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  • Section Objectives Features of MS Word 2007. The Ribbon and its Tab. Creating, renaming, printing word document. To work with Format Painter, Clipboard, Font and its styles. To introduce the concepts of lists, Bullets and Numberings.
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  • Users may quickly find the commands that are needed to complete a task. Ribbon Commands organized in Logical Groups, which are collected together under Tabs, wherein each tab relates to a type of activity - such as writing.
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  • RIBBON MS Office Button Its available at upper-left corner of the window and replaces the File Menu. On the click of M/S Office button, a new menu appears. The menu can be used to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, close a file etc.
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  • RIBBON Quick Access Toolbar Title Bar Title Bar shows title of current document. Quick Access Toolbar appears at top of window and places most frequently used commands and resources for easy access, irrespective of which tab of Ribbon is active.
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  • Tabs in Ribbon
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  • Page Layout Tab References Tab
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  • Mailings Tab Review Tab
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  • Tabs in Ribbon View Tab PDF Tab
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  • To create a new Document, do any of the following: 1.Click the MS-Office button and click New, or 2.Press Ctrl + N on the keyboard. Fig : On click of New
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  • To save a new Document, do any of the following: 1.Click the MS-Office button and click Save As, or 2.Press Ctrl + S on the keyboard. 3.Click the Sav e icon on Quick Access Toolbar. Fig : On click of Save As
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  • Opening a Word Document To open an existing document, either click MS- Office Button and click Open or Press Ctrl + O.
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  • To close an existing document, click MS - Office button and click Close.
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  • Click Office Button and locate file to be renamed. Right-click document name & select Rename from shortcut menu. Type new name for file and press ENTER key.
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  • Printing a Word Document Print displays the print dialog box, where user selects a printer, the no. of copies, and what pages to be printed. Quick Print prints copy of the doc. with default printing settings. Print Preview displays how the document would look if we were to print it on paper, allowing us to check its presentation and layout.
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  • Print Dialog Box Installed Printers Name Used when properties are to be changed such as paper type, effects, job storage etc. Click elements that are to be printed. Takes the control back to the doc. without printing it. Click if all pages, odd, or even pages are to be printed. If print job is to be kept in the order user created in the document when printed.
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  • HOME Tab Move to Home Tab by either clicking Home tab or pressing Alt + H. Clipboard Font Paragraph Styles Editing Its five tabs are
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  • HOME >> Clipboard In this, users may copy multiple text & graphical items from Office documents or other programs and paste them into another Office Document like an Excels sheet, ppts slide etc. Clipboard Dialog Box Launcher After all the Office programs are exited, only the last item that is copied stays on the Office Clipboard. When user exits all Office programs and restarts his computer, the Office Clipboard is cleared of all items.
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  • HOME >> Clipboard Format Painter This allows user to copy the formatting from particular text and use it within other text. a)Select the text whose format we want to copy. b)Press Ctrl + Shift + C. c)Select text whose format we want to change to the format from step(a). d)Use the keyboard arrow keys to move to the beginning or end of the text we want to change, then use the arrow keys in conjunction with the Shift key to make the actual selection. e)Press Ctrl + Shift + V.
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  • HOME >> Font Group Font Option on Word Screen.
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  • HOME >> Font Group Clear Formatting Strikethrough/ Double Strikethrough Superscript / Subscript Shadow - Clears all formatting from selection, leaving only the plain text. - Draws a line/double line through selected text. - Raises/Lowers the selected text above/below the baseline. Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the selected text.
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  • Font Wind ow on right- click of mous e
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  • HOME >> Paragraph Group The paragraph tab looks like :
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  • HOME >> Paragraph Group The paragraph tab looks like :
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  • HOME >> Paragraph Group Bullets, Numbering Multilevel List Indentation - Allows to format and organize text with numbers, bullets, or an outline. - On click of Paragraph Dialog Box
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  • HOME >> Styles Group These define the appearance of various text element in any document. One can change the look of the styles by choosing a different style set. (click on Change Styles >> Style Set ).
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  • HOME >> Editing Group These define the appearance of various text element in any document. Fig. : On click of Find and Replace
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  • HOME >> Editing Group Find Text Find what box, type the text that we want to search for Do one of the following: To find each instance of a word or phrase, click Find Next. To find all instances of a specific word or phrase at one time, click Find All, and then click Main Document.
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  • HOME >> Editing Group Find and Replace Text In Find what box, type text that we want to search for. In the Replace with box, type the replacement text. Do one of the following: To find the next occurrence of the text, click Find Next. To replace an occurrence of the text, click Replace. To replace all occurrences of the text, click Replace All.
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  • HOME >> Editing Group This command sends the insertion pointer to a specific page,section, line or to the location of a number of interesting things that Word can potentially insert in the document.
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  • HOME >> Editing Group SELECT Command Select All Select objects Select text with Similar formatting - This selects text or objects in the document. -Selects the entire document. -Allows the user to select objects that have been positioned behind the text. - Allows the user to select all the text that have similar formatting as that of selected text.
