Page 1: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction

Newark & Sherwood Homes

STAR – Survey of Tenants & Residents - 2016/17

Analysis report

Report by: Viewpoint Research CIC

Units 12 & 13, 53 Mowbray Street, Sheffield, S3 8EN

0114 273 9208

[email protected]

Page 2: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction



Executive Summary 3 1. Methodology 6 2. Services Overall 7 3. Customer Service 13 4. Information & Resident Involvement 15 5. Repairs & Maintenance 16 6. Advice & Support 19

7. Anti-social Behaviour 21

8. Respondent Profile 24


I. Example questionnaire 27

Page 3: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction



This report details the results of the 2016/17 Newark and Sherwood Homes STAR survey, delivered by Viewpoint Research CIC. The survey is conducted by Newark and Sherwood Homes every year, providing an up to date and annual benchmark on levels of satisfaction amongst tenants in key service areas and a complement to monthly transactional data in these areas. The data was collected by telephone interview, the same method as the 2015/16 survey. In years previous to this residents were surveyed by post or online. Results are presented to all questions, with comparisons to the 2015/16 results and to STAR benchmarking data, provided by Housemark where available, with results of statistical significance highlighted. Key findings from each section are presented below:

Services Overall

Overall satisfaction is 90%. The score remains comfortably above the STAR benchmark of 87% for this question but is a statistically significant fall on the 2015/16 score of 93%. In contrast there has been an increase in tenants who would recommend Newark and Sherwood Homes. The Net Promoter Score for 2015/16 is 47, an improvement on last year’s score of 43. This score is a long way above the STAR median benchmark of 32 and also places Newark and Sherwood Homes within the upper quartile of responses for this question from all respondent organisations, for which the benchmark is 42.9. Indeed, all the Core STAR questions in this section placed Newark and Sherwood Homes in the upper quartile of responses compared to the latest benchmark figures. There was however a general trend of slightly falling satisfaction compared to 2015/16. The results of the STAR core questions in this section are listed below.

Overall satisfaction 90%

Overall quality of your home 91%

Neighbourhood as a place to live 92%

Rent provides value for money 92%

Service charges provide value for money 87% A Key Driver analysis showed that the three strongest influencers of overall satisfaction score were ‘Dealing with your enquiries generally’, ‘The ability of staff to deal with your query quickly and efficiently’ and ‘Dealing with repairs & maintenance’. Repairs and maintenance is also the highest priority service for tenants – the same outcome as the previous two years. On the STAR core questions there was a general trend of greater satisfaction among the older age groups and there were some notable differences with responses from different geographic areas on certain questions.

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Customer Service

Satisfaction with Customer Service remains high, and well above the STAR benchmarking figures available. Some aspects have improved compared to 2015/16 – most notably ‘queries being answered within a reasonable time’ – up five points to 87%. And satisfaction with ‘the helpfulness of staff’ also improved by a point to 87%. Satisfaction fell by six points for ‘getting hold of the right person’, while ‘dealing with enquiries quickly & efficiently’ and ‘the final outcome of queries’ both fell by three points. The importance of customer service to tenants was shown by two of the questions in this section featuring in the top five key drivers to overall satisfaction. ‘The ability of staff to deal with your query quickly & efficiently’ was the second most important while ‘the final outcome of your query’ was fifth. Information & Resident Involvement

Satisfaction remains high in this section although all three questions have returned lower satisfaction scores than in 2015/16. The STAR core question ‘Listening to your views and acts upon them’ scored as below:

Listening to your views and acts upon them 80% Despite the fall in satisfaction on this question it is nine points above the STAR benchmark and in the upper quartile of responses from all organisations who submit results to Housemark. As with the 2015/16 results, listening to views and acting on them is in the top five key drivers to overall satisfaction (4th). Repairs & Maintenance

Satisfaction with the repairs and maintenance service is also high but most questions show a fall in satisfaction compared to the 2015/16 results. The STAR core question ‘Dealing with repairs and maintenance’ scored as below:

The way Newark & Sherwood Homes deal with repairs and maintenance 85% This is four points above the STAR benchmark but not in the upper quartile of responses. The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction with repairs is currently at 90% for 2017 (January to May). This question remains a Key Driver to Overall satisfaction (3rd). Of the other questions in this section, all bar one scored higher than the STAR benchmark figures available. Advice & Support

Results in this section are high and far in excess of the STAR benchmark figures available. They are also very similar to the results in the 2015/16 survey. Satisfaction with the advice and support for ‘Claiming housing benefit and other welfare benefits’ and ‘Managing your finances & paying rent/service charges’ is 93%.

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Anti-social Behaviour

From all the results the ASB service has experienced the most consistent improvement in satisfaction. Satisfaction with the staff dealing with ASB complaints was particularly high with all showing a minimum of a 10 point increase in satisfaction from 2015/16, with statistically significant improvements for officers being ‘Polite’ and ‘Helpful’. Results in this section should be treated with some caution due to the low sample size as just 6% of tenants said they had reported an ASB case in the past 12 months, although this is an identical sample size to 2015/16.

