Page 1: May 6, 2013 - Cal U Journal

VOLUME 15, NUMBER 14 MAY 6 , 2013

California University



Colors Cal U‘Green’

’Bots Battles Spark STEM Interest

Commission for WomenAdds Faculty, Staff Awards

The President’s Commission for the Status ofWomen acknowledged the achievements of threemembers of the campus community at the Spring

2013 Outstanding Woman of the Year luncheon on April24 at Kara Alumni House.

For the first time, awards were given to an outstandingmember of the faculty and the staff — Professor SuzannePalko, from the Department of Nursing, and DarlaHolley-Holmes, who provides administrative support inthe departments of Psychology and Modern Languagesand Cultures.

Senior Rebecca Geiger, a sociology major with minorsin history and women’s studies, was honored in thetraditional undergraduate category.

“In addition to recognizing undergraduate andgraduate students, the commission believes it is importantto honor the phenomenal faculty and staff who have gone

above and beyond their positions to support women andwomen’s issues on campus and in their communities,”said Rhonda Gifford, director of Career Services andchair of the commission.

“For this reason, we decided this year to create boththe faculty and the staff award categories.”

The commission, appointed by the Universitypresident, is an advisory group that advocates for anenvironment where women can flourish professionally,intellectually and socially.

• Palko was instrumental in bringing the RN-BSNprogram to Cal U in the 1980s — a time when registerednurses increasingly were looking to add a bachelor’sdegree to their diploma or associate degree. She alsodeveloped and taught two courses, Women’s Health Issuesand Women’s Experience, that could be taken by students

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For the fourth consecutive year, Cal U hasearned a listing in The PrincetonReview’s Guide to 322 Green Colleges, a

directory produced in partnership with the U.S.Green Building Council.

This year’s guide profiles two Canadian and320 U.S. institutions of higher education “thatdemonstrate a strong commitment tosustainability in their academic offering, campusinfrastructure, activities and career preparation.”

The listing for Cal U commends theUniversity for its use of geothermal heating andcooling in its residence halls and notes thatmore than one-third of its energy consumptionis derived from renewable sources.

It points out Cal U’s efforts to reduce itscarbon footprint and energy usage, and toprovide internships with environmentally awarecompanies and career guidance on “green” jobs.

The listing also mentions the Cal U WeatherCenter’s participation in the G.L.O.B.E.program, a worldwide education and scienceprogram that encourages students to reportscientific data for dissemination through a freeWeb service, so they can collaborate withscientists around the world.

The University’s commitment to a greenerworld also is reflected in:

• Bachelor’s degree programs environmentalstudies, environmental earth science, geologyand meteorology, plus concentrations infisheries and wildlife, conservation ecology,environmental science, and environmentalleadership and management.

• An extensive energy monitoring systemand a proven record of energy efficiency acrosscampus.

• Undergraduate research projects focusingon water quality, endangered species and habitatprotection.

• Campus dining options that includeorganic and whole foods, plus locally grownproduce and meats.

• A campus arboretum with nearly 500native and non-native trees, including many ofthe species indigenous to Pennsylvania.

• Establishment of the new InterdisciplinaryCenter for Environmental Studies (ICES).

ICES director Dr. Robert Whyte is confidentthat the center has the potential to foster ingreater collaboration in support of “green”initiatives.

“There are many environmentally relatedactivities at Cal U. Through the center we havean opportunity to extend the already excellentwork being done across the campus byfacilitating interdisciplinary and collaborativeopportunities in the classroom and throughservice and research,” he said.

“In other words, we are going to get morepeople talking to each other and workingtogether.”

To learn more about The Princeton Review’sGuide to 322 Green Colleges, .

Sparks ignited, parts flew offand more than one batteredrobot limped out of the arena

during the 2013 SouthwesternPennsylvania BotsIQ Finals April19-20 at the Convocation Center.

More than 560 students from 42high schools competed in the “smartsport” — an exciting science,technology, engineering, and math(STEM) robotics competition whererobots designed and manufacturedby high school students face off andfight for survival.

