Page 1: REQUEST CHEQUE: REMAINING – BOOK NOW! BOOKING ......Matt Bromley, Educational Writer and Advisor, Bromley Education, Yorkshire 11.30 – 12.00• Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Organised by:

11th National Conference The Pupil Premium & Ofsted:

Ensuring Successful Outcomes

A SecEd & Headteacher Update conference29 March 2019The Gallery, The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT




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Page 2: REQUEST CHEQUE: REMAINING – BOOK NOW! BOOKING ......Matt Bromley, Educational Writer and Advisor, Bromley Education, Yorkshire 11.30 – 12.00• Refreshments and exhibition viewing

09.00 – 09.25 Registration, refreshments and exhibition viewing

09.25 – 09.30 Welcome and introduction Pete Henshaw, Editor, SecEd & Headteacher Update

9.30 – 10.30 KEYNOTE SESSION 1

CROSS-PHASE: Poverty-proofing your school day Luke Bramhall, School Research & Delivery Lead, Children North East

10.30 – 11.30 KEYNOTE SESSION 2

CROSS-PHASE: Why the Pupil Premium isn’t working and what we can do about it Matt Bromley, Educational Writer and Advisor, Bromley Education, Yorkshire

11.30 – 12.00 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

12.00 – 12.55 WORKSHOP SESSION 1

A. PRIMARY: Strategies, solutions and interventions for Pupil Premium students who have multiple issues Daniel Sobel, Founder, Inclusion Expert

B. PRIMARY (INFANTS): Hard to reach parents or hard to reach schools? The role of parental engagement in closing the gaps Paul Jordan, Headteacher and Claire Smith, Deputy Headteacher, Thames View Infants, Barking, East London

C. SECONDARY: A range of transferable Pupil Premium ideas & interventions Helen Everitt, Deputy Headteacher and Ryan Sallows, School Business Manager, Oriel High School, Crawley

D. SECONDARY: High-quality teaching and learning across the EBacc subjects Pete Nicholls, Assistant Headteacher, Wright Robinson College, Manchester

E. SECONDARY: Raising aspiration and boosting literacy Jo Moody and Liam Muir, Raising Aspirations Lead, Grove Academy, Hartlepool

12.55 – 13.40 Lunch and exhibition viewing

13.40 – 14.35 WORKSHOP SESSION 2

A. PRIMARY: Leadership of the Pupil Premium Stephen Holden, Headteacher, Tottington Primary School

B. PRIMARY: A range of specific Pupil Premium interventions Helen P Frostick, National Leader of Education & Headteacher, St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School, Richmond, London

11th National Conference The Pupil Premium & Ofsted:

Ensuring Successful Outcomes29 March 2019, The Gallery, The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT

Objectives:With school funding under huge pressure and strong accountability in place, it is vital to maximise the potential of your Pupil Premium Grant and to show detailed evaluation, clear value for money and high impact.

Join our expert speakers to discuss classroom and school-wide interventions, strategies and practice that can make this a reality for your school.

This one-day conference will provide you with:

• A keynote session focused on ‘poverty-proofing’ the school day to remove barriers experienced by disadvantaged children

• A keynote session offering ideas for interventions and changes in practice to overcome flaws in the national Pupil Premium policy

• An opportunity to hear and explore the latest information and advice on Pupil Premium best practice including phase-specific school-based case studies of good and developing practice

• Examination into the extent that parental engagement contributes to success and examples of how to involve hard to reach parents

• Insight into the needs of Pupil Premium Plus students and the role of the designated teacher in accordance to the statutory guidance for looked-after children

• A focus on the need for senior leadership teams to create the right ethos and culture to enable staff to go above and beyond for Pupil Premium students

• An understanding of the importance of offering enrichment activities and a knowledge-rich curriculum to help pupils develop essential cultural capital

• Practical advice on overcoming challenges in raising aspirations and boosting literacy on both a classroom and whole-school level

• Interactive workshops involving schools from across the range of Pupil Premium income and led by teachers, school leaders and educationalists based on work in and with schools across the country

• A forum to meet, network and share ideas with colleagues from other schools

Details on current thinking and best practice including:

1. Interventions for Pupil Premium students who have multiple issues

2. The role of parental engagement in closing the attainment gap

3. Tracking progress over time to improve quality of teaching in core/EBacc subjects

4. Raising aspirations by creating links with local universities, colleges and businesses

5. Boosting literacy through a focus on reading and the use of ICT.

6. Ensuring the senior leadership team create an effective Pupil Premium culture

7. The use of cycling to open the door for Pupil Premium students

8. Non-confrontational approaches to modify behavior and support wellbeing for all

9. Pupil Premium interventions: What works, what doesn’t and why

10. Advocating for SEN students throughout the EHCP process

11. Case studies of both primary and secondary schools’ approaches and the lessons learned based on their experiences

Page 3: REQUEST CHEQUE: REMAINING – BOOK NOW! BOOKING ......Matt Bromley, Educational Writer and Advisor, Bromley Education, Yorkshire 11.30 – 12.00• Refreshments and exhibition viewing

96% of attendees at our previous Pupil Premium conference wanted us to arrange future Pupil Premium events

Feedback from past conferences:

Innovative and original

Lots of food for thought and ideas for supporting Pupil Premium and using

funding more creatively

A fantastic day that has given me inspiration and some brilliant ideas to trial in my school

The conference made it much clearer on how to formulate school policy, measure

impact and present for our upcoming OFSTED inspection.