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1. Methodology

1.1 Questionnaire The questionnaire used is identical to the one used for Newark & Sherwood Homes’ 2015/16 STAR survey. This was based on the Housemark STAR survey methodology, with the most appropriate questions for Newark and Sherwood Homes being selected by them from the STAR questionnaire templates. This questionnaire was chosen for 2016/17 to allow clear comparative information between the two years, and previous years. The questionnaire used is presented at Annex I. 1.2 Fieldwork All surveys were completed independently by telephone. A data list was provided by Newark & Sherwood Homes of all properties with valid telephone numbers and a randomised sample was contacted. Fieldwork took place during April and May 2017. In total 545 tenants took part in the survey giving the results a margin of error of +/- 4.0%, the required margin of error laid down by Housemark for statistical validity. 1.3 Data presentation The report presents tables for all questions showing counts (actual number of responses) and percentages to one decimal place. Due to rounding some tables may not add up to exactly 100%. Commentary to the results will typically group answers to give a combined satisfaction score (fairly satisfied and very satisfied answers added together). Tables highlighted in green refer to the 2016/17 results, while those in gold show comparative results – from last year’s survey and the STAR benchmark score. For simplicity all tables are shown excluding no replies or non-applicable responses. The ‘Base’ in each table indicates the size of respondent sample. Brief written analysis is provided alongside the results with a summary of findings for each section presented in the Executive Summary. 1.4 Benchmarking The core STAR questions are benchmarked against the Housemark STAR database, with the benchmarking group being selected by Newark and Sherwood as ‘General Needs and Housing for Older people’. It features a range of providers nationwide who submitted STAR results in the period 2015/16. Housemark no longer provide benchmark scores from questions other than the 7 core questions and the net promoter question, but we have included some additional figures from 2014/15 for comparison. The score used is the median score for that group. 1.5 Demographics The 7 core questions have also been analysed by the following demographic variables: Ethnicity, Age, whether General needs or sheltered and by geographical area. Notable differences by these variables are highlighted in the text. Due to the amount of geographic areas, differences with these are only highlighted if the difference related to the response of more than one tenant. 1.6 Statistical significance Data has been analysed for statistical significance to compare the change in results between 2016/17 and 2015/16. Differences that are significant can be said, with a high degree of confidence, to be real variations that are unlikely to be due to chance. Any differences that are not significant may still be real but this cannot be stated with statistical confidence and may just be due to chance. All statistically significant differences are reported at the 95% confidence level. 1.7 Key Drivers Key Drivers are used in the analysis to investigate how opinion-based questions have been influencers on overall satisfaction. A fuller explanation of this is found within section 2.1.1.

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2. Services Overall

2.1 Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service

provided by Newark and Sherwood homes?

Base Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly

dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

544 298 190 16 24 16

54.8% 34.9% 2.9% 4.4% 2.9%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- % STAR benchmark

90% 93% -3 87%

• Overall satisfaction is 90%, a statistically significant three point fall on last year’s result but still three points above the STAR benchmark, though just below the upper quartile benchmark of 90.1%.

• The score of 90% is slightly lower than the results received from the current programme of transactional surveys. These show an average satisfaction score of 92% for 2017 (January to May).

• When the result is compared by gender data it shows that female tenants are marginally more satisfied than male (91.9% compared to 87.4%).

• BME tenants recorded a lower satisfaction score (83%) than non-BME tenants, but from only 12 respondents.

• The older age-groups, particularly the 85+ group (95%) were marginally more satisfied than the younger ages, particularly 25-34 (85%) and 45-54 (86%).

• There is virtually no difference in satisfaction levels between Supported Housing tenants (89.5%) and general needs tenants (90.0%).

• Geographic areas that scored less than 90% (where more than one tenant was dissatisfied) were:

Bleasby (0%), Blidworth (83%), Coddington (78%), Farsfield (86%), Newark-on-Trent (86%), New Ollerton (85%) and Sutton-on-Trent (78%).

2.1.1 Key Drivers to Overall satisfaction A Key driver analysis was carried out to learn more about the overall satisfaction score, specifically which other opinion questions were most related to the overall satisfaction score. The analysis was performed with all opinion based questions, with a response base of above 250. The top key drivers can be seen in Figure 1, below:

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Note - The analysis produces a correlation coefficient (or r value for short) with can range from -1.0 to +1.0. This rating can be interpreted using the following guide: - An r value close to 1 indicates that there is a strong relationship between the two variables - A positive r value means that as one variable increases in value, the other variable will increase in


• The strongest link to the overall satisfaction score is ‘Dealing with your enquiries generally’ (0.59) followed by another customer service related question, ‘The ability of staff to deal with your query quickly and efficiently’ (0.56). Dealing with repairs & maintenance (0.54) is the third key driver to overall satisfaction.

• In last year’s survey, Repairs & Maintenance was the main Key Driver (0.55), followed by ‘Your enquiries generally’ (0.54) and ‘Listening to your views and acting upon them’ (0.54). This shows that the priorities of tenants has not notably changed within the past 12 months.

