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Long‐Term Integrated Nutrient Managementfor Rice‐Based Cropping Pattern: Effect onGrowth, Yield, Nutrient Uptake, NutrientBalance Sheet, and Soil FertilityP. K. Saha a , M. Ishaque b , M. A. Saleque b , M. A. M. Miah b , G. M.Panaullah b & N. I. Bhuiyan ba Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) , Comilla, Bangladeshb Soil Science Division , Bangladesh Rice Research Institute , Gazipur,BangladeshPublished online: 19 Mar 2007.

To cite this article: P. K. Saha , M. Ishaque , M. A. Saleque , M. A. M. Miah , G. M. Panaullah & N. I. Bhuiyan(2007) Long‐Term Integrated Nutrient Management for Rice‐Based Cropping Pattern: Effect on Growth,Yield, Nutrient Uptake, Nutrient Balance Sheet, and Soil Fertility, Communications in Soil Science and PlantAnalysis, 38:5-6, 579-610, DOI: 10.1080/00103620701215718

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Long-Term Integrated NutrientManagement for Rice-Based Cropping

Pattern: Effect on Growth, Yield, NutrientUptake, Nutrient Balance Sheet, and

Soil Fertility

P. K. Saha

Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Comilla, Bangladesh

M. Ishaque, M. A. Saleque, M. A. M. Miah, G. M. Panaullah,

and N. I. Bhuiyan

Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur,


Abstract: A 7-year-long field trial was conducted on integrated nutrient management

for a dry season rice (Boro)–green manure (GM)–wet season rice (T. Aman) cropping

system at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Farm, Gazipur during 1993–1999.

Five packages of inorganic fertilizers, cow dung (CD), and GM dhaincha (Sesbania

aculeata) were evaluated for immediate and residual effect on crop productivity,

nutrient uptake, soil-nutrient balance sheet, and soil-fertility status. Plant height,

active tiller production, and grain and straw yields were significantly increased as a

result of the application of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure. Usually, the soil-

test-based (STB) fertilizer doses for a high-yield goal produced the highest grain

yield of 6.39 t ha21 (average of 7 years) in Boro rice. Application of CD at the rate

of 5 t ha21 (oven-dry basis) once a year at the time of Boro transplanting supplemented

50% of the fertilizer nutrients other than nitrogen (N) in the subsequent crop of the

cropping pattern. A positive effect of GM on the yield of T. Aman rice was

observed. Following GM, the application of reduced doses of phosphorus (P),

potassium (K), sulfur (S), and zinc (Zn) to the second crop (T. Aman) did not

reduce yield, indicating the beneficial residual effect of fertilizer applied to the first

Received 13 August 2004, Accepted 20 January 2006

Address correspondence to P. K. Saha, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI),

Regional Station, Shashongacha, G.P.O. Box No. 58, Comilla 3500, Bangladesh.

E-mail: [email protected]

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 38: 579–610, 2007

Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN 0010-3624 print/1532-2416 online

DOI: 10.1080/00103620701215718





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crop (Boro rice) of the cropping pattern. The comparable yield of T. Aman was also

observed with reduced fertilizer dose in CD-treated plots. The total P, K, and S

uptake (kg/ha/yr) in the unfertilized plot under an irrigated rice system gradually

decreased over the years. The partial nutrient balance in the unfertilized plot (T1)

was negative for all the nutrients. In the fertilized plots, there was an apparent

positive balance of P, S, and Zn but a negative balance of N and K. This study

showed that the addition of organic manure (CD, dhaincha) gave more positive

balances. In the T4c treatment at 0–15 cm, the application of chemical fertilizers

along with the organic manures increased soil organic carbon by (C) 0.71%. The

highest concentration of total N was observed with T4c followed by T4d and T4b,

where CD was applied in Boro season and dhaincha GM was incorporated in T.

Aman season. The sixfold increase in soil-available P in T4b-, T4c-, T4a-treated plots

was due to the addition of CD. Dhaincha GM with the combination of chemical ferti-

lizer helps to mobilize soil-available P by 3 to 6 ppm. The highest amount of soil-

available S was found in T4c- and T4a-treated plots. It was 2.5 times higher than that

of the initial soil. The application of CD and dhaincha GM along with chemical ferti-

lizers not only increased organic C, total N, available P, and available S but also

increased exchangeable K, available Zn, available iron (Fe), and available

manganese (Mn) in soil.

Keywords: Cow dung, fertilizers, green manure, nutrient balance sheet, rice, pro-

duction, soil fertility


Soil is the natural media for plant growth. Plant nutrients in soil, whether

naturally endowed or artificially maintained, are a major determinant of the

success or failure of a crop production system. The crop sector of Bangladesh

agriculture must bear the responsibility, above all else, of producing enough

food to meet the requirements of the country’s ever-growing population.

The pressing need is to achieve substantially higher crop yield than the

present yield levels from the limited land resources on a sustainable basis.

A crop production system with high-yield targets cannot be sustainable

unless nutrient inputs to soil are at least balanced against nutrient removal

by crops (Bhuiyan 1991). Proper soil-fertility management, therefore, is of

prime importance in an endeavor to increase crop productivity. The

problem is that not many of the farmers are blessed with fertile soils to till.

Available data indicate that the fertility of most of the soils has deteriorated

over the years (Karim, Miah, and Razia 1994; Ali, Shaheed, and Kubota

1997), which is responsible for stagnating and, in some cases, even

declining crop yields (Anonymous 1996; Cassman et al. 1995). The use of

chemical fertilizers as a supplemental source of nutrients has been increasing

steadily in Bangladesh, but this is true only for the three primary major

nutrients, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Again, even

these three fertilizers are usually not applied in balanced proportions by

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most of the farmers (Anonymous 1997). It is now well known that sulfur (S)

and zinc (Zn) deficiencies occur, especially in wetland rice soils in many parts

of the country due to unbalanced fertilization (Portch and Islam 1984).

Although the need for the application of S and Zn fertilizers along with

NPK fertilizers is recognized by agricultural research and extension workers

and many farmers, S and Zn fertilization is rarely done as required, which

has led to aggravation of the S and Zn problems in many soils.

Another very important factor to consider in improving crop productivity is

the soil organic matter. Available reports indicate that most soils in Bangladesh

have low organic matter content, usually less than 2% (Bhuiyan 1991).

Moreover, the organic matter content of the soils is declining with time

because of poor attention to its improvement and maintenance. Frequent

tillage operations for high cropping intensity enhance decomposition of soil

organic matter. Again, the addition of organic materials to soil through

farmyard manure, composts, and organic residues has been reduced consider-

ably because a major portion of these residues is used as fuel by the rural popu-

lation. It is now believed by many that the low and declining organic matter

content is one of the reasons for the low productivity of many of the soils.

Thus, the need for proper soil organic matter management cannot be overem-

phasized in view of the low organic matter content of the soils. A judicious inte-

gration of macro- and micronutrients along with organic residues including

green manure (GM) is needed to sustainably increase crop production in Ban-

gladesh. Application of organic materials, especially Cowdung (CD), along

with chemical fertilizers increases cereal crop yields (Saha et al. 1998; Saha

1985). Application of GM and CD may sustain rice yield and substitute for

chemical fertilizer. A review study on the use of GM showed that GM could

increase rice yield by up to 3.3 t ha21, with an average of about 1 t ha21 (Ali

1993). Inclusion of a GM crop within the cropping system deserves consider-

ation for development of an integrated inorganic–organic soil-fertilization

program for higher crop yield and for better soil health.

In tropical Asian countries such as Bangladesh, soil-fertility-management

research of cropping systems based on GM and their medium- or long-term

residual effects is relatively new (Bhuiyan 1995). Farid et al. (1994) and

Saha et al. (1998) reported that inclusion of GM between wheat and rice

increased yields of both rice and wheat.

The present study was conducted with an integrated nutrient management

approach in a rice–rice system in Grey terrace soil in Madhupur Tract [agro-

ecological zone (AEZ) 28]. Different inorganic nutrients, organic manure

(CD), and organic residues including dhaincha GM along with their

immediate and residual effects have been evaluated in this trial. An attempt

to relate nutrient uptake by the MV rice crops and nutrient balances was under-

taken in this study. The main objectives of the present study were to know the

changes of crop productivity, nutrient uptake, soil-nutrient balance sheet, and

soil-fertility status under the influence of different fertilizer management

practices in a Boro–GM–T Aman cropping pattern.

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A long-termfield trial, withBoro–GM–T.Aman cropping system,was conducted

at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) Farm, Gazipur (lat. 238590 N,long. 908240 E, 30 m above mean sea level) during the period 1993–1999. The

average temperature ranges from 7.28C in winter to 36.78C in summer. The

mean annual rainfall is about 2000 mm. The soil of the experimental field has a

silty clay loam texture (sand 21%, silt 45%, and clay 35%) and a slightly acidic

pH (6.6). The other soil parameters were as follows: CEC 23 cmol kg21 soil,

exchangeable calcium (Ca) 7.16 cmol kg21 soil, exchangeable magnesium (Mg)

1.99 cmol kg21 soil, exchangeable potassium (K) 0.16 cmol kg21 soil, organic

carbon (C) 12.8 g kg21, total nitrogen (N) 1.0 g kg21, available phosphorus (P)

(modifiedOlsen’s) 6mgkg21, available sulfur (S) [0.01MCaH2(PO4)2 extraction]

14 mg kg21, and available zinc (Zn) (DTPA extraction) 2.69 mg kg21.