In addition to the smash-’em-uprobot battles, the 54 participatingteams also were judged on theirengineering, recordkeeping andinterview skills.

Eight years ago the PittsburghChapter of the National Tooling andMachining Association (NTMA),

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Enjoying a nice day outside the Kara Alumni House following the President’s Commission for the Status of Women’s OutstandingWoman of the Year luncheon are (from left) Rhonda Gifford, director of Career Services and chair of the commission; traditionalundergraduate recipient Rebecca Geiger; staff recipient Darla Holley­Holmes; faculty recipient Suzanne Palko; and Interim PresidentGeraldine M. Jones.

Clairton High School’s driver Zachary Loera maneuvers the final hit on the opposingrobot as teammates Bianca Pulliam (left) and Eliza Sopko (right) embrace whilefaculty advisor Dennis Beard celebrates his team’s first­place showing inside theConvocation Center.

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’Bots Battles Spark Interest in STEM

GACO Seminar Looks at Federal Regulations

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along with a committed group ofmanufacturers and educators, broughtBotsIQ to southwestern Pennsylvania.This year, KDKA-TV filmed thethrilling finals for a 30-minute televisionshow that aired April 27.

Clairton High School and its robotBazinga came away with both the grandchampionship and the first-place battleaward, but the experience made all ofthe participants winners.

“What I see here is a combination ofskills that is going to get young peopleinterested in engineering, machinery,welding and working in teams,” saidJeffrey S. Kelly, CEO and owner ofHamill Manufacturing Co. and a formerNTMA national chair.

“Young people who are interested inhow things are made are the future ofthe high-tech manufacturingworkforce.”

Cal U has hosted regional BotsIQcompetitions in the past, but bringingthe finals to the Convocation Centertook a team effort, said contestorganizer Dr. Michael Amrhein, of Cal U’s Department of AppliedEngineering and Technology.

“What we’ve done over the pasteight years is to create a synergy, so thisBotsIQ program and Cal U are strongpartners,” he said.

“With everything coming togetherhere for this big event, it’s a really bigpartnership statement. We are hoping alot of these students visiting today willcome to Cal U for any degree, butespecially for technology education orthe new mechatronics engineeringtechnology program that’s starting thisfall.”

As music boomed and announcerChad McWreath called the play-by-playfor another ’bots battle, Amrhein notedthat many of the teams’ faculty advisersare Cal U alumni. Among them wasCentral Valley High School’s adviser,Bill Fiedler ’01.

“This competition is the definitionof STEM in education, because of allthe practical uses of science and maththe students are engaged in,” saidFielder, who is in his ninth year as atechnology education teacher at theBeaver County school.

“Things are moving, shaking, andthe kids have to use calculus andphysics in order to figure out how it’s allgoing to work together.”

Greg Bohna ’98, a physics teacherand BotsIQ adviser, said his students atBrownsville Area High School benefitedfrom contact with the team’s industrypartner, Allison Custom Fabrication.

“We spent several days meeting withtheir engineers and the firm’s vicepresident,” he said. “I thought that partof the process really made our studentsmore determined and enthused aboutmoving on to college to studyengineering.”

Whether they were near the twoLexan battle arenas or tuning up theirrobots in the “pit,” the students werefocused on the competition.

Senior Josh Faust, a football playerat South Park High School and theteam’s unofficial “Mr. Fix-It,” describedBotsIQ as a team sport where you useyour brain instead of your body.

“Going from the computer screen tosomething you can hold in your handsis pretty cool. You can’t describe thefeeling of seeing all the hard work andbrainstorming come to life,” he said.“There’s a lot of teamwork. It’s anadrenaline rush when your robot is outthere.”

Ben Angell, a sophomore atRinggold High School, said he enjoysusing many different skills during theBotsIQ building phase.

“I really enjoy learning the newelectrical parts that go into the roboteach year,” said Angell, who spentlunchtime with his sister Elizabeth, aCal U student.

“Last year we used a simple speedcontrol. This time we have an advanced,larger one to handle bigger batteries. Ialso enjoy designing the outside of the’bots, because I’m into art.”