• In seeking to explain the fall in overall satisfaction (section 2.1), the 5-point fall in satisfaction for ‘dealing with your enquiries generally’ may be a factor.

2.2 Satisfaction with Key measures

Base Very



satisfied Neither





Overall quality of your home 545 337 157 13 25 13

61.8% 28.8% 2.4% 4.6% 2.4%

Overall condition of your

home 544

309 191 7 23 14

56.8% 35.1% 1.3% 4.2% 2.6%

Neighbourhood as a place to

live 543

347 150 8 19 19

63.9% 27.6% 1.5% 3.5% 3.5%

Rent provides value for

money 505

313 152 10 22 8

62.0% 30.1% 2.0% 4.4% 1.6%

Service charges provide value

for money 440

229 152 13 29 17

52.0% 34.5% 3.0% 6.6% 3.9%





0.45 0.45






Dealing with your

enquiries generally

The ability of staff

to deal with your

query quickly and


Dealing with

repairs &


Listen to your

views and act upon


The final outcome

of your query

Dealing with


Fig 1. Key Drivers

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2016/17 2015/16 +/- %



Overall quality of your home 91% 93% -2 86%

Overall condition of your

home 92% 95% -3 82%*

Neighbourhood as a place to

live 92% 94% -2 86%

Rent provides value for

money 92% 95% -3 84%

Service charges provide value

for money 87% 90% -3 73%

*From 2014/15 benchmark

• Satisfaction with all five key measures has fallen between 2 and 3 points compared to the scores for 2015/16.

• The falls in satisfaction to ‘Overall condition of your home’ and ‘Neighbourhood as a place to live’ were both statistically significant.

• The scores however remain high and all comfortably exceed the STAR benchmark figures, by at least 5 points. Furthermore, the results from all these questions are in the upper quartile of benchmarked responses. ‘Service charges providing value for money’ is particularly high, 14 points above the STAR median benchmark and nine points above the upper quartile benchmark figure.

• Sheltered Housing tenants were 5% more satisfied than General Needs on both ‘Overall quality of your home’ and ‘Neighbourhood as a place to live’. But ‘Service charges providing value for money’ was one question where General Needs tenants were notably more satisfied than Sheltered Housing tenants (90% compared with 85%).

• Satisfaction of BME tenants was lower for ‘Neighbourhood as a place to live’ and ‘Rent provides value for money’ (both 83%).

• The 35-44 age group was the most dissatisfied for ‘Neighbourhood as a place to live’ (81%), ‘Rent provides value for money’ (81%) and ‘Service charges provide value for money’ (73%). The 25-34 age group was the most dissatisfied for ‘Overall quality of your home’ (78%).

• Geographic areas which scored less than the overall satisfaction score for each Core question in this section were as follows:

- Overall quality of your home Blidworth (87%), Boughton (81%), Coddington (77%), Newark-on-Trent (86%) and Sutton-on-Trent (78%).

- Neighbourhood as a place to live Boughton (75%), Clipstone (84%), Laxton (0%) and Newark-on-Trent (86%).

- Rent provides value for money Bleasby (0%), Blidworth (91%), Clipstone (87%), Farndon (89%) and Newark-on-Trent (89%).

- Service charges provide value for money Balderton (84%), Boughton (82%), Clipstone (86%), Coddington (78%), Farndon (81%), Newark-on-Trent (85%) and Southwell (86%).

Newark-on-Trent is the only area that scored below the overall satisfaction score on all questions.

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2.3 Satisfaction with how Newark and Sherwood Homes deals with key services

Base Very



satisfied Neither





Anti-social behaviour 234 106 70 16 23 19

45.3% 29.9% 6.8% 9.8% 8.1%

Complaints 258 117 79 11 30 21

45.3% 30.6% 4.3% 11.6% 8.1%

Your enquiries generally 526 272 199 13 21 21

51.7% 37.8% 2.5% 4.0% 4.0%

Moving or swapping your home

154 101 32 6 5 10

65.6% 20.8% 3.9% 3.2% 6.5%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

Anti-social behaviour 75% 83% -8

Complaints 76% 80% -4

Your enquiries generally 90% 95% -5

Moving or swapping your home

86% 90% -4

• There is a small fall in satisfaction on all four questions. The falls in satisfaction to ‘ASB’ and ‘Your

enquiries generally’ were both statistically significant.

• How Newark and Sherwood Homes deal with enquiries is the top key driver to overall satisfaction so a 5 point fall in satisfaction may explain why the overall satisfaction score has also fallen.

• The 8 point fall in satisfaction with how ASB is dealt with contrasts greatly with the improved scores for the ASB service in section 7 of this report. 234 tenants answered this question compared to 33 who had actually made an ASB complaint. So it can be assumed that this question was answered in a wider sense and may reflect an increase in anti-social behaviour that is affecting tenants rather than a reflection of Newark and Sherwood Homes’ direct handling of it.

• The result for ‘Moving or swapping your home’ compares accurately with the results for the lettings service on the transactional service, which to date in 2017 is 84%.

2.4 Are you aware of Newark and Sherwood Homes' published service standards?

Base Yes No 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

541 224 317

41% 47% -6 41.4% 58.6%

• Awareness of the published service standards has fallen by a statistically significant six points.

