Classes III (Session 2020-21)
carefully observe a picture, ask questions related to the picture.
write meaningful sentences to form a composition from the given picture. ( do
picture compositions on my own)
To See:
To Do: Pages from the Tune Into Grammar 3 Book (contd) and English Workbook 3
1. Pages 48 B and page 49 in the classroom with the teacher. (contd)
2. Page 50 A B for practice to be done at home and checked in the classroom with the
teacher. (contd)
3. Page 5 from the English Workbook to be done with the teacher in the classroom and
Page 8 from the same to be done at home for practice.
(Page -5)
What will I learn?
1) ? 2)
4) , ,
7) 8) , 9)
1) , ,
To Read and Understand &Enjoy
Page 5 of 19

Page 6 of 19


, “ !
, ?”
- -

, :

Page 7 of 19
, ,
? ,
Page 8 of 19
, ,

, -

Page 9 of 19
Page 10 of 19
Analyze rules used to write patterns.
To see
Shape Patterns
Number Patterns
A pattern is a series or sequence that repeats.
Patterns can be seen in things like colours, shapes, actions or other sequences that
repeat everywhere.
Science – Patterns in plants animals & nature.
Math – Patterns in numbers/shapes.
Sports – Rhythmic exercises.
Enjoying making patterns on this online tool:
Tilling Patterns
Shapes are put together to make patterns. This is called tilling. These shapes are fitted
neatly without leaving gaps.
Learn tables from 2 to 12
Ex 5.1 - C, D, E in textbook.
Ex 5.2 - A, B, C in textbook
Environmental Studies
Subject Enrichment Activity- Make a model of an insect on A4 size sheet using wool
/straw/clay / any waste material etc.
The students will be marked on the basis of
Creativity (1 mark),
Presentation (1 mark),
Structure of an insect (2 marks)
Upload it on Google Classroom under Subject Enrichment by 29 th
August 2020.
Chapter 11 Cooking and Eating (Reading only)
What will I read?
Eating in a Family
To Enjoy:
Q3. Difference between
Call and Song
a. Write five features which help a bird to fly.
b. Write few ways in which feathers help a bird.
Q5.Give reason
Is it right to keep the birds in a cage? Why/Why not?
Q7. Draw a well labelled diagram of any bird.
ICT Homework
1. Draw a sunset scene in Paint and upload in ICT Google classroom.
2. Read Chapter 2: Storing the computer work for the recapitulation class next week.
Page 15 of 19
What will I learn?
How to use colours?
How to create grid pattern?
To Do (in Artoons Activity Book):
Artoons page no. 8 Leaves
Artoons page no.10Dot Grid
colour it with your own choice.
Draw the dot grid pattern in the given space.
Use any medium. (oil pastels/ crayons/ pencil colours)
Page 16 of 19
(To be done in Tune into Grammar 3) contd
To Read & Understand: (Textbook-Page number) To be taken up in the class by the teacher.
Page 47 Learn (To be done in the class)
1. I am a boy.
2. She is my sister.
3. We are twins.
5. We sing and play together.
6. They speak English very well.
7. She is kind.
9. He goes to the market daily.
10. I love pizza.
Practice Page 47 (To be done in the class)
A. Replace the subjects in these sentences with personal pronouns.
1. Ram, Abdul and I go to the dance class together (We)
2. Tia plays chess (She)
3. Ankita teaches poor children in the evening. (She)
4. Ashish, Kunal and Deepak are neighbors. (They)
5. The container does not have sugar. (It)
6. Radha cannot read or write. (She)
7. Mrs Verma teaches me English. (She)
8. Tom, Aditya and I study in a boy’s school. (We)
9. Aladdin had a magical lamp. (He)
10. The children are wearing new clothes. (They)
11. The doll is my birthday gift (It)
12. Suresh did not do his homework. (He)
B. Fill in the blanks with correct personal pronouns: Page 48
1. My name is Ashmit. I am seven years old.
Page 17 of 19
2. Rajat is my classmate.Westudy together.
3. Neeru is an intelligent girl. Shecomes first in the class.
4. My father is a doctor. He treats patients.
5. My parents go to work in the morning. They return in the evening.
6. My sister and I like to play the guitar. We practice every night before going to bed.
7. This is my house. It is white in colour.
8. Sudha is my sister’s friend. They meet every day.
9. Lipee is a clever girl. She won many prizes last year.
