  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Math Concept Reader

    A Trip to the Pond

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Copyright Gareth Stevens, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN 13: 978-0-15-360186-6ISBN 10: 0-15-360186-8

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    by Linda Bussell

    Math Concept Reader

    A Trip to the Pond

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond






    Ms. Tosh holds up her eld guide or the class to see. This

    eld guide is a book about insects that live near the pond, she

    says. She opens the book and shows the class what it looks like


    It has pictures and inormation about the insects and their

    habitats. The eld guide includes measurements. It shows the

    size o many insects and has inormation about the plants in

    the area, too.

    Ms. Tosh says students will work in pairs and use eld

    guides to nd and identiy the insects.

    Students will use eld guides tolearn about the insects they see ontheir eld trip.

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Today is the eld trip. The students brought their

    science journals to record what they see.

    Ms. Tosh has eld guides as well as colored pencils so

    the students can draw pictures o insects they spot.

    Ms. Tosh says the students will look or colors and

    markings to help them identiy the insects. Markings are

    patterns o color on an animal.

    They will estimate the sizes o the insects and then

    compare the estimates with the sizes in the eld guide.The bus arrives at the pond. Students put on gloves

    beore starting their investigations.

    Chapter 2:

    At the Pond

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Milkweed and other wildfowers grow near the pond

    and in the eld around the pond. These plants are an

    important habitat or some insects. Their poisonous

    sap is a source o ood or insects such as the Monarch

    caterpillar. The poisonous sap does not harm the Monarch


    This milkweed is about 90 cm tall, which is more than

    the length o an adult baseball bat!

    The students notice many orange and black butterfiesfying around the milkweed.

    At rst all the butterfies look the same. A ew are

    dierent though. Adam and Rachel use their eld guide

    to discover that there are two kinds o orange and black


    Milkweed is a source o ood or many dierent insects.

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    One o the

    butterfies is

    called the

    Monarch while

    the other is called

    the Viceroy.

    Adam notices

    that the hind

    wings o the

    butterfies aredierent. The

    Viceroy has a

    black band

    there, but the

    Monarch does not.

    They check the eldguide. It says that

    wingspan is the distance

    across the widest part o

    the wings when they are

    ully open.

    The Monarchswingspan is about 10 cm,

    and the Viceroys wingspan

    is about 8 cm. Rachel

    records the two butterfies

    and their wingspans in the journal. Then

    Rachel sees something green hanging rom a milkweed stem.

    Monarch butterfy

    Viceroy butterfy

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Adam nds a picture o the object in the eld guide

    and learns that it is a Monarch chrysalis, or pupa. The

    Monarch caterpillar turns into a chrysalis beore itbecomes an adult butterfy and remains in this stage or

    10-12 days.

    The process o changing rom a caterpillar to a pupa

    to a butterfy is called metamorphosis. The chrysalis in

    the eld guide measures more than 2 cm long. Rachel

    estimates this chrysalis is almost the same size as the one

    in the eld guide.

    She notes this in their journal and then draws a

    picture o the chrysalis.

    A Monarch butterfy chrysalis, or pupa, is shown in dierent stages odevelopment.

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Daisy and Ruben are also exploring the milkweed.

    They see yellow, black, and white caterpillars o dierent

    sizes. Adam reads in the eld guide that they are all

    Monarch caterpillars that will grow into Monarch


    Caterpillars grow in stages called instars. Between

    instars, the caterpillars shed their skin to keep growing.

    There are ve instars in all.

    Daisy and Ruben nd a table in their eld guide that

    compares the sizes o the Monarch instars.

    Daisy and Ruben compare the caterpillars they see

    with the inormation in the table. They record their

    observations in their journal.

    Stage Approximate Length

    First Instar About cm

    Second Instar Almost 1 cm

    Third Instar About 1 cm to 1 cm

    Fourth Instar About 1 cm to 2 cm

    Fith Instar About 2 cm to 4 cm



    1 2








    Monarch butterfy instars

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Hickory trees near the pond are another insect habitat and

    can grow to be 40 m tall. One meter equals 100 centimeters.

    Forty meters is longer than three school buses parked end to

    end.Sydney spots a large, green moth on a tree trunk. It is an

    adult Luna moth. This is a lucky nd because Luna moths are

    an endangered species in some areas.

    This Luna moth is sitting high in the tree, more than a

    meter above their heads. The eld guide says that some adult

    Luna moths have a wingspan o more than 11 cm.


    Adult Luna moths can have a wingspan o more than 11 cm.

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Benjamin and Carl also are looking among the hickory

    trees or insects. They are trying to nd a caterpillar

    called the Hickory Horned Devil which is erce-looking,

    but harmless to people.They nd several Hickory Horned Devil caterpillars in

    the twigs o a hickory tree. They are eating hickory leaves.

    The caterpillars are dierent sizes and have orange and

    black spines behind their heads.

    Carl reads the eld guide. It shows a Hickory Horned

    Devil that is about 10 cm long. Benjamin records theinormation in their science journal. Then he draws a

    picture o this insect.


    The Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar lookserce, but it is harmless to people.

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Carl reads in the eld guide that the Hickory Horned

    Devil is the caterpillar stage o the adult Regal moth. Like

    the Hickory Horned Devil, the Regal moth can grow very

    large. Regal moths have a wingspan up to 10 cm long.

    Carl and Benjamin look around, but they do not nd

    any Regal moths. This is probably because Regal moths arenocturnal, or active at night.

    Then they hear Ms. Tosh call the class together. Mrs. Tosh

    collects the pencils, markers, and eld guides. She collects

    their gloves. The students climb on board the bus.


    Regal moth

  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    The students settle on the bus. They are excited about

    their day and talk all at once about the dierent insects

    they saw at the pond.

    Ms. Tosh asks them to name some o the insects they

    saw. The students talk about some o the surprising things

    they learned.

    We saw lots o Monarch butterfies, says Rachel. We

    read that some Monarchs fy more than 4,000 km!

    Correct, says Ms. Tosh. Some Monarchs migraterom southern Canada, across the United States, to central

    Mexico. That is a very long trip or such small insects.


    Chapter 3:

    Going Home

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  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


  • 7/27/2019 MCR-G3-A Trip to the Pond


    Think and Respond

    1. The wingspan o an adult Viceroy buttery is

    about 8 cm. Is this wingspan longer or shorter than

    a decimeter? Tell how you know.

    2. Some milkweed plants grow to be 110 cm tall. Are

    these plants taller than 1 meter or shorter than 1

    meter? Tell how you know.

    3. A Luna moths wingspan is 11 cm. A Monarch

    caterpillar is 4 cm long. The distance between a

    Regal moths two wing tips is 10 cm. Order these

    measurements rom smallest to largest.

    4. Would you use centimeters, meters, or kilometers

    to measure the length o your classroom? Explain

    your choice.

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