
Reference Books of 1985-1986: A SelectionSource: Slavic Review, Vol. 46, No. 3/4 (Autumn - Winter, 1987), pp. 665-675Published by:Stable URL: .

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Reference Books of 1985-1986: A Selection

Slavic and East European specialist librarians from the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign have chosen and reviewed some of the significant bibliographies and other reference books of the year. Annotations are signed with the reviewers' initials.'


Albanie: Une bibliographie historique. By Odile Daniel. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1985. 616 pp. 335 F. LC 86-172375.

Some 4,380 unannotated entries provide international coverage of pub- lications considered to be of research value for Albanian history. General works (arranged by form of publica- tion) on Albania are followed by cita- tions on the history of that country to 1944 (arranged by period). Locations in twenty-four libraries are supplied selec- tively. The bibliographic descriptions are only partly de visu; a number of items are taken from Library of Con- gress printed catalogs. Titles in Al- banian, Russian, Romanian, Turkish, and some other languages are given also in French translation. Locations include two libraries in Tirana (the national library and the university's History Institute library) and a number of western European libraries. There is an author index and an index to the journals cited.-AW.

Dictionary of Albanian Literature. By Robert Elsie. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1986. 170 pp. $35.00. LC 85-31693.

The paucity of English-language reference sources on Albania is some-

what alleviated by this volume, which aims to provide "the Western reader with basic information on Albanian literature from its origins to the present day" and has annotations on more than 500 Albanian writers and literature- related topics. Noted scholars, journal- ists, and publishers are included selec- tively. Name entries, arranged accord- ing to the English alphabet, include pseudonyms, major works with dates of publication and translated titles, se- lected critical works, and biographical information, such as education and place of residence. The work has a name and anonymous work index with cross references.-RB.

Fjalor Enciklopedik Shqiptar. Edited by Aleks Buda. Tirana: Akademia e Shkencave e RPSSH, 1985. 1,245 PP. This basic one-volume illustrated

encyclopedia on Albania provides a wealth of information on the history, culture, personalities, and institutions of that country. Most of the articles lack bibliographies, but many of them are signed and there is a list of con- tributors and editors at the end of the volume. Most of the biographical arti- cles are accompanied by portraits. Subjects, including personal, corporate, and geographic names not receiving separate entries, are included in the index.-LHM.

1. Robert Burger, Marianna Tax Choldin, Irina Faynzilberg, Laurence H. Miller, Dmytro M. Shtohryn, Mary Stuart, Anne Wendler.

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666 Slavic Review


Tarybq Lietuvos enciklopedija. Vilnius: Vyriausioji enciklopediji redakcija, 1985-. Vol. 1. A-gruidas. 672 pp. 9.90 rubles. Planned for four volumes, this

regional encyclopedia focuses on Soviet Lithuania and Lithuanians, for exam- ple, covering flora and fauna native to that republic and covering foreign countries only with reference to their economic and cultural relations with Lithuania or with Lithuanian emigres in those countries. Although revised and up to date, the work draws much from articles previously published in Lietuviskoji tarybine enciklopedija, 12 vols. 1976-1984; supplement, 1985, and Maz'oji lietuviskoji tarybine encikloped- ija, 3 vols. 1966-1971. Articles are fre- quently signed and some include brief bibliographies.-AW.


Bulgarskata kultura przez Vuizrazhdane- to: Bibliografiia: Bulgarska i chuzh- da knizhnina, 1878-1983. By Kru- stina Gecheva. Bilgarska akademiia na naukite. Institut za istoriia. So- fia: Izdatelstvo na Bilgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1986. xvi, 598 pp. 5.74 lv.

Publications appearing from 1878 to 1983 on Bulgarian civilization from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the establishment of an autonomous state under Ottoman suzerainty in 1878 are registered here. Coverage is inter- national with 6,190 citations in educa- tion, language and literature, science, the arts, and other aspects of cultural revival, including the national libera- tion movement and the Bulgarian Or- thodox Church's struggle for independ- ence. Included are books, book reviews, journal articles, conference proceedings, symposia, other collections, disserta- tions, and dissertation abstracts. Schol-

arly works are listed along with popu- lar works that can be used for scholarly purposes. The arrangement is by sub- ject with personal name and geograph- ical indexes.-AW.

