
Medallic Illustrations of the History of Science (First Series: XIXth and XXth Centuries)Eighth ArticleAuthor(s): George SartonSource: Isis, Vol. 14, No. 1 (May, 1930), pp. 215-218Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science SocietyStable URL: .

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Medallic Illustrations of the History of Science

(First Series: XIXth and XXth centuries).

Eighth Article.

This collection of scientific medals began to appear in volume 8 of Isis. The seventh article appeared in volume XIII, p. 353-55, pl. 5-8, 1930. The Editor will welcome photographs or suggestions for the fol- lowing parts of this series. It is intended to publish only medals having a sufficient scientific and artistic interest. Medals dedicated to scientists who are still living can not be published at once, but will be considered for ulterior publication. GEORGE SARTON.

No. 41. CHARLES ADOLPHE WURTZ. French chemist. Born near Strasbourg, I817; died Paris, i884. Organic chemistry. Elaboration of the atomic theory. Cours de philosophie chimique (I864); Histoire des doctrines chimiques (i869); Dictionnaire de chimie (I869-78); La Theorie atomique (I878); Traite de chimie biologique (i88o-85); etc.

Artist: ALPHEE DUBOIS. French medallist (Paris, I83I; Clamart,

Seine, 1905). (FORRER, I, 631-33, 1904; 7, 236, 1923).

Date: i886. Size: 68 mm. Collection: LYMAN C. NEWELL, Boston.

Obv. Portrait (fig. 58). CHARLES ADOLPHE WURTZ, I817-I884. ALPHJE DUBOIS, i886.

Rev. Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquee. Decouverte des ammoniaques composees. Decouverte des glycols. La theorie atomique. Traite de chimie biologique. (Fig. 59). ALPHEE DUBOIS.

No. 42. JOSEPH LEIDY. American zoologist. Born, Philadelphia,

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I823; died, Philadelphia, I89I. Studies of parasitology, protozoology, palaeontology, human and comparative anatomy, etc.

Artist: JOHN R. SINNOCK, engraver in the United States Mint, Philadelphia.

Date 1923. Size 4 x 2.5 inches. Collection: JOSEPH LEIDY, jr. Obv. Portrait (fig. 6o). JOSEPH LEIDY. J. R. S. MCMXXIII. Rev. JOSEPH LEIDY, I823-I89I. The Academy of Natural

Sciences of Philadelphia... (Space for the name of the person to whom the medal is awarded).

No. 43. AUGUSTE COMTE. French philosopher. Born, Mont- pellier, 1798; died, Paris, i857.

Artist S. E. VERNIER. French medallist. Born, Paris, I852. Date i902. Size 47 x 32 mm.

Collection: Cabinet des Medailles, Paris. (Coutesy of Mme. H. METZGER).

Obv.: Portrait (fig. 62). AUGUSTE COMTE. Fondateur du Positi- visme, 1798-I857. S. E. VERNIER, 1902.

Rev.: Reproduction of statue (fig. 6i). Ce monument eleve a AUGUSTE COMTE par souscription internationale, a ete inaugure le i8 mai i902 'a Paris. INJALBERT, statuaire.

Ordre et progres. Vivre pour autrui. Famille, patrie, humanite.

No. 44. JEAN BAPTISTE LAMARCK. French biologist. Born at

Bazentin, Picardie, 1744; died, Paris, i829. Theory of evolu-

tion in his Philosophie zoologique, I809. Histoire des animaux sans vert0bres, I815-22.

Artist: F. SICARD. French medallist.

Size: 47 mm. Collection: Cabinet des Medailles, Paris. (Coutesy of Mme.

H. METZGER). Obv.: Portrait (fig. 63). LAMARCK, 1744-I829. F. SICARD. Rev. Museum national d'histoire naturelle. (Open space to

engrave name of person to whom the medal is awarded).

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(Figs. 58, 59.)

Isis, xiv, p1. 6 Medallic Illustrations, VIII.

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(Fig. 6o.)


(Figs. 6i-62.) Isis, XIV, P1. 7 Medallic Illustrations, viii

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(Fig. 63.)


(Fig. 64.

Isis, xiv, pl.8 Medallic Illustrations, vill

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(Fig. 65.

(Fig 66. ..

Isis, xiv pi. 9 Meai_lutain,vi

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No. 45. MARIE FRANSOIS XAVIER BICHAT. French anatomist. Born at Thoirette, Jura, I771; died Paris, I802. One of the founders of general (or descriptive) anatomy. Traite des membranes (1799-I 8oo). Anatomie descriptive (5 vols., I80o-


Artist: L. DUBOUR. French medallist of the first half of the nineteenth century, who made but very few medals (FORRER, I, 639, 1904).

Date i920. Size 42 mm. Collection: L. J. HENDERSON, Cambridge, Mass. Obv.: Portrait (fig. 64). M. F. X. BICHAT. L. DUBOUR.

Rev. Oak and laurel branches. Congres de Physiologie, Paris, I920.

No. 46. JEAN VICTOR PONCELET. Born in Metz in 1788; died in Paris I867. French mathematician and engineer. Traite des proprietes projectives des figures. Paris, I822. Principle of geometrical continuity; method of reciprocal polars; principle of duality (implied).

Artist : EUGiENE ANDRI OUDINE. Born, Paris, i8io; died, Paris, I889. French sculptor and medallist.

Date 1 869. Size 50 mm. Collection G. S. Publisher Mlonnaie, Paris. Obv.: JEAN VICTOR PONCELET. Membre de l'Institut. (Portrait,

fig. 65). Rev.: Ne 'a Metz, 1788. Lieutenant du genie, I8I2. Professeur

a l'ecole de Metz, I824. Membre de l'Academie des Sciences, 1834. Professeur 'a la Faculte des sciences de Paris, I837. Re- presentant du peuple, i848. General de brigade, I848. Com- mandant de l'Tcole polytechnique, I848-50. Gd. Or. de la Legion d'honneur, I853. Mort le 23 decembre I867.

No. 47. (DOMINIQUE, JEAN) FRANSoIS ARAGO. Born in Estagel, Roussillon, I786; died in Paris, I853. French physicist. Study of optical polarization and other optical phenomena, etc. Popularization of science.

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Artist : ALPHAE DUBOIS (I831-I905). French medallist and sculptor. Born at Paris in I83I; died at Clamart, Seine, 1905. (FORRER's Dictionary, vol. I, 63I-33, I904; vol. 7, 236, 1923).

Size: 67 mm. Collection: D. E. SMITH. Obv.: FRAN9OIS ARAGO, 1786-I853 (fig. 66). ALPHEE DUBOIS,

d'apres DAVID D'ANGERS. Rev.: Institut de France. Academie des Sciences. Medaille

Arago. Laudes damus posteri gloriam. (laurel branch).

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