
Post Civil War Reconstructio

n Notes

Reconstruction Defined

The process which the federal government used to admit Confederate states back into the Union.

President Andrew Johnson

Became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Supported policies that were based on Lincoln’s goal of quickly accepting the Confederate states back into the Union.

When President Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act, he was impeached by the House of Representatives.

Civil War Amendments – 13th

Abolished slavery in the United States.

Civil War Amendments – 14th

States that all people born in the United States (except Native Americans on tribal land) were citizens and had equal rights and protections under the law.

Civil War Amendments – 15th

States all citizens cannot be banned from voting based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude (slavery); guaranteed that African-American men had the right to vote.

This Amendment did not include women.

Reconstruction Acts of 1867

Divided the South into five military districts.

Forty Acres and a Mule

A rumor spread among African American freedmen that they would receive 40 acres and a mule.

The rumor turned out to not be true.

Radical Republicans

Radical Republicans Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner pushed for land reform and give land to freedmen which would provide them with economic independence. Congress did not pass their plan.

Radical Republicans used the federal government’s power to create a new society in the South based on full citizenship for former slaves.

Panic of 1873After banks closed and the stock market crashed, the country went into a depression.

Results of the Panic of 1873:•banks and businesses failed and many workers lost their jobs•many farmers were unable to get their crops to market and were ruined•democrats won victories in the 1874 congressional and state elections

Compromise of 1877• Republican Rutherford Hayes became

president;• government would remove federal

troops from the South;• democrats promised to respect African-

American rights;• brought Reconstruction to an end in

the South

Freedmen’s Bureau

Set up schools and hospitals for African Americans and provided clothing, food, and fuel throughout the South.

Set up schools throughout the South to educate African-Americans recently freed from slavery.

Black Codes

Black Codes attempted to keep whites in control of

the South by limiting the

freedoms of former slaves.

Black Codes were used in the South to enforce segregation and limit the rights

of African-Americans.

Ku Klux Klan

The Ku Klux Klan used terror and violence to

keep African Americans

from exercising their rights.

Ulysses S. Grant took action against the KKK.

Economic Impacts of the Civil War

There was an increase of industry and railroad usage.

Slavery-based economy was destroyed.

New currency for the U.S. was created.

Social Impacts of the Civil War

African-Americans served in the military.

Millions of African-Americans were freed.

Women became active in nursing.

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