Ivan Vazov, 1850-1921: Bio-bibliografiia. Compiled by V. Vilchev and P. Diugmedzhieva. Sofia: Narodna Biblioteka "Kiril i Metodii," 1985. Vol. 1. 763 pp. LC 86-193617.

The first volume of this bibliogra- phy lists virtually everything ever writ- ten by the renowned Bulgarian author. The second and third volumes will cov- er the critical literature on Vazov and translations of his writings published outside Bulgaria. Most of the approx- imately 4,300 citations represent indi- vidual works in various genres: prose, poetry, translations, correspondence, and criticism. The volume includes Vazov's writings in selected and col- lected works (complete contents are listed), works written jointly with other authors, and translations of his works published in Bulgaria. A biographical sketch (with an English translation) precedes the bibliographic section, which is indexed by titles, pseudonyms, personal names, geographical names, corporate bodies, and serial titles.-IF.

Opis na izdaniiata na Bu'lgarskata aka- demiia na naukite 1954-1970: Ob- shtestveni nauki. Edited by Elene Savova and Velcho Kovachev. Bil- garska akademiia na naukite. Tsentralna biblioteka. Sofia: Izda- telstvo na Bilgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1985. 863 pp. 12.94 lv. LC 86-195393. This exhaustive bibliographic rec-

ord of social sciences and humanities publications of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences lists the contents of all relevant periodical and serial publica- tions, conference proceedings, sympo- sia, and other collections issued by the

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academy. The material is arranged un- der the divisions and institutes of the academy and then chronologically with a complete personal name index and a geographical index. The 17,709 items include books, periodicals, and articles in books and periodicals. The work continues the basic bibliography of academy publications for 1869-1953 (Sofia, 1956).-LHM.

Periodika i literatura: Poreditsa ot izsle- dovaniia za literaturata v bulgar- skiia periodichen pechat (1877- 1944). Milena Tsaneva, chief edi- tor. Bilgarska akademiia na nau- kite. Institut za literatura. Vol. 1. Literaturni spisaniia i vestnitsi, smeseni spisaniia, khumoristichni izdaniia, 1877-1892. Sofia: Izdatel- stvo na Builgarskata akademiia na naukite, 1985. 1,063 pp. 14.52 lv.

This large volume initiates an am- bitious publishing project intended to survey all periodical publications in Bulgaria with significant literary con- tent from 1877 to 1944. The history and content of some seventy-seven pub- lications from the first sixteen years of that period are discussed in detail in individual essays by literary scholars. The periodicals are treated in chrono- logical order with a separate section for satirical and humorous serials. An ex- haustive index of personal names in- cludes brief biographical information that enhances the work's reference value.-LHM.


Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Lan- deskunde der Bohmischen Lander von den Anfdngen bis 1948: Publ- kationen der Jahre 1850 bis 1975. By Heinrich Jilek. Ostmitteleuropa in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, 19/I. Cologne, Vienna: Bbhlau

Verlag, 1986. Vol. 1. Nr. 1-9599. xxviii, 598 pp. This ambitious scholarly work on

the history of the Czech lands to 1948 is the crowning bibliographic accom- plishment of the late Heinrich Jilek. The majority of the 9,599 books and articles registered in the first volume are in Czech. These and other titles in Slavic and East European languages are given also in German translation. The work is designed for western, espe- cially German, historians, and German scholarship is covered most thoroughly. There is also an intentional bias toward including local history mainly for places with special relevance for Germans. The second and third vol- umes are to include law, government, military science, economic, social, reli- gious and church history, education, culture, language, literature, the arts, local history, biography, and a com- bined index to the three volumes. The first volume covers bibliographies, ref- erence works, historiography, geogra- phy, ethnology, ancillary historical dis- ciplines, and general and political his- tory.-LHM.

Cest(' spisovatele 20. stoletf: slovnikova pr'rucka. Edited by Milan Blahyn- ka. Prague: Ceskoslovensky spiso- vatel, 1985. 830 pp. Kcs 55.

Some 280 poets, prose writers, play- wrights, and critics from World War I to 1983 are included in this biographical dictionary prepared by a group at the Brno center of the Czech Academy's Department for Czech and World Litera- ture. Emphasis is placed on characteriz- ing major themes and ideological trends in the works of the authors represented, and there are no bibliographic referen- ces to secondary literature. The work includes an index of personal names and an extensive subject index that in- cludes many book titles.-MS.