The experiment was laid out in a modified split-plot designwith three repli-

cations. The treatments for the first crop of the cropping pattern (Boro, BRRI

dhan29) were no fertilizer (T1); fertilization following the Bangladesh Agricul-

tural Research Council (BARC) fertilizer-recommendation guide (Anonymous

1987) for medium-yield goal (MYG) for the particular area (T2); soil-test-based

(STB) fertilizer recommendation for high-yield goal (HYG) (T3); T3þ CD at

the rate of 5 t ha21 on an oven-dry basis (T4); and local farmers’ practice

(T5). Dhaincha (S. aculeata) was the second crop (Kharif I) grown as a GM.

In T. Aman, the third crop in the cropping sequence, each original plot under

treatments T2, T3, and T4 was divided into four subplots. The treatments for

these subplots were full inorganic fertilizer doses as for the first crop without

GM (T2a, T3a, T4a), full inorganic fertilizer doses plus GM (T2b, T3b, T4b),

60% N and 50% other nutrient rates of full inorganic fertilizer doses plus

GM (T2c, T3c, T4c), and 60% N only plus GM (T2d, T3d, T4d). The detailed

treatment descriptions of the experiment are presented in Table 1.

The sources of N, P, K, S, and Znwere urea, triple superphosphate, muriate of

potash, gypsum, and zinc sulfate, respectively. Fertilizerswere applied to eachcrop

(except dhaincha) according to treatments listed in Table 1. In treatment T4, CD at

5 t ha21 (oven-dry basis) was applied once a year before transplanting Boro rice.

One third of the N and all of the P, K, S, and Zn were applied at the time of

final land preparation in both Boro and T. Aman seasons. The remaining two

thirds of the N were applied in two equal installments: 25–30 days (Boro) and

20–25 days (T. Aman) after transplanting and 7 days before panicle initiation

stage in both seasons. The variety of Boro was BRRI dhan29 in all the years of

the experiment; for T. Aman, BR 11 was used in 1993–1998 and BRRI dhan31

was used in 1999. Three or four 45-day-old (Boro) and 30-day-old (T. Aman)

seedlings were transplanted in hills 20 cm apart and in rows 20 cm apart.

The dhaincha (S. aculeata)was grown as GM in appropriate plots between

Boro and T. Aman seasons. Seeds were sown by broadcasting at a rate of 50 kg

ha21 in the first week of May. Fifty-five-day-old dhaincha plants (10–12 t ha21

on a fresh-weight basis) were incorporated 7–8 days prior to planting T. Aman.

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Table 1. Integrated fertilization regime for the Boro–GM–T. Aman cropping pattern


Rabi (Boro)

Nutrient (kg ha21) Kharif-1



Kharif ll (T. Aman)


Nutrient (kg ha21)

N P K S Zn N P K S Zn

T1 ¼ Check 0 0 0 0 0 T1, no GM T1 0 0 0 0 0

T2 ¼ FRG

(1987) base

dose for


100 26 33 20 4 T2a, no GM T2a 70 18 33 10 0

T2b, GM T2b 70 18 33 10 0

T2cGM T2c 40 (60%) 9 (50%) 16.5 (50%) 5 (50%) 0

T2d, GM T2d 40 (60%) 0 0 0 0

T3 ¼ Soil

test base

dose for


140 35 50 30 0 T3a, no GM T3a 90 26 33 20 0

T3b, GM T3b 90 26 33 20 0

T3c, GM T3c 55 (60%) 13 (50%) 16.5 (50%) 10 (50%) 0

T3d, GM T3d 55 (60%) 0 0 0 0

T4 ¼ T3þ CD

(5 t/ha O.D.basis)

140 35 50 30 0 T4a, no GM T4a 90 26 33 20 0

T4b, GM T4b 90 26 33 20 0

T4c, GM T4c 55 (60%) 13 (50%) 16.5 (50%) 10 (50%) 0

T4d, GM T4d 55 (60%) 0 0 0 0

T5 ¼ Farmer’s


80 15 21 15 0 T5, no GM T5 60 9 16.5 10 0








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Appropriate cultural and management practices including plant-protec-

tion measures were followed during each growing season. The plot size was

4 m � 4 m. The crops were harvested at maturity from a 2.5 m � 2 m area.

Plant height from 20 randomly selected plants in each plot and panicle

number from 16 random hills per plot were recorded at maturity in the first

3 years (1993–1995) of the experiment. Grain yields (14% moisture) and

straw yields (oven-dry basis) were recorded in each growing season of the

experiment. In the last four years (1996–1999) of the experiment, a portion

of straw and grain samples in each growing season were analyzed. Straw

and grain samples were oven dried at 708C+ 58C for 3 days and then

ground in a Willey Mill. These samples were analyzed for P, K, S, and Zn

content by digesting with di-acid mixture of nitric and perchloric acid at the

ratio 5:2 following the method described by Yoshida et al. (1976) and N by

micro-Kjeldahl distillation method (Yoshida et al. 1976).

Initial composite soil samples from the two layers (0–15 cm and 16–30 cm

deep) from the 30 spots of the main field were collected prior to fertilizer appli-

cation in the first crop (Boro) of 1993. After harvesting the 21st crop (T. Aman)

of 1999, composite soil samples from the two layers (0–15 cm and 16–30 cm

deep) from the six spots of each of the experimental plots were collected. The

soil samples were air dried, ground to pass through a 2-mm sieve, and analyzed

for texture (Day 1965), pH (1:2.5) (Jackson 1962), organic carbon (C) by the

Black and Walkley method (Walkley and Black 1965), total N by the micro-

Kjeldahl distillation method (Bremner 1960), available P by the modified

Olsen’s method (Watanabe and Olsen 1965), exchangeable K by the 1 N

ammonium acetate (pH 7.0) method (Pratt 1965), available S by 0.01 M Ca

(H2PO4)2 extraction (Hunter 1984) and available Zn, available Fe, available

Cu, and available Mn by DTPA extraction (Pratt 1965).

Statistical analyses were performed as a randomized complete block

design, because it was not a full split-plot (the control and the farmers’

practice plots were not split), and means were compared by a least significant

difference (LSD) test. Economic analyses were done for net benefit and

benefit–cost ratio for different treatment combinations (Saha et al. 1998).

The “partial” nutrient balance, including only major inputs (fertilizer,

nutrient content in irrigation water, biological nitrogen fixation, etc.) and

major outputs (nutrient removal by crops) were considered.


Growth and Yields

Plant height, panicle production, and grain and straw yields significantly

increased as a result of the application of different combinations of

inorganic and organic fertilizer including GM (Tables 2–4).

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In the Boro crop of the experiment (1993–1995), the height of BRRI dhan

29 in the control plot (T1) was 78.0 cm (mean of 3 years), whereas the highest

plant height of 98.8 cm (mean of 3 years) was found with the STB dose (T3).

The BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council), FRG (Fertilizer

Recommendation Guide), (Anonymous 1987) (T2) gave slightly shorter plant

height than the STB dose. The average plant height of FP (Farmer’s practice)

(T5) was 91.8 cm. The plant heights in treatments T3 and T4 were not signifi-

cantly different from one another; however, T3 plant height was significantly

higher than T2, T5, and T1 (Table 2). The application of CD along with the

STB dose (T4) produced a similar plant height.

In the T. Aman season (1993–1995), the average plant height of BR11

ranged from 83.4 cm in the control plot to 114.8 cm in the T4b plot (in which

the STB dose chemical fertilizer was applied and Sesbania was incorporated

before T. Aman transplanting and CD was applied in the previous Boro crop)

(Table 2). The values of plant height in most subplots were not statistically


In the Boro season (1993–1995), the average panicle m22 of BRRI

dhan29 in the control plot (T1) was 211, which was significantly increased

to 306 with the application of the BARC dose (T2), and was 352 with the appli-

cation of CD along with the STB (T4) (Table 2). The STB dose (T3) produced

a slightly lower panicle number than T4. The panicles produced with T3 and T4

Table 2. Effects of different fertilizer packages on the some growth parameters of rice

in a Boro–GM–T. aman cropping pattern (average of 3 years, 1993–1995)

Boro T. Aman


Plant height


Panicle no.

(m22) Treatment

Plant height


Panicle no.


