



RESEARCH PAPER New Biotechnology � Volume 32, Number 1 � January 2015

Organochlorinated pesticide degradingmicroorganisms isolated fromcontaminated soilPetra Lovecka1, Iva Pacovska1, Petr Stursa1, Blanka Vrchotova1,Lucie Kochankova2 and Katerina Demnerova1

1Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Technicka 3, Prague 166 28, Czech Republic2Department of Environmental Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Technicka 3, Prague 166 28, Czech Republic

Degradation of selected organochlorinated pesticides (g-hexachlorocyclohexane – g-HCH,

dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane – DDT, hexachlorobenzene – HCB) by soil microorganisms was

studied. Bacterial strains isolated from contaminated soil from Klatovy-Luby, Hajek and Neratovice,

Czech Republic, capable of growth on the selected pesticides were isolated and characterised. These

isolates were subjected to characterisation and identification by MS MALDI-TOF of whole cells and

sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes. The isolates were screened by gas chromatography for their ability

to degrade the selected pesticides. Some isolates were able to degrade pesticides, and the formation of

degradation products (g-pentachlorocyclohexane (g-PCCH), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE)

and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD)) observed in liquid culture confirmed their degradation

capability. The isolates and DNA samples isolated from the contaminated soil were also screened for the

bphA1 gene (encoding biphenyl-2,3-dioxygenase, the first enzyme in the PCB degradation pathway) and

its occurrence was demonstrated. The isolates were also screened for the presence of linA, encoding

dehydrochlorinase, the first enzyme of the HCH degradation pathway. The linA gene could not be found

in any of the tested isolates, possibly due to the high specificity of the primers used. The isolates with the

most effective degradation abilities could be used for further in situ bioremediation experiments with

contaminated soil.

IntroductionIncreased agricultural production to meet the ever increasing

demand for food, has been achieved thanks to the widespread

use of herbicides and insecticides. Thanks to these substances,

several diseases caused by insect vectors have been eradicated [1].

Throughout the 20th century organic pesticides such as organo-

chlorinated substances were primarily used, even though they can

survive in the environment for decades [2]. Organochlorinated

pesticides (OCPs) are generally white crystalline substances which

are poorly soluble in water, more soluble in organic solvents

and highly soluble in fats. Due to their chemical resistance and

Corresponding author:. Lovecka, P. ([email protected])


solubility in fats they accumulate in adipose tissue and subsequent

biomagnification to higher trophic levels occurs. The basic repre-

sentatives of OCPs include DDT, lindane, technical HCH (hexa-

chlorocyclohexane), dieldrin, aldrin, heptachlor, chlordane,

hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and others. These compounds were

used primarily as insecticides, but nowadays are banned in most

countries due to proven negative effects on human health and the

environment [3]. They occur more and more frequently as con-

taminants of soil, air and water sources, posing a risk both to

humans and to the environment. Increased attention has been

paid to persistent metabolites resulting from the partial degrada-

tion of OCPs, which is carried out mainly by microorganisms.

Factors affecting the rate of degradation include the compound

1871-6784/� 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

New Biotechnology �Volume 32, Number 1 � January 2015 RESEARCH PAPER


Values of soil contamination

Soil sample Contaminant (mg/kg dry matter)

DDT HCB Lindan (HCH) Zn Cu Pb As

H1 1.52 0.03 0.05 4695 282.2 97.4 29.5

H2 1.442 0.01 0.06 6205 250 123.6 18.5

H3 11.8 1.03 96.5 344 818 110 7727.9

HA 0.01 0.01 0.02 86.9 42.5 <1 2790

NE 9.5 38.1 261.5 3550 255 38820 21

Samples H1, H2 were obtained from contaminated soil from Klatovy (Southern Bohemia), H3 from Strakonice (Southern Bohemia), HA is from sewage sludge Hajek (Central Bohemia) and

NE from Spolana Neratovice (Northern Bohemia).



