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The Marshall Islands Journal — Friday, December 10, 2010 1

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Marshall IslandsThe $1 on Majuro


: 089

2 20


The President’s pearls

Kenquits CMI

Six members of James de Brueys family

for a memorial service for the WorldTeach


More stories and photos, see pages 2, 11, and 16.

Teacher’s family flies in for memorial

Photos: Giff





Continued page 4

Winmar: ‘Jaluit all the way’

Page 15

President Jurelang Zedkaia made the Rongelap and Namdrik local government pearl sellers happy at the Tide Table Saturday with several purchases. Sales Friday and Saturday netted $31,000. See story, more photos on page 28.

Friday, December 10, 2010 • Volume 41, Number 50

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2 Friday, December 10, 2010 — The Marshall Islands Journal




- -


Regulations never implemented


‘Most extensive search and rescue in RMI’







The Secretariat of the

has provided draft domestic


Marine Board set up

More stories: P11

The two Coast

Guard planes at

the airport.

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The Marshall Islands Journal — Friday, December 10, 2010 3









be offered at facilities pro-











Violence against women march

College expands to Ebeye Island

Hospital runs out of two key medications

RMI joins elite group of flag states

The CMI Ebeye team: Jacinta Samuel, Ellia Sablan-Zebedy, Don Hess, Boni Sanchez, an Eric Zoellner.

Fight for fair deal on compensation


Hundreds protested violence against women in a march on Tuesday afternoon.

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board is sorry to have Woodbury step

CMI board looks to keep Ken on

From page 1 CMI Board of Regents’ Jack Niedenthal, who said the CMI boad is sorry have Woodbury step down.

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US $460m to RMI since ’04






MLS withdraws from Nauru case

Compact funding worth $70.7m in ’10

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PII briefly out of fuel

New Oz Ambassador

Ambassador Martin Quinn, left, with former Prime Minister

Kevin Rudd in Afghanistan.

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Don’t expect an NTA bill soon

NTA’s General Manager Tony Muller: “Worst case scenario,

it will be back in operation in two to

three weeks.”

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The RMI Riddle No. 325: Sponsored by CopyMasters

Need a pen to do the puzzle? Buy your stationery needs at:



his bed?












Painting a picture of success at RRE

Majuro Cooperative students watch as artist Sonny

Orsolino carves a wooden sculpture

outside the Boknake.

Artists Anno Aisaia and Daryle Newman (right) with Australian Ambassador Susan Cox,

who gave personal funds to help the show.

Daryle Newman’s painting titled Baby Majuro.

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Guam Speaker Dr. Judith T.

Won Pat.

Guam to impose fuel tax?

Outrigger manager dies

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Family remembers their popular son James, 22





Heine: ‘An accident waiting to happen’

Lijum Ninne at her son’s grave. Photo: Suzanne


Lijum loses son, brother

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Reverend Enja Enos













Women should run for political office

‘Elane juon kora ekapeel im ej marone juon men, innem en ejjelok juon men en ej bobrae jen an maron in kommane ta eo im emaron in kommane.’ — Reverend Enja Enos

Kora ren jibadrek jea ko

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“AJ” is fast becoming a very popular set of initials for local busi-ness initiatives. A new taxi bus service called “AJ Bus” had some people wondering if that is Austen Jurelang’s outfit. Well, his initials fit, and he has a son known as “AJ,” but then there’s also a son of Alber Alik who’s “AJ.”

So we did a little research into the matter and found out that no, AJ Bus Service is not Austen. It’s Alvin Jacklick’s latest business venture.

But AJ doesn’t stop with Alvin. There’s AJ as in “AJ Executive

Salon,” which is the newest AJ and beauty parlor in town that is run by Antoinettia Calbario and hubby Jeffery.

Then there’s the AJ brick com-pany down in Delap that is named after former President Litokwa Tomeing’s grandchildren Alex and Joel.

To put a more interesting spin that offers up many opportunities for confusion is the small town fact that the AJ brick company and the AJ salon and the AJ as in Austen all work or live within a 100 foot radius of each other down Delap way.

Drivers, and the nation, could save a lot of money on fuel if they would just fully inflate their tires.

One of our readers commented: “As I ride around on my scooter trying to contribute to President Zedkaia’s pledge to reduce emissions by 40 percent, I have noticed that most cars have at least one under-inflated tire. I am not sure why it is so difficult to in-

flate tires here, but drivers could easily save some gas and money just by airing up.”

