
Rule of Thirds and Composing Your Photographs

AP Photography: Project 1

Objectives The student will create photographs by

utilizing different types of compositions: rule of thirds, golden mean, symmetrical/asymmetrical, diagonal/triangle, leading lines, framing.

The student will compose images by using artistic processes and focusing on quality to refine and inform artistic vision/voice.

Visit the Kodak Website Tips and techniques for photographing

multitude of subject matter, and advanced digital photography techniques.

Click here to view the website.

Project 1: Planning Your Photo Compositions (36 images) After reviewing the rule of thirds and visiting

the assigned websites, you are to photograph the following subjects: Hands (such as braiding hair, holding something,

working on something) (4 images) Feet/Shoes (4 images) Geometric Shadows / Forms (4 images) Organic Forms and/or Texture (4 images) White on White / Eggs (4 images) Lines (4 images) Glass/Transparency (4 images) Remainder of photos are your choice. (8 images)

Project Examples

Project Examples

Project Examples

Project Examples

Project Examples

Project Examples

Project Examples

After you shoot: You will turn in a digital contact sheet to

receive credit. We will have a class critique on the prints to

help you determine which compositions work best in regard to the rule of thirds and how to photograph your subject with more interesting viewpoints.

Choose best four photos to digitally edit and hand in for the final project.

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