
September 15, 2014 - Characterization

Homework: Library on Friday!

Objective: I can identify and analyze an author's use of characterization in fiction.

Warm Up (in your notes)

What is the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist?

What is a round character?

Round characters are usually ______________ Why?

What is a flat character?

Flat characters are usually______________? Why?

We get to know characters through an author's use of


the way an author reveals what a character is like and how he/she changes / develops through the story.

Think of it in terms of a new student walking into the classroom...

the new kid

What is the very first thing you notice about a new person?

So let's say this new kid sits down in the desk beside you...How else might you get to know him/her?

Now you go sit with your friends at lunch. How could you find out more information about this new kid?

Well...this is the same way that we as readers get to know characters!

Turn in your Literature book to pg. 194

Let's read the"People on the Page" paragraph together...

Physical appearance

Speech and actions

Define dialogue - what a character says

Define dialect - a form of language spoken in a particular place by a particular group of people - accent, expressions

dialogue vs. dialect

Other characters' reactions

How do others treat the character?

What do they say about him/ her?

 Characterization   the techniques a writer uses to develop a character

Physical appearance

What does the character look like?

character's thoughts, speech and actionsWhat does the character think, say and do?

other character's reactions

What do others say about the character?

narrator's direct comments

What qualities does the narrator say the character has?

Narrator's direct comments

What qualities does the narrator say the character has?

The Fable of the Three Princes

1. How would you sum up Meliversa's physical appearance?

2. What do you learn about Meliversa based on line 8?

Physical appearance:

Speech and actionsJeremiah's Song

1. What kind of judgement could you make based on this character's dialect? Why?

2. Why do you think Ellie doesn't want to hear Grandpa Jeremiah's stories any more?

Other characters' reactions Cousins

1. Does Cammy like Patty Ann? How can you tell?

2. What impression of Patty Ann do you get from Cammy's reaction?

Narrator's direct comments The King's Dragon

1. Which word does not describe the soldier?

2. Does the narrator respect the soldier? How can you tell?

Now you try it...

Read the excerpt from Anastasia Krupnik. Create a chart like the one below. Cite examples from the excerpt to match each method of characterization.


Physical appearance

Character's thoughts, actions and speech

Other character's reactions

Narrator's direct comments


Library on Friday!

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