Page 1: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


Page 2: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,
Page 3: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,



Ddilor: ,J. .J. \\'\TI.I-"« •.

H<iito,.i11/ <.Jo1111«il. 1..:. S. l'u.\n. \\. 1..:. b'rnm·.H, \\. H. :\E\\'TO:\ , F. Y. ('m.111 "· .\I. .\. \\" \LKFlt. \\. II. D1 'i'\l"TT .. J. 1~011sn•rr. 11. '\. \\'\Ill>. I:. SI "\ll.\1.1..

l'rcfc1·1 .... \\'. c •. F. BllO\\ '· \\. S . .:\1·.wro.\. ,J. J. \\ATLD.<>, .\. c. In\\\'. I•:. S. l't:ITT. \\ . I•:. Fl,.,111 ll .. I. ll. f 'lh:I ', .J. JI .. \llltol 1'. D. \IA<'Gll!WOll .

., l'oollmll <'11pt11i11x. '"' '\ \ .. ('11JJ/rti11. \\'. s. \1.wTO"\: I i<·<··r·aµt11i11. ,J. .J. W.\TJ1"(;: ~!n<I xv.. \ . ('. L.\\\: :frd xv .. n. \ . (;. ~H\\' \llT.

11a111e.~ <'0111111il/l'('. - \Y. <:.F. Bno11 ·'· \\". S. \1.wTo,, J. J. \Y\'fLl'I<., .f. l>. l'na:, I·'. \". <'0<;111.1:\. \. <'. L.111 •• J. II. _\1:mrrr.

f'llrixtiuu l 11io11. l'rcRillrnl. J .. I . \\'.w1.1 "'·: I ir1··f'l"<'Sidcnt, \\. < :. F. llRow': /tc'('(>r<li11r1 Sn'1"1 tar11, \\. s. '\1· ''"l'I"; rorn.~ 111111!li11{/ Su•rf'frrr!f, K 8. l'R.ITT: 'l'ffrr.rnr<T. \Y. K F1snr:n.



Jt is a statl' of mind far different lo that oi last June that we now put pen to paper. Then we were gloomy. depressed; now we arc rejoicing because thl' _\llied arms are once more 1·ictorious. and because. after long weeks of suspense, the Germans have hcrn driven back by a brilliant and smashing attack. Tmn1s \\'hich we mourned as lost memorials oi . \lliecl heroism are ours again. and the enemy's losses arc such as to more than recompense us for those dreary clays of despair. Soissons. Noyon. Peronne. Chateau-Thicrry arc in _\lliecl hands, St. Quentin is on the point of falling, and, more than all, we ha1 l' regained that consciousness of superiority, which. though intangible. is of more conseq uence than many 1·ictories.

The cause of this successful stemming nf the German attack is twofold. Fir:;th·. the Allied armies on the \\' es-tern Front arc n0\1 ur;-der the :mpreme command of < ~enernl For h. This removrs one of the greatest obstad«:s

Page 4: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

80:! THE N'EWJNGTO:'l'lA 'II,

with which the Allies have hac\ to conkncl, anc\ in futun· all our fon:es will act in perfect unison. I 11 the choice of General Foch we must recognise the triumph of the Latin genius amongst the Allies, and fen entl) hope for its fur-ther triumph against that of the Tt•utonic race. < ;eneral Foch is reported to have said: "They han: dri\'en in my right wing and my left \\'ing: 1 am 11<1\\ going to attack with my centre." \\'ith the mastt'r strategist of his agl' in control. and animated by thi-., -;pirit, who will doubt that in the JH~ar future the .\llie.., \\'ill c1mquer with gfory and with honour?

Secondly, we must be dc,·outly grateful for the steady in Rux of , \merican troop;-;. ( >f thc-,e men there are now one million and a half in France. anc\ their total is steaclih· increasing. Under the command 1>f General Pershing they form yet another efft'cti' c unit of the forces at tlH· of (~eneral Foch. Breezy and intelligent. soon becoming acquainted with soldiers of other nationalities. they bring a fresh and wholesome ingredient to the compositon of that determination, which. backed by pre-dominance in arms. must ultimately bring the Kaiser awl his hordes to their knees in supplication for peace.

But .\mcrint is not only ::.ending suldicrs to fight for her, as so many seem grudgingly to think. .\11 her indus tries have been re-organised on a war basis. Those not absolutely necessary ha,·c been abolished, and aeroplan< :-. ships, submarines. everything clown to boots and rifle-bullets. are being manufactured at a record speed. i\lore over, people in ,\merica are Ji,·ing on a more reducrd scale than we in .\ustralia, not because they are compelled tu do so. hut because their .\llies need food desperate!.". The obstacle which most of all pre\·ents Anrnrica irom taking a more acti,•e part still in tlw war is lad' of tran'.' · portation facilities.

On the other side of Europe, though we mourn the death of the Czar, it must be confcqsed that the gennal appearance of affairs in Russia is far more favourable to the .\llies than it has been since peace "as declared. Pub-lic opinion, championed by the Czecho-Slovaks and Cos-sacks, is protesting \'igorously against the tyranny of the Bolsheviks. Surely we arc not ttn\\'arranted in hoping for an early resumption of hostilities with the Central Powers by Russian patriots.

Page 5: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803

The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise, but this should not be the signal for relaxation, under the impression that all is OYer. Rather should our energies he redoubled. as we haYe to do with a cunning and tenaciou..; enemy: Id hi~ last dash for Paris llt· a \Yarning· that lw is 1111t tu lie tak<:n lightly.


('()J.\V}<;(,I, K:\C:LlSIT l'Hl7.ES.

Wlw11 llH~ C'ol"<'ll was killl'<l at till' front hb l'nllll't' and rnoflt<•r thoul-(hl thl'.I 110111<1 likr his namr to hi' kl'pt i11 IUl'IUOl',I' i11 his ol<l St!Jool. :11111 th('.I' "'I'll! c:;o to 111• inn·~tcd. I fp wus morl' i11tr1·r•d<'<l in 1~11:..(llsh tha11 111 an~ otlwr ~whool >"•1·t, a11d this inll't'l'>"I ~111·p a dil't>dio11 to his llfr. for lll' hrl'nnw :1 jonrnulist. 111Hl was l'll~1ll-(t'<l on tlw stnff of' 1111• llai/11 '/',·11{1ra]Jh whr11 lw t•nllslPll. This i11h•r1'i:t

• run" i11 th(• f111111l.1. for his mwle. Hl'1· .. Tnmes ('olwrll. om·<' a mnstl'r in Ow Hdwol. i" llw a1Llhor of Olli' or two hoolis. :mcl of 1·nrlou-< «u11trih11t Ions lo 111:1:rnzi11P-< :uul ll<'ll"·JlllJl<'l'". 110\ l'XdlHlini: 'f//1· \'<'1fi11f1fll11i1111. \lr. ('olw<'ll. ther<'fon>. cl<'dcl1•cl th:ll h1• \\'oul!l likP the lnt1•n .... t 10 Iii' 11s<'d fnr En::lish 11rl7,l's. anti this hus hl'l'll arrtlllKPCI. II b '«'''.' :!ratit',l'ln:! that sp\'Pl':ll priws 11·iJI in fntt1rP ht'fil' thl' lllllll<'s of hc111ot1rl'rl 'pwin;.:to11i:111s who ha1·r rllr<I !'or thrlr 1·011ntrr.

+ \ll11H \I \TTTE\1 \TI(' \L l'l:IZl·:S.

llox~ \111lr '"'" so 11<'>11' to ma11.1· still 111 111<• Hdwol lh111 his rll'Uth 11·11s \'<'I',\ cll'l'Jll.I" fl>lt. Ill' wns lhP 11111.1 son of his fatlwr nml motlwr. who thon:!ht tlw.1· would likP to han• his nnnu• krpt in mine! on thl' 1-wt'lll' of hi-< fm·mrr I rinmphs. ThP~' !tun'. llwr<>fon'. pnirl IO tlH' 'i'l'UKtl'l'H' 'i'l'l'>IStll'C'I'. )(t', . \ .• ). Phillips. thl' Slllll of e?O t11 t'omHl 'lntlwnu1t11·al l'ri ws to hl'ar tlu• nauw of tlwir hC'lOl'l'!l so11. Rodnr~· l'Pttit. hl'ari11:..t of lhl'ir intPnlion. and wli<hin;.: to sh;1rc• their Jllll'JlOSI'. s('lll. thro111-:h his fnth<•1-. an a<lditlonnl C.> in 111pmor.1 of his o lcl i"dwol-frllow anil fri!'n<l . r:ox.1· :\luir w:t-< an l'X(·PllPnt mnthrmatll"i:tn. It wns hi-< fortr 11t '<l"l1<H1l. :11111 lw harl ht>i:un to show his skill at tlw l'11i1·1•ndt~'. wlw11 tlw <·all of cl11t~· summonr1l him to thP f1·011t. 11·!H'rt'. aftt>r wl1111in:! tit!' 'lilltar.1· C'r"""'· hl' frll.


\10 HY EX XOL.\X PTIT7.1·~8.

"'"'· J:11ssl'll "\ol:tn ha-< ]l:ticl O\"PI' to !hi' Tr11stpp,,· 'l't'P:tsllrt'r. \Jr. \ .T. l'lllllips. a 1·hl'((lll' for t:IOO, Thi" b to h1• i111·1'stPcl. 11tul thP pr11<·p1•1ls to Ill' 11s1>1l for prnl"icliu;r pri7,I'" for l.:111::1111:..(('" in so1111• of th1• l "pJK'r 1-'orrns i11 mPmnr.1· of lwr <lr1·rns1•<1 on. f.ip11f<•11ant '\1. l<. "\ol:tn (notlc·p of whnsc• la1111•11t1'd tlf'alh app<•ar1•1I in a l'l'<'l'lll \·c·wl1111tm1i1111). "l':Hl•l.1·" '\ola11 wn" nnl' of those• fin<' all-ro11111l

ho.I''<. ;roocl !11 sc·hool 11 ork ;111<] (!Ourl in (!:111ws. nf' whotll t h<' ~l"ltool is alwn~·s p1·01ul. Tlis fm'I<' was En:..tlish. in whli-h hi' w:ts rlPl'Pl.1 lt1tl'rl'"h•<l. urn! l1P hurl :1 11i-<lind lift•rnry :tift. J•;n:!lish 11ri7,P-<. ho11·prPt'. h:11·i11L'. hc>P11 1•11<loll'P<l h,1 thP P«tnhlishmrnt nt' lhP 1:: 1~

Page 6: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


< ol,n•ll pri:-.1•s. othp1· la11:..:11a;!Ps an• 1111l11rnll,,· tlw "ul>jt>t'I most nkin to Ills tustl'><. an<l WI' (·1•n;!rat11l11tP iu a11'-.11u·p thP hop• who will win the»«· pri:-.1•,.: i11 f11t111·1• ,\"l'Hrs. 111'4'Hll>'!' tlw~· will lip 1101 m11rc>l.1 a rpwa rd for ;wod work. hut a n•111i111ll'r of 0111• who "wo1·e tlw whit<' fl<m·c•r of a l1b1111p](•-.s lifc>." nn<l 1·ro\\·ne1l it with 1111 early but l11•rol!' d<'ath . \ furtlwr link with tlw pn><l is l'onlalm><l in tlw IH<'f that ~lrs. :"iola11 is a 1la11;.:hl1•r of till' tall' He\'. Dr. Kl'l.1·nal'k. who \\':IS l 'n•>:idl'lll of 1111• ( 'olh•;.:1• fl-0111 l~H7. till his dc•11th ill \m·pmht'I'. 1 R9 I.

Jn flDemoriam.

'l'hPsc• h1icl till' world away: po11rt•d out tlw red Swl'PI wine of .1·outh: ;.:11\' l' 1111 tlw .1·1•ars to lw Of wo1·k and joy. and that 1111 lwpe<l serpm• Thul 11w11 l'all a;.:P: n111I thosp who woul<I l1:11·p h1•pn Tlwir -..on!l. thl',1 ;.:an>. thl'ir i111111orinlit~.

N11pat Hroolw.

llO\llm. \\ '. <:. TASKER, 1: .. \. 'l'/11 l·'low1rx of 1/11• F1J1·1xl. I/wt foug///, llJll'. /hr· fon1110.>1t, '/'Ill JJl'illlf' Of •1111' /1111d. t//'t 1·111111/ ill 1/11· 1'/llJI.

80 sun;.: the po('[ in lwr la1111•11t for Flo1ld1•11. :11111 so an• WI' sin;.:i11;.: lo-<111.1. Orn• 1·111111ot 1•asil.1· f'or:.:-el tllllsl' :.:-lorious men who answered lh1• 1·:111 ot' duh· in thl' c•arll' da1·s of llw \\'Ill' Flower:< ol' tlw Fon•st htd('l'tl. \pwi11;.:to11',; · 1·onl


rih11t ion to t 111• ;.:rea t stl'll~i?ll' is 0111• of whkh II'(' HI'(' proud: fur it" numlwrs l'('flt•t·1 tl11• 1111110111· inhl'rl'nt in hl'r sm1,..: h11t of all tho><P hran• huts whom wt• hHl'I' s('l11. llOIH' \\'lh H fail'l'I' tlo\\'\'I' than '!'wit.

.\ sdwol slwltprs 11 l11mni of ma11y f<Orts. 81w ha>< hPr lt1Jllia11t i11tPlled><. her slow thiul;pr,.:, h<'r athletes: hut whic·h 111'1' .)pa:l'r to the mother. 11011e 1·1111 sa.1·: slw is prou<l to al'knowlt>d;.:1• 111 .. m all sohl'lt tlwy ar<' ~Pnth•nwn. Twit \I'll" not in the fon•fr11n~ 11s 11 -.dwhtr. tlwu;.:h he> wa,.. far from lic•ln;.: at the othN· pxtrem1• \Ybc>n lw rNH·lw<l t lw fic>l<l"'. h11\\'l'l'<'I'. lw w11s l>rllllnnt. How "" w .. re thrilled nt his swift 1·l1"·"r thought and adlo11 on the foolh111l field! It was hPl'l'. as in olhl•1· ,;\'11001 fiplds that lc•ssous wc•n· ll'al'llt that hnn• <·aust>d th<' 11anw of tlw i11f1111t \ustralin11 .\rm.1· to he raised to th<' hl~lwst pi1111111·l11. lie 1·a11tuim>cl tll<' Fh'st ~'ifl<'l'll in 1910 und in 1911 the lattc>r team wlnnln~ thP eompetition. nml 11.'d the l!l11 Comhined Sehools l'tll'<'!'><sfully u~ninsl l'nh·ersit.1-. On lca,·-in~ ;whoo! lw play1•d for lhr<•1• Y<"Hl's for Npwtown, and rPpresented \.S.\\'. in P111·h of tlws1• ~·pnr;.:. In l!ll2 hi.' 1·isi1<•<l .\11wri1·11 with tlw \11stmlia11 tP11111. and in l!lJ:l to111·pfj ~PW Z1•11luud. \\'lwn the w:tr

hrokl' out h1• Pnlist<•tl. an<l wns ;;t•rlou!ll~ wm11Hl('(l nt t:ulllpoli. \\'hen w1• sn w him on his return it wus with pity that ,;twit a >:plpn di1I mnn should hl' so ('l'lpplc>d. Rut gr11rlrn1lly hec·oml11g helter IH' aguin fpl! tit\' <'nil. and wus rPstil·e . . \few ;.:111ues on tlw Collcg1• ~r1m111l ~hnwp<l him his st rpn;.:t h hnd ret ur11Pd. :llld ht• rC'·t•nlisted aftPr two 1111,,u1·r·e~:.:f11l :ll tempts. E1·en thPn hc> nn tTowly missed hPlni? rpturnNI from Cnp(•town rhrough ilhl('ss. nn<l 11~11 in In Lon-

Page 7: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


11011. lt111 hh ilulmnitaltlt· "pirit p111ll•d hi111 t hro11gh. all{( bt• rctul'm' <l lo tilt.' liri11:.: lim'. l-;111'11 a n•eord is hard le• c'1111al h11t who is S\ll'lll'is('d '!

.\nll 1um Twil hus ;.:0111• killed i11 ad inn. \\'c• \\'ho lmcw hilll Ml \\'Pl l fi11d ii hard to :;11,1 hem· dl'l'Jll.1· "1· 111·1· ;.:ril'l'l'd :;11d1 grief is -.:wrl'd. llc• ii "11tlil'il'lll thnl his llll'lllot',1 will hl' \\'ilh us ll'hile lifr l'IHh1rc•s lhc· 11wmor~ of 11 hraq• ;.:t•11tlt•wa11. That other>< also tho11;.:hl Wl'll of him b >'ho\\'11 lty thP followi11;.: l'~tnwt takeu from thP J:\'frr1•1•: ''llis spirit \I'll" that \\ hid1 "ill p1•rmcatc• thl' 111p11 a11d wo111P11 lh'"ti11l'd lo makl' of \11slralia the salt of till' earth in day:< 10 <·01111•. Wh\'11 f'cw h<'l'P 11011" will hi' here to st.•t• till' ;.:1·eat-ll\'ss <·111111• lo llw land and its pc•oph' 11 ;.:rl'atlll's" horn of thc· turmoil of wur.' '

\\.P 1(•1Hll'r 011r t11.•1•pl'st :-~111path.1 10 tlw r\'latin•:- 11f 'l'\\'il, a11ll hP;.: to shurc• tlw pridl' tlw~· feel in s1wh a 1111hlc• so11I.

< OHJ'OJL\L \. \. HULBERT. E:\t:l.\Elml:-i. \ '. \. ll nlbPrt c·auu• lo Xl•wi11;.:to11 aftpr .Junt.'. l!Jl.i. 1111<1 left al

1111' l'IHI of J!JJ6. 11!· was 1101 Olll' of tlw 1(i,.:1i11;.:uislll'd hoys of the· Sl'hool. hut h~ his s111111r 11alure and 1·11n>1free 11rn11111.•r hP much• fril'llll" \\'hl'l'l'l'CI' he \l'l'llf.

"Bourk~·" \\'as far mon• at bis pasl' 1111 lht• ph1.1 in;; fit>ltl tl.1;111 in thl' l'iassroom. and in l!ll6 Ill' ;.:ai1wtl his po,..itlon in the First Elp1·p11 nnd l•'lrst l·'ift1•1•11. hei11;.: a\\'nnlt.•cl tlatt•s for llw IRtter. \\'hp11 Ill' l<>ft >whoo! lw 111'111 h1to hi:; f'nlhc•r',.: husint•s:;. hut he dill 110L sl n,Y llH'I'(' Ion;.::. awl rat hl'I' latt• i 11 In Ii lw p11 I ist I'll. .\ft er a '<hort sta~· iu <·am11 hi' sniil'tl as a tc'lll(Hll'ar~· c·on>0rnl. 011 l'l'ac·hing Eu;.:lurnl hi' lost his slri111.•s. mul \\'C'llf to 1"ranc·t• ns a prin1tl'. \\'l• k11011 liltll' of his l'XJ!l'ri1•11c·t•" thPrl'. for it ll':t,., uol 11111;..: hefore lw was kilh•tl: tw \\'Us dl;.:;.:i11;..: him,.:t>lf 111 \\'lll'n a hulh•t l'llll'l'l'<l his llJllH'I' ll11. :11111 (•llf<'l'('cl his hrain: ch•ath 1111,.. i11stant11nt'o1ts.

\\.I' 1110111'11 C'\.C'l',Y Old 110,1 that fall,.:, h111. "llo11rk,1 ,. 1q,.. wilh 11s "" 1·1•1·1•11tl,Y lhal "'' frl'I his tlC'alh 111111'1' kl•1•11l,1".

.\ltlwu;.:h lw clld 1101 rais1• hi11isC'lf lo tilt' 11'1'1'1 of ,.,0111t• o( IJi,.. s1·li11olfl'll1m·,.: whill• at Sc·lwol. he• 11111 hilll,..C'lf on a par ll'ith tilt' mo,..t hrillla11t hoy>' fh(• Sl'lwol ha" t111·111'd out. \\ 1' 1·:111 i111a;.::h11· \\'hat th1• :il>sl'Jl<'C' of llis hri;.:ht 11a111n• will 1111'1111 i11 his homl'. arnl WI' tl'lltlt•1· 011r cll'l'IH'"I :-;y111pat1t,1· to his (1111'1'111.s i11 llwir h1•n•an'-111C'nL

l'l:t \ '.\TI·: II. BEMBRICK, !JI II .\I.\( ILL\ E ('()\'. l'rin1t<' llPmhric·k <·u1111• lo :\1'\\'i11;.:t1111 i11 1!lJ.1. :111d alwo,.:t

iw111P1liulpl,1 tool' hi" phH·I' in tlw lifl' of the Sl'lwol. Ill> playp<I i11 th1• S1•1·oi11J FiCll'en for thl' 1i1·,..t Jwtf of llw :-;eusou, hut lw soo11 11·011 his pl111·1• i11 tl1P Fin;t:-. and kl'pt it till lw left in IHl.i. I ll' \\'ll,.., hl',..idl's. a fairl,Y ;.:oocl ,;l'l10lar. and rns<' lo 1 ·111><'1' \lo<IPrn. llb stl•rli11g 1[11:1 (ifjp,.: ill 1 IW llOllSl' \\'('I'(' II iso rp1·0;.:11i,.:(•1l. 111111 he \\'US 11ia1ll' a Jlpdroom l'rl'ft'c·I. a11<l 1·arriP1i 11111 his duties fo~tJ1fully. Soo11 affl•r tlw outhl'l'llk of \\'HI' Ill' 1•111istl'd. and Jll'IWl'l'clt'll to tlte fro11t .. Thl'l'I' lw hall a tum: pt>riotl of -;i_•n·ic:P. hut somt• tinw a!.!o hP """"' JH1~t<'d as 1ui-..,iJ1!!. and w-.. h:i,-,. ~int·t' rt't't'i\'t'<..l ue\\·s of his ch•:11h. '1'111111:.:h nut. a" we• hal'I' said, es1ietiall~- h1·illianl. bc• 1n1~ 0111• 11f till' 1..1·p1• "hid1 111ak1•:-; 11 n:tl iou ,..[rou:,:. auti his lo~s

Page 8: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

111akes a gap 11hil'11 it is 1101 ('il>',I to fill. \t•11·i11gtc111 1110111·11s his loss .. 1·1•1 11·p 11·\111Jcl hal'dly han• it oth<•n1ist'. fo1· Ju• has clit>cl i11 clt-l'P1u-1• of hb ho11u• a11cl c·ou11t t',r. a11d he h11s Jp[( hl'lti1ul him 11 111<'11101',I' 11101'(' la..:t 111,g t hall hl'OllZI' .

l>Hl\El: I>. I'. BOXALL, l'll•:l,I> .\l:TILLEl:Y . • \s h<' ntllll' tu \1•11 i11gtc111 in l~llli ancl h•ft a ~Par or t110 aft4•r.

11om• of tlH' Jll'Psl'llt \ l'Wi11gto11ia11s re •nwm hpr l'n•clpric·k lht!I l!',I ' 1:11xall. llP l'lllPrc•cl tile' Sl'lwul as 11 honnh•r. 111ul the>11glt h11t 1;, years of agt' ;.:aine<l 11 plac·p in till' \llddh• \locll'l'll form. \ol brilli-ant at "port, 1:ox11ll 11·11s a memhl'r of tlw lm1·1•r tl'am,.;, 11Jwn• Jw pla .1·<•<1 with l'l':<ol11tlon :tllll par11e~t1w,.;s.

\\'h<•JI 1;ennan.1 ran amok i11 1\111 llo:-.11ll ;.:an• hPl'd to his 1·e111nlT.1"s r·r.1 for "111·(·011r. and Pllli'<tP!I. lip joirwll tlw FiPlcl .\rtillt•ry. i11 11hi<'h lw was j11st a g111111P1". and lal<•r a llrin•r. ancl 11hilP ading in this latll'I' c·apadt.1 was killt~I. !lox.all was 0111• of thosp "tPa!J.1·. 1n•ll·nwa11i11g ho.1 .s. 11 h<• ::rm1· up to ht'(·owe gno!I and 1al11ahh• dtiz<•11s. dti;o:p11 s .\nstralia is"" sarll,1· in lll'l'!l of l1Hl11,1. \\"!', who ktH'll" him 1101. HHHll'll for him. \\•Wington mo11rns. ,\ns· t rn lia mourn,..

"Thi• 1:ran'. l>iP 111•1Pr. 1:11i11g clPathlpss. th!'.1 h11t c-l11111gt'. Thl'il' !·e11111tr)··,. anus. for lllVL'!'. lhC'il' !'u1111tr.r's hpart ."

< Ol:J'OI: \I. 11. l>J·; \. ALEXANDER. S .IWll'\ 01:111:1:. ITll l·0 1L1 I> ("ii\.

