  • 7/27/2019 Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild Catalogue

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    The Massachusetts Educational

    Theater Guild

    2013 - 2014

    The Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild welcomes the support of

    Express YourselfAs the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild moves through its 9th decade

    of theater activities for middle and high school students, we continue to expand ourprogramming to reach as many schools as we can.

    Thanks to our new partnership with BROADWAY IN BOSTON, we have rolled outa musical theater component that last year attracted new schools to our membership.As members of the METG, you and your students can participate in all the excitingactivities planned for our upcoming season. And you'll be in good company! You willjoin enthusiastic students and directors from over 160 of the Commonwealth's public,independent, and parochial secondary schools and middle schools who annually takeadvantage of the Guild's special programs and events.

    For more information, email the METG Coordinator at [email protected] or visitthe Guild website:

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    A Unique Opportunity

    Through the generous support of BROADWAYIN BOSTON, the METG announces a neweducation project to reach those students and teachers who enjoy the experience ofsinging and dancing their way through a full scale musical theater production.

    How It WorksThis program oers both middle and high school members a season-long opportunityto bring experienced adjudicators into their theaters where they receive professionalfeedback on their hard work creating musical theater productions. The participatingstudents and teachers benet from the educational expertise, vital to improving theirprogram. An MET MUSICAL AWARDS ceremony in June 2014 will then recognize studentexcellence across several performance, design, and production categories. For fulldetails and application materials, visit




    sponsored by

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    The Festival Experience!

    Participation in our annual one day drama festival in April providesyour students with a unique opportunity to share their work with

    other member schools.

    Professional adjudicators evaluate your students work andpresent awards for both acting and technical excellence in yourproduction. This year, you will have the choice of a Saturday orSunday festival in May.

    Join theCelebration!

    This year, the Massachusetts Middle

    School Drama Guild marks its 15th year of


    A Middle School Workshop Day is

    scheduled for November when your

    students can come together and learn new

    skills in a fun, inclusive atmosphere.

    You and your students can also take partin our regular workshops, logo design

    contest, Master Classes, Middle School

    Drama Festival and the new Musical

    Theater Recognition Program.

    Middle School Drama DivisionEvents for 2013 - 2014

    Join us for workshops, contests, and the contagious energy of Festival 2014. For more information, check outour website at

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    A DistinguishedTradition

    The Massachusetts High SchoolDrama Festival, begun in 1931 underthe name of "Massachusetts DramaDay," is the Guild's largest eventof the year, which annually drawsmore than 110 participating memberschools. Now in its ninth decade, thisplay competition is open to everypublic, independent, and parochial

    high school in the Commonwealth.Through participation in Festival,students with interests in acting,directing, and technical theatergain valuable performance andproduction experience.

    Organization of FestivalThe Festival is organized on three levels - preliminary,semi-nal and state. Student excellence is recognized ateach level, including the selection of an All-Star Companyat the nals. Two schools chosen at the State Festivalrepresent Massachusetts in the New England DramaFestival, the regional showcase of secondary schooltheatre.

    2014 marks the 83rd anniversaryof the Massachusetts High SchoolDrama Festival. More than 4500students participated in last year'sevent with over 2,500 peopleattending the METG State Festival.

    The Massachusetts High SchoolDrama Festival

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    Sherwood Collins Playwriting Contestsponsored by


    If you have a story to tell, the Theater Guild invites

    you to submit a one-act play to the SherwoodCollins Playwriting Contest sponsored by JACPublishing & Promotions. Since its inception in 1983,the playwriting contest has generated over 650student-written plays. Winning playwrights willreceive a cash prize. The rst-place winning playwill also receive a 10-minute staged reading at

    the State Finals as well as have the opportunity topublish the work professionally.

    METG Costume Design Contest

    Calling all costumers!

    The Theater Guild invites you to submit aseries of costume designs for this year'scontest. Any Massachusetts studentin grades 9-12 is eligible for the designcompetition.

    The winning set of designs will receivea cash prize and be on display at TheMassachusetts State Drama Festival Finals.


    JAC Publishing & Promotions

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    Come up with an image - simple, creativeand original - to identify this year's DramaFestival. After all, it is your festival - whynot make it your logo, too?

    Students in grades 5 - 9 are eligible to enterthe middle school contest; students ingrades 9 - 12 are eligible for the high schoolcontest.

    The winning design will be emblazoned

    on the ocial Drama Festival T-shirt, andthe artists will receive a cash prize at theirrespective festival awards ceremony.

    Drama Festival Logo Design Contests

    An invitation to all artists!

    The Theater Guild oers a contest to students in grades 9 - 11 to letthem demonstrate their talent with a partner in an acting scene.Acting partners must perform one scene, not to exceed threeminutes.

    Applicants are judged on the basis of the actors' ability to

    demonstrate concentration, control of material, exibility andversatility of voice, movement and expression.