structure, presence of substituents and their position in the mole-

cule, and the solubility and concentration of the pollutant. In the

case of aromatic compounds with a high degree of halogenation,

high energy is required to break the carbon–halogen bonds. Com-

pounds with normal solubility in water are much more accessible

to microorganisms [4]. However, low concentrations of pollutant

may be insufficient to induce the enzymes involved in the degra-

dation or promote the growth of microorganisms, while high

concentrations can become toxic to the microorganisms. Other

factors affecting the degree of degradation include temperature,

pH, presence of toxic compounds or inhibitors and competing

substrates, availability of suitable electron acceptors and interac-

tions between microorganisms. All these factors make biodegra-

dation unpredictable [5]. Degradation is a very specific process and

the growth of some microorganisms can be inhibited by various

agents. If degradation does occur, it is likely to result from enzy-

matic activity and may either occur immediately or after a period

of adaptation to the chemicals [6,7]. Reports on microbial degra-

dation of OCPs have increased with such investigations tending to

focus on soil or aquatic microorganisms.

The aim of this study was to isolate bacterial strains from

contaminated soil with the capacity to degrade DDT, HCB and

lindane. The degradative capacity of these strains was tested by

amplification of the genes (linA, bphA) involved in pesticide deg-


Materials and methodsChemicals and reagentsDDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane), HCB (hexa-

chlorobenzene), HCH (g-hexachlorocyclohexane) (99% pure)

were supplied by Sigma–Aldrich Chemical Company. Chemicals

for media preparation (glucose, peptone, Luria Bertani medium)

used in degradation experiments in this study were of analytical

grade and purchased from standard chemical companies (Difco –

USA, Oxoid – UK, Finnzymes – FI).

DNA was isolated from soil using a Power MaxTM Soil DNA

isolation Kit (MoBio, USA) and from bacterial strains by Qiamp

DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany).

Bacterial strainsAll strains used were isolated from contaminated soil. Sphingobium

francense (CCM 7288) and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes JAB1

(supplied by Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague collection)

were used as positive controls for detecting lin A, and bph A


Soil samples and isolation of bacterial strains from soilSoil contaminated by pesticides and heavy metals was obtained from

several industrial zones (Klatovy, Strakonice – Southern Bohemia,

Spolana Neratovice – Northern Bohemia, Hajek – Central Bohemia).

In Table 1 the levels of pesticides and heavy metals contamination

are shown. For bacterial isolation, a 10 g soil sample was homoge-

nized in 90 mL of autoclaved 1% pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7) and

shaken for two hours (288C; 130 RPM). Serial dilutions were spread

on minimal agar plates (Na2HPO4�12H2O – 10.74 g/L, NH4Cl – 1 g/L,

KH2PO4 – 2.6 g/L, MgSO4�7H2O – 0.4 g/L and 36 g/L Noble Agar)

with the addition of 0.02 g/L of individual pesticide (stock solutions

of 1 g/L DDT, g-HCH and HCB were prepared in sterile methanol).

The plates were incubated under aerobic conditions at 288C for two

days. The colonies were purified by several transfers on the minimal

agar medium with individual pesticides. The colonies were identi-

fied by MS MALDI-TOF (Bruker Daltonic – Biflex IV) [8–10]. The

procedure is fast and very simple – the sample of cells (1 mL) is applied

to a metal plate and covered with a layer of 3,5-dimethoxy-4-

hydroxycinnamic acid in a mixture of acetonitrile and 5% trifluor-

oacetic acid in redistilled water 70:30 (v/v). Isolates were identified

using a Bruker Biflex IV MALDI TOF spectrometer (equipped with a

UV nitrogen laser [337 nm] and a dual microchannel microplate

detector) and MALDI Biotyper 2.0 software (Bruker Daltonics, Bre-

men, Germany). The next procedure used for bacterial identification

was 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Bacterial DNA was isolated with a

QIAamp DNA minikit (Qiagen, Germany), and portions of the 16S

rRNA genes were amplified with primers F27: 50 AGA GTT TGA TCM

TGG CTC AG 30, R1492: 50 TAC GG(C/T) TAC CTT ACG ACT T 30 [8].

The bacterial sequences were identified from the Ribosomal Data-

base Project [11]. Classification was performed using RCPII Classifier

and an 80% confidence threshold.

