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Page 1: Knee pain


About The Author Dr Manoj R. kandoi is the founder president of “Institute of Arthritis Care & Prevention”

an NGO involved in the field of patient education regarding arthritis. Besides providing

literature to patient & conducting symposiums, the institute is also engaged in creating

patients “Self Help Group” at every district level. The institute also conducts a certificate

course for healthcare professionals & provide fellowship to experts in the field of arthritis.

The author has many publications to his credit in various journals. He has also written a

book “ The Basics Of Arthritis” for healthcare professionals.

The author can be contacted at:

Dr manoj R. kandoi

C-202/203 Navare Arcade

Shiv Mandir Road, Opposite Dena Bank

Shiv mandir Road, Opposite Dena bank

Shivaji Chawk, Ambarnath(E) Dist: Thane Pin:421501

State: Maharashtra Ph: (0251)2602404 Country: India

Membership Application forms of the IACR for patients & healthcare professionals

can be obtained from.

Institute of Arthritis Care & Prevention

C/o Ashirwad Hospital

Almas mension, SVP Road, New Colony,

Ambarnath(W) Pin:421501 Dist: Thane

State: Maharashtra Country: India

Ph: (0251) 2681457 Fax: (0251)2680020

Mobile ;9822031683

Email: [email protected]


1 Common causes of knee pain

2 History Taking

3 Physical examination

4 Common causes of anterior knee pain, treatment protocol

5 Chronic knee swelling

6 Cystic swelling around knee joint

7 Deformities around knee joint

8 Clicking of knee joint

9 Medial joint line pain

10 Lateral joint line pain

11 Tuberculosis of knee

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12 Internal derangement of knee

13 Osgood schlatter disease

14 Loose bodies in knee joint

15 Chondromalacia patellae

16 Recurrent dislocation of patella

17 Fractures of patella: Classification

18 Uncommon causes of knee pain

19 Locking of knee joint

20 Causes of Haemarthrosis

21 Stiffness in the joint

22 Clinical presentation of meniscus tear

23 Clinical presentation of GCT.

24 Tumors around knee joint

25 Important Terminologies Related To Sports Injuries

26 Arthroscopy of Knee Joint

27 Osteochondritis Dessicans..

28 Radiology of knee joint

Introduction: Knee joint is the major weight-bearing joint of the body, with certain peculiar


1. It is a compound synovial joint (comprising of ‘saddle type’ patellofemoral joint & ‘Hinge

type’ femorotibial joint).

2. Since it is a superficial joint it is more prone to injuries

3. The stability of the joint is mainly provided by soft tissue, not bones. The soft tissue includes

cruciate ligaments, collateral ligaments, capsule & quadriceps muscle.

4. The joint has a large synovial space & many bursa around it, which could get involved in

pathological processes.

5. Besides flexion & extension, slight rotational & sideward movements are possible in knee.

6. Menisci, the intra-articular structure are common source of symptoms.

7. The knee joint is normally in 7 valgus (F>M)

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A. Traumatic: The injury sustained is dependent upon mechanism of injury.

Index 3.1:

[LCL: Lateral collateral ligament, MCL: Medial collateral ligament]

Other injuries include fracture of patella, tibial condyle, femoral condyle & posterior cruciate

ligament tear.

B. Inflammatory: Synovitis, bursitis, tendonitis.

C. Vascular disorders: Osteonecrosis, sickle cell crisis, haemophilia

D. Degenerative: Osteoarthritis, meniscal degeneration.

E. Neoplastic: Primary or metastatic bone & soft tissue tumours around the knee.

F. Referred pain: From hip or spinal lesion.


1 Age (Various disease in various age groups) :

Index 3.2: Age Wise Distribution:

2 Sex: Certain diseases like recurrent dislocation of patella, chondromalacia patellae & fat pad

injuries are more common in females

Mechanism of injury Type of injury

Hyperextension Anterior cruciate tear (ACL tear)

