


FK IK.The tricolor fluttered ;*t over·, turn in the rcf-ion

Just août h of Wiishiiif-tofi-aquare yesterday, fur July14 in this anniversary of the tnkini* of tue Bastile,ami the occasion of tlie National fete held liy theFrench ¦ocietleool' tin« city. ? procession, consist¬ing of tin- ten leading French societies, Company Dof the Hth Kt«(-iii;ctit, and a battalion of the La¬fayette ('minis. iMtst'iulileil in Washint-tnií-sijuar«- atl(i ». in. ami manheil to the office of the Consul-General. A.TtefajT**·. Charles Kcnauld. presidentof the Mt, male a short address, ¡lasunint the Con-a«il of the att.i<tiiiit-i:t of the French citizens to hiin-Ht-tf, ami i n trust ? ?? ti» him a dispatch of ¡-p-ctinií totlie I'r.sideiit ..f th· French Republic. Hie Consulwas also presented with a gold medal hy the hocietoChorale rKspt'i.uu·«·.Then the mcinhcrs of the procession betook them-

Mdvcn to Lion t'ark. The attendance waa not larsrotlirmif/h flu* «lav, Init there waa plenty of amuse¬ment. Five «cuts «-ave the visitor ii stick shapedlike an o.'«r and number«·«!. Then the wheel of for-ltin«· trat piviii ¡t turn, and the correspondiiif- nuiii-lier to that on svhicli th«· pointer rested when thewheel stoppe«! dresv a priae. Hy pa*, in«· 10 «cutsyniini; men were enabled to don a hideous double-face«! mask, the eye*« of which svere closed, and thenwalkim· forward to try to knock a small stick froma iH-at with aehib. Near hy, young: w«»tnen blind¬folded essayed to reach ? thread banging beforeth«'in ami cut it with a pair of «e isso is. Peoplerolled liall« into holes, dived into treat hairs, tookrh.i'iccs in a mutinied roulette table, the prize«- ofwhich ffVN ma«'CiU-<ions, and altogether every onewas very happy. The prizes, which sverò displayedat i'very turn, embraced almost cviv kiiosvn objectfrom watch and chain to '' une collarette Sarah It·," a "flacon ritmn/n de. bully.'' ami " six bou-Willes West India stomach hitters.''The feature of the day WM an excellent concert

by Rudolf Bial'a orchestra at 4 o'clock, in whichthe Marseillais«· wa.s introduced. A. Lefaivre, thoConsul-(.onerai, arrived about 7. Others présentwere ('huiles Rciiuiild, L. Lafon, Charles L. Islauf-***·*** and J. \V« ill.The ball oponed at 8 in the pavilion, which was

liiiiihf svith Chinese lanterns and particolored l.iitilill··, and lir-svorks were displayed at ? o'clock, chiefamoiii* which sv a« a representation of the l'astile,riii-r«- a

" grand tombola " at 11, alter whichSeewab-S Ordì« stia continued the music loi «lani¬ni ·. mA similar celebration svas held at Jouera Woodan«! \\ aehiogtOfl 1'ark by several Pleach societies.aiuoli)· winch svere the ("ernie Artistique Français,;??..·..?.;·-. Cnlioaire Philanthropique Mardi («ras\ssociaf.i'»n and Orpheut Krain-ais. Tlie presidentuf the fete svas [.. Lebeul and the vice-presideut,Ferdinand Paie, chef at tin· Astot limis··.The ·1.?|"? «aere tlyinir from the City ilall yestcr»

day m citiiiilimeiii tu um celebration by the Ftenchresidents ot tins city of the mint v-.v*con<i aainivei-kary of the taking Of the Beatile,

TOPICS OF THE DENTISTS.CCOftOtVUB sussions OB thk convkntion 1?-

l'K.KS ItK.Al».UtO scientific healing of the Convention of den¬

tists now iu session in Irving Ball waa somewhatilisturiied > ester.iav by the rc'iiark of one «»f th«ap»-a,kers. svho admitted that after all «'«enlists areDiiiy *' teeth earpei.ter.s." and that he himself sviisbut an " avéra«-!· m··« haine." Another delegate in"referring tua «i shed chantre m the nomenclature ofdentai science added, "

«se shaLi then has·· the tipto*· blue blossom .if perfection.

rhe following names were registered yesterday.??.'?,????? 1211 in all W. C. Tillini*li;.st, Providence,]¦'. J.; W. Taft, Cincinnati; VV. Morgan.épringuold,/.lass., 1». S. 1'u-kiTiuau. Tauuton. Mas,«.; E, Hun-tot Jatkson, Miel·. ; C. Butler, develan«], Ohio; E.?. '..¡??G???·!, Ni'sv-llusi'ii, Conn.: Ú. C. Brown.Kliaaboth, !». J ; ·!· H. Bi-ihop, P. ?. ? ?.??, J. Allenunti tv Ni Plafxg. New-York S. H. Unilford ml l>.1·. Miiitn. ihiladelpiiia I \V. I'l-ophy. M. 8. Deannini E. S. Tai..ot, Chicago J. C. MeDouguil and G.1!. Chawtdler. Bostón.Th·· lii-st paper «liarnaaied wm the one read ?.? G??-fessoi Francis ai.:..,it us 1 »entai Caries." The dis-cu««i..·! «sa« ..lirici .m lis On. Bodoeker, .viles,Bncktngham. Abbott, Atkinson, Chandler, Waters,Fredericks. Moa-re, Croiise, lirophv, l'aft, Barrettami Fien e. pToíeeeor Bodee.kei claiiuied that thet iiries s·, is l'ausi «1 bi ilillaniinatlon in the «leni ineI>r. Abbott tin«iiüht il «vas .tue to the acid conditionof tilt« set let ;t,n in .o'.ilaet ssllh theti'eth. 1 >r.Fierce «'.«.plained why a UtBgro'a teeth ate solid «,.

Iouk a.siieitses ..?. ooarar diet, and why they falldui when he lises on oi aeiui-soli<la ThePtnntmof Hi.tication not being in tin· latterinstate·, tins lust the eapacit y lor use. aud nature¡las II.· fur .hue·«. The doctor ud.l«eil theifiaking of ss atei, tea ,,r ooffee before or altermeals, lut n>. t w aile one ia eatiu«*, Ai the adjoiini-ineiii a ????;·>>p·;?? her Mmk a pi.-tane ..f tue iiiemhcis.11 a lír ,;i¡. th· stei.s >1 the hall,lutin allerii.ii.ti. a ..imiiittee of three was ap..»«.iti;«-.! to draft suiiatiie ?«·«,.: ut iu:,.s rexarding thelaaaacination of Frnaident Oarfleld. DnL Abbott, ofNew-York, Liteh, of f-nilailelphin, a:·«; Predericka,at New-Orleaua, were appointed and svili report this

xii.rmii/. lii. ?' G La Kobe preaented a rubber¦aliva bag, ss hi« ¡? had uot la en patented, and · mo'Mil WM Iliade timi a dentist's gi' dealei sì:,.nidaetequeeted Uiinakea qaautit*· .«? ihesc baga Dr.Mills, utf iiioiikl in, reporte«! that a moveini nt is onfoot, anion-' arms ohieers to have CongreMappoint auitabie men andeutiata to the ofhee· ofu (iHtenanta, who shall go ont svith the arutieoon th«·bentier.? p,i,)«T on " Spontaneoua Abrasion " svus then

ft i:sen ss ed by 11rs. ( !nan«li« r. Atkinson. Barrett, Litch,SN »têts, t'ii.shiii-.r. Piunlentiurgand llrockway. Ih··f-enoral opinion s%a.s tint ,? ,« m-nrwal ¡>s- acid«,¦«everai insali. ·>¦ were ..-iti-d svliere .hal.-rs in acids«Sire titilli.if.1 ny te> til sse.uilie· ,i|t. A dile--aie mentioned a «?? rgymaii ss lio a?t?t aaw an a«-i«l»as« that canaed i«s ins tin" -ernioaa. and it-a as taoughl itiat his trouble ss as cauaed by anfclkeli Oi· bancti s paper ??? " Anietheaia " 11 n ·.

Itaenaaion from lira Litch, Barrett, Bnckinubainand Atkinson. An theapeakenagreed mat nitroua.ixide ^'a.s, or langhiug gaa, aa it ?« more popularlyllaiueo, wa.s i..s tat the Ml'·«* alia-st i.e. le to use,Mali.«!·.·-« -luiss t hat one death iM'CUra in '_'.7iH) a.imiuiatratioua «>t bloroforni. >>ne m ÜH.tXiO <·? ether,ai"i linee deaths in.?. ;>ilt»,(Kid eases ss here nitrouslaida «.'as ss a« used. Jin« report of Sia-tuia VI. was |-*reaented by its chairman,l»r. Odell. This am-tion inclod«*· patñolo«-*'tiicraiieiiti· s and materia iiied.ia. Owing t(^ in··ta.t tliat i.*e (;.inventi.,n ia h.i.l in .Inly insilati ..1àagtwt, as usual, no papen ss er·· readj lb. Btock«bui, Newark, N. !.. then reported .«-?? lion I., on"Artilii ial Dentisi is," "Chemistry" ami "Metal-lurgy," an·! papera wereread uy ??», J. Allen, tarant,Plagg aii'l ilairini'tiiti.At ihe evening anaaiou Dr. Waters offered a res«»-liition iipproviiu· th«· calling ol an InternationalCommiaaton which ahal establish standard melhodafor taatimg visual eeuteneaa and oolor-blindueaa.¡{..soliitioiis expression, avmpathy for PresidentOarfleld and i..s buoly, abnorranee ol the aaaaaaina-In.u. and a hope that the President'· life mas ?«-

Mated, were paaaed by a unatiimona atanding r«it«,Ii was decided that tin- meeting uext year v.ill lieheld in Cincinnati, The election of otiicera resolte«]as foUowa Preaideut, II. A. Smith, ..l Cincinnati ;I·iist yice-pr.-.-iiieiii, \V C. Barrett, ol Buttalo;I« e.Ulli vici-pl-i-sldelit. (i. J. i'reilericll, of NeviPrisain; n-oording ¦eeretartr, ??. II. Cnshing, nfChicago; coi ? e«pniiii n«,' s.· n tary. Albion M. Dudley,.ii Sa;, in. Mass.; treasiu.; ,\\ ||. (.udd.tid, ol Loui .-riU«N Ky.;chairman of tin« Ezeootire Com.mi..). S. Cronos, «>i Clucago.