\rl' cl\'(•111.1 n•::rt'l tu 11111101111c-c• tlw cl1•11th of l111h1·rt cJp \ 1~rl' \Jp:-.undl'I'. H;!'l'd ::1. nft1•r :l ~ _1pars' "C't"l"ic·1• at thp fwnt. \\1• (·an · 1111t 1h1 hl'tfl'r than c111e1t!• a l'Pw C'\t1·:1c-ts from :rn a)l(ll'!'<'lntion writ~~ll l',1· his frh•111l. .J. < .. \Jc·1'l'l'll : "\\ l' plu.1·p<( thl' -.11n11• lll't.J pninks fog1•tlwr. 111ul in sport II!' hoth pla.1Pcl ll'ith '\'arsity 'ir,.;1 grndP l:l!'l'ossl' t!•a111. and t'l1•ry op1u1si11:_: funranl ll'art•!I his clonghl .. 1 clt'folH'I'. llC' \\as :llso a of' ;.:n•at :<kill 111111 c·11111·ac;f' . . . . HP ll'ft thP '\'ar,.it,1 with the• n•spl'd 11nt e111J.1· of his .11•111· nncl f:JC'ully. hnt of th1• t1.,1c-hin;.: stnff." . \ftt'l· luppin;.: his .1C'al' in flw \Ji1H~\la11a;.:pr's E:o.11111i11:1ti11n. Ju• was appe1i1111•d 111am1;.:1·1· of llblC'k J:an;.:C' \\' psi (;ol<I ,\li11t'. .\lc-1\!'1"11 "011t i11111•s : "Ill' ·was 11 hnl'll Jt•;lf(<'I' (If 111('11. ancl g0Jcl-mi111•rs. lllll' of t hP lllO,.t intplJig1•nt c-Jas-<\'" iu .\11stralia. i11stin<·ti1·p)I· n •c·o;.:11bP<l him as ,.11c·h .... llP 11·as Purl\ into khaki. thouglio 111r.1<i1·all.r 1111fil thro11;.:h ih1• loss of 1111' ;;ii.:li°t Clf 011(' C'Yl'. \fft•r t)IC' p1·ac·1111tiC1l1 or (,alJipoJi. )H' l'Plld!'r(•<( 1·pr~· di,.;tinc;11i~IH'<l sl'ni<'P in tlw snhs1•q11P11t months in J•:;.:n>t. Th!• ~tory !':tlll\Of hi' tolcl hc•n'. as it is too 1011.g. S11lli1·1• to say he- \I'll>; d!'c·orated with tlw Sprhia11 gold nll'clal for 111aki11.g a i<tnnd for a pri11<·iplc• mtd<'r c·rnulil io11s 11 h ic-11 11011 ltl ha 1t• m prwhPlllll'!I a lp,;;;pr man. and mn,.;l of ns an• that.. Ill' 111•111 lhro11gh tlw sump c·am-pai::11. though for months a l'ic-ti111 to cl.1·sp11tC'1',1". i\t the Enc;i111•Pr;;· dl'!IOt at Hric;htliu;::sl'a lw was :JC'ting <).\l.S .. 111111 1·011lcl hun' re· mained so: in fad, Jw h:t!l a fkht tu gc'I h:wk lo Fran1·1'. ... It hus h!'Pll a hitter hlow to me• to l<N' thi-. cl1·:1r friPrnl. this lo)al mall'. \l.1· mini! lak1·s tu<• luwl-: tu cla.1·..: in the• sc·hoolruo111 . . \11'. \idwllo.: l!IC' 111astC'r. arnl Jl01·1u·c thP snhjl'f·t. a11<1 m~ olcl pul stn1;.:di11g with J;,,.,.gi mrm11111r·11t11111 •••• \\.<' who Jin• to monrn him know that he

Page 9: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


has t'rl'ded in our hl•urls an i111111ortul mort11111P11t ... To tlw 1111111 who 11pn•r raltl't·l'd, a11d lhl' fril'IHI who 111•\·l•r fallt•ll : ··

( ',\l'T \I\ I\. \. PATTRICK, 1:1T11 ll \TT.\1,10\. Thi· n111111• or ( '11ptai11 h:. \. Pattrick i" a11ottwr n•<·l•11tl.1 :uhlPtl

lo lhP list of Ill<' ltrn1011rl'<I <ll»t<I. l\pn l'uttri<-k l'Hltll' lo .'iPWill).(tOn in l'i!l!I, 11itlt his hrofhl•r \rfhur (IHI\\ l.h•11t1•11ant \. '\. l'nttrkk), a11d rpmahtl'd 11ho11t th1·pp Yl'lll')<. lll' workl'd Oil tl11• d1ti<>'i<-11l ,.;i<.11'. 111• playpd <·ri<"l'l•I in lowl'r ll'ami<. was kP<•11 011 1<wl111111in;.:. 111HI pla.1pd i11 thl' SP1·011d l•'ootlmll 1:ift<•e11. 011 lt•111·i11i.: !:khool lw 11·1'nl i11to 1111 ofli<·P. 1111d ><11h:<Pqm•nt1.'· joitwd thl' Y11e1111111 Oil ('ompany. with 11hil'h lw rl'11111i11Pd <•lp1·c11 year:<. li p n>lmtt<'Pt·l'd 111 191:i.

111ul :<11ilPd i11 \11;.:11,.;t of th11t .\"l'at·.' lip WH>' ill tlw Somn11• tii.:htiu;.: i11 l!JIH. ntul look purl i11 the dPa<.lly "0111\•:;ts at l'ozlt•n·"· I11• r4't11rt11'd to \11str11lia womalpd i11 l>1•<·1'111l1('r. l!llli, 111ul wus pro· 11011111·1•<1 1111fit ro1· furtlu•r ,;pn·kl'. .'\p1·1·rlhPlt•s,.; i11 \la rdt. I !l 18, hl'

... 111u1111;.:Pd to ;.:PI t11k1•n a;.:ain. and IPfl for l•'rn11<·<' with tlu• rank or l.iPlltl'llHlll. h111·i11;.: in his fir>'I l t•rm of ;;pn·if-p h1•1•n a 1·oq10t'al. Ill' must haYP h<'l'll all P:\.<·l'll<' 11t soldi1•1-. for to him Wll" ;.:il·pn tlw hi;.:h hrn1<n1r of hl'in;.: pro11ioh><I to Captain'" rank 011 tlw HPl<l. II<• wa;; ldlll'd last month. Whal mak<';; his 1·as1• thl' 111orp patlwti<· Is tlw fa<·t thut lw is tlw thir<l son hi>' willow1•<1 nwlhl'r h11" lo:<t clurin;.: till' war. Our ll'1Hll'r1•><t :<.nnpathi1•s an• uffl'rPd to lll'r arnl lwr ra mi I~ .

1.11-:l ' T . ( . s .C ROWLEY. D.( . I.. ::::1rn 1:.\'rl'.\LIO.\. \\p rc;.:r<'f to u11non1wl' tlw 1ll'l1lh of Lil'11tl'na11t Clln• S.

< Crowley l<'S· I>.(. \I.. who was killP(l in ad ion. Ill' wus 0111• of thl'PI' hrothl'r" who <·aml' t.o till' !:khool. whilt> n lar;.:1• 11u111lwr of <·011i><11s from otlwr fa111lill'>' 11111111' thP 11:1111p a \'Pl'Y famlllnr OIH'. Hro11;.:ht 1111 n11 11 :<lalio11. lw li\·(·d t.lt1• lifr o[ outdoor ndil·ity that ha-< ;.:i\·pn tlt1• .\1n<lrnlia11 \nny >'O 111>1n.'· of its all·1·t 111111 <·01111wt1'11f sohll1•r>-. ill' <·n1111• to S<"11nol i11 l!lO.i. and workl'd on tlw .\lml<'l'll si<IP. hi~ s<·hool rP<·•ird l11'i11;.: a fan111rahlt• 0111•. Ill' 1•11lisll'll Parly 111 tlw war. "t11rti11;.: lik1• all olh1'1·" from tlw rank,.;. 1111<1 showi11~ hi,; grit hr wi1111i11;.: thl' D.c ·.~1. 8ul~('<tt11•11tl.1· h1• ;.:ninl'<I 11 (·ommission. n1Hl wu,.; nppolnfP<I to tlw :r1nl llat(alio11. Jlp hu" 11ow uwt 11 ,;oldi<'I .. ,.. ;.:lorio11s 1'1111 . a11<J a lar)!I' falllil_\· of hroflH'l'S >lltd "i;;t('l'S. WitJi ratlll'r and motlwr. 1·p111ai11 to lllo11r11 lhl'ir lo><s. To all of tlwm w1• t<'ml<'r our lwartf1•lt s~·mpath~· .

I.I l·~ l .. 1'. c;. D . . ALLEN. l{.F.C'. Oul' 111on• 11111111' to n<l<I to our l'H'r in•·rpa..,i11;.: list of dPa<l j..,

that of (;poffn•r \111•11. who was kill<'<I ill an at•rnph1u1• a<·<·i<lent. 111• l'llllll' to \1'1dn;.:ton. h1•11rin;.: 11 wl'll-k1ww11 'l\(•win;.:ton 11am1'. i11 1!111 agl'<I 11. Ill' 11·ns at first a hoar<ll'r. thou;.:h lw lntl'r hp1·111111• a day hor. llP Plll<'rl'<l tlw Lm1·1'r ~lrnlPrn. an<l nr--1• to tlw t ·p1><.•r \lndl'rt1 tlt11t .1·p11r. 111111 pns><Nl tlw .Junior it1 1!11:?. lll' was n sl<'nd.1· 1·rll-kl't pl11~i>r. thou;.:h lw lll'l'l'I' n•11d11•d tlw l•'lrst El1•1·pn, 111111 w111< 111"<'\' l'lltP<l h.1· hi>' l'yl's from pla.1· in~ fnothall. lTI' Pllli>:h'!l ~0011 :1ftp1· llt1• th••·l:11·11tion. :1rnl afll'r hl'mlin~ hi" hatch in the Avintio11 Sl'llool i11 \ . idol'i11. ,.;:1iletl for En;.:1111111. It WU!< <l111·in~ fllrthl'I' tnlinin;.: i11 1111• Fl.l"in;.: ('ol'p-; that hi' nwt hi;; 1lenth. It i,; with tl11•

Page 10: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


tll'l'Jtl"'I s) lllj1ath,1 for his relal io11s, a11d ~ l'I wi I h 111·idl' that 111• 1111111111·1' him a1111111;: vur ;:alla11t 1fr:ul- a111u11;: 11.lo"I' lh:tl "losl llll'ir PYt'l'~·thillJ.!.


"(,a11• all~ awl left till• Parlh a raslt'I' sphl'l"l', I u melllorics."

Sl·:H<;J;_\\'I' \\. HOOPER, J'n1 1 l:.\TT\1.10\.

It j,., Mlllll' tiwc si11n· llootit•r was al .'i1•11i11;:to11. '"'his mc1uor,1 is familiar oil))· to llH'<. 111• Plilistvd l'Hrly 111 1111~ \\'Ill', u11d lik1• all 1:r1•11t l'11hlk H<'hool hoy,; disti11;..:;11islw<l hi111s1•lf h,r ,;tcud-f:t>'f1H•ss i11 d11t.1. Tlw 111'>'1 ft>:<ti111011lal of hls 111lllt11r,r s1•n·it-p i" l'01Jlai111•d 111 Ill<' followin;..:; 1·11rt se11!(•1u·I',; of his pl11too11 1·0111 · 1111111<11•1·: -

" .... IL1u111t•r 11:1s rn.1· 11latoou spr:,:Pa11t. Ml I km•11· him fairlr \\I'll. 1111d to llll' h1• 11a,.; all that an olli1·1•r 1·011ld 11ish for \,., ;, ... 0Jdi1•r h1• 11as 11111• of t111• h1»<t. hrn 1·1• :111<1 1·an•f11I, and 111'11-llkl'd h.1· all 111lo k111'11· him. Thi' tl1•ath of 1-ll'r!!t'Hllf llooppr is :t hi;..:; lus" 111 thl' hut1alio11. for it is nwn likl' him who han• 111111 thl' ISth U11t ta lio11 stll'h a hi :.:h n•1 n1 t :~t inn. I 1nm Id Ii k1• h 1.... 1 l(•oplt• to lrnow t h:t t hi' 11:1 ... t.o 11s all a 1·1'1',1' dt•a r 1·0111radt'. ..

Thb ")l(•:tk>< for ilsplf i11 wonb of hi;..:;h1•r prnist• than 111• 1·a11 :.:ii-.•. 111• 11as at sl'lwol fur two )'Pil l's. and d11rl11;..:; that timl' h1• pl:tyl'tl stl':tdily i11 tlw lowl'r tl'atu". Ill' lpft us 111 ;.:o lo fl11rlsto111• \:.:ri1·11l111r11l ('oll\').!t'. 11ltid1 at t.lwt li1111• 111111 just h1•p11 Olll'lll'tl. Ill'

P1lli,.t1•d i11 \11:.:ust. 1!11.i. " :till'd HP)tll'lllll(•r. l!llli. and 111•111 111 1·ra1wP 111• was wountlt•1l at l.a;.:11it-011rt .• \lan:ll. l!lli, :11111 a;.:11i11 :11 Z111111!'l1t•l\I•, Ol'tolJl'r. l!ll:!. This 11t•1·ps,.:itat!'d his n•111m·al lo l~u;.:· l:111cl fo1· tin• 111m1tlls. 1111<1 lw )('(l. J:unlt'ottt• (amp for Frutw!' :t1!11i11 i11 \lar1'11. IHI'>. \ 1·1111111•1·ti11;.: li11k is that ht' took l\n1•11pp)',.: pl:11·1• whl'll 1111• lalll•r 11ns l;ill P11. lh11,.: yl'I 1111qth1•1"" 11111111• i .... added to 1111;11· pr1111d llo11011r ltoll. :111•1 II"(' 1•:1.t1'11cl1•d 1111r hl'Hl'lfl'lt s.1111pntlly to his so1·1·owiu~ l'(•la1hPs.

'l'ltOOl'l·;lt F. IL GALBRAITH, li111 .\.1 .. 11 .

( 11111i11:.: lo11:11·ds lhl' l'llfl of rn1:; a11cl lt•:11·i11:.: a" h1• 1lid HI 111i<l 11·i11tl'I '. 1!111. (;alhrnith did 1101 111111• a l"l' l',I' ;.:ood 11pport1111il.' to \\'ill lh1• l:ntr!'ls his lalPnt" wonltl han• <'Hl'lll'd him. 111 lhnl -.hort ti1111•, hml"Pll'I'. h 1• h:11l 1•11tl'l'l'tl thoro11:.:hl,\' Into th1• spi rit 11f llw ::-r·lwol. :t 11<1 was Ii kl'd a IHI l'l'S)tt'<'ll'<I hy a II. I 11 sl'ho11l. h1• 11 ll" aho\·p thP :t\"Pl'U~f'. :11ul his stay "·as Ion:.: puon;.:h to will hint fl

Jll:WP in tlw Fir"t l·:l1·1·p11. t!11:1 11. whil'l1 won lh1• 1·111111H•tilio11. 1·0111-i11;.: 1•q1111l ll'ith Cra111111:1r a11d 1.:i11:.:;s. 111 a 1·ritiq111• of th!' First 1~1 <'1'1'11 lw is sJH•k1•11 of"" :t "f:tir h:tls111a11 and lr1111l1•r. with a!' pair of hnll(is."

fib t':l.JH'l'it'111·p of f11othall ll:ts li11iil1•d hl'forl' 111' 1·:11111• lo \e11 i11:.:1011. HIHl l"OllSl"lllPllll,1· hi' tli<l 1101 l:tkl' a \ '('I',\" hi:.:h pl111·1• in 0111' t.1•:1111,.., llis pin,\ ' 11;1,.. full of )11"11111is1'. h11w1•1·1•1'. Hiid ht' was tl1'1·pJop-i11:.: into a dashi11:.: fonntnl 11-hl'll hL· Jpfl.

Ills loss to tlw Hl'iwol a11<1 to tltt• 11utio11 i,.; ;.:1·1•al. for ht• \\"II>' 11 Ii 111•. 1'11•:111 l:td . t n11• f.o t 111• he><l illl•:t ls 11f worl, :t nd pl:t,\ . IT1• had 1111• pril·ill'!W of dy·ini.: fo1· lh1• Empl1·1•. 1111d i11 llH• 1·1111s1• of tll1•

Page 11: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

. .

Page 12: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


\lie I'. 1:. ( '01c1l 1111l .\, \I.I..\ ..

l'ff·•itlr 11/ "f lltr Ulrl \' 11·i11f1/1J11i1111.,· I '"""·

Page 13: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


world. 'l'h1• Hd10ol l'C1.h•111ls it~ dt'\'Pt"'•t. symp11thy to hi-< fntlwr. 11wtlt1•r. 1111tl hrotlll'r.

'"Hut 111011rn not 1ff!'rmud1 thl' 1·,11i1111t tl1•11tl: l:l']olt-1' that .nmth. all hl'l'tlll'"" o f thl' 1·11sl.

I 11 110110111 .. s 1·11 ll it'" hloo<I tm;..::·11tl!!111;..:l.1 sht•tl. Y 1•111·s ho1111tl 11ot Ii f1• In I hi' Ph•r1111 I ,.;kh I. \1111 1111"'1' 11·ho 11i1• for 1·01111try. l\i11~ 1111tl rh:hl.

Christ's ll'sso11 '"""h . "'l'rlll' lifl' i" ..;111·rltil·1·."·

- +---Till<: JOHNSON O\'.\I..

\\ 111•11 (otllllll'r .Jal'k .lohllMlll wa:-: killt•tl ii \\'Its thl' wi:-:h of' hi-< futhl'r anti 1110thl'r. \lr. Hild .\lrs. 1"rn11k .Jul111so11. to 111•ri11•1l111IP his

, 1111'111t1r.1· hy "011u• s11lt11 hl1• m1•moria I. \ ~ootl tl1•11 I of 1·011s11 lt11tiu11 p11ssl'd with thl' lll'11th11nsfl•r. who wus i11 to11d1 1dth tilt' stiill'. with thl' 11ltln11ttl' r1's1tlt thnt !hi' :-:11;..:g1•stio11 lo lay 011L :t "1•1·01111 ontl ill f'ro11t of lh1• (i.rm1111slt1111 app1'>ill'tl ll'r.1· "lro11;..:l.1· to \lr. a11d \lr" . . l11h11so11. who f<>ll (11111 if thl'ir bn11·1• so11 h11tl 111•1•11 alln• to ;.:In• 1111 opi11io11 it ll':ts Jt1sl thl' kind of thin;.: hi' ll't11lltl lt111·p h1•1•11 11\•li;..:htl'd to s1•1• d1J11t•. 1'11111>< ll'l'l 'l' 1lrawn hy \11·. II. \Y. \11tll'rso11 (of \ld ' n•1l11• 1111tl \11d1•1·so11). 1111<1 ll'llth·rs ll'l'l't' •·allt•tl for. 'l'hcsl' pron•tl to h1• 1111wlt i11 pX1·1•ss of ll'hat 11:1s a11tidp11t1'1l. hut \tr .lolt11so11 tlltl 1101 111low that to bt• 1111 ol1-.t11<"l1•. a11tl ;..:11\'l' tilt' lll'1ttl mastl'r a l'lll'qll<' for Cl 1110. 'l'h1• work is 11ow i11 full "wlm:. ll1•111·.1· pl011~h..,. '11'11.1'"· 1111tl ><<"•~•Jls are at work 1111 tla,1· 1011;..:. :111tl tht' :lflfll'lll'lllll'I' t1f t!JI' pl111·1• "111111;.!l'S With l'll'r.I' hour. 'I'll\' 1·11ntr11dors arl' \ll's>'t's. <:111·1111ft. 1111tl ( 'h11111l11•r:-:. till' htlll'I' of whmu pt'r..,011:111.1· tlil'l'd>' flit' opl'ratlm1>'. Thi' llPW ~1·11111ul will 1'1• 110 .ntrtl>' Ion~ and 11ho11t 80 wld1•. "'" th11t it will prm·i11t• 11 l'oothnll 11r1'11 of' full sliw. It wlll h1• ho111ulptl at flH• Uy1111111si111n !'IHI h,1 11 hrlt-k rt'f11in lu;..: \\'Hll. Thi' 11'1"1'1 will ht• aho11t sh f1•1•I 11ho1·p th11t of tlw pl'<'>'Pllt orn I. a nil 11 slopi11;: h1111 k wi II l1•u1I from t Ill' 0111' to ll11• ollw1·. 1 t Is lll'l'llll'ss to ad<I that tlw nntid[l:ttion of till' 111'11 ;..:ro1111tl hai< ;..:ll·p11 th1• liYt'll1•>'t sati>'fndlo11 to hoth nut>'ll'ri< anti Thi' llPatl-lllllstl•r su ~·s hi' has \\'II it I'd for it for 1•kh t 1'('11 .n•a rs. 111111 Ill' now n•.ioi<'I'" in tht' ('Cl.Jl\'l'lation of s<>ein:..: Olli' or hi .... lllllll.I \1'\\'ln:..:to11 11J·p1111ts rl'allst'<I. llnt 11·hilt• the ;..:ro1111<1 itsplf will h1• 11 so11r1·1• of 11nho111111t•tl tlt•ll;..:ht. it i:-: an addition to tlw pll'H>'llrl' tl1at It wilt h1• II ll\'1'111'111111 llll'lllOl'ial or 1111 O.X .. who \\'llS OJI\' of tlw lllO>'t llPll;..:ht r111 hoys of hi>' t inw. irnd it is ho11P<l that oth1·r~ who ha n• fllllpn 11111.1 hnn• 111P111ori11ls 1'f111nlly adn111ta;..:1•011" to th1• ho.1·s of f11L11rt• )!1'111'1'!1 t ions. anti <·ommPmora lin• of t lwi I' ht'l111·(•d a ntl 11011011 n•d 11111111••:.



Lil'1tf<•111111t ('. (;, l'r<'>'l"Ott'" )filltnry Cros" was wo11 clnrln:..: tlw ::n•11t hnttll' in Nortlwrn Frlllll"P in \pril. lfc>a1·.1· 11;..:h'Jn;..: took pla1·t' for Sl'l'l'l'lll 1111.n: nronn<l tlw rnihl'n)· 1·<>nf I'<'" of 8trit1.1•1·l1•. llmwl11·01ll'k 111ul Cnc>sfr<>. 11n<l it 11·11:-: clnrin;..: a !l<>t(>rml111'<I 11tt111·k

11111111 Sfl'llY.<'f'lt• th11t tlw son of 0111· lll'a<lmasft'r t1l~tlng-11i>'lw1l

Page 14: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


him,.;elf. The following i>: au extnwt from Cnpt11i11 nt>un'<> ottidal 111·<·01mt of th<' hat tit>. 1·11hll'd to tht• pre"":

''\Yhen our firt• ><u<l<lenl~· h11r;;t out. its effpl·ts 011 thl' in,..iunt were terriult>. Thl' (;p1·m1111>1 nm. hut 1lnrl11;..: tlw dn,v tlw.Y a;..:ui11 ancl ai;:nin rlrihhlpcl up. tontinno111<ly pn•s,.. in;..: tlw :llta1·k. t:.'· Ill!' aft<'rnoo11. they hncl ma1111gC'1l to "tl'al itato >1 form dirPdly 011 our flank line. an<l from tht• hnihlh11-:,.; ancl hl'd!!P" th1•n•ahont1<. thl'.\' ll(•gan to shoot 1lir1><·tl~· 1lown mi 11 portion of our posllion. ThP situutiou wa" ;..:rowin;..: dillil·nlt. so thP ~·onu~ <"ompany 1·ornma111lt•1· «onft'ITt'cl with a ,\·01111:rst1•r 1·on1111:11uli11:r otH' of his platoons. Thi" I.HI.I', ll flnP footlta llpr ll!Hl thC' >'011 of II W<'ll-lmow11 hl'H<llllll>'tl'I' of 11 S~·(]111•y >ll'hOol. ofl'PrC'<I to lHkl' ont hi" platoon. Hiid ![O struh:ht for thP plt1«<'. 'l'IWrl' 11rc• fpw fin<•1· thin:r" in tlu• hi,..torr of' this :<ph•mll<l h1•h.:1Hll' tha11 tilt' matllll'r in whi<-h thm'I' tw1•nt.\ or thirl.\ mt•n spran;..: up. autl mon•1l "trnl:rht for tlw farm and It" 1l<•a<II,\· ht><l:rc•s. i11 the• mid"'t of till' l'lll'm~ .. ,.. huttlt• po,..itio11. Th1•ir •ll'll'r · mi11nflo11 «arrie<I thPrn throu;..:h. Tlw "i;..:ht of lh<N' m1•11. ""'<'l'Jtlt•:r with pp1·fr«t 1·oohW><>< towunh t1w111. 11pp1'>1rs to han• l111pre><>'l'll 1111• G<•rm1111>< with tlw i<len thnt a fnr hl g;..:<'I' <·mmll•r 11tt1t<'k wn:-: In 1wo1-:n•s:-'- OtH' who lookPtl 011 ><11.vs tlrnt tlH' wholP sPdion of tlw Ot>rmun li1w oppm<fl(• tllis poi11t lip;..:11n lnsta11tly to fall l1111·k. hmHlrC'<ls of men >"lll'illkin;..: hnt'K ns if 11 ::rPl'n st'n>t•n \\"!'!'(' with· drawn 11<-ross the 1·01mtr~. 'I'hP hmulfnl of \11'<lr:tli1111s stnt:::!!Pd thro111-:h the he1l;..:Ps. 111111 s1·rnmhle<I into tlw f:trm. llnlf :t dozPn hr!IYP men fl'll thl'n'. not to ri"P n!!:nin an1l ><P\l•rnl otlwr,.: \\'\'l'I' wom1dr1l. Ent t h<'.I' <'l<'n 1·\•tl lhn t hollsP. ki llPcl t hi 1·t ·' m fort~ OC'rmnns. <·npti11·p1l 11 nm11h<•r of pl'is111wr><. arnl s11 n·tl 11 dall!!:Pl'lllts sitnntion.''

.\hout fi1-e W<.'('k-< a;..:o 111'\\'s was n•<·Pin•ll that Captain ( '. 1'. \Ihm ha<l rC'c-eiYe<l th1• \filihtt',\ C'ros". \11<'11 is otl\' of tlw most

<liRtln:..:ui"hed of our Olrl nor": aftPr 1111 nnint<>rrnpl<'<I nm ol i:;c·holn><tk stu:re<>~<'s nt ~ewi11g'ton Colle!!:<' a111l S~·11twy t'niYer><it~-. he \\'C'llt to Oxford on 11 trn\·elling- :-<<'l10l11r"llip: wht•n tlwre hP wou a New College S<'holar:-<hlp. nn<l !'lnh"<''ln<'ntl~· tit!' prhH'ipnl h1\\ IJl'ize of Oxford tlu• EI cl on S<·holn rflhip. 1''h<'n IJ1<' 1-,1 II 1·anw fov volnot~rfl in 1914 Ill' wn:< nmong-><I th<' fir~t to 1·ol11ntl'er from Oxford. enterin~ till' urmy a:< a liPntC'n1111t. c·urortunntel) we hnl'l' not yet ohtnine<l a11)· 1mrtlc·ular" as to how h<' won hl'I Cro!'I"· Intl if they ai·e re<'eil·<'<l. th<'Y will he puhl!flh<'cl in our next issu1>.

Sim·<' ~oinl:( to prpss 1ww~ lrns 11 n·h•Nl thut Prlv11te Grlnw bus been awnr<l!'rl tht' \fllltnry }fednl. 'fo 11arti1·11h1 ,.,.. haY(' IH'<'ll re!'eh•e<l.

---+---P. B. COLQUROUN, M.L.A.

01w of the hnppiest ro111plinwnts that <·1111 hP p11id to nu 0111 Boy lfl to speak of him 11:-< repres<'ntatlYe of his St'hool. Sometimes ~cholar8hlpi:; mny h<' pnrtly l'l'"JlOllslhll' for this diflflnt'tion. C'ml nenC'C' in l'lport is ofll•1ier the rea,..011. hut 11nle"" there Is personality to hn<·k up <'ither of these qualifit•ntion1< fh(• fnml' I" likely to u<' ephcmC'ral. 'Theu we think of our sdwol da~·s "" 1·u11 1•11ll lo miull l>o)'S of other >:rlwol'I hPsides our own who h11 n• <'RrnNl the dis·

Page 15: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


tlnd lon , 1111cl \\!' hu1°l' followed their 1n1hli<". l111si11pss m· prot\•s-s icinal c·nrp(•r,.:, urnl still as,;oclah• tht•m with tht>ir n•sppc·tln• sd100Js. \\.I' l1i•lip1·p if Olcl flo\'s of other ...,(')wols 1n•re 11,;k!'cl to pkk 0111 tht> 111111ws of '\(•wingfonians of till' l'>t rly l'i;..:lltit"• whom tlw.1 n•11wmhpr1•cl ltpst. oil!' of thP tir,;t to tw st•h••·ll'<I wo111!1 hi' l'ere) Coh1ullo1111. ancl 11 wi<h•r l'irc·I<' than bi~ c·ontl'mpo1·11ry \'(•\\i11;..:-t1111i1111-.: ll'Olll<i H)l)ll'Ol'l' of thp <·boi<-t'.

