
    To write this article I had to read about the changes will occur in 2050 and there are many changes in the whole world. I chose some of them in each category. TECHNOLOGY: Hi-tech, intelligent buildings are revolutionising the urban landscape. Many modern skyscrapers now come complete with the internalised creation of food, water and other resources. Energy is typically provided by photovoltaics and wind turbines. The number of known planets beyond our Solar System about 800 in 2012 has grown to 13 million by 2050. parents now have the option of creating "perfect" babies in the laboratory. This is done by picking and choosing their best hereditary traits. TRANSPORTATION: Transportation technology is progressing at a much slower pace than some of the other sciences such as information technology, biotech and nanotechnology. The average passenger vehicle will wight les than 200 lbs, also the the manufacturing time for a vehicle will be less than one hou. The vast majority of cars in the developed world are now computer-controlled. Commercial airliners of 2050 are safer, quieter and cleaner than those of earlier decades HEALTH: I believe that by 2050, because of better understanding of disease, particularly at the molecular level, we will be able to detect diseases at very early stages using innovative technologies based on blood tests or imaging. It will be possible to predict individual response to treatment, which means that we will be able to realize so-called personalized medicine. By 2050, we will have seen significant progress in this field. CONCLUSION: The world of 2050 is a world of contrasts. On the one hand, science and technology have continued to advance in response to emerging crises, challenges and opportunities. This has created radical transformations in genetics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and related fields. On the other hand, many of these same technologies have been so destructive that it has led to a more frightening, unpredictable and chaotic world than ever before. Humanity is now at a crossroads that will determine its future path for centuries to come survival or destruction, prosperity or collapse.

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