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  • 7/27/2019 PresentIslam.pps


    How to present Islam

    Definition of Dawah:

    Invitation . . to Islam

  • 7/27/2019 PresentIslam.pps


    Is Dawah obligatory on all of us?

    Sura Asr (103)

    Most surely man

    is in loss, Except

    those who believeand do good, and

    enjoin on each

    othertruth, and

    enjoin on eachotherpatience.

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    Is Dawah obligatory on all of us?

    16:125 Invite all to the way of your

    Lord with Hikmah (wisdom) and

    beautiful preaching, and argue withthem in ways which are best . . .

    2:143 And thus We have made you a

    medium (just) nation that you may be

    the bearers of witness to the peopleand (that) the Messenger may be a

    bearer of witness to you; . . .

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    Is Dawah obligatory on all of us?

    And not alike are

    the good and the

    evil. Repel (evil)

    with what is best,when lo! he

    between whom

    and you was

    enmity would be

    as if he were a

    warm friend.

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    Is Dawah obligatory on all of us?

    Doing da'wah and

    amr bil ma'roof / nahy anil

    munkar are ways of a believerto reflect and take care of

    himself, and to travel on the

    path to His Lord.

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    We invite people to the truth. (How our

    Prophet invited others to Islam. This is where

    our duty ends and we can pray to Allah for

    their guidance. Any means of force,compulsion, or deception attached to calling

    others to the faith is against the purpose of

    da'wah and the teachings and examples of

    the prophets. We cannot use deception e.g.(provide food and lodging to refugees) and

    expect them to follow our religion out of


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    Excuses for not doing Dawah:

    I am not a scholar

    I am not religious (first I have to bereligious, then only can I work on

    others . . .) Religion is a personal thing

    Not enough time

    May lose friends or job

    I feel embarrassed

    I will do it when I am old

  • 7/27/2019 PresentIslam.pps


    Excuses for not doing Dawah cont . .

    Might get hurt (O you who believe! take care

    of your souls; he who errs cannot hur t you

    when you are on th e r ight way;to Allah is

    your return, of all (of you), so He will informyou of what you did).

    (the aya commands the mu'mineen to be

    steadfast and to take care of their

    souls/selves, and to not be affected by thosewho are misguided, and to Allah is the

    eventual destination)

  • 7/27/2019 PresentIslam.pps


    Excuses for not doing Dawah cont . .

    You mix with those who are misguided

    and you yourself will become tainted.

    You may destroy yourself in trying tosave others from destruction.

    Allah would have guided them if He

    would have wanted to.

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    For the sake of Allah

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    (non-Muslims look at people, not religion)

    Good listener

    Soft spoken and kind & gentle (never curses)

    3:159 Thus it is due to mercy from Allah that youdeal with them gently, and had you been rough,hard hearted, they would certainly havedispersed from around you;

    Never lies or breaks promises.

    Surat al-saff sura 61 verses 2-3 O you whobelieve! why do you say that which you do notdo? It is most hateful to Allah that you should saythat which you do not do.

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    Characteristics cont . .

    Good student, employer, employee,customer, citizen, husband,son/daughter



    Goes out of the way to help

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    What should you know?

    Clear concept of Tawheed (Oneness of

    Allah) and be able to explain it Able to prove Quran is a Divine Book

    Prove Oneness of Allah from Quran, Bibleand logic

    Prove the Prophet hood of ProphetMuhammad (saw)

    Able to give a clear view of Islam

    Memorize references from the Quran, Bible

    and Vedas Islamic History, World History, current

    events, statistics on moral decline of thewestern society

    Be able to prove that Islam is a guidance for

    all mankind and a complete way of life

  • 7/27/2019 PresentIslam.pps


    How do you start it?

    Pray to Allah for success

    Appearance (how you look) invites questions

    In conversation, see issues religiously

    Do/say things that invite questions:

    At prayer time, say I know have to go for


    Say As-Salaamu alaikum audibly andclearly upon meeting a fellow Muslim

    If you sneeze, say Al-Hamdu lillah audibly

    and clearly If a non-Muslim sneezes, say May Allah

    guide you

    Say Insha Allah when talking about thefuture

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    Do not those who believe knowthat, had A llah wil led, He couldhave guided all mankind?As forthose who d isbel ieve, disasterceases no t to str ike them becauseof what they do , or i t dwells neartheir home unt i l the threat of A l lahcome to pass. Lo ! Al lah fai ls not tokeep the meeting .

    This is one of the reasons why weshouldn't occupy ourselves overlymuch with the destiny of those whoare misguided.

  • 7/27/2019 PresentIslam.pps


    About da'wah in shi'a viewpoint:

    It is an important concept in shi'ism as well butit is treated differently than it is with sunnis.

    With typical sunnis, they believe that you

    have to convince someone of the truth.Some of the extremist sunnis, like thewahhabis, believe that you can even forcesomeone to accept the truth. Regarding theverse la ikraaha fi al-deen (there is nocompulsion religion), they believe it has

    been abrogated. This may explain thebehavior of the Saudi government inimposing their rigid interpretation of Islamupon their residents.

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    About da'wah in shi'a viewpoint:

    provide information

    be there as a resource

    participate at gatherings - townmeetings and interfaith discussions.

    very important point in shi'a da'wah isthat we believe hidayah, or theguidance to accept islam, is ONLYgiven by Allah (swt).

    pray to Allah to grant someonehidayah, but the actual grant is from

    Allah (swt).

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    About da'wah in shi'a viewpoint:

    many ahadeeth say that you shouldn'tget into arguments about matters offaith because its not good for yourspiritual growth.

    present a point of view, but do not beoverly hard to convince the person

    who's listening -- the truth shouldstand for itself. This applies even withour discussions with sunnis.

    The End

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