\ 111pmht•r of t hi' 1 ·p1wr Flfth ><l'lf-st.1·ip<l with t I'll!' sl'lwolhoy h111110111· ancl n•11wmht•rpcl with no littll> prid<• m; "' l'ht> Holthpr-;'' :1 111p111hp1· ot' till' ltlftp Ti>a111. all(] heforl' hP l!'ft c·11pt11i11 ot' !111• l·'irst J•;Jp1·pn 111HI tlw Fil·st Fiftee11. a,; ll'l'll as a rl'c·o;..:11isl'd h•11cl1•1· in lhP p11l1lk lift' of tlH' i:khool, his c·arl't-1' 111 '\('11·!11;..:ton 11'!'11 a11cl trnly l11icl tlw ro1111clntio11s of lb(• ho11onr c·luiml'cl for him.

111 thosC' Plll'I~ cluys \\'I' clid nol pla.1· t1•11nis at X<>win;..:ton. 01'. as s1thsc~llll'lll 1•1'!'111,; "111·c·I~ pron••l, "('oolll',1'" would h111·p tnkl'll l'ro11I rn11k. hut lw l'X! 0l'lh•<l as a c·ric·kPtl't'. whpth!'r it wm; as h11t~111 · 111.

•J•o\\'ll'r. fiPl< l:-<1111111. 01· 1·11 pm in. Inclet><l 11'1' ha n• sonwt iml's n·~l't'tl<''I that lw ~111·p up 1·1·i1•k('t so soon 11ftl'r IPa\·in~ s1·hool i11 fllYour or t!'1111l,;. an!l so mlsst>cl int('rnntlonal honour:<. to rank with "T<'il" 1-:ntlls UJI(] "Tomm,\"• C:urretl. ]'Prha11s it IYHs Ill foothnll ht• sholll' most hri1111111tly. In thos<' da,,·s th<' hattll' 11·\'nt morp oftl•n to tlw "tt·on~ th1111 It 1l11i•s 11ow: hnt nn outstundin~ fpntur<' of ·•coom·y·s piny wus his hntln work. .\s 11 h11lf-ha1·k it wns 110 )llll't of his s!'lll'llll' of thin;:::; to hutt his way throu;..:h th<' op110sl11~ t1•um. or f!'n<I th<'m ofT with n spn r<' hand. " "hen thl'y c·amP a I him h<>n!ls <lown to "c·ollnr low" nntl lay bim out on tlw ~n1ss. lw ~rnet>fnlb· si<h•->'h•ppNl or sw1•n•pcl. nn<I it wn:< tlw otlwr frllow 11·ho \\'('111 to ;::rnss. 11·htll• "('omwy" 1mr,;m•!l his sinuous c·onrsp tO\\:tnb tlw l'llPUt)">' ;::onl: n11d If h<' di<ln't plant tlw hall hl'hitttl tlw litll'. ht• would oftpn tnln• 11 pot ;:hot 111Hl lanrl it h!'tll'l'Pn tlw posts .• \rnl 11 pln~·er who c·ould pot ;..:oals with <•ithl't' foot was '' jo~· to his s i<lP. thon;::h ~onwthtn:.: qultC' clitfrrent to his oppOJH'nts.

\\'t> un• lnclel1h'<l to tilt' R1111 for this rPport: f~OO(IJUJll'l'. IHWll tl'llllis )llllyer. J,:O)fpr, l'lllllH' I' 1111!] howler. :tn<l

a C'hnmplon In fonr out of fiYl' sports thut is tlll' n•c·01·<1 of ~rr. ('olq11hon11. mw of thr O\'(•r-n;::e men who is kt>i•n on tlw fclrmntlon of a i<J>t>i·lnl <'Ol'Jl" of mPn m·er militn r,1· a~P. :is sn;::;..:<''-'IPcl h.1· \I r. ,\ rthnr tirlffitb.

\fr. ('olqnhonn ii:; fifty-two years of nire. but he <loe" not look it. Cl'rtuinly l1is hair ii:; nlmm;t white. but h<> has 11 ~·oun;::. h<>n lthy fn<·<'. un<l his np1wnr111u·e suggests; that bis (')aim. that h<> woul<l he !'fltrnl to tlw str!'nnou>: work hehiud tile lines. is not 1111 lllle bou;:t. In his <In)". \lr. ('olq11houn was probahly tbe mo,;t notahl<> all round uthl<'ll' In \11strnll11. llP has htken part in almo"t ('l'('I')' >lporl worthy of Ill<' nnnw. 1111<1 hns ht'<'ll "111·c·pssf11l al nil of llw111 .

. Just whrn Mr. Colqnhonn c·OllllllPllC'ed his "llill'tln;..: 1·11reer i>: ltar<l to sny. rt Is within tlw l1011n<ls of posslhlllty thnt he hnd a sh)' at something in hi~ <·rn<ll<'. hut it ll':t>l not till he wns eight or 11111<> years ol<l that h<> h<>gnn to show nn:v 11romi><t'. Thnt w111-1 nt ~ewlni::-ton ('oll!'ge. where he early shoiw :t>l u junior foothall!'J'. \ few y(•nrs Inter he 1·aptnine<l the firnt Colle;::<> tPam. HJHl so :<uc·1·e~;.;­f11l wns lw thnt hr k!'pt. th<' position fOI' 11 n11mhpr of y!'nt·s.

Page 16: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


Theu 11<' went to the Gnfrf:'rslty. and <1ukkly workt•<I his wn~· into thi> fir:sl tpam. .\t that tinw h<' wns what \YIP< lrnown as 11 <1uarter-l>nc-k, ancl so brilliant \Ills he that In 18~6 he \\'lls dwsl'll to repre"<ent th<' Stntt•. In thnt yt-ar he w1h 11 nwllllwr of tltt• X.S.W. team that dsltt><I .\t>w Zt•1llnn<l. um! whilt• iu till' Dominion he pla~·ed as half-h1wk us \H'll as qu11rtt>r-ba1·k. Thos(• wt•n• th1• clays of nn.\'li;.;, " "ood. '\!'ill. L(' ('. Shaw. ,\hhott. Hild ~lo11lto11. hut 1lN1pttc the hrilli1111"l' of tho,;(' pluy<•rs. ('olqulwull was 11 foothalll•r tu h!' re1•ko11ecl With. With thP l'X1·1•ptio11 of II few )Pars \\hl'll ht• wu;.; pru"tlsln~ as 11 '<Olidtor at. Orull~I'. ht> n•prP:<Plltt>d tht• RtatP for elen•n ypnr~. Hild wn:< al:<o all intl'rn11tio11nl. l'p to l'lfll lu• wa" 11 merulwr of tht• l '11 in•rsit.'· tl'lllll. 1111<! whe11 lll' wl'llt to thl' •·01mtr.1· h<' <"!IJ>tnirll'd tlw Onlll~<' Our Boys. IJ1• 11l,.;o ('ll)lt11i11t'cl tlll'\\Psl1•rn Oislric-t F'11'1<'l'll. :111<1 pluyecl \\ ith it oil tlw two rn·1·asio11,.; 011 whkh It 1· i~itf:'d Sydni>y. 011!' of thos(• 11111tdws \\'II'< :t 1111•m1ir11hll' olll'. The Snl11P\' tP:lll1 was heal\•11 dl'd>'i\'Ph". 1111<1 for tlw tirst lillll' i11 the histor~: of the ;..:nnw in _\.S.\\. th<• ·four lhn•<•-q11111·t1•r lint• 1\'as played.

From thl'n oil Colq11hou11 fit::11n•cl II" :1 thn•e-11u11rll'I', 1111<1 a hrllliunt thrt><>-<tllnrlt>r hl• was. \lto~etlwr lit' pht)'l'd football for twenty-one ~·l'llrs. and it ,,·11s 011ly whp11 111• fo1111tl that h1• 1·0111<1 11ot spare the tlnw to kPl'JI flt that hi' i:a,·1• ii 11]1.

" ' hill' nt the 'Vursil.1· \lr. Colquhonu ulso plH.l'l'cl CTi<·kpt 11·Lth the li1ir~t Or1t<I<' team, hut tl11• 1111li1·111ty of ;..:Ptti11;..: i11pradi<·t·1·n11sl'cl him to uhumlon an.Y i«ll'11 of fon·in;..: his wns Into tit!' rrout rank. He took tlw game up 11i.:11in at Orn11~1'. hnt ii \I'll>' 11ot stl'l'lllloll >< <'nough to aptl<':tl st1·on~l,\' to him. :r11d hi' p\·1·111111111.Y· 11l111111lo1l!'d It.

Lawn rcnni;;. ho11-.·1·pr. was al11•11 r;; fund<'d ii\ till' 1111u1 who now wants to tukt• phWl' in the liigg-~o<t i.:nuw ,,( nil. 1111d t'l'l'll ht•fore IRStl he JJUt in as 111twh tlnw us Jw 1·oulcl at it. 111 t8~\I hl' was fir:<t pkk!'d to r1•1n«•st•nt X<•w 8011th \\'nll•s, and tlwu for 1•i;..:ht or nlnl' yeur,.; l'ontlnnrcl "" 11 mt•mh<>r of tlw t-ltntl' !Pam. Ill' ph1.Y·1·cl In the Slng-les nn<I llonhlp,; C'h11111pio11shi1>. :11ul ill lh1• _\fixl'd Doubles. wlth Mrs. Colquho1111. won tht> d111mplo11ship s1·1·prnl years runnin~. Il<• won till' :\l1•tropolitnn C'hamplon><hip. thon~h ht• w1rs neYer Ille Slugles ('l11111111ion of till' StntP. But with Dmlh'.,. \\"ebb in 189:! unfl \\ilh \ .. \ _ \\'lncll'Jer in 18% he won tllt' llonhlt>s Champion:<hlp <•f 'l.R.\\". lfp wus always a nwmher of t111• Sr!lnt>.1 Club, aml Lt was not till nbout six yenrs 11;..:o that h<' <lroppe1l 0111 of the front rank. for I.he ren><on that he l'OUl<l not sp11rl' thP li11w from hi>< hu'<lness. Tl<' ~till ph1.,·s lnwn tennis Pn<>ngh to k1•1•p tlt. hut not seriou~ly.

Al>out thn1 timt' ~lr. Colquhoun took to ~olf. :111(1 1t was 11ot long before• he w11;i 11 mc•mbe1· of the Killam ( 'l uh "_\" 'l'l•11111 .. \s :1 of fn<'t. he was r!'gnrde<l ns lieln;..: among- tlw lil';:t four i11 thl' cluh when prrssu1·1• of husiness re1ulerP<l It hnposslhh• for him to devot<' sufficient time to the g-ume. nn<l lu' r<•ludnntly ;..:nn' ii up.

Thi>n he took to tlw "ol<l man's ;..:imw." howls. and Joitw<l tlw 'fo:<mnn ('lull. II!' has hc>en t>lnyinµ: now for nhout <•ight 01· nhw yenrs. untl 011 severnl 01·1•ns1ou~ hus repn•sPnlP<I the Stut<'. fie repr1• ,.;ented tlll' duh in till' llllljorit~· or it S hiµ: TUii tdll's. llllcl 111 191() WOii the Singlec; Chnm11io11;:hip of tlll' Htntl'. \I r. Colq11ho1111 Juts •wol'P" or trophif:'s. nn<l has not yet clf:'sp11 I re<l or winning mnrP. for 11 t howl~ hf' l'< In go(){] form.

Page 17: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

'Ta11: NEWINGTONIAll.. 813


Du. H. H. 0~;'.

llr. Huil1•rl J>py. \\ho cli1•d in .\pril at \\al:.mtt. "·ui; one of u \\·1'11-kJHI\\ ll \pwi11gto11 famiJ~·. SOil Of tlH' J:t>Y. JloU!'l'I l>(•y. e(Jitor of llw . I 11.,/rn/i1111 <'hri.•lia11 l\"orlrl. Ill' c·aml' from 8\'otlu1ul wlH•a 11 ho.1. :1111! \\Hs >'<'lit to "1'11·ington for sonw yt•ars. lie did well n. "d1olustk worli. Hild passed Oil lo tlw l ' nil"el'!<ity for a rnNlkal c·our>'P, 1•1·pnt111111.\ grachrnt ing a>< :\I. ll. iu J 898. His til''t appcint . nwnl>< "l'l'I' 11" rl'sirh•11t 1111•dkal otti1·pr at tiH' ('oust llospll111, and ttw11 at l'l'inn• \lfre<l fJospital. after 11·hkh IH' ac·U••l as a:o;si,.,tuut lo oth1·r doc·tor". TbPn lw prac'tisl'd in n11·lo11..; ports <•f thP Ht11l1•, n•mnini11g in Bourke from l!lOI till 11)16, when• 1\1' l\'Hs l'it•<·ted a nwdic·ai otli<·c·r of tlw hospital. a11d 11·orkc•tl up a lurgt• 111·ac:tl<-1" To qnotl' llw l/('(/i,,ul .Jo11nwl: "His klntll,1 JW!"<n11allt;.· and hb i11hl'rP11t g\•111•rmdt.1· 1·ontdh11tPtl to his wi1le populurit.1·. 111

-Htlditlo11 to hi" uwdi<'al 11ork lw to11k an attin• h1tp1·est In 1>astvral affairs. 11111! wns 1111 anll'11t FrPPnrn,..011. 111 IHJ.i iil-h1•alth oYertook him. and Ill' l'l'<'Ol!llisP<i thul l.lw liYl'r alh><·tio11 from whkh he was ,11ffpri11:.: w1111lcl t1•r111iJ111tl' his lift' in tlw c-oUQ>'(' of a l'('luti\'ely ;:ollort timl'. Iii' 1'1111><11'<1 in th<' _\11><tralia11 .\rm)· Metllc-al ('orp-< J:ef<<'l"I'<'. a111l 1111s 11ppoh1t\•1l to tlw ( '01weutrntio11 Camp al. llolclsworthy. with tlw rank of (apl:ti11. 111 tlw nwam\·hiit• hb prnc·tkl' wns ht•i11g t11kl'1t 1·11n• of h,,. a c·ollt•a;rnt'. hut l'\"l'lllnall~ lw fouml it a1idsahll' to 11isJH"'<' of it. ,\ftpr '<Olll<' limp nf spnkc• in tlw .\ :\l.C". H1•s('J'l'I', hi...: ill ·ht•alth 1·om1><'lle<i him to up11l~ for his dis c·harl-(1'. Ii<' i11111ron•cl so1111'11·hat durin:.: thp curly part of l!l17, 1md was nl•i<' to a1·1111in• a pra<'li<-1• at \\ algptt. and to work in this l)l'nc·-ti('(• for a short<'. Towanls th1• encl of the ~«·111· 1111 Olll'l'aliun ht"<'lllll<' 111•1·1•ss11 r~·. af11•r whic·h hi' grml11all~ lost gro1111(], and tliPtl on \pl'ii 10. l!llR. lit• IC'a1·p.; a wiclow and two tl1111;.rht1•nt" \\ \' oll'C'I' tl11•s1• and his fatlll'r·s fa1uiJy· <•Ill' silll'l'l"I' s,l'IUPath,\'.

\IH. WALKE!l"S ,\J)DltES8.

During thl' ll'rm \\'l' l'l'<'Pil"l'fl a most i11kn•sting acldn·s~ from \lr. \\nlkl'I'. th!' fntlwr of Olli' of 011r Jll'<'sPnt hoys. in tlw ll<'a<i-m11stl'r0s 11hs1•11ct'. .\f r . ll11drnnn11 iotrod1w!'<i tlw 1·isitor, 11hu ,,·ns grt'l'll'fl Wlll'lllly .

. \Jr. \\ ulk<'r lhank1•d 11s for his wplc·11111c'. a11d a1111ou111·NI ns tlw s11hjl'l'f of his Slll'l"<'h thP t':ll"\' of tho,.;p IH'O)lit•s who will in lht• 1wnr fnt Ill"<' 1·111111' 1111t!Pr .\ ust rH lh1 's c·a n •. Tht',I' an• esppdu lly lll't'<lf11 l of 1·;1n'. Ju• !<Hill. for thl'~· ar(• "o simpll'-mi111lp11. To gi1 1• 1111 \':'1.alllplP of tlw wn~ tlw traclpr,.: ill -t rl'at. t111• 11atil·l's .. \lr. \Yallwr rP<·o1111t1•!1 1111 <'"-JWl'i<'n•·t• of hi,.: 01n1. On tlw wa~· to a tl•1111)0r11r~· post nt ( h:ilnwrs Island hi' ><HI\' a little n1tt1•r. arnl on hoarding hl'r fomul 11 gro11p of 1111til·l's from an island. wlwn• tht'Y hnd nothln~ }pft to lln• on hut <·oc·oanut><. )Jr. \\'alkl'r rl•111ler(•tl them Ruth a"sistmu·c> ash<• c·o11lcl. 11111! on his arriH•I wns warmly J"<'<'l'in•d. Jn lh<' first sl'l'lllllll whi<-h lw prenC'hecl tbt>re lw hlnml'd thP lazy mt>n for not 1·11ltirntlng the nat.ural rt>so11rc·l'" of tlwlr surrounding:'<. ('l'hro11:,:ho11t this part of thP sto1·y .\Jr. \\"nlkpr gn,·e us some Yer~· en,ios11hlt> 111dgl11 gugliRh, I.Jut we will not attempt a reproduction.)

Page 18: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


Lal er \\ hl'll II\' \\a:; sil I i11,i.: iu thl' ,\ [is,..io11 1 lousl', and fl.'l'lill!( l'Cl',I "nti;.:fic<l with hi:; "\'1'111011 he was apprnad1Pd h,1· a 1111ml1pr uJ nutin•s who had lwar<l it. 'l'o l.lis sUl'lH'isl' the~ 11:-;;;crtt•d thnt tl11·.1 \\'1.'l'C ashamP<l of Ills ;.:111.•cdi. Tlw~· 1n•n• not laz~·, tbPS >'aid. hut when tlw~· workt><l I h1•y werf' <"hl'll ll'rl h~· tlw white 1111111. Thi· traders· etPrual 1·r.1 \\as morl'. mon•, and !hi.' mon• he i.;ot till' fps ... there \I'll>' for tlw 1111 t h·1•!<. ::11 L \\'a lkpr apolo~ised for the injust i<"P of hi,; reIDarks. and us at that tiuu• he n•<'l'il·e<t a >'mall lt>;.:uc·y. hP 11,;ed some of it to lmy 1111(! tit 011t a :<mall 1·11tt1•r for th1• isltuul"I'"· They 1Yent to work. hut as 1111•.1 werP 11ist n11:<tful of tlH' stun•· keeper, all their im1tits wprt• plan•<l iu till' ket>pini.: of thl' llou .. J. Douglas. The mis~io11nr.1· wa,.: tnu;.:hP<I at, hut bi:< ll<lJll'>' \\l'l"l' Jui,:tified, and nbo11t the time wlwn they Juul half paid for the hont ther made u lin<l. ))\\·in;: for 111.•arls 11 man <·ame IH·ross sp•;prul i.:reat ini:ot~ of <·opp1•r. fo1111<1 to h1• worth CHOO. ,\lr. \\ alkPr wu>< repaid for tlw liout. anti. aflt>r a >'oh•m11 IHIW wo\\·. they <IL><·idl'cl lo huld a <·hm'l'h worth t:lOO. "'This >'llll\\'"'·" snili ~It'. \Ynlker. •·t lrnt the~· are worthy of lwlp. anti thnl thl'~ lu11·e •·onsiderable ahlllt~· is CYim:ell b~· tlw fal'f that tlw~· 11011 l1111·p 11 tleet of 27 bonh."

.\ Yote of thanks was mon•tl h~· \\'atllni.:. a1u.l se<·o1111Pcl h.1 Hro11n.

---·..+- - -VAJ,ETK

J,, ZeitsdJ.- ( auw .Ja1111ar.1·. I !l Ii . Lpft .111111'. l!llR. :!nil .\ \ .. 1917. l!>t XV., 1918.

---.+- --Till~ THI!' TO .Jim\ IS 11\Y.

".\n<I haJ111.1· i:-; ,1·our lif!' \Yh1•n you ha\'cn't i.:ot a wif<•. And .nm'rp rnlli11i.: honw."

Sonw n1Pmlll'rs of thl' tt•:uu. !Joi<! i11 thl'ir ii.:noruw·l'. \\P!t' i.11xr-011s lo ;..:o dmrn to till' :'\111·u1 ('ollPJ.:l' In lh<' 11..\l.A.8. J·"n,nklin. l'heir plPa wll>' that thpn>s nuthin;..: likl' l'XJ1l'rie111·t>. Th0 n•.•l. It'>'"

foolharcly, h:111lkccl al thP i<lea. an1I it wn,.; finally 11Pl'i<1NI thut 111' should tra1el h~ tn1i11: till' -1.;;o from Sydn<'~. This Jllt•unt auout four ho11r;; iu stnff.1 t·arria!!:t'"· with a<•s ride from \owrn l'he jourue.1 clown was lik1• an~· otlwr. wh1·n ,.:ixteeu hoyt' an• <·ro1nlell int<1 two l'lll'l'iai.:e~. l'h•n1~· of 11ol-.i• 111Hl ;.:011;.:. a nm or fa(·e,; at t'YCr.r :::t11tio11. Hll(] tlw li,i.:hf8 i.;oi11i.: out and on <'H'l'S t<-11 miuuf Ps 01· so. Tlwn• \\'('I'(' int1•1·ut1:< ot' quil'f, t.ho11;.:h. !lnrln;.: whid1 luleR werP :<wnp1wcl 1111<1 lit'" told. llnr111·p wn,.; at his he8t. and hi:< l'Xperien<"I"' on fill' 1·011rsp Parnl'<I ;.:J'l•at applansl'. \\'l• r<'al'lll'<i :\owrn uhoul !).:!.>. 1111<1 fo11111l tlw d111r-a h111w waitin;..: for 11s. It dicln't takt• 1011:.: 111 )lll('k on hoard. 1111<1 w1• \\'<'l'<' soon slipJ1h1~ oil alon;..: the 1·01mtr.1· road. \nd likl' mo,.:t 1·01111tr~· road>'. it 1n1>< 1·1·r.1 hump,1·. In fa1·t. it \\'as q111tl' a nii.:htmnn• journ<•y. Th<' roa1l for rlw most part >'('l'lllP<l to wind round tl'l't's. and tlw llri\·pr dron• a-. thoui:rh it \\'PI'<' an 11sphaltefl st ret•t \\'ith no s))('l'<l re;:11l11tions. l'ree;;i loome1l in front and 011 hoth si!l1•s. am! when it ><P<'ID<'tl 11othini.: <·onl<i :-u11·p II'\. 11 twi>1t of tlw whC'el hro11;:ht :<ah·atio11 until ll1c next tl'l'l' wa,; reathed. The Hl'ttlcmeut was reatbed In the

Page 19: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


ncigill.Jourhood of midnight, uml "c 11 Prl' 11 ell"orue!I h~ ( oillmm1dcr Hetou. who JH'OI it led 11:-; with ::;uppt•r. llPd followed, though nut 1w1·cssu1·iJ,,· slt•t•p. hut ;•n•11t11all~-. nftl'r a i.:o<~l dPal of lm•iug and finding of pillow:-;. we :,;auk to ::;l11111hPr "''l'lw moruing when we woke,'' to mls1111ott• La11dt•1-. wa;; gloriuu;;. a11tl P\'l'l'yone wus soon 11p and out in Uw fresh 11lr. l'he ><ight. of tlw l'r:111kliu in tlw L>uy (slim and 1luint~) reawake11ed rpgr<•I>< i11 thl' husom;; of those s<.'C'kerf' of l'XJl\•rlenc:e. Sen•ral t·tHlet>< hatl 1·mul' tlown from Syd-ney In her on th<' p1·e,·io11s night. uncl tlw ha rrowiug tales of these burdened ;;t'llW\'11 gan• 11;; ull u 1111i;•t f\'cliug of tlluukfulncss that wp had eoml' hy train. \fll'r l>reakfa;;t \H' took \'\·cry OI>I>ortnnity of liC'eomi11g- atq11ainh'd with .Jcn·is Hay. Tb1' gnu-rooms were H'r~· mutb !'H\'IP<I. as wus. loo. thl' fiUl' g~·mnasium. Here was wit-uc><sed the morniug nss\•mhly (the 1111utkal tPrms Psl·apes us), for hei·e, ye Goel"! they work on Sutunlay morning. Tlw lagoon didn't 1•M·upe noti<-1'. arni tlw h''"' ;;aitl ahout th\' 1·a11odug attempts the hctter. l'radlntli." l'l'<•n111tl' t·anw lo ;;rief. Two of us (wiser) ohtnl11ed pcrmisHiou to 11sp tllC' rowillg hoat, and spent un idyllic mornin!I' 011 till' lagoon. 'I lw ,.:ight of fi;;h in tbp ha,\· :.:tlrrt'<l the h<'arts of olht>r;;. 1111d tlwy mu:>t ;.:t-t tlwm lillu . .; to Ji;:IJ withal. But of that morl' unou.

lcrom our point of l'il'w thl' rnatdt was not l'llt irpJy su<:c·essful. \\ ithiu It'll milnttl':-; of the gauw's lH';.:inning we Wl'l'l' .i points ill the lt•11Cl, hul sup1•rior 1·ornlil loll worl' 11s dowu, and the game ended 11 :> 11;.miust 11s. \Y(• l'l'<"l'il'l'd plents of 1·hil'a irous sn11t>0rt from till' <Towel on llw iim•. au<i it wa,.; most hearll'ning to llt•u r lhe old <"ry of "C\(•wington." '\c•wnum s<·on•d for us. llH' hall t·oLUi11g to him from th<' nwk. ill"<l\\·11 allded thl' l'Xlrm~.

l\flpr tlw 111111<-h. sPI llJl h.1· hot :-;how1•r>'. lhl' anglers :-;ought the ha~·. hut i11 spill' of tlw altrn<"lion of l"l'd nwat. tbe fo::h refusNl to hill•. '\early all. after It'll. wPut to thP pictures i-hown in the ;.:~·m­naslum. tho11;.:1.l 1111' hilliard room allrn«ted a frw. \\'e gun• them ·c,inger" (till' poor fello11 11a,.; work\•<i lo dt>Hlh), anti tlw~· ).(ll\'I' us

"'Hoiliu;.: JJom<'." ><o P\'Pr.1 rn11• wa:-; happy. H1111du~· 11us a 1la~ of flplightfnl \\'!'Hlhl'I', a111l was pa;;spd iu

lishi11~. rP11tlirn~. or ro11i11;.:. 11\•forl' Clrnr«b di\ bious \H'rl' lwi<I 011 thl' (l\al fnd11;.: tlw (;,1m. huilclin;.:, all oftk<'r". nanll <·ndl'l>l. ancl 111n·a1 n1tin:.:>< of all <"las;;('s Wl'l"l' clruwu up in puradl' uniform. 1111(] prPsl'ull•<l a fill!' ><(ll'l"la<·I<'. ,\ft1·r dirl;;ioll><. d111r1·h .• \Ii attended. 1'X1·ppt so111<• ;•nthui:;ia><lk lsaiw \\'allo11's. who IH•arcl noth1t1:.: of lll'lls or whist it's. 'l'lwir <"nll-hcs Wl'l'l' not r<'lllHrkable oither for siiw or q1rniity. By '.! o'drn·k 11·p W\'l'l' n•iuly to il'>t\·e. and set out in 1111' drnr-a-hn1w for \'011Ta. Till' :rn mill's pa,.;st'd qukklx in ;;ou:.: antl tal<>: lhon;.:h tlw lul<•s \H'l"l' mon• 11·01ulprful lha11 ('\'!'r min;;trel told. Ontl' mon• llw traiu a11d l'horH><l'>' (w<• had a iww song. "Hol1111g liOlll('." HIHl <tuitl' OllStt'cl "(;jugl•r" H>' ll f11\0Ul'ite). Two of "" losl hrarnl 11<•11 hats ht•t WPl'll '\011ra and Kiuma, and W<'I'<' sarldP11Pd mortal;; for tlw n•sl of I he jou rm·~·. ". ollougong 1·11ahil'd ns lo quil'I tlw ilnwr rna11 ( thos1• su111lwid1e>< Wl'l'l' pork. 11ot d1kke11. hoy:<!). mul without. othl'•· inl'i<l<•11t ,.;o rPathed S,rcluey. "Hollin!! llomP" nhoul !l.:10.

