Page 1: Religions and society


There is misconception in many quarters that religions occur only in churches, mosques, shrines

or other spiritual places of gathering. They see religion and society as complete, separate entities.

While this view may appear correct on the surface, a close look at religion and society reveals

that the two are not separate at all.

A society, according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary means ‘’ people in general,

living together in community.’’ Suffice it to say that there have always been significant factors

shaping human society in which religions take eminence and continues to be a positive source of

cultural identity with a great number of communities and commonwealth, but it also contributes

to the confidential structures and the formation and mobilization of prejudice.

Nigeria as a country that encapsulates various societies is not only heterogeneous, but also

pluralistic. It is pertinent to admit here that Nigeria is not secular but multi-religions where

religions has a place in every society, because religion is acknowledged from birth till death

irrespective of the various beliefs.

However, three religions are often acknowledged, although there are more. But prominent ones

are Islam, Christianity and Traditional/African religion. In each of these religions, we can find

insight for understanding the society in which it exists, as well as in the comparison of these

religions and their relationships with society.

The Islamic religion is more than just a belief in the Qur’an and Mohammed as the prophet: it is

also a blueprint for culture. Members of Islamic communities embrace their faith as a way of life.

The Qur’an, the Muslims’ major text, consists of, in addition to spiritual instructions, specific

directions for cultural life: "The Qur’an constitutes the Muslims main reference not only for

matters spiritual but also for the mundane requirements of day to day living...serving as his

manual of prayer, code of religious ethical well-being, his guide to social behavior and daily

living..." The Qur'an gives instructions for many areas of society, including public law and

customs such as marriage laws and sacrifices, economics (with the custom of almsgiving), and

daily life, which includes prayer five times each day. Therefore, due to its explicitness regarding

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many cultural issues, the religion cannot exist merely in private life, for to be practiced fully it

must be adopted by the society and culture.

In addition to influencing culture, religion can also have a profound effect on economic changes.

In Christianity, the Catholic Church provides an example of a religion that has been

institutionalized and become a powerful economic force. Early on, the Catholic Church in Rome

had a great deal of wealth, which it used to assist other Christian communities during times of

hardship. The Catholic Church became even more influential later on, around the time of the

Reformation. There is gainsaying in admitting the fact that Christianity as a religion has a

significant influence on its adherents in the society.

African religion is the religion of our forefathers, although it is divided. This religion impacted

enough in relation to their respective societies, talking about their relevant theories; Pluralism,

communalism, negotiation, respect and the cyclic world view.

By examining these three examples: Islamic culture, Christian economics, and African religion,

we can see how intricately connected religion is with society and social change. Upon taking a

closer look, it becomes apparent that these relationships are all very similar. While these three

beliefs have distinctly different doctrines, and the manifestations of these doctrines in their

respective societies vary, the process in each case is the same. The espousal of a religious

doctrine influences the way a person views the world, and when an entire society of people adopt

the same religious beliefs, cultural, political, and economic changes are inevitable. In return,

elements of society such as geography, resources, and outside pressure also influence religious


However, the diversity in religion whereby there are as many religions as the number of ethnic

groups creates an obstacle to the effectiveness of Inter- Religions co-existence. Ironically, this

diversity is inevitable in our society. Hence, all religion must embrace dialogue and understand

one another so that the society will prosper. Religion without society cannot survive; also society

without religion will be chaos.

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