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MINUTES of a FULL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 09 JANUARY 2018 At Link Road Parish Council Offices - Meeting commenced at 7.15 pm


Parish Clerk Joanne Keeler


David Bard (Chairman) Kevin Cuffley

Janet Martin Brian Milnes

Kieran Cooper Rajni Padia

Ray Matthews Tony Orgee

Beck Laxton Colin Groves

Roger Richmond Mike Mallows Neil Reid Members of the Public Mr M Kerr Mr D Williams Mrs Gruby Roger Hickford Emma Fletcher Faye Holland + 7 members of public


Councillor Tony Fell - Holiday

172 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION TIME (15 minutes) Mr M Kerr asked if the Parish Council will be publishing the Illegal Encampment policy on the website. The Clerk confirmed this is already on the website under policies. As the other members of public were here for the Mill Lane application Councillor David Bard explained they will be able to speak when we get to that item.

173 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FOR THIS MEETING Councillor Neil Reid – item 177 cheque for scouts as he is a Scout leader and item 176 planning application S/4515/17/FL as he lives on Hillside and knows the applicant. Councillor Tony Orgee – Agritech application – as he is a District Councillor at Hinxton

Councillor Kevin Cuffley arrived 7.20pm 174 MINUTES OF THE FULL PARISH MEETING – 12 DECEMBER 2017

The minutes of the Full Parish held on 12 December 2017 were presented. Councillor Tony Orgee was at another Parish Council meeting. Spelling error on item 164 - Discuss

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It was proposed by Councillor Janet Martin and seconded by Councillor Rajni Padia to accept the minutes with the above amends. VOTE: 12 FOR : UNANIMOUS


Some residents have attended the meeting to put forward their objections regarding the planning application S/3873/17OL so Councillor David Bard allowed them to put forward their objections to the council. (Please see notes at the end of these minutes). Mrs Emma Fletcher of Smithsonhill and Mrs Faye Holland Founder & Director of Confinitive are both involved with the planning application S4099/17/OL. The Parish Council asked some questions regarding this application and the responses can be seen at the end of these minutes. When the committee was considering this application Councillor Tony Orgee explained stated that in his view this is a major/large application and it should be considered with the Local Plan as there maybe other sites that are better within the Local Plan and that this should be looked at in a wider context. There should be a masterplan for this whole area and not piecemeal developments that will all effect transport etc and will have a big impact on the area.

Planning Application Ref

Location SPC Comment:

S/3873/17/OL Outline planning permissions for a residential development of up to 40 dwellings with some matters reserved except for access, appearance, layout and scale at land at Mill Lane, Sawston Proposed by Councillor Brian Milnes and Seconded by Councillor Beck Laxton to object on various material considerations as attached at the end of these minutes.

Object/Do not support – comments at the end of these minutes Vote 10 For 1 abstention 2 No vote

S/4099/17/OL Outline planning application (all matters reserved) for development of an Agritech technology park comprising up to 112,000 sqm (gross) employment floorspace, supporting infrastructure, amenities and landscape works including publicly accessible informal open space, enhancements to parkland; vehicle and cycle parking; service areas; bus/cycle interchange on land west of the A1301/north of A505 and infrastructure works including new vehicular accesses, highway improvement works, pedestrian and cycle links with bridge crossings over A1301/A505 and River Cam, site re-profiling, drainage works, foul and water pumping stations and primary electricity

Support Vote 8 For 3 Against 2 No vote

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sub-station;telecommunications infrastructure and other associated works at land to the east of the A1301, south of the A505 near Hinxton and west of the A1301, north of the A505 near Whittlesford. Proposed by Councillor Kieran Cooper and Seconded by Councillor Neil Reid to Support subject to local highways, transport and footpath infrastructure improvements to be made to improve access to the site.

S/4515/17/FL Two storey side and rear extension at 10 Hillside, Sawston Proposed by Councillor Beck Laxton and Seconded by Councillor Brian Milnes to Support.

No objection/Support Vote 6 For 1 Against 3 No votes 3 Abs

S/4337/17/DC S/1387/17/LB

Discharge of conditions of planning application at Sawston Village College, New Road, Sawston. This application is for information only.


S/4444/17/AD One internally illuminated advertisement at 48A High Street, Sawston. Proposed by Councillor Brian Milnes and Seconded by Councillor Neil Reid to Support.

