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  • Our beloved country
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  • This is a map of Jimboniya. To the immediate north is Southern France whereas to the North west is Italy and East is Spain. From the orange triangle to the port of st Valerie is pretty much the coastline.
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  • God keep Jimboniya is our national Anthem. It was the first ever anthem and we were so proud of it that we almost attacked Britain when they released theirs which was God save the Queen. There is a Latin piece which is always read out at the end, it goes like this: Omnis civis habet honour dignitatem reverentae. Violentia non finire violentia tantum exterdit eam. Jimboniya pro toto. It means every citizen has honour dignity and respect. Violence doesnt end violence it only extends it. Jimboniya stands for all of this.
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  • Oh, Jimboniya,Jimboniya May god keep Jimboniya Through war and through revolution May god keep Jimboniya God defend us from evil God defend us from treachery We stand with friendship We stand with glory We work together And we are a team Jimboniya, Jimboniya Oh god keep Jimboniya.
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  • The light blue on the left side of the flag symbolizes blue sky's of peace after the revolution. The red part in the middle symbolizes the lost blood during the revolution. The purple part symbolizes the adrenaline it took to overthrow the king. Also the Eagle and star are part of the coat of arms.
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  • This is the Jimboniyan coat of arms. The Eagle and star also appear on the national flag, The lightning bolts and the sun symbolizes power this was also re-done after the monarchy was overthrown.
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  • Dish, Bird and game.
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  • The national dish of Jimboniya is Mussels as large shoals of around 50,000 live around the coast. It has always been eaten in Jimboniya and they take up most of Jimboniyas exportation Costs. Mussels have been a delicacy in any Jimboniyan household every sciences they were discovers on the coastline.
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  • The National game of Jimboniya is called cone collector. You aim to hit the other team with soft balls whilst aiming to collect cones. Different coloured cones from within the opponents semicircle are worth 2 points. There is 2 semicircles and another third of the pitch between them the opponent has their base in one semicircle while you have yours in the other and you play in the middle.
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  • The national Bird of Jimboniya is an Eagle. This is because when Jimboniya was created the Eagle was the only species to stay. The Eagle was the first animal inhabitant in Jimboniya and is worshiped like a god.
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  • Here is some photos of our national animal. Eagles
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  • What religion are we.
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  • Jimboniya has many different religions, from Muslims to Jews the people have many different beliefs. It is thought that Jimboniya is mainly a Christian country and most foreign bishops agree, However some Jimbonians feel that its not and is a largely Jewish country. The truth is we dont entirely know as recent surveys showed that it is mainly Christian but it also showed that not all the population voted. The survey looked like this: This means that 80,800 people didnt vote
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  • This is a graph showing the average temperature in Johvia and the closest cities in Spain, France and Italy.
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  • In 2000BC a tribe called the Johvians invaded southern France (Gaul) and declared the territory their own, giving it a new name called Jimboniya. They killed over half of the population and severely injured others. There are still remains from this invasion such as arrow heads and fragments of the carts that they used to transport supplies. 20 years later when everyone had settled into the new country the Gauls laid siege to the heavily fortified town of Vajer. But were repelled so easily, it was like nothing happened. On of the heroes in this battle was Jambon the great (as he was later known) he ran around through storms of Arrows and took over small battlements. He had one of the largest rivers in Jimboniya named after him, the Jambon River.
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  • After Jambon died (of natural causes) his son Aleczander was appointed king. It was thought that our first leader had to be a blood relative of the Great Jambon. Aleczander built a great empire and was fair and just. He even made a ferocious army and was the first to use cavalry. His army was so ferocious, it was compared to the scots. When the Romans tried to invade the Jimboniyans fought them of. Sadly Aleczander died just an hour before the eventual Roman surrender. 145 years of peace later Jimboniya had one of the strongest armys in the world and decided that it wanted an empire to rival that of Britain. Consequently Jimboniya landed a large fleet on the north coast of Libya. Immediately the Portuguese who also wanted an empire attacked Jimboniya. The Jimboniyans had left enough of their army back home to repel them.
