Page 1: NEW PRODUCTS: Solutions for Gas-Permeable Lenses


To date the following Continuing Education meetings have been arranged by or under the sponsorship of The Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists for 1983:

13th-18th March - Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology’s 9th Congress in Hong Kong (some registration forms at R.A.C.O. office).

18th-19th March - Microsurgical Teaching Workshop sponsored by A.P.A.O. and R.A.C.O. (Chairman: D r A. S. M. Lim, Unit 0609, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Mount Elizabeth Road, Singapore 0922).

7th-10th April - Clinical Ophthalmic Pathology Conference in Sydney sponsored by N.S.W. Branch, Sydney Eye Hospital and Sydney University Dept. of Ophthalmology. (Chair- man: Dr R. F. Taylor, 187 Macquarie Street, Sydney 2000).

26th Aprdth May - Series of one-day seminars on Healon in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth (Co-ordinator: Dr. G. G. Thomson, 171 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead 2145).

9th-10th June - Queensland Branch Retina Symposium in Brisbane. (Organizer: Dr D. J . Stark, 40 Annerley Road, Woolloongabba 4102).

2nd-7th October - 15th Annual Scientific Con- gress in Adelaide. (Congress Secretary: Mrs Lyn Thompson, P.O. Box 378, Blackwood 505 1).


Solutions for Gas-Permeable Lenses Two solutions specifically formulated by Barnes-Hind for hard gas-permeable contact lenses are now available.

COMBISOL* Wetting and Soaking Solution according to Barnes-Hind will produce superior wetting angles in the major hard gas-permeable contact lenses, and does not alter lens parameters after continuous soaking. Colour and clarity of lenses are also unaffected by Combisol.

Barnes-Hind claim that overnight storage in Combisol is adequate to disinfect hard gas-permeable contact lenses.

Prior to storage in Combisol, gas-permeable contact lenses must be cleaned with COMBICLEAN* daily cleaner, a nonionic surfactant cleaner which may be applied to both lens surfaces and rubbed with the finger or used in the HYDRA-MAT 11* cleaning device.

Daily cleaning with Combiclean will enhance lens comfort and prevent lens dry spot deposits, according to Barnes-Hind. After cleaning with Combiclean, lenses must be rinsed thoroughly with water, before storing in Combisol solution. These solutions are not intended for use with soft contact lenses.

Combisol is presented in 120 ml and Combiclean 25 ml.


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