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2.5 Have you heard of Newark and Sherwood Homes' stated vision "to deliver excellent housing services"?

Base Yes No 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

540 219 321

41% 44% -3 40.6% 59.4%

• Awareness of Newark and Sherwood Homes’ vision has fallen by three points. 2.6 How likely would you be to recommend Newark and Sherwood to family or friends on a

scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all likely and 10 is extremely likely?

Results are shown in Figure 2 below:

Note - The net promoter question is used to gauge customer loyalty and is typically measured on an 11 point scale (0-10). Respondents who score 9-10 are considered to be Promoters, and those who score 0-6 to be Detractors. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the difference between the two, ranging from -100 to 100.

• The Net Promoter Score for 2015/16 is 47, a further improvement on the score of 43 achieved in 2015/16 and well above the STAR median benchmark of 32. This score places Newark and Sherwood Homes in Housemark’s upper quartile of responses for this question (42.9).

• The increase is notable and slightly surprising given the small fall in overall satisfaction in section 2.1. The percentage of detractors (0-6) has actually stayed almost exactly the same as last year. The main movement on this question has been with about 3% of tenants moving from the 7-8 bracket to 9-10.

2.6%0.4% 0.2% 0.6% 0.7%
















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig 2. Likely to recommend NSH

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2.7 Which of the following services would you consider to be the top three priorities?

2015/16 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

Keeping you informed 145

29% 26% +3 28.5%

The overall quality of your


247 49% 50% -1


Listening to your views and acting upon them

106 21% 22% -1


Repairs and maintenance 370

73% 72% +1 72.7%

Dealing with anti-social behaviour

110 22% 18% +4


Your neighbourhood as a

place to live

182 36% 38% -2


Value for money for your rent

(and service charges)

176 35% 31% +4


Support and advice on

claiming welfare benefits and

paying rent

91 18% 17% -1


• In general the results are very similar to those returned in 2015/16. The main priority of tenants is still repairs and maintenance and by quite a large margin. It tallies therefore that repairs and maintenance is one of the top key drivers to overall satisfaction.

• The overall quality of the home is the clear second priority (49%) with a very similar result to 2015/16.

• The main changes from 2015/16 were four point increases in priority status for ‘Dealing with anti-social behaviour’ and ‘Value for money for your rent (and service charges)’, and a three-point increase for ‘Keeping you informed’.

• It is surprising that ‘Listening to your views and acting upon them’ is one of the lower priority areas, considering it is one of the top drivers to overall satisfaction. One explanation is that it has influenced the overall satisfaction score of tenants who have had a particularly good or bad experience in this regard. But for the many who do not necessarily interact much with their landlord it has been of less importance.

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3. Customer Service 3.1 Do you use the internet?

Base Yes, at



outside No 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

545 192


69 347 48% 46% +2

12.7% 63.7%

• There is a two-point increase in internet use with nearly half of tenants saying they use the internet either at home or outside.

• As might be expected, internet usage was much lower in the older age groups. Less than 50% of respondents from all groups above 55 use the internet either at home or outside. Internet use was at just 21% for the 75-84 group and 3% for the over 85 group.

3.2 Have you contacted Newark and Sherwood Homes in the last 12 months with a query

(other than to pay your rent or service charges)?

Base Yes No 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

545 298 247

55% 31% +24 54.7% 45.3%

• A much greater number of respondents had contacted Newark and Sherwood Homes with a query compared to 2015/16.

3.3 Was getting hold of the right person easy or difficult?

Base Easy Difficult Neither 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

297 212


70 15 71% 77% -6

23.6% 5.1%

• There was a 6 point decrease in the ease of getting hold of the correct person. Though this was not a statistically significant change.

3.4 Did you find the staff helpful or unhelpful?

Base Helpful Unhelpful Neither 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

294 256


24 14 87% 86% +1

8.2% 4.8%

• The helpfulness of staff improved by one point. 3.5 Was your query answered within a reasonable time?

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Base Yes No 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

294 257 37

87% 82% +5 87.4% 12.6%

• There has been a five-point, non-significant, increase in queries being answered within a reasonable time.

3.6 Dealing with your query and the outcome

Base Very



satisfied Neither





Dealing with your query quickly and efficiently

296 147 92 8 29 20

49.7% 31.1% 2.7% 9.8% 6.8%

The final outcome of your query

292 154 64 15 24 35

52.7% 21.9% 5.1% 8.2% 12.0%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- %



Dealing with your query quickly and efficiently

81% 84% -3 76%

The final outcome of your query

75% 78% -3 70%

*Benchmark figures from 2014/15.

• Both aspects have fallen by three points, neither was a statistically significant decrease.

• In the 2017 transactional surveys, the speed at which enquiries are dealt with by the Customer Access Service (CAS) is typically the lowest scoring aspect of the CAS service. And 81% for ‘Dealing with your enquiry quickly and efficiently’ compares favourably to this.

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4. Information & Involvement

4.1 How good or poor do you feel Newark and Sherwood Homes is at keeping you informed

about things that might affect you as a resident?