No objection/Support Vote 8 For 2 No votes 3 Abs

S/3898/17/DC Discharge of condition 26 (contaminated land) of planning permission S/0696/14/VC at the former Marley Building Materials Ltd, Dales Manor, Sawston Proposed by Councillor Beck Laxton and Seconded by Councillor Janet Martin to object to this until we have evidence that the measures proposed with regards to the contamination are dealt with

Object/do not support Vote 10 For 2 No votes 1 Abs


It was proposed by Councillor Kieran Cooper and seconded by Councillor Janet Martin to accept the accounts for December with the updated direct debit sheet. VOTE: 11 FOR : 1 ABS 1 NO VOTE


Councillor Rajni Padia has kindly looked into different bank accounts where we can deposit our reserve money so it is not all under one institution. There are several bank accounts giving different rates. It was discussed that we deposit £85k into different accounts so we are protected but leaving £85k in the current Cambridge Building Society account. It was proposed by Councillor Kieran Cooper and seconded by Councillor Brian Milnes that we open the suggested banks accounts to distribute our reserve money and the Chairman

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of all committees are the signatories for all the Parish Council bank accounts including the Co-op bank. VOTE: 13 FOR : UNANIMOUS

179 UPDATE ON COMMUNITY HUB The Clerk confirmed that she has had no update as yet. This was discussed and Councillor Beck Laxton asked the Clerk to write officially to County Council to ask for an update. This has been going on for months now and nothing has been communicated to the Parish Council and work has not started. The Clerk also to make it clear that we want to be represented at any meetings they have regarding the Community Hub. It was proposed by Councillor Kieran Cooper and seconded by Councillor Neil Reid to write officially to the County Council. VOTE: 12 FOR : 1 ABS


The committee discussed the hedge at Huckeridge View which needs to be replaced. At the last full parish meeting it was discussed if the hedge can be replaced with something other than a privet hedge, something that looks nicer which the Clerk has obtained recommendations and received costs from Scotsdales Garden Centre. This was discussed and Councillor Mike Mallows explained that the rest of the Cemetery is privet hedge so it would look better to keep it all the same. At the last meeting the Clerk had two quotes for the removal of 120 meters of current hedge but Councillor Mike Mallows explained that the company quoting the lowest price has since withdrawn their quote. The Clerk therefore has one quote for the removal of the hedge at a cost of £1,280.00 + vat.

It was proposed by Councillor Kevin Cuffley and seconded by Councillor Janet Martin that we get the current hedge removed at a cost of up to £1,280.00 + vat but the Clerk will try and get two other quotes and accept the lowest quote and replace with a privet hedge at a cost of up to £500.00 + vat. This work will need doing soon so the privet hedge can be planted. VOTE: 13 FOR : UNANIMOUS


This has already been discussed under item 178.

182 UPDATE ON RECENT BREAK IN AT GROUNDSTORE The Clerk explained that after the recent break in at the ground store all the tools that had been stolen have now been replaced and the alarm system was fixed. This has been reported to the police and the Clerk has a crime number and is in contact with the insurance. The door on the ground store needs to be replaced with a metal door. The Clerk and Head Groundsman worked together to get quotes for a replacement door and also quote to install metal cages within the ground store and also at Spicers garage where tools/machinery are left. This will give added security. The cost to replace the door and to install metal cages in the ground store and Spicers garage will be £5,162.00 + vat. The Clerk has contacted four companies to get quotes for the door but on all occasion has been told we would need to contact a streel fabricator which is who this quote is from.

It was proposed by Councillor Kieran Cooper and seconded by Councillor Neil Reid to get the work done but the Clerk to contact two other companies to get another two quotes then go with the cheapest. As this work needs doing quite urgently the Clerk will try and get the other two quotes by the end of this week. VOTE: 13 FOR : UNANIMOUS

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183 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE Janet thanked Brian for putting the Neighbourhood Plan minutes and notes on the website so everyone can look at them. We are hoping to confirm the next meeting date soon.