In 1·01wl11sio11 tlw t<>am 11·islll's to 11•1uier its thank'< to Cuptaiu (;rnut. Con1111u11clpr SPtou. nnd a Ii otlwr offk1•1·;; and tadeti;; who mnd1• our s1i1~ so iuteus<'IY intere:<ting. To .\Ir. llm·hanan, too, for hb tadful 1·hu1)(•ronu;w, 1111<1 to Mr. Lappin. who 1-lmlly umpired.

Page 20: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,



·1 hi' forty-thil'(I 11111l11al "IH.>rts 111eeti11;.: wa" lll'ld oil Ill\'< 11111•;.:" ;.:n•u1uls oil Hn t 11r<lu.1. li1•ptemh1•r i. Th1• Wl'U t her wns PX<·<•<><lingl.\ fH n111rnhll' for II sporh m1•Ni11;.:. and tlw ond its(')f. dos1·I.\ mow11 111ul full~ d1><·ontll'd with flags. presp11t1•d a n•ry fin<• sl;.:ht to thP 11u111y :<p!'dalur" who \\·pre J>rPsent. Thi• r111111i11i.: this .n•ur \1·as 1•x1·PllP11t. and \·1·rr <"losel.1· 1·011test1•1I. Tlw \\·u IT.I ( 'up, whkh 11 us donated to n•plnc·P t h1• Coll1•1-:<' Cup. h.1· :\I r. \\'arr.1. of C)11e1•n:;l;1 ncl. in meUJor~· of' his tail• son. Lieutt•nunt \. 'I'. \\'arr.I". hi111splf 11 111ost 1·pr:;atllp nthl1•t1', \1·11s 11011 h.\· On·hnrd, with Ila\·\'.\ a 1·los1• sp1·rnul. Ord111r<l WOii the 880 Yards in :! mlns. 8 1• Sl'l'S .. tlH• \Uh' !11 :; mills. 2 !!-;i se1·s .. ulso lhl.' :J:W Yanls. and inis ph11·pd i11 ,;p1·prnl oth1•r !'\'Pill-<; l>u\·1',1 \\'Oil thl' JOO Yards 111 11 1-10 spc·s .. tlw 110 \ ur<ls, as \1·pll as ;.:11t11h1;.: ph11·Ps in otlu•r P\·c11ts.

Th<' .Junior ('up fl>ll to J~llison, with (.i·n11tl'r not far hPhi11d. i ~liison won 1111' 100 Yanls. 220 Yartls. RSO Yard:<. 111111 llroa!l .J11111p. \\'hilt• (: 1'11111 !'I' wo11 1 IH' ll111·cll<•s. a n<I was t •llW('(I I 11 oth1•r t•\·p11ts.

In llw 1111d!'r 14 l'H'llts ~ld'h!'r>'Oll 111·0\!'11 hin1i-Plf sll(>l'rior to all otlwr •·011111t•titors. Ill' won tlw HHI \ 11nls. tlw :J!!O Yards. and 111;.:h .Jump.

\s has ht•Pn tlw •·11,.tom for s('\'!'ral .n•11 r " past 1111' wlwh• of tlll' pn11·1•1•ds \\ 11" frn·wa rdt'<I to t h1• 1'11 t riot i«- Funds.

Till' followin;.: an• tlw n"•lllh:

II 11/'/'11 <'1111 f'ltfl111/1io11.•ltip t:n 11/.•. JOO ) anJ,.,. l>al!\I. 1: Ofrhanl. 2; T11hma11. :i. Ti11w, 11 l·IO s1><·s. :J!!O Yunls. On·ha1·11. I: Jlan'.1·. !! ; Tuh11u111. :1. Tinll'. 2;, :i-.; ,..1•1·s. 110 Yards. l>HH'.\·, l; \hhott ii..!!: Ordianl. :I. 'l'illll', ;,i Hl'I":<. HHO \arch<. On·hard, I: \\atli11;.:. :!; \hhHll ii.. :i. '1'11111', :J 111in .•.

R~ :•wc·s.

\li11'. Or1'1111nl. I; \\atli11;.:. 2: .\hlloll i .. :;. ' i inw •. i 111i11. :J :J.;, ~"''"'· l:JO Yard:-; liunllt"'· \\'alk!'r, I: ~k<:rl'gor, :!; llan•.1. :1. Tlnw. :JO

:! :; ~('('~.

111;.:h .Jump. Hrontl ,J 11111p.

111 ins.

\J<-l>rc•;.:01·. I; l'iP l1l. :!; Ordrnnl. :1. 1,11\\. I; T11hma11. :! ; Ord1111·d, :1.

I lpil-(ht. I fl . 11 ins. l>bt111wt'. I 8ft.

1'111.tin;.: tilt' Hhot. < o;.:hla11. I: 1:ro1111. :! ; .\hhott i.. :;. llist111wp, :l:!ft. !l~lns.

l'oiut.•. Ord1anl. 1!l; lhtn•.r, 1::; ,\t..C:n•l-(or, i.

LOO \ anls, :!!!II \uni". ) urds.


I m/t'r Iii f'hfllllJ1io11xhip J;1·1·11/x.

l·:ltison, 1 : King. 2; C:rantPr. " ... Tiuw. l~I Ii son. I ; h:in~. '!: < :n111tl'1'. :;. Tinw. l·.lliso11. I ; ,Jplfl"(\\". ·•· \\' i I s011. ... TinH',

11 :1. J ~('('S,

!!H~ S('('.._,

:! mins. l!l ,,

Hl·u111l .l11111p.- l·:llbo11, I; <:ranter, ; Htew11rt. ::. lllstnm·1', l7ft. \ltn;;.

llii.:h .Jump. l:llkl'I'. 1: c.ranll'I'. 2. llpi;.:ht. lft. !1111s. Hurdle:<. c;rnntPr. I; .\loulton, :J; \ 1t11<·t>. 3. Tinw, J;i J.,; ~l·<:;;.

l'oi11/11. Elli;;on, 12;, \l; Kini;, I.

Page 21: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

N11µµ/<'11H·11t to 'l'he Ye1ri11gto11ia11, Septemlnr. 1918.



Page 22: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

2 S11pp/cmrnt to 'J'he Xe1ci11gto11ia11, IS<'pfe111ber. 1~18.


Major F. Campbell, 2nd Battalion. Major Moffat Reid, 1st L.Il. Captain Dunbar, Chaplain. Captain D. S. Freeman, 15th Battalion. Captain D. D. Hunter, Chaplain. Captain A. L. Hewish, 3rd Battalion. Captain A. C. A. Jekyll, R.A.M.C. Captain II. K. l\Ieek, King's Royal Rifles. Captain H. H. Moffat, M.C. Captain K. N. Pattrick. r3th Battalion. Lieutenant G. D. Allen, R.F.C. Lieutenant H. P. Barton. Lieutenant H. W. Brough, 117th Howitzer Battery. Lieutenant C. S. Crowley, D.C.l\I., 33rd Battalion. Lieutenant H. Dingle, D.C.M., A.M.C. Lieutenant D. Classon, Royal Flying Corps. Lieutenant G. Howes, Rajput Light Infantry. Lieutenant A. S. Hunt, 17th Battalion. Lieutenant A. L. Jeffrey. C. de G. Lieutenant A. R. Muir, M.C., 45th Battalion. Lieutenant C. A. Nixon. Lieutenant M. K. Nolan, r3th Battalion. Lieutenant TI. J. Pcisley, 211d Battalion. Lieutenant J. L. Sandy, A.F.C. Lieutenant J. \\'. Terras. 45th Battalion. Lieutenant V. T. S. vVarry, 25th Battalion. Lieutenant A. E. \\.atson, 35th Battalion. Lieutenant 0. C. vVhite, 2nd Battalion. Company Sergeant-Major E. Huxtable.

,. .

Company Sergeant-Major D. N. McGregor, 3rd Battalion. Sergeant G. R. Buchan, 13th Battalion. Sergeant L. F. R. Colwell, 45th Battalion. Sergeant \V. Hooper, 18th Battalion. Sergeant C. J. Kaeppel. qth Battalion. Sergeant G. R. Lovett, 19th Battalion. Sergeant D. M. Murray, rst Battalion. Sergeant J. L. Saunders.

Page 23: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

Nupp/11111111 lo T/11 \ 1·,,-i11vto11ia11, •"' µ11111/Jcr, 1918. :l

Bombardier \\'. G. Tasker. F.A. Corporal C. D. Holliday, 54th Battalion. Corporal \'. V. Hulbert, 17th Battalion. Corporal R. Lewin. Corporal N. :Roberts. Corporal T. \V. \Vhitton. 1st Battalion. Lance-Corporal K. H. Jackson. Driver A. Mac<lonal<l. Driver D. F . Boxall. Trooper F. R. Galbraith, 6th L.H. Trooper F. Guille. Trooper N. S. Jeffrey. Trooper L. R. Pountney. 5th L.H . Trooper \V. Tink, 1st L.H .

... Trooper K. C. Riley, 6th L.H. Sapper V. T . . Marshall. Sapper S. II. :\IcKern, ?IL~l.. Lst Field Coy. Engineer;; <~unner J. Johnson. 11th Brigade, F.A. Cunner J . L. Norman, .. md Division. c;unner R. J. Percy, 7th F.A. Private L. R. ,\rnclell. Private H. Bembrick, 9th :\fachine Cun Coy. Private C. J. Bleazard. Pri\'ate J . Bryant . 53rcl Battalion. Private A. Burling, 56th Battalion. Private J. Coutts, Private K. Daniels, A.M .C. Private F. N. Dash, 1st Battalion. Private J. Dugan. I 7th Battalion. Prh·ate G. B. F. Ilunt, 17th Battalion. Pri\'ate E. \\' . Korff. i7th Battalion. Private \\' . L. Laing. 53rd Battalion. Private E. nl. Lane. Private 0. Lucas, 53rcl Battalion. Private R. C. Lucas, 9th Battalion. Pri,·ate M. L. 1Tacdonald. Private R. S. Meek. Pri\'ate C. Miner. Private \V. H . Nicholson. Private A. H . Pickering, -1-5th Battalion. Private P. J. ~ewart, i8th Battalion. Private C. \Veisner, 2oth Battalion. Private II. f . \\ hiteman. Private w: H. R. Woods.

Page 24: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

4 N11JJp1"111<'ltf to Thf' Yr11"i11gto11ia11. Nqitnnbff. 1018.


Lieutenant N. J. Hill. Sergeant C.R. Crowther, 15th Battalion, Minden, G'many Sergeant 0. M. O'Reilly, 36th Battery, F.A.


Lieut.-Colonel ]. Lamirock. ]. W. S. Lucas, F.i\.

,. C. Shellshear, rrth F.A.B. Maj01: A. E. Colvin, l\I.C., A.M.C.

R. E. M cClelland, .A.l\l.C. ,, J. Morton. ,, G. Short, V.D.

Captait: E. Atkinson, r9th Battalion. E. Beaver, 34th Battalion (re-enlisted). E. M. Boyer. Chaplain. C. A. Brough, 2nd D.A.C N. S. Bate (Rabaul).

,, G. M. Hay, A.M.C. Surg. H. J. W. Brennand, H.M.A.S. "Encounter," R.A.N. Lieutenant H. E. Banfield, 2oth Battalion.

,, F. Cork. ,. F. G. Griffiths, r9th Battalion. ,, E. S. Hordern. 12th L.H. ,, A. K. Maney-Lake, 7th L.H. (2nd occasion). ,, J. G. McKern, TunneUing Corps. ,, H. F. Murray. ,, K. F. Potts, 18th Battalion. ,, J. Tarn, .55th Battalion. ,, R. P. Walker.

Navigating-Lieut. S. R. Fletcher. \Varrant-Officer S. R. Ayres. Company Sergt.-Major W. E. Huntley.

Serg'~ant E. Burnh~~-0. Patison.

" ,.

A. T. R. Brown. A. C. W. McKern, 4th Battalion. L. McManis, 14th Battalion. A. N. Northcott (Rabaul-re-enlisted France). A. S. N. Pattrick, 1st Battalion. G. G. Virtue, 35th Battalion.

Page 25: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

, 1111pf1""11/ lo Thr \' tri11!f/1111i1111, •"' pl1111/nr, 191!;. r,

Corporal 0. 11. Barker, 12th L.H. s. Broome, 12th L.II. (re-enlisted). I'. Cuthbertson. 15th Battalion. \\. C Franci". 13th Battalion, O.C.M. tre-enl.). S. Hudson, 6th L.H. F. 11 utton, Field Engineers.

,, R. Lobban (re-enlisted). Driver B. W. Marina, 3rd Batt., 1st Field Artillery.

0. Albopp . .+th D.A.C .. F.A. K. B. \Viseman.

Gunner V. Hay. S. A. Hosking. 16th Battery, F.A.

. , E. N. Leahy . C. R. Logan, IOth F.A.B. R. \\'. Peel.

,. ::5. l I. dl· Q. Robin, 38th Battery. Trooper I I. A Brown, 2nd L.H.

" "

" .. " ,.

. ,


" .,

]. S. Campbell. R. H. K. Clarke II. \\ Crane. 3rd Rfcts, 12th L.H. ]. Simpson (re-enlisted).

11. Barker. Canadian Reserve. R J. F. Boyer. 26th Battalion. E. C. Bush L. C. D. Cooper. Ai\l.C. \V. \Varlow Davies Forsyth-Cheffins, 2oth Battalion. A. \V. E. (;arcliner. II. V. Geddes. ,\ \ V. Ja mes, 2nd Battalion. A L. Lane, 3rd Battalion F. Latimer. \ . J Lowe . Battalion . \\. \,, ~IcCourt, 17th Batt. J. ~ cwsome. 2nd Battalion. 'E. Paul. V. ?\I. Roper, 3rd Battalion. W. G. Tasker, 13th Battalion (re-enlisted) . C. E. Weakley, rst l\I.G. Coy. G. Winn. B. M. Woodhill.

Page 26: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

6 •"llfJµ/r•mcnl to The J\r('wi11ytrJ11ifl11. Nq>ll'l11/u·r, 1918.

MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES. Brig.-General I. G. i\Iackay, D.S.O. (\Yith bar). Major A. E. Colvin, M.C.

,. E. S. James . ., C. W. C. Marr, M.C. ,, J. H. l\IcDonald, l\I.C. ,, T. G. Millner, M.C. ,, A. J. Petersen, D.S.O. (with bar) . . , T. L. Wills-Allen, D.S.O.

Chaplain-Major H. A. Meek. Captain C. K. Allen, M.C.

" ., ,, " .,

E. Beaver, M.C. F. Dawson, M.C. A. L. Hewish . F. Meares. T. E. Parker. L. Rickard, M.C. A. F. Sutton. O.B.E .

., \\'. H. Waddell. l\I.C. Lieutenant F. M. Vv. Crooke. D.C.:\I

., H. L. Dill, M.C.

., ,,

,. "

F. W. Jackson, M.C. A. L. Jeffrey, Croix de Guerre . H. Moffatt, M.C. A. R. Muir, M.C. R. W. Pettit. C. G. Prescott, M.C. L. H. Thompson, M.M. F. Winn. · C. R. Wise. M.C.

,, 0. H. Woodward, M.C. ,. C. S. Crowley, D.C.M.

• ,. J. A. Sorrell, M.M. ,, E. G. Nixon. Croix de Guerre.

Sergeant R. J. W. Lee. i\I.M. Corporal W. C. Francis, D.C.M.

,, C. 0. Harrison. Trooper S. R. Hindmarsh, M.M. Sapper H. de V. Alexander. Serbian Gold Medal. P rivate H. Dingle, D.C.M.

JT. Grime, M.Ivr. B. H. Howard, M.M.

., R. Jamieson, M.M . A. H. Pawley, M.M. (with bar).

.. B. C. A. Palmer. Mr. H. E. Budden, late Viar Chest Commissioner, C.B.J~.

Page 27: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

~11pp/!'111l'11/ to '1'11r Scwi11r1trmir111. Nr·pll'ml1e1-. 1918. 7

ON ACTIVE SERVICE. B.rig.-General J. G. Mackay, D.S.O., rst l\Iach. Gun Batt. Lieut.-Colonel F. Marshall, Dental H. Quarters, A.M.C.,

Tidworth. Major D. Buchanan, ist Anzac Mounted Div.

,. W. M. A. Fletcher. No. 2 Cas. Cl'ring Stn., A.l\I.C. R. Gowing, D.A.D.0.S.

,, E. S. James, O.C., 4th Mobile Vet. Section. ,, J. Mailer Kendall, R.A.M.C. ,, W. S. Lawry, 1st Regiment, A.L.H.

J. H. McDonald, M.C., 2oth Battalion. ,, C. vV. C. Marr. l\I.C.. Aust. Wireless Squadron ,, T. G. :Millner, M.C., A.Q.l\I.G., 1st Aust. Div. ,, G. H. Parker, 6th Battery. 2nd F.A.B . . ,, A. J. Petersen, D.S.O., O.C., B Battery, 86th Brig.,

RF.A., B.E.F. C H. Wesley, 14th Field Ambulance .

. , R. J. v\'hiteman, A.M.C. ,. T. L. Wills-Allen, D.S.O.

Chaplain-Major A. II. Meek. 3rd Sth. Midland Fld. Amb. Captain C. K. Allen. l\I.C., 13th Middlesex Regt., B.E.F.

,, E. \V. Atkinson, 19th Battalion.

" " ,, "




" ,,

H. L. Beale, A.M.C. E. Bea Yer. TIT .C., Battalion. H. 0. Busby. A.M.C. .. I?th Battalion. B. M. Carruthers. R.A.M.C., India. J. W. Cook, 9th York. & Lanes. Regt .. B.E.F. P. FJ. M. Crane, Adjutant. F. Dawson, M.C., 58th Battalion. F. E. Dawson. A.l\I.C. H. Dolman. Aust. Camel Ambulance. W. 1\1. Edwards. 12th B., E. Surrey. B.E.F. \\!. C. Francis. D.C.1\1. F. C. E. Geyer. B.V.O .. Ileadquarters, ist A.L.H. K. l. Gill, 21st l\lach. Gun Coy. G. E. Johnston, RAF .. H.1\I. Seapl. Base. Malta F. Meares. r5th Battery, 5th F.A.B. W. L. Millett, A.M.C. P. A. Morris, A.l\I.C.. Aust. Hosp .. Cairo. S. C. Murphy. Union Forces. South Africa. A. R. S. Orr, A.M.C1 H.J. Orr, M.C.. A.M.C. T. E. Parker. L. Rickard, M.C.

Page 28: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

8 •°"llJJJJl<llH 11t tu 1 lw Xe1ri11ytu11ia11, Scpte111ber, 1918.

Captain j. Sorrell. ,, A. F. Sutton, O.B.E., Den Corps, uth F. Amb.,


" V. W. Thompson, Chaplain to Fleet, H.M.A.S. Encounter.

,, \\'. ll. Waddell, 34th Battalion. C. R \\'ise, l\1.C.. 3r<l Border Regt., B.E.F.

.. 0. H. \Yoodward, l\I.C., 1st Tunnelling Coy. Lieutenant H. S. Beale.

,, j. Bowry, Tunnelling Corps. ,, R. j. F. Boyer, ist Battalion. ,, . ,

. , ,, ,, "

" ,, ,,

,, " ,. " . , ,,

. , " ,, ,, ,,

" "

" .. ,,

A. T. Brine. F. Warren Crooke, D.C.M., i8th Battalion . .I\'. F. Crozier, Dental Corps, A.M.C. M. Davies. H. Warlow Davies, No. 3 Coy .. Aust. Tunllrs . H. L. Dill, i\I.C., 3rd Battalion. S. N. Doust, B.E.F. 11. J. Englert, Queensland Officers' Draft. K. Flockhart, 14th Battery, F.A. vV. Glasson, A.S.C. E. G. Glasson, R.F.C. A. A. Goodall, Dental Corps. C. Greenwell. 14th Rfcts., 1st Pioneer Batt. W. Gregg, RF.A. F. R. Halliday, Wireless Signal Squadron. R. A. Holloway, 1st Pioneer Battalion. S. Holmes, 2oth Battalion. L. Hoskins, F.A. F. vV. Jackson, iYl.C., 3rd Battalion . E. F. McDonald, 13th Battalion. l\I. \\'. Martin, B Coy., 6th Battalion. ]. K. l\IcLachlan, r6th Dental Unit . R. Morrell, 6th L.H. A. Newman, Dental Corps. H. \V. Norman. Royal Flying Corps. E. de B. Norman. A. N. Northcott, 1 s t Battalion. A. T. Paull, 26th Battalion. E. St. J. Pearce. 35th Biittalion. R. \V. Pettit, 17th Battalion. C. G. Prescott, M.C., 3rd Battalion. H. C. Price, 38th Battery, 10th Brig., FA . R. G. Price, 36th Battalion.

Page 29: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

811pp/,·1111·11l lo 'J'hc \ ciri11ylu1tia11, i:!C'plr mbcr, rn1s. !I

Lieutenant l.. A. Redgrave, 18th Battalion.

" " ,.

" " " " ,,

U. T. Robertson, 2nd Aust. Aux. Mech. Transport Coy., A.S.C.

D. S. Rowlands. H. F. Sandy. 12th Battalion. \\'. D. Scott, 45th Battalion. \ \ . J. Sinclair, 9th Batt., N'folk Regt., B.E.F. A. Snelling. J. A. Sorrell, M.M., 13th Battalion. L. ll. Thompson, l\l.M., ist F.A.B. S. R. Traill, rst Battalion. Virgo. R. 1\1. K. "Wilson, 56th Battalion. F. ( ·. \ \ inn, 8th J\lachinc Cun Coy .

.,. Flight Lieutenant F. G. Steele. 1st Class \Var.-Ufficer 0. E. Gemell, Ord. Corps, A.S.C. \\'arrant-Officer H. W. Powell, Ord. Staff, No. r A.G.H. Warrant-Officer R. K .. Pountney, Ord'nce, 4th Aust. Div. Q.M.S. P. J. Larke, Aust. Aux. :Motor Trans. Flight-Sergeant A. M. Sidey, B Flight, 69th Sqd., A.F.C. Staff-Sergeant llolden, A.M.C., India .

. , J. P. R. Jamieson, A.1\1.C. ., .. . \. R. Campling, 5th Field Ambulance. ,, ,. ,\. K. l\lackenzie. rst L.H. Field Amb.

Sergeant G. Abbott, 12th L.H. ,, K. \V. Allen, D Coy., 55th Battalion. ,, Annersley. ,, 0. C. Beale, March R!cts., Field Artillery. ,, R. G. Brown, Machine Gun Section.

" . , "

" ,. " ,.

" "

R. E. Campling, 5th F. Amb., 5th Brigade. H. R. Crammond, F.A. K. V. Coates, 55th Battalion . D. Eager. L. Gall. H. E. Gissing, i4th F. Amb., A.M.C. Higgins, 7th L.H. G. Howard, rst Battalion. S. W. Huntley. S. (7. Jurd, 4th Aust. Camel Corps. L. A. Kelynark. Machine Gun Section. S. R. Lawson, 3oth Batt., wth Brig., F.A. R. J. \V. Lee, l\I.l\I., 3rd Pioneer Battalion. J. A. Lee, 25th Battalion. Millet. E. G. Nixon, C. de G.

Page 30: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

10 N11p[Jl1'111c11t to 'l'he X<•1ri11gto11ia11, 8f'pi<'111/11 r. l!J IS.

Sergeant \\-_ E. Sharpe. F. A

. , " "

H. C. Smith, rst Brigade, Headquarters. E. H. Steel, M.M., H.Q. Coy .. 2oth ,\.S.C .... wd

Div. T. E. R. Taylor, 13th Rfcts., 1st Anzac Mtd. Div . C. Rowe, Flying Corps. K. R. Winn, H.Q., rst F.A.B. B. H. Wyld.

Corporal D. Arguimbau. L.H. ,, " . , "

" " ,, " ,, ,, ,, "

\.\'. Warlow Davies. A. R. Dill. T. M. Doyle, 25th Rfcts., 2nd Battalion . C. 0. Harrison, 4th Coy., Field Engineers. R. S. Hawkins, rnth Rfcts., 55th Battalion. E. G. Jamieson. Dental Corps. A. E. Miller, 13th Battalion. H. Morrison, Machine Gun Coy. B. E. C. Mussmann, A.J\I.C.. 8th Field Amb. J. Nicoll, 56th Battalion. V .• \. Nosworthy. 12th L.H. H. J. Peisley. 2nd Battalion. L. Penman, A.J\I.C., Rabaul. H. G. Pickering, 9th F. Amb., A.M.C. C. Rixon, Trench Mortar Battery. \V. Rutherford. A Sect.. 7th F. Amb., A.l'vl .C. C. S. Wells. 4th Mach. Gun Sqd .. -1th L.11. Brig.

Bombdr. J. Ilagen, 105th Howitzer Battery. Bombdr. F. B. Hull, 3rd B.A.C., F.A.

,, L. K. Neale, 14th Howitzer Battery, F.A . . , F. H. Samson, 27th Battery, F.A.

G. E. Sutton, 15th Battery, F.A. Tidswell, B Coy., 4th Sports Battalion. T. M. Walcott ISt Sec., 2nd D.A.C., 2nd Div ..

F.A . . , R. S. Whiteman. roth Royal Fusiliers, B.E.F.

L.-Corporal A. Fynmore. B Coy .. 211d Battalion. J. F. Harrison, 4th Sec., 7th Fld. Coy., Engrs. E. R. Jamieson. 9th Field Ambulance. E. Roseby. No. 2 Sect.. rst Div., Signal Coy.

R. M. Steel. H.Q. Coy .. 2oth A.S.C., 2nd Div. T. Driver A. Brunskill, No. S Aust. Div. Supply Col., M.T.

T. R. L. Bray.

" L. M. Bull, Aust. Aux. Motor Transport.

