Page 1: President Elect & Business Management 4Q2004 Status Report Gina L. Billings 1Q2005 National Board of Directors Meeting February 5, 2005

President Elect & Business Management

4Q2004 Status Report

Gina L. Billings

1Q2005 National Board of Directors


February 5, 2005

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Presentation Agenda

• Business Area Organization Changes• OGSM (Objectives, Goals, Strategies,

Metrics)• Program Enhancement / Announcements• Deliverables• Accomplishment• Challenges• 1Q Quarter Deliverables• Contact Information• Questions

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Organizational Structure Changes

• Selected a new marketing director Craig Settles of the Bay Area chapter Entrepreneur of Author – working on his second book

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2005 Strategic Direction (OGSM)

• Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/05

• HQ function as Core Business Office by 6/05

• Support Government Legislation by 9/05

• Support College Student Programs by 12/05

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Program Enhancements

• Created marketing material to have same look and feel in conjunction with the website

• Completed organization assessment proposal process

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Deliverable Updates

• Complete 2005 Business Area Business Plan

• Complete 2005 Business Area Budget

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• Corporate Sponsors (14 New or Renewing)• Ensured BDPA had national representation

at the CBC• Ensured BDPA has a hotel bidding RFP

covering the full needs of the conference• Completed Liability/D&O Insurance process

to ensure no laps in coverage• Visited national office (Greenbelt, MD)• Completed Website content layout• Completed RFS for organization assessment

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• Completed 2005 Business Area Plan & Budget

• Distributed Delegates Meeting minutes and adopted national bylaws

• Completed marketing material Brand Essence Career Center Business Card Membership postcard Letterhead

• Quality Assurance completed review of over 38 documents

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• Unable to staff/volunteer for staffing director position

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Next Quarters Activities

• Provide new editions of the following publications: Sponsorship portfolio (2/28/05) National Brochure (2/28/05)

• Complete Business Area SOP’s• Complete organization assessment• Identify video production team• Identify graphic designer

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Next Quarters Activities

• Participate in 1 membership drive• Target 3 corporations to participate in

membership drive• 500 corporate memberships • Discuss with 1 corporations about starting

a chapter• Promote national program to the

membership monthly: Career Center, SIP, Benefits, Membership

• Promote national programs outside of the membership monthly

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Contact Information

Gina L. BillingsNational President Elect

[email protected]


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Business Management2005 Business Plan & Budget


Gina L. Billings

1Q2005 National Board of Directors


February 5, 2005

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Presentation Agenda

Business Area Strategies

Business Area Metrics

Business Area Budget

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies• Participate in membership drives by visiting

select targeted cities• Use the membership drive event as a

presentation to a potential sponsor by inviting them to send employees to attended and learn more about BDPA

• Encourage corporations to start a chapter• Encourage corporate conference participation• Conduct a satisfaction survey to the sponsors

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies – cont’d• Support production of membership drive

material• Provide marketing support to promote

national programs listed: Career Center, College student programs,

Benefits, Membership

• QA marketing, and survey material by 2/05

• Ensure chapter leadership training program is established to sustain strong leadership within the chapters

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies – cont’d• Reach out to rejuvenating chapters by

making telephone contact with all rejuvenating chapters as least once per quarter

• Ensure the organization address the requirements of a student chapter and modify if needed

• Ensure the NEC evaluates the expectations on the chapters to secure success

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies – cont’d• Direct all business areas to develop

standard operating procedures to ensure BDPA program & services are deliverable

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

Business Area Metrics• Participate in 4 membership drives• Target 15 corporations to participate in

membership drive• 2000 corporate memberships

(1000 renewals, 700 new, 300 student)• Encourage 100 registered corporate

members participation by 8/05• Discuss with 4 corporations about starting

a chapter by 12/05

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

Business Area Metrics – cont’d• Conduct a satisfaction survey to the

sponsors by 9/05• Promote 1 national program to the

membership monthly: Career Center, SIP, Benefits, Membership

• Promote 1 national program to outside of the membership monthly

• Complete production of marketing material by 5/05

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

Business Area Metrics – cont’d• Evaluation of national expectations of a

chapter by 6/05• Review student chapter status with NEC by

5/05• Ensure leadership development training is

provided a each president’s meeting by 5/05

• Request business area’s SOP’s by 2/05• QA marketing, and survey material by


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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

• Budget request: $47K Graphic Design work Advertising

TV, web banner & hard print (magazines) Video Production

Cable channels, membership drive presentation, & program meetings

Printed Material Poster, flyers, brochures, post card, business

cards Distributed Material

Press Releases and constant contact messages

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Promote National Intiatives by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies • Completed department business plan by

12/1/05• Complete department budget by 12/1/05

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Promote National Intiatives by 12/2005

Business Area Metrics• Completed department business plan by

12/1/05• Complete department budget by 12/1/05

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Build BDPA Membership to 4700 by 12/2005

• Budget request: $0K

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HQ function as core business office

by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies • Create and submit a request for proposal

RFP for services to assess the national organization in conjunction with assessing the national HQ

• Provide necessary data is collected to ensure a complete organization assessment from all business areas and HQ office.

• Implement organization assessment’s recommendations

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HQ function as core business office

by 12/2005Business Area Metrics

• Provide necessary data needed to complete organization assessment to move department operations to HQ by 6/05.

• Present RFP to NEC by 1/05 NEC Meeting• Present assessment findings to NEC by

3/05• Support organization assessment

interviewing process by 6/05• Implement organization assessment’s

recommendations by 6/05

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HQ function as core business office

by 12/2005

• Budget request: $5K Perform organization assessment Implementation cost - unknown

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Support Government Legislation

by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies • Review and support legislative agenda by

attending select events and working with lobbyist as needed

• Participate in the CBC in Washington, DC • Build relationship with 3 congress

member as a result of attending the CBC• Promote legislative agenda quarterly• Promote CBC attendance and BDPA CBC

sponsored events• QA Legislation material as requested

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Support Government Legislation by 12/2005

Business Area Metrics• Attend legislative event 1 per quarter• Participate in the CBC in Washington, DC

on 9/05• Build relationship with 3 congress member

by 10/05 as a result of attending the CBC• Promote CBC attendance and BDPA

sponsored events by 8/05• QA Legislation material by 12/05

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Support Government Legislation

by 12/2005

• Budget request: $3K Promotional Advertising

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Support College Student Programs by 12/2005

Business Area Strategies • Provide feedback and supporting

direction for BDPA college program• Encourage corporations to sponsor 300

corporate student members• Ensure corporations to participate in the

Student Internship Program• Distribute press release created

announcing internship positions filled• Promote college track programs to

student members & potential student members

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Support College Student Programs by 12/2005

Business Area Metrics• Review 1 college program by 7/05• Encourage corporations to sponsor 300

corporate student members by 9/05• Ensure 15 corporations to participate in

the Student Internship Program by 12/05• Distribute press release announcing 20

internship positions filled by 12/05• Promote college track programs to student

members & potential student members

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Support College Student Programs by 12/2005

• Budget request: $10K Graphic Design work Advertising

hard print (magazines)

Printed Material Flyers, & business card

Distributed Material Press Releases

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Contact Information

Gina L. BillingsNational President Elect

[email protected]


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