Page 1: Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 342 Port Blair, Monday, December 21, 2020 Web: dt… · 2020. 12. 21. · Mach 5 to 12. Mach represent the multiplication factor to the speed of sound, making


+C M Y K

Panchakarma therapy being done at AYUSH Hospital Junglighat

Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 342 Port Blair, Monday, December 21, 2020 Web: Rs. 3.00 Pages 4

...the Largest Circulating Daily of the Islands

Since 1920s the Oldest Daily... Light rainfall very likely over Port Blair.Maximum and Minimum temperature will bearound 30°C and 25°C respectively onMonday 21/12/ 2020.


COVID-19: Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth

Maximum Temperature (°C) of Date: 30.7Minimum Temperature (°C) of Date: 25.7Relative Humidity(%) at 0830 IST : 077Relative Humidity(%) at 1730 IST : 084Sunrise time on 21.12.2020 (in IST): 0534Sunset time on 21.12.2020 (in IST): 1701Rainfall upto 0830 hrs of date (last 24 hrs)- in mm: 000.0Rainfall upto 1730 hrs of date in mm: 000.8Rainfall (Progressive total from 1st January 20 upto0830 hrs (of date) in mm: 2841.8 mm

New Delhi, Dec. 20 Defence Minister,Shri Rajnath Singhinaugurated the advancedHypersonic Wind Tunneltest facility in Hyderabadlast evening. The state-of-the-art facility is pressurevaccum driven enclosedfree jet facility with nozzleexit of one-meter diameter.According to a defencerelease, this will simulateMach 5 to 12. Machrepresent the multiplicationfactor to the speed of sound,making India the thirdcountry after the US andRussia to have such afacility. The project is an

Defence Minister inaugurates advancedHypersonic Wind Tunnel test facility in HyderabadIndia becomes third country to have such facility

Young Scientists Lab andemphasised the need forfocussing on nextgeneration needs toaddress challenges likecyber security, space andartificial intelligence. Hyderabad-basedDRDO labs showcasedvarious indigenouslydeveloped systems andtechnologies in wideranging areas includingm i s s i l e s ,avionics systems,

indigenous development and an outcome of synergisticpartnership with Indian industries. Defence Minister visited DrAPJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex of the Defence ResearchDevelopment Organisation during his two day visit toHyderabad and asked the DRDO scientists to Make India a SuperMilitary Power. He appreciated the contributions of the DRDO

Providing citizen centricservices at doorsteps of peopleE-corner facility inaugurated at Swaraj Dweep

Port Blair, Dec. 20 In its bid toimprove andprovide cit izencentric services atthe doorsteps ofislanders, an E-corner at SwarajDweep wasinaugurated byShri SuneelA n c h i p a k a ,D e p u t yC o m m i s s i o n e r(SA), in thepresence of ShriHari Kallikkat,SDM, ShriLakshay Singhal,IAS (P) and otherOfficers of theD i s t r i c tAdministra tionand villagers. The

'Prashasan Aapke Dwaar' initiative by District AdministrationDC (SA) holds Revenue Camp Court at SwarajDweep; grievances of residents addressed

Port Blair, Dec. 20 As part of the'Prashasan Aapke Dwaar'initiative under the aegisof the DistrictAdministration, SouthAndaman, a RevenueCamp Court was held byShri Suneel Anchipaka,Deputy Commissioner(SA) in front ofVegetable Market atGovindnagar Panchayatat Swaraj Dweep. ShriHari Kallikkat, SDM,Shri Lakshay Singhal,IAS (P) and otherOfficers of the District

Administration and lineDepartments attendedthe Camp Court. During the CampCourt, many revenuematters were taken upfor consideration andappropriate instructionswere passed on to the

revenue field staff.Issues relating to cuttingof dangerous trees werealso taken up and fewcases relating to thesame were also disposedoff on the spot. Ex-PRImembers and villagershighlighted some of the

issues which includeswater supply andpendency in clearingdemarcation of land. Theresidents were assuredthat the issues related torepair of the roads willbe taken up withconcerned lineDepartments to ensurespeedy redressal. 3mutation cases were alsodisposed off by theTehsildar, Port Blair andthe same were handedover to the partiesconcerned on the spot.

Port Blair, Dec. 20 There will be a major celestial event as Planetduo Jupiter and Saturn will make a specialappearance in the western sky just after sunsettomorrow (Dec. 21). Both planets will be just 0.1degree apart from each other. It will be nearlyimpossible to tell, there is one planet or two giantsnext to each other. Such conjunctions of Jupiter &Saturn happened earlier in 1623 & 1683. We are

Ayurvedic interventions through Panchakarma treatmentUnits established by AYUSH Hospital at Port Blair,

Mayabunder & Car Nicobar brings relief to needy patientsStaff Reporter

Port Blair, Dec.20 Panchakarma Unitsestablished at Dr. R.PHospital, Mayabunder andBJR Hospital, Car Nicobarare catering to the needs ofthe people requiringtreatment for ailments suchas paralysis, arthritis, stressdisorder, skin disorder etc.With the establishment ofthese two units, peoplerequiring treatment for theabove ailments need nottravel to Port Blair to avail

which have been receivedunder National AYUSHMission. To manage the Unitsfunctioning in Dr. R PHospital, Mayabunder andBJR Hospital at Car Nicobar,the services of one male andone female therapists andMedical Officer Ayurveda(one each) are available forcatering to the needypatients. The PanchakarmaUnit provides services ofPanchakarma procedures viz.DGP A&N Islands releases maiden edition

of magazine 'Nicobar Police Diaries'