T1 78.0 211 T1 83.4 167

T2 95.4 306 T2a 105.7 225

T2b 109.4 253

T2c 109.6 246

T2d 102.6 229

T3 98.8 339 T3a 109.3 241

T3b 114.4 248

T3c 112.0 239

T3d 109.2 241

T4 98.3 352 T4a 108.6 237

T4b 114.8 255

T4c 113.2 262

T4d 108.1 256

T5 91.8 283 T5 101.1 233

LSD0.05 2.4 32 LSD0.05 6.7 14

CV (%) 1.5 6.2 CV (%) 3.8 3.7

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Table 3. Effects of different fertilizer-management packages on the grain and straw

yields of rice t ha21 in a Boro–GM–T. Aman cropping pattern (average of 7 years,



treatment n

Grain yield

(t ha21)

Straw yield

(t ha21)

T. Aman

T1 21 2.13 2.16

T2a 21 3.96 4.24

T2b 21 4.35 4.94

T2c 21 4.19 4.63

T2d 21 3.77 4.07

T3a 21 4.10 4.75

T3b 21 4.09 5.19

T3c 21 4.12 4.88

T3d 21 3.92 4.42

T4a 21 4.38 4.70

T4b 21 4.35 5.61

T4c 21 4.16 5.19

T4d 21 4.06 4.54

T5 21 3.70 3.96

LSD0.05 0.18 0.21


1993 42 4.12 5.83

1994 42 4.87 4.65

1995 42 4.34 4.10

1996 42 3.56 4.59

1997 42 3.38 3.80

1998 42 4.11 3.91

1999 42 3.26 4.76

LSD0.05 0.27 0.20


T1 21 3.17 2.57

T2 21 5.64 4.76

T3 21 6.39 5.59

T4 21 6.57 5.73

T5 21 5.14 4.21

LSD0.05 0.16 0.17


1993 15 4.45 4.24

1994 15 5.94 4.13

1995 15 6.28 4.18

1996 15 6.04 6.08

1997 15 5.33 4.91

1998 15 4.80 4.51

1999 15 4.83 3.92

0.19 0.20

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were identical. The panicle production obtained with FP (T5) was 283, which

was lower than that of T3 and T4.

In the T. Aman season (1993–1995), the average panicle number of

BR11 ranged from 167 m22 (in the control plot) to 262 m22 (in T4c plot)

(Table 2). The highest panicle number was obtained with treatment T4c, in

which 60% N and 50% of other elements of STB dose and dhaincha as GM

were applied and CD was applied in the previous Boro crop. Panicle

number increased in those subplots where dhaincha GM was incorporated.

The grain and straw yields of 1993–1999 (average value of 7 years) are

presented in Tables 3 and 4. In Boro, the highest grain yield of 6.57 t ha21

(average value of 7 years) of BRRI dhan 29 was obtained with the treatment

(T4), to which 5 t ha21 CD and the full dose of chemical fertilizers as STB

were applied (Table 3). The average grain yields of Boro were higher with the

application of different fertilizer doses (T2–T5), varying from 5.14 to 6.57 t

ha21, than that obtained without any fertilization (3.17 t ha21) (Table 3). The

grain yield with farmers’ dose (T5) was relatively low, 5.14 t ha21, about 1.43 t

ha21 less than that obtained with (T4). The BARC recommended fertilizer

dose, according the BARC FRG 1987 (T2), produced higher yield (5.64 t ha21)

than that with farmers’ doses. The grain yield was significantly improved, by

0.8 t ha21 over T2, with the soil-test-based doses (T3). Further, the addition of

CD (T4) resulted in a significant Boro yield increase over T3 (Table 3).

In the T. Aman (1993–1999), the average grain yield ranged from 2.13 t

ha21 (in the control plot) to 4.38 t ha21 (in T4a) (Table 3). The highest grain

yield was obtained with treatment (T4a), in which STB fertilization was

applied in T. Aman and CD was applied in the previous Boro crop. The grain

yields in “b” subplots were higher than the yields of “a” subplots, particularly

Table 4. Probability of F-values of grain and straw yields in T Aman and Boro seasons

T. Aman Boro

Probability of F Probability of F

Factor df




yield df





Replication 2 0.192 0.658 2 0.352 0.358

Year 6 0.000 0.000 6 0.000 0.000

Rep � Year 12 0.000 0.107 12 0.001 0.868

Treatment 13 0.000 0.000 4 0.000 0.000

a vs b 1 0.024 0.000

a vs c 1 0.840 0.000

a vs d 1 0.000 0.001

b vs c 1 0.039 0.000

b vs d 1 0.000 0.000

Year � Treat 78 0.000 0.000 24 0.000 0.000

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in T2 (Table 3). The beneficial effect of in situ dhaincha growing was remark-

able at a low dose of fertilizer application. In daincha GM plots, no noticeable

yield loss occurred as a result of the application of 60% Nþ 50% reduced

doses of PKS fertilizers, indicating a possible beneficial residual effect of

these fertilizers applied to the first crop (Boro) of the cropping sequence

(Table 3). However, it appeared from a comparison of yield between “c” and

“d” subplots that N application alone (reduced dose) would not be sufficient,

but that P, K, and S doses would also be required (Table 3). In other words,

the residual effect alone of the fertilizers applied to the first crop (Boro) was

not sufficient to achieve a high yield in the subsequent rice crop; supplementary

fertilization with N, P, K, and S at least in reduced doses, was necessary. The

significant effect of GM, grown in Kharif-I (2.2 t ha21 on an oven-dry basis

(average of 7 years) was observed in Kharif-II (i.e., in T. Aman). The residual

effect of CD was seen in the subsequent T. Aman crop (Table 3).

The average straw yield of Boro was higher with the application of

different fertilizer doses (T2–T5), varying from 4.21 to 5.73 t ha21, versus

that obtained without any fertilization (2.57 t ha21). The trend of the effect

of different fertilizer doses on the straw yield was similar to that of the

grain yield (Table 3).

In the T. Aman (1993–1999), the average straw yield ranged from 2.16 t

ha21 (in the control plot) to 5.61 t ha21 (in T4b) (Table 3). The highest straw

yield was obtained with treatment (T4b), in which dhaincha was incorporated

as GM, a full dose of chemical fertilizer as STB was applied in T. Aman, and

CD was applied in the previous Boro crop. The straw yields in “b” subplots

were superior to that of “a” subplot (Table 3). The straw yields in “b”, “c”,

and “d” subplots were gradually decreased according to the decreasing

amount of inorganic fertilizers in those subplots.

Cost and Return

An economic analysis of different fertilizer management systems was done

assuming that the variable cost except fertilizer and manure purchase and

costs involved in handling and application, labor cost for cutting dhaincha,

and additional labor cost for harvest of additional product were the same for

all the treatments. Benefit–cost ratio (BCR) was calculated on the basis of the

additional benefits due to the fertilizer and/or manure application. Table 5

shows the economic analysis of Boro–GM–T. Aman cropping pattern at

BRRI, Gazipur (average of 7 years). The application of fertilizer increased

gross and net return in all the treatments. The gross return from the control

plot was only about $698 U.S., and the application of fertilizer increased the

gross return, which ranged from $1167 in T5 to $1462 in T4b. The highest net

return of $1171 was obtained with T3c compared to the net return with the FP

of $1033. The economic fertilizer package for the moderate-resource-based

farmer would be T2d and for the high-resource-based farmer T3d (Table 5).

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These economic considerations, however, may be misleading for fertilizer

recommendations if the question of maintaining soil fertility for sustainable

crop production is considered. As CD was costly, inclusion of this valuable

source of organic matter for soils made this fertilizer strategy economically

least profitable. But, if CD can be supplied from the farmers’ own cattle,

CD will not be an additional financial burden, and using CD and GM for

crop production will be both agronomically and economically profitable.

This should be carefully evaluated in making fertilizer recommendations.

Nutrient Uptake

The effects of different fertilizer management practices on the amounts of N,

P, K, S, and Zn absorbed by two MV rice crops during the Boro (BRRI

Table 5. Economic analysis of different fertilizer-management packages for Boro–

GM–T. Aman rice cropping pattern (average of 7 years, 1993–1999)a




(t/ha/yr)(7 years




(t/ha/yr)(7 years














from one



T1 5.31 4.73 698 0 698 —

T2a 9.60 9.00 1270 191 1080 6

T2b 10.00 9.70 1328 212 1116 5

T2c 9.83 9.39 1304 185 1119 6

T2d 9.42 8.82 1246 161 1085 7

T3a 10.49 10.33 1396 246 1150 5

T3b 10.48 10.77 1403 264 1139 4

T3c 10.51 10.46 1401 229 1171 5

T3d 10.31 10.01 1369 200 1169 6

T4a 10.95 10.43 1451 334 1117 3

T4b 10.91 11.34 1462 351 1111 3

T4c 10.73 10.92 1433 315 1118 4

T4d 10.63 10.27 1411 287 1124 4

T5 8.83 8.16 1167 134 1033 8

aPrice of N as urea ¼ US$ 0.22 kg21, P as TSP ¼US$ 1.30 kg21, K as MP ¼ US$

0.30 kg21, S as gypsum ¼ US$ 0.52 kg21, and Zn as zinc sulfate ¼ US$ 1.16 kg21.

Price of cowdung ¼ US$ 16.67 t21; price of dhaincha seed ¼ US$ 166.67 t21; price

of rice grain ¼ US$ 116.67 t21 and straw ¼ US$ 16.67 t21. Seven additional man-

days are required for cutting dhaincha (GM) per ha. Four additional man-days are

required for applying chemical fertilizer per ha, 8 additional man-days are required

for 1 ton of additional product including by-product. Labor wage/day ¼ US$ 1.33.bTotal variable cost (TVC) incurred in fertilizer purchase and application, labor cost

for cutting dhaincha, additional labor cost for harvest of additional product.