This is good advice, but we are sorry to inform the provider of this money-saving tip that it will have to be addressed in light of the Copenhagen and Cancun accords, and then assessed against the RMI’s National Energy Policy to determine compliance. We’ll get back to you.

The call came through about 7:30pm Wednesday — “they’ve found a body.” It was an hour after the front page of the Journal for last week’s edition was printed, and this was a significant new development that was not in the paper. So the news had us considering returning to the office to tear up a page to put an update on the Arno boat search in. In the end, we decided against it, since much of the paper was already printed.

To follow up the call from our infor-mant, we ring a Sea Patrol contact. “The body is still out near Arno, don’t know who it is at this point.” Within minutes the story’s significance escalated. Around 8pm, the phone rings again. They’ve got a positive

identification and it is the American teacher. “Yes,” said the informant. “It’s been brought into the hospital.” You sure? we ask, because Sea Patrol said it’s still out on the ocean. “Let me check.”

Five minutes later the phone rings. “Yes, the body’s been brought to the hospital and we have it straight from staff there. It’s been identified as the American teacher.” So we ring back our Sea Patrol contact and inform him of this. “In the hospital?” he asks, surprised. That’s what we’re being told. “I don’t think so,” he said.

Then we talk to another Sea Patrol guy a bit higher up the food chain, who is blunt: “Negative. The body is still out on site” (meaning in the ocean). The only thing confirmed by

Sea Patrol is this: The body is a male. A few minutes later, our informant calls back. “The body is definitely at the hospital.”

So there we were, with two dia-metrically opposed pieces of informa-tion that the people on both sides of the equation swore to.

Fortunately, as a weekly paper, we have some time to check the veracity of information we receive. In this case, the following morning, Thursday, the boat Windward arrives at Uliga Dock from the Arno search and off-loads the remains of the young man found at sea to a waiting ambulance.

The moral to this tale: Don’t believe what you hear until you see it with your own eyes.

The enormous power of ‘roniluial’ (gossip)

Pool party


Jaluit High School students

know how to entertain themselves

on Saturdays. A recent

visit to Jabor found these

boys enjoying a game of

billiards in the shade of the

JHS cafeteria. Photo: Giff Johnson.

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The Marshall Islands Journal — Friday, December 10, 2010 15 AROUND TOWN

Continental Micronesia has banned chewing betelnut on its flights. Apparently, Continental staff got tired of having to dispose of disgusting flight sickness bags filled with red effluvia.

We were informed by doctors in the Olympic system recently that the organi-zation that governs Olympic and related international competitions is preparing to ban betelnut at all competitions. Presum-ably, the National Olympic Committees in each of our countries will follow the lead of the international organization and ban betelnut from regional competitions in the Pacific.

Life is getting tougher for betelnut chew-ers. Pretty soon they’ll be skulking around searching for a safe haven to chew.

An interesting thing from floating around the donor meeting doings last week. There was some debate about whether last Wednesday’s presenta-tions by RMI officials and donor reports should be open or closed to “the media” — meaning should the Journal be al-lowed in to report on the talks to the public. The decision apparently reached was that only the opening speech by Minister John Silk would be “open” and then the rest of the session would be closed to the media.

Our modest question is simply, “why?” The RMI reports that were presented last Wednesday were public record doc-uments, all of which have been reported in the paper over the past year. What are

government folks nervous about? Some tricky questions that might suggest there is a lot needing to be done? What’s the big deal about that?

In fact, the comment coming from a couple of the donors — that was made to the meeting — was if another donor meeting is held, the RMI should involve the non-government organization com-munity.

A little more transparency on the part of our government would go a long way to engaging the public in addressing development problems and action that needs to be taken to the reach the most vulnerable and excluded sectors of our population — if that, in fact, is a goal on anyone’s agenda.

The Journal spotted two fa-mous women’s team basketball coaches at the recent blessing ceremony of new vessels Lejla and EnainMeto at Uliga Dock — Majuro’s Carlton Ralpho and Jaluit’s Winmar Morris, who are known for their rivalry. As the Journal turned its lens to capture the “Kodak moment,” the two coaches were standing together like best buds. Then the Journal called out to the “buddies” to get a smile, which prompted Win-mar to look at his rival and say: “Carlton you’re going down next year.” With no hesitation, Carlton replied, “No! You.”

What about open door policies?