CRTB/2015/004 Notice of entry into protected period. Assets of community value regulations 2012. Notice of commencement of protected period following expiry of interim or full moratorium. - Noted

185 UPDATE BY COUNTY COUNCILLORS There was no report from the County Councillors this month as they are budget setting.


David asked for an extension of time for 5 minutes. It was proposed by Councillor Neil Reid and seconded by Councillor Kieran Cooper to have an extension of time for 5 minutes. VOTE: 13 FOR : UNANIMOUS

Councillor Tony Orgee explained there will be a public meeting about the A1307 before the end of January. Councillor Beck Laxton explained that last week a very large tree came down on the footpath to Whittlesford and thanked the Clerk and groundsmen for dealing with it so quickly as it was blocking the footpath. Councillor Beck Laxton also asked about the large sign that has recently been put up at Sawston Pizza and if permission was or should have been granted. Councillor David Bard confirmed this has been reported to SCDC and we are waiting for a response. The minutes of the Full Parish held on 12 December 2017 when the Parish Council went into camera were confirmed. It was proposed by Councillor David Bard and seconded by Councillor Kieran Cooper to Accept these minutes. VOTE: 13 FOR : UNANIMOUS

Meeting closed 9.35pm

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Sawston Parish Council Planning Application S/3873/17/OL OBJECTION Sawston Parish Council objects to this application on the following grounds: Flooding: The applicant’s Flood Risk Assessment contains a number of factual inaccuracies in relation to historic flooding of this site. For example, Para 3.6 states that ‘the site was not flooded in 1947 except possibly for some ponding on the western edge whereas archival photographs of that flood (Appendix 1) show flooding extending as far east as Town Close and Mill Lane Recreation Ground, both of which are higher than the application site. Para. 3.15 states that ‘the October 2001 event shows significant flooding on the adjacent field to the west between the site and the Bypass but not on the site’ whereas photographic evidence taken some 12h after rainfall had ceased, provided by Mr. & Mrs. Whitworth and attached to their representation, show the application site completely covered in water. Flooding at that time was also sufficient to require the closure of Mill Lane (please see press notice attached to Mr. & Mrs Whitworth’s representation). Para. 5.1.2 states that ‘British Geological Survey Mapping indicates that the bedrock geology underlying the site is chalk, with alluvium deposits of clay, silt, sand and gravel underlying the southern area of the site’. According to the most recent edition of Sheet 205 of the 1:50,000 BGS the entire site is underlain by alluvial deposits including clay and silt which clearly has implications for the permeability of the subsoil. The applicants accept that no detailed infiltration study of the site has been carried out (para 5.1.3). These factual errors and omissions in the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy raise major concerns as to the validity of the entire document and Sawston Parish Council requests that should South Cambridgeshire be minded to approve this application an independent Flood Risk Assessment should be undertaken before permission is granted. A previous application, S/2454/15/OL for 46 dwellings on this site was refused in February 2017 on a number of grounds including drainage issues and the effect on the adjacent green belt. Whilst the applicant has attempted to address some of the reasons for the previous refusal, drainage issues have not been adequately addressed for reasons stated above and neither has the impact on the adjacent green belt. Indeed, given the density of the development and its intrusion beyond the framework of the existing built up area, it is difficult to envisage how it could be. It should also be noted that this site was excluded as a Local Plan allocation during the SHLAA process due to high flood risk and an attempt by the applicants to introduce it into the Local Plan as an omission site was rejected by the Local Plan Inspector. For Information: The western curtilage of the site is bounded by awarded drain running approximately north to south (Sawston, 964). This drain continues through a right-angled bend towards the east along the southern curtilage. It is currently uncertain whether the awarded section extends beyond the bend. If this application were to be approved, a binding agreement with the applicant would be required to ensure that any sections outside the award were adequately maintained in perpetuity.

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Appendix 1; Mill Lane Recreation Ground in 1947 flood

Flooding in Town Close, 1947.

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Objections and Comments on Planning Application S/3873/17/OL (from residents) We object to the proposals on the following grounds:- 1. Apparent errors in Application Form The application form states in para. 12 that the development is NOT within 20m of a watercourse. However, it clearly is, as the Flood Risk Assessment & Sustainable Drainage Strategy refers in paras. 2.5 and 3.19 to the watercourse running along the southern and western boundaries of the site. The Form also states in para. 12 that the flood risk elsewhere will not be increased by this development, which is questionable. Building on flood plain land usually creates an extra risk of surface water flooding, despite measures to attenuate this. It should be noted that in their Flood Risk Assessment (para. 1.3), MTC make no guarantee that their proposals will not prevent site flooding or flooding elsewhere. In a development where all the houses and roads will be built slightly elevated (to reduce their immediate flood risk), who will take responsibility for any adverse flood events worsened by water displaced from this site onto neighbouring areas?