Nutrient Management for Rice 589




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dhan29) and T. Aman (BR11/BRRI dhan31) seasons in the last 4 years of theexperiment (1996–1999) are presented in Tables 6–10. About 80 to 85% of

the K, 30 to 35% of the P, and 40 to 50% of the S absorbed by rice remains

in the vegetative parts at maturity (Yoshida 1981; Mohapatra, Misra, and

Sarkunan 1993; Dobermann et al. 1996; Dobermann, Sta.Cruz, and

Cassman 1996b). In the long-term experiment, intertreatment ranges of

nutrient concentration in straw at harvest in the Boro season were 0.45 to

0.74% N, 0.08 to 0.11% P, 1.30 to 1.63% K, 0.05 to 0.10% S, and 145

to 186 ppm Zn and in grain were 1.02 to 1.26% N, 0.20 to 0.30% P, 0.21 to

0.38% K, 0.03 to 0.14% S, and 90 to 120 ppm Zn. In T. Aman season in

straw at harvest, these were 0.44 to 0.95% N, 0.06 to 0.14% P, 0.90 to

1.20% K, 0.03 to 0.09% S, and 80 to 124 ppm Zn and in grain were 1.12 to

1.43% N, 0.26 to 0.30% P, 0.17 to 0.20% K, 0.08 to 0.12% S, and 20 to 80

ppm Zn. These analysis results confirmed the data obtained by Dobermann

et al. (1998). The nutrient contents and uptake varied widely with the treat-

ments and yield levels. It was observed that the K content in straw was

generally low in T. Aman seasons.

There was significant variation in nutrient uptake with different nutrient-

management practices (Tables 6–10). Essentially, the higher nutrient uptake

was observed in those treatments that produced the higher biomass. Mineral

uptake by rice is associated with biomass production (Matsushima 1964).

As the production (grainþ straw) was higher in STB-treated plots, the

nutrient uptake was also higher in these plots (Tables 6–10). Some improve-

ment in nutrient uptake was observed in plots where organic or GM with full

or some reduced fertilizer doses were applied.

N Uptake

The effects of the different fertilizer management practices on the N uptake

(kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRIdhan31) cropping pattern during the last 4 years of the experiment (1996–

1999) are presented in Table 6. In the Boro season, in 1996 the N uptake

varied from 54 kg N/ha (T1) to 116 kg N/ha (T5). The N uptake significantly

increased with the treated plots over the control plot (T1). The highest N

uptake was observed in the farmers’ practice (T5) following T4 (STBþ CD)

and T3 (STB). In the succeeding 3 years (1997–1999), the highest N uptake

was found with the treatment T3 (STB) followed by T4 (STBþ CD) (Table 6).

In the T. Aman season, in most of the years of the experiment (1996,

1998, and 1999), the highest N uptake was found with the treatment T4b,

where dhaincha as GM was incorporated with STB dose in T. Aman season

and CD was added in the previous Boro crop. In general, it was observed

that the N uptake were higher in those subtreatments, in which dhaincha

was incorporated with the full doses of chemical fertilizers.

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Table 6. Effect of different fertilizer packages on the N uptake (kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRI dhan31)cropping pattern (1996–1999), BRRI, Gazipur

1996 1997 1998 1999

Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman




(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.




T1 54 T1 40 T1 42 T1 24 T1 39 T1 29 T1 43 T1 39

T2 98 T2a 68 T2 79 T2a 61 T2 89 T2a 68 T2 90 T2a 73

T2b 82 T2b 55 T2b 80 T2b 104

T2c 76 T2c 53 T2c 69 T2c 87

T2d 61 T2d 39 T2d 46 T2d 84

T3 110 T3a 71 T3 122 T3a 76 T3 95 T3a 72 T3 109 T3a 83

T3b 78 T3b 67c T3b 98 T3b 85

T3c 75 T3c 58 T3c 68 T3c 91

T3d 72 T3d 48 T3d 58 T3d 87

T4 112 T4a 72 T4 120 T4a 80 T4 102 T4a 79 T4 111 T4a 86

T4b 84 T4b 72 T4b 103 T4b 96

T4c 75 T4c 62 T4c 87 T4c 98

T4d 65 T4d 53 T4d 68 T4d 103

T5 116 T5 59 T5 74 T5 51 T5 80 T5 51 T5 77 T5 76

LSD0.05 4.56 — 2.58 — 1.92 — 4.77 — 16.07 — 4.36 — 5.64 — 9.14

CV(%) 2.66 — 2.24 — 1.25 — 5.07 — 11.33 — 3.81 — 3.75 — 6.53








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Table 7. Effect of different fertilizer packages on the P uptake (kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRI dhan31)cropping pattern (1996–1999), BRRI, Gazipur

1996 1997 1998 1999

Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman




(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.




T1 11.8 T1 8.5 T1 10.6 T1 4.7 T1 7.3 T1 6.3 T1 12.6 T1 7.8

T2 21.2 T2a 14.2 T2 17.0 T2a 13.0 T2 16.7 T2a 13.7 T2 19.3 T2a 13.0

T2b 17.2 T2b 12.7 T2b 16.6 T2b 16.7

T2c 15.6 T2c 10.2 T2c 15.1 T2c 14.4

T2d 12.8 T2d 8.1 T2d 11.9 T2d 12.1

T3 23.9 T3a 14.7 T3 24.8 T3a 17.0 T3 19.2 T3a 15.8 T3 22.3 T3a 16.5

T3b 15.9 T3b 14.4 T3b 18.0 T3b 14.1

T3c 15.4 T3c 10.8 T3c 15.5 T3c 15.5

T3d 14.7 T3d 9.7 T3d 13.7 T3d 14.1

T4 24.3 T4a 15.0 T4 24.2 T4a 16.5 T4 19.3 T4a 18.7 T4 23.5 T4a 19.5

T4b 17.2 T4b 15.6 T4b 18.6 T4b 16.1

T4c 15.4 T4c 12.8 T4c 15.8 T4c 18.6

T4d 13.5 T4d 11.3 T4d 13.6 T4d 17.0

T5 25.1 T5 12.3 T5 16.4 T5 9.3 T5 15.4 T5 12.6 T5 17.2 T5 13.3

LSD0.05 1.34 — 1.22 — 0.40 — 1.54 — 3.78 — 0.94 — 2.36 — 1.98

CV(%) 3.60 — 5.10 — 1.24 — 7.87 — 13.85 — 3.88 — 7.11 — 8.04







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Table 8. Effect of different fertilizer packages on the K uptake (kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRI dhan31)cropping pattern (1996–1999), BRRI, Gazipur

1996 1997 1998 1999

Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman




(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.




T1 91 T1 67 T1 50 T1 31 T1 39 T1 27 T1 16 T1 26

T2 159 T2a 128 T2 90 T2a 93 T2 77 T2a 45 T2 32 T2a 46

T2b 147 T2b 82 T2b 43 T2b 34

T2c 151 T2c 79 T2c 43 T2c 48

T2d 121 T2d 68 T2d 34 T2d 61

T3 173 T3a 136 T3 143 T3a 114 T3 97 T3a 48 T3 37 T3a 41

T3b 155 T3b 99 T3b 52 T3b 43

T3c 148 T3c 91 T3c 47 T3c 39

T3d 143 T3d 70 T3d 44 T3d 30

T4 187 T4a 131 T4 141 T4a 119 T4 111 T4a 57 T4 58 T4a 43

T4b 161 T4b 107 T4b 67 T4b 41

T4c 154 T4c 106 T4c 57 T4c 33

T4d 126 T4d 71 T4d 46 T4d 32

T5 137 T5 121 T5 95 T5 72 T5 82 T5 39 T5 27 T5 34

LSD0.05 9.70 — 4.83 — 7.00 — 6.67 — 14.60 — 8.41 — 3.79 — 5.93

CV(%) 3.71 — 2.17 — 3.85 — 4.71 — 10.26 — 10.98 — 6.35 — 9.20








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Table 9. Effect of different fertilizer packages on the S nutrient uptake (kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman BR11/BRRIdhan31) cropping pattern (1996–1999), BRRI, Gazipur

1996 1997 1998 1999

Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman




(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.




T1 7.2 T1 5.8 T1 6.8 T1 3.6 T1 4.9 T1 2.4 T1 1.7 T1 3.5

T2 13.2 T2a 9.9 T2 13.7 T2a 9.2 T2 10.1 T2a 6.6 T2 3.3 T2a 10.6

T2b 12.0 T2b 8.3 T2b 7.4 T2b 9.0

T2c 11.4 T2c 7.5 T2c 5.8 T2c 8.0

T2d 8.9 T2d 6.2 T2d 5.2 T2d 5.2

T3 14.9 T3a 10.5 T3 20.5 T3a 14.2 T3 12.1 T3a 8.5 T3 4.0 T3a 10.9

T3b 11.8 T3b 12.5 T3b 7.9 T3b 13.0

T3c 11.2 T3c 9.9 T3c 8.3 T3c 10.6

T3d 10.8 T3d 8.4 T3d 5.3 T3d 7.8

T4 14.9 T4a 10.4 T4 18.7 T4a 14.4 T4 15.2 T4a 9.3 T4 4.4 T4a 12.7

T4b 12.6 T4b 13.6 T4b 8.5 T4b 10.5

T4c 11.5 T4c 10.4 T4c 6.9 T4c 14.4

T4d 9.5 T4d 8.8 T4d 6.0 T4d 7.4

T5 15.5 T5 8.7 T5 13.9 T5 8.4 T5 10.4 T5 5.1 T5 2.7 T5 8.0

LSD0.05 1.26 — 0.66 — 3.60 — 1.18 — 2.02 — 0.67 — 0.34 — 1.46

CV(%) 5.49 — 3.87 — 13.78 — 7.43 — 10.93 — 6.09 — 6.08 — 9.44







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Table 10. Effect of different fertilizer packages on the Zn uptake (kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRIdhan31) cropping pattern (1996–1999), BRRI, Gazipur

1996 1997 1999

Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman Boro T. Aman




(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.