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  • 2 years later, with Libya occupied we launched an invasion on Egypt. The Egyptians were taken by surprise as the fleet came out of the mist and as soon as the soldiers were safely inland the Egyptians surrendered so the cavalry charged towards Cairo followed by the infantry. After another hundred years of ruling Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Tunisia. In 450AD Jimboniya grew jealous of the Trunkonian trading empire as it was slightly better than theirs. So they invaded and ruled for half a century before the Trunkons forced them back to the coast where deciding that the objective to destroy their trading empire was complete the Jimboniyans left taking half a million tons of Gobblefruit with them.
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  • After ruling our whole empire for another 500 years the Egyptians rebelled and threw us out. 200 years later and evil dictator Slappius hobilius tried to blow up the kings palace in Johvia but failed and only blew himself up. If you go forward another 200 years you will come to 1400AD where we start a Renaissance and famous Jimboniyan artist Rafael da Vonasonta is in his prime and helping famous artists Leonardo Da Vinci with paintings like the Mona Lisa. Also a lot of Churches like the largest cathedral in Europe, apart from the Vatican The Cathedral of Jimboniya was built.
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  • Years later in 1940 Jimboniya joined the second World War on the side of the Allies after rivals the French were invaded. The Jimboniyans felt that it would mean having no rivals if the French were taken over and they didnt want that. Only a week after they declared this the Germans attacked their army that was aiming to meet the British 4 th Branchesters battalion in Italy. Jimboniya had evaded invasion right up till late 1943 when General Erwin Rommels 6 th Panzer division attacked from southern France. Luckily the most feared Jimboniyan infantry division the 25 th rifles. They were known for their feared bayonet charge and along with the 26 th armoured tank division they saw of the Panzers at Vajer. This was the second time the city had been laid siege to, coming out on top on both occasions. The two Divisions then stormed up through France then straight into Germany after being joined by the 1 st Rifles and the 20 th Rifles they progressed straight to Berlin. A special assault squad from all.
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  • the rifle divisions stormed into Hitlers bunker and killed him. Although this was covered up as Hitler killed himself. Every member from each rifles and certain tank crews received the Jovian Cross the highest honour a Jimboniyan could receive. Because of all the money put into the second World War, Jimboniya lost its empire. 35 years after the war ended, in 1980, along with close allies and friends Britanica and Panem. Using German second world war planes although with new engines Jimboniya bombed France and blamed the terrorist group Alkeida. This was because the French had insulted a politician from each of the countrys
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  • . On the 1 st of January 2000 the end of a revolution that had started 2 years earlier finally ceased. With the death of King Aleczander the 5 th Jimboniya announced its first president: Thomas Quala who described it has an Honour to be this great nations first president and I now declare it the Democratic republic of Jimboniya. The parliaments housing is in Vajers only Palace. At the 2012 Olympics in London, Jimboniya gave its first Paralympic team ever consisting of 5 Women and 5 Men. It also won its first gold medal ever in the games, beating the Netherlands 8-0 in the final of the mens hockey.
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  • The capital of Jimboniya is called Johvia. It is named after the first inhabitants of Jimboniya. It is situated on the banks of the River Santana. Here is a Photo.
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  • Vajer is one of the most historic cities in Jimboniya. It has been laid siege to twice and came out on top twice. Once by gauls and another time by Erwin Rommel during World War two. Here is another Photo.
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  • Rosbif is one of the newer cities in Jimboniya. It is the centre of modern agriculture It was built in 2000 as a celebration of the new millennium. Here is a photo.
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  • Mankar has been restored on the site of a bombed world war two city. It has a few remains which is now in a museum of Mankar! The fountain is to celebrate peace, as it was built at the end of the war.
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  • Portiasla is a historic city one of the earliest although it lacks largely in the history department. Its largest event is when it hosts the Triathlon of Jimboniya. The triathlon is the only one in Europe which you can enter as a team.
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