Port Blair, Dec. 20 A day-long trainingfor Medical Officersfor COVID-19Vaccination (Co-WIN)was held in A&NIslands on Dec. 18.This was the first everonline trainingimparted to all theMedical Officersacross these Islands.The training wasjointly organized by

Training for COVID-19 vaccination impartedMOs updated on latest technology for

vaccine management-electronic VaccineIntelligence Network (eVIN)

DHS/NHM, A&NAdministration withWHO and UNDP.About 30 MedicalOfficers participated

online at variousplaces in theseIslands. The trainingincluded the detailsof human resources,logistics and vaccinecold chain

Port Blair, Dec. 20 PMEGP scheme acts as a catalyst for many aspiringentrepreneurs from different parts of A&N Islands. The schemehas enabled many youngsters and women entrepreneur to setup their self employment ventures by giving them theopportunities to unleash their entrepreneurial skill. Meet onesuch entrepreneur Shri Biswajit Mondal from Urmilapur ofBakultala who is a proud owner of a bakery. On completion of graduation in Political Science, ShriBiswajit joined his father in his business of readymadegarments sale in his village itself. But there was always an

PMEGP scheme- creatingopportunities & fulfilling dreams

Youth sets up Bakery at Bakultala to cater to customers of his area

ignition inside him which keptpushing him to establish a self-

the facility. The Units havebeen established by theAYUSH Wing of the

Directorate of HealthServices, A&N StateAYUSH, the grants for

setting up of E-corner will ease inapproaching Govt. services andexpedite the entire process andthereby reducing the human madedelays. Since the District Administrationis already providing more than 29 e-certificates online, as such, the E-corner inaugurated near the Jettywould be a source of great relief tothe local people, as now they canupload the documents for grant ofvarious certificates viz., No Dues,

Staff ReporterPort Blair, Dec. 20 The Port BlairM u n i c i p a lCouncil (PBMC)in its endeavourto keep the cityspic & span is

PBMC conducts cleanliness drivesat various places in city

Nicobar, Dec. 20 Nicobar Police hasalways been veryactive andinnovative in i tspursuits , be i tsvarious communityinitiatives, sportsevents or Police kiPaathshala. In orderto showcase thegood works, bestpractices followed byNicobar Police: anhalf yearly magazineby the name of'Nicobar Police

conducting regular cleanliness drives acrossthe city apart from creating awareness amonggeneral public. The effort of PBMC has borefruit with many citizens becoming aware ofimportance of cleanliness and sanitation.

Diaries ' has beenconceptualized bythe District Police. As all the policestations/out posts arefunctioning onremote Islands and

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advanced materials andelectronic warfare. Two anti-drone technologies were alsodemonstrated by DRDO labson the occasion. (

fortunate to witness the 2020 event. The next closest will be sixty years later in 2080. Interestingly, 21st December 2020 also marks the day of Winter Solstice. Onthis night, Sun is farthest in the Southern direction and exactly overhead of thetropic of Capricorn. From this day, "Uttarayan" or the northward motion of Sunstarts. It is the longest night for the Northern Hemisphere. The day also marksthe first quarter of Moon leading to the full Moon on 30th December. The event will be visible in the sky over Port Blair. One can easily spot thevery bright Jupiter over the Saturn in the western sky just after sunset between5.30 pm and 6.30 pm (maximum visibility period), a press release from ScienceCenter, Port Blair said.

All eyes on night skyGreat conjunction of Jupiter &

Saturn at sky over Port Blair today

Page 2: Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 342 Port Blair, Monday, December 21, 2020 Web: dt… · 2020. 12. 21. · Mach 5 to 12. Mach represent the multiplication factor to the speed of sound, making



vaMeku rFkk fudksckj iz’kklu ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION

Lkfpoky;/SECRETARIAT Health Bulletin For Containment Of

(No. 265/ 20th December 2020) COVID-19 STATUS OF ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS AS ON

20.12.2020 > Status of COVID-19 Cases :

Details Upto 19th Dec. On 20th Dec. Total Confirmed Cases 4875 06 4881 Cured/Discharged from Hospital 4719 13 4732 Death 61 00 61 Active Cases 95 - 88 > Clinical Management of Cases :

Name of District Isolation Beds Available

Occupied Positive Cases Admitted

North & Middle Andaman 173 04 04 South Andaman 838 84 84 Nicobar 26 00 00 > Status of Sample and Testing for COVID 19: Total Samples sent till date 165024 Total Reports received till date 165023 Total Pending Reports 01 Rate of Testing Per Million 412558 Test Positivity Rate 2.96% >Passengers screened at VSI Airport & Haddo Wharf

Details From 25th May to 19th Dec.

On 20th Dec.


Incoming Passengers a) VSI Airport b) Haddo Wharf

71051 871

1087 00

72138 871

Outward Passengers a) VSI Airport b) Haddo Wharf

75830 928

1222 00

77052 928

>Details of passengers screened positive with flight arrival details Name of flight with No. Seat No. of Positive case Indigo (Kolkata) 6E 801 17F, 26F

Air India (Kolkata) AI 787 9A Air India (Delhi) AI 485 25D

Air Asia (Chennai) I5 7010 (Chartered)


Indigo (Chennai) 6E 188 NIL Spice Jet (Chennai) SG 442 11C Go Air (Chennai) G8 1305 NIL

* Today, 158 passengers produced RTPCR test report at Airport. >Advisory: Passengers who are seated next to these seats and one row behind and front, are requested to self-monitor themselves at home and in case of any symptoms like fever, cough, breathing difficulty etc. are requested to immediately contact Control Room No. 102 or 1070 for medical guidance and a dvice.