Very relevant and applicable sessions all delivered in a supportive and informative way

Really good, concrete examples of best practice

Clearly delivered, very assuring and a range of extremely useful strategies for Pupil

Premium and school improvement.

Good central choice of locations

I feel inspired and ready to implement changes in our school


C. CROSS-PHASE: Using cycling to open the door for Pupil

Premium students David Buchan, Director, Bike4Health and Sean Harris, Area

Director, North of England, Ambition School Leadership

D. SECONDARY: Strategies, solutions and interventions for

Pupil Premium students who have multiple issues Daniel Sobel, Founder, Inclusion Expert

E. CROSS-PHASE: Behaviour, exclusion and the Pupil

Premium Steven Baker, Executive Headteacher, Kilgarth School, Gilbrook

School, Birkenhead

14.35 – 14.55 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

14.55 – 15.50 WORKSHOP SESSION 3

A. PRIMARY: Knowledge, enrichment and cultural capital in

the primary School Dr Paulette Osborne MBE, Headteacher, St Matthews CE Primary

School, Birmingham

B. PRIMARY: Pupil Premium Plus: looked after and adopted

children Julie Johnson, Square One Attachment

C. CROSS-PHASE: Pupil Premium culture: policies, practice

and people Nicola Marshall, Educator and Founder, Braveheart Education

D. SECONDARY: Managing behaviour, avoiding exclusion,

pastoral support & value for money Ben Morgan, Vice Principal, Burton Borough School, Shropshire

15.50 Close of conference

In-depth session summaries are available at

• Headteachers• Deputy headteachers• SLT members• Heads of year• Subject heads

• SEN professionals• Classroom teachers• Pupil Premium coordinators• Local authorities• Education advisors

This day is designed for:

Page 4: REQUEST CHEQUE: REMAINING – BOOK NOW! BOOKING ......Matt Bromley, Educational Writer and Advisor, Bromley Education, Yorkshire 11.30 – 12.00• Refreshments and exhibition viewing


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For more information, visit or telephone +44 (0)207 501 6761 email: [email protected]

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¨ Invoice Requesting an invoice and signing this form will secure your place at the conference. All invoices must be paid in full before the event. See booking condition 1.

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Conference fee includesEntrance to the conference, lunch & refreshments, full conference documentation and certificate of attendance.

Confirmation of bookingAll bookings will be confirmed by email, unless otherwise stated. Please contact us if you have not received your confirmation 5–7 days after submitting your booking.

Exhibition & SponsorshipIf you are interested in exhibiting or sponsoring this event contact: Tom Curtiss on +44 (0)207 501 6729 [email protected]

The VenueThe Gallery, The NEC, Birmingham, B40 1NT (Located on first floor of the Atrium, above Halls 7 & 8)

A map of the venue will be sent with your booking.

AccommodationOnce your booking is confirmed we will send you a list of recommended hotels.

How did you hear about the conference?¨ Direct mailing¨ Email ¨ Recommendation ¨ SecEd / HTU website ¨ Other website (please specify)

¨ Advert in Journal (please specify)

¨ Other (please specify)

Booking conditionsMA Education Ltd (The Company) accepts bookings under the following conditions:

1 Returning the signed registration form constitutes a firm booking. 2 The Company reserves the right to cancel a booking if payment

is not made six weeks prior to the conference taking place. Any outstanding payment becomes the responsibility of the signatory made on the reservation form

3 Written cancellations received six weeks prior to the conference will be accepted and a refund less a 10% administration fee will be made. After this date, no refunds can be given. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted. If written cancellation is not received six weeks prior to the conference full payment will still be due irrespective of whether the delegate attends the conference. Substitute delegates are welcome at any time.

4 MA Education Ltd reserves the right to make changes to the speakers and programmes without prior notice. Speakers approached at time of print.

5 MA Education Ltd shall not have any liability, except for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, beyond the value of the conference. Personal arrangements including travel, subsistence and accommodation relating to the conference are made by delegates at their own risk.

Full terms and conditions can be viewed at:

Value added tax; UK Customs & Excise specify that all conference participants must pay VAT at its current rate of 20%

11th National Conference The Pupil Premium & Ofsted: Ensuring Successful Outcomes

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Friday 29 March, 2019:

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DELEGATE RATES¨ Delegate Rate: £299 (plus VAT)

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