Andrew Stein, a junior at CentralValley, said he hopes to pursue a careerin mechanical engineering.

“I like working with my hands,” hesaid. “Machining, problem-solving andthen the design aspect with engineering— this is right up my alley.”

The team’s enthusiasm showed:Central Valley won the School SpiritAward; Propel Braddock High Schooland Brownsville Area took second- andthird-place honors.

Alex Krnosky, a junior fromHempfield Area High School,

specialized in the documentation phaseof the contest. Each team presented thejudges with a thick binder of technicaldrawings and other records that showhow the robot was designed andconstructed.

“I like it all,” said the aspiringmachinist.

Derry Area High School’s adviser,Ken Hackman ’89, is in his 21st year asa technology education teacher. Hisstudents take a year-round robotics classand put in about 100 additional hoursafter school to prepare for the BotsIQcompetition.

“The kids love this,” said Hackman,who often returns to his alma mater fortechnology conferences and nightclasses in robotics. “Their enthusiasm iscontagious. You look for that kind ofpassion.”

Special guests at the contestincluded Ron Tomalis, the stateSecretary of Education, and state Rep.Brandon Neuman, a proponent ofSTEM education. Industry partnersstaffed booths in the lobby and alongthe concourse to introduce themselvesto the competitors and BotsIQ fans. Adedicated corps of BotsIQ volunteershandled judging duties, while StudentAmbassadors and Cal U admissionsstaff led campus tours between bouts.

“This is intended to be a multi-usefacility, and a community outreachevent like this is huge for theUniversity,” said Michael Silva, generalmanager for VenuWorks at theConvocation Center. “It bringsprospective students and parents to thecampus.

This is what we are here to do.”

Plum Area High School’s teammates Katie Shreve (left), Matt Haines and Yasimin Kelly make final adjustments on their robot while facultyadviser Martin Griffith ’95 looks on.

Greater Latrobe High School’s Heidi Thorne (left), faculty adviser Stanton Glamp ’08 andMaddie Wilson work on their team’s robot during the BotsIQ competition inside theConvocation Center.

GACO, Cal U’s Government AgencyCoordination Office, will host a FederalAcquisition Regulations seminar at 8 .m.

Thursday, the final two parts of a four-part series onFAR.

The regulations outline the policies and proceduresthat govern the federal gvernment’s acquisition activi-ties. Their purpose is to ensure that purchasing proce-dures are standard, consistent and conducted in a fair

and impartial manner. They apply to all federal executive agencies in their

acquisition of supplies and services. These regulationsgovern the three phases of the acquisition process:acquisition planning, contract formulation and contractadministration.

Thursday’s seminar on “Regulatory and LegalManagement of Federal Contracts ” and “FinancialManagement of Federal Contracts” will be held at the

Regional Alliance Center” in Cranberry, Pa (850Cranberry Woods Drive).

The presenter is Barbara Weaver, of the U.S. SmallBusiness Administration. She is responsible for provid-ing support, training and advocacy to small businessesdoing business with the federal government.

For information or questions about the registration processor seminar content, please contact Renee Decker at 724-738-2346.

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Commission Adds Faculty, Staff Awards

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enrolled in the women’s studies minor.Palko is the longtime adviser for Pi

Rho, the Cal U chapter of Sigma ThetaTau International, the nursing honorsociety.

As a member of the WashingtonCounty chapter of Zonta, a nonprofitorganization for professional women thatseeks to advance the status of womenworldwide, she also brought a serviceproject to Cal U that provides women indeveloping countries with a clean andsterile environment in which to givebirth.

• Holley-Holmes has worked tolaunch Cal U Women United, whichheld its kickoff meeting in March. Thegroup supports the growth, developmentand achievement of young women ofcolor at the University.

Among other on-campus activities,Holley-Holmes is on the steeringcommittee for the 4th annualPennsylvania National DiversityConference on Sept. 19 at the Cal UConvocation Center, with guest speakerRet. Gen. Colin Powell.

She also is the minister, assistantdirector of women’s fellowship andchurch secretary at Christian LifeMinistries in Donora.