Page 31: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

S11p11lc111rnt to 'l'h<· \l'1ringlo11ia11. N<pf<>1nb<'I". 1!l18. 11 ~

Dri\'cr L. Clarke, 3rcl D.A.C. L. A. Crowther, Aux . .Mech. Trans. Coy., A.S.C.

" ,.

" " "

" " ,,

" ,. ,,

. ,

E. A. Cull. 6th Rfcts .. Ist Anzac Mounted Div. N. Cull. 12th Rfcts., rst Anzac Mounted Div. J. Darton, l\lotor Transport, Mesopotamia. R Elvy, 3rcl Div. Supply Column, Motor Trans. A. Fairfax, 21st A.S.C. ]. W. Galagher, 38th Battery, 10th Brig., F.A. A. E. Gregg, 1 rth Battery, 4th Brig .. F.A. W. G. Law, 3rd Div. Suffply Column. R. Lobban, April Quota, F.A. A. McLaughlin, March Quota, F.A. N. S. Magee, B.A.C., 5th Brig., F.A. R. S. Moore. ~Wireless Troop. ]. E. Moulton, 211d draft, D Coy, Engineers. A. D. Nixon, 8th Field Ambulance. R. C. H. Roberts, 10th Batt., 4th F.A. H. M. Robberds. K. B. Roseby. 9th Rfcts., 22nd Battery, F.A F. 0. Secomb. C. Scri\'en. rst Field Engineers . Shirley. A.S.C.

,, R. Whiting. 26th Battery. 17th Brigade, F.A. ,, H. F. Williams, 14th Battery, 5th F.A. ,. A. Winter.

Motor-Drvr. A. C. Rofe, 9th Field Amb., A.M.C. 1st Air Mechanic J. B. Bush, No. r Aust. Squad., A.F.C. rst Air Mechanic C. Kaad. 2nd Air Mechanic C. I-<.owe. Trooper S. Alexander, l,...H .

. , J. M. Anning. 23rd Rfcts., 2nd Regt., L.H.

,. ,,

" ,.


" ,.

G. Atkinson, IIth A.L.H. G. N. Barker, 6th L.H. E. G. Bracken, Camel Corps.

~. Broome. 12th L.H. G. Cambage. rst L.H. S. Gall. 2nd L.H. ]. G. Hicks, qth L.H. ~. R. Hindmar"h, A Squad .. 6th Regt., L.H. T. B. Y. Hunt, 7th Regt.. L.H. W. Jeffrey, 12th L.H. F. Jeffrey. i2th L.H. J. 1\1. l\IcKeague, J+th Rfcts., 6th L.11. J. ,K !\I c Lachlan, 5th Regt., L.H.

Page 32: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

l~ IS1tpplc111rnl to The _\ewinytrmi1111. i'i<'JJll'l11/wr, HHS.

Trooper D. Morrice. ,, T. C. :Morrow. Ist L.H. ,, E. T. Prentice, Aust. Camel Field Amb., A.M.C. ,, Price, 2nd L.H . . , B C. A. Reddall, 28th Rfcts., ist L.11. ,, L. B. Steady. ,, R. R. Suttor. ,, C. F. Thorpe, C Squadron, 12th L.H. ,, L. F. Thorpe, 12th L.H. ,. A j. Trollope, Mach. Gun Sq., .. md Brig., L.ll. ,, H. W. Whyte, 12th L.H.

Signaller 0. W. White. Gunner F. H. Albery, No. L Section, 5th D.A.C .

., R. B. Allen, February Rfcts., F.A. ,, S. Bowman, Siege Artillery. ,, R. Bubb, Siege Artillery. ,, j. A. Carlisle, 4th F.A. ,, L. Clarke, 2nd Brigade, F.A . ., \\. ]. Col borne, F.A. ,. R. F. Cripps. 36th Rfcts., F.A. ,, i\. A. Crozier. 49th Battery, F.A . . , \\'. ]. Chalmers. 3oth N.S.v\. F.A. Rfcts.

,. " " " " " " " "



" "


S. Cowled. P. H. Davies, Trench :Mortar Battery. \\'. T. H. Daveis, Siege Artillery. P. S. Dawson. A. Dinning, 3rst Rfcts., F.A. C. A. Douzans, 4th Aust. Amm. Sub-Pack, F .A. Ellis. W. S. Findlay, u7th Howitzer Battery. Hall, RF.A. F. Halliday, 5th F.A.

L. A. IIoskipg, 16th Battery. F.A. F. Howard, Siege Artillery. A. B. Killick. October Rfcts., F.A. .l\I. Lawson. IIth F.A. · A. C. Lowe, 14th Battery. F.A. C. 1\loyes, 5th Brigade. F.A. \V. C. O'Reilly. ' G. B. T. Palmer. R. A. Percy, 8th Rfcts., rst F.A. S. Pring. 34th F.A. Rfcts. V. ]. Ramsay, 29th Rfcts., F.A. C. E. Reddall, Ist Sect., 1st D.A.C.

Page 33: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

Ruppl1·111111t to 'l'ltf' :\'f'wi11gf()11ia11. Neptember. 1918. 1:~

Gunner Ross. ,, H. S. Simpson, 2nd Anzac Heavy Art. Brig., 2nd


B.E.F. G. Smith, 4th D.A.C. A. Small. 25th Battery. 7th F.A.B. J. Sweet. J. M. Taylor, 101st Batt .. Ist Brigade. F. W. Thompson. D. V. West. 4th Sect., 1st D.A.C. V. S. Wils011, 37th Battery, rnth F.A.B. C. J. Wippell. 32nd Rfcts., F.A. J. ZuilL

Sapper H. de V. Alexander, Serbian Order, 4th F ld. Coy., G. Chandler. Engineers, 3rd A.L.H. H. W. Davies. Engineers. A. 0 . Englert. March Rfcts., Field Engrs. \\'.Gordon, 2ncl Draft. F.E. E. 1-l. Leonard. 9th Field Coy., Engineers. R. R. Lumsdaine. rst Div. Signal Coy. R B. Millet, r2th Coy .. Field Engineers. L. B. Spedding, 2nd Div., Sig. Sec. D. ,\. Stuart. 6th Rfcts., 1st Pioneer Battalion. J. Shearston

Private A. Alexander. . , ,.



W. Andrews . J. Bamfield. L. A. Bayley, Motor Transport Coy. R. Boorman. P. Vl. Bardsley . . \. K. Beveridge, University Company. L. I l. Beveridge. R. C. Binden. E. K. S. Bowden, University Coy. W. Bromwich, 53rd Battalion. E. R. W. Brown. 2oth Battalion. W. H. Cadogan. University Coy. R. L. Campbell. qth F ield Ambulance, A.M.C. P. Carruthers. B. Coy., 2nd Battalion. G. Clark. G. R. Clements. A. T. Closs. G. C. Clark. R. Coates.

Page 34: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

14 ,'!upplement to 'l'he Se1ri1tglo1tic111, September, 1918.

Private R. de Coque.

" .. ,. ., " " ., " " ,. "


" "

,, ,, "



G. Cozens. F. R. Cumming. A. Cuthbertson, 7th Rfcts., 14th Mach. Gun Coy. H . . B. Darke, University Coy. H. Desborough. Desmond . N. H. Dew. K. E. Dill . R. Draper. C. ]. W. East, 19th Battalion. H. Evans . R. Forbes. S. Freeman. vV. A. Freeman. R. Gale, A.M.C. T. \'\ .. B. Gale, A.M.C. Gaurse, 35th Battalion. H. G. Glasson. \V. A. Grant, 33rd Battalion. H.J. Grime. M.l\T. J. A. P. Hamilton, 53r<l Battalion. R. A. Hawke. C. P. Heath, B Coy .. 1st Pioneer Battalion. Hill. II. A. Hordern, roth Rfcts., 53rd Battalion. B. W. Howard, M.M .. 8th Fielrl Amb., A.M.C, W. j. Hull. J. Kearn. F. Lane, University Coy. F. A. E. Lawes, University Coy. G. March. A. Martin. E G. Mayhew. J. vV. McCausland. A.M.C. W. R. McCourt. 17th Battalion. T. Miller. N. S. G. Moffat. E. H. Moir. 1st Battalion. S. L. Moore. C. C9y., 18th Battalion. H. Moxham. A. Murray. R. E. Murray. 17th Battalion. Nelson,

Page 35: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

l:-/11µplc1111·11t lo '/'he .Ye1ri11gto11ia11, Septcmbe1·, 1918. 15

Private C. R. Nicoll. . , "

" " "




P. P. Olden . W. S. Orr. B. M. C. Palmer, R.A.M.C.. 7th Stat. Hos., France A. H. Pawley, M.M. A. Peel, A.M.C., -1-th A.G.H., Randwick. G. M. Perrett. A. Pickering, rnth Rfcts., 45th Battalion. A. E. Ramsay, 36th Battalion. A. A. Ray. 18th Battalion. 0. A. Richards, A.M.C. S. N. Rickard, 3rd Div. Train, A.S.C. Roberts. Robson, 61st Battalion. E. F. Roe. F. H. Roseby. J. C. Ross. R. C. Ross, 29th Rfcts., Technical Battalion. \\.Row. R. G. Scott. B Coy., -tSth Battalion. R J. Simpson. 9th Machine Gun Coy. .\. \\'.Small. King's Royal Rifles(znd Fiji Rfcts.) Smith. W. Smith. TI. Squire. A. C. Stevenson. 56th Battalion. T l. P. Talbot, A.S.C. 0. Tedd. D. N. Terry. C. A. Trollope, E Sec., 9th F. Amb., 3rd Div.,

A.M.C. H. E. Walker. L. C. Wallace. \.H. C. Way.

A. E. Weakley, A Coy., rnth Rfcts., 54th Batt. \\' Weakley. 9th Machine Gun Coy. G. Webb, A.M.C. \V. H. Vl'erner. 38th Battalion. West. 0. V./. White, 35t'h Battalion. N. J. Winn, Mach. Gun Coy .. 3oth Battalion.


Page 36: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,



16 Rupplc111e11t to '/'he ·xewi11gto11ia11. Srptr·111/11·1-. l91R.

MUNITION WORKERS. E. F. Campbell. 0. Le M. Knight. L. V. Palmer.

S. F. Palmer. P. H. Russell. K. ff. Swanwick.


Chaplain-Co!. C. ]. Prescott, Acting Senior Chaplain. Colonel A. E. Perkins, D.S.O. · Lt.-Colonel Sir Herbert Maitland. Lieut.-Colonel Warden, Engineer!il. Major G. H. Abbott.

C. A. Buchanan. ,. J. C. Halliday ,. C. H. E. Lawes ,, Muhs.

Parker. C. Purser.

Captain L. A. Dey. A.A.M.C. Reserve. ,. C. H. Northcott, A.A.M.C. Reserve.

L. Halse Rogers.

,. W. G. Shellshear, A.A.M.C. Reserve. A. S. Vallack, A.A.M.C. Reserve.

Staff Sergeant-Major A. H. Fireeman, Dental Corps. H. E. Budden, War Chest Commissioner, C.B.E. S. Leadley, Special War Service, c/o British Consul,


Rev. C. Bavin, Y.M.C.A.

The Editor wilJ be pleased to receive any corrections and additions.

Arrangements are heing made to send copies of "The Newingtonian" to all Old Boys at the front whose addresses can be obtained. It is requested that these, when safely received, should, as far as possible, be acknow-ledged.

Page 37: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

'fHE ~h\H:'>GfONJA:\'. 817

l wlcr t t I 'lw 111pio11,~/iiJJ H rl'itl ~. 1011 ) urcls. - .\ld'lw1·so11 i1 .. 1; .\spres. :! ; \\ ull\c1· iii., :;. ' l'iluc, l:!

:J~.) !"'Ct·s.

:.!:.!O Yan!,; . .\1!-l'hcrso11 ii.. l; \\alkl'r iii., :.!; .\;;pn•y, 3. Time,

lli:.:b .lump. - .\lc·l'hl'r"u11 Ii.. I; \,;pn•y, :! ; l'owtL·r .. I. llei;d1t. 4ft. I in:<.

llu11dil"llJJ Hrl'lll8.

Olcl J:oss. 1111\111 rd. 1 ; I :ulJli, :! : l>a 1it>s. :~.

I IHI ) 11 r<J,., l'uh111a11 ( .i) ""·). I ; I :1•1 t•rid1'l' (ser.) • ( :.!,nls.). :J.

'.!:!o Yartls. •1\11l11ua11 ( 10,Ytls.). I: .. \lil1ott ii. (Ssd:--;.), ·1

JOO )11n1" (uncit'r J:q. Elliott. 1; .\lc·l'lll'rson ii.,:!. ;:; ) anJ,.; (1111dpr J:l) •• \loir, I; ltilc-11iP. :.! ; .Jone:<, a.

.,. -.

7.i )unb (u1111l•r 11). Ht•11pJI (!Jytls.). 1; ,\loir (,.;«r.). :!; \\'arcl (,.;c-r. ), 3.

\lill'- ,\Jd:rl'1'01· ( ltill.1cl,...). I; Tnuli.:1•011 (:!ll0.1tls.), (>wr.), 3.

.II i.~1·1 lluncuu.~ .

. Junior Huc·k l:ac·I'. 1.\lallh<•11s. I: Elliott,:.!; Barnes,:! .

.,. -' Ord1arcl

. lunior E1'>: a11tl Hpoo11 lla«t'. l:lkbil', J; l\t•nti,.;h. :.! : Hoebt'ster, , .. I· la1' HllC'I'. l'n•1mrator). 1; \ .. :! ; \I.. :1. 110 Yard,.; 'l\•am l:ac·t·. \ I., l; \"., :!. H1•nior Oh,.;llwl1• J:a«c•. .\ld•n•i.:01-. l : .\hum, ·• .lnnior ()h,.;tadt• J:a1·1•. Hl'cl1'11ic·J,, l; Fll'tc-lwr, :.!. 1 u~-of \\ur.. l>ny Ho,1:-;.

+ ---I·"( IOT n,\ t. t..

\ l'\C'I' ill I 111• h islor,1 of l h1• Hc-110111 ha" t ht• pla.1 of lbt• flr:<t I· ifll'l'll falll'll lo "llC'h :1 1011 stamlnnl. Tht• ll'Ulll lac·kl'd 1•11tir('I~ tlll' ~1·it 1111cl ch·tP1'111i1111lio11 111•c·1•ssar.1· to \\ill u hard-fought ti~ht. Jn till' lirst 111atd1 a!!11i11,.;t H.< •. S. ;..:n•al pru111ls1• 11us "lwwn. nml as 111• hacl a iairl.1 h1•a1~ 111wk. 111• "'-l't'dl'tl to 11 i11 a fair 1111mhl'r of mat«ht•s; hut 111• 111•rc• cloo111t•tl to tli>'lllll'Ointml•Jlt, a" owing lo th1• slow pla~ of tilt' fon1:11·1b a11cl lht• i11a«1·11nldt's of llll' hacks 111• did 11ot wi11 a 111atd1 ill lhl' 1ir,.;t hulf.

Tlwn· 1n1,.; cli,.;l l11C'l i1up1·m·p1111•1ll a ft Pr .I um• m\iu;..: I 11 >-t•n•ra I c·ha11;..:1•s lhal 111•n• 11111cll' ill tl1t· lt•alll. a11cl th1• rnaldws a;..:ain:-:l 1.K.s .. H.( '.J~.< •. H .. St. l;..:11atl11,.;, :111cl St .• lost'ph's \\t•1·1· pla.1pcl in a l"l'SOJill\' fa,_hisoll; !tut t!Jp 1111,ldl a;..:ai11s( S.<:.s_ \I'll" a cJepJorahJl' l'Xhihltio11. a11cl it i" tll'rll>LJJ" the 0111.r m·c·asluu on 11hid1 a .'icwing-ton tPum has failed in i(,.;

\\ t' ha1·p 111•n•r h1•for1• vut so 1111111.1· tt>ams iuto th<• Jil'ltl, as 011 111on• than 0111• 01..-asion w1• hn1·e ph1y1•!1 nim• teams. Tlw work hc>in:.: clo111• in l.lw lowpr t1•a11u; mt•1111" st ron~ first t1•ams Jn th1• futurt'. and \\(' lllust JHls"l'"" our "ou1" in puti<•JH·l' till th1• lll"Olllisiu~ pla~·1•r,.; of till' juuior fl•ams ~row up to win lmc·k our Jo,.;t laureb.

Page 38: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


I< r.~,,.~ l'lwn·/I of J,'11t1/1111tl lin111111111r •"duml. I 011ti11uous nti11 <111ri11:.: till' day rnadl' tlw ;.:round 11 qua;.:min·.

and this iot('rfpn•d with till' ;.::11111· from 11 :-111••·t;11·11l11r poi11t of 1 il•w. \\'Ith bis usual hwk :\('\\'loll lost tlll' toss. arnl \IP kil-kc<l off in tlw tl'Pth of a fairt.1· solid wind. Hhon• spe·11n•<l 111111. st11rtin;.: 1·ii..:or1111sl.v. tra11sfrlTl'<I play to 011r q11artl'r fla;.:. lll'l"I' a frpp to lht>lll hrought tJw ;.:ame• ,.:till fnrtlwr iuto our li11t•s. hut llrowu rplit•n•d with 11 fi111' Jim• ki1·k. From thP li111"-011t lloclµ;so11 tlrihhll'<I to half-w11.1-. 11t•ar whid1 th1• hall 1n•11t out. J<'rom this throw jn. tlw fonntnl" µ;111 tlw hall h1wk to \\"atliu;.:, 11110 passt•d IAi Ort·hnrd on thl' hlin<l sitll'. Ordrnnl tru11sfl'rrl'tl to \l('tlt·alf', 11111 th(' laltpr 11·11s ln<'kll'tl nPar tht' lim•. nml Hhon• st11p1wtl t ilt' ntt:wk with a lin(' kkk. '1111• hall 11 a;: h1•c·o111i11;.: i111-rpasi11gl.1 dilli•·11lt lo hnndll'. uutl 8hon• forwnrtl,.;, drihhlin:.: well. 1·arl'ipd thl' hall l'ar do1111 iuto m1r ll'tTitory . and was finall~ rnslled 01·pr our lilw. \ fiH' ·.1nnls s<·r11111 was ;.:in•u. and Hhon• half 11 hipp1•d 1111• h:ill s11111rtl~ to lhl' fin•-l'lt-:hths IA• 1111' <·1•ntr<'. who e·nt iu arnl s1·un•d iu a ;.:o()(( posiliou . l~xtrns 111'1"1' addt'll. 8.( ' .E.1;.8 ... ; : 'i.( .. nil. Fro111 tlw h11lf-1111y k.kk dt•sultory. mmhl.1· play followpel. i11 whid1 llrnlgson li:.:un•el. , \ frl'c """ a1111rcll'd us. an<l llro1111 founel his lillP \\I'll In tlw 1•111•111y-·s tl'rritor.r. \Ion• soli!l work followl'el. whf'll from a se-r11111 iu llw t111•nt.1·-fin•. our furwar1b ht•1•lt•d snrnrlly. \\"atling 1u1ss1'<l to \p11 m1111 011 t111• hi Ind sicll'. who in t11r11 1 ransf1•rn•d to On·hurcl. and th<' lllth•r wnlkl'd eJ1·1·r thl' linl'. 11rlJ\nJ e·m1lcl 11111kl' nothiu:.: in the• kif·k with u hnll Jik1• a piee·1• of lin•r. 8.< .1·;.1:.8 .. :; ; \.L. :1. \\'1• e·o11U1111t'll till' alt.1wk. hut Shon• cll'f1'111·1• 11as too ;.(ooel, 1111cl fill'~ in t.lll'ir turn fo1T('tl tlw attac·k in a <ll'frne1•. 8t1'111trl s111·e·cl us hy a ;.:ood litll'. Hut Hhon• 1n•n• 1101 to h1• dPnil'd, a11d lhl'~ •·11m1• ai..:ain a 11<1 a;.:11i11 with fi Ill' tl ri hllli11;.( r11sh1',... kP1•pi 111-: e·out 1·01 of tlH' ha II wo11cll'rf11lly. e·rn1sid1•ri11:.: th<• a<ln•rsP 1·mHlitlons. \I this point st1•111l.r ntiu s1•t in. a11d e·on1<icll'rahl.1· c·oolt•d flw sp1•dalors· ardour. Hhorl' 11<•r1• ;..:il·<•11 a frl't' ldd; al this j111wt11rP. and fo1111d tl11• lilH' ru r i 11 011 r f ll"l'llt ~·· fi 1·t'. From th1• Ii 1w 011 t I he'.1 e '>llllt' <11•1 e•rmillt'd I) . hut Hl1•w11rf. 111111111;.:l'd to ,;an•. .\ :<e·r11n1 awunlpd lo HhorP. aftpr souu• f'orwanl work. ;..:a1·1• Shon• tht• hall. Thi• lin•-Pighths wa~ l:wklt>el. h11t tht• hall rollt•cl to11arcb 8hun• •·1•11tn• 0111, who pi<-kt•n 11p and smrPd. Thi' kic-k raill'el. 1:-i.I .K<:.s .. H; .\.( .. ::.

,\l11d and slush nrnell' the• 1·pmai11dl'r of tlw ;.:111111' a rare·<'. aud 1·0111pl1•ll'ly disg11is1•d thl' e·o111hata11:.-.. Thi' full t inlt' whist IP Ii nail.I' hh•11. h•a 1·in;.: HhorP dc-toi-iuus h.1 ~ :1. \s llH' 1n•11 t ht>r e·o1ulitio11:< 11t•n• "'' ahominahh'. 1111 1·pr.1 hkh staudurtl of play wns n•ndwd. The• forwarcls ph1.1·1•el wpll: th1• hae·ks had n•r.I' lilt II' to 110. \Lon• dash 1111 flll' part of 0111· half 111111 hn•aka1111ys 11011lcl han• san'll tlll' lirst try :-•·on•tl a:.:ainst us. .\s has he•e•u said. it was 11ot an i11h•n•sti11;..: 111atd1 sp<•e·t111·11larly.

,.,T.•11·< s11!l111·!f 1:n1111111Ht" Sf'/l(Jfl/.

\f11•r 1111r li111• :11111 l'l'l'llly •·011tPstl'cl ;.(:tllll' with 1:ram111:1r in 1111• lirst half. our •·olll)ll'litio11 matd1 was l1111k('tl forwar1l to 11~ lllwJ.1· to 1iroddP sotne• ~oocl feHitl1all. Tlw 11111td1. as it t11nwel 0111. wns a sad clisappoi11t11w11I. a11el th1• l1'a111 plnyf'd lK'rhaps tlll' worst f<H•t hall this .rPar. ThP h:tc-l;s.. with tht' 1•xe·1•plio11 of llro1111. ta<·kll•<I fll'plorn hi~. 11 hilP th1• fonn1 re!;.; Wl'l"I' 1101 11 p to 1 lll'i r 11~11·1 I form.

\ppdll•ss lo sa.1-. 11'1' lost thl' toss. awl l•'i;..:tn•p kir 1if'cl off 11 Ith 11!1• :-:1111 i11 our fa1·('". (;J">LlllllHlr fkhool :-:lartP<l 11·dl, nud withi11 a

Page 39: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


fr" u1inutc" hud llH' pla_,. i11 our t\\ c•uty-tivt•. \\ t' rallh•d ''"di, ltO\H'l't•r, auu forc·l•!l till' )Jiii.\ ha('k to half·WUY- From llll' throw· Ill \\ atliu~ all(! .\'t•\I loll •·arril'<l till' game iuto our OPlHHH~ut,..· l\\l'llt.1-fi1·e. hut the•) n•lieH•ll hy a hcautlful line kkk. Ul\·e-aucl· takl' pluy follo\lecl, duri11g whkh hoth IJrowu all(! .\'ewlllall :-a1·eu h)· sow1• ni<-1• kicks. (:ran111111r fon\anls got IK>Sst-ssiou of the hall from a liIH'·ollt, aucl from a hnnl forwurtl kkh, llatlll'rell l~U .. S.J, followi11g on hnrcl. s<-orccl. llt•ssll'i11 1·011\·l'rte1l. i::).C •. S., ,; ; .\'.( ., 11il. 80011 aftl'r flll' lrnlf-w11.\ kkk, t>lit) \I as again ill our twent.\ n1·e. ancl frow a sc·r111u < .i·umnuu· half llrok1• through and stored. llessll'in ngnlu ad1h•cl thl' l'Xfnl>'. 8.<:.:::>., Ill; \'.C., nil. Their hacks got mo1 frow tlw ki<-k-oll. hut Drowu ,..tov11et1 the attatk hr a tiue rn<·kll'. Hhortl) nftpn1a1"<ls Ill' also found the liue near hall'-wa,\. (oghhtu a111l 1-igt l'PI' hrol•t• awa~ clashingly from tlw lirn.•-out. aucl soon hall the hall in <lnuumar s lines, hut 11 forward rush 1111 our 011t>Olll'1Lts' vart nt>ulrnlispcl lht• attack. Agaiu we took 11!11.Y ittto tlwir l\\'cnty lh·e, 11110 from a sc·rnw \\'utliug s<>nired. ~\ith a dt>ar 01~ning before him. ht• c·pnt1·Pcl. u11d us a result (;raw· mar st><·nn•cl uml lined at half·\\'a.\. .\ ;.:rt>at rush from this throw·lll ga\l' them a s<·or<'. \\'hkh ll'lls 11ot c·onn•rted. S.G.1::; .. 13: \".( .. 11il. Onr efforts wer1• too fPt•hle to keep tJ1ew out of our lll'l'lll)'-fh·1•, hnt aft1•r 1lesnltor_r. sc·rnp11y play. \\'utling und )lac <:regor s111·c·p1•clcd iJI cll'ihhllng till' l.J!lll to half-way. Lt wa;,; soon t'l'tt1rnl'1l to our quarl<>r fl:q..:. ho\\'e1·<·r. A frpe kkk uow ~aYC us a c·hanc·e to st·orP. anrl Brown with a nkl' k.ic'k steered the ball o•er. S.t:.s., 1:~: .\.( .. a. Jo'rom l'lll'K \\'Ol'k, \\'hidl followed. Grammar a~ai11 s<·ort>cl, hnt f'ailt'cl to •·011n•r1. Only a few minutes later their thr1•1--q11artPr li11l' <lflltc·kP11. 1111<1 sc·on•cl yet agnill. The extrns were uot achled. 8.<LS .. 1!J; :\.( .. 3. Crummar ,;tarted stron;..:l.1· aftt>r half-tlmt'. :111cl n <la11gprnus rush w11 s onlr ;.;lopped hy a tilw t aekle of 1;ro\\n's. l•'rom ht'rC' 111edc·alf <lrihhlt•d »I rnugl,1· into their terri-tor.'. hut 11<>1 hl'ing s11pportl'1l nothing c-am1• of it. "il'\\'[011 stomwd ;.;('\l'l'lll rnsht•s h)· fitll' tud..li11g a111l ;.:rift) goiu;..: clown ou tht' hall. 'l'l11• g1tllll' h1111g uho11t our t1n1<'11-1i1w. a111l c;rammar s1·ort•d t1Yke iu <Jllkk st11·1•(•sslo11. fniliug to <1111\·1·1·1. 1111' first lt".1·. 8.<l.S .. :.!7: X.(' .. "· Tlwir utt1wks \11•n• too tll'!l'rmit11•cl fo1· us. all(! ht•for<• f111l-ti111l' s<111nclpd t" o 11wn• I ril•s h11d h1•p11 ad<l<•d to 11 n a ln•ad,\" In r;.:P I of a I. makln;.: th1• ti11nl st·on•:-: s.1:.s .. :i:i: .\.<' .. :1.