Will WORKMEN Ahi: NO! HAPPY.'Ihe itrike of 'longshoremen at the' pi.r, at Si\ts-...ev. :ith-rtt. and the North¦river, was uneventful y«9steniay. The new men,«who «{-lii \s uri« m u body W'ediu siluy aftornooil atI o'clo.U. on account of some diaaatisfaction withth.· l..teman returned to work yesterday morningami tiiii-iied naloadiog tin« Crane al LU o'clock,G·?'«·??·' of th·· m« ? ssei. sent ss ith her to Holaik« nb> unload balea ol Haz. after which the ves«··I

was tak« ? to Hrookl* ti. Must of the men were thonput o work in the grain elevator until another ahiuarris«·:-at tin- j.i« ? The strikers were qniet, audHaul that thr.v «s.-r. confident of raoress In the end.A ineeting of tbe liu«.s Horaeahoera' Aaaociatmn

-ras hold laal evening at Millinian'a rJLall, in Seveuth-ave. It waa stated thai 12? memiiers had 1,.·,·-. u-pslled, and a.« aeon as a majority of the lioam s in ther:is had :«i tun.· members a'new schedule <>i higherr.ites ssiuiit! be mads and enforced. The '«>. nettes ofthis movement, ·!? employers «ay, they are ss LIlingtatbara svith then workmen, anil their wagea wiube taereaso·!.The demand which the tool-sharp«· tiers made, tometime .i|*o. for an increase ol BOoeutsadaj ia ssìik'.·«am! ? retliiction to nine hours for a «ias^s work, hasbasa ai-c«-d«'il to, ami the emphirera hase, in conae

Monco, raised tin prio oi sharpening toóla [rom %\to Í1 -¦"> a hundred.A large meeting of tobaoc«*-workers -.vas held last

aveaing at Hali, in llouston-st. Measure·¦rote dis«: u.«?«-«1 for securing higher wage· aud other-(...cessions which are regarded by them as benefl--ial ta their traile.

THE EVIDENCE Al.L IV.The invi-st i|/atiiui into the cliiiu'r·. .r'aitisf the

poli«·«· t 'mini) «.«?·:nera was contatine«] yoaterday l»o-foi-i- the afayor. Mi Audrewa on behalf ox tin·Mas or, ? ni ? ".m. .u ei.nsi,! ¡rabieevidence it: rebuttalÜ that pioitu.-ed by the defence, it aasshown thatth«· .Maim had been sni.|in-,t,a--ii t.. appeal before ih.·lirand Jury and nise s n|. m e ixiUuei uilll the m i/-lecl ol I he i'oliee ( 'iilnmisMoncrs to has«· the «ti. et.«rleaticd.

1'r«)fessor Chandler, of the Board of Health, wasagmta «sailed, and he Imtitted thai rorreatsnniieneetuoi passe«! between the BoardaofJiaaltti an PoliceWith ii-fei«-in-e to the separ. ti'jn of a«i.<-, an«! gar·taaarn. Tl««· Ko.ird of rltaaith pnrtt-atsd agaiuat theftÜJaag oi sunken iota in liarlsra with a mixture olgarbai*«*, street dirt and ash«*s, and when the workvv .s continued the lloai 1 of Health caused lilearrest ot som· of the stuployea ..f the >??.·?·? Clean·ilo-lliiican. <·?? .1 n ? 'J*, 1874, a resolution waspassed b] tin- Board ol Health requesting the Hoardci Polio* to inform the form : Board that measuresha«! basa taken to remove ashes ami garbage in s.-i>-ar-'tt·-. ? alts in « «treets Mich limns ul« wen·luade un«i tlie «ii,«.c.-s th it, had uts-nd·«! the effort

to remove ash«»s and garbage separately. Tho effortt«. euforico tho law was linally abandoned in 1875by the police.

Air. Andrews here announced that he had nothingmore to oder in the way of evidence The Mayorsaid that he would adjourn the case until «luly 2d,wlmn tbe counsel will proceed to sum up.


A DBHOGIST WHO SAYS HE WAS DRUGGED.A man who said that he kept a drug store inTlroad-st., Newark, t«dd a Hingular story at Polit·«HiaiMlquartcrN y*'.st<'rdiiy, t«» the effect that while on

ii steamer he hud Wen dnnrged, or rather anattempt had been made to «imp him, bv Mime un¬known persons. The object WM aupiMised to be rob¬bery, but it was not accomplished. Itmncctor Th irnelistened to the «t«iry incredtlbrashr, and sent a «let.tive with the druir«iist t#» search for the nlleeed eon-spiratoi«, He reTaaed to tnll the man's name, butKave it as his opinimi that the man was not perfectlywane. The driieirist wa· fonti«! t-o be Dr. ErnestDreher, of No. '¿v.\ Broad··*., Newark. He niu<1 lastnight that h« left eumlngton Tucadav'«m the steamer NorravranHett. He baduo stateroom, »rid luv down on one ofthe sofas. Shortly after midnight a mitii lav downopposite him. Df. Dreher asid thai he wne dozing.but presently be became consolons of tbe odor ofchloroform and «liteovcred that tbe druir had beenpouted on the breast «if his coat. Suspectinc that¡m attempt had been inaile t«> chloroform and rohbim he put himself on his guard, II«' noticed a eol-ored chambermaid in conversation with a ooloredwatchman. Aftertvard she took a seat near thestair»vay lendini.·· t«> the ¡OWST deck and kept awatch upon his movement·. Krotn her point of ob¬servation she «'«»nid se«· everybody in the saloon.11«· s;t\v her make sign· t<> the men in tin« saloon.Peeling the fumes of the chloroform overcominghim, Dr. Dreher sprang up suddenly ami rnshed to aroom which he thought was occupied bv the cap¬tain and demanded protection, tl«· »vas enminn·t*-cd by th·· hagiuige-master »»ho «mlv remarkedthat bethought Dr. Dreher waacraxy and bale himkeep quiet. Dr. Dreher says that be then asked tohe allowed to stay in the pUot-honae, but bis re-oie.asT was refus«·«!. II«· then m}d he would shout mur-der if any of those " cutthroats" (meaning the men inthe saloon) came near him. He walked to and froacmes tin· saloon until t!i«> boat arrived in New-York. Then In· started to go to ihe Chambers StreetHospital, but wartsodaaed tîiat he walked l«· Pftrlt-

iitsteiul. Me then went to Newark. Dr. Dre¬ier appeared to hocicar in mind an«! to have a vi» idrecollection of all the event« of the night upon theboat. He believed that the intention nf Cue menwas to drug and rob him und then throw his bodyoverboard. He had in his possessi ? at the lini«·only his watch and a small sum ol' money,

THEOABFIELD FAMILY FUND.Th<> fumi »»hieb is being raised f«»r tin· President'sfamily lias reached $140.004 50. excluding th·· sub¬scription of $.1,000 sent in th«· name of Samuel l-'os-dlck, of Cincinnati, which was yesterday shown tob«· spurious by Tin: Titillisi: Yesterday's gifts

were the smallest of any «la»' since the beginning Ithey .-iiiiottnted to $2,340. .Mr. Field lias a letterfrom .lohn W. Mackey, ol California, written Tues¬day, in which he states that »»ith reference to thesubscription he prefers, at present, to »»-ait, forvarious reasons. ".Should any unfavorable out¬look «ouïe," 11«: continues, " yon willtluii limi me in the front rank."A letter »»hieb «-ame in printed characters fromPhiladelphia said that " Birdie" Haslnton wanted toIPve sotnethiugtoward th·· fund fur Molli«· t ¡atti eld'smamma, so she sent a piece of «ilyer which her papahad given hit »alien she was 'a little bit of a cili.''Mr. Field sent his office boy with the «"tin, aa oldSpanish piece, in o Wall .Street among th.· dealers inforeign exchange with instructions to sell it. Theboy «-ame buck with 20 cents as the proceeds. There¬upon Mr. Field sent tor it again, an,! later a [rienilot the movement gave $20 tor it.Following ar·· the additional subscription· re¬ceived yesterday up to 4 o'clock p. m.