(kg/ha) Tr.




T1 0.19 T1 0.15 T1 0.31 T1 0.10 T1 0.63 T1 0.26

T2 0.34 T2a 0.26 T2 0.47 T2a 0.27 T2 1.24 T2a 0.57

T2b 0.31 T2b 0.24 T2b 0.62

T2c 0.30 T2c 0.24 T2c 0.60

T2d 0.23 T2d 0.22 T2d 0.35

T3 0.38 T3a 0.27 T3 0.71 T3a 0.36 T3 1.39 T3a 0.47

T3b 0.31 T3b 0.32 T3b 0.39

T3c 0.30 T3c 0.28 T3c 0.59

T3d 0.28 T3d 0.24 T3d 0.49

T4 0.38 T4a 0.27 T4 0.72 T4a 0.38 T4 1.47 T4a 0.62

T4b 0.33 T4b 0.37 T4b 0.65

T4c 0.31 T4c 0.32 T4c 0.73

T4d 0.25 T4d 0.26 T4d 0.77

T5 0.40 T5 0.23 T5 0.39 T5 0.23 T5 1.03 T5 0.79

LSD0.05 0.02 — 0.05 — 0.06 — 0.05 — 0.18 — 0.10

CV(%) 4.68 — 11.18 — 5.93 — 12.68 — 8.95 — 10.67

Note: In 1998, Zn uptake was not determined.








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P Uptake

The effects of the different fertilizer management practices on the P uptake

(kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRIdhan31) cropping pattern during the last 4 years of the experiment (1996–

1999) are presented in the Table 7. In the Boro season in 1996, the P

uptake (kg/ha) ranged from 11.8 (T1) to 25.1 (T5). The P uptake significantly

increased with the treated plots over the control plot (T1). But the increase of

the P uptake in the treatments T3, T4, and T5 were identical. The P uptake in

the treatment T2 was lower than that of T3, T4, and T5. In the most of the years

of the experiment, the highest P uptake was found with the treatments T3 and

T4, followed by T2.

In the T. Aman season, in the most of the years of the experiment, the

highest P uptake was found with the treatment T4a/T4b, where CD was

added in the previous Boro crop. In 1996, the P uptake ranged from 8.5

(T1) to 17.2 kg P/ha (T4b/T2b). Like N uptake in general, it was observed

that the P uptake was also higher in those subtreatments, where dhaincha

was incorporated with the full and 50% reduced doses of chemical fertilizers

in the T. Aman season. It indicated that the incorporation of dhaincha helped

to add P nutrient.

The value of the total P uptake (kg/ha/yr) in the control plot (T1) under

the crop BR11 gradually decreased over the years (1996–1998). The value

(total P uptake) was recovered when another genotype BRRI dhan31 was

grown (treatment T1; Table 7).

K Uptake

The effects of the different fertilizer management practices on the K uptake

(kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRIdhan31) cropping pattern during the last 4 years of the experiment (1996–

1999) are presented in Table 8. In the Boro season in 1996, the K uptake

(kg/ha) ranged from 91 (T1) to 187 (T4). Like P uptake, the K uptake signifi-

cantly increased because of the application of different packages of fertilizers

(Table 8). The highest K uptake, 187 kg/ha, was found with the treatment T4

(STBþ CD), followed by T3 (STB) (173), and T2 (BARC guide) (159). It was

137 kg/ha in the case of T5 (FP). A similar trend was also found in the suc-

ceeding 3 years (1997–1999).

In the T. Aman season in 1996, it ranged from 67 (T1) to 161 kg/ha (T4b).

The highest K uptake (161 kg/ha) was obtained with treatment T4b, followed

by T3b (155) and T4c (154). In general, the K uptake was higher in those

subplots where dhaincha was incorporated. A similar trend was also found

in the succeeding years (1997–1999) (Table 8). The value of the total K

uptake (kg/ha/yr) in unfertilized plot (T1) gradually decreased over the

years (Table 8).

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S Uptake

The effects of the different fertilizer-management practices on the S uptake

(kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRIdhan31) cropping pattern during the last 4 years of the experiment (1996–

1999) are presented in Table 9. In the Boro season in 1996, the S uptake

ranged from 7.2 (T1) to 15.5 kg/ha (T5). Because of the application of

different packages of fertilizers, the S uptake significantly increased over

the control plot (T1). The increase of S uptake among the treatments T3, T4,

and T5 were identical, but it was significantly lower in the T2 treatment. In

the succeeding 3 years (1997–1999), the highest S uptake was found with

the treatment T4 (STBþ CD). In the last year (1999) of the experiment, the

S uptake was 1.7 kg/ha in the control plot (T1) (Table 9). Among the treat-

ments, treatment T4 yielded the highest S uptake (4.4 kg/ha), followed by

T3 (4.0) and T2 (3.3) (Table 9). The differences among the treatments were


In the T. Aman season in 1996, the S uptake ranged from 5.8 (T1) to 12.6

kg/ha (T4b). The S uptake significantly increased because of the application of

the different packages of fertilizers over the control plot (T1). The highest S

uptake (12.6 kg/ha) was observed with treatment T4b (STBþ CDþGM),

followed by T2b (12.0). Generally, it was marked that the S uptake was

higher in those subplots where dhaincha as GM was incorporated. A similar

trend was also observed in the succeeding years (1997–1999). Like K, the

value of the total S uptake (kg/ha/yr) in the unfertilized plot (T1) gradually

decreased over the years (Table 9).

Zn Uptake

The effects of the different fertilizer-management practices on the Zn uptake

(kg/ha) in a Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman (BR11/BRRIdhan31) cropping pattern during the last 3 years of the experiment (1996,

1997, and1999) are presented in the Table 10. In the Boro season in 1996,

the Zn uptake (kg/ha) ranged from 0.19 (T1) to 0.40 kg/ha (T5). Because

of the application of the different packages of fertilizers, the Zn uptake signifi-

cantly increased over the control plot (T1). The highest Zn uptake (0.40 kg/ha)was observed with treatment T5 (FP), followed by T4/T3 (0.38) and T2 (0.34).

In the next two years (1997 and 1999), in Boro season, the highest Zn uptake

was observed with treatment T4, followed by T3, but the difference between

the treatments T4 and T3 was identical. The Zn uptake (kg/ha) was signifi-cantly lower with the treatment T2 (BARC guide) than that of T3 and T4.

In the T. Aman season in 1996, the Zn uptake ranged from 0.15 (T1) to

0.33 kg/ha (T4b). The highest Zn uptake (0.33 kg/ha) was observed with

the treatment T4b in which dhaincha as GM was incorporated. Generally,

the Zn uptake was higher in those subplots where dhaincha was incorporated.

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It indicates that dhaincha helps to add Zn nutrient. A similar trend was also

observed in 1997 and 1999 (Table 10).

Apparent Nutrient Balances and Management Practices

We used a simplified approach for calculating partial net N, P, K, S, and Zn

balances based on major inputs: fertilizers [including organic manure (CD)

and GM (dhaincha)], added nutrients through irrigation water, biological

nitrogen fixation (BNF), and major outputs (aboveground plant uptake). The

results of the four cropcycles of the last 4 years (1996–1999) of the field

experiments are presented in Tables 11 and 12.

The apparent nutrient balance in the control plot (T1) was negative for all

the nutrients, because no fertilizer was added there (Table 11). The crops of

the control plot mined 230 kg N/ha, 67.2 kg P/ha, 290 kg K/ha, and 35.9

kg S/ha in 4 years and 1.64 kg Zn/ha in 3 years. In the fertilized plots,

there was an apparent positive balance of P, S, and Zn but a negative

balance of N and K. Earlier studies conducted by Karim, Miah, and Razia

(1994) and Bhuiyan(1992) also indicated the negative nutrient balances for

N and K.

N Balance

Nitrogen replenishment through chemical fertilizer, GM, and CD addition

either singly or in combination was not enough to balance N removal by

crops because much of the applied N was lost from the soil. The N balance

thus was negative: 185 (T4d) to 290 kg N/ha (T3a) in the 4 years

(Table 11). However, the subtreatments where CD and GM were added

showed a less negative balance of N. Nitrogen is subjected to loss through vol-

atilization, denitrification, and surface run-off during heavy rain; therefore, the

theoretical balance of N in tropical soil may not be so useful, unless the

residual N of the previous crop is utilized by the subsequent crop.