4 Daily Telegrams

Published by IP Division, Directorate of IP & T and printed by Manager, Govt. Press, Chief Editor (i/c): K. Biju Nair, Ph- 229217, 230201, 227201 Fax: 03192-227719 E-mail: [email protected] distribution /advertisement queries contact Manager, Govt. Press : 229465


MondayDecember 21, 2020

24x7 CONTROL ROOM NUMBERS: 240126/ 232102 / 1077/ 1070(Source: Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Health)

INTER ISLAND SECTOR:Campbell Bay, Nancowry & Car NicobarMV Coral Queen will sail for Campbell Bay via Nancowry on 21.12.2020 (Mon) at 1000 Hrsfrom Haddo Wharf and will sail for Port Blair on 23.12.2020 (Wed) at 0900 Hrs from CampbellBay via same route.MV Sentinel will sail for Car Nicobar on 22.12.2020 (Tue) at 0800 Hrs from Haddo Wharf andwill sail for Port Blair on 23.12.2020 (Wed) at 1200 Hrs from Car Nicobar.Mayabunder & DiglipurMV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Mayabunder on 24.12.2020 (Thu) at 0600 Hrs from PhoenixBay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1300 Hrs from Mayabunder.FORESHORE SECTOR :21.12.2020 (Monday)MV Bambooka will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 21.12.2020 (Mon) at 0515 Hrs from PhoenixBay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 0750 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep.MV Wandoor will sail for Shaheed Dweep on 21.12.2020 (Mon) at 0630 Hrs from PhoenixBay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 0900 Hrs from Shaheed Dweep.MV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Shaheed Dweep on 21.12.2020 (Mon) at 1000 Hrs fromPhoenix Bay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1530 Hrs from ShaheedDweep.MV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 21.12.2020 (Mon) at 1215 Hrs from ShaheedDweep Jetty and will sail back to Shaheed Dweep at 1400 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep.MV Bambooka will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 21.12.2020 (Mon) at 1100 Hrs from Phoenix BayJetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1330 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep via ShaheedDweep.MV Wandoor will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 21.12.2020 (Mon) at 1400 Hrs from Phoenix BayJetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1630 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep.22.12.2020 (Tuesday)MV Bambooka will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 22.12.2020 (Tue) at 0515 Hrs from Phoenix BayJetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 0750 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep.MV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Shaheed Dweep on 22.12.2020 (Tue) at 0630 Hrs from PhoenixBay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 0900 Hrs from Shaheed Dweep.MV Wandoor will sail for Shaheed Dweep on 22.12.2020 (Tue) at 1000 Hrs from PhoenixBay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1530 Hrs from Shaheed Dweep.MV Wandoor will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 22.12.2020 (Tue) at 1215 Hrs from ShaheedDweep Jetty and will sail back to Shaheed Dweep at 1400 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep.MV Bambooka will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 22.12.2020 (Tue) at 1100 Hrs from Phoenix BayJetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1330 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep via ShaheedDweep.MV Rani Lakshmi will sail for Swaraj Dweep on 22.12.2020 (Tue) at 1400 Hrs from PhoenixBay Jetty and will sail for Port Blair on the same day at 1630 Hrs from Swaraj Dweep.



New Delhi, Dec. 20 Sports Ministry hasapproved theinclusion of fourIndigenous Games tobe a part of KheloIndia Youth Games2021, scheduled totake place in Haryana.The games includeGatka, Kalaripayattu,Thang-Ta andM a l l a k h a m b a .Speaking about thedecision, UnionMinister of YouthAffairs and Sports,Shri Kiren Rijiju said,"India has a richheritage ofindigenous sports,and it is a priority forthe Sports Ministry topreserve, promote and

Major thrust to indigenous gamesYoga, Gatka, Kalaripayattu, Thang-Ta &

Mallakhamba to be part of Khelo India YouthGames 2021

popularise thesegames". The Ministerfurther said, "There isno better platformthan the Khelo IndiaGames where athletesof these games cancompete. The gameshave huge popularityand is telecast acrossthe country by StarSports, so I amconfident that in the

2021 Khelo IndiaYouth Games thesefour disciplines,along with Yogasana,will get their muchdeserved attentionamong sportsenthusiasts and youthof the country. In thecoming years we willbe able to add moreindigenous sports atthe Khelo Games".(Source:

Madrid, Dec. 20 Star Argentinefootballer LionelMessi has equalledBrazilian legendPele's record of 643goals for a single clubby scoring forBarcelona againstValencia. Messi hasachieved the feat in aSpanish league matchwhere both the teamsended in a 2-2 draw

Football: Lionel Messi equals Brazilian legendPele's record of 643 goals for a single club

yesterday. Football legendPele scored 643 goalsin 665 competitivegames for Brazilian

club Santos between1956 and 1974 whileMessi needed 748matches from 2005 to2020 to reach the tally.

Non-Encumbrance, Valuation, LocalCertificate, Income Certificate etc. from theE-corner. Final receipt of the same can betaken from the E-corner itself, which willadd transparency and also reduce the travelcost by local people to Port Blair for availingthe service, which was earlier consumingtheir time and hard earned money, a pressrelease from DC (SA) said.