Varus LCL & ACL tear

Valgus MCL & ACL tear

Torsion Meniscal tear

Age Common Clinical Conditions

0-12 Discoid lateral meniscus

12-18 - Osteochondritis dissecans

- Early episodes of recurrent dislocation of patella

- Osgood schlatter’s disease

18-30 - Meniscal tears

- Chondromalacia patellae

- Recurrent dislocation of patella

30-40 - Rheumatoid arthritis

> 40 - Rheumatoid arthritis

- Osteoarthritis

- Degenerative meniscus lesions

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3 Swelling

4 Injury: The degree of violence, nature & direction of injury should be inquired. One should

inquire whether the patient was able to finish his task after injury, whether he was able to bear

weight, whether there was bruising or swelling after injury.

5 Giving Away: Giving away on twisting movements or walking on uneven surfaces may suggest

cruciates or meniscal injury.

6 Locking: Locking only occurs in varying degree of flexion in cases of meniscus lesion, loose

bodies & dislocating patella. The dislocating patella is associated with deformity. Locking due

to torn meniscus occurs in last 10 to 40 of extension & unlocking is usually associated with a


7 Pain: The site, type of pain, exacerbation & relieving factors etc should be inquired.

Index 3.3: Common presenting symptoms & possible etiology:


Physical examination of the patient is done with both lower limbs exposed from the front, sides &


A. Inspection:

a. Shape

b. Alignment of the knee: Tibia vara or valgus malalignment, genu recurvatum

c. Gait

d. Wasting of thigh muscles

e. Presence of swelling

B. Palpation:

1. Knee Joint Swelling: It may occur due to following:

A. Increased synovial effusion in the joint which may be due to

a. Synovial fluid

b. Pus

c. Blood

B. Inflamed synovial tissue

C. Hypertrophied synovium e.g. in chronic conditions such as RA, tuberculosis etc.

Types of knee joint swelling:

1 Small: It is usually associated with bulging on both sides of patellar ligament.

2 Medium: Besides bulging on both sides of patellar ligament there is obliteration of the hollows at

medial & lateral parapatellar ridges.

3 Large: besides above mentioned finding there is distension of suprapatellar pouch

4 Localised swelling: These will be dealt with later.

Features of synovial hypertrophy Vis – à - Vis synovial effusion:

1 Usually felt at the suprapatellar pouch

2 Fluctuation test is negative

3 Boggy feeling on palpation

4 Presence of local warmth in synovial hypertrophy which may or may not be present in effusions.

Clinical Tests For Synovial Effusion:

Symptoms Possible Etiologies

Swelling synovitis, tendinitis or bursitis

Clicking or crackling sound Meniscal tear, chondromalacia patellae

Locking of joint Meniscal tear, chondromalacia patellae

Giving away or buckling ACL tear, patellofemoral disorder

Audible pop at the time of injury ACL/ PCL injury, meniscal tear

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These Tests Include:

a. Patellar tap test

b. Fluid displacement test

c. Fluctuation test

a. Patellar Tap Test: From 15 cm above the patella, any excess

fluid out of the suprapatellar pouch is driven back into the joint

by sliding down firmly with index finger & thumb. Tip of the

thumb & three fingers of the examiner’s free hand are placed

squarely on the patella & a quick “Jerk” is given downwards. A

click can be heard as patella strikes on the femoral condyle &

“bounces” back.

The test is negative in small & tense swelling (i.e. when

effusion is either too less or too much)

b. Fluid Displacement Test: This test is useful in small effusions.

The suprapatellar pouch is evacuated as described above &

medial side of the joint is emptied into the other side of the knee

by stroking any excess fluid. Now the distended lateral side is

pressurized & refilling of the hollow of emptied medial side is


c. Fluctuation Test: It is useful in large effusion. In this test

thumb & index finger of one hand is placed on both sides of the

ligamentum patellae at infrapatellar fossae. Pushing the fluid by

the thumb & index finger of the opposite hand placed in

suprapatellar pouch region one can elicit cross fluctuation.