P Balance

The apparent P balance in the soil resulted from the different fertilizer-

management practices ranged from 223.2 (T5) to 260 kg P/ha (T4b) in 4

years. T2a, where fertilizer was applied according to the BARC fertilizer

guide, yielded a positive balance of P by 50.3 kg/ha in 4 years; incorporation

of dhaincha as GM into it (i.e., T2b) increased P balance to 55.4 kg/ha in 4

years. The reduction of P fertilizer application by 50% and 100% from the

treatment T2b reduced P balance to 27.3 and 1.7 kg/ha in 4 years, respectively.The application of STB fertilizer (T3a) increased apparent P balance to 92.2

kg/ha in 4 years, and the addition of dhaincha along with it further

increased P balance to 108.2 kg/ha in 4 years. The addition of CD along

P. K. Saha et al.598




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Table 11. Effect of different fertilizer packages on the soil-nutrient apparent balance sheet in the Boro (BRRI dhan29)–GM (Dhaincha)–T. Aman

(BR11/BRRI dhan31) cropping pattern (1996–1999), BRRI, Gazipur

Na Pa Ka Sa Znb

Treatment Addedc Uptake Balance Added Uptake Balance Added Uptake Balance Added Uptake Balance Added Uptake Balance

Nutrient elements (kg/ha)T1 80 310 2230 2.4 69.6 267.2 56.4 347 2290.6 0 35.9 235.9 0 1.64 21.64

T2a 352 626 2274 178.4 128.1 50.3 320.4 670 2349.6 120 76.6 43.4 12 3.15 8.85

T2b 429 677 2248 192.8 137.4 55.4 452.4 664 2211.6 183.2 77.0 106.2 12.09 3.22 8.87

T2c 381 641 2260 156.8 129.5 27.3 386.4 679 2292.6 163.2 73.0 90.2 12.09 3.19 8.9

T2d 381 586 2205 120.8 119.1 1.7 320.4 642 2321.6 143.2 65.8 77.4 12.09 2.85 9.24

T3a 448 738 2290 246.4 154.2 92.2 388.4 789 2400.6 200 95.6 104.4 0 3.58 23.58

T3b 525 764 2239 260.8 152.6 108.2 520.4 799 2278.6 263.2 96.7 166.5 0.09 3.5 23.41

T3c 469 728 2259 208.8 147.4 61.4 454.4 775 2320.6 223.2 91.5 131.7 0.09 3.65 23.56

T3d 469 701 2232 156.8 142.4 14.4 388.4 737 2348.6 183.2 83.8 99.4 0.09 3.49 23.4

T4a 528 762 2234 404.4 161.0 243.4 656.4 847 2190.6 226 100 126 1.77 3.84 22.07

T4b 605 800 2195 418.8 158.8 260.0 788.4 973 2184.6 289.2 98.4 190.8 1.86 3.92 22.06

T4c 549 767 2218 366.8 153.9 212.9 722.4 847 2124.6 249.2 96.4 152.8 1.86 3.93 22.07

T4d 549 734 2185 314.8 146.7 168.1 656.4 772 2115.6 209.2 84.9 124.3 1.86 3.85 21.99

T5 304 584 2280 98.4 121.6 223.2 206.4 607 2400.6 100 72.7 27.3 0 3.07 23.07

aIt is the grand total of 4 years (1996–1999).bIt is the grand total of 3 years.c40% of applied fertilizer/manure N was considered effective.








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with STB (T4a) increased apparent P balance to 243.4 kg/ha in 4 years. The

highest P balance of 260 kg/ha in 4 years was obtained with the treatment

T4b, where CD was applied along with STB doses and dhaincha as GM was

incorporated. The reduction of P fertilizer application by 100% from the

treatment T4b reduced P balance to 168.1 kg/ha in 4 years (Table 11) (i.e.,

42.0 kg/ha/yr). It indicates that the considerable P balance in soil, which

was the equivalent amount of the yearly P uptake by crops (Table 7) in the

Boro–GM–T. Aman cropping sequence, may be achieved by successfully

substituted by CD and dhaincha incorporation for chemical P fertilizer. Phos-

phorus at the rate of 26 kg P/ha in Boro season and 18 kg P/ha in T. Aman

season was enough to maintain the P balance and even to build up soil P up

to 50.3 kg P/ha in 4 years (see treatment T2a; Table 11) (i.e., on average,

22 kg P/ha/season had a partial net P gain of 6.3 kg P/ha/season). Thistype of result was obtained by Dobermann et al. (1998). They reported that

the fertilizer P rates used (17 to 25 kg P/ha) were large enough to maintain

the P balance or even to build up soil P up to 4.9 kg P/ha/season.

K Balance

Unlike P, the apparent balance of K in soil was highly negative. The

magnitude of the negative K balance ranged from 2400.6 (T3a/T5) to

2115.6 kg/ha (T4d) in 4 years. The incorporation of dhaincha as GM

tended to favor K balance by 120 to 140 kg/ha in 4 years (see T3a, T3b,

T2a, and T2b in Table 11). The application of CD favored K balance by

about 210 kg/ha in 4 years. The addition of CD along with dhaincha in

STB treatment gave a less negative balance of K (Table 11). This result is

confirmed by another study (Saha et al. 2003). The addition of CD at the

rate of 5 t/ha (oven-dry basis) along with an STB dose showed a less

negative balance of K in the long-term field experiment. A negative balance

of K may lead to K deficiency in soil in the long run. These results

confirmed the reports by Huang, Li, and Xie (1990), Tiwari (1985),

Table 12. Nutrients added (kg/ha/yr) through different sources

Nutrients added (kg/ha/yr)


Cow dung

5 t/ha(O.D.)


2 t/ha(O.D.)





N 50 48 30 20

P 39.5 3.6 0.6 —

K 67 33 14.1 —

S 6.5 15.8 0 —

Zn 0.59 0.034 — —

aAssumed water requirement in Boro 100 ha-cm and T. Aman 50 ha-cm.

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Mohanty and Mandal (1989), Prasad (1993), and Saha et al. (2003), indicating

negative K balances and ongoing K depletion in many irrigated rice systems.

The K fertilizer dose, therefore, needs to be fixed with caution. From this

study, it was concluded that if the CD and dhaincha may be added to the

soil, the negative K balance may be narrower.

S Balance

Like P, the apparent S balance in the soil resulted from the different fertilizer

management practices ranged from 27.3 (T5) to 190.8 kg S/ha (T4b) in 4 years.

T2a, where fertilizer was applied according to the BARC guide, yielded a

positive balance of S by 43.4 kg/ha in 4 years; incorporation of dhaincha as

GM into it (i.e., T2b) increased S balance to 106.2 kg/ha in 4 years. The

reduction of S fertilizer application by 50% and 100% from the treatment

T2b reduced S balance to 90.2 and 77.4 kg/ha in 4 years, respectively. The

application of STB fertilizer (T3a) increased apparent S balance to 104.4

kg/ha in 4 years, and the addition of dhaincha along with it further

increased S balance to 166.5 kg/ha in 4 years. The addition of CD along

with STB (T4a) increased apparent S balance to 126 kg/ha in 4 years. The

highest S balance of 190.8 kg/ha in 4 years was obtained with the

treatment T4b, where CD was applied along with STB doses and dhaincha

as GM was incorporated. The reduction of S fertilizer application by 50%

from the treatment T4b, reduced S balance to 152.8 kg/ha in 4 years

(Table 11) (i.e., 38.2 kg/ha/yr). The considerable S balance in soil, which

was the equivalent amount of the yearly S uptake by crops (Table 9) in

Boro–GM–T. Aman cropping sequence, may be achieved by 50% success-

fully substituting CD and dhaincha for chemical S fertilizer.

Zn Balance

The apparent balance of Zn in soil was negative, except the treatments T2a,

T2b, T2c, and T2d, where Zn fertilizer was applied only in the Boro season

according to the BARC guide yielded a positive balance of Zn by 8.85 to

9.24 kg/ha in 3 years. The magnitude of Zn balance ranged from–3.58

(T3a) to 9.24 kg/ha (T2d) in 3 years. The application of CD along with STB

showed a less negative balance of Zn. However, the incorporation of

dhaincha as GM did not show any positive effect on the Zn balance (Table 11).

Soil Fertility Status

Perceptible changes in soil characteristics and soil nutrient status occurred

through the use of varying fertilizer packages in the dry season rice

(Boro)–GM dhaincha (S. aculeata)–wet season rice (T. Aman) cropping

pattern (Tables 13 and 14).

