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(1870 - 1952)

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Life Sketch

• Dr. Maria Montessori(1870-1952) was an Italian Doctor.

• She prepared a scheme for the education for the feeble-minded


• She was appointed as a director of special schools.

• She establish a school for children named ‘casa de Bombini’ or

children’s house on January 6, 1907.

• She discovered the training of senses and muscles.

• She wrote a book which was very famous named ‘Discovery of

the child’.

• In 1939, she visited India and stayed till 1951.

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Montessori’s Educational Ideas

• Feeble mindedness of child was due to dullness of their senses.

• Proper training would enable them to overcome feeble mindedness.

• Too much emphasis is laid on the psychology of the child.

• Discipline must come through liberty.

• She introduced ‘ A Didactic Apparatus’ for ‘self education’.

• Education must provide proper training of senses.

• She employed three methods in achieving the aims of education:

a) Motor education training for the head, heart and body.

b) Sensory education with the help of a didactic apparatus.

c) Language teaching consists of desk, small balls, cards with letters pasted on

them colour boards and so on.

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Materials used in the sensory training

• For perception of size.

• For perception of forms.

• For discrimination in weight.

• For touch.

• For sense of temperature.

• For auditory acuity.

• For the colour sense.

• Tactual activity.

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Montessori Materials

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Principles of Montessori System of


1. Principle of individual development.

2. Principle of freedom or liberty.

3. Principle of Self-education or Auto education.

4. Principles of sense training.

5. Principle of muscular training.

6. Principle of no Material rewards and Punishments.

7. Principle of no fairy tales.

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Principle of individual development

• She believed that every child is peculiar and unique.

• Every child progress at his own speed and rate.

• So each child should be treated as a separate individual.

• Collective method of teaching crush the individuality of the


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Principle of Freedom or Liberty

• There should be no interference or hindrance in the child’s

growth and development.

• Restraints will stifle the innate powers of the child.

• The school should provide free & natural manifestation of the


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Principle of Self-education or Liberty

• She believed that self-education is the true education.

• She advocates that the child should remain undisturbed by

adult interference.

• She devised the didactic apparatus which attracts the

children. It keeps them busy spontaneously.

• It leads them to learn the power of movements, reading,

writing and arithmetic etc.

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Principle of Sense Training

• She asserts that our senses are the gateways of knowledge.

• She pointed out that the senses are very active between the age

of 3 and 7.

• She advocates that the sensory training is the key to intellectual


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Principle of Motor Efficiency or

Muscular Training

• She believed that muscular training facilitates other activities like

writing, drawing, speaking etc.

• She takes muscular activity as purely physiological in character.

• She stress that running, walking etc, all depend on muscular


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Principle of no Material Rewards & Punishments

• According to her rewards and punishments are unnatural

incentive or forced effort.

• The development that comes with their help will also be


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Principle of no fairy tales

• She wants to banish fairy stories from the curriculum of

young children.

• Because the stories will confuse & hinder them in the process

of adjusting themselves to the real world.

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Functions of a Teacher

1. Teacher as a gardener.

2. The directress and not the Teacher.

3. Doctor-cum-scientist-cum-missionary.

4. Faith in personality of the child.

5. Moral qualities.

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Teacher as a gardener

• The teacher should take care for the child like a gardener

who cares for the plants.

• So that the natural growth of the child is properly guided

and aided.

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The directress and not the teacher

• She thinks that the primary duty of the teacher is to

direct and not to teach.

• She insists that the directress should have an extensive

knowledge of psychology and laboratory techniques.

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• The directress should be partly doctor, partly scientist and

completely religious.

• Like a doctor she should avoid scolding or suppressing the

patient in order to avoid worst situations.

• Like a scientist she should wait patiently for the results and

should conduct experiments.

• Like a religious lady she should be there to serve the child.

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Faith in the personality of the child

• The directress should allow the child to grow according to

his own inner law.

• Her business is to provide suitable environments.

• She should provide children with suitable opportunities to

think for themselves.

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Moral Qualities

• According to her, virtues and not words are the main

qualification of the directress.

• She must banish anger which is a great sin & which prevents

from understanding the child.

• The soul of the child, which is pure and very sensitive,

requires her most delicate care.

• Her motto should be ‘I must diminish to let you grow’.

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Merits of Montessori method

1. Freedom for children:

The children are provided with self-directed activities.

2. Sense Training:

She aims at educating children through sense training.

3. Reverence for small children:

She considered her school as the temple & the child as a God.

4. Individual Attention:

Against collective method, stresses individual method of teaching.

5. Learning through living:

Practical exercises are provided to enable the children to learn good habits

like cleanliness, order, self-help and the dignity of labour.

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Demerits of Montessori method

1. Mechanical & artificial nature of Didactic method:

Too much importance has been given to didactic apparatus. It will hand-cuff both

the teacher and the student.

2. Imagination is neglected:

Since there is no place for fairy tales, there is less scope for the imagination.

3. Lack of suitable teachers:

Successful working of the this method depends on teachers who posses extensive

knowledge of child psychology.

4. Very expensive:

it is very expensive to set up a school on the lines suggested by Montessori.

5. There is little scope for project:

In Montessori method there is little scope for utilizing projects.

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