Providing citizen centric services...(Contd. from page 1)

Further, various certificates viz., Old Age and Widow PensionCertificate, No Dues, Valuation Certificate, Destitute Women, LocalCertificate, OBC and Islander Cards were issued during the camp court.The gathering was informed that the revenue field staff are fullycommitted to serve the general public and as such, issues, if any maybe brought immediately to the notice of the District Administrationfor its redressal at the earliest. The Ex-PRI members thanked the District Administration fororganising such Revenue Camp at the grass root level and its effortsto address the core issues. The Revenue field staff were asked to followup on all the matters those were placed before the Revenue CampCourt and also directions were given to the Tehsildar, Port Blair todepute a survey team for clearing the pending demarcation cases. The DC (SA) alongwith the officials also visited Primary HealthCentre at Swaraj Dweep and interacted with the doctors, patients.He also reviewed the isolation facilities, availability of medicines,staff and the surveillance activities being carried out, a press releasefrom DC (SA) said.

DC (SA) holds Revenue Camp Court at Swaraj Dweep; ...(Contd. from page 1)

employment venture. He undertook a market survey to discover the demands of the peopleof his village which could also profit him. On analysis, he had comeacross a point that people have to travel a long distance till Rangatfrom Bakultala just for the very purpose of buying bakery products. Atthis juncture, he was able to come out with the decision to start up abakery in Urmilapur, a village at Bakultala. He was also well aware ofthe fact that, new entrepreneurs have a harder time making decisionsas they often equate even small decisions with how it will impact thefirm and its budget. Biswajit approached the Extension Office, Industries Department,Bakultala and was provided guidance on how to take up financialsupport from a financing bank through PMEGP scheme of KVIC. Onapplication, the proposal was approved by the DLTFC meeting held atMayabunder which was subsequently forwarded to A&N State Co-operative Bank, Bakultala. He was sanctioned an amount of Rs.4,90,800/- which he invested on setting up his bakery and is successfully runningit, earning a net monthly income of Rs. 20,000.( Source: A&NIKVIB)

PMEGP scheme- creating opportunities...(Contd. from page 1)

management with regards to COVID-19 vaccine. The Medical Officers were updated about the latest technology forvaccine management named electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network(eVIN). The eVIN will be launched by January first week andthereafter the entire vaccine monitoring system management will goonline. With this, the training of the Medical Officer for Co-WIN inthe Islands has geared up for the introduction of the Co-WIN wheneverit is introduced. The training was imparted by Dr J.K Mehta, Sub Regional TeamLeader (East), WHO; Dr. Samarendra Biswas, SMO, WHO, Dr. AvijitRoy, State Nodal Officer (COVID-19), A&N Administration and Dr.Rohit Kumar, State Project Officer, UNDP. This training will followthe cascade training of ANMs for COVID-19 vaccine and eVIN, apress release from Directorate of Health Services said.

MOs updated on latest technology for vaccine...(Contd. from page 1)

Panchakarma Unit at Car Nicobar

Ayurvedic interventions through ...(Contd. from page 1)

Shirodhara, Snehan, Swadan, Basti, PindaSweda, Netra Tapan etc. on OPD basis, freeof cost.

Panchakarma is a traditional IndianAyurvedic treatment method for cleansing anddetoxification of the mind, body and thespirit. It comprises of five procedures.Panchakarma treatment comprises of the useof exotic oils and herbs obtained naturallyfrom trees, plants, and shrubs growingindigenously in the Indian sub- continentThis method of treatment is unique as itincludes preventive, curative and promotiveactions for various diseases. Apart from these two Units, a PanchakarmaUnit is also functioning at AYUSH Hospital,Junglighat.

many are devoid of any mobile or TVconnectivity, this magazine is a right stepin connecting all the units of NicobarDistrict in one thread. Good work done byone unit will motivate the others to exceland follow in their footsteps. Moreover, thismagazine also presents an opportunity toall the officers and personnel posted in theDistrict to show their creative side. The firstedition of the half yearly magazine 'NicobarPolice Diaries ' has been released byoutgoing Director General of Police, A & NIslands, Shri Dependra Pathak today in thepresence of ADGP (L&O), Shri Madhup K.Tewari, IGP (Intel.) Shri Sanjay Kumar,IGP (HQ), Shri Sanjay Jain, IPS and othersenior Officers. DGP A&N Islands appreciated the effortsof SP Nicobar, Shri Rajeev Kumar, SDPOCampbell Bay Shri Prashant Choudharyand editorial team for publishing themaiden edition of the magazine. Themagazine is bilingual and has content inboth English and Hindi. The magazine hasmany sections e.g. each police station hasbeen covered separately, visit of VIPs andsenior officers, corona warriors, performingcops, photo section covering beauty ofNicobar, articles covering various facets ofpolicing and community initiatives of thedistrict police, a press release from Dy. SP(Nicobar) said.

DGP A&N Islands releases maiden edition ..(Contd. from page 1)

Recently, the PBMC carried out cleaningof MES drain. Similar drive was alsoconducted by PBMC at Junglighat area.Meanwhile, PBMC has appealed to its citizensnot to throw garbage in the drains which leadto clogging and choking. They have also beenappealed not to litter.

PBMC conducts cleanliness drives ...(Contd. from page 1)

Page 3: Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 342 Port Blair, Monday, December 21, 2020 Web: dt… · 2020. 12. 21. · Mach 5 to 12. Mach represent the multiplication factor to the speed of sound, making


December 21, 2020Daily Telegrams ClassifiedsANDAMAN & NICOBAR UNION TERRITORY HEALTH MISSION



Email: [email protected]

Walk-in-Interview The Walk-in Interviews for below mentioned vacant posts under National Health Mission (NHM) are

scheduled to be held as per below mentioned dates, timings & venue:

Sl. No.

