
St. Philip’s ConnectionSt. Philip’s ConnectionSt. Philip’s ConnectionSt. Philip’s Connection December 2017


St. Philip’s Episcopal Church

118 W. Poplar St.

Harrodsburg, KY 40330

(859) 734-3569 [email protected]

St . Phi l ip ’s Episcopal Church

Parish Activities 2


Vergers 5

Contacts 6

Finance/stewardship 5

Liturgical schedule 4

Birthdays/Calendar 4

Christian Education 2

Community Meal 3

The Happiest Employee at the Ridge

In the past we’ve had articles that focused on people and ministry within our congregation: a way to get to know one another a little better. This article is another in that series and focuses on Marty Gray and his therapy dog, Carter. Each week Marty & Carter travel to The Ridge, a hospital in Lexington that treats mental health and addiction issues. The residents & staff at the hospital call Carter (pictured below) the happiest employee at the Ridge. :)

I asked Marty how Carter started working as a therapy dog. Marty said: I’d been doing therapy groups at the Ridge for several years. I happened to have Carter at the Ridge one day and a girl was crying in the next room…Carter kept pulling to go to her…I was tugging to drag him my way…eventually I just let him go. He found his way through the electronic door, went over to the girl, and put his head on her knee. She was instantly better and at that point I realized that he had a job to do here, too. Marty takes Carter along on Thursdays (He says that some days people are so eager for time with Carter that they’re waiting when Marty drives into the parking lot). There are several units that they visit: the Detox unit, where people go after they’ve first arrived at the Ridge (People stay in this unit for ~72 hours, until the narcotics are out of their systems.); ILP, a residential program where people live for up to 4 months as they develop the supports and skills to stay sober; and Continuing Care, groups for people who have completed programs at the hospital and return to support others and for their own self-care. Marty notes that counseling and recovery work can be grueling and the results are often mixed. In some of his groups, espe-cially with young people, he notes that they are often not in a place where they can acknowledge their addiction. They still think that they’re in control – they don’t realize that the addiction is in control of them. In these cases, he feels that perhaps 1 in 30 people can hear what he’s

saying about doing the hard, scary work of admitting their illness and reaching out for help. He says that breakthroughs often come when people have truly reached the bottom and are in a place where they can listen. Carter helps this process by reaching out to these folks -good people who made a bad choice – and showing them unconditional love. This combined with Marty’s message that recovery is hard, but that there is a good life after addiction, helps many find new hope and a way out of a nightmar-ish situation. Marty and his wife, Lenore, foster dogs on their farm. I asked Marty how Carter came into their life and he told me that Carter came to them after being run over by a car (thus why he only has 1 eye). After he recovered, Marty & Lenore decided to adopt him and the rest…is history! They’ve been foster-ing dogs for over 6 years and have seen hundreds of those dogs placed in new, loving homes around the country. If you’re interested in knowing more about Marty and Carter’s work at the Ridge or about fostering dogs, just give him a call or stop him and ask! With Joy, Fr. Peter+














St. Philip’s Children’s Church – December 2017 December 3rd – K.I.C. Sunday (Kids in Church)

December 10th – Ms. Beth and Godly Play Ms. Nicole (4th-6th) Carols, cookies and Cocoa at 4 PM! Join Us!

December 17th – Mission focused lesson. Kids are also invited to stay in service if they like for

Lessons and Carols during church service.

December 24th – No 10 AM service.

December 31st—Fellowship Fun Sunday

Nursery available every Sunday ———————————————————————————————————————-


Join Us Sunday, Dec. 10hJoin Us Sunday, Dec. 10hJoin Us Sunday, Dec. 10hJoin Us Sunday, Dec. 10h at 4 PM. We will sing carols then decorate sugar cookies!

All are invited for festive fellowship!


Daughters of the King meet the first Sunday of the month after church. The next meeting of the Daughters of the King will be on Sunday, January 7th after

church. There will be no meeting in December due to ECW luncheon on 12/9.

Women of St. Philip’s!

Christmas Lunch

Gathering Saturday, December 9th @

11:30 am

Beaumont Inn-

The Old Owl Tavern

No gifts, no work,

no business; just EDM

(Eat, drink and be Merry) Altar Guild will meet on December 16th at 9:30 am to

Green the church

Christmas Poinsettias

We will decorate the altar and chancel areas with

poinsettias this year which can be reserved or

donated for $10 each.

On the Welcome Table are sign up slips to mark the number of poinsettias you wish to purchase and names of persons in whose Honor or Memory your plants are given. All payments may be put in the offering plate. Checks should have “Poinsettia” on the memo line. Cash can be put in a church envelope in the pew with your name and “Poinsettia” on the front. You may take your poinsettia home after the Christmas Eve service or you may leave it to be given out at the December 28th Community Meal. Thanks!!

Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Collection St. Philip’s will be helping Salvation Army this Christmas by ringing the bell for their

kettle collection campaign. This year, we will volunteer on Saturday, December

16th from 10– 4 pm at Kroger in Harrodsburg. There is a sign up sheet on the welcome table if

you would like to help. Thanks if you have signed up! If for some reason you are unable to ring

during the time for which you have signed up time-please find someone to cover your shift.

St. Philip’s Community Meal Ministry

A note from Katie Lay:

November’s Community Meal preparation began on Wednesday Novem-

ber 27th with “Cook’s (champagne) for the Cooks!” After mimosas to celebrate

the recent wedding (Congrats to Bill and Diana!), we joined together to make a

Thanksgiving meal of Hot Brown casserole, veggies, pasta salad and a table full

of desserts. On Thursday, November 28th, we served 312 meals and sent

each family there home with frozen food and canned goods.

I am very thankful to be surrounded with every helper at each meal

which I consider friends that have become family. I also realize that serving oth-

ers is one of the areas we, as a church family, have been called to do.!

The St. Philip’s Community Meal ministry always has a spot to fill—whether

it is serving, preparing, cleaning, or simply sitting with our guests.

We have calculated that it only takes $2-$5 (including food, paper products, and facilities) to feed each guest

and it takes $00 to show up and help. So during this wonderful season of giving and thankfulness, I humbly

thank all my brothers and sisters in Christ for all the time and donations you have given the St. P

Community Meal. It is a blessing to be a part of something so incredible!

The next meal will be on December 28th at 4:45 PM. Food preparation begins the day before in the

Parish Hall kitchen. If you would like to help in any way, please come on by. For more information, call Katie



UTO Collection Update

Thanks for your participation in the

United Thank Offering

Ingathering collection!

To date, we

have collected

$32,528 cents!

Or $325.28 in

mostly pen-

nies, nickels,

dimes and


That is a lot

of blessings to the giver and to the recip-

ients. You may still turn in your box if

you have not been able to yet. “Now

that thou hast given so much to me, give

one thing more, a grateful heart” 100%

of all offerings to UTO go to support

God’s mission in the world.

St. Philip’s Art by Jackie Larkin

This art of St.

Philip’s Episcopal

Church, by Jackie

Larkin is on display

for sale at J.


#ques and Books

store on Main

Street in

Harrodsburg. It is

painted on a very

old piece of wood

board from an old

farmhouse in

Kentucky. It is an

original pain#ng

and not a print


January Birthdays


Jim Worley 1/6

Vera Colvin Karen Maxfield

1/7 Cawood Dedman Karen Evans

1/14 Kate Donnally Kylie Donnally

1/15 Larry Wilson

1/19 Will Dedman

1/23 James Colvin

1/26 Lenore Gray

1/27 Diana Hayslett Kathleen Lilly

December Birthdays


Ed Spencer 12/15

Mallory Roach 12/29

Greta Chamber-lain

Leonard Mackey 12/30

Kris Haley Bella Joseph

December 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2

Fr. Peter day off

1 Advent 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 AM: Rite I Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM: DOK

6:30PM: Mid-wk Advent service

Fr. Peter day off

11:30 AM: ECW luncheon @ Old

Owl Tavern

2 Advent 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

10 AM: Rite II Holy Eucharist 4 PM: Youth Caroling & Chili

6:30PM: Mid-wk Advent service

Fr. Peter day off

9:30 AM: Altar Guild-Church greening 10-4: Bellringing for Salvation Army @ H-burg Kroger

3 Advent 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

10 AM: Lessons & Carols 11:30 AM: Vestry meeting

6:30 PM: Mid-wk Advent service

4 Advent 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Christmas Eve No 10 AM service ONE Service @ 10:30 PM Rite II Holy Eucharist

10 AM: Rite I Holy Eucharist

Fr. Peter out of town Until 1/3

No mid-week service -----------------------

4:45PM: Community Meal ------------------------------


Sunday After Christmas 31

10 AM: Rite I Holy Eucharist

December 2017: Altar Guild: Kim Webb*, Diana Hayslett, Star Kepart & Melanie Yankey Greeter: Opal Lee Taylor



1st reading & Psalm


2nd reading & Prayers of the people (Lector)

Chalice Bearer

Server Crucifer Usher Celebrant Verger


December 3rd Rite I

1st Sunday of Advent 10 am

Kristie Jones Vicki Mackey Leonard Mackey Vicki Mackey Vicki Mackey Jamie Wince Arlene Sullivan