Onr h:wks ta1·kh•1l \"Pt',\ h:t<ll.\·. and \\'11tli11g <lid not 1il11.1 11p lo lti!> [11'(•\·ious 811111nla_r·,.. form. lhough a-< ill' was 111•w to till' positio11 of hulf. st11111• 1·~1·11s1• ma,\ h1• 111ad1•. 1"111' fonntnls pl:t,\1•<1 \'l'l'.I" J'airl)'.

l 1T.rn.~ NI. 1111111/iu.~' ('11/ll'fll'. Thi:- \\ "" l'>l"ii_\ th<• most i11lp1·1•sting anti l'\'1'111.\· ('Olltl'Sll'<I

111alc·h of th1• half. The• \1·<•11th1•r \\·as all to hP 111'sin•11. and to <TO\\'ll nil \pwton won thl' toss. \\p ~t>I oil' lh1• 111:1rk with pll'nt.\· of 1·i111 and dash. a1Hl aftC'r au i1ttl'rd1ttll~1· of kic·ks. ra11 lhP ga1111• into 8.1.C'.'s tw1•11f.\· fi1·l'. l·'rom 11 nu·k \1:11111 hrnkp thn111~h with thl' hall nt his toe'. nncl onl.\· a finl' pkk-11p a11cl kic·k on thC' pnrt of tit<• l~rntlius' fnll-luwk sa1·t>cl 11 s1·orl'. Crum111011<l (8.1.('.). from thr linE"o11t. m:tcll' n good rnn to lrnlf ,,·a.'. hnt his c·1'1tfn• was mark1•tl h.1· \"c•\1ton. llrown f11ili11;.: to fitul his li111'. the hall fi11all,\ l'IHlrd up in our twrnty-fin>. Agn111 the• hall l.rn\·ell<><l tO\rnnls our oppm11•uts" llm•s. hnt onr forwu rcls losing 1·011t rol. tlw hall \\'Pill out of h<111111l,.;. From thl' 1·011'<1~1nE'nt throw-in. S.I.(. haeks -<\1·rpt <iow11 the fi<•ld, lml sornc ;.:ood ta1·kli11;; h~ Sewman and Abbott

Page 40: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


"<IUa:<he<l thl' ulta\'k. A lit.Lit! later lilt• hail was vai:;seu tu Hnmn, who rn11 UO\\IJ field, Ul'ini; fi11ally 1111llPtl np in lhelr t1Yenly-fi\' (', ll'hPn' thP 11Jas llon•rl'd. .\ 1i11t• forwu nt rush hs Ignatius I run-.· ft'rrecl play to wt>ll wilhi11 out· sitlc of h11lf wn,1. llt•re tlwir kkk al ;.:011i from a fl'c>t' fallt'<I. 1111<1 .\t>w11111n fo1111<l his lint• near 0111· q1111rtl'I' tta;.:. ~t·i·ernl forll'ard nrshp-., in whidr .\1:11111 . .\h'<il'Hll. lo;.:hlau, and Vi;.:tn•I' llt'l'I' promi1w11t. kPpt play lhl•ir sitlp of half \\'H,1'. Our forwunls, :<('<'t1ri11!.( tlw hall from a throw-in. it lrn1·<·llt'tl out t.o Brow11. \\'ho <'Pllln>tl. 8.1.(. 11111rkPd. hnl tlwlr ki<-k f11ili11g. Orl'lianl took 1111' h111l. ;111d :<tarf\•tl off dow11 tiw ll'i11;.:. Ill' 11us pnshP<i Olli \\'I'll ill tlll'ir l11t•11t.1--1in'. ' I Ill' ('OllSC<JIH'lll lhl'Oll ·ill ;.:an• \\'11tli11;.: th1· hull. alHi, 1·11tliug in. h1• lookt'<l 111'1• s<·orill;.:. 111• \\'llS lm·kled. ho111•1·p1" aml i;a1·p a had pnss lo \l<•<kalf. 11·1Jo w11s i;ra:-;se<l in hi:-< t11r11 .. \fler g"il'l'-a11d lukl' plu,1 a fr1•c> 1111s 111111rdPd ns, and Brnwn ki<'kl'tl a fim• ;.:oal. .\.( .. :i; ~.J.< .. 11il. llar<I fur w11nl 11la~'. murkl'd hs ,.:0111<• fill<' irnlil'id1111i c>ll'orts 011 hoth si<ll'~. 1•11sul'd until aho11t ti1·p 111l1111tt•s ht>fon• ti111t'. whl'll \\'atlin!! passl'<l from a nwk to \<•w1111111. Thi' ilrttl'I' p11I i11 a li111• do<li.::.1 nm. a11d 1w1trly 1·rosse<l tlw 1111<'. l"aih11·c to pass in ;.:011<1 tl11w SJH•ill lhl' a ttempL

.\fter buif-t i111P w1• ll'l'l'l' us tll'tl'n11i11Pcl lo lwe11 our h•ud 11,.; l;.:1111tiuH 11·pn• lo Jiii""· .\s a 1·011:<<~111P1w1• tlw hall rt>maitrPcl at lurlf-1111.1'. \\'hen• hard fon111rd play took pla<·t'. .\l11nn llrokl' a1rn.1 with tlw hall. hut. lost it 0111 of hounds in lhl'il' IWl'nt.1·-filt'. l"ro111 llu• lim•<1>11t it Wlli" t·a1Til'd almost to thl' lg"1111t in,.:' lo1wh-li111'. Liut a l'l'<'I' kil'k Jll'l'l'l'Bll'tl tlw "''Ol'l'. Shortl~ aflc•rwanls. from 11 li111'·011t. S.l.t'. s(>t·11rt•cl. arnl th<' hull pa'<st•<I from had• lo h1wk. until n•11d1-i11;.: Oxpnlrnm ( 8.1.C'.). who ran \ ' l'l',\' '<I ro11:,:l,1'. a 11<1 s1·on•<I rwa r I hi' <·orlll'I'. Tlw )!Oil I was 1101 ki<·k1•<l. S. I .( ., :1; .\ .( .. :l. I i.:;1111ti11s J;ppt up tlw pressnrl'. hut 11·1•n• sl1111•d off. thanks lo mrr fonn1rtls ,.;111otlwring llw ha If. Thi' pla.1· \\'II'-' a !most wlwll~ c·onfinl'<I to 1111' '"" tlll <·ks. ancl for a f('11 mi1111lps "'' 111•n• d11n!.(1•ron'-'l,1· npar llu•ir line. From a J'lll'k 1111 aimosl c·p1·1ai11 lr~ 1111-. stoppl'd h.1 a f'l'I'<' ki1·J;,. anrl St. l)!nall11 1< fonn<l tlw li111• 111•11r half' 1111~. Tlw hall wt•11I up an<i clown 1111' fil'l<I. 1111 '1 llod;.::<011 1111<1 Coghlan arnong the for wards. ~Jd:r£>;.:or and .\1'11'1011 11mo11;.:- lh<• luwks. ll'f'l'I' JH'OtniJH'nl hulh iu atta<·k and rll'fPll<'I'. Fi11ali,Y from 11 kkk a1Hl folio\\ on S.I.<. s1·or£>1l ll<'HI' our JH>sls. hul faih•d lo <·011\'l•rl 8.1.( .. 6: \.( .. :i. For till' rl'main<ll'r of' tlw ;.:-111111' onr oppo111•nts 111·1•s-.pd hnnl. and it \I'll' 1111!1· in tlw l11sl fl'll ' 111i1111ll•s 111111 lh<' ;.:1111w Jpft our siih' of balf-wa~·. · Tlw whi-.11<' found Ill\' sc·on•" (8.1.<'. (i. \ (. :l) unnltererl.

J.:1·l'r~·o11P playt'<l ll<'il. 111011;.:-h Ordrnrd a11d ~l!'\\·arl !'Ollld hail' hl'<'ll ><tron;.:-l'r. Ord111nl dop" 11111 11111k1• Us(' of his Jiii!'<'. 1111!1 Hl1·11·Hrt':-< taddi11i,: 1n1:-< \\'l'llk. Xt>xl ,ll'HI' :< l1<111ld s1•<' a hi~ i111prm·1" 111p11t in hoth .

I. 'l'.l\.8. (;11111.1) I'. S .. T.('. (awn,1·)

r. T.KS. r. s .. T.<.

() r111· H \I .I I'< 111·:-.. l'ir.~I /'i/!1·111 .

. . . . . . . . lost .. . . lost ..

.'\('('(I/Ill l'i/11'1'11 . . . lost .. .. lo,.;I ..

r. S.C.E.< .. s. ( hom<• J r. S.G.S. (howl')

.. urnw ..

.. losl t'. S.l.C. (hOlllt>) .. lo;;t ..

:!ll ·> 26 .;

1 .-. (I

10 !I :; -:~

22 (j 11) - ij

Page 41: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

r. S.C.KC.S ... r. S.Cl.S. r. S. T.C.


'l'llir<1 l''iftl'f•n.

.. loist

.. won . . \\'Oil

- - +-()( C \~HONAJ. '\'OTES.

:~0-:1 8 3 6- 0


\\" offt•r our t·m1.i.:rntul11tion,; to 8t .. Jo,.,epb's College on their ll'in11lt1)! tlw l•'lr:;t. St><·mul an<l 'l'htrtl <:n11l<' Foot1111ll C'om1wtltlon.

\\'(' Ul><o <'OIHO-Htulatt• s~·t111t·~· c:ramnlHI' Sl"110ol Oil again <·urry-in;.: off lh<' 8Pllior Hhh•l<I :It tht' C'o111!1itwd 8dwols' Sports .\lt'('tlng: >UHi Hytl11e.r ('h11rl"l1 of l·~11i.:1:111tl Hrammar Sc-11001 on winnini.: lb!' .Junior Shi('l<l.

<:n•at prai:;<' i>< <htc' to llt>ath.<lon . Tfawkin,;, aml .\ldnto,;h fur tht•ir fint• lmlhid1111l 111•rforma1wt-s. r:~·an ai.:11111 won tlw ,;hot putt. for lh<' third tlml' in s1t<'<'esJ<io11.

l 11st1<Tl'SsJ'nl in thl' sprint:<. WI' ht111011J"'· !hunks lo tlw mai.:nifi<-P11t Or1•!111 r!l and l'otts.

!'HtTiecl off 11Prforn11111<'('s

the of

tllHtlllll"I' Wntling.

In thl' 110. 'l'uhman ran :1 lim•ly jutlgetl rnc·t'. •·Tin1·" .\l11c·-pl11•rso11 also Jll'l'fornwd fim•l.1 111 tlw llntlt>r :1=.:" tlh·i:;ion. · i.:ainln;.: tl'll polnl s out of our totJ1 I of I hirt<'t'll

IJpart.1· t'C>11)!1'at11l11tlons lo llodi.:,;on on wl111il11i.: hi,; plut•t• in thl' ( 'mnhilll'<l 81"110ols' l•'lrsf l'ifteen. uncl to Brown for his indu--<io11 111 lh<' Ht•<'nntl Fifl!•t>11. Both 11h1.n•tl ll'Pll.

"!land~··· .\lnd)onald 11layPtl fin•-t•i;.:hth,; for lhe l ' nitt•tl Her-1·it·t'. n1ul it 1,. ;.:PnPrnlly n<lmitt<•tl that hi~ pt•rf'orma1w<' wu:; lh<' liJH'"t of tht• duy. By his two hrilll11nt trip,; 111 tht> lust ' fi1·e 111i1111lt'" lw won flu• !!llllle for 1Jw 8Pn·ft-ps.

\Ye offer 011r sint·t>rl' sympathy to lhP Ht'>tclmn,.h•r of tlw S1·ot><' ! 'ollPge in his r<'<"t•11t ><nil h<•1·pa1·<•mt>nf.

It is rnmonrt•rl in sportin;.: drc-lt's th1tt 11 1ww book. "How I wo11 tlw mill' i11 11 l"Hllf<·r on fin• friP<I <'J.!J.!S" Is nhont to h<' pnh-lisll!'d.

'l'hp,;e 11r!' <le~C'nerntt• dn~·" ! Xow II'<' usually h•n1·(' the foothall lit•l<I t'or ><tll'h trlflin;.: allnwnf,; a" hrnken lt';.:is. <·om11011ncl fnt<'hH('S

of lhP c·ollnr hmw. Pt<'. 'l'hl' hC'rn<'s of the uluetil's. howe1·<•r. t·on-t i111wct to pin~ with protrndin!! honl's. frnc·tnrP<l ,;kulls 11n<l hroken IW<'kK

<.r ~ (writing dwmifilry not<>s): "Wbnt's Charles' Ln""~" \\':ul ~l 11: "Thou ><h:1 ll 11ot sp<'n k i!urlnl! prn~·ers." llPnrcl cluring 11 c·u11vpr:~atio11 on 1111tionnl !'mhlem:s. "Tlw pmhlem of Frllll<'<' Is tlw 1·01·k. that of l<~nglnrnl a ro~e:

whnf,':; th<> t•mhlem of Ru«sia. Bill " 11n I y: "'l'hr Yo<lkn oottl!', of <·ourse?"

Page 42: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


\lemori:1I tahleh ha,·c hl•eu t>n•<·H•cl to Rile.1. \ola11 .• John Hon. Kaeppt'I. 1111tl .\orman. .\'01w h:11·p hPt>ll 11111t>ill'<l yt>f. hut ll"l' hOVP w m1 n'il s\•n•ra I pa rl.1 lll'X t r1>r111.

I.Pt II" 1·pjoic-<> at tlw 'if'll"l11;..:to11i1111 sh1<·1•. siJH'l'

fi 1·,;t "'po11ta11Po1ls co11trih11tio11 \\'(' 1·1111"t l"('llll'lllhl'r.

S \ 'l'l' t: D." .

Tlw ;..:ohll'll s1111li;..:ht floofl,; thl' rnum. Till• mi1111 l1>s ><loll"ly ;..:o;

\1111 thro11;..:h till' Olll'll wi11clo11·s c·omps Till' so1111cl of pla.1 lwlo11·.

Souw hoys lwhitul sonu• Im I tPrP<l tlt>;;l;s. Look 011 ll"ith 1lis111Hyl'<l ;..:aZl' ><lllll. in ll"lti<-h thP.I ha1·c· to fi11d lfoll" llllll'h th<' lm11kPr p11.1·s.

--- +---c·m: It l~S l'O'i rn.:.\'C"K

to tlll'


(Till' hlazl'r qtll'st ion ha>< dil'<I h:1rll. and n lot ol' «01'l'P.s1101HIPm·e ha ;; f'Ollll' to hand . Thi' followi11;..: ll'tfl't·. tlH• h1>st ot' 11 ha<l 1.Ju11d1, Ill' 1111hlish. tbou;..:h it offP1uls hy <lm;..:;..:111;..: out of its ;;run• a !'orpst' 1011;..: tho11;..:ht cll•ad . It ha>< th1• rn1>rit of puttin;..: lhl' rnse l"ll'llrly. anti ll"ill. h.1· hrl11d11:: tlw suhjp<·t to thP 8f'h<Hil's notic·l• 1·pntll11tl'-< it:

l'hl' ;..:r<>al ohjpdlon to allPrin!! till' 1n·ps(•11t s.l'stt>lll "'l'l'lll>< to h1> this. .\II our faiuou,.. Old Boy,... all tllOsl•. too. s1•n·in~ tht• l~mplre. livecl nncler the s.1•f:tem . arnl 11·011 or dicl 11ot win theil· nnlou>< award><. Should It. tberefor1>. h1• !°IHlll!!ed. t IH' <·hnn~e will nlh•r the n1h1t• of pre\·ious rewar<l,... nud will <lo 1111 tnjul'lti<-e to thol'lt' who han• gon1• hefor('. Ai,:nlnf:t thi~. ii urn.I' lw nrgl'<l that th<> S1·bool I>< llkely to have 11 !!l"l'llter futun'. aucl .-ee more .n•ars thnn tbO!'>C whkh hn 1·e pnst 1111<1 fntur<> ;..:erwrlltlons are llk<>ly to lit> 1·h!'nte<l of thf>ll· right". But lot //0111i111 •>1 111101 ~n1trntifl1•.

To tlii· Rditor nf "7'hr• V11ri11[1tonia11."

llc>ar Sir. ,\s Olli' who lrns h<'t'n at \'"ewhl!!ton for a good nrnny .1·1>:1r.- now. r h111·(' tnkl'n tlw liberty to writ<• to yon 1·011<'l'rnin;..: our hlazpr s_l"Ntem. ThP -.~·f<t!'m i'< this. 1111111el.1. thnt a hoy who play>< i11 hnlf tJw nmuher of <'OJJJ]letitio11 matc-lws l"l'f'l'iH•s a hlazer with whitt' w.1·1·pn1 on it for tht' firsts an1I n rt'll 0111• for th<• Sl'l'cJIHl~.

If n hoy <loPs w~ll in nnr hrn11d1 or sport thP Sc·hool n1·knoll"-le1li::1•s hi'< sl'n·i<-1·~ h.1· L."i1·l11g him <lltt(•s. On till' other ha11<1. lf 11 ho.1· <loPs not e'i<'el in an.1· '<port. hnt '<till k!'eJN on <loin~ hi:< hest for the 8«hool. he. nftl'r ;..:uinlni:: his hlnz<>r. rpr·pin•-< no fnrthl'r :t•·kowlf'tl!!Plllf'llt wh:tte•f'r 11f hi'< spn·i<-1•s.

\'°' 1111 hl!'>tllll<'(' Of thil'I J1>t Hs l:ik<• 11;; II l'OJWrPte l'XllUltJl<'. Olli' or our Old Boys Hein~ plrk!'rl to pl11.1· in th!• Flr"t F.le1·<:'11. ht>

Page 43: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


pla.n•<l thro11:.:ho11t that :-<t>asrn1. and wns <'OIHit'lJUently awarded hi,.: firsli's hlnzt'r. What l'or"? l•:1·id('ntl_v "" an ac·knowl('clgrneut of his st>nll'P,.. el11rin:.: that <·rkkPt "'l"l"ou. Howe1·er. this t>11rtkul11r ltoy pln.n•rl for tlw nl'\.t two ,\'f.~>ll",.. in tlw First Ele1·en without cloin:.: 1111it1· Wl'll 1'11011;..:h to uh111in elate". l•'or his spn·ie·es 11<• I l'<'!'in•s 110 fnrfht•r :11'1\lln\\'lc•el;..:ment thnn thr'!i blal\Pr. whic-h lw wunlcl hu 1 t• r1•1·1·t n•cl for pla.1iu;..: four •·om1JE>t it Ion mu td1(',.:. Ttw11 hpsl!lc.>s pta.1iu:.: it1 thl' Fir,..t 1•:h•1·en ror thre<• yenr;o;. lw ahm n•pn•spnle<l his sl"lwol for thrPP ~·pars in .\thlPtk~. fo1· 0111' .1°Ntr in lhP First 1-'ifte'l'n. aml shot om• .n•ur i11 tlw Riflp ' l'Pam. .\s lw di1l 11ut :.rnin his elutC's In an.1 of tht"'<' hmndtt>s of sport. he' still has lhP sump plain hluz1•1" with only tlw plain whit<' wy1·prn. Does ii not s\'Plll 1·1'1·1· 1111i'11lr that 11 bov who lrns worked bard for his sdwol. 1111el has


lo.n1ll.1 supporlt>d iwr to thl' hpst of his ability in p1·pry hrn1u·h of sport that ;o;IH> l'll<"OUl"ll;..:t>s should re1·ein• uo fnrthPr al"lrno11 lc•clg-nw11t for his l11~· 111t.1 urnl p11triotlsm to lwr than 111<• ho~ who 011 i.1· rP]ll'C'sPnls h Is sdwol in four e·om1wt it ion mn tc·hes.

\c>wln;..:tem has a !!lorio11s pust.. und .no11·. ns qbe 11hn1~·s hu,; elu1w. stnn<ls i11 1111 honoralllt• po1<itio11. Is it not riP:ht. tlwn. that sbP should honrn· thosP whu support hrr 1111<1 hPlp to keep her in that honournhlt• position".' I shoulel snt-:t-:t•st that onr s_v:;tpm be n•forrned :111el 111:1clC' so11wthi11;..: likt• lhl' follow in!!: If a boy piny:; lrnlf thl' 111m1h!'l' of 1·0111pc>tition mat<·lws in tlw First l•;teYen or First l•'lfteen h•t hl111 1"!'< 0Pln• th!' Ol'!lillHl'Y hlflZ('r 11ith thp white 11'.l"\'('l'll. 'l'hl'll if a hur play a wholc> s1•aso11 in First l~IPn•n or First Fifteen or slwot in tlw riff(• m11l1·hes or run in .\II Sdiools' Sports. l<>t him n•c·<>lv<• what 1u·1' 11011 ;!;iY!'ll us 1h1t1•s. \s for tlw ho.1·s who 1111<ler tit(' prpspnt 1·0111litions wonl<l rp1·pi1·1• <lutes l!'t thPm rP<·f>in• ~m1w ,;mall had;?;t> whlrh 1·011lcl hP -<t'll'll 011 a bl11zPr.

Tiu• ho~· who clot•s hrillinntly in fnothall i" :11n1nll'<l nn 1£011011r ('up. hut till' hoy wlto clews hrilli>111t I.I' in c·rie·lwt rt><·<•ll·es 110 mor<• than his clat!•s. It M'l'lllS onl~- right t1111t hi' sho11lfl rt'<'<'in• a <'rie·ket hh17.c.>r. I am. your" slnren•I~. A.G.L.

--- +


TroopPr \ .• T. Trollope writes. 8/4/18: "'l'lw ,·pry thonKhtfully pn<·ked and most a<·<·eptable pn r('el

r1>udwd me wh!'n w1• w!'r<' at Esducl ( .\shcl0<l). to which pince Wt' 11·p1·(' witbdrnwn. to rec·upPrnh• nfter "nr exertion" in thf' bi.I{ :uln1111·P. 1·omml'nl"i11_g with tlw 1·11pt11rP of Tit'f'rsbepba. nnd. for u~. tc•rminatin~ on tlw 1•nt.r.1· iuto ,Jerns11lem .. \s n matter of fu<'t. our llrignelP w11s 01wrnti11g to t11P north of Beersheeha. iu the <llre<·tlon of TTrhro11. wlwn tlw former pla<·f' frll. nncl 1Yhrn .Jeru ~fllPm wn~ 1·n1lh1rNI we w!'re opprnting with tlw ~ew ZP11hmcl('rR on the lefr flunk. on tht' 1·ou~t uhm·r ,Jnffn. "I' )l:lYf> hf'en <·hnn~ed OY('r from one fillnk to 1111otbp1· nt <liffPrPnt timl's. and . in thiR w11y. baYe ~e£>n :1 good <IPul of l'alpstinr. ~ow wp nn• just ret.urn!'cl from n wllcl clash into th1• l1111d or llenhPn. From f:,.,clnd we werP mo1·f>d np to Wnd~ ll11nt'IH'. rwar L111lel. nnel from thrrp stnrted out on our last

Page 44: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


l'Xpc>dltlon. The first stui.:t• of our jour11t•y wn~ Lutron, lht• site of an old rnhht>r dty of that 111111w. Tlw rnucl from tl1<•11<·t• on to .Jeru~nlem. tht• seeo11d stu:.:P of our .101lrt11'~- rist>s 1111<1 dl'st·eruls :IUl'll]ltJ~· 0\"l'r the inlt'l"\'(>))IJJ:,: JUOlllltllill>'. 'l'ht>n• is llO(hill~ of 1·em11rk11hlt> l11tt>rest 1110111-: llH• road 11s fur us I <·ould dis<·1•rn. hut tile mou11tni11s throu1tb whi«h ii pass1•s pn•s<>nt hnp1·pssin• 1·ipws of hohl <·ontour,:: an<l dt•t•p prpdpitous ntlh•ys. OJ' 1·n11L':~<'. as 11

sol(lit'r. <Jilt• is at u <listill<"l 11ls11<ln111t11;.:P. 1111<1 must rl't11lt1 his plm·p in tlw <·olnm11. :me\ 1·111111ot fossi<-k for ir1ro1·111alio11. 'I'll<' .Jnlla-,Jl•rusal1>m rou<l. alo11;.: \\hldl w1• passp<f, wns al111ost as hnsy as C:eor~1· Hln'Pl. 11·ith 1111 nlrno,.;t 1·<111tl1111011s line of lnr;.:P rnoto1· transports. ;llHl motor a111hul1111<·p,. lwlp<><l n•r.1· <"onshlPnlhl)· to int·rl'USC' thl' <·oug-c>stion. \\"C' <·amp<><l for th1·pp 1111.vs 111 .J1'r11s11l1•m. hnl a soldlt•1"" lihl'rtil's tl1<•rp ;1 rc> 1·pry 1111wh rPstri<"f1•d. I I hink ror f"t»ll' thut :lily possihll' 1':\<'Pss1•,; 11111.1' :.:1·a1·pJ.1· offl'tHI Iii<' sns<·1•pti-hilitips of nn~· of thl' 1·011t roll in:,: r<'li:.:ions ho<lit•s. llo\\"l'l"<'r. I was fortunutl• In s1><·ul'in).( hwlnsion i11 a purt.r whii·h our ().( '. 1·011-1llt<·tP<l thronl!h the> f"ily. \\"t• had fro111 !l.:lO to :! to -<1•1• 1•1·1·r.1·-lhi11i.:. so ~on ean rl'Hdil.1· urnlPr,..1111111 that 1111' imprl'ssions I ohtnitH'd 11"!'1'1' ver~· 1·m1f11s1•1l. l'assin;.: in h.1· lh1• .I11ff11 UalP. in whic•h is 1111' 'll'Pd)p"s l~yl'. \\'I' ll"l'llt first to 1111' C"hnnh of 1111' llot.1 S1•p11lt-h1·p. Tlw huildln;.: is all lwmnH~I in h~- flp1.,1~·im: rook1•riPs. and •Ill.I" a11ti!'ipation of sl'Pin~ >111y n•111•rHhl<• an·hitp1·t11l'P is dis· ll)l]H>intl'fl. I <·onl<I not. ('\"('II if SJlllt'I' pt•r111lltl'cl. :.:in· !Ill.I' Hl'l"OUllt of thl' a It 11 rs. 1·rypts a11<1 su 1wt11i11·ips ol' I hi' hu i11\i 11:.:. a n<I ha• I al1sol11tl'l.1· no tim!' to p11,1 ;111.1· attPntion to th1• arr:1n:,:Pn11•nt o'" 1•rnh1•1lisllllll'llt of tlH• interior. ('losp to th<> I fol,1· Sppnl<·hl'I' i-; rtr·• l.11thl'ri111 ('hnr<·h. a 1110<11'1'11 hnil<ling, into thP f;u·adP of whi!'l1 Jrns ht>Pn huilt thl' adual :1r..J1 of till' a1wiP11t llospi<·P of lhl' l\nli.:hh or St. .foh11 or .ll'l'llsalt>lll. \\"p visit1•1l mos! of th1• thirtl'l'll st11:,:Ps nf <hrisl 's passa~l' :t Ion:.: llH' Via I>oloros:t. a 11<1 tlw n1 rions dl:li><''s :11111 :<HrWtUHl'il'" ;tssodul1>1l with th1•sp stations. 111Hl also tlt•s<'l'IHll•cl to thC' "'<'11s of B1•thsutl11. Th1• porlio11 of tlw 1·it.1 whid1 u10s1 <·lo~t'l.I" <>ni.:n~!'d m,1· i11tp1·1•st 11"11>' tlw 'l'Plll)llt• \r<•a. whi<-h i11t·l1111t•s tlw Tomh of 8010111011. th1• 'l'l'lllplC' of 1>111·id. tlw \losqu<' of Omar .. (with it'> sllp<'l"h tloml'). and tlw \I o:<qn<' ol' \ k,.;a. fornwrly tlw Tpmplt•. lllHI. T should "II.I" from flt><•tin:,: ohsprntlion. hnilt ori:,:inally in thP form of an olcl f!omnn hasili<-a. I am sompwhat rt>ltwtnnt to say thnt lh<' "\fohanmw1l1111 pla<·t>s of "01·shi1> impl'f'S,..<'tl 1111' mor<' thnn tlw ('h ristinn. hut T tJ1ink this I'< 11\w to the fn<'I thn t thp~· an• m<n·1• 01>1•11 to 1·iew. ;111<1 nre s(']>lll'HINl from llw s111111lor of tlw l"it.1. ThP tlc>prPssin;.: seus<' of fillh. ruin :11111 on•rnow<lini.:. is Jll'l'haps rl'sponsihll' for thp sp11s1• of <lisappointmPnt with whidi I. in <·om 111011 with 1111111v otht>I'>' who pntpn•<l lhl' <·111· with 1111 r1•1·1•rf'1H·t•. passt'<i onl thron;rh tlw n•nprnhl<' arnl l'l'l'!n i;1lr nrn.i1»<ti<- wn lls. To Ill(' lhPI'(' \\"llS 1t)most !Ill l'it'lll<'l1t or tllf> s111·1·iJc•do11s ill '<Ollll' of tJl<' 1lPs<Tl)lllo11s of th<' :.:ni<l<•s. 111111 tlll' ll('al"ini.: of so1111• of lhl' ]ll'it•sts 1•1·pn sPPllH'fl to savour sonll'what of show11wn. ,\ vl><it to tlw \fount of OJh·eH almo"t t·ompl<'tPly llft<•tl tlw spns<' of cllsnppoi11l-nwnt. 81'1'11 from this pmint'IH'P. tl11• dty is nll l'l'lll'rnhlf'. On<' is not OJIJll'<'""l'll hr any oonhts of ;.:ui<I<'"' ~lorie'< or of d10kl11;.: rninous l111il<lim:~. This Yiew of tht' dt.1·. with tlw T1•111plr \rrn In tlw for!' arul -the> :\fo1111t of Zion at tlw hni·k. i-:. I should think. thl' finish. It !:< n S('f'De whkh T will 11lwa,1·-: rpmemht>r. 1111<1 .l"<'I wnit :rnxiously to sp(' n1:rnl11. J hncl 110 itlPu of tlH' <·omrnar11li11;.: lwi:.:ht

Page 45: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

Ill\ IHIU:",,,

Jl . .\1..\. 1:), 1-'H.\.\KLI.\.