Name of the Post

Qualification No. of Post

Consolidated Salary (in Rs.)

Date & Time of Interview

1. Consultant Climate Change


M.Sc. Botany / M.Sc. Environmental Science 02-03 years experience in relevant field.

01 35,000/- 24.12.2020

at 10.30 AM

2. Camp Coordinator

Essential: Graduate Degree in Sociology / Social Work / Arts / Science from recognized university.

Desirable: i. One year diploma in computer.

ii. One year experience in camping. iii. Strong interest in camping Programme.

01 18,000/- 24.12.2020 at

10.30 AM

3. Accountant Essential: I. Bachelor Degree in Commerce from

recognized University. II. One year Diploma in Computer

Application. III. Tally (Accounting Package).

Desirable PG Degree in Commerce / Mathematics / Statistics / Economic from recognized University. 02 years experience in relevant filled.

01 18,000/- 28.12.2020 at

10.30 AM

4. Counsellor (DRTB)

Essential: i. Bachelors (or equivalent) Degree in

Social Work / Sociology / Psychology.

Preferential: i. Masters Degree / PG Diploma in Social

Work / Sociology / Psychology. ii. Experience in RNTCP or worked as

Counsellor. iii. Basic knowledge of computers.

01 10,500/- 29.12.2020 at

10.30 AM

5. Lab.

Technician Essential:

1. Intermediate (10+2) and Diploma or certified course in Medical Laboratory Technology or equivalent.

Preferential: 1. One year experience in RNTCP or

Sputum smear Microscopy. 2. Candidates with Higher qualification

(for example Graduates) shall be


01 16,000/- 29.12.2020

at 10.30 AM

6. Driver Essential: 1. High School Certificate. 2. Permanent Driving License of Light

Motor Vehicle

Preferential:- 1. Driving License for Heavy Vehicle. 2. Knowledge of minor / routine repair of


01 18,000/- 30.12.2020 at

10.30 AM

Registration and Verification of certificates will be done from 09.00 AM to 10.00 AM on scheduled dates. Eligible Candidates for the said post are advised to attend the walk-in Interview on the date & time mentioned above with Original & One set of photo copy of all Certificates / Testimonials in the Auditorium of Tagore Govt. College of Education (TGCE), Middle Point. No individual call letters will be issued.

Mission Director

UT Health Mission

GENERAL INFORMATION: i. The engagement will purely be on contract basis for period of 11 months from the day you sign the contract within the stipulated period as per the Offer of Appointment Letter. Any extension or renewal of appointment beyond this duration, if any, will be subject to a review on your performance and contribution in your work and an agreement on terms that must be mutually agreed upon. However this would not be construed in any manner a promise for the regular appointment under State Health Society (A & N Islands). ii. The applicant should ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility and other norms and that the particulars furnished by him / her are correct in all respect. Suppression of information would lead to disqualification at any

stage. iii. Interested candidates should be ready to work in remote / hard areas and may have to travel to remote / hard areas as and when directed / required. iv. No individual Call Letters will be issued for appearing in the interview / written examination. v. No TA / DA shall be payable for appearing in the interview. vi. The appointee is not entitled to any TA for joining the appointment. vii. The recruitment process shall be carried out in accordance with the SOPs for Covid-19 Management.

Mission Director

UT Health Mission

Andaman & Nicobar Administration


NOTIFICATIONPort Blair, dated the 25th November, 2020

No. 144/2020/ F. No. 21-53/2020/MPH.-- Whereas, the use of Aadhaar as an identity document for delivery of

services or benefits or subsidies simplifies the Government delivery processes, brings in transparency and

efficiency, and enables beneficiaries to get their entitlements directly in a convenient and seamless manner by

obviating the need to produce multiple documents to prove one's identity.

And, whereas, the Andaman & Nicobar Health Department (hereinafter referred to as the Departmen t)

administered the Andaman & Nicobar Islands Scheme for Health Insurance (ANISHI), 2015 (hereinafter referred

to as the Scheme), which was implemented through the Directorate of Health Services and whereas the scheme

has been merged with Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana after 30.06.2020 for which the

implementing agency in the UT is State Health Agency, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

And, whereas, under the Scheme, Cashless treatment worth Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs only) per patient

per illness at empanelled hospitals at mainland along with transport cost for patient and one attendant (hereinafter

referred to as the benefit) was given to the following beneficiaries (a) Patients belonging to BPL category of A &

N Islands, (b) Pensioners settled in Andaman & Nicobar Islands after retirement and their dependent family

members, (c) Permanent residents with family income of less than Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees three lakhs only) per

annum. They were to possess Islander Card, if not Voter ID and Ration Card (hereinafter referred to as the

beneficiaries), as per the Scheme guidelines.

And, whereas, the aforesaid Scheme involved recurring expenditure incurred from the UT Budget of Andaman

& Nicobar Islands.

And, Whereas, the existing beneficiaries of ANISHI Scheme vide supra shall continue to be covered under

merged Scheme Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana wherein they shall be eligible for benefits

of cashless treatment worth Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs only) per family per year at empanelled hospitals at

mainland alongwith transport cost for patient and one attendant.

And, whereas, the UT Administration shall continue to bear the expenditure towards the treatment and

transport cost of ANISHI beneficiaries in the merged Scheme of Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya


Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies,

Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Andaman & Nicobar

Administration hereby notifies the following, namely:-

1. (i) An individual eligible for receiving the benefits under the Scheme shall hereby be required to furnish proof

of possession of the Aadhaar Number or undergo Aadhaar authentication.