O. H. «.'¡ark.'.$1,000 Rear] and lta-ssic ... ?A. D. Jlltlliard & Co.. G.(?>.? F. B. M. (??.-iy ... 5Benjamin Krewster 500 \ Herman clerk . lUsury M Kleid lOOlUruce M, K. K wing,M. H. Uowant and w. 100 .Terse! «it» . 1»V.C. limiten IO«, s. ?,. RoynoTda.1Kiuplores In work- -

sn««p at N·». 75 Mer- fU.SJfleist . li Previously no·c.viiis Field Jndson io knnwtalged.... 137,ß.'?ß .r·«».Francis JJudsou. loAhrabain AM.lev, Hum total... $14O,00t IH)

« ' liant. ? V G·?'.??,uai,,??,, July lt..The Corn nini Flour Exchangetullía authorised ?, 11 I luntructod us pre lilenl toappoint aoouunitt e to confer with «similar cnnitiiitu-c«that may be authorised imd apiHiinted ¦:· tie Hoard ofTrade and ottusi «minnierctal aud busbies« urgaubiatioueIn renani to subscribing lo tin· fund f«,i *trs. Qartteid.ACCIDENTA FROM EXPLODING KEROSENE,A kerosene nil cooking sin.e explode«! yesterdayut ?,, VJ Fnnrth-ave Annie Reorder, age'eighteen,a servant giri, stood near the stove, 'lue burning.»il »»as thrown over her dress ami net lire i<> it, andthe girl was very badly burned. Ber mistress, Mrs.Trover, in the attempt to the hnruing clothesfrom the girl's body, was burned about th·· hands,Tbe servant \»a-sent to the New-York Hospital t· ?tbe police.Mis. Annie Henry, age twenty-three·, of But-lei and Di vision-ave*., East New-York, !.. I.,

w:is severely burned ycatenlay morningby the explosión of a can <>f k· rosenetroni which s!:·· was ponring "il on the Hre mli- -1- kitchen. She Ihm] overslept and leaireil tokiudiu u fire in ? hurry to get breakfast foi her bn»-baiiil. The explosion of the «an threw humilia oilover the woman, who ran into the street, undthrowing berseli down, tried to extiuvuisb theflamee by rolling on the ground, Oneol the neigh¬bors, (ieoi'ge Schnei«ler, hearing 1er screams, ranwith a blanket to her assistance, ii.- succeeded inputting out the rlaniea, bui noi ht. Mrs. Hen?was very seriously burned and ber recovery mdeemed doubtful.Yesterday noon, Mrs. Mary Wray.age forty-seven,of No. 080 Grand-si., Urooklyn, ponred kerosene oil

niMin the lire in ber range. The oil caught Hre andthe can exploded, scattering the liurning tin ? I overMrs. Wray ani liei daughtci Mary, age seventeen.Both were badly liurncd before lb«· llame« wore ex¬tinguished. They wen· taken t«> ?.?',-t i'. Hos¬pital.Hat fie Huai,··, age twelve, of No. 83 Ferry-ut..Brooklyn, was aeriouslj burnml alioul the hands andface by the explosion of a can of kerns nc «,ii fromwhich she was trying to feed the kitchen lire. 8bo

was taken to St. Peter*· Hospital.Mis Alice Monuhan, age forty-nine, <>t No. :i.i7I'm in.iti-st., Brooklyn, also tried to hasten the Iniru¬ing of a tin by using kerosene oil asfueL The Home-n;. ni: u u i ;i lei I to t he eoi tents o I he «alt ami It ex¬ploded 'Ih«· woman »»as seriously hurt, aud waataken to St. l'etti- -, Hospital.

FRE6I1 BBEEZE8 FOB BICE CHILDREN.Tho Floating Ifospitai <·! 81. John's Guild madeit-nl'tli excursion of il>·· season Wednesday. Thebarge left (iuiou's Pier, No, '.'.», North River, ;tt 8:15

a. ?·., with a large number ol sick persons on lioanl,and upon arriving al Ihe loot ol I', Kantliiver, th«· master found the pier coverpd with siekihililnii and mothers, ready to embark for an ex¬cursion in the lower bay. These trips are made«¦», ?··.- Tuesday, Thursday and Sal unlay daring ? heseason. Since the last ocknowlcdgmcut thi follow¬ing amounts have been ontribut« ? for this object(too. A Clark at Uro. t"-·'··1 ' t'hlmann. teaGardner B. i^olby, for lid ward Hill. ·_·.'.o.-lie\elll-lo;. 250 » A I / ? I'. 11.·_'.",Mrs.K.8.1. 100|W. ? J O'Mrlen. 'j;.ll. in«1 v. Martinez, Ybor <hI I. VV, .«. Co. I··«' <'··. . "G.W.P.C. ACo. Hi· tacJlu, Neuser «t ito

I. W. ??.-??, lor I'.ll i iiliiiit^i's SoiiH.. '.!"·Hamlv H«»«iU Pilots K«i ic I.... 'jo«' \ ? itOi. ·'·«, .lae.ii, 1·'. W.Vekall ... '¿QGeo. ? Osgood. SO \ It. 15Spelili .V Co. 50 laa.eilv .·(·,.. ia(, M . .".(· II. II N.iiliioi. inG I).· ll, atfct'O . 50 II. 1). »»? lies . 1«!ItolaiUl Hi «Ini'.ii.l. '_'., ?,·-,.. II. Im!. . Kli: 111». '¿:> Mia, C. It. tìllion.10Lloyd Aspluavail. ·.·.-, M:v.. W ??. ?.m. ?»1 s· . ?G, l. I.e li-,?,??,.n :¦ _ ioI·' Alexandre a. Sona. li. M. PUa. ."..l-.llllsl.l ? l.nk ?- ( '«>. 'J'· li. ,VM.Ö1..S. ,«. I.IU. .VI«). ¡«5-

"Nettle". 25! Total. s<l,7ii,i

? ri.'lKSI'S RETALIATION ON A BUTCHEH.Father Fleming, the pastor of st. John's UmuanCatholic Church ut Orange, N. J., who i-ned '¡'htComet circular against a uuniber >i promincul citi¬

zens m a. ruinit o: t lie ir a ?·? ion in ?,roi ?????; ;i/.'a:iist?? Inri her cxii-iiMoii, »villini the »:ity limils, ol s.|.John's Church <'euii'ter.v, lias adopted the system of" Boycotting" in the cose ol one of the men whosikini·«! tin- petition t«i the Couiuioii Conni;! to pro¬hibit the proposed extension. The muri " Boj'-iii'.tetl" is.1. BrunoHoae, a butelter an.l a UomuuCatti,·??(·. Hoag has supplied the iin.ii furnished t.«the parochial wndd« nee. the Orphanage and Home oftbe sister· of Mercy. Thieousloui bus ?,,??? takenfrom bini aud he lias also Uipl th.« custom of RomanCatholic familie* through, ii Is stated, tin- influenceol tin· pnert. Hong has visited Father Fleming andend« a»,ut·,I I" placai«· him, lint was «illiplv told toh,· more careful what he signed in the future. It iarumored that Father Fleming has received orderetroni hi· superiorato retract the offensive luuguugecontained in his circular, and a movement is tab] tohave been pul un fool !·.» influential members «·. St.

? John's Church to have him removed from tin parish.A man »» h<· w·· the object ol sunn- of the attac s [jjth«· priest's circular lias »»iiu«-ii i«> him denying tbe:i.«;:..·· contained iu the circularas relating tohimself, and demanding ? public retraction ol thechargi ··


. thi: I.\si <»G THE 48TOBIA UUBGLARS.In tbe Queen· County Courl ol Sessions, atLong Island City, yesterilay, Lawrence Madden, thelast «,? ?,,,- Astoria masked utirglai - oaptureü by lu-

apector Murray, was allowed t·· pi eau guiltv toanIndictment charging burglar] in the tliird degree,and waa s.· u te m «t io t in· Muli· G? ? ,? ? ¡«.? four j ears,I h«· µ-? em-e ol Madden disposes of all t l·«· men cou·c< rued ii 11,,-?«,,,ini us. .lonn James, James Uiieyaud Jamea McCnrthj are In tbe Auburn Prison, tbelirst named serving a sentence of thirty-tive a·.·!,-,la'iie.v eighteen years and McCarthy tweuty-tivcyears, all having been convicted In IS70. Itiiej atthe inn« ?«- iiiu.i agallisi hin companion· and gavetinnii valuable information t<> the police, aim an ap¬plication »»ill soon be made tor lui purduu.



The National Ar<*h«>iy Association closed itsannual tournament yesterday wit li a succession of intor-eatiiix nontOSta which were nloonlj watched by a laricentinihe.r of spectators, tho attendance bci»»«r the largestof any «lay of tin·, wonting The weather wu. warm, de-aplte .the breeze wliloh did its best to OOOl the perspiringmultItmle. Tlie team-hoot for u sliver bu«*l<· trophy waswell contented, and was won hy the CtoQegO Hill ClQb ofCinciimntl with the good score of 1,011. The handicapmutches in the afternoon dui not furnish soninoli amuse¬ment to the spectators us the " Press Match."The prises wcro distributed in the sveatng at the

Pierr-apont House amiti unici npphnise and good fediti«.·.An exhibition of fireworks was gi veti in front of the. hotelut il. Following are the leading scores :


? no l ·'«) ?arrow» arruwi errowal

at at at Tofnl.(*>(! yd'*.! 50 yds.I 10 yds.


i i« ?t

Collese Hill. Ctii«"lnn»tlimitalo ToxopUoUteaHighland Park Club. s:: ::«..-. loUt Clalri'liili .| H7 Hi«, lui f-liayteii liinv II Club _I Ti'Hos |:iii.|llnioklvn «'luiNew-York ("¡ut..Orli ma Cinti .

Newark Tuatmliolltoa....Pequoaaetta, iioaioii.l'OllghkM |.«ie ('lidi.

02 »801107 M.·« HOIftt2|81* l.iìll!'t :e..t ilo ,-..;¦: n-i"H7!:-.'.!1 ¡,543MI 13 019 SOI 1.63?ani t l.*-|H"*0l:*03| l,f*17

Its «liti ".'«H 1,8047<? :u:i 10."·· I··..',; lo« "'18¡288;1,h4UIT, ??-.?? ??»·.'?:»??107?.G.:?7,,'7??1,2?·-04 224 S<i:'.>7á!ti»:i|tlWi2.")fl|l.«iO'¿r- .'-.'s 70 J.''-1 9ft 41*7 310 048.Mi 21K) HI 2*7 smil·.: 107 i»«·.');i7 107 471823 281174,1 lai ?ß4

TKAM SHOOTING, WOMEN.t;ti Arrowaat BO yds.

[lita Stur.·.Newark Toxophollte*. I 137 OtflCollenT Mill, t'liitduiiiitl. IIS ftOt*Itrutiklyii .I IOB | 4KI

.iirs's Arrow- ut 80 yard.·..

I>. ?. ? ishP. A. itti|ikl*uit. m. Hr..«vu ...

.1. I' V.l.'ii.«'. <i. Ilium-auid«i. \V. Kiin.c.iAttain ¡r.ivH.K.Taylor?«. It. Unan.«..a.N. K. HwartoiitJ U Ii. -liti'VHC. C. ?.·"!'.ti. A. ??,?,??, ?¬

il Veil

l'ai.Jl'.· 11*Ili1001 ·...1081841«lai111is:i.J17

Made. Total.l'.'SI '.'(I111



348831H81¡CU82881?81 '-'SOS¡ton401«.".17390298

WOMEN 8 HANDICAP.4H arrows ut Ml yard«.

vi¬ llici"»·.Mr*, \t\ei«Mrs. Nasi,??«. Morrl-oiMis« Warrtlnvlira, Hor-rouiMrs. WildMrs. (Iloti*Miss l'a.1

tilt, 11Poluta.