Swelling Around Knee Joint

Generalized swelling Localised swelling

e.g. bursa ,meniscal cyst,


Confined to limits Extending beyond the

Of synovial cavity limit of the joint

& suprapallellar pouch

Major Tumor Infections

Trauma - Cellulitis

e.g. fracture - Muscle abscess

- Infection of tibia,

femur or joint

Synovial Hemarthrosis Pyarthrosis Synovial Space occupying

Effusion thickening lesion in joint

e.g. - RA

- TB

2. Popliteal fullness: It is commonly felt in baker’s cyst.

3. Tenderness: Joint line tenderness exacerbated by tibial rotation

(stein Mann test) is suggestive of meniscal tear.

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Tenderness is looked for in the following manner

a. First joint line is palpated by flexing the knee & looking for hollows at both sides of patellar

ligament which lie over the joint line.

b. Look for tenderness at joint line which is common in meniscal tear, collateral ligament & fat

pad injuries.

c. Look for tenderness at both proximal & distal attachment of collateral ligaments

d. Palpate for tenderness at tibial tubercle

e. Flex the knee fully & palpate for tenderness over femoral condyles

Index 3.4

4. Patellofemoral compression test: Patella is pressed against femoral condyle with knee slightly

flexed & side-to-side movement of patella done. Tenderness is suggestive of chondromalacia


5. Palpable osteophyte (osteoarthritic knee).

6. Local warmth

C. Range of motion: 1. Restriction of range of motion may be due to variety of causes

2. Look for presence of patellofemoral crepitus during motion.

Range of movement:

Extension: Full extension is considered as 0 with preferably

both knees examined at the same time. Any loss of extension

(extension lag) or any block in extension (springy block e.g.

bucket handle meniscus or rigid block as in fixed flexion

deformity) is noted as “ The knee lock X of extension”.

Hyperextension (extension beyond 0) is noted by lifting the

leg while pressing on the patella; preferably compared to the

other side. Hyperextension may be seen in:

Patella Alta

Chondromalacia patellae

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Recurrent patellar dislocation

Sometimes ligament injuries.

Site of tenderness Possible Etiologies

Joint line tenderness - Osteoarthritis

- Meniscal, ligament & fat pad injuries

Tenderness over point - Collateral ligament injury

Of attachment of ligament

Tibial Tubercle - Posttraumatic avulsion

- Osgood schlatter’s disease

Femoral Condyle - Osteochondritis dessicans

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Passive extension may be tested by prone hanging test. Here patient lies down in prone position with

lower limbs below the knee hanging beyond the edge of

examination table. The knee is allowed to extend fully

passively & heel height distance of 2 limbs measured. It

gives a good estimate of knee FFD deformities.

Flexion: Flexion is measured with goniometer from 0 of

extension. Normal range of motion is 0 -135. Loss of

flexion may be due to arthritis or synovial effusion.

D. McMurry test: Here with the knee in full flexion, the tibia is rotated internally & externally

while the knee is brought slowly into extension, meniscal tear is associated with an audible click

during the menoveure. For medial meniscus tear knee is externally rotated & abducted whereas

for lateral meniscus knee is internally rotated & adducted. The more posterior is the tear, in more

flexed position of the knee sign will become positive.

E. Apley’s grinding test: With the patient in prone position & knee flexed to 90 compression is

applied along the long axis of the tibia while rotating it on the femur akin to grinding movement.

Pain on external rotation suggests medial meniscus tear while on internal rotation it indicates

lateral meniscus tear.

F. Ligament stability:

1. Varus & valgus stability: This is best demonstrated by applying a medial or lateral knee

stress with knee flexed to 15. Anything more than a jog of motion is suggestive of MCL or

LCL injury.