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668 Slavic Review

Czechoslovakia. Compiled by David Short. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1986. 408 pp. (World Bibliographic Series, vol. 68). $55.00.

Each volume of this series is in- tended to cover the history, geography, economy, and politics of a country as well as the culture, customs, religion, and social organization of its people. This volume, consisting of 1,000 anno- tated entries for books and articles dealing with Czechoslovakia, admira- bly fulfills this function. Most of the items are in English, although some are in Czech, Slovak, and the major Euro- pean languages. Items are arranged in forty-one subject sections and within each section chronologically, with some exceptions. The entries are prefaced with an essay on Czechoslovakia and a note on the Czech and Slovak lan- guages. An extremely comprehensive index of authors, titles, and subjects provides excellent access to the con- tents.-RB.

Lexikon c'eske' literatury: osobnosti, dzla, instituce. Vladimir Forst, chief edi- tor. Prague: Academia, 1985. Vol. 1: A-G. 900 pp. Kcs 130. LC 86-193720.

Produced by the Czech Academy of Sciences, this multivolume scholarly set is planned to be five times larger than the academy's 1964 Slovnfk c'es- kych spisovatelu. In addition to broader coverage of poets and prose writers, a greater number of translators, literary critics, historians, philologists, and pub- lishers will be represented, as well as literary periodicals, societies, publish- ing houses, and other institutions and organizations. Extensive bio-biblio- graphical data are presented for writers who made their literary debut before 1945. The entry for Josef Dobrovsky is twenty-one columns long, including

seven columns of bibliography of sec- ondary literature. The history of major literary journals and newspapers is treat- ed in considerable detail. A supple- mentary volume devoted to more recent writers is planned. There is an extensive name index and an index of anonym- ous works written before 1820.-MS.

Slovnik ceske literatury 1970-1981: Bas- n[ci, prozaici, dramatici, literarni vedci a kritici publikuji'ci' v tomto obdobf. Edited by Vladimir Forst. Prague: Ceskoslovensky spisovatel, 1985. 501 pp. Kcs 55. LC 86- 107463.

The signed articles in this bio-biblio- graphical dictionary of Czech literature provide extensive coverage of literature and criticism for the decade of the nineteen seventies. In addition to lists of the author's works (including those published before 1970) the entries in- clude a brief selection of works about the author. A bibliographic supplement adds works of the same authors pub- lished in 1982 and 1983. There is an index of all book titles included in the bibliographies and a list of pseudonyms. Some 1,200 writers were identified for inclusion, but only about half that number were finally chosen for the volume.-LHM.


Guide to the Archives of the Polish Insti- tute and Sikorski Museum. Com- piled and edited by Waclaw Milew- ski, Andrzej Suchcitz, and Andrzej Gorczycki. vol. 1. London: Orbis Books, 1985. 375 pp. ?30.00. LC 86-151981.

Detailed information on 323 col- lections is presented in this guide, the first of four planned volumes. The rec- ords of the civil service, personal col-

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Reference Books of 1985-1986 669

lections, and subject collections (chiefly military and civil organizations and as- sociations) are covered in this volume. Information for each collection includes dates of coverage, extent of documents, contents, biographical notes, finding aids, references to related collections in other archives (mostly the Hoover Institution, the State Archives in War- saw, and the Pitsudski Institute), and "notes for researchers." The volume includes an overview of the history of the archives and a subject-name index.-MS.

Planowanie regionalne: Bibliografia pis'- miennictwa polskiego 1971-1980. Edited by Stefan Wrzosek and Stanislaw M. Zawadzki. Warsaw: Pan'stwowe Wydawnictwo Nauko- we, 1985. 2 vols. (Biuletyn. Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Przest- rzennego Zagospodarowanie Kraju, vol. 127). zl. 420. LC 85-237360.

Continuing two publications cov- ering 1945-1960 and 1961-1970 this bibliography of Polish books and arti- cles on all aspects of regional planning contains 5,514 entries. The arrangement is by subject with a concluding section of sixty-three regional studies bibliog- raphies and an index of authors and anonymous and collected works.-LHM.