· 775



Be ire. Total.77 918

llll 911120 197IS.189:ts90


191(1« Il«l17.i171174

Fifteen siiot In the presa maten. The best scores aregit, cu_

30 arrow*ai 40 yardaHits. Seero

II. Kill-stiiiri. /·,',?/¦,/,·,,/.·,! Star .I tO 89«'. \v elh.T, .· tlHiaH ''·'.,IM/,· ..(' . Iti S',Ma or t ..11 -t ii.;.., Harper * Urothera .j 1«'. 89II.·' ?.,,???.?, Brooklyn Ueneu 19 My.. «'. .¡??·.-. '.. ? >· ri, liera!<l . 988II. l'I il·Itile«. /.·, ... A *..,. //(.' ..... I 7 89.1. ". Culyrr, Journal 0/ tiUueaHon . -! 88


IN WHICH --..Mi ?. WERE SMITTEN.There wits more iinliapiiineas al Brighton

Ileaeli y..t.l.ia.i. A noi hei laee «;,. I.ik, " :ni;i,i friniitic winner. In the finirci race, one-alle, for eli a;.-··-,with light welter weights, 'i\.· ran Bntceniaa'· Sii*? ? ; ¡reara, 119 poundai, ni ??.t'» ·- < » 11 Moscow il,L'I«;.. I.ii'o land's e.ill --Ir·, riunii.· ? I. litio. Dooahqo'a unir··Eunice (A, i:t:ii. und liuti.' -m'alili- tita R. (9,100), Ella*wa* ih. fainrile, bui burnt a '·'.1 ri un and .1 .1 noi fin-|*h tbe coni e. Uta ? ime In Hi t bj half a dotentetigtha, In l 1 t -.·. Mim ·¦·. ae« md, Eunice third, and« traine fa rth. Nolan, who r ¦;.· M« mow, made som-iplalut thai Alta B, bad fouled afta-eoa Ih.·,.e-.»led in croaaluK th« Imo* In front ..f Motteow, bntUlta Atta B. had a perfect riebt to do, il »he rasan far;:? front thai Mo nos aaa not compelled t«. hortenlita »trida G? feo«. Mueoo* «aa not lotstferedwtth t.y the ".?,..t. " bal on thla absurdeotnplslut thi race waa taken from Alta il. and ¦riven to··).,.·-..w. Of eourae, tho hacki-i «·¦ Alta ?. wen inn«,us,mid there waa iii'ich loud talk. In tin· confluititi thaifollow·«] ii ¦¦·. ati '· ·· ·¦ tillen TI.«vu. ria:,I tiaud" onthe man ? ireat blin, whom be iboutrtii the tblel G?ßpolice p?«,1.·.! up, Itere «? ?« ¦· acrimmage," m wh:, ??.I.« a iiii»iiiidei -lai .dia/, l'i- i-ald« ·,' Keeuan, of the Ne?York l'.o..1.1 .., Al:].Tiiiau, w .. Involved, und?.,'?? hi« dlcnlt) end .« ri. tliea uff red libegan t.i Inoli hi..· a Temutati* primar* in the»Sixth Ward. Due -neueIons turfman, whii wa* In thelliiel, of the »img-rle, «« ·, ..?.... ·. ,·¦! t.> iranaf« lid watchfrom his walat«'oal po «k t t«. ??« hoot Iu i:n;ii baate, andt.. ¡tilth .ml li un ile moh ««¦;:!) inn h 111 I« fit* I lual'v,,·,! 1 ? ?. -' »red, without nil) l>lood"ln«d mon m rimithan ttiat from a ft··* -itrte.keu noaea nud a fus bruisedbead«.The ?.??.?- r-n-i « were no! an exciting:. Mulkey'alIMi ?.,j,-,·. (3 years, -7 |k>iiik1h) »ou Hi« drat of1 '» mile·-, m I:'.«'·.·. bmilllU* .1« iiiiiii:;.· s ?,,??«.. i)u|-ca-l ?:..·. I. Il-i >·.ad. and l.'ll'ii' ?·G.« ttllvMate (2, >'~> third. MeMalmn'i« .¦· Heotllla.".. lili. Dal·.-s nil« Hell.iim ,:(. 7), Oraj-er'« fillyliernadlii·· CI. S7l, Wll ???? r. l.l'ii,·' Hill lion 'I. I INI), andt very'» filly VJnita (? ???? ran nn eland Outcast wa*tin favorite. Mutual ponla paid §12 .*.Arkerman'a borae burue (niceif, 107 puntiti«) won theRecoudra«'« nf '·? tin:.» m ¡1:10, alili Irving'« mareMaini·· fields C, 10-t aeeoiid, ami Daly'a tllli k:t(vClark (?, 1-17) llilrd. Ruruhain'a mar«. Marchitinea- ('.,«).n, Wil ¦.nu'·« líelllii- "»I.·. ! u". «... '.U 1. and Hi ,.

n.·: Vagrant (aged, IQ*) ran iinplaeed Mutual ticket*,$1270 Mamie tlelda was t h« favorite,The third race ni mi!- beuta imi- won bjAekerroan'a mare Una «'., Ill) after Bnge-nian'.» (illy Malusine .:t, N7) had -.«..n the Lakeland'* eoli ? !.. U Ameni [3, UO) Miao ranTime "f the three beata ? t«;1·.·. i.t«i and 1. is.Malusine« ivorlte and Lua Inweat tu the uools.lin- fout li m '¦ waa the A,·,.« Il.-Mixcu« l'atrlekKein n. nivali-, wbleh 1 li.- winner did nut µ?!. Mutualpool ticket- «L'i 05.???.· 1.1-1 rae«·, ?··.· mileaoverOhnrdlea, wna won by thefavolile,! Talk -hnine ?? rnir(0. ?.: pound*) after a clos.«fiiiiab, n.· 10I1111 '- h...¦ ¦<· .I..·· II.imi (agud, fj ,) seeond,Oalv'a UH- Kafe f»ng (4, 120) third, Irvtnir'a pi MuaUni: talan tnged, IH.*·) ami Wond's «.e.ldlni- Bulle! (airetl.125) iaat. Mutilai poni tiekeU $11 1- au Indlcuttiin ot tbe lui reaaetl Interest In (li«- lui-fthat, although the programme wa noi ·¦ poclnlly attnirlive ind Hi of the coureo 1« inùrb ««riti«i-i.!, tlie atteutliuiee wa* large. Rut it «'111 not eoi; ttime-.. It ?;.'e ai,· In li·· solile,! 11,,t 1. I uni. 11 _r bnt by ..iv«sure ..?. bejiuii

HARATOGA RACINtl REASON.Baratoga, July l I..Huudrt-ds «>i prominentturfmen, representing altnoal every State In the Union,

can In-Men to-olgbl 00 Ihe ]'ia//.as of the |i:ii:ei|iul ho¬tels. Préparât loua for a ; *r« al meeting hai e been urn ?··.Three htindri l hornea are now quoi U red on the A-noela-tion grounds, und Bfty mon are In tbe neighborhood,suable t" Hud itableroom within tbe Ineloanrs. TheBooth and Weat have contributed nearl* one-third oftils number. Bancroft, Alfambra, Lost Cause, Qabiiel,Patti and several other IV« -n in "eraeka" are In the

i. ¡. of uoudltlou, and abarp work both on the part ofthe pool-box and on the track maybe looked for whenthe« mei t ICai tern hoi - n.'file Travers ani ?. mi. ;¦ SüiIíck are teilh coiiccileil tobe al the unire* uf· of Hie m«, -t notable betting races of theaessonwill !·«· th.· < '11 race. Old tu i-fmen «{echini that tin·jiica-a'ii feeling ol rtvalr- that · m tuft when KalsettoandBpeni.thrifl mei will i.· reviví··!. Iliincioti Kiii lietin favorite of the Weal I'.ud -tonili, and M.or willhave hundreds of eager baeVera iinotig l.iieteru peonieL'ol.l i:.U"u M. Jubnaon win officiato a* «tnrtt r.eceretur- Vv'bentle* lays that Haturduy's rut-Iliac .'annuihe otherwise thaii exeellcut, owiuk to the lui ai llelds ofen: in:.. There will bo at leaal Ultceu aturtera in the ttve-furlong da.'u alouc.


teur Regatta took plane to-du* ever the Thamea eourae,from Putney to Uamiueratultb. Tbeannahine was brilliantand tbe heal Intense The tirai event wsa for the Metro¬politan l'uirs, whieh waa won by tho Thamea RowingClnb, besting the London Rowing Club eaaily, The aec-ond event v. aa for the Junior Boulls, In which the ThameaClub's competitor rowed ovei thi t-ourse.The Cornell Univeralty Crew, in the race

for the ? liai-us Challouge Cup, waa ooustltutedthe Same as it was ui the Henley Regatrtil.· The laee e-eileil greater inicia »t Can ,,<><

other event. The Cornell orow, itriklng i/erj runUUy, took a allghl leadattbi start The London crew,who were ni muí, pulling ¡1 Uni r s'\.'e|ihi : Htroke, cameop opposite thi Star and Osrter, audul tbo boat bouai «

ledh.i ball u length, tbe Cornell crew ««??;_·????^ leadingthe '¡líame·, crow. When ball waj apto the ConereteWall, ih.· Americana slight!* Improved their pétitionwith reference to the Thames ore w, bnt the i.¡inor« -.·. wert« still dras Lug away, and « . 1. olear ol the« ornoli* by tbe time the top of the ««all vus reached. <nt'tue New l.iiii.uui.meut. Ibe Thamea crow, spurtiu·«'alsopanned tho Cornell crew, and al Waiden Wharf were I .11u length ahead the [.ondosa leading by two lengths.The London enes now steered loi the burrey abure, stilleolng sci.i strongly. The Coruella kept well together,lini their Htoeriug w:u bad. The Thamea ore·* 'a »[ceriti«*«¦aa llkcwiae very erratic, aud from tilia pon.1 the i.mi« had an ens.« lasit, the battle being fur the second¦.ia,·. «jit the -soup Works ta«: rbaiuoa orew ipurte·!

clear of the Cornells. The Cornells ixarscvered jiltn-kUlyt the Uni «It, Put were never again able. t<» get ou termawith their opponents. The time of the nice was 8 min¬utes an«I ID seconds.

