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Marta Morra 4ASC

Our children will live in a worse environment than we do

I think there is no doubt that our children will live in a worse environment than we do because of pollution the climat changes and especially the global warming. Altought the situation is so alarming we are not doing nothing to change our habits.There are several environmental problems that affect our health directly but also others that will have effects in the future.For example, some people are becoming allergic of the air that we breath because it is worse every day and this problem didn't exist some years ago. Another problem is the destruction of the rainforest which is one of the most important causes of global warming.Anyway science is advancing at an incredible speed; so, in the future, there will be more ways to improve the state of the environment, although we hadnt solved climate change yet.We can have hope in the futur but if we want our children to inherit a good world, we must change lots of things in our production, distribution and sales system. We can give our help to change this situation like using renewable energy or just making the collection. If we keep on without thinking about the effects of our actions we can't give to our children a better environment and for this reason we are the main guilties.

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