Schrifttum iiber Ostbrandenburg, 1945- 1980.By Herbert Rister. Marburg/ Lahn: J. G. Herder-Institut, 1985. 2 vols. (Wissenschaftliche Beitrage zur Geschichte und Landeskunde Ostmitteleuropas, Nr. 123). DM 90.

This scholarly international histor- ical and area studies bibliography on the eastern part of the former Prussian province of Brandenburg cumulates and expands several bibliographies that have appeared in Zeitschriftfiir Ostforschung.

Polish as well as German sources are abundantly represented among the 8,590 entries for books (including re- views), theses, and articles. The inter- national coverage of publications on Sorbian culture and regional German culture is quite strong, and Polish cul- ture also receives extensive treatment. Polish, Sorbian, and other titles in East European languages are also rendered in German. The arrangement is by sub- ject, and volume 2 consists of three indexes (author, editor, translator, illus- trator, and anonymous title; personal name; and geographic name).-LHM.


Lirica de dragoste: Index motivic #i tipo- logic. By Sabina Ispas and Doina Truth. Institutul de Cercetari Etno- logice ?i Dialectologice (Colectia nationala de folclor). Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Soci- aliste Romania, 1985-. Vol. 1. A-C. 1985. 398 pp. Lei 42. Vol. 2. D-H. 1986. 668 pp. Lei 68. LC 86-116405.

Approximately 550 published col- lections of folk poetry, popular poetry, and songs served as the source material for this index of love motifs in the Romanian oral tradition. The motifs are arranged according to an elaborate classification scheme outlined in both Romanian and English in the first vol- ume. In each category there is an exam- ple of the motif, its source, an analysis of its use, and citations to other exam- ples of the theme. An extensive intro- duction incluides pertinent maps and is followed by a bibliography of the sources used.-AW.

Romania. Compiled by Andrea Dele- tant and Dennis Deletant. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1986. 236 pp. (World Bibliographic se- ries, vol. 59). $38.00.

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670 Slavic Review

This bibliographic guide meets the goal of this series by providing an inter- pretation of Romania "that will express its culture, its place in the world, and the qualities and background that make it unique." A brief introduction gives a concise overview of the origin, history, and twentieth century politics of Ro- mania. Books, journals, and articles are described in 31 subject categories. Within each category the arrangement is alphabetical by author (personal or corporate) or, lacking these, by title. Most of the 797 items are in English. Romanian titles are listed only when there are no equivalent works in Eng- lish, French, or German. The book includes a map of contemporary Ro- mania and a comprehensive author, title, and subject index.-RB.


Afrika: Entsiklopedicheskii spravochnik. An. A. Gromyko, chief editor. Moscow: Sovetskaia entsiklopediia, 1986. Vol. 1: A-K. 672 pp. 13.10 rubles.

This is the first volume of a pro- jected two-volume work updating an earlier Soviet guide to Africa and aimed at specialists, teachers, students, and the general public. Some articles are quite substantial, many are signed, and bibliographies often include foreign as well as Soviet literature. The encyclo- pedia has more than 2,000 illustrations, maps, and charts, many in color. The first 200 pages are devoted to a general survey of the continent, with extensive articles on various aspects of geography, history, economics, law, politics, and culture. These pages are followed by an alphabetically arranged section that is to include more than 3,500 articles on specific people, places, and events. -MTC.

Copyright in Russia and the USSR: A Selected Bibliography of Works Published in English, German, French and Russian: 1827-1983. By Serge L. Levitsky and William B. Simons. Vienna: Manzsche Verlags- und Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1985. xii, 283 pp. (Internationale Gesellschaft fur Urheberrecht e. V., vol. 61). DM 84.50. LC 85- 223256.

The volume begins with a twenty- eight-page essay by Levitsky (in Eng- lish, German, French, and Russian) outlining Soviet copyright law. This is followed by four separate bibliogra- phies compiled by Levitsky and Simons of English, German, French, and Rus- sian works, each arranged chronologi- cally. An index of names concludes the volume.-MTC.