QUICKSTEPS WINNING BY A BUN.Tin; QuickHtt'p Base-ball Club defeated the

Metropolitan Club yesterday at, the P«ilo Grounds. Thefollowing is the summary, with the «cor«' by Inning«:Quiekntrpt.

Tanner, ab ..? 2Walker, ? o... oCreamer,e_ 1('illinium. It li. llM r.Parlane,« «? ??Till ?, ? ???·<??????, r.f.l ?!Poeterà et... ilUi-ttTi'th, p.c.-f. 11Total. 7|

B. | ln|PO'A. â|| Metntpnlitan.\K. |1b¡TO|A.¦_4! I ¦! Ol'BriMlv, S» 21.1*1 01 OllClintiin, 1.' 21 :«| ni iiiHny, an. Il2 'dì 2: 1 ¡KMierhm'k.ilil 0li 2, (j | ltoüiitiiui. r. f.l 1Ol 3; 01 OilNi-nerlp, ?... pi21 1 01 Oi.Kurrmv, e.I 010 2! 1! Ol Kenn··«!?. i.|.| 0¡l| J) 0 0, Doyle, «·. f ... fiîâlsT iai"ii ~T«t:iì~~!"e

I il01 7

H? «?·

II §6|27ill, 2

1 081 11| 0o 0

??G?8 aOOKRD KA«!l IVNINd.

f II 2G 3| t| lì ß "71 Si OtTetaLQuickstep»..! ?? 0! Ol li 2l il 2| Il 0, 7MwtroponUa..I 21 oj 01 01 oi ol 01 41 ol 0Farina·! run«. Qulcksti'iis, > Metropolitan. V.-First btws by errors, Quicksteps,2 Metropolitan. 4.Tutiil I« ft an b«s«·. Uui«:ksi«-|»H. 4 Metropolit»!», It.Tot. 1 lume hit*. '.¿lUi-ksti-ps, l(i Metropolitan. 11.Sii-i.i-.k out, giiii*k«li'|i«, li Metropolitan, 4.Umpire, Rlobsnl Pnaroa,Tluie oí iretne, '.Ì luiur«.The Troy League 1?11?1 will play with the MetropolitanClub tu-«luy at the l'olo (¡rounds.

CANADIAN CHlCKETEBfi BEATEN.Philadelphia» July 14..The cricket match

between the I Zingara tenui of ( amula, anil th«. Merlonsof this city, wa« resumed this marnine. The Zingari«»vere without the servies of Captata Kiri-hlnifte.r. andwere qnlohlydisposed at tor 49 mas, making their totalfor the two 11 H. The Merions, who Bad scored105 runs In their first toning, then begun their secondinning, mul made tne 11 nun necessary to wta with theloss of one »a Ulket,

BBOKBR8 at Tin·; bat.Nino iiiiriilicis of the N«'\v-Vork Stock Kx-

cliaiig«· and a like number of men from Brat. islandplayed a mateh game of base-ball on tbe statoti islandCricket «Club Orounda yesterday afternoon. Th«· soonof the Htock I.xcliunge nine was 0, of the States U luminine s.



n:i: ikon µ??µ????t sikhs toestVN* Tin·: CO-I.l '.MlilA.

The paasenger· on, the Coney bland steamerSirius, of th«· Ir«.? Steamboat Company, and theRockaway steamer Columbia won jostled fromtln-ir seats about 1 o'clock .vent eM ay afternoon bythe toree ol a nollision between tin« two boat··Many .if the paasengera wen Mghtened »»hen they«aw th«· two bouts run together, and f«>r a fewminutes sceme· of disorder prevailed. The officerssoon allayed the teats of the frightened people, aaneither of th«· boats wa· damaged to any extent.They wen m shoal water, wen going in the «jamedirection, and the Sitine in passing the Columbiaran against her starboard side. Both boats pro¬ceeded «m their way, and th«· «lainage was ao slightthat they oauünued their regular tripH for the restof the day.Th<* captain of the Columbia when asked to give

an account of the accident last night said : "Theni-nt much lot·'!. We wen owning from Rockawayand when off the old West End pier at Conev Isl¬and the Sit in·- ran against m iiiMioal water. Then»»as no excitement on board the etcuioeni becausethe ¡»copie aaw in a tow minutes tti.-it the bootswere not dainaged. The port sid«· of the i^iriusstruck out tin ?,,,??,I sii!··. V.,n un nee all the dam¬age, \ fea mutali Splinten wen ripped .«?* oui l>',at.luit »»e bave not ??«···?? compelled t·· lose a trip, idon't km»»» li.iaa mu.?? the Sirius was dainairôd. butit could only ha\,- been tritliug, as --he has not losta trip. Wc wen not racing ut the tini«·, lull on ac¬count of the shoal water were going very slowly."Al the oflice ,·!' the ir«m Brambauat Company ??<>assertion that the Sirius had heen in collision withthe Columbia was doubted, The superintendentsai«! that the captain of the Sirius han been it theoilice «overs! times in the day, but he bad made noreport "i any accident. He wm «-'.ire that tbs boat»».?- ?.,,: hurt, because she hu«l been running on herregular time all the «lay.

A BTEAMEB R17NH INTO A PILOT BOAT.The Cnnanl steamer Batavia, which arrived ye··

terday, had tn tow the pilot boat Pat, NO. i», whichwas disabled by a collision with the steamer Tue··daj night. Th" pilot l>.>nt sighted the Batavia.-iliiiiit ß o'clock in the afternoon, and ??»·- m itinte·later tin- steutner ran Into h«-r. ? bole a» a·« made inHi- pilot boat, which measured Infect bj llfeet,anil ??· ? Diaiu ?.in a:nl rigging were carried av a vli a« a, ,·\ (. ·,! at the time that the Injured banala\,.iii,i ini with water, hnl men wen put t«> workIunni liatelt at the pumpa, aud the lioat was made? -? to the fiutavi». VVhen the collision occurredI'ilol Allers »»?. in a yawl tioat, intending to g··ii!,,,.,!,! the tt« ,???,,t, r'h·· only pilot on the boat « asCaptain Brady, lie, with the enw of three tailorsmill :i «teward, came t·· the city in the steamer.The fog was thick »»Ion the accideul happened.The |il,it boa! was seni tothe acre a dock at Mar¬ket -I._

MANUFACTURES OF NEW-YORE CITY.Charle ?. Hill, Chief Special Agenl in thi·city «·?

the Census Office, has compiled a table showing themanufacturing industrie· of this city, The statis¬tics do ? »I Include tbe ma nut.? rtun of cotton »» ·,·,!,silk, silk goods and mixed textile fabrics, Inn and?.·. ?, gs i, glass, coke, tin- fisheries, oyater canningand pa«-kiu¿. breweries and «listiilenes. dliip building,railroad car npair shops, salt, petroleumtiiiniiiK aii'l rt'tinitig, ¡n«l the minine int.-i.-t. ol h»·country, these branches having been assigned tospecial experts without regar« I to «ituation. betotul nniutiei of mannfactories nutehle ·,? th,,-?¬?? the clans ?· fei red t«i i·. l 1.008. «n capital uivested is $107,081,749.The greateel number of banda employed atany one lime in the year was 202,450,<) these !:!.".'.''.«s wen men, ?;:?. 1^2 women,and 7.UIKÌ ehildnn. 'Ihe am.,uni paid in wages inthe year wa.« f.??,? 13,034. The material used »»a«v.ilucd at $207,013,230 ami tin« product »vas$435,422,102.['he return shows that the principal Industry oftli«· city is ih·· manufacture of boots and¦hoes, then being b57 factories employins0,033 ballile, rot the manufacture <>tnun's clothing then an ~'.w> factories, inwhich· an 04.000 person« employed, Thocapital luvest«! In thla Industry is $2*2.300,803.Iu the ma u u lacinie of women's clothing 17,207 pt r-soiis are employed, the capital invested being$4,707,005. Then an 782 bakeries which employ3,177 hands, and in which then is $2,032,000 in¬vented. Of other factoriesthen an 153 carpentering,180 confectionery, 110 steel engraving, 200 furni¬ture. 247 jewelry, 200 machinery, 201 painters, 110photographing, l<><> plnmbing am! gas-âttiiig, 540printing and publishing. 171 salili. iy and harneas,157 tin, copper aud sheet ironware, Ttii -ìlmis 112upholsterer·. 16U »» heel« righting, and 152 artificialfio»ver« inni feu t hora.

THE I Nil ERSITY COA VOCATION.Albany, July l L.Tho ftwl business of the

(Jnlversttj Convocation to-dnj arus tbe reading ol ,? paper entitled " Tbo Ideul Convocation," bj Principal <;.R. Cutting, of the Watervtlle 1 nlonBcl.I, n,· tboughlthe ???.1?·?·?, of the Convocation was, first, to secure a bat1er ai'-piaintiiii.-e between teacher« and the Regent··s· cond, to m «iti,· ¡m int, rcbaugc ,,? opinion« on tbe liestmethods of Instruction; third, to advance tbe staudt%rdof education ; fmirth, to «dogi such common roles us

may seem best Ittted to harmonious workiliitb, to eonsull ii'i'i '· literata with the Regents In «li-ais-lng mu! executlnu »uch plan« nf ndueatioa m are de-mended and, sixth, to exert a direct Influirne«! upon thepeople so ;is to iceurt· an appreciation >,i a «ystcm of e.|-uoatton, together with procuring such «Id and leglela-Uve enactments as wtll place tbe Institutions In a ?·"?tinti worthy of the Stale, n, i-lalmed tliai the schoolsnini «Olii·;; s of tho State an not represented m theyslum!·! be In tbe aunual Cunvoentlon, He regarded thepresent as tho moet practical ratherlngof the past nine.a llll·.