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  • Section Objectives To introduce graphics, header, footer, date and time etc. in word documents. To create links, hyperlinks in document. To work with special symbols and mathematical equations. To introduce blank pages, page breaks and cover page etc. Section 2 : The Insert Ribbon
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  • INSERT Tab Click Insert which allows these many tabs: 1.Pages 2. Tables 3. Illustrations 4.Links 5. Header & Footer 6. Text 7. Symbols 1 2 3 45 6 7
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  • INSERT >> Pages Group Cover Page Allows us to customize the look of our Word document.
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  • INSERT >> Pages Group Inserting a Cover Page Saving a cover page in Gallery - Click the Cover Page and select a design that we like. -To save our cover page for later use, select the cover page. Then click the Insert Ribbon >> Pages Section>> Cover Page>> Save Selection to Cover Page Gallery.
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  • INSERT >> Pages Group Blank Page Page Break Delete a page - Allows us to insert a blank page at the cursor position. - Starts the next page at the current position.Click Insert >> Pages >> Page Break. - To delete a blank page, select page break at the end of page and then press DELETE key.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Tables are used to display data in a table format. The operations on Table can be : Creating Table Formatting Table
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Insert Table 1)Either click Insert >> Tables and choose any of the required format. 2) Or Click Insert Table and number of rows &columns. Under AutoFit behaviour, choose an option to adjust the table size.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Draw Table User can draw a complex table of different heights or a varying number of columns per row. Click Insert >>Table>> Draw Table. The pointer changes to a pencil. Draw a rectangle to define the outer boundaries of the table, and draw column and row lines.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Convert Text to Table Select the text that we want to convert into a table format. Click Insert >> Tables >> Convert Text to Table. In the Convert Text to Table dialog box, under Separate text at, click the option for the separator character that is in our text.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Convert Table to Text Select the rows or table that we want to convert to paragraphs. Under Table Tools, on the Layout tab, in the Data group, click Convert to Text.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Create a new worksheet within a document Place the insertion point where the worksheet is to be created. Then click Insert >> Table >> Excel Spreadsheet.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Quick Tables These are stored in galleries as building blocks. User can access and reuse Quick Tables at any time. and even can save a copy of the table in the Quick Tables gallery. Click Insert >> Tables >> Quick Tables and choose the desired template.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Formatting Tables Use Table Styles to format an entire Table. Adding Table Borders. Add a cell, row, or column. Delete a cell, row, column or Table. Merge Cells. Split cells. Sorting contents of the Table. Moving or copying a Table.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Table Styles Choose table to format. A Table Tools Bar gets opened. Under Table Tools, click Design tab and choose formatting options as shown. a.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Delete rows, cols Insertion Merging Borders & Shading Alignment etc. On click of Table Move Handle, different formatting options can be seen.
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  • INSERT >> Tables Group Sorting Contents of the Table Click Table Tools >> Layout >> Data>> Sort.
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  • INSERT >> Illustrations Group This group has the following options: Picture ClipArt Shapes Smart Art Chart
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Picture Insert picture Click Insert >> Illustrations >> Picture. The Insert Picture Dialog Box gets opened. Choose the desired picture from the location.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group ClipArt is a collection of images, both line art and pictures. Adding ClipArt to Word Document Click Insert >> Illustrations >> ClipArt button. In ClipArt task Pane, in Search for box, type the description and click Go button.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Shapes Adding a shape Click Insert >> Illustrations >> Shape. Click the shape that we want, click anywhere in the document, and then drag to place the shape.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Picture Insert picture Click Insert >> Illustrations >> Picture. The Insert Picture Dialog Box gets opened. Choose the desired picture from the location.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group ClipArt is a collection of images, both line art and pictures. Adding ClipArt to Word Document Click Insert >> Illustrations >> ClipArt button. In ClipArt task Pane, in Search for box, type the description and click Go button.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Shapes Adding a shape Click Insert >> Illustrations >> Shape. Click the shape that we want, click anywhere in the document, and then drag to place the shape.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Adding Text to a Shape Delete a shape from document -Right click the shape that we want to add text to, click Add Text, and then type the text. -Click the shape we want to delete, then press DELETE. To delete multiple shapes, press CTRL while clicking shapes that are to be deleted, and then press DELETE.
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  • INSERT >> Illustrations Group 1.To automatically create drawing canvas Click MS Office Button >> Word Options >> Advanced and mark the option Automatically create drawing canvas when inserting Autoshapes and click OK. 2. Insert new Canvas Click Insert >> Illustrations >> Shapes >> New Drawing Canvas.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Add or change a shape fill Select the shape. Drawing tools appear. Under Drawing Tools, on Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Smart Art It is a collection of graphics we can utilize to organize information within our document.
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  • INSERT >>Illustrations Group Charts Different types of charts/graphs can be used to display data like inventory levels, sales, organizational changes, figures etc. Inserting Chart Click Insert >> Illustrations>> Chart. In Insert Chart Dialog Box choose chart and click OK.
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  • INSERT >> Links Group Helps user to insert hyperlinks, cross references and bookmarks so that one can quickly return to a specific part of document.
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  • INSERT >> Links Group Hyperlinks is a reference in document to an external or internal piece of information. Select the text/picture that we want to display as the hyperlink. Either click Insert >> Links >> Hyperlink or Right click the text/picture & select hyperlink.

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