Base Very good Fairly

good Neither Fairly poor Very poor

538 261 205 26 32 14

48.5% 38.1% 4.8% 5.9% 2.6%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- % STAR


87% 91% -4 82%*

* Benchmark figures from 2014/15.

• There has been a statistically significant 4 point fall in this aspect. The result is 5 points above the 2014/15 benchmark.

• This is no longer a key driver to overall satisfaction as it was in 2015/16. 4.2 Handling tenant views

Base Very



satisfied Neither





Listen to your views and act upon them

471 210 168 27 42 24

44.6% 35.7% 5.7% 8.9% 5.1%

Give you the opportunity to make your views known

495 230 191 27 30 17

46.5% 38.6% 5.5% 6.1% 3.4%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- %



Listen to your views and act upon them

80% 86% -6 71%

Give you the opportunity to make your views known

85% 88% -3 67%*

* Benchmark figure from 2014/15.

• Both questions have fallen compared to the 2015/16 results. ‘Listening to views and acting upon them’ is the 4th key driver to overall satisfaction so given the slight fall overall, this is an expected score.

• ‘Listening to views and acting upon them’ is a core STAR question and although the score has fallen by six points compared to last year’s survey it is nine points above the STAR benchmark and comfortably in the upper quartile of responses (76.0%).

• Geographic areas which scored less than 80% for this Core question were as follows: - Listen to your views and act upon them

Bleasby (0%), Blidworth (72%), Boughton (69%), Coddington (67%), Farndon (78%), Farnsfield (67%), New Ollerton (76%), Newark-on-Trent (79%) and Sutton-on-Trent (50%).

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5. Repairs & Maintenance

5.1 Generally, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way Newark and Sherwood

Homes deal with repairs and maintenance?

Base Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly

dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

539 283 174 19 30 33

52.5% 32.3% 3.5% 5.6% 6.1%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- % STAR benchmark

85% 87% -2 81%

• Satisfaction with repairs has fallen by 2 points but remains 4 points above the STAR benchmark, although not in the upper quartile of STAR responses (higher than 86.1%). The change is not statistically significant.

• The result is however lower than would be expected when compared with the results of monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction with repairs is at 90% for 2017 (January to May).

• As one of the key drivers to overall satisfaction, the fall in satisfaction on this question may also help explain why the overall satisfaction score has fallen.

• There were some notable differences between age groups. The 45-54 group was the most dissatisfied (69%) while the 55-59 group scored 74%.

• Satisfaction with General Needs tenants was lower (81%) than with sheltered housing tenants (87%)

• Geographic areas which scored less than 85% for this Core question were as follows: Blisthorpe (81%), Bleasby (0%), Coddington (78%), New Ollerton (81%), Newark-on-Trent (78%) and Sutton-on-Trent (78%).

5.2 Have you had any repairs to your home in the last 12 months?

Base Yes No 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

543 300 243

55% 62% -7 55.2% 44.8%

• 55% of tenants who completed the survey had used the repairs service in the last 12 months, a 7 point decrease from last year.

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5.3 Thinking about the last repair completed, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following:

Base Very



satisfied Neither





Being told when workers would call

300 178 78 7 20 17

59.3% 26.0% 2.3% 6.7% 5.7%

Being able to make an appointment

293 181 75 6 17 14

61.8% 25.6% 2.0% 5.8% 4.8%

Time taken before work started

299 160 88 6 27 18

53.5% 29.4% 2.0% 9.0% 6.0%

The speed of completion of the work

297 198 66 7 14 12

66.7% 22.2% 2.4% 4.7% 4.0%

The attitude of the workers 296 243 47 4 1 1

82.1% 15.9% 1.4% 0.3% 0.3%

The overall quality of the work

298 202 68 5 11 12

67.8% 22.8% 1.7% 3.7% 4.0%

Keeping dirt and mess to a minimum

299 224 60 4 5 6

74.9% 20.1% 1.3% 1.7% 2.0%

The repair being done 'right first time'

299 182 55 9 26 27

60.9% 18.4% 3.0% 8.7% 9.0%

The contractors doing the job you expected

298 197 70 4 13 14

66.1% 23.5% 1.3% 4.4% 4.7%

The repairs service you received on this occasion

298 192 71 5 18 12

64.4% 23.8% 1.7% 6.0% 4.0%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- %



Being told when workers would call

85% 90% -5 85%

Being able to make an appointment

87% 93% -6 81%

Time taken before work started

83% 91% -8 78%

The speed of completion of the work

89% 94% -5 82%

The attitude of the workers 98% 98% 0 91%

The overall quality of the work

91% 94% -3 84%

Keeping dirt and mess to a minimum

95% 98% -3 89%

The repair being done 'right first time'

79% 89% -10 74%

The contractors doing the job you expected

90% 95% -5 83%

The repairs service you received on this occasion

88% 94% -6 84%

*All benchmark figures from 2014/15.

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• All these questions fell compared to 2015/16, apart from ‘The attitude of the workers’ which stayed the same at a very high 98%.