Dictionary of Russian Abbreviations. Compiled by Edgar Scheitz. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing, 1986. 695 pp. $101.75. LC 85-12891. This comprehensive dictionary con-

tains approximately 40,000 entries, compared to the 17,700 abbreviations in the third edition (Moscow, 1983) of the Soviet Slovar' sokrashchenii russko- go iazyka. Unlike the latter work it does not indicate pronunciation and stress. This work covers all fields and historical periods but gives special at- tention to abbreviations and acronyms for Soviet political and governmental bodies and institutions of the Soviet and republic academies of sciences. Dates of cessation and commencement of corporate bodies are provided when available, and in scientific and technical etitries the SI units (Systeme Interna- tional d'Unites) of measurement are supplied following USSR standards. The body of the work is entirely in Russian. Fifty subject descriptors are used to differentiate abbreviations that

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Reference Books of 1985-1986 671

apply to more than one subject area. In spite of its steep price Schietz's dic- tionary is likely to become the standard Russian abbreviations dictionary used in the west.-RB.

Finansy, den'gi i kredit SSSR: Biblio- graficheskii ukazatel', 1976-1985 gg. Compiled by Z. E. Dremina, A. V. Golousenko, and G. M. Kli- mova; V. S. Kulikov, chief editor. Nauchnaia biblioteka Ministerstva finansov SSSR. Moscow: Finansy i statistika, 1986. 287 pp. 1.30 rubles.

This publication updates two ear- lier bibliographies of the same title cov- ering the period 1946-1975. It provides access to articles, books, and textbooks on the subjects of finance, banking, monetary policies, and credit regula- tions in the Soviet Union. The guide encompasses a broad range of sources that concentrate on both theoretical foundations and their practical applica- tions to specific areas of the Soviet economy. With the exception of 1985, which is represented only by publica- tions of "Finansy i statistika," the bib- liography comprehensively covers Rus- sian language materials published in the Soviet Union. The unannotated citations are divided into two groups: materials published in 1976-1980 and in 1980-1985. An author index is appended.-IF.

Guide to the Collections in the Hoover Institution Archives Relating to Impe- rial Russia, the Russian Revolutions and Civil War, and the First Emi- gration. Compiled by Carol A. Lea- denham. Hoover Press Bibliograph- ical Series, 68. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1986. xx, 208 pp. $18.95. LC 86-7513.

Use of related materials dispersed among several collections at Hoover

will be greatly facilitated by this detailed catalog of the rich collections on Rus- sia and the Soviet Union. The main body of the guide consists of descrip- tions of the 676 collections pertaining to Russia and the Soviet Union, ar- ranged in thirteen broad subject cate- gories. There is also an overview by the compiler of the major collections and their strengths, an alphabetical listing of the archival collection titles, and a combined subject-name-title index. The archives' subject catalog served as the basis for the index, with additional in- dexing provided for certain collections and for personal and place names. The compiler recommends using this guide in conjunction with the detailed folder registers available on site.-MS.

Kazakhskaia SSR: Kratkaia entsiklo- pediia. M. K. Kozybaev, chief edi- tor. Vol. 1. Alma-Ata: Glavnaia redaktsiia Kazakhskoi Sovetskoi entsiklopedii, 1985. 589 pp. 7.30 rubles. LC 86-188015.

The first volume of this four- volume Russian-language encyclopedia treats in considerable detail the mil- itary, political, and social history and personalities of the Kazakh republic. Except for introductory articles on Ka- zakh history and on the Kazakh Com- munist party, material is presented in alphabetical order. All entries are in Russian, except for the titles of local publications, which are given in Kazakh followed by a Russian translation. Al- though the individual articles are not accompanied by bibliographies, there is a selected bibliography at the end of the volume, along with a personal name index and a list of abbreviations. The numerous illustrations are mainly black and white.-IF.

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672 Slavic Review

Kino: Entsiklopedicheskii slovar'. S. I. Iutkevich, chief editor. Moscow: Sovetskaia entsiklopediia, 1986. 637 pp. 11.70 rubles. LC 86-202269.

This volume updates the Kinoslo- var' published in two volumes (1966, 1970) by the same publisher. Emphasis is on Soviet cinematography and per- sonalia, but numerous articles on var- ious aspects of film in other countries are also included. Some articles are signed, and a list of contributing au- thors appears at the end of the volume. Many of the entries conclude with bib- liographies; in some cases these are quite extensive and include both for- eign and Soviet titles. The work is aimed at both specialists and the gen- eral public and is enhanced by more than 900 illustrations (some in color). Following the main alphabetical part and a brief supplement are three special sections: a page listing results of the 1984 and 1985 All-Union film festivals and the 1985 Moscow International Film Festival; a glossary of more than 500 film terms in Russian, English, French, and German; and an index to the approximately 16,000 films (Soviet and foreign) mentioned in the text.