Memorial remarks wen made a« t·· tbe member« of tbeConvocation who ima·,· died In tho course of tbe year.The elusiui oration was delivered bj V'lce-Cbanoollur?., in w. Clinton.Chancellor i\. rsnu announced the Kxenutive Commtt-

tee for Uie en .mug year as follows: Professor Truman.1. Baekns, Vastar lUtllago; .1 II. Ollmnrc RochesterUniversity; William J. Milne, (teneva Normal Hehnol-Q. R. Cutting, Watervtlle, Charles 11 VerHO, DelawiiréUterarj libiti .itt«.n llyUud «'. KJrk, t'beloa UnionBehooli Ditiii.-l C l-'ai-i-,(.!ei,s l-'alls Academy,Degree« aver«· conferred as follows

M. i> (On tbe nouitualluu ut tit«· s:;it. Medlctl ,;,,clety) r,iaai,i,i ??.!,!·, lltird, or i;o, -ii.-si, ?· ??????eoofford Ball, of N. ¦·.·. Vork; lloruoe Marablleld l'alno,<t ?? no.» ("darlesTaylor Harris, of Hyracu«e.If. ll (» ter .«n nxuniliiathiu in a »mini of Examin,iK» ??·,.\:??,? ?????p????« Pnlne, Mr. I'alue was alanuwurded the prize of. goOoflOred in Dr. John I'. Uruvfur «unerlor ex< ellenoe m passtna: tbe examinationTbe University also .-.??G?-??-.?? tbe degree of 1.1, I» onMiirtln Brewer Anderson, President id the RochesterUniversity for the past twenty-eight years.A minute ? ? in· attempted wuiasalustión of Presidi utOarfleld was reporte«! by Profeesor Wilson Bn«l adoptedThe Rev M. Palrbalrn move«! that «tepa bo taken lutbe chancellor to have the adilres««« ¦>) the Chainxdlor????,? Vie«· -('limici 11(11' ami lie r.·«.,hit ions of the commit¬tee on tin· attempted assassination of Hi«· I'lvsltlentprinted and rlrcuhited smonK tin Institutions reure-sentii! in ih·· t'onvooatlon. AdoptetLChancellor Pierson then made a i«w remarks and ,i,·clared the Con» ueatton adjoiumed eine die,

Mis. c. K. K. sends $¿0 for the Cliildren'eAi«l Puna, the money wul Ik., miit to the Rev. Charles l.Braco.


WindKor Hotel.Cbief-Justice Morrison R. Wait·.of the tutted State« supreme court.Virioria H«tfl.Jiisti«·« Paniti· ? ?. Miller, or Hie rnfteo State« SnpremeCourt, and Jtulge W. S. «'Insoliti of Savannah mrorooetUremie Count von Heust, (lermait Caargs «l'Affaire« at Wasfc-itiKton Everett ffeOM R«ioa de Arm«»», ot the Kreni'h andAmerican Claim« (*«???p??.<«1«??? Clartrulm llniet -CaptainWilliam Arthur, of the HrltiHh I>»«;stl«in at Wa«hinpt<mOiUey //ntiKr-ilovernor I.. A. Slielil'in. of »»¦.MexicoNeto- Vork -Senator B. If. Hill. o> ¡? orina, «nd «ìem-ral?. Mle.lilerand Osaersl s. s. Carrol . G. S. A 4». ?'???./?»lintel Olerai d. p. Bnell, (_'. s. ?., and ex (lovenioi KM·field I'roeUir, of Vermont ... Pitth Arena* ttotet.Jaidife It.It. Nelson, of Minna·«.,t^ «x-Cnnirressiiian .1. S Newbnry. "'Mi.hiçiwi; I). J. Mori el!, of Pennsylvania, and K. II. Statutiford, of Kentucky, and ex-Goveruor IL C. Warmoth. ot Ixioi«-liUlll. .

NKW-YORK CITY.FATAI. ???G?.? «IF 1'I.AYIXli WITH A T«iY I ISTOUHenry «tVMoU, eleven years of agi·, «lied yesteplavat the New Yon Hospital from lockiaw, naturing

from an injury of the left band, wMeu bo receive«!by the aec.nlent-al dJwharf*· «>f a toy pistol July 7.

THF MATH «»F A BUK!)' hltnWNI'P.Charlea Poole, age lori », of N'«i. 11 Hr «>uie-«t.. the

mat«; of tb«· sloop Chief, lying at Tier No. M NorthKiv««r, fell overlio.'ir«! vest«· «lav an«l was «¡rowne«lwhile B°lng on board bis »easel fr«»tn tbe sb'.ani.ihipDevonia. ni· body was u«·! recovered.

AN fi'TuaVV Ul.iiCK «????'.,??«» «iWXI.ltS.Tbe transfer .it t lie block Intimile«! by the Boule¬

vard, Kh-veir h-ave. and Hiie-biinilr-'ii-atKl-fouthan«! ()n«'-!iiin<lre<l-ati«l-liftli-asts. from Isabel 8. Trip¬ler and In r husband t<· I). It. MeAlpin, was recorde«!yeiiUrilay ; consilient.««·!. ????,(?)(».

INCUTASI'. IN PilSIAC.K.The statement of post ice collected on newspaper

an«l periodi«:«·] pnbucation· mailed in New V'.rkduring tin· quarters ending June HO. Ihho. ami June¡lo, 1 SHI, show ? an excess tor thi· year of 410,023pounds of matter, and of Ys,:i:iH 44 in aorta·«·.ride is an Iannuii «if about 10 por osasi·

KKKPKltS (IF LOW MMOMat,William II. Hoist ami ThonuM Gouid, propri« tors

of the KinpiretianPn.oncol tin- low resorts in Si ? ? li-ave., who »»er·· indicted some time ng«» f<u- keepinga disorderly house and for violation of the exciselaw.yesterday surrendered themee-lviM at tin· Di·-triot-Attoruej?· ofuoa, They gayo bail in 92,000each.

TIIK FIND rtW MKS. BKNNF.R.The New-York Chamber of (Oiiim-rcc ?t? the fall

of 1H7H rais«'il a stun «if money to provide Cortilemaintenance of the widow andchildrenof Lieuten¬ant Hiram II. Bonner, U. ?. ?., who lost bis life byyellow fever while in cominacd of the reliefsteamer Chain ho is »vliicb vus «cut from St. Louis t«irelieve the sufferers by the epidemie, on the Mis¬sissippi. Mrs. Ib-lia lì,-liner the Widow, ha-s writtento the Chamber <>f Commerce statina that othersums«m ratead in diffureut parts nf the «countrylor tbe sain«· object whicii slie bad not yt re« eivexl.

I l'Itti t:V l'U! SAKI·. OK ??GG??????.Patri«·!, W. J. Smitli '.»is c'invici«·,i of perjury in

the Court ol Qeueral Sessnitisyesterday, in a ;»p·-ceiliiiu m the Supreme ('«nirt to obtain possession ofli ir- ubilo, a girl fourteen years ohi, Sntit Ii swore t hatbe was of good moral character, and that be ha«!never been in stai·- Prison. It was shown on thetrial that he »»as couvtcted in V&TA ot obtainingmoney ander fais«· pretenooe, ansi that be w-as thensentenced tostate Prison for three yasara. H* servedout th.-terni. !n retimim-r. th·· verdict yeaterdajthe jury rocotiuuendod the prisoner to the mercy oftin Court, lie waanmandeduntil tu-day fee son·tono·,

BROOKLYN.II -atlis last »»·«·· k. to" births, 158 : marriapr«-s. :·«'·.Philip Mentii, k,· has brought an action in the

Rnpreiue Court to secure absolut* <l;'.«.re<· fr.nnfrancise· lietudclBe, whom ha married in lv«¡«¡, and»» bo, he all'ics, .·?·.;.·?? with another man In ? B72.Absolute divorce troni bis wife, Mai» Terry, la

sought by F. ll. Terry, a minor, married · towmonths sito. He allege· that she is the mother ofa child "I » h be ¡a not »In· fat lor. ? Im' CMC ha·booti referred to C. C. Brady l.y Jadee Cullen.Jame· Ridire, a·':«' sial » -li»··, of I raun i.«n--t. nn«!

Kliishing-ave., tried to enil his life yesterday an. t¬?,..m ha opening a vein in hi·* left arm with ¦ tintbut was ¡invented h his daughter before a fatalresult. He <l<-, laril that he waa tired Of l)\in|{.

\ it Im r P. Doaenberry, age three, of Ho. 17*South Oxford-«*., died Tuesday, fron the effect· ntburn· received a week befon. I' I* though! that iuthe brief absence of bin mother from hurt.befonpunitili linn in bed h«· obtained a match and set hisiiicjit-iln -.s on ¡r·-.

l»r. Wm Kick. Health Officer of the town afOraveaend, L. I., lias «t··. lar.-.l the M a ? hat tan Beaehnewer·, emptying iu Sh·¦· pahead Hay, a pubUe nui¬sance, on tue irrounds that tln.v cause dirami, u ali ? tii !i oír the channel audan nul« cent TheBoard .if lleultb of the town, after receiving l*r.Van Kleek'i report Wredneadaj evening, adopt«ed aniotion ile«· Iart? «x Ihe sewers ? nuisance, ami in-st riu'i iiijj Supervisor McKauu to uavntbe uuiaanoeabated.