2. Cumulative effects of additional developments in Mill Lane and Common Lane overloading the local drainage channel Our bungalow is particularly low-lying and situated on the other side of the allotments to the proposed site. Unlike more recently-built properties in the area, it was not built on ‘elevated’ foundations. We therefore have a serious interest in the proposed drainage arrangements for this, and other local developments, regarding their potential impact on the surface water flood risk. The plans for 48 new homes behind 41 Mill Lane (S/1515/15/OL approved in outline) and for 10 homes off Common Lane (S/2286/16/OL awaiting approval), will all drain surface water via SUDS systems into the watercourse mentioned above. Due to the high water table in this area, this additional proposal for up to 40 homes would also be likely to need the SUDS system option indicated in the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy. This would total up to 98 homes, with their associated roads, drives and parking areas, all feeding the same drainage ditch. Are these applications’ drainage solutions being considered individually on a ‘first-come first-served basis’, or is there any overview being taken of their cumulative effect? This drain to the river Cam is currently thoroughly overgrown, does not appear to be maintained and, as such, has questionable capacity for all these proposals combined. The applicant’s name, Moatside Properties, may become most appropriate. 3. Concerns over road safety from the additional traffic from two Mill Lane developments Mill Lane is a narrow road with residents’ parked cars restricting it to single-way operation for most of its length. The footpaths next to the road are also narrow with barely enough width for two people to walk side by side. Cycling on the road is fraught with hazards due to all the parked cars. The traffic survey submitted in application S/1515/15/OL showed that 25% of the current traffic is exceeding the 30mph limit. Mill Lane will become significantly busier with traffic when the development of 48 homes behind no.41 is built. An additional 40 homes in this new proposal would only make the traffic even heavier and add another busy and potentially dangerous T-junction onto Mill Lane. The National Planning Policy Framework allows for refusal of planning permission when the cumulative traffic impacts of development are severe, and this aspect should be considered here. 4. Proposed appearance of the new housing The proposed building designs look hideous, with grey brick walls, timber cladding front doors (like a garden fence), dark zinc wall and roof cladding, and asymmetric angular high-roof profiles. These proposals are visually objectionable and totally out of keeping with the local architecture.

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FAQ prepared for Sawston Parish Council meeting 9th January 2018

regarding application S/4099/17/OL

1. How do the highway improvements relate to other plans eg A1307 upgrading, GCP Rural Hub

proposals at Whittlesford?

We have been closely monitoring and working with officers at the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP)

regarding proposals for the A1307 following on from a series of transport workshops we ran at Sawston in

2016. The outcome of these workshops was the clear suggestion of reopening up the old railway line which

is now one of the preferred routes. We have also been involved in the discussion of the potential new Park

and Ride. We believe there are clear benefits in linking Whittlesford Parkway with this new facility and our

proposals do not prejudice that. Indeed the proposed bus / cycle interchange included as part of our

application will be complementary to such proposals.

With regard to the GCP Rural Hub work, we have pushed hard and helped with a letter of support for

Whittlesford to be one of the trial hub sites. In the past our field has been considered for a car park but it is

clear now that Abellio are pursuing a larger car park on the existing facility at the station. It is however also

clear from the extensive consultation we have undertake that a quick and easy bus drop off is needed not

only for public buses but also those from other business parks. The facilities for turning and access are just

not satisfactory at the station as they stand. The proposed bus / cycle interchange involves a bus drop off

and pick up point just adjacent to the old road, 400 metres (5min walk) from the station.

The suggested proposals released by GCP 8th January 2018, albeit only an initial proposal by the GCP

consultants, involve a bus stop and overflow car park 650m west of the station. Again our proposals, which

focus more on enhancing access to the station by non-car modes would not be complementary to such a

concept should this location continue forward..

