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  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    M U S 3 0 1 9 A

    19th-Century Piano Music

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0



    Understand theimportance of andmarket for/purposes ofpiano music in the 19th

    centuryKno some of the main

    composers and be ab!e toarticu!ate individua!

    sty!istic traits

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0



    Piano as a c!ose second in popu!arity after son# inthe 19thcentury

    Piano as the center of the home$innovations #reat!y

    increased accessibi!ity of pianos and !oered costs%omen in particu!ar p!ayed the instrument&$it as

    an accomp!ishment that made them moremarria#eab!e and a!!oed them to entertain

    fami!y/friends'!! these amateurs needed music to p!ay and created a

    hu#e demand for pub!ications

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    (ypes of pieces/Purpose

    (eachin#--etudes'mateur )njoyment$

    dances* !yrica! pieces*sonatas* character

    sketchesPub!ic Performance$

    bravura pieces forvirtuosi

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    "mportant Composers

    +ran, chubert+e!i. Mende!ssohn

    obert chumann

    +ran, 0is,t

    +ryderyk Chopin

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    Character Piece

    hort piano piece embodyin# the character or spiritof a person of occasion

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    +e!i. Mende!ssohn 1239-12456

    enoned pianist* or#anist* and composer

    7randson of phi!osopher Moses Mende!ssohn

    ' chi!d prodi#y ho rote astoundin# music as a youth

    8orn eish* but converted to Protestantism8!ended inf!uences from 8ach* :ande!* Mo,art*

    8eethoven* and Contemporaries

    esu!t; contrapunta! c!arity* forma! concision* and

    romantic e.pression combined into !yrica! pieces for piano8est knon pieces for piano;Lieder ohne Worte son#s

    ithout ords6

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    Mende!ssohn*Lieder ohne Worte

    42 short pieces #roupedin 2 books

    Pieces ritten !ike !iederin sty!e$but ithout

    ords abso!ute music6;%ritten in < parts bass*

    arpe##iations* me!ody6

    Mende!ssohn be!ieved

    abso!ute tones cou!d bemore e.pressive andspecific than ords

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    +e!i. Mende!ssohn on the Meanin# of Music from the0etter of dated Oct& 1=* 124> to Marc-'ndr? ouchay&

    @Peop!e usua!!y comp!ain that music is soambi#uous* and hat they are supposed to think

    hen they hear it is so unc!ear* hi!e ords areunderstood by everyone& 8ut for me* it is e.act!ythe opposite$and not just ith entire discourses*

    but a!so ith individua! ordsA these too* seem tobe so ambi#uous* so indefinite in comparison ith#ood music* hich fi!!s oneBs sou! ith a thousand

    better thin#s than ords&

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    obert chumann

    :is pub!ications up to 1243 ere a!! for so!o piano&Most of his compositions are short piano charactersketches* often #rouped to#ether ith co!orfu!!iterary names$Papillons, Carnaval,

    Fantasiestcke, Kinderscenen, Kreisleriana&

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    chumannBs tit!es are evocative and meant toconjure up the ima#ination of the !istener& (he tit!es

    ere often added after the pieces ere composedand are not meant to impose narrative or e.p!icitpro#rams in re!ation to the music& ather* they aresu##estive pieces that can represent the character ofthe person or event named in the tit!e&

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    chumann* Carnaval, op& 9 12436

    chumann conjures up a masGuerade ba!! incarnava! season throu#h >3 short pieces in dancerhythms&

    'mon# the #uests are characters from his ritin# toembody different aspects of his persona!ity;

    +!orestan named after the hero of 8eethovenBs+ide!io* and a visionary dreamer

    )usebius* named after a 4thcentury pope& )usebiusis a dreamy fantasy ith a s!o chromatic bass !ine&

    Piece unified throu#h recurrin# motives

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    Eusebius of Ceasarea

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    Ho& =; )usebius

    (he dreamiest and !east dance-!ike amon# themovements

    8ass !ine a!most entire!y chromatic in even Guarter

    notesi#ht hand p!ays undu!atin# patterns in odd-

    numbered co!!ections of notes =* 5* etc&6

    +orma!!y re#u!ar* based on to a!ternatin# 4-bar

    phrases ''B8'BB8B'BBB8'BB6

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    Ho& F; +!orestan

    +ast %a!t, in 7 Minor ith sfor,andos on off-beats

    are!y cadences on 7 minor

    Movement contains severa! contrastin# ideas

  • 7/25/2019 MUS 301 9a@0


    Ho& 5; CoGuette

    +!irtatious attitude su##ested by !i!tin# dottedrhythm in a fast tempo

    :armony never sett!in# on the tonic f!irtin# throu#h

    many key areas6http;//&youtube&com/atchDvEpu8I.Jits

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