(ii) Any individual desirous of availing benefits under the Scheme, who does not possess the Aadhaar Number

or, has not yet enrolled for Aadhaar, shall be required to make application for Aadhaar enrolment before

registering for the Scheme provided that he is entitled to obtain Aadhaar as per section 3 of the said Act, and

such individuals shall visit any Aadhaar Enrolment Centre (list available at the Unique Identification Authority

of India (UIDAI) website to get enrolled for Aadhaar.

(iii) As per regulation 12 of the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, the Department through its

Implementing Agency, is required to offer Aadhaar enrolment facilities for the beneficiaries who are not yet

enrolled for Aadhaar and in case there is no Aadhaar Enrolment Centre located in the respective Block or Taluka

or Tehsil, the Department through its Implementing Agency shall provide Aadhaar enrolment facilities at convenient

locations in coordination with the existing Registrars of UIDAI or by becoming a UIDAI Registrar themselves:

(iv) Provided that till the time Aadhaar is assigned to the individual, benefits under the Scheme shall be given to

such individual, subject to the production of the following documents, namely:

(a) if he has enrolled, his Aadhaar Enrolment Identification Slip, and

(b) any one of the following documents, namely:

(i) Bank or Post Office Passbook with Photo; or (ii) Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card; or (iii) Passport or

(iv) Ration Card; or (v) Voter Identity Card; or (vi) MGNREGA Card; or (vii) Kisan Photo Passbook; or (viii)

Driving License issued by the Licensing Authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988); or (ix)

Certificate of Identity having photo of such person issued by a Gazetted Officer or a Tehsildar on an official letter


(v) Provided that if the beneficiary is a child and does not possess Aadhaar Card, till the time Aadhaar is

assigned to the child, the benefit under the Scheme shall be given to such children subject to production of the

following documents, namely:

(a) if the child has been enrolled after attaining the age of five years (with biometrics collection). His Aadhaar

Enrolment Identification Slip or of bio-metric update identification slip; and any one of the following documents,


(i) Birth Certificate; or Record of Birth issued by the appropriate authority; or School Identity Card, duly signed

by the Principal of the School, containing parent's names;

(b) if the child has not been enrolled for Aadhaar any one of the following documents as proof of relationship of

the beneficiary with the parent or legal guardian as per the extant Scheme guidelines, namely: (i) Birth Certificate;

or Record of Birth issued by the appropriate authority; (ii) Ration Card; or (iii) Pension Card; or (iv) any Government

Family Entitlement Card:

Provided further that the above documents may be checked by an officer of the State Health Agency, Andaman

& Nicobar Islands designated for that purpose.

2. In order to provide benefits to the beneficiaries under the Scheme conveniently, the Department through

its Implementing Agency shall make all the required arrangements to ensure that wide publicity through the

media shall be given to the beneficiaries to make them aware of the said requirement.

3. In all cases, where Aadhaar authentication fails due to poor biometrics of the beneficiaries or due to any other

reason, the following remedial mechanisms shall be adopted, namely:

(a) in case of poor fingerprint quality, iris scan or face authentication facility shall be adopted for authentication,

thereby the Department through its Implementing Agency shall make provisions for iris scanners or fa ce

authentication along with finger-print authentication for delivery of benefits in seamless manner;

(b) in case the biometric authentication through fingerprints or iris scan or face authentication is not successful,

wherever feasible and admissible authentication by Aadhaar One Time Password or Time-Based One-Time

Password with limited timevalidity, as the case may be, shall be offered;

(c) in all other cases where biometric or Aadhaar One Time Password or Time Based One-Time Password

authentication is not possible, benefits under the Scheme may be given on the basis of physical Aadhaar letter

whose authenticity can be verified through the Quick Response Code printed on the Aadhaar letter and the

necessary arrangement of Quick Response Code reader shall be provided at the convenient locations by the

Department through its Implementing Agency.

4. In order to ensure that no bonafide beneficiary under the Scheme is deprived of his due benefits, the concerned

Department in the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations shall follow the exception handling

mechanism as specified in the Office Memorandum of Direct Benefit Transfer Mission Cabinet Secretariat

Government of India No. D-26011/04/2017-DBT, dated the 19th December, 2017 (available on https://

5. This Notification shall come into effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor,

Andaman & Nicobar Islands.


Assistant Secretary (Health)





WALK-IN INTERVIEW The candidates who have the required qualification may appear for

Walk-in Interview for engaging Field Assistant on contractual basis under

NABARD Project on 30.12.2020. The detailed advertisement is available

on the Institute website

Assistant Administrative Officer

TO LET 3 BHK Flat in first floor, Flat No. B-3 in Garden Gate Apartments, Near Govt. Primary School, Dollygunj with following facilities; 03 Nos. Wash Room, Modern Kitchen, Semi- furnished, 24 hrs. water supply & Security Service, Rent Rs. 25,000/- per month. Mobile No. 9434281323, 9933227335 & 9933275355

VACANCY Only the OBC Candidates want job very urgently, having low educational qualification are most welcome, Posts: 08 (Supporting Staff & Field Executive), Qualification: 10th onwards, Salary: 10,000/- + Incentive. Freshers and female candidates got the first preference. For the further details Call:

8900957746, 9476086312

LET OUT SHOP Godown, Office near Andaman Aluminium, Junglighat.

Contact Ph. 7063963691

TO LET RCC Room available for Office/ Tuition Centre/ Tailoring Shop/ Godown at main road side, Wimberlygunj Junction opp. to PHT Office.