Lexikon der russischen Literatur ab 1917: Ergdnzungsband. By Wolf- gang Kasack. Munich: Sagner, 1986. 225 pp. (Arbeiten und Texte zur Slavistik, 38). This supplement to the author's

1976 bio-bibliographical dictionary con- tains entries for 114 writers not repre- sented in the earlier volume and 12 substantially revised entries, plus 29 new topical articles. Coverage is com- plete through 1985, and special empha- sis is given to third-wave emigre writ- ers. Altogether the 1976 volume and supplement contain 695 articles, of which 608 are devoted to individual

writers. As in the earlier volume, each entry in this supplement includes a selec- tive bibliography of secondary sources. There is a list of dates (mainly death dates) supplementing articles in the ear- lier volume.-MS.

Literatura shi arta Moldovei: Enchiklope- die yn 2 volume. Vol. 1. Abechedar- marinist. A. Timush, chief editor. Kishinev: Redaktsiia princhipale a Enchiklopediei Sovetiche Moldove- nesht', 1985. 438 pp. 7.60 rubles. LC 86-212895. Numerous biographical articles and

useful information on Moldavian peri- odical publications are included in this encyclopedia of Moldavian literature and art. The work has some general articles and includes entries for terms in music, dance, literature, and art. The main emphasis, however, is on Bessa- rabian, Moldavian, and Romanian cul- ture, including architectural monu- ments. There are some brief bibliogra- phies and a list of authors at the end of the volume. Articles are not signed.


Pushkin: A Concordance to the Poetry. By J. Thomas Shaw. 2 vols. x, 1,300 pp. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1985. $89.95. LC 87-672344.

Following the author's earlier con- cordances to the poetry of Batiushkov and Baratynskii, this massive concor- dance to Pushkin's complete poetry pro- vides citations to all but eleven high- frequency "function words" in Push- kin's complete poetic works (including prose works containing lyrics). Based on the sixteen-volume academy edition of Pushkin's works published between 1937 and 1949, the concordance ex- cludes only the function words, words deemed unprintable by the editors of the sixteen-volume edition, and Latin alphabet words from poems in Cyrillic.

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Reference Books of 1985-1986 673

Instances of the latter two categories are listed in the preface, along with lists of Cyrillic hyphenated words in alpha- betical and reverse alphabetical order. For each headword the total number of occurrences is given, followed by the number of lines in which the word appears. Each line of verse containing the headword is cited in order of se- quence in the sixteen-volume edition, with reference to location of the line in that edition. Detailed explanatory in- formation is provided in the preface (including a description of the compil- er's methodology). The index of poems at the end of the second volume lists title or first line arranged according to the sequence in the sixteen-volume academy edition, the first page of the poem in that edition, year of compila- tion, and information on endword rhyme and stanza form. This concord- ance is designed to be used in conjunc- tion with the Slovar' iazyka Pushkina and, of course, the sixteen-volume academy edition of Pushkin.-MS.

Research Guide to the Russian and Soviet Censuses. Edited by Ralph S. Clem. Studies in Soviet History and Society. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1986. $37.50. LC 86-47638. Access to published results of the

six censuses conducted in Russia and the Soviet Union between 1897 and 1979 will be greatly simplified by this guide. Part 1 of the guide presents eight general and topical essays by subject specialists on questions of use, data comparability, history of the censuses, and types of data available. Part 2 con- tains the index (compiled by Peter R. Craumer), which consists of a compre- hensive list and detailed description of all tables in the census volumes, a key- word cross-index providing subject ac- cess to the census data, and a list of

geographic units used in each of the censuses. The compiler has assigned descriptors to all tables lacking a suffi- ciently descriptive title; the keyword index is based on these descriptors and the table titles.-MS.