2. What is the impact assessment of the signalised crossings over the A1301 and to the MacDonald’s

roundabout? Will there be lighting and footpath improvements to the Sawston access path from

the roundabout

The proposed new signalised crossings for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrian users on the A1301 (at

Sawston and Hinxton) would be lit and would likely require localised reduction in speed limits from 50mph

to 40mph. These would be activated on demand only and are expected to have negligible impact on traffic

capacity of the A1301. A new shared-use footpath is proposed from the existing footpath at the bus stop

on London Road (south of Iconix Park), connecting to the proposed crossing, along the west side of the

A1301 and north side of the A505, to the proposed bus/cycle interchange and on to Whittlesford Parkway

Station. This would connect into existing foot/cycle paths at the McDonald’s Roundabout as well as to the

proposed foot/cycle bridge.

3. Can the bus service proposals be extended to Sawston to provide a link to Whittlesford station -

maybe a circular route?

We would hope that this would in time be the case along with a link to the new proposed Park and Ride

site being considered as part of the A1307 study. Linking the largest village in South Cambs with the railway

station is a must and we will support any proposal which comes forward.

As part of our scheme, we propose funding improvements to the Citi 7 service, to allow the route to be

extended to stop at the site and at the proposed bus/cycle interchange, which would more directly connect

Sawston to Whittlesford Parkway Station.

4. What are the proposals re the electricity network?

The electricity supply to the area was highlighted as Critical in a South Cambs report in 2013. Our project

has highlighted a much larger issue with UK Power Networks (UKPN) which now involves a complete

overhaul of the electricity supply from Burwell to the area via Fulbourn. We have worked closely with all

the local business parks, Addenbrookes, Marshall and UKPN to work on bringing in a brand new 40MKV

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supply to a new primary electricity sub-station hidden to the rear of our site. This will provide greater

resilience to the area and ensure that blackouts will not occur at the Sawston substation. It also provides a

secondary back up supply to the area which does not currently exist. UKPN are unable to pay to do this

work as it falls out of the scope of their regulator. If our project were not funding this, South Cambs or

another organisation would need to pay for this work as GCP money is not earmarked for infrastructure

other than transport.

5. What is the basis for the calculated increase in GVA?

The basis for the calculation was to use the Governments (Department for Business and Homes and

Community Agency) approved methodologies and government data for the GVA per job, both for

construction of the Park and the types of jobs expected to be created once the Park is operational. In every

case the assessment has assumed conservative estimates for the GVA generated per worker and the

additionality created in the local community through multipliers due to spending by employees and

companies. This increase in GVA has also allowed for any economic activity which would ‘leak’ outside the

area due to workers who live elsewhere or goods purchased from companies based outside the area. This

follows standard national guidelines for economic impact assessments as set out in the additionality

guidelines from the Homes and Communities Agency.

6. What sort of organisations will come to the site and what sort of technology will be developed


We have interest in the site from global organisations, universities through to small start-ups and

international companies. We also have a number of companies located in the surrounding area who have

expressed an interest in relocating to enable growth or to access the cluster of expertise on the park. This

interest is reflected in the letters of support we have for the site which can be seen within the application.

We have a Memorandum of Understanding for a 30,000 sq ft building and are working closely with the

Cambridge Sustainable Food Hub to deliver a cafe, food incubator, Cambridge Organic Food Company and

educational area.

It is however chicken and egg - we need certainty of planning before any of the companies will formally

commit. This is not inconsistent with a planning approach, for example AstraZeneca came to Cambridge 5

years after the Biomedical Campus achieved outline planning permission.

7. Job calculations – what is the number of transferred jobs and the number of actual new jobs and

what sort of jobs will these be?

Until we know who the tenants are and if they relocating to expand etc. this is difficult to answer. The

types of jobs expected will range from tractor drivers, farmers, engineers, software engineers, scientists,

crop specialists, data analysts through to bus drivers, facilities and office staff.

8. What is the impact of the extra employment on housing and other facilities (as some people will

want to settle locally)?

The assessment work undertaken, including with regard to Transport and associated infrastructure

proposals to enhance access to Whittlesford Parkway, assumes that a high proportion of employees will

not live locally to the site, in acknowledgement that people working in the area at the moment do not

generally live close to their place of work. Due to the excellent links to Waterbeach combined with the

recent addition of Cambridge North and possibly Cambridge South the site is excellently placed to link to

the new Housing growth sites.

There are also proposals being promoted by others, including the North Uttlesford Garden Village, which

would provide additional housing in the future should employees on the park wish to live closer to their

place of work.