Bacterial growth conditionsThe effect of DDT, HCB and g-HCH on the bacterial isolates was

studied using a Bioscreen C1 apparatus. Bioscreen C1 is a com-

puter-controlled incubator/reader/shaker equipped with 8 filters

from 405 nm to 600 nm including a wide band filter. The reader

measures turbidity, and is more sensitive than a standard spectro-

photometer. Mineral medium (MM) with individual pesticides

(50 mg/mL) and 1% peptone was used. 30 mL of bacterial isolates

(A560 = 1) was pipetted into 300 mL MM with or without pesticides.

Measurements were taken every two hours for five days under the

following conditions: pre-shaking at medium intensity for 10 s

before A560 reading, incubation temperature 288C. Results were

reported as graphs of time versus A560. 27

RESEARCH PAPER New Biotechnology � Volume 32, Number 1 � January 2015


Identification of chosen isolated bacteria by MS MALDI-TOF and analysis of 16S rRNA gene

Isolates Identification by MS MALDI-TOF Score valuea Identification by sequencing 16S rRNA gene RDP score

NE6 Aeromonas sp. 2.26 Pseudomonas sp. 0.92

H23 Rhodococcus sp. 2.29 Rhodococcus erythropolis 0.86

H16 Bacillus sp. 1.89 Bacillus pumilus 0.98

H1D7 Stenotrophomonas sp. 1.82 Stenotrophomonas sp. 0.99

NE15 Unidentified – Lysinibacillus fusiformis 0.99

NE22 Bacillus sp – Bacillus cereus 0.85

HA1 Bacillus sp 2.14 Bacillus cereus 0.91

a Range: 0.00–1.699: identification not reliable; 1.7–1.999: probable genus identification; 2.0–2.299: secure genus identification, probable species identification; 2.3–3.0: highly probable

species identification.


Viability of selected isolates in mineral medium with HCH (50 mg/mL) and 1%peptone measured by Bioscreen CW.




Degradation experiments and chemical analysis procedureThe content of tested pollutants was measured in MM with 1%

peptone and addition of 50 mg/L of DDT, g-HCH or HCB. The

concentration of bacterial cells in the samples was 107 cells/mL

(A560 = 0.2). One part of each sample was placed in the freezer as a

control and the second part was cultivated for 10 days at 208C(130 RPM). All samples were extracted into N-hexane (2:4) for

30 min. The extracted samples were analysed by gas chromatog-

raphy (HP 5890) with an ECD detector under the following con-

ditions: column HP-5MS 60 m, 0.25 mm, 0.55 mm, carrier gas N2

1 mL/min, temperature program: 508C 1 min, 258C/min to 1958C,

18C/min to 2058C, 5 min, 38C to 2808C 5 min, isobaric condition,

evaluation ClarityTM, DataApex s.r.o. CR. For each pesticide ex-

periment the dead biomass of isolates NE6 (A560 = 0.2) was per-

formed as a control.

Detection of degradative genesThe degradation pathways of PCB and DDT are similar, hence the

isolates were screened for the presence of bphA1 gene (the first

enzyme of the PCB degradation pathway - biphenyl-2,3-dioxygen-

ase) [12]. The isolates were also screened for the presence of the

linA gene, encoding the first enzyme of the HCH degradation

pathway – dehydrochlorinase. The presence of linA was also tested

for in samples of DNA isolated from the contaminated soil (from

1 g of soil by UltraCleanSoil DNA Isolation Kit (MO BIO, USA)).

Bacterial strain DNAs were isolated by Qiamp DNA Mini Kit. PCR

was used as the amplification method. Primers FwlinA2 and

RevlinA2 were used for detection of linA [13]: FwlinA2 (50 GGC


GCG GGG TGA AAT AGT 30). For detection of bphA the following

primers were used [14]: F463 (50 CGC GTS GMW ACC TAC AAR G

30) and R674 (50 GGTACATGTCRCTGCAGAAYTGC 30), and degen-

erated base: R = A,G; Y = C,T; M = A,C; S = G,S; and W = A,Tr were

used. The PCR mix was: 5 mL buffer, 0.5 mL BSA, 1 mL dNTP

(10 mM), 2 � 0.1 mL primers (100 mM), 40.8 mL redistilled water,

0.5 mL Taq polymerase DNAzyme II and 2 mL sample DNA.