• The score of 88% for ‘The repairs service you received on this occasion’ shows that the people who actually experienced a repair were happier than the general perception of repairs (5.1) and this is closer to the current 2017 score for the transactional surveys (90%).

• The changes in satisfaction were all statistically significant apart from ‘Being told when workers would call’ and ‘The overall quality of the work’.

5.4 Was the repair appointment kept for your last repair?

Base Yes No No

appointment 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

296 254


19 23 86% 89% -3

6.4% 7.8%

• The result represents a non-significant 3 point fall from 2015/16.

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6. Advice & Support

6.1 Thinking about your rent and income, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the advice

and support you receive from Newark and Sherwood Homes with:

Base Very



satisfied Neither





Claiming housing benefit and other welfare benefits

363 219 119 2 13 10

60.3% 32.8% 0.6% 3.6% 2.8%

Managing your finances & paying rent/service charges

359 213 120 7 11 8

59.3% 33.4% 1.9% 3.1% 2.2%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- %



Claiming housing benefit and other welfare benefits

93% 94% -1 79%

Managing your finances & paying rent/service charges

93% 94% -1 74%

*All benchmark figures from 2014/15.

• The results are very similar to 2015/16 with just a one point fall on both questions.

• Both questions have scored well above the 2014/15 STAR benchmark scores. 6.2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the advice and support you receive from Newark

and Sherwood Homes with the following:

Base Very



satisfied Neither





Moving home 98 63 19 3 7 6

64.3% 19.4% 3.1% 7.1% 6.1%

Support for new customers 108 75 23 4 3 3

69.4% 21.3% 3.7% 2.8% 2.8%

Support for vulnerable customers

246 124 86 3 19 14

50.4% 35.0% 1.2% 7.7% 5.7%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- %



Moving home 84% 93% -9 50%

Support for new customers 91% 91% 0 56%

Support for vulnerable customers

85% 84% +1 55%

*All benchmark figures from 2014/15.

• The scores for support for new customers and support for vulnerable customers are both very similar to the 2015/16 result.

Page 20: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction


• The result for ‘Moving home’ has fallen by a non-significant 9 points. The score of 84% is identical to the current 2017 Lettings scores from the monthly transactional surveys.

• All three questions have scored above the 2014/15 STAR benchmark by a considerable margin.

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7. Anti-social Behaviour

7.1 Have you reported anti-social behaviour to Newark and Sherwood Homes in the last 12


Base Yes No 2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

545 33 512

6% 6% 0 6.1% 93.9%

•••• 6% of respondents reported an ASB case in the last 12 months, identical to 2015/16, meaning the subsequent results are directly comparable in this section.

7.2 At the beginning, how easy or difficult was it to contact a member of staff to report your

anti-social behaviour complaint?

Base Very easy Fairly easy Neither Fairly difficult Very difficult

33 17 10 1 4 1

51.5% 30.3% 3.0% 12.1% 3.0%

2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

82% 71% +11

•••• There is an 11 point increase in ease of contacting staff. 7.3 How would you describe the member of staff dealing with your anti-social behaviour


Base Always Usually Occasionally Never

Helpful 32 19 6 6 1

59.4% 18.8% 18.8% 3.1%

Polite 32 30 1 1 -

93.8% 3.1% 3.1% -

Sensitive 31 21 6 3 1

67.7% 19.4% 9.7% 3.2%

Responsive 31 17 9 3 2

54.8% 29.0% 9.7% 6.5%

Knowledgeable 32 21 7 3 1

65.6% 21.9% 9.4% 3.1%

Page 22: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction


2016/17 2015/16 +/- %

Helpful 78% 68% +10

Polite 97% 84% +13

Sensitive 87% 74% +13

Responsive 84% 68% +16

Knowledgeable 88% 73% +15

Combined score shown is of ‘always’ and ‘usually’ responses.

•••• The results relating to the staff dealing with ASB are all much improved compared to 2015/16 with all showing a minimum of a 10 point increase in satisfaction.

•••• Despite the small number of respondents, the increases in staff being ‘Helpful’ and ‘Polite’ were both statistically significant.

7.4 How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following aspects of the ASB service?

Base Very



satisfied Neither





The advice provided by staff

32 13 13 1 4 1

40.6% 40.6% 3.1% 12.5% 3.1%

Kept up to date with what was happening throughout

30 8 7 3 8 4

26.7% 23.3% 10.0% 26.7% 13.3%

How well NSH kept to the agreed action plan

28 9 10 2 5 2

32.1% 35.7% 7.1% 17.9% 7.1%

The support provided by staff

30 10 8 3 6 3

33.3% 26.7% 10.0% 20.0% 10.0%

The speed with which your case was dealt with overall

31 11 9 4 6 1

35.5% 29.0% 12.9% 19.4% 3.2%

The final outcome of your ASB complaint overall

29 9 6 6 5 3

31.0% 20.7% 20.7% 17.2% 10.3%

The way your complaint was dealt with overall

32 10 9 5 6 2

31.3% 28.1% 15.6% 18.8% 6.3%

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2016/17 2015/16 +/- %



The advice provided by staff 81% 63% +18 55%

Kept up to date with what was happening throughout

50% 52% -2 38%

How well NSH kept to the agreed action plan

68% 57% +11 34%

The support provided by staff

60% 70% -10 43%

The speed with which your case was dealt with overall

65% 61% +4 39%

The final outcome of your ASB complaint overall

52% 62% -10 39%

The way your complaint was dealt with overall

59% 63% +4 37%

*All benchmark figures from 2014/15.