Contact: 9476095198

FOR REPAIR All Colour TV, LCD, LED, TFT Monitor, Set Top Box, E.T.C., (Ganga Electronic, Garacharma). Contact: 9933261960 / 9531809120

Page 4: Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 342 Port Blair, Monday, December 21, 2020 Web: dt… · 2020. 12. 21. · Mach 5 to 12. Mach represent the multiplication factor to the speed of sound, making


December 21, 2020 3 Shipping : 245555

Women : 1091

Children : 1098

Coast Guard (Search & Rescue) : 1554

District Control Room : 1070 / 238881

Ambulance : 102

Police Control room : 100

Fire Service : 101

Coastal Security : 1093

PBMC Control Room : 245798

State control Room: 1077/234287

Extn : 328 / 231179Classifieds

Stop Global WarmingProtect future generations from the

harmful effects of global warming by

reducing emissions from power plants,

cars, factories and other sources

You too can help!!

Daily Telegrams

DISCLAIMER Readers are requested to verify and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy themselves about the veracity of an advertisement before responding to any advertisement published in this newspaper. The publisher of this newspaper, does not vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement or advertiser or for any of the advertisers products and services. The Owner, Publisher, Printer, Employees of this newspaper shall not be held responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever for any claims and/or damages/consequences for advertisements in this newspaper.

Society for Promotion of Vocational & Technical

Education [SOVTECH] Andaman & Nicobar Islands

F.No. –SOV/1-61/CSC(Feedback)/2012(Vol-4)/63 Date: 19 /12/2020

Notice Inviting Applications For Allotment of Common Service Centers

(CSCs) In A & N Islands The Member Secretary, SOVTECH cordially invites applications from

the young and energetic Youths of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for Village

Level Entrepreneurs for opening 18 Common Service Centers in these

Islands for the welfare of general public. The proposed locations for new Common Service Centers in Andaman

& Nicobar Islands are as follows:

S.No Tehsil Location Preferred CSC



Port Blair

Brooksabad Near Market

2 RGT Road Near Hostel

3 Swaraj Dweep Panchayat Building

4 Saheed Dweep Panchayat Building

5 Ferrargunj

Shoal Bay Panchayat Building

6 Brindaban Panchayat Building



Sunderghar Panchayat Building

8 Kausalyanagar Panchayat Building

9 Sabri Panchayat Building

10 Long Island Panchayat Building

11 Mayabunder

Swadeshnagar Panchayat Building

12 Mohanpur Panchayat Building

13 Diglipur Shibpur Panchayat Building

14 Car Nicobar

Sawai & Tee Top Panchayat Building

15 Arong & Kimus Panchayat Building



Katchal Panchayat Building

17 Taressa Panchayat Building

18 Kamorta Panchayat Building

The minimum essential Criteria:- 1. Candidate should be 10

th pass.

2. Basic Knowledge of Computer. 3. Should be a resident of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and belongs to the

applied Panchayat.

4. Should have Broadband / FTTH connection

Preference for CSC will be given on the following criteria: 1. Preference will be given in Panchayat/Municipal buildings.

2. Preference will be given to those prospective VLEs who are already

offering social or business to citizen services to citizens in their

localities. 3. In case, proposed CSC is not in Panchayat premises, preference will be

given to CSCs which are easily accessible and approachable to general

public especially old age/ disable persons. 4. Preference will be given to those CSCs which are already having ICT

infrastructure like Computers, Printers, Scanners, Point of Sale (PoS).

5. Preference will be given to Women Entrepreneurs.

List of Mandatory Documents to be submitted: 1. Certificate of Age Proof.

2. Certificates of Educational Qualifications.

3. 02 Photographs of the proposed premises (1 inner & 1 outer view).

4. Domicile Certificate or Islander Proof of A & N Islands. 5. Copy of ownership / tenancy document of the proposed premises

6. Copy of last paid receipt of Broadband / FTTH

The interested candidates may apply in prescribed format along with

requisite documents on or before 28th

December, 2020 to SOVETCH,

DBRAIT Campus, Dollygunj, OId Pahargaon, Port Blair – 744103. The

applications may be submitted directly to SOVTECH office/speed post

/courier. Postal or Courier delay will not be entertained. Those who had submitted applications earlier for CSC should apply

again in the prescribed format along with requisite documents.

Candidates may also download the Advertisement and Application

format from www.


Executive Officer


PUBLIC NOTICE Inviting Comments of the General Public or

Stakeholders on the Draft Recruitment Rules of Andaman

& Nicobar Police, Police Motor Transport, & Forensic

Science Laboratory. The Andaman & Nicobar Police Dept. intends to

revise/amend the Recruitment Rules for the following posts of A&N

Police (Executive Branch), Police Motor Transport(PMT), &

Forensic Science Laboratory :-

Executive Police

1. Inspector of Police


13. Constable (Bandsmen)

2. Sub- Inspector of Police


14. Constable (Bugler)

3. Sub–Inspector of Police

(Band Master)