Results and discussionIsolation and identification of bacterial strainsBacterial strains (Table 2) which were able to grow on solid mineral

medium with pesticides as a sole carbon source were isolated from

contaminated soil. The seven chosen bacterial isolates which were

selected for degradation experiments are presented in Table 2.


Isolates H16, H23, H1D7 originated from DDT contaminated soil

(soil samples H1, H2 from Klatovy). Isolates NE6, NE15, NE22 were

from vegetation areas of Spolana Neratovice with lindane contam-

ination (soil sample NE) and HA1 was in sludge from Hajek (soil

sample HA). Samples from Spolana Neratovice were found to have

the highest contamination of all destinations examined. All the

soils used for the isolation of bacteria were highly contaminated by

heavy metals. One isolate could not be identified by MS MALDI-

TOF because the database of bacterial strains does not contain the

bacteria isolated from environmental samples (soil, waste water,

sediments) and some uncommon strains. With 16S rRNA sequenc-

ing all seven isolates were successfully identified. The most abun-

dant strain among the isolates was the genus Bacillus.

Isolate viability in the presence of pesticidesAC – abiotic control of bacterial strains, in the presence of toxins,

was evaluated by monitoring the growth curves (Bioscreen C1

apparatus). The best results were achieved by growing isolates on

mineral medium with pesticides (50 mg/mL) and 1% peptone.

Growth curves of isolates H16, HA1 and H23 are presented in

Fig. 1. In Table 3 specific growth rates for seven selected isolates on

all three tested pesticides are shown.

Degradation of HCH, DDT and HCB by bacterial isolatesAll seven isolates obtained from contaminated soils from Klatovy,

Neratovice, and Hajek showed the ability to degrade HCH, DDT or

HCB. The identification of those isolates was performed by MS

MALDI-TOF. Pesticide degradation by the best isolates was tested

in mineral medium with 50 mg/mL pesticide and 1% peptone

New Biotechnology �Volume 32, Number 1 � January 2015 RESEARCH PAPER


Specific growth rate (hour�1) of isolates for cultivation on mineral medium with peptone and individual pesticides (concentration50 mg/mL)

Isolates Identification Specific growth rate

with DDT (hour�1)

Specific growth rate

with HCB (hour�1)

Specific growth rate

with HCH (hour�1)

NE6 Pseudomonas sp. 0.5 0.4 0.2

H23 Rhodococcus erythropolis 0.5 0.5 0.5

H16 Bacillus pumilus 0.1 0.2 0.2

H1D7 Stenotrophomonas sp. 0.3 0.2 0.2

NE15 Lysinibacillus fusiformis 0.5 0.4 0.2

NE22 Bacillus cereus 0.4 0.4 0.5

HA1 Bacillus cereus 0.4 0.4 0.4


Chromatogram of metabolite products for DDT degradation by

Stenotrophomonas sp.


Chromatogram of metabolite products for HCH degradation by Bacillus

pumilus g-pentachlorocyclohexane peak with retention time 13.6 min.



(Table 4). The HA1 (Bacillus cereus – 21.3%) and H16 (Bacillus

pumilus – 27%) isolates showed the best degradative ability for

HCH. Isolates NE15 (Lysinibacillus fusiformis – 32.7%), NE22 (Ba-

cillus cereus – 36.7%) and H1D7 (Stenotrophomonas sp. – 26.7%)

have shown the ability to degrade DDT and the best isolate for

HCB degradation was H1D7 – Stenotrophomonas sp. (34.9%). The

concentration of pesticide in abiotic incubation was the same as

the beginning of the experiment. Degradation products of DDT,


Degradation of organochlorinated pesticides by selected isolates in

individual pesticides in sample)

Isolates Identification Degradation HCH (

NE6 Pseudomonas sp. 18.8

H23 Rhodococcus erythropolis 4.6

H16 Bacillus pumilus 27

H1D7 Stenotrophomonas sp. 17.3

NE15 Lysinibacillus fusiformis 19.4

NE22 Bacillus cereus –

HA1 Bacillus cereus 21.3

AC Abiotic control 1.2

AC – abiotic control – experiment with death biomass of NE6.

dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and dichlorodiphenyl-

dichloroethane (DDD) were detected in samples of isolate H1D7

during the experiment with this pesticide (Fig. 2). g-Pentachlor-

ocyclohexane was detected during the cultivation of isolate H16

with g-HCH (Fig. 3).