NKW JKR8F.Y.ITviox Him. Sfra. Sophia Piacher and her bu·*

band. -·? l,ewis-*t., are accused of treating anadopted danghter with «Teat cruelty. They adoptedthe girl aliout three years avo and put h«-r to worhina silk mill. ??««· that time, the ??· iglibor* .¡al¬lege, the Fischers bave starved tbe in hi, compi lied?,,-?'to go ont in th·- ui.'st ineleinent nreather withoutsufli« lent clothtne, sent b« r t.. «Jeep In an oni-houae.and ou her frequeutl» and so «evenly that barl>, na is covered with liruises, Mrs. tfarfani s..i>ley, a tieiffhbor, made aftidavit t«· these fact·, andlà«·, nid. Schleicher ciius«·«! the Fischen t.. be .n-reateil, and pia« «-? tb« tn under tiouds to answer.

I',»»,,\\i. The chin res preferred bj FatherKeleen, of Itergen Point, arrainat t'hief «.(' Policelliiiiui Van lluskirk and Kororder John II. »«aber,of Bayoune, foi having released Johu Doyle, whoaa.i-i aecuaeil of keeping his liquor-shap n·,«;! noStindny. upon insiifhcient hail, caiue .i|> last iii^h;!,, ??, tue Mayor and a special In ventigating .i-niittee in the Ikiyonne City Hall. The Mayor pre-ai«!«««!. Kothing «as done in l'uri heran«·«· of tbe ln-.vestigation, and an a<U<,,i,nnieiil »a:i^ taken unniMonda» evening until H n'clock. The nport thatPathnr Keleen had calmed the arrest «·? .Imlc«·Uesher »» as denied.

LONG ISLAND.Wooimwk. I le resi lents ot VVoodidde have coni·

plain···! to Sheriff Wright, of (¿uewns County, andask his protection from ili«· pleiiauiv-aeeker· who in-test t he pia. c on Snndaj a, rnate ,t disturbance anddestroy fruit and Hower carden·.

l.«iN«. Isi.ani» ? t n. !>r. /.. K. Denier, of LongIsland Citv, hold a post-inortem examination a ~-

terday on the mia of Thomas Carney, »\i;.i diedsiuhl.-nly at hi- home in Kaal Pourtb «t. w«niñeadavmorning, it showed that h«· «?««·· ,?-«·,? man's skullwas fi i, tuie ?. anil a large .¡nantit» ni cl«>tt<*«l bloodwas found on the brain. I'orouer Uavrvn will bold.111 l!.«|IICst IHesdilN III Xt.


[nt n:t ?.?.???? ?.? Tin. su.]Wamiin«; ?«??. .In!» 1 I..(«ltain rnerchandiae

Imported al New-Yers by Ifeasrs. H. R. Alimi ,\- < ,,.

a\ ;i> eitler··«! lis UlOlaSSC·, unti il »a M «·,I a\ liil-i til«·Customs authorities danokled tbe queatioa nf fact maula«.?. namely, wbetber, m «i.-r Bebedale «; nf tbe i:···vtaed stittiiies. tbe articb is mm Jtttoe or atolaMea,The appraiser reported that the iii-ti.-i.· is u mixture atcane Juice titi.l molasse«, testing 78.61 bj the polari·scop«·. The natter havtu· In a referred ?«· tabe fTiiasuiyDepartment, tbe docntarjr has neptmded to the <o¡i.«t,,rtit ?. ? York :

Tliiit qncsllnn you nm-i decide on liquidation of tbe . n-t r-, :iit.I If lie pari ¡et. il!« tUaaal tailed aa ,! ? a .un- «lecisio.iili. a ,?,.?? tulle ??. ? rctiic'la i,a protest aud appeal, ini¬tier ¦...¦ton '¿,»31 «if ths l..-ais.'ii stiui', ». *., regardatin ? ,-m-,· .e li·· .?·,.is toi faine entry, 1 have to alatethat tin- rule lias tioaa liee.niic well Bellied that tbe qua·«ttou of seizure depends upon wùether pmol can be pro¬duced to «be« »tliniiatlvcli an Intention on the p.,rt ,,ftit.· party inaklns ontiy t«> «1,-tinml the rnvenuebjr m. an»of such titihc entry, n u<> pro|ier prool ?«Ptaluable «in Ulla pomt, seisure uf eourae t-lioiii.i ,,t ?»·made ; bill tin- »t??µ?« «IiouM be 1· liven .1 ii.p.ta im m

o a« i..,ic« .-? ? alies uni a ?.· ?.,????,? lai ?.· due. \» ìiere entry¦hall Ina inaile ,,?' ana nitircbaudisi aa moleaaea, wbicu«Inilt lie l,itimi lo li,· m.\ rup -il -u.iiir, .in.· ini· > io. a,io,on..eiitrii'« >! mebulo a.r coin .-iittiii..] u.ibi··, au«|proof la attainable to show a false entrj wasinndet'.ii Un« purpose of defrauditi« the revenue, the eaaeshould be reported to tbe lustrici Attoroej i,« a,,moÜicelK for ploSeClHioll

I'lie Allome., (ieiieiiil lu au opiiiion ,.f n·,·, nf «late toisiiiins tbe rultuR of the Treasury i», paitaieol tabal Undanse in scii, -, lulo li raegulating Um eastern· iatyaoliquors, wulob provide· tbal "AU nonpoands or pespanlions of -aviiicii dlettlled spirits Is a eompcsawM of obasfvaine sball pay an lee« at«· ·>? ,iut>· tiian that imp.«*, .? ,udistilled spirits," is a Renerai nie * hí.ii pre» tu ir. agab sttbe special provtaten for vanish wbsn aaeh raialsbniiia have ill-tllle<l spirit^ um (lie coitipoiient Ot thiefvalue, lie ais. in,ids Unit tiie rale that a «pedal pro¬vision for an articia by ninne is not affected bj ? avneralprovision win« it roaj be ino.oi enougli to cover the am ?

ueacrlptiou « ? menhandisc is Inspplloabala in tun. ?-a««-.

THE ARREST OF ESPOSITO.One who lias lu-i-ti long familiar with the

Italian COtony in N«·»»· Orleaaa, speaklag reatsraay««(Um arrest of Um bum who ta supposed to be Qiaaseppei:.spos!to, til·· liiiu.lit Obiettata, s.nil that. M cm-uIiit.ii Lue· bappened for yean iia-s aAtaetad thè coionysomaob, Esposito baa aumeroaa friend· in Ne»»·Orleans and hi qulet eaptnra is ? «aal t.-r af snipita· li»»lis titoli .111 Unit In- l'olii,l l,e tttkeli oí,la nitela Ucspirut«' lia-lil.Esposito Is aauaUvs of Paient«·, aad hit atranghaM

\a ni. tin- tiioiintaiii of hum la llosa Sea. I,, y, ml the ontskirts of tus unlive city. Ills liiiiul avas enrolled Influìarmy of bandits .1 lia It ?????????·!,·«1about one hundred men In iis prosper.,us «ina s, bal aft-.rthe capture of the l;,a Mr. Etose, nini the" SUbseeueiltpuraufl by the Brittab and Itaiiau Qoverum«iuU, 11dwindled down, owtug to desertions and other causes»int »? Kapoatto had «>ni¿ sixteen comrade· hit. in Umlí.iierul onslaiUfht aa Inch »ans Blade am 11,,· band Ulli«· ofthese were killed. Espositoand a few.eUMra were rutunxl bul altor»»oxalcccuucd, uo UuBlKcuulriaadj ?« i.iUil.

If ia *upjr.n*e<1 that five fortner member* of theJollied KsjM.Kif«) in N.-w ? »ricali*, and that two Ofafterward went to Ht. I/ouia.


Tu ???.Snn i-l-e«. 4:42 «»nn *e(« 7 ?? Clock fa< 5m. tatMmi'.i h«en... tí:¡>2 Moon aoulti·. 3:27 Al non *ag-a, aaya. It

??,?? ?'??? 1.1-IlAV . A M.Sandy Hook.. 10:43 Hot I aland. 11 23 Hell uate. 0:441

Ma· watkk t<»-iuv- «*. a.eandy nook.. 1107 ????. Iaiatid .11 4« Hell Oat*. 1:11

pjsse\'<;eks jiifin-En.ntora Livfc.itptxu.-HT -t??µµ???- ratavis.

K'i't.·'. ? Ktlirur. I ? Allen. I. WI mal. ? tv. Mm, K H«.i,i*iik»..t M Van Uorao, M (aaMar*,**'? visi-ei,, II GAMSt lieti.) I, Mr flelnls-1, 1'r.if Stn-at ??«. Iiofield. Mrs Harlow, Mm WliwltrrtrM, BlSwift, Misa C Barlow, Misa « .m k, Mr* O de? ...:< ti. « ? «Ja-*. J (' Yesaig IIISonil,. J II H.«*lf..rd. ? ? Volili»·. Mr*uter.?(? Mlll.ank. Mr AHreni«-ldt, CMe !<!..??. . W M libai.*, Mr* «Jal«. J W«'....n«·«,, the ItfV W

???µ aktwkki·.«r HTKAMSiiii' HiiwniA-rr».Winner. 11 K (ilio. (¡hau Min-I.i·, H *t«et-_bb«-, C wn»ai.h, Mr* Muidilr, Mr? : · int.. rlam. M'·< In. un,»mi. JMue' r .!.un ?.· lain, Mia* II· al. M Wajrror. ??µ ¦His"le Baili·!.«' AiiKejt^ur. J('liHiiitier lain, Mina Cal.lira, «.· B Aii^.riiii, MilManuSal-ra-, *H ).,*???_?? tir· ?Cloniri, ? lain, Ml** IS, tiiidtlt, A Lati.·.:?olileHi,ai» | h. r I.Von Htiuiri. ??»* Iiel'roti. L Krliiilnn.i. u«r Mlaall.aiei, Mimili· »ini Uriel«. Mra C'alllri, Aiinud M.mhir. Mr* Cnut, WKouteubuM, J Bron ? ral, (i e do