• Geiger is president of the ActivistClub and has helped to plan and promotethe Audrey-Beth Fitch Women’s StudiesConference at Cal U.

Her presentation “WoMo’s and Mr.Moms” explored the influence of genderroles on television and won the award forbest presentation at the IntersectionsUndergraduate Conference.

Geiger is vice president of Pi GammaMu social science fraternity and a

member of Alpha Lambda Delta servicefraternity.

After the awards were presented,guest speaker Linda Serene ’64 spokeabout her leadership experiences at Cal Uand in the community.

She and her husband, Dr. HarrySerene, remain very active at their almamater. The couple formed the Linda andHarry Serene Leadership Institute at CalU, which sponsors an annual leadershipcamp for local high school students, aspeaker series and a leadershipconference.

Most recently, Linda Serene waspresident of the Foundation forCalifornia University of Pennsylvania.

In her talk, she shared some adviceon how to be a success.

“Trust yourself that you’re doing theright thing,” she said. “And believe inyourself. Hard work really does pay off.”

North Carolina’s poetlaureate, former Cal Ustudent Joseph Bathanti,

returns to campus for an “Eveningof Poet Laureates” 7 p.m. Tuesdayin Eberly Hall, Room 110.

Bathanti, who was installed asNorth Carolina’s poet laureate inSeptember, is the author of sixbooks ofpoetry, twonovels and ashort storycollection.

A nativeof Pittsburgh,he is professorof creativewriting atAppalachianStateUniversity,where he alsois director ofWriting in theField and awriter-in-residence in theuniversity’sWataugaGlobalCommunity.He has taught writing workshopsin prisons for 35 years.

Bathanti won the 2002Sherwood Anderson Award andthe 2006 Spokane Prize for ShortFiction, as well as various NorthCarolina writing awards. Hisfiction, nonfiction and poetry haveappeared in such literary journalsas Texas Review, California Quarterly,Cincinnati Poetry Review, ConnecticutReview, Alaska Quarterly Review,Shenandoah, New Letters andCarolina Quarterly.

Joining him for the reading willbe Ryan Sittler, poet laureate forBerks County, Pa., from 2002-2008.

The co-editor of two books onlibrary instruction, Sittler is anassistant professor andinstructional technology/information literacy librarian atManderino Library.

A videogame designer as wellas a poet, Sittler is the leaddesigner of A Planet in Peril:Plagiarism, a Web-basededucational game that won the2010 Caspian Learning SeriousGames Challenge.

The “Evening of PoetLaureates” is part of a VisitingWriters Series sponsored by theCal U English Department and theCollege of Liberal Arts.

A book signing and lightrefreshments will be offered afterthe reading.

Admission is free, and thepublic may attend. Visitor parkingis available in the Vulcan Garage,off Third Street near the campusentrance.

For a list of the authors’ worksand other information, .

Undergraduate research steppedfront and center when theFaculty Professional

Development Committee presented theseventh annual Academic ExcellenceDays April 23-24 in the PerformanceCenter.

This year’s theme was “Taking theLead Together.”

Student Scholarship, Research andCreativity Day poster sessions gavestudents an opportunity to display theirwork and discuss their research.

Seniors Thomas Henson and EllenNewman, both biology majors in theHonors Program, showcased theirinvestigation of parasites that affect sixdifferent species of frogs. Newmanexplained that the course on parasites hadbeen offered for the first time in five years,and they were able to borrow specimensfrom the Physiology Club.

“We found Alaria Americana to be themost interesting species,” Henson added.“We probably spent close to five hoursdoing the dissections and a week puttingeverything together with the proper IDs.”

Freshman Imani Shell, an athletictraining major who also is in the HonorsProgram, highlighted the need for pole-vaulters to wear helmets.

A sprinter and jumper on the Cal Utrack and field team, Shell explained thatfatalities have occurred when pole-vaulters miss the mats intended tocushion their landing. Her project focusedon Kevin Dare, who was killed in a pole-vaulting accident at the 2002 Big TenChampionships.

Now all Big 10 student-athletes mustsign a waiver if they chose not to wear ahelmet while pole-vaulting.