15. Follower Cook


4. Sub- Inspector of Police


16. Follower Carpenter


5. Assistant Sub Inspector (Executive)

17. Follower Dhobi (Executive)

6. Assistant Sub Inspector


18. Follower Barber


7. Head Constable (Executive) 19. Follower


8. Head Constable (Musketry) 20. Follower Tailor


9. Head Constable (Magazine) 21. Follower Waterman Mali


10. Head Constable (Bugler) 22. Safai Karamchari


11. Head Constable (Bands Men) 23. Peon (Executive)

12. Constable (Executive)

Police Motor Transport

1. Mechanic (HC), PMT 7. Dealing Assistant (HC)

2. Fitter(HC) 8. Constable (Driver)

3. Electrician(HC) 9. Assistant Mechanic (PC)

4. Welder(HC) 10. Mechanic Helper (PC)

5. Painter(HC) 11. PC(Cleaner)

6. Store Keeper (HC) 12. Dispatch Rider (PC)

Forensic Science Laboratory

1. Senior Scientific Assistant,


2. Scientific Assistant, FSL

The draft Recruitment Rules(RRs) of the above posts are uploaded on

the website of the A&N Police Department - and A&N Administration’s website -

Comments are invited from the stakeholders on the draft

RRs, within 30 days from the dates of issue of this notice, at the

following address through registered posts/couriers/in-person/email:-

The Superintendent of Police (HQ), Police Headquarters,

Atlanta Point,

P.O. Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Pin Code:-


Email ID:- [email protected]

He/she may submit his/her representation alongwith

justification & documentary proof, failing which it will be presumed

that no one has comments in this regard. Comments received in any means after the stipulated period may not be considered while

finalizing the Recruitment Rules of above posts.


Public Relation Officer/Superintendent of Police (HQ)

Police Headquarters, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands



Expired on 21.12.2000





Inserted by: Dr. V. Alagusundaram & family


HOME SERVICE AC (Air Conditioner), Fridge, Washing Machine, Micro Oven, Car AC Gas Charge. Contact: 9474219830, 9933230883.

CONSTRUCTION All kinds of Building Plan, Design & Construction, Part Construction, Extensions, Structural Repairs, Plumbing, Leakage / Crack Treatments, Wiring, Painting, Carpentry, Repair & Fabrication, Interior Furnishings & Maintenance. M/s NEEV, 75, JN Road, Haddo, Port Blair. Contact Ph. 9733661890, 9434287520

WANTED Salesgirls – 7, Salary – Rs. 11,500/- & more.

Contact: Roops,

Aberdeen Bazaar. Ph. 9679563459


PUBLIC NOTICE In order to rationalize branches after amalgamation of Allahabad Bank with Indian Bank and to extend better customer service, competent authority of Indian Bank has decided to merge Port Blair Branch Indian Bank with Port Blair E-Allahabad Bank. The process of merger has been started and it will be completed by 24.01.2021. Customers of both branches will be able to do transactions from their respective branches till close of the business hour on 22.01.2021. From 25.01.2021 onwards all transactions will be carried out at Port Blair (eAb) branch and existing Port Blair Indian Bank will cease to exist. Schedule and details of merger is as below:

Sl. No.

Name /address of the Branch to be merged


Name/address of the Branch in which to merged


1. Port Blair Branch (IB) 2, Babu Lane Aberdeen Bazaar Port Blair South Andaman Andaman & Nicobar 744101.

P117 Port Blair Branch (eAB) Gandhi Bhavan Phoenix Bay Post Box No. 304 Port Blair South Andaman Andaman & Nicobar 744101.


It is advisable for the customers to remove their articles/goods from lockers on or before 20.01.2021 (for shifting purpose) so that articles/goods are not damaged in shifting process. Although decision of merger has been taken after

considering customer’s convenience and better location/premises. We regret for any inconvenience caused to the customer due to merger of branch. The customers are hereby requested to kindly take note of the aforesaid changes which will be effective from 25.01.2021. Date: 15.12.2020

Sd./- Branch Manager

Indian Bank Port Blair Branch (IB)


1. Sales Executive – 05 (Minimum Salary Rs. 10,000/-) 2. Data Entry Operator – 02 (Having Minimum Experience of atleast 1 year), Salary 15,000 – 20,000 3. Tailors – 03 (Minimum Salary Rs. 10,000/-) (Visit our Office with your Educational Qualification and ID’s along with 02 in No.

Photographs). For further Details Contact: Vastraanjali, 97 MG Road, Middle Point,

Port Blair- 744101. Contact Ph. 8001078787 (Between 10 am – 1 pm)

SITUATION VACANT Urgently required fresher B.Com. Student with knowledge of Tally at Port Blair.

Apply to A. Kayes & Co., Chartered Accountant, Address: 13 No. St. Jude

Shopping Centre, Meshack Complex, Port Blair. Contact No. 8981384535

5th Death Anniversary On 21.12.2020

In Ever Loving Memory of

Late Paras Ram S/o Late Tulsi Ram

R/o Pokha Dera, Mayabunder “You will be always in our hearts &


Inserted by: Shri Jagat Ram & Shri Suresh Ram (Sons), Smti. A. Beena (Daughter- in – law), Kri. J. Manju (Grand daughter), Smti. Geeta Devi (Daughter) & all family members.

1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY On 21-12-2020

“The memory of the right cons is a blessing - Proverbs 10:7” In memory of


(GTT) Education Department Abode: Sawai, C/N

DOB: 08-09-78, DOD: 21-12-2019

“You will always be remembered in our

thoughts and hearts.”

Deeply mourned by: Frank Samuel (Husband), Family and Friends.

10th Death Anniversary On 21.12.2020

In ever loving memory of our beloved Mother

Late Kunjamma George W/o Late P.K. George

R/o Phoenix Bay Died on 21.12.2010

“Those we love don’t go away, they

walk beside us every day”

Inserted by: Children & all Family Members.

10th Death Anniversary In ever loving memory of our

beloved Mother

Late Kunjamma George R/o Phoenix Bay

Died on 21/12/2010 Inserted by: Family Members

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