AKItlVKDS(<v»Tiifr Batavia Rri, Motilaad. UsSMarf Jnty 2 andQii.MOisi.e--n .',,·*. it Ii -iitli.·· alel .as-.avers tu V»-runii li HroweA iosL-'-niit-r Flhynlaiirf (Btdi-i, I'audle. Antwerp July 2, witfclud*·- anrt i.anaeuirer-. I«. ?«·?*·? \v p_·? ? «von..«.teenier uhi« li.-r·. Mt-y««r, Brasata .lune " ' irltiì aal.aa».paK*e:.|tei» 1. « >o!ml.- ,? I ...Rtaaa-ei Nankin Br). «'aano-i, \ era < tu/ Jim«. :«o, ll-ogt«-*.»July M ajid Havana !·. ?itli inda«· au«! ?«?«?<-?a:?-?) to K Aleian-di·· ? "«olii«.Baeaaaar stai«· .if pennaylranla (Bri. l'·, (,)ai.*>·-· jni-1, via l-arue a, ?,-.u, uni-.· and |>aM·.-iitrei* to Auattu Kaldvu'r?. ?.O.KtoAiiier Ff nMoiitid ?. --¦ ?- l-'r ?;???··*??? Msrm-iljn*June '¿..i via ? a.tu .lulv -J, «rtth BMUe »lid i.a.t*eBcor« to lxiiilid- tl.l.lan.i»U-«iu.«r «lid [umilinoli. Walk.-r. I'i.limorid. ("Itv Point aitaNorfolk. wlUi mon«· ami paMM-tm.-rr- to (.id Jioiiiiuti.u ».

m."erN«jM*niMa ??t??, ?...-i..u, wild ukIm* and j.t???t ... µ ? (.,. aaaa.·· »u.e.i Uliamarla, Mall-tt, ? or!.·'I», -«alii mdae andtr· .? to dd nomili:.,n :¦<. ...hark Ideal Ila',. Tr*|ianU, Bordeaux ¿<i day*, with irontoolSel, rMMlte »ea(r..r lln.*Bart la-ruo-i.« ?..ri, Aberdeen 43 dava, m ballatato túnel., Util .· A- l'i.RarS ?«lean-id*. « ornü-c. «''ii lune ?r. via Dela-rareBi-ea'.·water, wiiji -uaar to «in.inell. Mtuturn ? «?; r«aarl toBrett, «¡ou A co.ii*rk Mart! (««dolar spam, ("oll-11, June 29, tu«l to Mciiaelio. G?. if A \>.iliii! K:tjrl". ...« Dui. ia. .l.uiei«, ?.?. am 46 dav*, wlto aageito order.line Aairu-tte ((1er·, Bohn, Aru-ajn 44 dava, with -uyartoordor. ·""-.In I-.ila «-lifltm illt,,l'f-r.'. "t .lolui. Ml. !· «lava, wits ium-bi'i ?·. ? il -in ili A ¦<·. remi I a» Haamwell Brae.sein l,,ra i: Hi r_n-e. iH.k, «-av'auuali '.· .lav«,«-nth luoibetto nrdar: »eaa«l t-. I.vai.«, Ball ? c.>rlii \A ai liiee, I'i-hi.« K«-ckUud. wiili liuif t« Il avilaud APre··, ?Kein I'nrota*. Baa·»!*. Jacttsaa ville ? «lav», «via, lumbnr toJmIiii B.ivntou'N .-«..??, v..*«...| t< Wan« ? ilav."!-elir lau'oma. «"ruckett, UockJand, with ?:???«? A"Win v.St ,.? Idaho. Karr. Ko«k:aiu!, with iluie to Havilaod A l*r<··aaa.-...?-«Mirer lleri». Buie.-r, l'h. .n.-aton with Unie to HavilJlid ?· Ph-«-(.jrtT-Tli.· fo'iut«ine vfevl* arrivivi yoetvrday, but were iK»t tn? -???·>|???? n· w·>t«iainer Aalitirook Bri. Kirkaldv. Pliiladri|itiia, lu SallMtto ~wau ,v BesH ? Billy «-un·.·<.:?. of Windsor. ?'-· -Iiillioa 44 dava,«la I anuo*, with non ..?·· le oi.l. ? .··>vi t·. J F Wliiuiey-? '-¦-¦:; Wind al :«»n,ly II cloudy. At.'.^foiiil, NorUi, « :.»r

« LI ????.Kleamrr* FluniUr«. ie!i fr \V),¡...>,i,r«t. lí:.i-e,ton. ?«tA a. u.·.· «-inali·.· ?? (*·. Olaf lían·, tnu« -¦· k*liliali, .?. ., «Viiata-tuvllaia*abaric. Pljraioathaad KuaharStS ... m- ulW.e li,, .-«on, Tim.miau llavaaa and Mr-He·*» parta ?Al. ??,?,???. ?· ».ai« «"»n.n.l.I. 11.«» Ml?**·hall.. H> ? ,. ,,??«. Bailli-,J U Krem« <«<n "ATiltney itou, 1( ? Maaaek.I .?.«·:» )'.. Kirt,Hundbera Itavaaa, Ja« ): '.v «r.i ? ("o Finnic, Gru:.KSila-telpkla, «? p. p ci,.··Mill« Panila· ,.\i.r »van.,., 11 air»bure. Bocl. manu, OvrielsA ...

Barka Baaaaaa Ita ? te/tp.Bau«I au - ?: e ·-¦>.,.. lene, 'i.iij. lai!'.»:. «il.l1..ali I· .·:· e. Illa:. Ii'oid. Hruu« * o ». «la, \«'ai ·¦ Ba .I ii*·..iie il lns*eraull, ? ,.?Molteto, Dilatai» -....o ·..·, te« li·., MaT"l«. «J .Batowu ··! I ahi.,.nth toi

????- ? 'µ ? ·??... BI. li .' Mal inn. l'ivoii Mr·.At).I..,t.,¿an in ???,?,'?,·, ?.'.?t I V lUiiion.?.????«?. A i:..r!:iii.t, ?. ut, Adel·, Mal let *µ.??µ.?? a On Mani«, .» Mlfmaitd li».. ».fll-l. -.,...iv all A >'«) Boa·.-I.i.i.v ., feC· <*»r:r ?... ·, .?*,l'un.!.. 1.Uve A o -, «J ¿. ?.?:-?..« \John I».inn ..o:,¡. I . buam,l'.-iu. Ii rtrowbiid ..««¦a,ell,·. G?. ?,,. K|i. ,,,,,, ,, ,.;, ,. .,

?« 11 .· « ? jI e.?? ,ft , C, || I

. 4--· ell I r.·« -,:. i oreen, i! ^ii I'niue,B4wa ?I -li. \i >. t . \ t».

porriom i*onraixiaDoa Jiii? 11- am

d.:, (roa. N.-w V.irk.y I !-a N«|..V«\, Julv 11 ».

u ,,·¦: n n ·«

BOI l-j.11». Ir.·... Net» I irittau» ? la .\... 11.ULaauow, Lin 1« ait!« ,· r.r tr.iui ?.·??·»,????, ?,.'.«, il Vnivftd, au-amer Bri, Tutu-lu elf:.·. ?p?? ? .·«· ^ .rk?. u ?\ j Sem

AMI'Rli A"« ?'.?¦bSI *·-. .???'? 1 U: , Ilo»«·, ultiuini.

' ?·ß? itr . lili ?:,. ? .,d«aaHora Bi . V'ald« r, ·.Bai .

íruii G iv" Buine. lo»t r.Ii.mi Nvw-VtarfeI u-il....i··,:, »leani. 1a alatli i. «lark, Nt^w-York:II Willaii/. Her. i lela.I. ,;PlllI.AlieL-???. Jul- II '. r·. - Kenn Aiirlur,liona; G????.?????'?*«·.,:;li. iroui Ne» \'..rk. Aun?Ne« * ,,,._

BAVABBA**, Jalyll Sa V ,.|».ild. focl'.a'i more.????? VKK Ili.lAK ? \ att ? Teak-w ,« :.?'.?».«. d law ai,?. «?..«ai,,,na.I'j.-.: .·?'. -?. ·,?µ·. Zti.'i, hUas « 1.« i.u.

lui ? ai'r ,s/<,/)_/)! ,?? ,V«- ,' ??,. «·' ?',',-t Pljt.1

? TOWI ? -in.;..(??????«·1 fan* kit in-*j>ocrion>»¦Ila: ve.-.. Siiirt». socks, HauioU. all very «ruoti. ? ».,· ?:, yon a «-oiré no. Private Flamtrau, ttuM ali tu«· urtieieeni' «Mar kit bave battona on theml" G? Itala W t**ssaVlaTi'iiiri: " No, mi." Colonel. "? sii How's that.m !" Prívale ]·'.: " Aiu'l no LuiUm« ?? the towel*. Pkt.

i horas of ladies t<i mmelj rtirata who jeaaceadias the ??.,.?.?- to aaa« dot-orations: "oli. Mr.« « etloiv: .'. . take «-are ! l'on'! e·, .? le .luli|-t'rot;* ?] lo et.:, e d'ivi ? Oli'." lie· tin .- MUT,Mv.ei ,???,don't ? ou th iik "*?ß?1 better lei a iuarrieii(¡titilliti"_____________

Aaaasai a

Bed-bun, K'nnelu -. [tata, Mkw, Venda, At.,Cleared out !.. iMU-tiitU,

Ll NDliOi;..'« PERPI Ml*.1.: ? ? \

Hi ni.v \. D «mi «. af. D.f144 Lexlnj-ttaa.are. urar -Hi,.»·,,

Attention <·«·.?:.·* ae·.

???\? rofrc-liiii!· t«· tli«· feveriah invalid is?A ItRABTS »il M ?'« ???G? 11- .,..,,: · ?:?.| and liilla.uinai, rv ?, ,:... ?. « ;?-],.?»«. .« .·! an« .Ìlici «a.ino. I«uld Ujrali «Ini,·

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VLLRNiS BRAUS G«»??1> poritifnlj iiwawvon» del. lilt« aie! all weak ? «j. ,.? daDMUlW «irireue»all.liiii:. »? · -.,·.. »a«.· .. un r»·· CRI G?????», Utl'un«... ?

Apollinare" ??? QUEEIí OF TaOLE WATERS."

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