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Soil pH

Table 13 shows that pH ranged from 6.0 (T3b/T4b) to 6.8 (T3c) at the depth of

0–15 cm and 7.0 (T4a) to 7.5 (T3d) at the depth of 16–30 cm. The initial soil

Table 13. Postharvest soil pH, organic carbon, and some macronutrient status (N, P,

K, S) at the different depths due to varying fertilizer packages used for 7 years in a

Boro–GM–T. Aman cropping pattern, BRRI, Gazipur (1993–1999)



(1 : 2.5)


carbon (%)


N (%)


P (ppm)


(meq/100 g soil)


S (ppm)

0–15 cm

Initial soil 6.6 1.28 0.10 6.17 0.16 13.92

T1 6.7 0.98 0.11 8.14 0.17 16.46

T2a 6.6 0.99 0.11 13.28 0.19 22.98

T2b 6.4 1.22 0.12 18.67 0.19 21.33

T2c 6.5 1.33 0.12 12.49 0.18 18.11

T2d 6.7 1.30 0.13 11.43 0.18 17.29

T3a 6.5 1.14 0.12 23.47 0.19 27.19

T3b 6.0 1.25 0.13 29.65 0.18 26.75

T3c 6.8 1.15 0.11 19.13 0.20 22.88

T3d 6.6 1.29 0.12 11.17 0.20 20.58

T4a 6.3 1.36 0.11 37.21 0.19 32.48

T4b 6.0 1.38 0.14 40.37 0.19 27.99

T4c 6.1 1.71 0.16 37.54 0.20 34.98

T4d 6.1 1.70 0.15 29.41 0.20 27.78

T5 6.4 1.07 0.10 9.87 0.17 23.15

LSD 0.05 0.27 0.21 0.015 2.85 0.027 3.20

CV (%) 2.5 9.8 7.8 8.3 8.6 9.4

16–30 cm

Initial soil 7.3 0.75 0.08 1.95 0.17 6.93

T1 7.4 0.37 0.04 7.52 0.18 15.85

T2a 7.1 0.67 0.05 6.61 0.18 14.41

T2b 7.1 0.75 0.06 10.32 0.17 16.67

T2c 7.2 0.73 0.06 8.58 0.17 14.74

T2d 7.2 0.70 0.07 9.85 0.16 9.67

T3a 7.3 0.63 0.06 8.19 0.16 11.12

T3b 7.3 0.45 0.06 11.89 0.18 11.52

T3c 7.4 0.64 0.05 12.69 0.18 11.59

T3d 7.5 0.56 0.06 5.46 0.18 8.64

T4a 7.0 0.39 0.07 5.03 0.19 18.52

T4b 7.1 0.60 0.07 9.39 0.17 17.77

T4c 7.1 0.54 0.07 6.83 0.17 12.83

T4d 7.2 0.59 0.06 6.58 0.19 12.28

T5 7.4 0.62 0.07 4.61 0.18 13.65

LSD 0.05 0.22 0.18 0.019 2.02 0.029 1.93

CV (%) 1.8 17.5 18.5 15.7 9.6 9.5

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pH was 6.6 at 0–15 cm and 7.3 at 16–30 cm. After 7 years, pH increases

slightly up to 6.7 at 0–15 cm and 7.4 at 16–30 cm in the control plot (T1),

where no fertilizer was applied. The use of the full doses of chemical fertili-

zers alone (T2a/T3a) appeared to have a slight soil pH depression effect in 0–

15 cm. A significant soil pH depression effect was found in treatments T3b

and T4b (pH ¼ 6.0), where dhaincha GM was incorporated along with the

full doses of chemical fertilizers as STB (T3a). The addition of CD along

with the full doses of chemical fertilizers (T4a) also appeared to have a

slight pH depression effect (Table 13). It was most probably due to

released organic acid from biomass of dhaincha and CD. These results

confirmed the reports reported by Beri, Meelu, and Khind (1989). They

reported that the pH values of soils collected after final harvest were

slightly lower than those of soils at 70 days after sowing (DAS) of

Sesbania. The reduction of P, K, and S chemical fertilizers by 50% and

100% from the treatment (T2b) did not influence the pH value. A similar

trend was also found in the cases of T3c and T3d. There was a significant

depression effect in pH values in T4c and T4d when dhaincha GM was incor-

porated with the reduced doses of chemical fertilizer in T. Aman season and

Table 14. Postharvest soil micronutrient status (available Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn) at

different depths due to varying fertilizer packages used for 7 years for a Boro–GM–

T. Aman cropping pattern, BRRI, Gazipur (1993–1999)


Available Zn


Available Fe


Available Cu


Available Mn


















Initial soil 2.69 0.86 72 44 4.11 3.80 79 46

T1 2.84 1.29 70 29 4.55 3.61 48 27

T2a 5.51 2.53 91 27 4.68 4.06 77 41

T2b 6.70 2.74 93 27 4.46 3.98 63 39

T2c 6.96 3.16 89 29 4.72 4.02 68 48

T2d 6.14 3.60 68 30 4.59 3.84 66 43

T3a 4.23 3.68 105 24 4.46 3.45 86 47

T3b 5.16 3.49 115 19 4.46 3.80 93 44

T3c 4.77 3.12 100 26 4.33 3.89 88 34

T3d 3.17 3.12 77 34 4.37 3.93 57 33

T4a 5.42 2.85 116 26 4.64 3.84 92 39

T4b 5.71 1.19 97 31 4.37 3.80 89 28

T4c 6.02 1.61 114 24 4.95 3.40 99 35

T4d 5.95 1.43 117 36 4.90 3.76 114 38

T5 2.86 1.14 79 29 4.31 3.91 57 48

LSD 0.05 0.97 0.70 9.9 4.5 0.50 0.39 8.9 4.9

CV (%) 11.7 17.4 6.3 9.2 6.6 6.1 6.8 7.4

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CD was applied in the previous Boro crop. A similar trend in pH was also

observed in the lower layer (16–30 cm deep) (Table 13).

Soil Organic Carbon

Organic carbon (C) in soils varied significantly as influenced by the use of

varying fertilizer packages. Organic C ranged from 0.98% (T1) to 1.71%

(T4c) at 0–15 cm and 0.37% (T1) to 0.75% (T2b/initial soil) at 16–30 cm.

In the initial soil, organic C was 1.28% at 0–15 cm and 0.75% at 16–30

cm. After 7 years, organic C decreased significantly up to 0.98% at 0–15

cm and 0.37% at 16–30 cm in the control plot (T1), where no fertilizer was

applied. The use of chemical fertilizer alone (T2a/T3a) did not show any

positive influence on the organic C (Table 13), but the combined application

of dhaincha along with chemical fertilizers (T2b, T2c, T2d, T3b, and T3d) or CD

along with chemical fertilizers (T4a) brought about some increase in the soil

organic C level at 0–15 cm (Table 13). The significantly highest percentage

of organic C (1.71) at 0–15 cm was accumulated in treatment T4c, followed

by T4d, where dhaincha was incorporated along with the reduced doses of

chemical fertilizers in the T. Aman season and CD was added in the

previous Boro season (Table 13). Rao and Gill (1995) and Kader et al.

(2000) also observed a considerable beneficial influence from growing

dhaincha as soil C.

Total N

In the intertreatments, the total N in soil ranged from 0.10% (initial soil/T5)

to 0.16% (T4c) at 0–15 cm and 0.04% (T1) to 0.08% (initial soil) at 16–30

cm. Like organic C, the significantly highest amount of total N was

observed with T4c followed by T4d, where CD was applied in the Boro

season and dhaincha was incorporated along with the reduced doses of

chemical fertilizers in the T. Aman season (Table 13). It might be due to

accumulated organic C. It is remarkable that the amount of organic C

was also higher in these treatments at 0–15 cm (Table 13). In general,

the amount of total N was higher in those subtreatments, where dhaincha

GM was incorporated (Table 13). These findings support the results

obtained by Kader et al. (2000). The findings of Jenny and Kleter (1965)

also support the idea that a system would benefit from receiving a

continuous supply of N from the associated legume crops either by biologi-

cal N fixation and current transfer or by decay and decomposition of root


Available P

The most remarkable thing about the nutrient status was the change in

available P content of the soil. The available P increased or decreased

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appreciably depending on whether P was applied and on the level of P appli-

cation. Thus, available P in soil resulted from the different fertilizer-manage-

ment practices, ranging from 6.17 ppm (initial soil) to 40.37 ppm (T4b) at 0–

15 cm and 1.95 ppm (initial soil) to 12.69 ppm (T3c) at 16–30 cm. After 7

years, in the control plot (T1), where no fertilizer was applied, a slight accumu-

lation of available P was observed in both the layers. But at 0–15 cm; the

difference was identical. T2a, where P fertilizer at 26 kg P/ha in the Boro

season and 18 kg P/ha in the T. Aman season per year was applied

according to the BARC guide, yielded a significantly positive accumulation

of available soil P by 13.28 ppm. Incorporation of dhaincha GM into it (i.e.,

T2b) increased significantly available P to 18.67 ppm. The reduction of P fer-

tilizer application by 50% and 100% from treatment T2b reduced available P to

12.49 and 11.43 ppm, respectively. The application of STB fertilizer (T3a) sig-

nificantly increased available P to 23.47 ppm, and the addition of dhaincha

GM along with it further significantly increased available P to 29.65 ppm.