Chewers take note

On the ball

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Brett Schellhase


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Send letters to PO Box 14, Majuro, MH 96960 or email [email protected]











Preventing a repeat of the boating tragedy


especially to the all political -








established myself as a busi-


Chen Xiaojiao aka Mary Chen, Owner, Canton App.

‘I am innocent of such lies from these women’

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for various sports that should be -

Focus on sports injuries

Palau, Fiji experts fly in for special athletic medical trainingLeft, trainees learn how to

tape up injuries during the workshop.

Right, Terry Sasser, Dr.

Cathy Wong, and Dr. Caleb Otto. Below

right, Ronnie Lakabung

learns CPR.

Photos: Amy Sasser

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LETTERSSend letters to PO Box 14, Majuro, MH 96960 or email [email protected]



Rights Cumulative:











Yolanda Lodge

‘My identity is my land, it is my custom’

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Reloe loon eo ear jakoEnbwinin Anwel ear walok ilo tuion in Arno

‘Juon iaan ri Majol ro ion kar wa in ej Baby Kaiko, juon kora eo im ebaak ien an kolotak im ealikkar ke ear iten

kar jibadrek tok Majuro in nan takto im bareinwot kar bojak nan ien kolotak eo

an ilo naaj kar Majuro Hospital.’

Kaben eo an Lomor Major

Thomas Heine.

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RMI impresses our donorsADB: ‘It was a great opportunity’

Donor organization representatives at the Development Partners Meeting at the International Conference Center last week.

Photo: Giff Johnson.

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Things have a way of moving slowly on the outer islands, but under that facade there is a good deal of activity. On Jabor,

Jaluit, clockwise from above: boats from nearby islands bring bananas; an island style coffee shop; hauling goods from MS

the island; and preparing ‘kune’ wood for export to Majuro. Photos: Giff Johnson.

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US wants voting advice

Celebrating the Gospel in RMI

Marshall Islands Protestant Church

members organized a

to celebrate Gospel Day last Friday,

starting from Ejit and motoring across to Batkan to honor

the UCC’s President Rev. Jude Samson, pictured left with Percy Benjamin. Photos: Douglas


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Xavier book shows ‘model for success’



At right, the book called ‘School On

The Hill — Micronesia Xavier High

School’ written by Floyd K. Takeuchi


AMI, MEC, MIDB boards

Xavier students are plugged in and connected as this photo

from a new book suggests.

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dismiss the Supreme



Correction to MEC story

Escapees plead guilty

Man jailed for assault of four-year-old

Appeal dropped

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same idea as they prepare -






22 graduate from WAM

Acting Education Secretary and NTC

board member Allison Nashion,

right, was recognized with this stylish

clock made by WAM graduates.

WAM graduates of 2010.

MOE Assistant Secretary

Kanchi Hosia spoke at

the WAM graduation.

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The Marshall Islands Journal — Friday, December 10, 2010 27

Fill in the grid so that every row and column

contains ALL the numbers from 1 to

9. Bonus clue: which number should go in

the circle: 2 or 5?


Once the dreaded home of the despised tuna and gravy, the As-sumption High School Cafeteria is now where the students rush to lunch-time. The school administration has implemented a new feeding program since the beginning of this school year where it feeds the students less volume of food — enough to get them through the day — but of a better qual-ity and variety.

The school is working hard to pro-mote healthier eating habits among students. With a budget of a mere 50 cents per student per lunch, the school has come up with a way of supplementing the cafeteria supply, and helping the sophomores learn about plants and gardening as well: the school vegetable and fruit tree garden.

Initiated last school year by the biology class, the garden is now supplying the cafeteria with spinach, morinnga, and Chinese cabbage, to-matoes for the kids to snack on, and noni (nin) for some staff. Papaya fruits are almost ready to pick.

Assumption Schools hosted the “Catho-lic Schools Administration Conference” in November in Majuro.

The participants shared their programs as well as special activities for improving the quality of education delivered by the Catholic Schools.

The administrators in this conference came from Palau, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Ebeye, Jaluit and Majuro.

The group was made up of Wayne Olap, Luke Roverove, Stayler Elidok, Garry “Kakki” Elaisha, Noland deBrum, Martin Carl, Richard David, Sandy Dismas, Sister Francisca Ma’m, Moten Nashier, Elicita N. Morei, Father Ray Sabio, Sister Isabel Se-man, and Sister Maria Paz Caballero.

Assumption PTA members and teachers hosted a dinner with lots of singing and fun to wrap up the serious meetings.