“This is really interesting for me,because I’ve always felt that if I attemptthis activity, I would want to wear ahelmet,” she said. “There have been otherfatalities and skull fractures. People needto be made aware.”

Dr. Mark Aune, director of Cal U’sHonors Program, reported that nearly 400students registered for the two-day event.Faculty also participated.

Academic Excellence Days was heldjust a few days after Cal U hosted the

seventh annual IntersectionsUndergraduate Research Conference. Inthe future, Aune said, he hopes to link thetwo events.

“For our honors students,participating in AED is an opportunity tocomplete the long and challengingresearch process by presenting theirresults to the world in a professionalcontext,” he said. “Undergraduateresearch is an important part of thefoundation of the Honors Program, andAED provides honors students with thatfinal, public piece of the research project— sharing their results with others.”

‘Eveningof Poet


Joseph Bathanti

Ryan Sittler

Academic Excellence Showcased

A member of the track and field team, freshman Imani Shell proudly displays her poster andresearch about the need for pole­vaulters to wear helmets.

Catch ofthe DayCal U student BrookeRomesburg, a member ofthe Parks and RecreationSociety, measures troutcaught by 7­year­oldConnor Garden of JeffersonHills, Pa., during the 18thannual Pike Run YouthFishing Festival. Even amorning rain didn’t dampenthe spirits of young anglersand their families whoarrived for the April 20event at Rotary Park inCalifornia. Faculty adviserDr. John Confer, an associ­ate professor in theDepartment of EarthSciences, said this success­ful collaboration betweenthe University and the com­munity attracted nearly 200participants.

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Geraldine M. JonesInterim University President

Dr. Bruce BarnhartActing Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Charles Mance Vice President for University Technology Services

Robert ThornVice President for Administration and Finance

Craig Butzine Vice President for Marketing and University Relations

Dr. Nancy PinardiInterim Vice President for Student Affairs

Jessica UrbanikInterim Vice President for University Development and Cal U for Life

Christine KindlEditor

Bruce Wald, Wendy Mackall, Jeff BenderWriters

The California Journal is published weekly by California University of Pennsylvania, a member of The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

Office of Communications and Public Relations 250 University Avenue California, PA 15419 724-938-4195 [email protected]

Tennis Nets Championship

Theatre Program, Academy Earn NAST Nod


Mother-Baby Attachment Is Topic

Dr. James McKenna, director of the mother-baby behavioralsleep laboratory at the University of Notre Dame, will present“Scientific Studies of the Evolution of Human Mother-InfantAttachment: Implications for the Health and Well Being ofMothers and Babies in Urban Industrialized Settings” at 7 p.m.Thursday in Eberly Hall, Room 110.

McKenna is an expert in the areas of infant sleep, breast-feeding and sudden infant death syndrome. He is the Edmund P.Joyce chair in anthropology at Notre Dame.

The lecture is free and open to the public. For information, .

Arts Group Presents Survey Findings

Jobs created by arts and culture organizations generate $19million in income for households in Washington County.

That was one key piece of data presented by the GreaterPittsburgh Arts Council, which shared findings from its recent“Arts, Culture and Economic Prosperity” study April 22 in theKara Alumni House.

University President Geraldine M. Jones deliveredwelcoming remarks at the event, which was postponed becauseof last month’s power outage. A number of Cal U faculty andstaff attended the forum, which highlighted the economicimpact of the arts and culture in southwestern Pennsylvania.

Nearly 500 nonprofit arts organizations make an overalleconomic impact of $1.2 billion in the 10-county region thatincludes Allegheny County, where many arts organizations areconcentrated, the council reported.

The program also included an arts education advocacyworkshop presented by the Arts Education Collaborative.

Anational accrediting body hasgiven a standing ovation to CalU’s Bachelor of Arts in Theatre

and its community outreach program, theMon Valley Performing Arts Academy.

The National Association of Schoolsof Theatre (NAST) has awarded fullaccreditation to both the undergraduatedegree program and the after-school andsummer academy that provides hands-ontheater experiences for area children.