The addition of CD along with STB dose (T4a) significantly increased

available P to 37.21 ppm. The significantly highest amount of available P

(40.37 ppm) was obtained with the treatment T4b, where dhaincha GM was

incorporated along with STB doses in the T. Aman season and CD was

applied along with STB doses in the previous Boro season. The higher

amount of available soil P (37.21–40.37 ppm) was found in T4a-, T4c-, and

T4b-treated plots (Table 13). This was six times higher than that of the

initial soil, due to the application of CD, as it had a good amount of total P

(0.50–0.79%) (Anonymous 1997; Saha et al. 2004). It is remarkable that

the available P content at 0–15 cm in subplots where dhaincha was incorpor-

ated was comparable to that of subplots where no dhaincha was added. The

difference was statistically significant. From this observation, it indicates

that dhaincha with the combination of chemical fertilizer helps to mobilize

soil available P by 3–6 ppm (Table 13).

Exchangeable K

A little influence of some fertilizer-management practices on the exchange-

able K was observed (Table 13). The exchangeable K ranged from

0.16 (initial soil) to 0.20 meq/100 g soil (T4c/T4d) at 0–15 cm and 0.16

(T2d) to 0.19 meq/100 g soil (T4a) at 16–30 cm (Table 13). In the initial

soil, exchangeable K was 0.16 meq/100 g soil at 0–15 cm and 0.17

meq/100 g soil at 16–30 cm. After 7 years, it increased slightly to 0.17

meq/100 g soil at 0–15 cm and 0.18 meq/100 g soil at 16–30 cm in

the control plot (T1), where no fertilizer was added, but the difference

was identical. A slightly higher amount of exchangeable K at 0–15 cm

was obtained in those subplots, where chemical fertilizers and organic

manure (CD and dhaincha GM) were added in comparison with T1 and

initial soil (Table 13).

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Available S

Like available P, the available S in soil resulted from different fertilizer-

management practices and ranged from 13.92 ppm (initial soil) to 34.98

ppm (T4c) at 0–15 cm and 6.93 ppm (initial soil) to 18.52 ppm (T4a) at 16–

30 cm (Table 13). After 7 years, in the control plot (T1), where no fertilizer

was added, a slight accumulation of available S was observed in both the

layers, but at 0–15 cm, there was not a significant difference. T2a, where fer-

tilizer was applied according to the BARC guide, yielded a significantly

positive accumulation of available S by 22.98 ppm. The incorporation of

dhaincha GM into it did not show any positive influence (Table 13). The

reduction of P, K, and S fertilizer application by 50% and 100% from

treatment T2b reduced available S to 18.11 ppm and 17.29 ppm, respectively.

The application of STB fertilizer (T3a) increased significantly available S to

27.19 ppm. The addition of dhaincha GM along with it did not show any

positive influence (Table 13). A positive influence was found when CD was

added along with it. The addition of CD along with it (T4a) increased signifi-

cantly available S to 32.48 ppm. The significantly highest amount of available

S (34.98 ppm) was obtained with the treatment T4c, where CD was applied

along with STB in Boro season and dhaincha GM was incorporated along

with 50% reduced doses of P, K, and S in T. Aman season. This was 2.5

times higher than that of the initial soil, probably due to higher organic C

(i.e., organic matter content) (Table 13).

Available Zn

The available Zn in soil resulted from the different fertilizer-management

practices and ranged from 2.69 ppm (initial soil) to 6.96 ppm (T2c) at 0–15

cm and 0.86 ppm (initial soil) to 3.68 ppm (T3a) at 16–30 cm. After 7

years, in the control plot (T1), where no fertilizer was applied, a slight accumu-

lation of available Zn was observed in both the layers. Statistically, the differ-

ence was identical. Only Boro season in T2a, where Zn (4 kg/ha) was appliedaccording to the BARC guide, yielded a significantly positive accumulation of

available Zn by 5.51 ppm. Incorporation of dhaincha GM into it (i.e., T2b) sig-

nificantly increased available Zn to 6.70 ppm. The reduction of P, K, and S

fertilizer application by 50% and 100% from treatment T2b did not

influence the accumulation of the available Zn. The significantly highest

amount of available Zn (6.96 ppm) was obtained with treatment T2c

followed by T2d, where Zn (4 kg/ha) was added in Boro season and

dhaincha GM was incorporated in T. Aman season. The application of STB

fertilizer (T3a), where Zn was not added, significantly increased available

Zn to 4.23 ppm, but it was lower than that of T2a, where Zn was added. The

incorporation of dhaincha GM along with the STB dose slightly increased

available Zn to 5.16 ppm, but the difference was identical. The addition of

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CD along with STB dose significantly increased available Zn to 5.42 ppm

(Table 14). The incorporation of dhaincha GM into it also slightly improved

the accumulation of available Zn further up to 6.20 ppm (T4c) (Table 14).

Available Iron

The available iron (Fe) in soil resulting from the different fertilizer-

management practices ranged from 68 ppm (T2d) to 117 ppm (T4d) at 0–15

cm and 19 ppm (T3b) to 44 ppm (initial soil) at 16–30 cm (Table 14). After

7 years, in the control plot (T1), where no fertilizer was added, a slight

depression of available Fe was observed in both the layers. But at 0–15 cm,

the difference was identical. T2a, where fertilizer was applied according to

the BARC guide, yielded a statistically positive accumulation of available

Fe by 91 ppm. Incorporation of dhaincha GM into it (i.e., T2b) increased

slightly the amount of available Fe to 93 ppm, but the difference was

identical. The reduction of P-K-S fertilizer application by 50% and 100%

from treatment T2b reduced available Fe to 89 ppm and 68 ppm, respectively.

The application of STB fertilizer (T3a) significantly increased available Fe to

105 ppm, and the addition of dhaincha GM along with it further increased

available Fe to 115 ppm, but the difference was identical. The addition of

CD along with STB (T4a) significantly increased available Fe to 116 ppm

(Table 14). The addition of dhaincha GM into it (T4b) significantly

decreased the available Fe to 97 ppm. The reduction of P, K, and S fertilizer

application by 50% and 100% from treatment T4b did not reduce the amount of

available Fe. The amount of available Fe in these subtreatments (T4c, T4d) was

the same as T4a, probably due to accumulated higher amounts of organic C

(i.e., organic matter in these sub-treatments) (Table 13).

Available Copper

The use of chemical fertilizers alone or with the combination of organic

manure (CD, dhaincha GM) appeared to have a slight increase effect on the

soil-available copper (Cu), but this increase was not significant. The soil-

available Cu ranged from 4.11 ppm (initial soil) to 4.95 ppm (T4c) at 0–15

cm and 3.40 ppm (T4c) to 4.06 ppm (T2a) at 16–30 cm (Table 14). In the

initial soil, available Cu was 4.11 ppm at 0–15 cm and 3.80 ppm at 16–30

cm. After 7 years, there was a tendency to increase available Cu by 4.55

ppm at 0–15 cm in the control plot (T1), where no fertilizer was added, but

the difference was identical.

Available Manganese

The available manganese (Mn) in soil resulting from the different fertilizer-

management practices ranged from 48 ppm (T1) to 114 ppm (T4d) at 0–15

cm and 27 ppm (T1) to 48 ppm (T2c/T5) at 16–30 cm. After 7 years, in the

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control plot (T1), where no fertilizer was added, a significantly decreased

amount of available Mn was in both layers (Table 14). T2a, where fertilizer

was applied according to the BARC guidelines, appeared to have a signifi-

cantly positive accumulation of available Mn to 77 ppm. Incorporation of

dhaincha GM into it (i.e., T2b) significantly decreased available Mn to 63

ppm. The reduction of P, K, and S fertilizer application by 50% and 100%

from treatment T2b did not reduce the amount of available Mn. The application

of STB fertilizer (T3a) slightly increased available Mn to 86 ppm, and the

addition of dhaincha GM along with it further increased available Mn to 93

ppm, but the difference was identical. The addition of CD along with STB

(T4a) slightly increased available Mn to 92 ppm. The significantly highest

amount of available Mn (114 ppm) was obtained with the treatment T4d,

followed by T4c, where CD was applied along with STB dose in Boro

season and dhaincha GM was incorporated with the reduced doses of P, K,

and S fertilizers in T. Aman season, probably due to accumulated higher

amount of organic C (i.e., organic matter) (Table 14).


Plant height, panicle production, and grain and straw yields significantly

increased because of the application of different combinations of inorganic

and organic fertilizer including GM (dhaincha). Application of CD at a rate

of 5 t ha21 (oven-dry basis) along with chemical fertilizer (STB dose) in

Boro season, followed by GM with dhaincha (in Kharif-I season), and then

growing T. Aman (in Kharif-II season) with reduced doses of chemical ferti-

lizer (60% N, 50% P, 50% K, and 50% S) in a long-term experiment substan-

tially increased rice production. This fertilizer-management system should be

encouraged for sustainable crop production.

Considerable P and S balances in soils, which were the equivalent amount

of the yearly P and S uptake by crops, in the Boro–GM–T. Aman cropping

sequence, may be achieved by successfully substituting CD and dhaincha

incorporation (in long term use) for 50% of chemical P and S fertilizer.

The application of CD and dhaincha GM along with chemical fertilizers

not only increased organic C, total N, available P, and available S but also

increased exchangeable K, available Zn, available Fe, and available Mn

in soil.

Dhaincha GM with the combination of chemical fertilizer helps to

mobilize soil-available P by 3–6 ppm.


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