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Page 47: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


of II.It' )(011111 of Olin•,., 1111til \II' ;..:ot a lou;..: \la,\ ' from ii. l'ro111 ollr fJl"t•st•ut •·amp. 011 t hi' 1•a,'r11 hauk of th1• .Jor<lau. I look lia!'k "''l'I'.' 1•n•nl11i; S0\111 uffl'I' SllllM'l anti Sl'l' it" t\\'{I tO\\l'l'S :-<la1uli11;..: Ollt a;..:11l11st lh1• t1~·i11;..: li;.:hl of tlt1• s1111. 1-'ro111 .Jl'rn,.ah•m \\'(' 1Uo\·1•tl tu a 11ft1!'P <·all1'll T11lat-t'<l-D11111111. m·1·rlookin;..: tlll' l>l'utl !::il'a. the tiluin of .Jt>rklto, 111111 tltl' .Jordan rall1·~" ll1•n• \\'\' \\Hilt•ll a l'OU)ll1• of 1la~s. cluri11;.: whidt 111·1•paratio11s for 1·rossi11;..: tlll' .Jonla11 \n•n• •·om-pil'fl'li. allfl t Jtp11 tl1•s1·1•11tll'tl a 11cl <'l'ossl'cl t hi' ri n•r h1•fon• cla wn. autl ;..:ot \\I'll into 1111• foothills h1•forl' .ladw Jll'<•IH'rl.' 1· .. aiis1•cl what ""I" afool. This <'Xp1•11itio11 "a" in 1111• 11at11rP of a s11q11·isl' stunt. a11cl i11 01'1lt•1· 1101 to iruli<-1111• our'<·liH'. \\'I' ll'ft thl' rnatl. a11d 11111tll' our way thro11;..:h th1• 111ollnt11i11,.; h,\ 1111' ro11;..:h1•st of mo1111t11i11 1rn1·ks. 011r trn1·l'i il11;..: ha<l to IH• tlo111• al 111;.:ht. 1111cl although tJ11· 1110011 1ut1•n1p11•cl to hl'lp 11,.;. fo1'1'1•111ial rains did thl'il' 111'.'I tu hi11d1•r. \\1• had to h•a1·p all Olli' trn11s11ort a11cl artillt·r.'· hPhirni. and wh1•11 ""' n•ad11•tl .\111111011. had to cll'lh·1·r our atta<"I' \\'lfh ritil' 111111 111ac·hi111• J.,:1111" 0111.'. whi"11 lll'<'l'"""rii.1 had thP l'll'P<'I of 111ah.i11;..: ii f1J.11'tk11l11rl,\ <·11,.;fl,\". Thi' flrnuli11;..: 11f thl' .Jo1·da11 cJpla,H.'11 1111• a1Tin1l .. 1f 1111r s11p111 lrti11;..: artillPr)· 1111cl i11f'a1111·~· . a11cl altholl;..:h rite 1':\J>l'tlitioll \\:I" Slll'("l'S>lflll ill that it <'Uahlpd llS to \\'1'1,'l'k tlll'il' 1·asfl'l'll railwa,\' a11d 1·11pt11n• som1• '!.itlO prisom•r,.., w1• iu11l tu "ith 1lnrw il'111·i11;.: thl'lll i11 i'""""""io11 of .\1111111111. \\'<• wiliHJrpw to tlll' .Jorcla11. h11f an• holdi111: a hl'id:.:I' lll'lld 1111 th1· l'a,'rll h1111k."

.\ir·( udl'I F. <:. Steele \\ rit "" fr11111 t 111• ( 1'1111':1 I F1,l'i11;..: Sc·'.1•1• >i. l.11\ erton. :rn/7 / I ~ :

"1 l111vp tlrnu• \l'l',I "I'll tl11ri11;:- 1111' <·1111rsl' 11p to dale. l1oth i11 111,\ ll,l'i11;..: 1111d 111 thl' lhl'Ol'l'ti1·al part of lh1• work. a11d I am sun· thut .nm will hi' 11IP11s1•d to k11ow that I a111 kl'l'pl11;.: up the tradi tio11s of till' oltl "dtool. l'\"1'11 do\\"11 hl'l'l'. l·:l'l'l',I' da.1 almc1'-'t. I 11111 h1•i11;..: n•111ind\'d th111 th1• trni11i11;.: I n•1·t•in•d at. \t•wi11gton. in th1• 1·Ja,.:s-r110111 a111l 011 lh1• pia.\"111;.: fil'lds. is 11 \'l'r~· t.:rf'at hl'lp lo 111<• h1•n•. holh i11 fl,,·i11:.: awl i11 tlll' lh1'or1•til-al part of thl' work. I :1111 1111\\ ahh• to 11,1' 11 1111ll'hi111• fnirl,1' l'l"' IH'f'tahl.'. 1111tl ha1·1· d11111• sp1·prnl .. ,..olo fli;:-hl>' ... i.t '. . flow11 thl' 1111ll'hi1w ah,.:oh1tl'l,I' 011 111.1 o\111 11·i1h 1111• i11,.;lrtll'tor 1111td1i11;:- 1111• from thl' :.:ro1111d. Th1•1·1' is 1'1'1111' 11olhi11;.: 1·l'r) \\·011dPrflll i11 fl,l'i11:.: for 11 ,\'111111!: f'i111p who has pla.n•;I s1H1rts. so 11111;..: 11,.; llP kl'Pps his wit,. ahont hi111. a11cl it is pl'rfl'1·tl.1 d1•li:.:htf11l to tak1• a 111111'hi111• 11p 011 11 1·111 111 111or11i11:.: a11d 11,1' all 01·pr th1• <'Ollllll',\. For 111,\·s1•lf. I si111pl,I' Ion• hpi11;.: ill lhl' air. It j.; lull'd I o 111a kt• 1111~·0111•. 11 ho hu s 11ot ht>l'll lip hil11, f. 111111t•rst 1111d llH• I n11• thrill,. of it. You rn1·1• tl11• 111ad1il11• al1111:.: tlll' ;.:ro1111d 1111til it is ;..:oi11;.: at 11ho11t lift,\' 111ih•,.; 1111 hour. and thl'll yon stuldl'nl,,. sl't' fh1· ;:-r1111rnl h•a1·i11;.: ·'"" ~·011 do 11ot fl'pJ ,11111r~plf risi11;..:. a11cl lrnow that ·'"" hun• ll'fl fhP :.:ro11111i. 11111.' front thl' 1'111·1 lhul lhl' :.:rm111cl i,. :.:t>tlin;.: f11rth1•r 11\\'ll,I' fro111 .'·1111. 'l'h1•11 ,\'tllll' "IH'l'<I illf'l'l'llS('"'· 111111 thl' air is r11><hi11;..: pn,.;l ,n111 al s1•1·p11t,,· 111ilt•s 1111 hour. Yn11 look clow11. 1111cl 1111' h11ihli11,:s st'\'111 1111~-. a11d .1011 1-:111 hardi .1 11uJl,p 1111t IH'oplt• w11lki11::" 1l1)(111t h1•lm" .n111. 'l'hl'11 JH•rhap" ~·ou tl,\' ont mpr tlw ""a a litllt' \\'11,1'. 111111 thl' n1r.l'i11;..: t11•pfh ,.; 111akl' ii llPP•'>ll' ''" dif· fr1·1•11t sh11d1•:-< of .L:l'l'l'll. a11d fhP <•ffp1·1 i:-< 1'1'autif111. .\fl1•r fl.1 in:.: rn1111d fur 11 hit ,\·011 dt'<·idl' lo l111u1. You pil-k 11111 11 murk on tlw lll"l'odronw. and thPll ;..:l't ,\'Olli' 1111whilll' s111lil"i1•11tl~· hl'hil11l it. nnd 11ith its 11os1' Iulo tlH' wi11d (.nm 11 111 st alwu~·-: tak1• off and la11rl cl<•1ttl i11to 111<' wi11d). 'l'h1•11 ,\'Oil sh111 off .\·1111r 1•11:.:!111'. 111111 put th<• 1111st• of .'·our 11111\'ltinl' do\\'11. -.o thut slll' will :.:licl<' Partlnnll'lh al

Page 48: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

R26 'l'ni: 1\i;\\ t:\(l'rO'dAN.

ahttlll si:--1~· 111.p.h .. a11d llJI,.; Is lhl' 1110sl dl'li).(htful spn,.,aliou . Yo11 sl'I' lh1• l'arth ru,..hi11i.: up lo 1111'1'1 you. and. 1111'11. wh1•11 ~·1111 ar1• a hotll Ii ft l'('ll f PPt from It .. 1·011 hri ni.: 1111' "jo.1·-;;1 i<-k," or !'ont rot il•n•r, ,..11;:1111.1· hawk. :111<1 1111• ma1·hi111• 1111111•11,.;· out uud i.:cnlly <'OlllC" down 011 lwr wllPl'I,.., mHI n111,.; nlon;: for aho11t fift.1· .nud,... Of 1·1•11r-.:(•. I haq• dl'-.:<'riht~I a :.::0<>11 la11dl11g. \-.a mutll'r nf fad .. ""hl'll yon nn• h•arni11:.:: to land .. n•n :.::<'tll'rnll.1 tfattl'n nut loo soon or too lalt'. and tlw 111:whi11P h11111p,.. and ho1m1 ·1·"· hut 11 0111.1 lll'l'd,.. pra•· Iii-I' and I 1·1111 tun(] Yer)· WPll 11011. J han• Ju11I n goo<I ti111l' down lu•rl'. and nm t•:-.trl'lllel.1 inll'rt'"l!~I in my work. anti am looking forward to gettl11~ 01·er tlw otlwr si<lt• :11111 ;:Pltin:..: to hu,..i111•,..,..., h1•· 1·a11s(' fl.1 ini.: ll!lll('llls to UH' \"l'l".' "' ron;:l.1". \\ 1' -.:hn 11 hnn' to do a 11oll11•r l'ight Wl'<'k" iu J•:ni.:1111111. a 1111 t 111•11 w1• ,.;Jta 11 h1• l"l'lll ,..1 r11 lgh I to Fra1w1• to work."'

l'ril·ate n. " · c. Palmer "l'ill•s lo '"" ll1•111 h1111-.ll'r. from 1 ·n111! 0

('. :.!-1/2/18: "Tlw 11ltoll' p1•riod of th1• w:1r I 11111·1• "Pl'lll i11 l-"rn1u·P. arri\"1111-:

d11rin:.:: lh1• l':trl~ fin.'" of \11:..:11-.t 1!111. 11ith an J·:ni.:llsh 1Ji1·i,..ion. I :wtl'd as .... trl'tdlt'r-h1•an•r anti a111h11l11111·1• onll'rl~-. for a 1l(•ri<11l of lll':trly lwo Yl':tr,.. in t.111' lirlni.: litll'. :-Pn·ini.: with thl' division in all lh1• :.::n•11t hatll<'" of' tlw 1•11rl.1· dn~·,., of' tl11• war. 1111<1 11u1r<·hl111-: 111 lh<' wholt• of lh1• fa111011" n•:1ri.:1111rd 11dl1111,.. with llw-.1' spl\•1ulid 1·oura :..:1•1111,.; "'oldiPrs. l•:n:.::lmHrs 111'"1. 8p1·pra l ti1111•s <h1 rin:..: tlw l'l't r<•11t lllll' n•:.::inwnts "l'r<' hot I~- 1'11;!11;!!'<1. 1111!1 llPllH'<I to sh•ut till' (.pr111:111 I i<lc•. l" 11 fort u1111 t1•l.r t h<• <'t•11sor fo1·hi1ls n1y I I'll in;..: yon ua uu•s of pl:w1•s. hut hi;:tor.1 1<'11" .1<>u of 1111 lhos(• ;;pl1•1ulid ad ion:<. rlr1·1•n or whidt I ;;aw with my <iil·i,..ion. :111d proud I 11111 of it. loo! \I l>l'l'-,pnl. I am out o( th1' liill' and t•111plo.1<•1l 111 a -<tntlonary ho,..pitnl. \o doubt .1ou will IH• inten•;;ted to know 111111 I hnn• ht•1•11 n11·anl!'d tlw l>l;;li nd il·I' 1:ronzc 8111 r tlP,.ora t ion for• t•n rl.1· dn.1·;; of' t IH• Wal". lli11t• any otlwr of tlH' hoy:< n•<·l'in><I It '.' \ly hl'nllh n•nrnins :.::mid. :1111! il is 111.1· t'a r111•,.t wi,.;h tlrn t I 11111.r hi' 11 hll• to "" 1-r.1 thrnu;..:h lo tlH' 'l'I'.\" 1•1111. n1ul k11011 lhnt l 111111• do111• 111.1 dnl.1. l 11fort1111al!'I~- I hn1·p 111•1·1•r 1111«1• 111•1•11 :thll' lo 1·m111• inlo l'otllad with :111.1 of 111.1 1>l1l ;.whoolmnl<'". 111thou!!h I 111111• ,.;pok1•11 to· hu11dn•ds of 1·olonial ,..oldil'I'"'. of whom. 11at11rall~-. I a111 1·1•ry prou1I. \1.1· thn•1• ol<i<'r hrotlwrs :11·1• scn-ini.: with 1111' 'i<>w Zt•11la11<1 FmTt's hl'rt'. mid llll' ~·1111111-:<'r on<'"· ohl \<'" ini.:toninn,.., 1111wh 11s tlw.r would likl' to ""n·1·. ar1• prrn•nt<'d from dolni.: >'O. I 1·1111 h11rdl.1· llrnnk .rou 1•11ou:.::h for thP ph•as111«• ~·our kin<l<'"" h:ts hrou;..:ht to 1111'. I t·annot hl'lp hut '<llY from 111.1· !wart that I wl,.;h 1111 th1• hopi pa,.;sin;..: under .1011r "UJ>l'n·i,.:lon tlw ,.:aml' l1>1·t• of llH' ol!l sd1ool that. I IHll"I'. 11111" oil to tlrn,..r who h111·<' 110111' and Hr<' 1loi11;..: tlwir clut.r !"

Sl'l'!!l':lllt I\. \\" . . Allen writl's to th<' H1•ad111a,..f<'I' from f"r111w1•. Ii/ I :!. '1 7:

"\t ]ffl's(•nl I'm out of lhl' 1111111 aml ;:lush. doil1).( 11 1·ourH• :II 1111 .\rn1.1· Sehool for ollil·prs. anti ,.;1•1·;..:c•nnt"<. It's h!'<'lllli'!' of th11I i11t"i1](•11tull.1· tlrnl ~·ou'r(' ;:r1•lti11;: :Ill o .. \ .R. IPtt1•r \\Tlt.11'11 in ink'. l:Pnrrnlly an ohl J)('tH"il lrns to ""lli"I'- Of 1·011r•;('. l'n• h1Hl ;.01111• :.::rPat l'"\J11•ri1'1H'!''· ancl hntl' war a-. 1111H'h "" an~ otlwr 1wnm11 do<"« hut 1'111 l<'l'.I" 1111u-h 11frnitl th:1t. " ·hl'n on<• ~l'I~ into bot fight· in;:. and. <"'lll'l°i:tlly with thl' 11:1.10111•1. l'l'a"oll is lo,.;t, uncl thl'l'l' is 11 l'(•rt:1i11 in-.::1111' •ll'li).(ht in th1• wholl' thin!!. It <1111•s1ft last lo11g. lhou;?h '. 'Tis i.:t•ltin:..: n•1-y (·Ol!l a~aln. a11d \\"I' k11011 w('I'<' in for

Page 49: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

'l'llf. !\F,WlMlTOSJAN ~27

auutllcr frp1•;w fur ,..01111• 111011ths. Fntll4'l'. a\\a.1 from till' war 7.llllt'. is 1h•li;.:htf11I in spring ancl s111111111•r. l111t to ns .\11slrali;111,.. it"s 111iscralih• 111 a11.1 old plac·l' i11 \\ intl'I".°'

8(•ri.rP111Jt E. I:. Taylor 11ritl11;.: from l'ah•s1i11c. 3/:!/lll:

"l 11 ish 10 11c·lwm1h•cl;.:1• with hc•arl.1 thanks Liu• 11clc·u111c• parc·el wltic·h n·ac·hc•cl 1111' ~pstprcla~ 111'l('r1100J1. and i111"111ded a tin o( tulm1·c·o. tin ol' lt!'X c·lw1•s1'. ( ap><tan c-ig111'l'lt('s. hnltcrs1·ot1'11, -.1wk>'. U11Cl. llhu1·p 1111. th1• clt':ll' \riri11t1lrrnir111. II wa" i11dc1•<111 lll'I comp gift. \\!'II. II!' hatl a l'!'l',I' plcnsaut 1·11.111!!!' m·1·r, 1111<.1 I wa" •·omfortahl1• and l'·1·d it. \fl1•r a fpw 1n't•k-. at Lll" has!' 11·c l1•f1 lo join 0111· 1111it. 11hkh is not 1·1•ry fur fro111 .Jolurny Turk. Thi' JKH'I of ,J11fl'a is 011!.1· a short cli,..1a11c·1• 111111,1·. \\ !' c·111111• up hy tr11l11 1111 the 1111~. It n111s tllron;.:h thl' 11011 famous town of liaza. anti 1111c c·oultl !'Usil.1 ""I' whnt a :-tron;.:lwltl it \\as. 0111• c·an hartll~ rPuli>'(' hl'ill!.: in lhl' llol.1 l.1111cl. anti 1111 this fight in;.: going on. \\ 1• an• c·alllJK'tl In a 11i1·1• spot. :11111 it 1·1•111i11tls 111<' of a na1\'l('s' •·11111p 1_.1 orking on 11 rall1111.1. Our tl'lll" arc• j11;:t hi1·1·il's. 1·0111pos1•<1 11f a tarpunlin. 11ncl 0111• has lo -.toop 1·pr~ 1011 to !!PI into thl'll\. Our t':\c·itenwnt ls 11hPn .Ja1·l;o •·onws flyin;.: on•r. ancl our anti-airc·raJt .!!1111>< fln• 111 him 111111 shrnp11t'l fl-0111 1111 11ro11111l \I,,. \\e look for 1111• fil'l'C'.I whll!' p11ffs of tlw shrap111•I h11rsti11:.:. and lll'llrhy WI' 1·1111 pi1·k up his 'plu111'. .J11sl a 1111·1·p SJK'<" lw ls so hi!!l1. :\o homh,; un• clropp~d. as lw appar1•1ttl.1 c·oml's m·cr to ohs1•rn•. hut Ill' ;.:l:'t Jll'JI p1•rp<.J h.1 our ,..111·111111<•1. Twi<-1• hi;: pi1•<·c,.. han• la11cl('1l 11irlt11t t weuty ,l'H rt is of 1111'. 0111·1• Ill' saw 011 r 01111 'pin 111•:< go up to light I wo, und hull tlw 111t•as11n• of "!'Ping .Jiwko 1·om1• tlo11 n. Hild lwartl aft1•1· that lhl' s1'<·011tl 0111• l"nl"l11•d <101111 six mll<'" awu~· in 011r li111"' Th<' boys h1•1'l' han• clonl' wPll. 111111 fo11;.:ht 1·Pr.1 bard, and tlwir tloings shonltl h1• ntol'!' will1.'l.1 lrn11w11 in \11slrnli11. Yl's, tlwy :ll'l' :1 1·1•r.1· ;.:ood. finl' lol. antl 1lw.1 of11•11 lalk al~111t thl' c·haps not •·omin!! Cll'l'l'. :11111 WOIHl<'I' llh~·.''

01.1> 1:m s· < 01.1 \I'\.

llffi1·1 1,,,,,.,.,.., IJ/11 \ r wi11r1/"11i1111.• 11i1111

/'n ,,jr/1111. I'. I:. ( 11lq11ho1111. \I.I..\.

I;,., , 11rr.,il/1111.,. 1:. ( 011 lishaw. \lilleoll S. I.oil'. S. \\. \luorl'. \\. J.:. \. t:oh,.;1111. \I.I..\ .. \ .. I. l'hiJlips. 1:. \. \\ arllPll.

('r11111/r11 I;,., 11rf',,it/r111.,. H. (. \l!'t>k (llla.1111•.1 ). ll. 1:. J:ainl (ll11hho). II. ( 111111i111:ha111 (ll1trrl'1t .J111l<'lio11). II . S!ll'l!C"<' IT1111rnorllt). F.\\. 111111011 (lloc·kha111ptn11J, I·:. II. <~11<1.J Ii n:.:: (Coo mu).

l'rJ1111dl . • I. S. \hhotl. F. l.a111•s. \\'. I.. \l1111n-. .I. S. "l lt11111-.1111. I . I~. \\ llr~. \\'. < . \\ il,.:011.

l/r111. '/'rut.•lll"f/'. t·:. S. l\1•l.r11:wk. Jo:qnitahlt• 1:11ildi11:.:". (ipo1·:.:1· St1·1•Pt. City .

. /r,;111 l/(}11. N1rTrlarir.,. 0. _\. l'arkpr a11cl \\· . • \. l'n•s<'oll.

Page 50: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

828 'l'BE Ni::WJXGTOl\JAl\.

Ube '!Dea~ :anxac.

1/1/'t /)( lilt/; Ill' tf//I //'II 1111111·:

/,1111 lti111 '11n11/1 l/1t t·11r·11f!lµI • .'<i/l'!T tr1111k for llix 111111·/1/f ·•10111.

f,f'flfJI x1!1u/011·x ft/I' ltix •T/l/11.

I // 1/11 ,,kif·,, ·•11111/ /1/1'.,x llix 1/1111/1, 1!'1111 of fla1111 fl>HI 1·/1;11f/ of fll'CJI.

( '/11111(11 ' Of 1110011 11/lf/ ,,/(11'/'lf /!1'('(1 /11 , Im/ 1111· 1111/'I of 111111·1·11 fllway.

\ffllll'I' ,11orl' hi111: ft/ 111.,. tak•·! I 11 1111' /11J.:i1111 1110/'I ;., !Ii l"t'/t.

l'/'fl/11 Jtj,, ·•11'111!/f/t II Iii/I .•/ill[/ l/'llkt 111 /llr /11111·1·(/ 111111 twtt• r lltl'i•·111.

l l /t1 II t1/trx1 {rt·., ill 1111.•/ lfr l'f///, j ,l'f /1t1lll< /rort l/1r /111/'I /tix hn1tl

J•ft,,,,jJl!J /ti/11. /Ille/ flill'/JI XllJI,

"'l' lto11 11rt .•fill n 111• 111/11r1 rl ! I 11 11111' /1ro/;111 tin a/1111111 .. 1111111

\ llll!Jll/ Ill 111/ ii ; .• /tJ '". /111/ /IJ iii!' l/x jif., II 1111111

'l'/11 nfon 1/111.• I IH11•· /11 /1111 .'" I.. II .. \11~:' (01'1 \'t•\\'l11i.:to11ia11).

l\i/11 (/ ;,, lf"/i1111 . ( aptai11 I\. "il ' ' l'\'l'Tlll< 1c 1:;tll llall. Frn 111·1'. \ 11::. ~.

Fr:tll<'t'. Ht'pl. :!i . l,.l':lllt't'. ,IJllH'. Fr:11u·t• .. \11;.:. Frarl<'t'. .\la n·li.

J,i1•111 . ('. \. :\1'0'\. T . .\l . l l ...... . 1;111'. )), llox ,\11.. l~t D .. \.C'. ..... . l'lt'. II .. \. ~. lll:\IJ:ltlt'1', \Ith ~ ). (;,('.

J'(P. I: . J.t t \ ,_, !llh Ila ft ...