‘Dreaded home’ improves imageCatholics get together here


our schools

Journeys of the Heart has sponsored a shipment of school supplies to the schools on Majuro, plus one box for

Namdrik, according to David Huskins in Ohio. Journeys paid for the purchase of supplies and the shipping costs to get them to Majuro. One box is designated

for each Majuro elementary school, two for the high school and one for the school on Namdrik. David and Nancy Huskins and their children packed the

boxes and put them in the mail.

The school has many people and businesses to thank for making the gardening project successful, but in light of recent unfortunate events, an idea came to name the garden the Teariki “Franco” Mateariki Memorial Garden. “Mr. Franco,” as students called him, worked with the RMI

Resources and Development and personally gave a helping hand with the garden, and the school would like to honor his memory.

Sophomore students harvest spinach leaves for the school


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Some of the pearls had





very proud of both commu-






the capacity to provide




Islands get $31K from pearl salesR ongelap and Namdrik

local governments generated a combined

more than $31,000 from a pearl auction and sale last weekend. Pearls from the pearl harvest by the two atolls were auctioned at the Marshall Islands Resort Friday and put on sale at RRE’s Tide Table Saturday.






Pearl industry is back in action

The sale at Tide Table brought in many customers, while below pearls were turned into various pieces of jewelry for the sales.

CMI Aquaculture

Extension Agent Julius


Maria Haws (back row third from right) from

the Pearl Research Center in Hawaii, led a

pearl jewelry making training involving

people and pearls from Rongelap and Namdrik

that fed into last weekend’s pearl sale.

‘We will pay for our sales team and farm crew and secure more supplies and materials for our pearl farm project. I’m

very proud of both communities for taking the lead to revive the pearl industry in the


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Journal 12/14/1971P1 Ponapean women demonstrate

to keep bars shut A group of more than 150 women

representing Kusaie and Kapingamarangi in Ponape District dem-onstrated last week to keep in force the district emergency order that presently is prohibiting the sale of liquor by the drink. The group marched to the district administration building and met with District Administrator J. Boyd Mackenzie, urging him to prohibit Ponapeans from consuming alcohol but to allow only Americans and other foreigners to drink, claiming that they know how to control themselves while drinking.

Journal 12/13/1985P1 President shuffles Cabinet A “major reshuffling of the Cabinet is

underway, and the first changes in port-folio were announced last week by govern-ment officials. Former Minister of Transporta-tion and Communica-tions Hemos Jack has resigned and Kessai Note will be replacing him. Note has been Minister of Interior and Outer Islands Affairs for the past two years. Ru-ben Zackhras moves out of the Ministry of Justice to take over the Ministryz of IOIA. The

newest addition to the Cabinet is Wotho Senator Kunio Lemari, who takes over at Justice. President Amata Kabua ex-pects to make further reassignments to

portfolios in the Cabinet upon consider-ation of needs and consultation amongst the ministers.

P3 The Pub opens A good time was had by all at The

Pub’s grand opening last Friday. Owners Harry and Dorothy Doulatram shared a lighter moment with manager Fernando at the excellent new night spot.

P3 Robert Reimers gives canoe gift

Robert Reimers per-sonally delivered a 10-foot model of an ancient Marshallese canoe to Alexander Bolton, vice president of Matson Navigation Co. in Ho-nolulu last month. The canoe will be put on display at the Hawaii Maritime Center in Ho-nolulu. Bolton said it will become part of a display of Pacific island canoes when the facility is completed. During the presentation, Reimers talked about navigation in the Marshalls. “My uncle could tell by the waves which side of the island he was,” Reimers said. “The shape of the island tells how the wave goes, if it is wide or nar-row. A navigator can tell by the wave which island it is.” The canoe to be displayed was built by Kioj Jerike, a friend of Reimers.

P11 Newly weds John and Tiareti Horwood were mar-

ried last Saturday at a ceremony at Uliga Church. Several hundred people enjoyed a big party to celebrate the event at Jable that night.

P17 Up from the ashes The stylish new Midtown Shop opened

last week, taking the place of the former “mini” store, which burned to the ground in April. Louise and Grant Labaun, own-

Kabua case dismisseders of the Midtown Shop, are happy with their brand new shop in downtown Majuro. The grand opening last week was a smash success.