Fr. Peter Doddema Leonard Mackey

Mary E. Stine

December 10th Rite II

2nd Sunday of Advent 10 am

Diana Hayslett Jim Hogue Jim Hogue Leonard Mackey Leonard Mackey Bill & Diana Hayslett

Fr. Peter Doddema Barbara Crain

Preacher: Bob Powers

December 17th Lessons & Carols

10 am (readers only)

Dick Webb Vicki Mackey Kathy Dedman Roman Doddema Roman Doddema Dick Webb Jim Tanner

Fr. Peter Doddema Leonard Mackey

December 24th Rite II

4th Sunday of Advent\Christmas

Eve 10:30 PM ONLY

Melanie Yankey Barbara Crain Vicki Mackey Jim Hogue Jim Hogue Greg & Melanie Yankey

Fr. Peter Doddema Barbara Crain

December 25th Rite I

Christmas Day 10 am

TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Fr. Peter Doddema Leonard Mackey

December 31st Rite I

st Sunday after Christmas Day

10 am

Carmen Stine Joshua Stine Leonard Mackey Barbara Crain Barbara Crain Vicki Mackey Children

Fr. Terry Taylor Vicki Mackey

Acolytes for December 3rd: Mallory, Melia, and Bella

Leonard and Vicki will be available for the Christmas Day Service to serve


Finance/Stewardship Committee Update

Contribution Statements through October were mailed out in November. For the ability to meet and pay day-to-day operating expenses, St. Philip’s relies heavily on the generous gifts of our pa-rishioners. Getting and then keeping pledge commitments up-to-date is always appreciated. Our

prudent and timely giving helps us to continue God’s good work!

All contributions must be in the church office by Sunday, 12/31/2017 to be

counted for 2017 for tax purposes.

Commitment Sunday was November 12th. If you have not turned in your pledge & time/talent brochure, please do so as soon as possible. To date, we have received 31 pledges for a total of $ 103,449. As a reminder, the 2018 tentative budget is $169,340. The Vestry will be finalizing the 2018 Budget in the next couple of months. Knowing the probable income for the

year greatly assists in this process.

Don’t forget! The $5 a week capital campaign continues. These additional funds are be-

ing used to maintain and improve our buildings and grounds. Thanks for giving to this


Thank you for your continued support of St. Philip’s.


The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC) has developed a “working

course” to familiarize people involved in the verger ministry, as well as those who

would like more information. An organizational meeting will be held in January – time and

place to be determined. The mentor and Training Advisor to the group will be Fr. Peter Doddema.

Topics to be covered during the course include a study of St. Philip’s history and congregational

demographics, the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), various services and liturgies in our church,

vestments, setting up a service, and becoming familiar with the VGEC and its many resources.

Satisfactory completion of the course results in eligibility to become a Fellow in the Vergers Guild.

No one is born with this knowledge – it takes study and practice to develop effi-

ciency. Our current vergers have come to the Episcopal Church from other denominations, so all

with a sense of dedication to hospitality and service are welcome. We serve at the discretion of our

priest, and he serves as our leader. All our present vergers are members of the Vergers Guild.

In order to take the on-line training course, you must have a membership in the VGEC, either

a paid membership of $40.00 or the Guild’s 6-month free trial membership. It is through the VGEC

Membership System that the course is processed and administered. The cost of the course of

$65.00. If you have an interest in participating or have questions about the course or position,

please speak to Barbara Crain or Leonard or Vicki Mackey.

Barbara Crain - 859-516-3223 [email protected]

Leonard Mackey - 502-330-1332 [email protected]

Vicki Mackey - 502-229-2538 [email protected]

118 W. Poplar St. Harrodsburg, KY 40330

Phone: 859-734-3569 E-mail: [email protected]

We’re on the Web!

The Rev. Peter Doddema 342 Virginia Avenue

Harrodsburg, KY 40330

Church phone: 859-734-3569 Cell phone: 859-265-0055 [email protected]

Vestry Members Jamie Wince-859-619-8431 (2017) Senior Warden Dick Webb-859-265-0189 (2017) , Junior Warden Star Kephart 748-5544 (2016)

Vicki Mackey-502-229-2538 (2018) Marie Rice-859-613-3650 (2016) Ian Thomas-859-613-2453 (2018) Vicky Thurman 270-282-1862 (2016)

Dear St. Philips Family, One of the wonderful things about this parish is our care for one another. Please help us continue and deepen this by letting the church office know when you are ill or hospitalized. We especially want to serve you during these times. With Joy, Fr. Peter

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