10. Carol and her family live in Goa. They are our family friends.
11. The old man cannot walk. He moves around in a wheelchair.
12. The puppy followed me everywhere. I think it is hungry?
13. My watch has stopped working. It fell into the water.
14. Do you see that girl in the blue dress? She is my sister’s friend.
15. Mohit, Anil and I got drenched in the rain. We were on our way to school.
Learn Page 49 (To be done in the class)
Underline the personal pronouns in these sentences.
1. I saw him yesterday.
2. You gave me the message.
3. Pooja met us at the mall.
4. She brought a gift for them.
5. They were waiting for us.
6. She broke it.
8. I will bring you a coffee mug.
9. We went out with them.
10. It does not belong to me.
11. Who teaches you science?
12. He is fond of her.
Practice …Page 50 (To be done at home)
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct personal Pronouns.
1. Baby birds cannot fly. Their mother has to feed them.
2. My brother lends his bicycle to me.
3. Bingo, our pet, isn’t well. We are taking it to the vet.
4. Hi, How are you?
5. Ravi and Raja! Father is calling you.
6. Saroj is so lazy. She doesn’t study at all. No one can help her.
7. I am happy today.
8. Will you teach all of us to play chess?
9. Monkeys have long tails. They use it to hang from trees.
10. Martha is cleaning her room. She always keeps it tidy.
11. My father bought a new car for us. It is white in color.
Page 18 of 19
12. The girls played table-tennis. They play it very well.
B. Rewrite these sentences correctly. (To be done at home)
1. Lisa likes eggs. She can have them in every form.
2. I am doing my homework. Mother is helping me.
3. I did not copy from her.
4. Mrs Gupta teaches us art and craft.
5. My brother is a sportsperson. He plays cricket.
6. The vacuum cleaner was old. It broke.
7. The candies are not there. Someone has eaten them.
8. The teacher showed us a film.
9. Don’t play with matches. Give them to me.
10. Our teachers are very nice. We like them.
11. Kabir knows me very well.
12. Peter, someone is calling you.
Page 5 English Workbook ( To be done with the teacher)
This picture is about a group of boys playing football in the ground. They are four of
them. The children look happy while they play the game. There is a goalkeeper guarding
the goal. Two boys are trying to kick the football with their legs. One boy is running towards
them. The children are dressed in numbered T-shirts and shorts. Football is a very popular
game played by people across the world. Playing any outdoor game keeps us fit and
healthy. (80-90 words)
Page 8 from Workbook
This picture is about a rainy day. A man walks with an umbrella over his head as it
rains. It is raining heavily. The man is enjoying his walk in the rain.
The rain water has formed puddles on the road. A small dog looks at the man as he steps
on each puddle happily. Both walk together in the rain. The puppy gets drenched by the
drops of water as he walks with the man .(76 words)
Page 19 of 19
Q3. Difference between
Call and Song
Call Song
A single sound is called a call. A series of notes that sound musical is
called a song.
Q4. Long Q/Ans
a. Write five features which help a bird to fly.
Ans. Features that help the bird to fly:
i. They have wings with feathers attached to them.
ii. They have hollow bones filled with air.
iii. They have streamlined bodies that help them to cut air.
iv. They have strong flight muscles.
v. They have light bodies and short legs.
b. Write few ways in which feathers help a bird.
Ans. The various ways in which feathers help a bird are as follows:
i. They trap the body heat and keep the bird warm.
ii. They help birds to swim.
iii. Coloured feathers help the birds to hide from the enemies.
Q5.Give reason
Ostrich cannot fly.
Ans. Ostrich cannot fly because they have weak flight muscles and heavy bodies.
Is it right to keep the birds in a cage? Why/Why not?
Ans. No, it is not right to keep the birds in a cage because birds also like freedom just as
we do. They want to fly according to their choice.
Q7. Draw a well-labeled diagram of any bird.
Refer page no.53 of EVS Text book.

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