Robert Everett-Green

Susan Farkas

Fee Chui Har

Barbara Fischer

James T. Fisher

Margaret Fisher

Robert Fothergill

Francine Freeman

Whitney French

Bert D'Antini & Judith Gans-D'Antini

Ellen Gardner

Estee Garfin

David & Helena Garlin

Robert Gilchrist

Chris & John Gilmour

John Gladki

Marie Glass

David Goldbloom

Gerald Goldman

Elizabeth Gordon

Robert Graham

Manuel & Lucia Granados

Tim Grant

Mary B. Greey

John Gregory

Michael Gretton

Page 22: St stephen's community house annual report 2014 2015

Louise T. Guillemette

Wayne Gwillim

Elizabeth Hanson

Colin Hardman

Kathryn L. Hawke

Hanna Heger

Henry G. Hiebert

Stafford Higgins

David Hilton

Ruth Hogg

Les Horswill

Harald Hough

Hui King Fook

Irene Hunter

Sarah Hurrle

Huynnh Hong Xiem

Kathleen Ingleson

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Eleanor Ip

Eva Janecek

Russell Janzen

Ross Jolliffe

Donna Jones

Elizabeth Jones

Daniel Bernstein & Tamara Jordan

Jovinex Housekeeping Services Inc.

Dr. Kassel

David & Julia Keeling

Jill Kelsall

Beth Kesselman

Stanslav Kirschbaum

Patricia Kishino

Martin Klein

Ho-Kok Kohler

Mrs. Koneri

Richard Konopada

H. V. Koring

Uwe Krebs

Patricia Lacroix

Eric & Laura Lane

J. Spencer Lanthier

Audrey M.Lawther

Victoria Lee

Maureen Lennon

Mona Levenstein

Bryna Levitin

Frank Lochan

Rebecca Lock

Jane Low Beer

Arthur D. Lowe

Torry Lowenbach

Pamela Lowry

Susan Lumley

Clara Lumsden

Terence Macartney-Filgate

Nona MacDonald

William A. MacKay

Linda D. MacKeigan

Joanne Mackie

Mary Ellen Mahoney

Donald S. Marshall

Michelle Mawhinney

Fannie A. May

Pauline Mazumdar

Joseph McBride

Sandra McCallum

David & Inez McCamus

Gordon H. McCaslin

Ian McCombe & Elizabeth Ritchie

James K.McDonald

Marion McDougall

Robert McKegney

Carole McKiee

Bryan McKinnon

Kathleen McMorrow

John A. Miceli

W A Derry Millar

Jean Miller

Andrew Milne-Allan

Mirus International Inc-Tony Hoevanaars

Anne Moran

Mr. Security – Myron Rosil

Eleanor Connie Munson

Scherazad Musaphir

Yolanda Nadalini

Betty D. Nelson-French

Miriam Newhouse

Chi Nguyen

Nick & Lynn Ross Charitable Foundation

Helen Orr

Michael S. Paiva

Jocelyn Paris

Stephen & Carmen Paterson

Aurel & Rosemary Pauer

Nena Pendevska

William Pengelly

Maurice & Marianne Perrin

Frederick Peters

Mary Jane Phillips

Roque N. Pinto

Florentino Pires

Jenny Poon

Harvey Poss

Robert A. Prince

Private Giving Foundation

Andrew Pruss

Heather Pyle

Angelina Raposo

Kelly Read

Diana Regendanz

Paul H. Reinhardt

Larry W. Rich

Jennifer M. Ross

Wendy Rothwell

Reid Rusonik

James Saloman

Marianne Scandiffio

Silvan Schaller

John Scheffer

Shane & Jennifer Schick

David Schlanger

Kathleen Schneider

Tania C. Sclocco

Mary Scott

Dan Scrimger

Carol Shea

Show Kids You Care

Saara Siddiqi

Maggie Siggins

Edward Silva

Maria Silva

Rory "Gus" Sinclair

Joan Sinclair

Brian Slattery

Susan Smith

Pamela Smye

Janet Solberg

J. Francien Solitar

Mary Kay Sonier

Fondation Alex U. Soyka

Joanne Spadafora

Vasu Srinivasan

James N. Stanley

Marion Stendon

Kimberly Stevenson

Neil Stevenson

Michael McLean Stewart

Janet Stuart

Richard Sugarman

Tam Big Yun Sun

J.E. & Barbara Tangney

Igor G. Taraschuk

A.W. Tassie

Charles & Carol Tator

Carol A. Thompson

Judith Thompson

S. Anne Todd

Robert Torokvei

Arthur Treloar

Jean Tremayne

Boleslavas Trinka

Try-Scott Transport Systems Ltd.

