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ACQUISITIONDrive people to your site from various channels

Paid media, social media, SEO, content marketing, integration with third party platforms, channelpartnerships

Cost per acquisition, click through rate, % new visits, unique visitors

AirBNB leveraged "post to Craigslist" to accelerate acquisition

Various social media platforms, Google Adwords, ad networks, partner APIs


Drive signups or registration

Usability testing, A/B test landing page design and messaging, simplify signup/registration process, improve onboarding experience, signup incentives

Signups/registrations, bounce rate, "checkout" abandonment rate

37 signals increased Highrise signups by 102.5% by adding a picture of a person

Unbounce, Optimizely, Hubspot


Encourage repeat usage of product features or services

Behavioral based emails, marketing automation, in platform reminders, push notifications, game mechanics. Note: FIRST, identify if there is a product issue and solve for product issue and solve for that.

Daily active users, loyalty, behavior/event based analytics, churn rate

Linked emails a list of daily updates from your network, Zappos delights customers by randomly surprising customers with upgraded shipping

Marketo, Eloqua, Mail Chimp


Motivate sharing and WOM to drive new acquisition

Integration with social media platforms and application "contacts" incentivize sharing with offers or discounts

Viral coefficient (number of new activations driven by existing users), acquisition attribution

Dropbox gives users free additional storage for inviting friends

Integrated social media sharing buttons and platform APIs


Monetize user activity This should be unique to your business model - in app purchases, premium features, in-app advertising, affiliate

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Lifetime Value of a Customer (LTV), revenue, margins

The steps you take above should result in positive gains here!

Google Analytics, KISSmetrics


CrowdSourceGrowth Hacking 101: Rookie Template

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