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Social Media Case Studies

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1Case Study

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3For more information about our social media campaigns email [email protected]

Co-operating onsocial media

Brief:To create a B2B social mediacampaign for The Co-operativeEnterprise Hub with the aim ofraising awareness of the scheme,while also encouraging moreorganisations to adopt aco-operative business model.

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Background InformationA social media strategy was devised, designed to raise the profile ofThe Co-operative Enterprise Hub across various online channels. Based onaudience research findings, a Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profile wereestablished and a blogging strategy was also implemented.


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ResultsTo date, updates from The Co-operative social media channels reach anaudience of over 820 individuals. The Twitter profile receives, on average,33 direct mentions from other users per month, while the Facebook page isviewed by 468 individuals.

Client testimonial“Delineo have delivered a truly effective social media campaign forThe Enterprise Hub that has undoubtedly played a key role in our recent growth.They're also great to work with – attentive, hard-working and clear-speaking.I wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone.”Co-operative Development Manager, The Co-operative Enterprise Hub

5For more information about our social media campaigns email [email protected]

Key stats:


Twitter followers

Facebook fans

Facebook page views

Social media referrals to website

Site page views via social media referrals






Percentage growth (Dec 2010 - Jan 2011)

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Case Study

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For more information about our social media campaigns email [email protected] 7

Brief:To establish an online community ofCoffee#1 customers.

Social media that’s fullof beans

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Background InformationCoffee#1 is an independent coffee chain based in the South West. To encouragebrand awareness, customer retention and engagement, Delineo launched andmanaged three separate social channels for the organisation: Twitter, Facebookand a WordPress blog. The aim of the campaign was to expose a wideraudience to the business, as well as use the networks to share new productsand announcements.

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9For more information about our social media campaigns email [email protected]

ResultsTo date, Coffee#1 has amassed an impressive online following. In little over ayear, the business has accumulated over 1,600 fans on Facebook and 1,311followers on Twitter. Social media referrals accounted for 10 per cent of theCoffee#1 website traffic in December 2010. The Facebook page received 1,005views in January 2011 and has 159 active users per day. In December, theCoffee#1 blog received nearly 3,500 individual views.

Client testimonial“The return on our investment is undeniable – better customer communication,greater brand awareness and, yes, more coffees ordered on the shop floor.Delineo have been responsive, strategic and excellent value throughout and welook forward to continuing our involvement with them in the future.”Managing Director, Coffee#1

Key stats:


Twitter followers

Facebook fans

Social media referrals to website

Blog views





Percentage growth (Dec 2010 - Jan 2011)

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Case Study

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Brief:To increase awareness of Delineoamong the online businesscommunity.

11For more information about our social media campaigns email [email protected]

Raising our profile

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Background InformationAn aggressive B2B social media strategy was launched in order to raise thebrand awareness of Delineo within the business community. The quantity ofblogs posted on the site was increased from one to 16 per month, designed toshowcase the range of work and industry expertise within the company.Activity on the Twitter account was dramatically increased in order to drive trafficto the Delineo website and a Posterous micro-blogging site was also establishedin order to encourage staff participation in the social media arena.


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ResultsWithin four months, followers on Twitter have risen from 65 to 860. Visits to theDelineo website are up 150 per cent year on year, while social media referralsaccounted for 10 per cent of the site's traffic between October and January.Without doubt the increased social media activity has led to a marked upturn insales enquiries.

13For more information about our social media campaigns email [email protected]

Key stats:


Twitter followers

Pages per visit via social media referrals

Time on site from social media referrals

Posterous views





Percentage growth (Dec 2010 - Jan 2011)

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Our clients are ourfansSocial media testimonials“We’ve been surprised but genuinely delighted by the success of our blog –it’s been absolutely central to establishing our voice within the industry.”Managing Director, LinkDirect

“Delineo have done a brilliant job managing our social media marketing.They understood from the first meeting what we were trying to achieve and haverun with it, generating some first class marketing ideas along the way. It's almostas if they're part of our team.”Founder, TicketSense

“Delineo developed an attractive new site for us that helped position us asexperts in social media monitoring. We look forward to working with them againon future social media campaigns.”Managing Director, New Media Intelligence

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15For more information about our social media campaigns email [email protected]

How social are you?


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