NAST, founded in 1969, is anorganization of schools, conservatories,colleges and universities. It establishesnational standards for undergraduate andgraduate degrees and other credentials.

Cal U’s bachelor’s degree programearned its initial accreditation in 2005. Itis one of just 160 NAST-accrediteddegree programs nationwide.

The Mon Valley Performing ArtsAcademy is one of just six suchacademies to hold NAST accreditation.

“I have always known that we have asuperb program for students, theUniversity and our community,” said Dr.Michael Slavin, chair of the Departmentof Theatre and Dance.

“But to have a national body come in,scrutinize our program and then come

back and say ‘yes’ says to me that,nationwide, we are an outstanding theatreprogram.”

The program’s next evaluation willcome during the 2021-2022 academicyear. NAST made its site visit to Cal Uduring 2011-2012, but the evaluationprocess took longer than usual because

the community outreach program wasseeking accreditation, too.

Dr. Michele Pagen, artistic director ofthe Mon Valley academy and a professorin the Department of Theatre and Dance,said the outreach program focuses ontechnique, education, discipline andprofessionalism.

“My purpose in establishing theacademy was to provide a program foryouth that focuses on the education of thestudent,” she said “We focus on masteryof various techniques. The summerprogram adds the element of productionto the mix, so they learn the techniquesand then apply them in a fully realizedtheatrical event.”

Pagen added that NAST accreditationmeans the academy meets nationalstandards required of college anduniversity programs across the country.

“We are now among an elite few,” shesaid. “The bachelor program’saccreditation being renewed is a big deal.The academy having its own separateaccreditation is huge!”

Slavin also emphasized that the entireUniversity played an important part inobtaining the recognition.

“They (NAST) are not just looking atthe Theatre and Dance Department butthe whole university and everything thestudent does,” Slavin said. “They are notgoing to give you accreditation if they donot believe the school is providing thefacilities necessary to create a goodtheatre artist.

“We are elated.”

Audiences in Cal U’s Steele Hall Mainstage enjoy performances by students in a nationallyaccredited degree program and after­school and summer academy that provides hands­ontheater experiences for area children.

The women’s tennis team, a perennialpowerhouse in the Pennsylvania StateAthletic Conference, began its 2013

post-season by winning a seventh consecutivePSAC championship.

After winning their ninth straight PSAC-West title with a perfect 5-0 mark, the Vulcanscruised to 5-0 victories over Millersville andhost IUP in the semifinals and finals,respectively.

Cal U has not lost a conference team-matchsince 2006.

In the finals, Cal U jumped out to a 3-0 leadwith victories by its doubles teams: juniorLucie Sipkova and sophomore Lucie Ray;sophomore Ramona Czakon and freshmanAlexandra Borgenhoff; and senior JadePondicas and freshman Maxine Colen.

Rey and Sipkova clinched the conferencecrown when each posted a 6-0, 6-0 victory insingles competition. Sipkova was named thePSAC Tournament Most Outstanding Player.

Ranked 16th nationally in NCAA DivisionII, Cal U improved to 14-9 overall this season.Seven of the team’s losses have come againstNCAA Division I teams, and the other twowere to nationally ranked Division II schools.

The Vulcans head into their ninthconsecutive NCAA Division II post-seasonappearance as the top seed in the AtlanticRegion.

The team’s seven straight conferencechampionships give the program nine overall,including previous league titles in 1991 and1993.

Along with the former men’s tennis team,

the women’s tennis program has the greatestnumber of conference championships in schoolhistory, followed by the men’s basketballprogram, with eight, and softball, with six.

Interim athletic director Dr. Karen Hjerpepointed out that under the direction of 11th-year head coach Pablo Montana, the squad hasearned Intercollegiate Tennis Association All-Academic Team honors for the past nine years.

“It’s truly remarkable what our women’stennis program has accomplished,” said Hjerpe.“Their unprecedented success on the court,coupled with their exemplary academicperformance, makes them a complete student-athlete program for others to emulate — andone that we can all be proud of.”

Junior Lucie Sipkova leads Cal U into the Roundof 16 at the NCAA Division II Championshipsbeginning Wednesday in Surprise, Ariz.

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