Elizabeth Tsihlias

Aline Tso

University of Toronto

Harish Vaishnav

Matthew Valic

Peter Van Capelle

Anthony Van Leeuwen

Lorena Vicente

A. Roy and Hazel Voelker

Nicholas Volk III

Janet Waddington

William & Amy Wadley

Mary Walsh

Hubert L.Washington

Mary C. Watson

Carla Weinberg

Ann L. Weiser

William Weldon

Jim & Ruth Wheler

Margaret Wheler

Patrick Whitley

Victoria Wilson

Janet Winhall

Jack and Nan Wiseman

John & Sue Wissent

Loretta Wong

David Wright

Leslie Wright

Martin Chak Kwan Yeung

Joanne Young

Thanks to our donors who contributed between $1 and $99.

Thank you to all our staff and supporters who donate to United Way Toronto. We are also grateful to the many businesses and nonprofits we work with annually through job and community service placements and joint initiatives.

We apologize for any errors or omissions in our Donor Roster and respect the wishes of donors requesting anonymity. Please direct any inquiries to 416-925-2103 x1256.


Page 23: St stephen's community house annual report 2014 2015


Direct ProgramCosts82%


Building Costs9%



For the year ended March 31, 2015REVENUE 2015 2014Fees Childcare Parent Fees 1,205,299 1,165,740 City of Toronto 1,761,331 1,771,325 Grants & Donations Federal Government 1,925,912 2,035,517 Province of Ontario 6,348,534 5,713,561 City of Toronto 1,296,715 1,225,239 United Way of Greater Toronto 535,530 545,998 Donations 557,167 518,591 Social Enterprises 301,440 306,327 Interest and Sundry Income 73,403 86,285

$ 14,005,331 $ 13,368,583EXPENDITURESAudit and Legal 52,760 46,377 Amortization — building used for programs 174,659 174,659 Building Occupancy 1,017,604 966,660 Employee Recruitment and Training 60,271 62,116 Food Services 222,873 223,567 Membership 16,634 13,361 Office and General 298,068 302,144 Program Supplies and Expenses 384,701 304,605 Promotion 106,244 110,719 Purchased Services 903,129 961,041 Salaries and Employee Benefits 9,337,677 8,911,269 Transportation and Travel 31,967 33,839 Trainee Remuneration 1,353,872 1,184,841

$ 13,960,459 $ 13,295,198

Excess of Revenue over Expenditures 44,872 73,385

This is an unaudited statement. Full statements are available on request.

Childcare Services23%

Employment & Training Services25%

Language Training & Newcomer Services 12%

Senior Services 5%

Homeless Services21%

Conflict Resolution Services 3%

Youth Services 5%

Wellness Promotion Services 4%

Toronto Drop-in Network 1%

Neighbourhood Support 1%


Federal government14%

Province of Ontario 45%

City of Toronto(grants and fees)


United Way 4%Toronto

Child Care Parent Fees 9%

Donations 4%Social Enterprise 2%Interest and Sundry 1%


Page 24: St stephen's community house annual report 2014 2015














Queen’s Quay W.








p ort



Park HomeEllerslie Norton



1 BELLEVUE CENTREConflict Resolution & Training; Wellness Promotion; Childcare; Administration91 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, ON M5T 2N8416-925-2103 x1221

2 AUGUSTA CENTREHousing and Homeless Services – Corner Drop-in, L.L. Odette Place; Youth Services; Language Training and Newcomer Services260 Augusta Avenue, Toronto, ON M5T 2L9416-925-2103 x2240

3 EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING CENTREEmployment & Training; Community Development and Social Action1415 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5R 3H8416-925-2103 x4000

4 HARBOURFRONT CHILD CARE CENTRE650 Queens Quay West, Suite 101, Toronto, ON M5V 3N2 • 416-925-2103 x1765

5 WATERFRONT CHILD CARE CENTRE635 Queens Quay W., Toronto, ON M5V 3G3416-925-2103 x1765

6 KING EDWARD CHILD CARE CENTRE112 Lippincott Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2P1416-925-2103 x5110

7 KENSINGTON HEALTH CENTRESenior Activities Centre (Suite 360); Toronto Community Addiction Team (Suite 108)340 College Street, Toronto, ON M5T 3A9416-925-2103 x3100 (seniors) x3000 (tcat)

8 NEWCOMER CENTRELanguage Training and Newcomer Services – North York5231 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M2N 5P8416-925-2103 x1797

9 CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND TRAINING – NORTH YORKJane / Finch Community Centre4400 Jane Street, Toronto, ON M3N 2K4416-663-2733 x255

Annual Report CreditsWriting & Editing Edward Akler, Francine Freeman, Liane Regendanz, Bill SinclairPhotography Vincenzo Pietropaolo, Francine Freeman, Liane Regendanz, Oksana Osadcha, Toronto Star Design WriteDesign Printing C&D Graphic Services

For the e-version of our Annual Report 2014–2015 go to

ST. STEPHEN’S COMMUNITY HOUSE 416.925.2103 [email protected] • •

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