•••• The results are mixed with some falling and some rising compared to 2015/16. The greatest rise was for ‘The Advice provided by staff’, up 18 points to 81%.

•••• In the transactional surveys during 2017 the average overall satisfaction score for the ASB service is 71%. The results relating to the staff far exceed this while those relating to the case are generally lower. But all far exceed the 2014/15 STAR benchmark scores.

•••• In general the results for this ASB section are improved which contrasts with the 8% fall in overall satisfaction with the ASB service (section 2.3). It shows that those who have actually dealt with the ASB service in the past 12 months have a more favourable view than those who have a perceived view of the service.

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8. Respondent Profile

8.1 Respondent profile by Age Group

Age Group 2016/17 2015/16

16-24 5

1% 0.9%

25-34 27

3% 5.0%

35-44 31

4% 5.7%

45-54 56

12% 10.3%

55-59 43

6% 7.9%

60-64 54

11% 9.9%

65-74 129

23% 23.7%

75-84 117

21% 21.5%

85 and over 59

8% 10.8%

No reply 24

12% 4.4%

• The majority of respondents were over 65 years old.

• This profile is very similar to 2015/16 with a slight increase in respondents from the three youngest age groups.

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8.2 Respondent profile by Ethic origin

Ethnic origin Overall Main tenant Partner 2015/16

Main tenant

White - English / Welsh /

Scottish / Northern Irish /


525 523 165 98.0%

97.8% 97.8% 99.4%

White - Irish 2 2 -

0.2% 0.4% 0.4% -

White - Gypsy or Irish traveller 1 1 -

- 0.2% 0.2% -

Any other white background 8 8 1

0.9% 1.5% 1.5% 0.6%

Mixed - White & Black


- - - -

- - -

Mixed - White & Black African 1 1 -

- 0.2% 0.2% -

Mixed - White & Asian - - -

- - - -

Any other mixed / multiple

ethnic background

- - - 0.2%

- - -

Asian - Indian - - -

0.2% - - -

Asian - Pakistani - - -

- - - -

Asian - Bangladeshi - - -

- - - -

Asian - Chinese - - -

0.2% - - -

Any other Asian background - - -

- - - -

Black - African - - -

0.4% - - -

Black - Caribbean - - -

- - - -

Any other black / African /

Caribbean background

- - - -

- - -

Other - Arab - - -

- - - -

Any other ethnic group - - -

- - - -

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8.3 Respondent profile by Gender

Base Male Female 2015/16 Male 2015/16


540 216 322

39% 61% 40.1% 59.9%

8.3 Respondent profile by health problem in household

Base Yes - limited a


Yes - limited a

little No

2014/15 Yes -

limited a lot

2014/15 Yes -

limited a little 2014/15 No

536 225 116 195

43% 23% 34% 42.0% 21.6% 36.4%

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Annex 1 – Questionnaire

Newark and Sherwood Homes

STAR survey 2016/17

Q1 Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Newark and Sherwood homes?

� Very satisfied

� Fairly satisfied

� Neither

� Fairly dissatisfied

� Very dissatisfied

Q2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you:

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


a. With the overall quality of your home

� � � � � �

b. With the overall condition of your home

� � � � � �

c. With your neighbourhood as a place to live

� � � � � �

d. That your rent provides value for money

� � � � � �

e. That your service charges provide value for money

� � � � � �

Q3 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way Newark and Sherwood Homes deals with the following:

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

a. Anti-social behaviour

� � � � �

b. Complaints

� � � � �

c. Your enquiries generally

� � � � �

d. Moving or swapping your home (transfers & exchanges)

� � � � �

Q4 Are you aware of Newark and Sherwood Homes' published service standards?

� Yes

� No

Q5 Have you heard of Newark and Sherwood Homes' stated vision "to deliver excellent housing services"?

� Yes

� No

Q6 How likely would you be to recommend Newark and Sherwood to family or friends on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is not at all likely and 10 is extremely likely?

� 0

� 1

� 2

� 3

� 4

Page 28: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction


� 5

� 6

� 7

� 8

� 9

� 10

Q7 Which of the following services would you consider to be the top three priorities?

� Keeping you informed

� The overall quality of your home

� Listening to your views and acting upon them

� Repairs and maintenance

� Dealing with anti-social behaviour

� Your neighbourhood as a place to live

� Value for money for your rent (and service charges)

� Support and advice on claiming welfare benefits and paying rent

Contacting Us

Q8 Do you use the internet? (tick all that apply) �

Yes, at home

� Yes, outside the home

� No

Q9 Have you contacted Newark and Sherwood Homes in the last 12 months with a query (other than to pay your rent or service charges)?