Russian Travelers to the Christian East from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century. By Theofanis G. Stavrou and Peter R. Weisensel. Colum- bus, Ohio: Slavica, 1985. li, 925 pp. $39.95. This bibliography lists more than

1,550 published books and articles on travels to the Christian East (Greece, Anatolia, the Fertile Crescent, Pales- tine, Egypt, Abyssinia, Bulgaria, Ser- bia, Montenegro, and Romania) be- tween 1106 and 1914. With few excep- tions, the items included were written by Russian nationals. The work is aimed at a broad audience in the social sciences and humanities, with emphasis on the human element; works dealing strictly with natural science are excluded, as are tourist guides. Entries, arranged chronologically, are extensively anno- tated and include biographical sketches. Users will welcome the information re- garding library locations that is includ- ed when available. A glossary of terms and a substantial index conclude the volume.-MTC.

Russko-angliiskii slovar' nauchno-tekhni- cheskoi leksiki. By B. V. Kuzne- tsov. Moscow: "Russkii iazyk," 1986, 655 pp. 6 rubles. Based on principles first devised

by the author for his Russian-English Polytechnical Dictionary (1980), this dictionary emphasizes polysemous words most likely to pose problems for the scientific translator. Definitions are amplified with usage labels and exam- ples from scientific and technical liter- ature. The use of everyday language in

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674 Slavic Review

scientific and technical contexts is also illustrated. The preface and guide to using the dictionary are in both Rus- sian and English.-RB.


Ianka Kupala i Iakub Kolas na Zakha- dze: Bibliiahrafiia. Janka Kupala and Jakub Kolas in the West: Bib- liography. Compiled by Vitaut Kipel and Zora Kipel. New York: Belaruski instytut navuki i mas- tatstva, 1985. 350 pp. (Byelorus- sian Institute of Arts and Sciences Bibliographic Series, no. 1). LC 85-71070. This is the first bibliography of

works published in the west by and about the major Belorussian writers Kupala and Kolas. Periodical articles from Czechoslovakia, Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania before World War II are covered and works by Kupala and Kolas published in Belorussia (especial- ly Minsk) are included selectively. Many of the annotated entries are devoted to translations of their works into other Slavic as well as Baltic and western European languages. Manuscripts and transcripts of Radio Liberty and other broadcasts are also included, and there is a list of events (festivals, literary evenings, and celebrations in honor of the two writers) and a name index.


Kniha Belarusi, 1517-1917: Zvodny ka- taloh. Compiled by H. Ia. Halen- chanka, T. V. Neparozhnaia, and T. K. Radzevich. Dziarzhauinaia Bibliiateka BSSR imia U. I. Lenina. Minsk: Belaruskaia savetskaia en- tsyklapedyia, 1986. 614 pp. 3.80 rubles.

This first comprehensive catalog of Belorussian publications and publica- tions in other languages on Belorussian subjects has nearly 5,000 entries repre-

senting about 7,500 items (both serials and separates) issued from 1517 to 1917 in Belorussia and other countries. The book is divided into three main parts: old Cyrillic imprints from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries; publications in Belorussian issued in the nineteenth and first part of the twentieth centuries; and Russian publications from the same period. Soviet library locations are noted for most of the items. Many entries are annotated and tables of con- tents are given for many monographs and for nearly all collective works and literary collections. There are indexes of subjects, authors, titles, and places of publication for each part, but the lack of a combined index creates some difficulty in using this comprehensive reference work.-DMS.


Adresar pisaca Jugoslavije. Edited by Gordana Granic et al. Novi Sad, Savez knjizevnika Jugoslavije, Knji- zevna zajednica Novog Sada, 1986. 852 pp. LC 86-182767. Information on 2,112 Yugoslav

poets, writers, translators, and literary critics in this useful directory is based on a survey completed in January 1986. Brief but informative descriptions are arranged alphabetically by authors' names and include date and place of birth, main areas of creative activity, titles and dates of publications, ad- dress, telephone number, and bank ac- count number.-IF.

A Bibliography of Croatian Dictionaries. By Branko Franolic. Paris: Nou- velles editions latines, 1985. 139 PP. A total of 627 monolingual, bilin-

gual, and polyglot dictionaries are de- scribed in this first comprehensive bibli- ography of dictionaries of Croatian. Entries include detailed pagination and

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Reference Books of 1985-1986 675

information on subsequent editions. Archival locations are indicated for dictionaries preserved in manuscript. There are separate author, language,

and subject indexes. Also included are several facsimile illustrations and a twenty-five-page historical overview of Croatian lexicography.-MS.

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