Journal 12/10/1993P3 Kabua case dismissed In a landmark judgment, Judge

Samuel King ruled in favor of Imata Kabua, dismissing Kabua Kabua’s

claim to the iroijlaplap title and the millions of dollars that go with it. Last Wednesday, Judge King issued a 29-page ruling granting summary judgment in favor of the defendants Imata, Michael, Ama-ta and the other Kabua family defenants. The 10-year legal battle was ended not on the basis of testimony from Kabua himself or the recently signed and disputed “joint resolu-tion” settlement but because of a 1991 Nitijela law. That law states that there are four iroijlaplap domains in the Ralik Chain, in-cluding one for the de-scendants of Iroijlaplap Jeimata and one for the descendants of Iroilaplap Laelan. The law confirmed the posi-tion maintained by the defendants in the case. “Public Law 1991-110 is upheld as a valid declaration of custom-ary law, and Plaintiff’s

claims to the Iroijlaplap title over the northern lands in the Ralik Chain, which is currently exercised by Imata Kabua, must fail as a matter of law,” King said in his ruling. The court ruling confirms the power of the Nitijela to make laws regarding the custom of the Marshall Islands. “It is not for the court to sec-ond-guess the Nitijela’s declaration of the customary law,” King said.

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Carl Linne wins first MBYC race






Seventh: -


Ninth:Tenth: -



The 106-foot yacht Carl Linne, which towered over the rest of the racing

French Kiss sails alongside WAM Lijakwe and WAM NTC. Photos: Karen Earnshaw

The tiny catamaran

Taraipo got special permission


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efforts to promote tourism




Airline cuts flights to Kosrae

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LEFT COLUMN. Customer: Clerk: Customer: RIGHT COLUMN. Customer:

Short man: Tall man:

Store clerk: Customer: Female dog:


Man 2:

Man 1: Man 2: Man 3:



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Date Time Ft.09 12:10 am ...... -0.4Thursday 6:04 .................. 3.2 11:51 pm ....... 0.0

6:14 ............... 4.3

10 12:44 am ...... -0.1Friday 6:39 .............. 3.0 12:25 pm ....... 0.2

6:48 ............... 4.0

11 1:19 am ......... 0.2Saturday 7:16 ............... 2.9 1:01 pm ......... 0.5

7:24 ............... 3.6

12 1:57 am ......... 0.4Sunday 7:59 ............... 2.7 1:42 pm ......... 0.9

8:03 ............... 3.3

13 2:41 am ......... 0.7Monday 8:53 ............... 2.6 2:36 pm ......... 1.2

8:52 ............... 2.9

14 3:36 am ......... 0.9Tuesday 10:07 ............. 2.5 4:00 pm ......... 1.4

10:04 ............. 2.6

15 4:47 am ......... 1.0Wednesday 11:36 ................ 2.7 5:51 pm ......... 1.4

11:39 .............. 2.4

16 6:02 am ......... 0.9Thursday 12:49 pm.......... 3.0 7:16 ............... 1.1

17 1:01 am ......... 2.5Friday 7:04 .............. 0.7 1:42 pm ......... 3.3

8:12 ............... 0.7

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2010-2011 basketball league

MCL actions…Mos Town beat Nan Ban ....61-52Lokonmok beat BOMI .........74-46Utak beat Eagle a no-showBiten Etao beat PII..............119-43Jupeep beat LT3 .................90-71N-Gosh beat Jenrok ...........64-63Lokoben1 beat MEC ...........77-50Brothers-All beat Dawgs .....69-58Lekre1 beat Jupeep ............69-53 Lokoben2 beat Entan .........84-60X-Family beat Friendship....66-59 (1OT)MIBL girl basketball actions…MBCA beat AHS .................20-18DES beat RES a no-showMMS Team A beat LES .......24-20MCS beat GED no-showMIHS Team A beat AHS ......41-23MIBL boy basketball actions…AES beat EES ....................36-10MMS B Team beat ACA ......59-7AHS beat MBCA .................39-20UES beat LES ....................24-21WES beat AES ...................46-32RES beat RCS....................38-17SDA beat LHS ....................43-36SDA beat MBCA .................28-24MMS Team A beat SDA ......38-19AES best SDA ....................48-26MMS Team B beat LES ......45-26MIHS A beat MCS...............63-22



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Send your hysterical, gripping, or insightful Are You Awares? to [email protected]






THAT -ity to store every-



THAT it’s possible for







hair a day?THAT

circuit of the body?THAT

blood vessels?THAT




for the heart?THAT





THAT it would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average

human of blood?

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