� Yes

Go to Q10

� No

Go to Q14

Q10 Was getting hold of the right person easy or difficult?

� Easy

� Difficult

� Neither

Q11 Did you find the staff helpful or unhelpful?

� Helpful

� Unhelpful

� Neither

Q12 Was your query answered within a reasonable time?

� Yes

� No

Q13 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with:

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

a. The ability of staff to deal with your query quickly and efficiently

� � � � �

b. The final outcome of your query

� � � � �

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Information and Involvement

Q14 How good or poor do you feel Newark and Sherwood Homes is at keeping you informed about things that might affect you as a resident?

� Very good

� Fairly good

� Neither

� Fairly poor

� Very poor

Q15 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Newark and Sherwood Homes:

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

a. Listen to your views and act upon them

� � � � �

b. Give you the opportunity to make your views known

� � � � �

Repairs and Maintenance

Q16 Generally, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way Newark and Sherwood Homes deal with repairs and maintenance?

� Very satisfied

� Fairly satisfied

� Neither

� Fairly dissatisfied

� Very dissatisfied

Q17 Have you had any repairs to your home in the last 12 months?

� Yes

Go to Q18a

� No

Go to Q20a

Q18 Thinking about the last repair completed, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following:

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

a. Being told when workers would call

� � � � �

b. Being able to make an appointment

� � � � �

c. Time taken before work started

� � � � �

d. The speed of completion of the work

� � � � �

e. The attitude of the workers

� � � � �

f. The overall quality of the work

� � � � �

g. Keeping dirt and mess to a minimum

� � � � �

h. The repair being done 'right first time'

� � � � �

i. The contractors doing the job you expected

� � � � �

j. The repairs service you received on this occasion

� � � � �

Q19 Was the repair appointment kept for your last repair?

� Yes

� No

� Did not have an appointment

Page 30: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction


Advice and Support

Q20 Thinking about your rent and income, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the advice and support you receive from Newark and Sherwood Homes with the following:

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


a. Claiming housing benefit and other welfare benefits

� � � � � �

b. Managing your finances and paying rent and service charges

� � � � � �

Q21 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the advice and support you receive from Newark and Sherwood Homes with the following:

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied


a. Moving home...

� � � � � �

b. Support for new customers

� � � � � �

c. Support for vulnerable customers

� � � � � �

Anti-social behaviour

Q22 Have you reported anti-social behaviour to Newark and Sherwood Homes in the last 12 months?

� Yes

Go to Q23

� No

Go to Q26a

Q23 At the beginning, how easy or difficult was it to contact a member of staff to report your anti-social behaviour complaint?

� Very easy

� Fairly easy

� Neither

� Fairly difficult

� Very difficult

Q24 How would you describe the member of staff dealing with your anti-social behaviour complaint?

Always Usually Occasionally Never

a. Helpful

� � � �

b. Polite

� � � �

c. Sensitive

� � � �

d. Responsive

� � � �

e. Knowledgeable

� � � �

Q25 How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following aspects of the ASB service?

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

a. The advice provided by staff

� � � � �

b. How well you were kept up to date with what was happening throughout your ASB case

� � � � �

c. How well Newark and Sherwood Homes kept to the agreed action plan

� � � � �

d. The support provided by staff

� � � � �

e. The speed with which your ASB case was dealt with overall

� � � � �

f. The final outcome of your ASB complaint overall

� � � � �

Page 31: Newark & Sherwood Homes STAR – Survey of Tenants · The result is also lower than the results of the monthly transactional surveys where overall satisfaction


g. The way your ASB complaint was dealt with overall

� � � � �

You and Your Household

I would now like to ask you a few equal opportunities questions, just to ensure all tenants receive an equal service.

Q26 Please tell us the age and gender of everyone who lives with you in your household

Male Female

Main tenant

� �


� �

Person 3

� �

Person 4

� �

Person 5

� �

Person 6

� �

Detail all ages




Q27 Are your or any household members day to day activities limited because of a health problem which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?

� Yes - limited a lot

� Yes - limited a little

� No

Q28 What is you, and your partner's ethic group?

Main tenant Partner

White - English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British

� �

White - Irish

� �

White - Gypsy or Irish traveller

� �

Any other white background

� �

Mixed - White & Black Caribbean

� �

Mixed - White & Black African

� �

Mixed - White & Asian

� �

Any other mixed / multiple ethnic background

� �

Asian - Indian

� �

Asian - Pakistani

� �

Asian - Bangladeshi

� �

Asian - Chinese

� �

Any other Asian background

� �

Black - African

� �

Black - Caribbean

� �

Any other black / African / Caribbean background

� �

Other - Arab

� �

Any other ethnic group

� �

Q29 Do you give your consent for Newark and Sherwood Homes to use the equal opportunities information to update their records about your household? This information will be separated from the rest of your survey answers and will stay confidential to you.

� Yes

� No

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Q30 Is there anything else you would like to say about your home and/or the services Newark and Sherwood Homes provides?







Q30a Would you like Newark and Sherwood Homes to know who you are for this question only?

� Yes

� No

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