Testing For Medial Collateral Ligament Injury

Test in extension

If positive If negative

MCL +ACL Injury

Test in 30 flexion

+ ve - ve

Only medial collateral No ligament tear

Ligament injury

2. Anterior & posterior cruciate ligament:

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Tests For Ligament Injury:

Lachman Test: With the knee flexed to 30 femur is held firmly with one hand

while an anteriorly directed force is applied to the posterior surface of the tibia

with other hand. The degree of anterior excursion as well as end point is noted.

False Positive Test: Uncommonly a bucket handle tear of a meniscus may alter the end point with a

normal anterior cruciate ligament giving a false positive result.

False Negative Test: It may occur if a bucket handle tear of a meniscus is displaced preventing

anterior tibial excursion or altering the end point.

Anterior Drawar Test: With the patient’s knee flexed to 90, the examiner sits on patient’s foot &

applies anterior displacement force on the proximal tibia. Minimum excursion & a firm end point

should be noted in a negative test.

Posterior Drawar Test: It is similar to anterior drawar test but here a posterior displacement force is

applied on the proximal tibia. It is positive mainly in chronic instability.

Posterolateral Instability Test: It is similar to posterior drawar test, in addition to posterior force an

external rotation force is applied to the proximal tibia. Increased external rotation & drop back of

tibia is noted if laxity is present.

External Rotation Recurvatum Test: Hold the large toe & gradually bring the knee from 10 of

flexion to extension. If positive, the knee goes into external rotation & recurvatum. The positive test

indicates posterolateral capsular, lateral collateral ligament & posterior cruciate ligament damage.

Index 3.5

Pivot Shift Test: Foot is held in mild internal rotation & a valgus force is applied

to the proximal tibia as the knee is brought from a flexed position of 45 to

extension. Positive test is present when a transient anterior subluxation of tibia on

the femur is noted with internal rotation. It is suggestive of anterior cruciate

injury. False negative test may be seen in following circumstances:

Holding the leg externally rotated

Failure to apply valgus force

Ligament Injury Symptomatic Instability

- Only medial or lateral collateral ligament laxity Minimal symptoms

- Only cruciate injury Moderate instability

- Cruciate with collateral ligament injury Severe instability

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Holding leg maximally internally rotated

Medial ligament injury

Reverse Pivot Shift Test: Foot is externally rotated, knee is moved from a flexed to an extended

position, minimal valgus force is required. As the knee is brought into extension a jump will be

noted. This indicates posteriorly tibia suddenly moving into reduced position in the femur. It is

indicative of posterolateral instability (i.e. damage to PCL, LCL & biceps)

Apley’s Distraction Test: With the patient in prone position in 90 of knee flexion; stabilize his

thigh with your knee. A traction force is applied along the long axis of tibia while rotating the leg

internally & externally. Pain indicates ligament instability.

Apprehension Test: With patient in supine position, patella is displaced laterally. Sudden tightness

of the quadriceps tendon & an apprehension look on the patient’s face is suggestive of a chronic

tendency towards frequent patella dislocation.

Dreyer’s Test: While in the supine position, the patient is instructed to raise his leg without bending

the knee. If he is unable to do so, the quadriceps tendon is stabilized just above the knee & patient is

instructed to raise his leg again, if he is able to raise his leg the second time, a fracture of patella

should be suspected.

G. Muscle strength: Quadriceps & hamstring muscle strength must be noted. Thigh circumference

should be measured on both side at a fixed point from the pole of patella.

H. Examination of patella:

1 Patellar Alignment: It is tested by asking the patient to stand with the feet together with

inner borders of feet parallel to each other & pointing toward the examiner.

a. Infacing (squinting) patellae: Here the patellae are angled toward each other with

sometimes-associated patellofemoral pain. It is commonly seen in increased femoral anti-

version with compensatory increased external tibial rotation.


b. Outfacing Patellae: These are seen in patients with habitual dislocation/ subluxation of

patella as with knee fully extended ,the patellae sublux outwards.