Oir·tl of 11 ·011111/.,, ( aplai11 II . II. \101 ~ \T, .\I.( .. l~t Bait. J ,it•111. < '. ~. ( 1co\1 1.1 Y. D.C'. .\I. :l3 nl Batt. Lil'UI. \, I. .. Ju 11:1\, (. tll' CO •••••••

LiP11t. II .. J. 1'11"1 u. :!IHI Hatt. .. (;11r. \\'. c;. 'l'\SKI 11. llo\\'it:wr Halt.

l·'ra1w1•, ~t'Jll. :! I. I· 1':1 ll«t'. .J 1111<' :!.;, \ ""ll'll lill .

Frn111·1., \ui.: Frai IH'(', \ u;:. !I.

l\i/111/ l1·ddnd11/111 111 1:1111/11111/. l.iPut. < .. D .. \ r u:'> .. \.F.C'. ....

\\"Ith pritlt• 1n• JH•inl to Old \'1•\\ in::lonians \\'ho han• h<>l'n '''" li11;.:ul-hin;.: tht'lll~l'h'!"' in tlw 111:111~· \\'Ulks of lift'. anti l'l>it•t• tlw St·hot·I motto. "Florpat :\1'wi11:.:tonia."

Tlw 111111w of our l ' n•si<lPlll has h<'Pll llllll'h h1•for1• lhl• p11hlk of l:ilt• in 1·011111•1·1io11 wi1h tlw ~<·h<'llll' of formi11;.: a 1·01·p~ of 1111'11 11\"t'I' 111ililar,1 :t!:t'. \\'ht'lhP1· ii \\'ill <"11111!' to a11,\·thi11:.: or 1101 l't•111ai11~ In hp ~<'l'll. h11l \\'(' fpp) "llll'l' that a ft'\\ 1·11rps of !'. I\. ('olq11ho1111-. \\'ollhl ~O(l ll ;.:he Di;.: and Littll' Willi<' tht> 11ig-hlmt1n'.

Page 51: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,

'1'111· N~11• 1•rnTO'l!AN . 829

\\'. A. l'arkPr. a hrillinnt O.X. of tlw 1·i~htie+:. 'lilt} well-kuowu 1·:11uUy ancl l'rohate h111Tii<tl'r. has mo1111t<>d still another f'tep in lhc la<lcl<>r of his 1·art'<•r in his appoinluwnt as .\la>'tl'r In ~quity. Om·e lwforP he hl'ld tllb 11oi-itio11 tem1><1rarll~·. aud wb1•11 it r~entl~· ft>ll Y11t11nt. hr wai- imnwtllatt>ly a111><1lntt'1I. thi>' otli1·1• eutnilin~ also that of .\taster ill l.111111<·y. \t Hdwol hi >' hrilliaut rnt'l'Pr wn>< markt'!I h~· hi" winuitt!! th1• \\ i~ntlll \111•11 1111<1 Ht·holil'ill Sl'lwlar ships. Hild passill~ Oil 10 lhl' ruln•rsi.ty ht• gra1J11att>d as l::tdlt')Or of _\rts in IR!l:!. \\i.tll firsl-dass honour. anti till' l"uh·ersity '1e<lnl for ('lus><ks. T lw J,L. I:. tlt•grt'<' follow Pd in l 'l\l'I. and in two years· timP hi' wus 1·allt>1l to lh1• \.K\\. Bar. Sint·t' tlwn 11!' ha!< 11P\0er lookt>d h:t<·k. a 1111 wl' 111'11 rt i l.1 1·1mgrn 111111 t P him 011 hi>< 11·t>ll-11writl'tl appointm('nt~

To flri~a11l1•r-(l<>n<>ral I. <:. \lad;:iy. D.S.O. (with h11r). rnukt ht' t.:inm a 1hw lll('('(l or prnis1• for his mt•t1'01·i1· milit111·~ •·:nee1·. Enllstln~ in . \u:rnst. 1!111. :ttul ll'a1·ing with thP rank of ( '1111tai11. IH· won promotion nftl'r p1·omotitn1. 11111il tlw tempornn rnnk ot 11ri~llllit•r-<Jc•nl.'rll 1 \\'II" 1·011ft•tTl'<I UllOll him in ,J 11111'. I!) 1 k. C'll l"l'_l'iUg ~Ith ii in this c·as<' tlw rt•,.:111n1sihll' IHl><itlon of C'.0. to lht' l><t \u"-t.rnlin11 lnf1111tr.I' Bri~n<l1•. l•'or hi>< finp 1•x11m)ll1',.: of hra\'l'ry :l!HI ll'llcll.'r,.:hip lw w:11< awnrtlc•tl till' ll.8.0. 111111 ft har. 111111 uwntionl.'d in tlP><)UI tc·lw" on two olh1•r •w1·a,.:ions. Iii>< rt'<·t>nt promotion tlw11 '•' I'll\'- hut 11 fittini:: trihnll' lo so t.:alli111t 11 soltlil't'.

Owint.: to tlw ;;u1·1·1•ss of la,..1 _,·par';; pnt<>rpris1• in ,.ending < hri-•tmns 1u1n·<>ll'< to th1• Olcl !lo~" at thl' front. tlw 1wrform11nce is 10 lw t'l'Jll.'llt<'<I thi'< .\'l.'a r . C"lr1·11lar,.: h:11·p h1•t>11 >'<'lit to ai- mnn~· Olcl '\C'wingto11iun>< a" poss.Ihlc• a!'<ldng for c·ontrlh11tion,.: tmrttrd!< thb •ll.'1<<'1'\"lttg fund. ltnt if 1rn.1 1111\'I' hl'l'll mil'>'Pll. a11rl f't'<'I thl'y woulcl likp lo 1·ontrlh11t<>. tl1c• l'nirnt ntlidnl-: \\nnl<I he• pll'a>'C'<l to l'l'<'f'iYP an~· s1wh ht'lp.

\l:1n.1 Olcl :\1•wingto11ia11s will ltt• i1wh1dc'<l in lht• numher of rl'l1tl'lli11~ \nza1·s. and a warm \\l'lc-om1• will await tlll'm on tlwir arri1·11l. l ' ntll the li"t" llt'C' p11hli,.:lwd w1• nrl' nnnhll.' to stllfl' posi t iYl.'I~· who tlwy , .... m all lw.

C'a11talt1 Eric- . \ tkin"on. \\'ho IC'fl wit h the .ith Hrl~nclP. has 1·<>1·1.'11fl.Y rt't111·111.'cl: Ilk<'" isc• l'rirntl'9: c; . Winn .. J. ~it-oil. (;unm•r II. •le• Q. Hohln. ~'ir"'t .\lr \lpdrnnk Y . • J . \\'nlker. anil l>rin•r o. \ ll!<opp.

('nptuin I~. Be:tY<•r. who rl.'t11rnl'll to the front aftPr furlough to .\n;;tr:illu. hn>< hec•u >'l'l"Pr1•1,,· " ·01111111.'tl lu th1• tbii::h. Luttl.'r c·11hh•" s tutl.' thnt hii< c·onclitilon i,.: ><Htil'fad1n·.'·· nnd also thnt 11 .\filitur~ Cro;os is put oown to hi>< c-r<'<lil. C'ongrntulntion.-!

.\lujor C. n·. C. \!arr. nft<>r a lon.rr ancl tr)•in.rr pxperiem·e i11 ~f('so1><)tnmi11. hns llC'en grnnt<><I 11 -.bort lc•a,·I.' of nbi"<'lll'I'. 1tncl fintl._ \ ustrn liu tlw best 11ln<·1• to s1x•1HI it In.

\ lint.' 1•xnmpl<' to ><hirkl.'rf' hns !teen !':l't b.,- the l"r('emuo fllmil.'· of l:os<• Bn). C11ptni11 D. S. l·'r<>emnn wn>; kille<l at Gnllipoli i11 191 .i. 1111<1 t.wo brothl'r><. \. II . nncl \\" .. \. Fr<'emnn, l'\t•wln.rrtoniims of the lnt1• pi~htiC'i< anti t'nt·I~· nin<>tiP~. Yolnnteere<l in spite of doml'stil- tips for kl'l"\"h'c• ahron<l i11 an.1· 1·11p:wity. Tlw former fnilNl to J)ll'<>< tll<' tl'«I><. hut 11·11i;; ;:h·eu lh1• rank of i-tnft' i-;ergeant-mnjor In thl' Dl'ntnl Corp>< on born<.' ><ervlc•c>. W.,\. i;: a private In thP Tnfnntr)' . .rrh·in.rr 11p ~mt><>rtnnt hnsinc•;;s ""' 11 solicitor to enlist : hP i'< nl«o 1'!111lrm1111 nf rlirP<·tor" of fonr minln.rr <'ompnnles \Onf'

Page 52: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


rC'gister<'<I in tbt' l•'edern!Pd Malay 8tatl'><. thr<.'<' in Syduey. .\t '!'wingtou Ill' did \\'<'ii In hoth sdwlastil' :111<1 sportin;.: 1-lJlheres.

The n•<·<'ntlJ formpd r11il·ersit,1 < ompa11.1 b not without its \ ewington re1irl'f;<'1t tn tf\·('s. I•' .• \ . E. L1111·p;;, 11. B. Dn rk(>. W . JI . ('atlogan. B.I~< ... and E. I\. H. Boll'd<'n an• lllt'111ll1•r:< of tll1• 1·om· hatuut s!'<·lion. rnm rn:, str1111;.:. and in 1·au111 011 Ill<' l 'ni1·1•r-.1ty Ontl, aml to iL .\. h. llen·r·l<l!!I' :11111 I'. E. l.:1111·. who hail Jl!'c1·iousi.1 P11llstt>d , han· 11ow be1'11 tra11sfcrn•1l. OtllC'rs who l1:11·e the lwnrt hut not the ll<'<"l'!<s:try ph,r,..ic·al fitn1•ss. •llld ll<'lon;.: lo tllC' non·l'Olll hafaut s<•l"tlon. an• .\ . H. ('olw\'li. Ii:. \1. Lodw. 'LB .. \. 8. Picker· i11;.:, aud K. F. l'ott s (Intl' Lit•nt. \ . L. F.). To still auotlwr sc'l·t\011 helong F. H. Cummin;.: a111l \\ .• T. IJ11ll. B.!:k., who ha 1·p t>11lisle<l ''" prlnttes a111l ht>1•11 ;.:r:intt>rl it>n1·1• of ahs<>n<·1• lo 1·ompl!'te their 11w1li •·al 1·ourse. !•'. ,\ . I·~. La\\'('s is also 1111 lh<' p~p1·11til·<' 1·ommiltN• of t lw 1·ompuny .

. \t the fortht·omin~ l ' nil·prsit~· l'P(l' i11 aid of tl11• \\'ar ( ht•st rnw of tlll' ><i<lP slww>< is I o hP a p<•rt'ornu111<·p of "Cox 111111 Hox" h.1 a :\'C'wlnglon 1·ompa11.1". I. C. 11oss. '\. 8. l'l<-k1•rl11!!, nn<l ('. JI. l.a1\'Ps. \fnny will l'('IIl<'llll•l'I' tlH' hit tlws1• -.:11111• Jl<'rforml'1·s mutll' i11 l'<'('('llf -;(')1001 <"OJl<·('rls.

K. \I. L<wkl' antl _\. 1:. H<·ott Orr h:11·1· hoth .iu.-t <·0111pielPd fhl'ir nwdi<-al 1·0111·s<' at tl11• l '111Yer:<itr. The l:ittc•r. 1\'C' lllll1PrRla11<l. i11l1'1Hls to ;.:o lo fh<• front as :<oon u~ possililP. Ills hrother. \Y. H. Orr. has alrea<h !Pft. Ill' s1tiiNl soon aft1•r Cur•;; Thou"nn<l. nftl'r passini.: throu!!b a "\.( .0. 8"1HK>i nt Lh·Pr)N>ol. :1111i 1•nwr:.:in!! \\Ith lhr<'<' ;;lrl]l<'l<.

( 'on!!r11l11latio11" to ('orporal .\. II. 1'11\\'h'.\ on \\'i1111i11;.: :l h:tr lo his \lilitary· \le~lal. all(] to TroopPr E. Sl.c'\•h• lllHl l'rtrnll· <•rlmt• 011 ohtainit1!! flw sa11w 11w1lals. T1·001x•r Sti'l'll' is 1111 \11l'-:11· L.11.

C'm1;..:ntl11lalio11s ai,;o to Li(•uts. \\. n. )ld'o111·t, L. llo;;kim<. H. \\'hyll'. an<l E. u. \'ixon. ('. <IP C .. 011 tlwir r!'•·c•utl.'' won 1·0111· 1nisslon~.

(. E. Hl?ildHll h a>' 110\\ ('Xdlllll!!('(' artt•r s(•nin;.: for .1·1•11n-: with tlw l•'il'ld \rtilll'l".\' , lfp ha s rl'fH'llft•tll.I" offl'r('(] promotions. hut pr('f!'r~ to rl'nrnin in thl' rank>'. hrotlwr Hnu·p is on >'<'l'\'i<'P ill Pa l<'"l lnP. his lit t psf I Pt t 1•rs written in the ,Jorllnn Ynlll')".

t \\() '"'I'll

111,, hPill!!

In n<i1litiou to the hrnss fahl<'h pn•<·tp1J in th<' sc·hoolroom lo fn ll<'n '\t'wln~to11ia11s. ><l'l"t•r:tl fr!'><h war 11w111oria Is hn 1·<· h1'1'11 doimll'<i to I lw 81·hool. Tlw .101111,..011 <ha I. I he ren I is11 t\011 of a long<e·ht•rishNl <lr<':tm. llw 'fnir l'rbws. tht' Cnl\\l'll l'ri:t:I'>'. anti thP 'olnn l'rl:1.1•s n n• ti 11<' <·ont ril111 I io11s 111111 worthy· I rih11t ('s to thosl' wlwRt• nwmon· tlwy JK'rp<'t11n t !'. Fnllt•r r!'i'p1·1•11<·<' is 111:1<1<' to t h t'"'' t']Sl'Whl'l"I'.

Th1• \\'nrr.1· Cup. \\"hi<"lt was institntl'd thi>< n•1tr in memor.1· or J,i<•nt. \'f<-(Or \\'arry. has hl'!'ll \\'Oil hy R. C:. ();•1·l111nl. "Oil of th1• \I inl"ter for ll!'<·rnltlng.

Colon<'! Lamnwk. wllo s1111· ><l'ni<-l' with th<' :!Oth Bntlalion. wuR «ouw tinw H!!O appohtt1•1l C'omm111ula11f of LiY1•rpool ('amp. \\'hl<'h position ]Jp still hol<l'< ll !Hl nhly fills.

1'Jw lt.1\.C: .. \. 11t Sonth IT<':Hl i>< 11 1·<'r.r <;t•h•<·t IJ0<l,1'. ><o it i>< not s11rpri;. i11 !! to fin<! s('\'l'nti "11'11•in;.:toni1ms amon;.:st it >< r:u1k1<: in fn<"I. it I'< main I~· 1·om1JOs!'<l of Old Hoys from th<' (J. P.R. Gnnn<'r" H. Rowm1111 (ml'mlwr of tlw n1wk 1897 XY.). ~'. Jrow11rd. \\',

Page 53: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


DaYies, and R. Bubh <'On,.tltute onr !1uotn, and w(' i;~·m1mthise with olll' O.X .. who was "<'Jill ral<'d from his fri<'rHls h~ faillm: the hei~ht l(•st hy an <'ii:bth of an i1wh ! II!' hacl p\·irh•ntlr not hnrl llH' l'Xll<'rlenl'e of n 1·nmo11fln~<' s<-hool.

.\n Old Xewln:.:toniun khnkl <·onti11~p11t fornwd quit!• 11 f(•aturl' of tlw H<'lwol 811orts. wlwu lh<'~·. so '-'Oon to hl'!"OllH' l"Omhatunts in n•al Parn<'st. W!'l"l' 1·rnnhat1111ts in tlw Old Bors' ra!·P. 111Hl un P~lrn 1.111-:·of-wa r hn>'t II~ a rrn 111-:!'!I hl't Wl'Pn tlw H<'IH>ol a ntl llu• Old lloys. U11111wr I•'. llowu rtl wo11 llw rn«<'. with <111111wr ll. Buhh l'los<' heh I net. l111t rnod(•st~· forhlds lh!' 1u1hllshi11:.: of tlw l'Pslllt of the• tui.:. It wus pl!'md111-: al1<0 to ,.;('p 11 1111111bpr of rt>tnrnl'<l 0111 Boys 11<"fi11;..: as j1ul~f's in fb(' rirlJ.:.

l'rofouncl n•i.:1·pl :tllC I s11rpris1• wa>' !'Xf}l'Pl<l<!'d on r!'<"Pipt of lhl' n!'ws tllat Twit ' l'usk!'r hatl fail!'n at Ill<' froul. Th!' lust news WI' hntl lll'Ul'd. ("Ollt'('l'lllni.: his >'Pl"('I"(' \\"Olllllls ('lll'li!'I' ill tlw .\"!'Ill". lt'tl ns lo l)('liC'\"t• thnl lH• would h!• out of lh<' lhw for ,.;0111!• month!<. ,.;o no Olli' nntl<·ipnlA•<l tlw possihihlr of hi>' d!'nlh. Ills fnmil.\ mu,1 l'C'~t assur<><l of Olli' tl<'<'J> s~·m1 1:1th~-. fol' hi>' fnml' anti l11fl1H'n<"!' we1·p \\11l('spl'!'llll. anti his t'IH't'l',1· ~ornl 11nt111·p a tl!'lit:hl to all whn kll!'\\ him.

Li!•11ts. 11. K nanfi<•ltl ("!nth 1:att11lio11) and E. S. flor<IC't'11 ( l'.!th 1..11.) h:1n• holh h!'Pll i11j11rPtl. 1111<1 rt'<"!'llll~ i111·a1i1h•tl l111t·k 111 \ 11s( I'll Ila.

\Y1• s.nnpathls!' with l'rh·atl' Y .. J. l.0\11'. who><!' injul'il'" llC'<"C'>'· ,.ita11•s tit!• los" of hi;; ri:.!hl arm. li t' h11s now l'!'IUl'IH'll homt'. ll':tdn:: his hrnllwr \.C. 1,ow!'. still in the lhkk of thlu;..:s.

I 11 rP<·<'nl \\'IHllHl!'cl list,.; ><<'H'r:tl familiar 11111111"• 11:11·1· lr!'!'ll nott>tl: Lit•nt;:. \. X. 'lortlu·ntl 111ul C'. Urc•pnwelt. ILQ.l\f.S. H. K 1'011111111'.\, l'rhat1•s E. H."". 1:row11. \. L. l'!'nf'lt. 111111 I•'. llttll<'ll .

• Ju<"k 'l'n~•lor wui- n~nin pit"kt"<I to 11111.\· <·ril"k!'l in 1111 intt•r national mal«h nl L!H'll's. thi;.; tinw fo1· tlw no111lni011s a:.:nln><< tlw \lollwrl111ul.

\11 oppo1"11111it.v wu>< ;..:in•11 11,.; of 1't'newin:.: 11!·q1111h1l;m1·!' "ith .\. B. ("Bn11<bi") ~ln<·Donnltl on tht' foolhnll fit>lcl nt lhC' rt'<"Pllt foolhall ('lll'llil"lll in ntcl of the war funds. That hi:.: url h11tl not f11ill'<I. 1111 who >111\\" thc• m11tl'h lwtwet'n C:.P.S. anll tht• ( fnllerl St'r \'il'e \\'\'I'!' mncll' W<'ll nwnl'C'. nncl many W!'l'l' the c·hc'!'r" lw re<"Ph'Pcl for thl' plm·ky tinn h• in whi<-lt h<' s<·rn'NI two t rit'" i11 a t'l'W mlt111tc,.. a11tl wo11 tlw 11111tt"h j11,.( 011 tim!'. ~ l 1wTlonalll Is 11pa1·1~· thr1111:.!11 his s('l"Ulltl yc•:11· of tit!' Dnntroon <·011r:<t'.

1". CO. Stl'l'll' pn><st'(I su!·1·p,.sf11 llr th r ou:.:h till' .\ 11~1 ruliu n \vintion 81'11001. ancl h11<1 ll•fl with thl' rnnk of Fllc:ht-I,teutennnt.

('baplnht-C'aptnln TI. S. C'o«kl<. who was for ~ome time stationed with tlw Lluht lion<<• nt 'f<'nnn~I<'. 1111~ now left for i<t'rvkf' In Ila lra 111.

\. L. 111111 K. K rn11. hrorher:< of Lieut. ll. f,. Dill, 'U' .. who <·amP hmt1<' wonnd<'rl lu;:t yeur. an<l ha!; ~in«c l'PturnNl to adl\·p s1•1'l'i!'<'. Ill'<' nmon;..::;t onr ruor<' rl'<'<'llt reC'rnlt«.

,Jnl'k Sht'lll'><ton is now qualifying for tbl' ulr sen'iC'<' in a 1~1~·ing !khnol in;:lnrHI. .\ ftl•r two month«' tbeor!'t.i<'nl work. lw ltus Just <'XJl<'rh•nc·<'Cl thP jo~· of a firnt fllgl1t

Lt'l'.-8<'r:.:t. 0. O'l:1•itl,\'. who was 111~1 r!')Kll'll'!l mh<>'illg, lrns ht'<'ll t 1·11c-!'cl ns 11 prlF:onrr nf war in <:<'rm:my, 111111 i~ r1•porf P<l to h1• w!'ll.

Page 54: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,


('aptain E<lmond 1:. lto~eb~·. lat<' of \\'nl'ialda. has lle<'n appointed m<'(l1"u I ofTi<'er in drn rl!I' of t lw <ll'<lrge's Tieii.;ht f>' '.\flli-t11 ry Tio~pit11 l.

" 'e regn•t to re1x1rt 1111' denth of>11t. \. L .• Tl'fTn',\'. who r<'turned honw "·mmde<l a little whih' H!!O. and h11s now s111·l'11mh<'<I 10 his injuri!•s. ll•a\·in;! 11 wif<• ancl family w mourn him. II(' ltr<• 1·ion~l~ sern•d In the Bol'I' \\'ar. 1111<1 his hrothPr Troo1~r '\orm:111 .feffl'<',1". wn,.; killed at t:nllipoli. 0111' s.1·nrp:1th.1· Is t'Xh•111h•d tu tllt' ht'rP1n·e<l rein tlveK

Tlw sudden death of \ . I.. l>uw,.;on. till' slo1wwall t'l'i<·k<'ll'r. 1·allll' ns a ~rent ,.;ho<·k to tho,.;p wl111 lm1'w hint. ancl II'<' h!'rl'hy oll'PI' our ,;ymJ)llth~ to hi:< fnmll.1. Ill:< twin lll'olll<'r. ('apt11in I·' . I·:. Dawson left la:-t .June with \.'.\l.C'. 1·<•infon·C'mC'nh.

Extrn<-1 l'rom tlH' '1Pdkal .loumul of \11strnlia: ··statr-S11r~<·m1 JI. .J. ,,-_ Hr1'n11a1HI. l>i-;trid Xan1l \INlirnl OOit·Pr. has hel'n :tJ>JlOlntt'tl 11 \l(•!l i<·:tl HPft•n•1• for t111• Jllll']Hls\'s of th1• \\'orknwn·s < ompensatlon \d. 1!l16. for lht• 8t11ll• of XC'w 8011th "nit·~.

nr. St .. fol111 nam<c\V. of Str11thfiel<I. who r(•t·Pntl.1 fUl>'>'•'<l th1·0111!h a sl'l'l'l't' ilhH•ss. hu,.; rP,.;nn1NI pn1<'1i1·1'.

S. \l<•.xan1ll·r. \\llll is 1111:<~· cloin~ a <·0111»;1• nt lhP 1·nil'Pl':<i11 . ha" IK•(•n rnatlt• a .Junior D1•mo11stratol' in ( 'ht•mh-tr.1".

On ~oin;..: lo p1·1'"" WI' ll'al'lt of thl' tli•ath of g_ f:. B:tl'kt'I'. :111 tll<I Bo~· of thP ri1·pr 1111.1·,.:. :11111 fatl11•J' of s<'l't'l'lll Oltl llo~s. 11oti1hl.1 \i;..:PI 1:al'kPr. tlw drnmpion :<Jll'int. Tht' f11 d lhnt hi ;; wit'<• lll'\'-1h't·1•nst><I hi111 hy 11 fp11 111•1•ks onl.' 111alws it l'l'IK'dally h:tl'rl for Ihm«' who an• Jpft hphi11<1. and 011r s~mpath.1 is t''-lt'11tlt'rl to tlH'm in tlu•ir hC'rl':ll'l'lllC'lll>'.

\ IC'tt!'r j11'<l re1·<·h·prJ 1('1b lro11· \. \. ll11lh1•rt nwt hi " Pllll: .. \\(' \\'('I'(• rli:..:;!ill,!.( a 11('11' fl'ont-lilll' I l'PIWh Oii thl' )lol'IU IH'Oll l'I ,.<><·tot· within 100 .1·anl,.: of tlw (;pr1111111 outpost 11111'. It w:1s 11 1·<'r~· dpar ni:..:ht. 11·lth a 1·pr.1 hrillinut moon. whilt• t ill' 111:1d1in1• ;!llU" Wt'rt' 1·ery 11di1·1'. anti wpn• a1111o~·h1,!.( 11:< to a 1·1•rt11in l'Xl<•nt. JTul hl'rt hnlln't b('(•n di!!:;!in:..: 1·1•1',I' lon;.r lrl'fOI'<' he 1111~ shot th1·011;!h tlw hniin. cleath h<'ht~ in:<t1111t11111•011,.;. ill' h11<ln't IW<'n witl1 us 1·en· tong. hut d11rin,!.( that tirrH' hl' had "hown that h<> w11s :r :..:ood soldier. au(] woulrl soon h:11·1• ohtuitH'<I hi" ... tri)ll"'· hnt s11d1 is thP fort 1111<> of wn '" ··

- + ~01.' I CE 'l'O SUBSCRIBERS.

'l'hl' Nl'1r111gtonian is barned quurterl.v. .\ 1·op~· of eud1 uum-ht>r <luring the year will he forwarded to all who remit 2/fi to the Editor of The ·' e11;inr1t rmia11. Xewlngton College. StanmorP. This will include po~tage.

s~·dnl'iat~ 'i'Ol't'h-n(•t1rer. l>:inl!'" l:khool \laguzinl'. S1·01s' ('ol -lt•;..:ltm, Re<:onl. .\ u roru A u"t rn lia". l~x<·t>l~ior. Lux. Cha riva rl. \\' c>~-11',\' Chronic·h'. l'rin<·<' .\lfrC'd Cbroni<·l<'. S<'hool Mng11zin('. Sw1111. \Ynngunui:IJI. lll'rme~ Brighton <: rummnr Rc·h ool !\l11gazln1'. ll11wkr~hury ('hroniC'IC'. ThC' Fortin11.

It'. A Ptpptrda11 ..C· Co., Printer•, Pitt Strut, S11d•e11.

Page 55: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,
Page 56: SEPTEMBER, · l'RE Xt·'Wl:\"GTO:\"JA'>. 803 The situation ior the \llies. as reprrsented ahow. is iull of promise,



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