In soils, the initial attack on DDT appears to be centred on the

aliphatic trichloroethyl group of the molecule and proceeds in

either one of two directions, depending on the prevailing envi-

ronmental parameters. Under aerobic conditions, DDT undergoes

dehydrochlorination to yield DDE. Under anaerobic conditions

transformation of DDT to DDD by reductive dechlorination

is considered the dominant reaction [15]. Pentachlorocyclohexene

concentration 50 mg/mL (% decrease of original concentration of

%) Degradation DDT (%) Degradation HCB (%)

– –

– –

19.6 22.3

26.7 34.9

32.7 7.4

36.6 –

12.8 7.9

1.4 1.2 29

RESEARCH PAPER New Biotechnology � Volume 32, Number 1 � January 2015


Detection of linA DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis (1% gel). 1: 100 bp

standard, 2: Negative control, 3: Positive control – Sphingobium francense, 4:

DNA of contaminated soil from Neratovice, 5: DNA of isolates NE15 –Lisinibacillus fusiformis.


Detection of bphA DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis (1% gel). 1: H23 –

Rhodococcus erythropolis, 2: NE6 – Pseudomonas sp., 3: H1D1 –

Stenotrophomonas sp., 4: HA1 – Bacillus cereus, 5: Positive control –Pseudomonas sp. JAB1, 6: negative control, 7: 100 bp marker




was formed as the central metabolite during the aerobic

degradation of isomer g-HCH by Sphingomonas, which suggests

that a common pathway of degradation exists for all the HCH

isomers [16]. These findings confirm reports of g-HCH degradation

by Pseudomonas sp. and P. paucimobilis UT26 [17].

Detection of degradation genesDetection of linA

Bacterial isolates and DNA isolated from the contaminated soil

were tested for the presence of linA (the first enzyme of the HCH

degradation pathway) and the results of the PCR analysis are

shown in Fig. 4. The gene was detected only in DNA obtained

from contaminated soil from Neratovice (NE). Individual isolates

were assessed for the presence of linA, the first enzyme of the HCH

degradation pathway. Isolates were subjected to PCR with specific

primers. The absence of linA amplicon in isolate DNA was probably

caused by the specificity of the primers, which were taken from the

literature [13] and were designed for Sphingobium francense. None

of these isolates were related to this strain. linA was found in

contaminated soil and it can be assumed that this strain is present

in the soil, but was not isolated [17].

Detection of bphAThe presence of bphA, encoding enzyme biphenyl-2,3-dioxygen-

ase, was also studied. This enzyme catalyses the first step in the

degradation of PCBs and the first step in the degradation pathway

of DDT is catabolised by enzyme dioxygenase (DDT 2,3


dioxygenase). Therefore, all isolates were subjected to PCR with

specific primers. Some isolates which were able to grow on both

PCB and DDT as a sole carbon source were selected for investiga-

tion of bphA gene presence (Fig. 5). The presence of bphA was

confirmed only in isolate NE6, Pseudomonas sp. The isolation and

characterisation of Pseudomonas sp. capable of aerobic degrada-

tion of DDT to 4-chlorobenzoic acid has been previously de-

scribed [18].

ConclusionOrganochlorinated pesticides other than DDTs, HCHs and HCB

have never been used in large quantities in the Czech Republic.

Thus our studies were oriented towards these three pesticides.

Previous results [19] indicate that pesticide residues persist in

the top layer of soils even 20 years after they were banned.

Biodegradation of these pesticide residues can proceed in soil,

albeit at a slow rate. To enhance degradation in situ several strate-

gies have been proposed. They include the addition of DDT-

metabolising microbes to contaminated soils and/or the manipu-

lation of environmental conditions to enhance the activity of

these microbes [20,21]. Isolated strains from long term contami-

nated soil are potential tools for in situ remediation processes

(bioaugmentation) at contaminated sites.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech

Republic, project no. 525/09/1058.


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