    Winning partners will receive a cash prize during the AwardsCeremony at the culmination of The Massachusetts State DramaFestival Finals. Application available online.

    METG Scene Partner Contest

    Undergraduate actors take note!

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    METG College Scholarship Program

    Doug Ingalls MemorialActing Scholarships

    Auditions take place in December. Each applicantmust perform two contrasting monologues, not toexceed a total time limit of four minutes.

    The emphasis during the auditions is on presentationand performance. Auditions are open to studentsin their senior year. Application available online at

    Scenic DesignContest

    This METG contest is now open to high school students ingrades 9-12. Applicants will select a scene from a publishedplay of their own choosing and design a set for that choice.Check the METG website early for application details.

    Design concepts must be original and the scenic renderingmust be exclusively the applicant's own work. Applicantswill present their designs to a pair of professionaldesigners. Judging will be based on the presentation ofthe quality of the design's concept and execution, and itsappropriateness to the selected play.

    The Theater Guild, through the sponsorship of generous donorfoundations, will award a designated number of scholarships to eligiblehigh school seniors based on talent demonstrated in an acting auditionor a set design presentation. Since its inception in 1992, the METG has

    awarded $74,600 to 124 college-bound students.

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    The Outreach grant program is designed toprovide nancial and/or technical assistanceto qualifying non-member high schools andmiddle schools to help them develop newtheater programs. We have a current focuson fostering Boston public school dramaprograms.

    The program also provides technicalassistance to member schools who considerbecoming new festival host sites.

    For further information, email your interestto the Guild Coordinator at [email protected].

    METG Outreach Grantsfoster new theater programs

    METG Festival Video Contest

    The Guild continues its new Spirit ofFestival video competition. The goal is toshowcase student-developed original videosthat promote the theme for festival as a

    celebration of theater.

    The winning video will be showcased duringthe state festival nals in Boston.

    For further information, email your interestto the Guild Coordinator at [email protected] will be available online at

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    METG Student/TeacherWorkshop Programs

    In addition to the Middle School Workshop Day, the

    METG oers a day of theater workshops for highschool and middle school students and their teachersin January at Bridgewater State College to enhancetheir performing, directing and technical skills.

    Also, in an eort to meet the continuing educationalneeds of teachers, the Guild provides workshopopportunities for individuals who direct student plays,teach theater-related courses, or plan arts curriculum.

    Teacher workshops are ve hours in length. The Guildprovides teachers with a certicate of attendanceupon completion of each workshop.

    Information for both programs is available online at

    Acting Shakespeare Audition Techniques Choreography

    Physical Comedy College Audition

    Improvisation Mask Making

    METG MasterclassWorkshop Program

    Masterclass workshopsinclude:

    The Guild oers its members a choice of twelve two-hourworkshops taught by theater professionals who comedirectly to your school.

    Workshops may also be designed specically to t the needof a show you are preparing. For information, email theMETG coordinator [email protected].

    Lighting Makeup Scene Study

    Stage Combat Vocal Technique

    Puppetry Dialects

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    METG Membership Form

    Membership in the METG entitles your school to participate for free or at reduced cost in all Guild programs.As a member, your school is eligible to participate in the annual Drama Festival at no additional cost if METGreceives your check or organizations purchase order by the festival deadline (December 1st for high schools

    and February 1st for middle schools).The 2013-2014 fee for membership in the High School Division is $300.

    The 2013-2014 fee for membership in the Middle School Division is $150.


    Guild membership runs from July 1 - June 30.To ensure proper credit, return completed form with a check or purchase order, payable to METG, Inc. to:

    Massachusetts Educational Theater GuildP.O. Box 2538, Mashpee, MA 02649



    CHECK ONE: High School ($300) _____ Middle School ($150) _____


    SCHOOL ADDRESS ________________________________________SCHOOL PHONE ( )______________

    CITY/TOWN__________________________ ZIP _____________ SCHOOL FAX ( )___________________

    DRAMA CLUB WEBSITE ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________

    DRAMA DIRECTOR _________________________________ EMAIL__________________________________


    HOME ADDRESS________________________________________ HOME PHONE ( )________________

    CITY/TOWN_________________________ ZIP ________________ CELL PHONE ( )_________________

    PAYMENT METHOD CHECK ______ PO# ____________ (Furnish all information below for PO payment)

    Name of Organization Issuing Purchase Order __________________________________________________

    Billing Address ____________________________________________________________________________

    Please note that this form is for membership application only. If you plan to enter this years DramaFestival, you must separately submit the Drama Festival Entry Form available online.

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    The Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild, Inc. exists forthe charitable and educational purpose of promoting andstrengthening excellence, access, and education in the theatricalarts for middle and secondary school students and teachers.

    METG, INC.P.O. Box 93Chelmsford MA 01824

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