In the context of this it is important to note that the development would be phased over a long period,

with completion not anticipated until 2030. Key transport infrastructure such as the proposed bus/cycle

interchange and bridge over the A505 / A1301 would however be delivered as part of the first phase, as set

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out within the planning application documentation. This will help instil sustainable travel patterns from the


9. Will there be unlimited access to parkland, running track, natural swimming pond for people from

Sawston? Or will there be security measures in place to constrain accesss?

We want this Park to be open access. The new cycle routes and paths will be fully open to all members of

the public. It is proposed that the leisure facilities on site will be available to the local community but

measures would be imposed through a travel plan and car park management plan to ensure that such visits

to the site are by sustainable modes e.g. public transport or cycle, supplemented by the proposals to

enhance access by such modes.

While we will need to include security measures on site such as CCTV and car number plate recognition a

key objective of the scheme is for it to benefit the existing community as far as possible.

10. Any shuttle arrangements to Sawston to generate high street business?

Specific proposals such as this would be considered further following a start on site but it is an excellent

idea that needs to link in with the GCP hub work and public transport routes which are currently being

reviewed. As a result of the planning process and significant infrastructure work required the first occupiers

are not anticipated on site for at least 2 to 3 years so we need to continually assess once planning for

individual buildings has been achieved.

Notwithstanding this, as noted above, we propose funding improvements to the Citi 7 service, to allow the

route to be extended to stop at the site and at the proposed bus/cycle interchange, which would more

directly connect the site to the centre of Sawston.

11. What are the proposals to reduce flood risk?

The surface water drainage strategy for the development is for all runoff to be returned to ground via a

number of infiltration and Sustainable Urban Drainage features. Such features would include permeable

paving with sub-base storage and below ground infiltration, infiltration trenches, roadside

swales and soakaways for roof drainage. Land has also been set aside for potential attenuation areas /

soakaways in the south west corner of the site and around the A1301 / A505 roundabout to assist in

addressing existing localised surface water flooding issues in the area should this be required. The

Environment Agency have confirmed that they have no objection to the proposals.

Also, is there any preliminary work already going on the site - a couple of people have asked about this.

We have undertaken extensive preliminary work on the site in preparation for the planning application.

This has included ecology surveys through to tree and noise surveys. Probably the most intrusive work to

date is the archaeological work which involved a full geophysical survey of the site and then a number of

trenches across the land last summer and into the early autumn after harvest.

There has however also been two fairly major works on our land by Cambridge Water (also known as Staffs

Water). Firstly an overflow pipe from the pumping station to the river via the rear of McDonalds and

secondly and more recently, a larger main has been installed as a replacement pipe, most visible parallel to

the A505 both on our land and alongside the road towards Pampisford. None of this work was undertaken

or initiated by this project but as part of Cambridge Water’s general improvement works.

On the wider Hinxton Grange Estate outside of our ownership there have recently been a number of stable blocks built and Mighton have added a new building and a surface water soakaway in the grounds of Hinxton Grange pursuant to an existing planning permission

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Sawston Parish Council


Supplier Name Description Gross

SCDC Cemetery - Rates for Cemetery £ 123.00

Chris Watson Plumbing Rec - Plumbing Work - Building Grounds & Repairs £ 129.60

SSE F&G - Office Gas £ 179.09

Murketts of Cambridge Rec - Fuel for October and November £ 187.69

Society of Local Council Clerks Staff - SLCC Membership £ 208.00

SSE Recreation - Electric for Pavillion £ 225.68

SSE Recreation - Pavillion Gas £ 277.38

SCDC Recreation - Rates for Pavillion £ 373.00

SSE Recreation - Spicers Electric £ 377.72

Came and Company F&G - Additional Insurance for new tractor £ 388.28

Fun Run F&G - Donations £ 400.00

SCDC Recreation - Rates for Mill Lane £ 405.00

Royal British Legion F&G - Donations £ 500.00

SCDC F&G - Rates for Office £ 609.00

Jackson Fire & Security UK Ltd F&G - 12 Month Fire & Security Service Contract £ 668.16

Lanham and Company Ltd F&G - Book Keeping for Month £ 682.80

S&P Services F&G - Cleaning Contract for office and Pavillions £ 700.00

CBS Automotive Rec - Work to fit immobiliser and Can Track Tracker to the new tractor

£ 909.85

Thurlow Nunn Standen Ltd Rec - Service of Ransome mower, power unit and cylinder units etc - agreed FP Sept 2017

£ 2,468.64

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