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M.C. Esher (1938)

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Prof. dr. ir. Berry Eggen - TU/eSummer School on Design for Interactive and Cognitive EnvironmentsKasteel de Berckt, Baarlo, The Netherlands, 1.07.2013

Now you see it - Now you don'tUser Experience Design for Everyday Life

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#books: 450 000 000 $8 billion @ box office

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Marauder’s Map

Magical Paintings

Invisibility Cloak

Wizard’s Chess

Chocolate Frogs

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What is it that makesthe objects in Harry Potter

truly Magical?

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Find Friends

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Invisible Mercedes

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The true 'magic' of the magical objects in HP does not rely on the underlying technology, but primarily stems from the experiences that are triggered and enabled by the objects.

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Now you see it- now you don't

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Knowledge Transformation


Paradigms in Economic Value CreationReon Brand, Simona Rocchi (Philips Design, 2010)

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Experience economy

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Ambient Intelligence

Electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people

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Experience Design:Insights & approaches

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#1 Designing for User Experience

An experience is considered as “a story that emerges from the dialogue of a person with his or her world through action” (Hassenzahl, 2011).

The value of interactive systems lies in their ability to support and mediate user experiences rather than in the underlying technology or the physical artifacts as such.

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#2 Understanding Basic User Needs

Experiences are worthwhile to relive, remember and communicate to others as they relate to basic human needs like autonomy, competence, relatedness (Sheldon, 2001).

Designing for user experience requires an understanding of interactive systems at all levels: form (how the system looks and interacts) and function (what the system can do) should follow from insight (why the system can help people to satisfy their needs).

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Basic User Needs: During this event I felt ...

AutonomyThat My choices were based on true interests and values.Free to do things my own way.That my choices expressed my "true self".

CompetenceThat I was succesfully completing difficult tasks and projects.That I was taking on and mastering hard challenges.Very capable in wat I did.

RelatednessA sense of cantact with people who care for me, and whom I care for.Close and connected with other people who are important to me.A strong sense of intimacy with the people I spent time with.

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#3  Seamless  integra/on  into  everyday  life

Calm technology: the periphery is informing without overburdening because people can attune to information without explicitly attending to it.

As information & communication technology becomes increasingly mature, the technology itself can, need, and will fade to the background of human activities becoming far less obtrusive than is the case today.

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TU/e - Industrial DesignUser Centered Engineering

Playful InteractionsSmart MobilityIntelligent Light Solutions...

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MS Design Expo 2013Making Big Data Useful

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Prof. dr. ir. Berry Eggen - TU/eSummer School on Design for Interactive and Cognitive EnvironmentsKasteel de Berckt, Baarlo, The Netherlands, 1.07.2013

Now you see it - Now you don'tUser Experience Design for Everyday LifePART II

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Alone together (Turkle, 2011)

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Information overload, Times Square, NYC

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Hide & Seek

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RhinocerosLayar Safari (Sander Veenhof, 2010)

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LOMAX Soundscapes (Spikman, 2010)

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Calm Technology

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Calm Technology

the periphery is informing without overburdening because people can attune to information without explicitly attending to it

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Home Radio (Eggen et al., 2003)

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Local Barometer (Gaver et al., 2010)

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Mediated Intuition (Vegt, 2008)

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Information Decoration

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Data Fountain (van Mensvoort, 2006)

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Agenda Wallpaper (Pieters, 2009)

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Light Finder (op 't Hof, 2008)

ViviLumen (Szymanska, 2011)

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LUMO (van Dijk & Mendels, 2006)

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Peripheral Interaction

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Human Attention Theory (Bakker, 2013)

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Peripheral Interaction (Bakker, 2013)

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Peripheral Interaction (Bakker, 2013)

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Now you see it - now you don't

as information & communication technology becomes increasingly mature, the technology itself can, need, will fade to the background of human activities becoming far less obtrusive than is the case today

e.g.: Weiser; Norman; Redstrom; ...; Eggen

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