2 Q-Angle: It is the angle between a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the center of

patella and line from center of patella to the tibial tubercle. It is a measurement of overall

patellar alignment. It is normally between 14 to 17 (F> M). The foot & hip should be in

neutral position while recording. The biomechanics of patellofemoral joint are affected by

the length of patellar tendon and Q angle. An increased Q angle increases the risk of patellar

subluxation, Q angle is increased in genu valgum, external tibial torsion, increased femoral

anteversion, laterally placed tibial tuberosity, tight lateral retinaculum.

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3 Tubercle-Sulcus Angle: Patient sits on the end of examination table with the knees flexed to

90. In this position normally patellae are well seated in the trochlear sulcus of the distal

femur. One line is drawn from the center of the patella perpendicular to the floor, other line is

drawn from center of patella to center of tibial tubercle. The angle sustained should be

between 5 to 8 (F>M). Increase in angle is suggestive of lateral displacement of tibial


4 Patellar Height: Patellar alta is the term used for high riding patella whereas patella baja

(patella infra) is a low riding patella. Patella alta may be seen acutely in patellar tendon

rupture. Patellar baja may result due to trauma or surgery.

Clinically this is tested with the patient sitting at the edge of the table with knee flexed to 90.

In a normal patient, the patellae should face directly forward in this position. In high riding

patellae, patellae faces upward towards the ceiling, patellae baja is detected by clinically

correlating height of both patellae.

5. Perkin’s Sign: Patella is displaced on one side (medial or lateral); palpate for presence of

peripheral tenderness. It is positive in chondromalacia.

6. Fouchet’s Sign: Also known as patellar grind test.

7. Clarke’s Sign: Patient lies in supine position with knee extended, examiner pushes the

patella by his hand in a downward direction & patient is asked to contract the quadriceps.

Chondromalacia is associated with retro patellar pain.

I. EXAMINATION IN PRONE POSITION: It includes examination for presence of any

swelling in popliteal fossa, any bursa at muscle attachment or any tenderness due to trauma.


1 Test For Osteochondritis Dessicans: It can be vaguely tested by looking for local

tenderness on the surface of the femoral condyle with knee flexed.

2 Wilson Test: This test is useful for osteochondritis of medial femoral condyle. Here the knee

is flexed to 90, internally rotated & then it is gradually extended. When the raw area comes

into contact, patient will complain of pain which gets relieved with external rotation of knee.

K. OTHER EXAMINATION: This include examination of:

Ipsilateral hip

Contralateral knee

Neurovascular structures of the limb.


1. Patellofemoral overload

2. Misuse of knee

3. ‘Jump’ Knee

4. Patellofemoral malaligament

5. ? Bipartite patella

6. Patellar cyst or tumours

7. Plica syndrome

8. Prepatellar bursitis

9. Osteochondritis dissecans

10. Discoid meniscus

11. Torn meniscus

12. Fat pad syndrome

13. Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome

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14. Post surgical neuroma

15. Pes Anserinus bursitis

16. Referred /radiating pain from hip, spine

Index 3.6 Difference Between Arthritis & Arthralgia

Flowchart 3.1:

Anterior knee pain

History /Examination (change in activity levels,

Swelling, increase in quadriceps angle, crepitus)

Objective findings

Chondromalacia Prepatellar bursitis Patellar tenderness Anterior joint line

& tenderness

Patellar tracking patellar tendinitis X-rays


Treat accordingly

Yes Stress fracture Negative Meniscal No other

Tumour, infection signs +ve meniscal

Quadriceps programme Activity signs

Improvement modification


Continue & No improvement Observe

Improvement No improvement observe

Bone scans

Continue program Patellar realignment

& modify activity stress fracture

Splint, modify activity


Painful knee

1. Traumatic

a. Torn Meniscus

b. Ligament laxity

c. Traumatic Synovitis

2. Recurrent Dislocation of Patella

3. Chronic Arthritis:

a. Chronic Septic Arthritis

b. Tuberculosis arthritis

c. Reactive Arthritis & other seronegative spondyloarthropathy

d. Rheumatoid arthritis

e. Osteoarthritis

Arthritis Arthralgia

1. Both subjective & objective - Only subjective complaints

Signs are present - No objective signs present

2. Signs of inflammation such - No signs of inflammation

as pain, edema, tenderness


3. It may be due to local or - It is a sign of generalized disease.

Systemic disease

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f. Haemophilic Joint

4. Loose Bodies in Knee joint

Painless Knee:

1 Charcot’s joint.

2 Syphilis

Flowchart 3.2:

Chronic Knee Swelling

Cold Other Findings Hot

(Patellofemoral malalignment,

snapping tendon, IDK knee)

X-Rays Aspirate

Normal Bony degeneration Inflammatory Septic Sympathetic

- OA (Infective)

- Loose Bodies

Aspiration Synovial biopsy Aspirations

Treat Underlying pathology Antibiotics

- Treat Underlying Arthrotomy


Improvement improvement - SOS synoviectomy Treat underlying cause

+ve - ve

Physical Therapy Diagnostic Arthroscopy



a. Suprapatellar Bursa: Superior extension of

synovium beneath the quadriceps tendon

b. Prepatellar Bursa (Housemaid’s Knee): It lies

beneath the skin in front of patella

c. Intrapatellar Bursa (Clergyman’s Knee): Lies in

between the ligamentum patellae & anterior

surface of tibia. It may be superficial or deep.


a. Biceps Bursa: Lies between biceps tendon &

fibular collateral ligament.

b. Posterolateral Bursa:

I. Between popliteus tendon & fibular collateral ligament

II. Between popliteus tendon & lateral condyle of femur


a. Bursa between medial head of gastrocnemius & capsule of the joint

b. Cyst of medial meniscus

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c. Pes anserinus bursa


a. Morant Baker’s cyst: It is a midline herniation of the synovial cavity of the knee secondary to

persistent effusion in the knee.

b. Semimembranosus Bursa (Commonest): It lies postero-medially between the medial head of

gastrocnemius & the musculotendinous mass of semimembranosus

c. Popliteal aneurysm must be differentiated from morant baker’s cyst.

Morrant Baker’s Cyst: It is a popliteal cyst which was first

described by Adam in the year 1840 & later by baker in 1877.

Site: The distended bursa may arise between.

1 Hamstring & collateral ligaments

2 Hamstring & tibial condyles

3 Each head of gastrocnemius


1 Herniation of synovial membrane through posterior part of



2 Escape of fluid via the normal communication of either semimembranosus or medial

gastrocnemius bursa with knee.


1 Cyst In Children: Here the intra-articular pathology is rare with no communication of cyst with

the joint capsule. Recurrence rate is very low & postoperative immobilization is not required.

2 Cyst In Adults: Intra-articular pathology is seen in 50% of cases with cyst usually communicating

with capsule, because of intracapsular extension recurrence is common & postoperative

immobilization is required.

3 Giant Cyst: It is a huge popliteal cyst seen in rheumatoid arthritis. It is excised in 2 stages:

Cyst excision in first stage followed by synoviectomy later.

Clinical Features In Adults:

Usually in middle aged patients

Pain on walking along with tenderness

Swelling situally usually near the midline of popliteal fossa

Cystic in nature

Fluctuation +ve.

Knee movements are usually painful & restricted with synovial effusion + ve.

X-Rays may show degeneration or inflammatory arthritic changes.

Differential Diagnosis of Popliteal Mass:

1 Synovial cysts

2 Baker’s cyst

3 Arterial or venous aneuysms (Expansile pulsatile swelling)

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4 Thrombophlebitis

5 Cysts of artery

6 Pigmented villonodular synovitis

7 Synovial haemangioma

8 Rhabdomyosarcoma


1 The cyst in children tends to disappear by 7 years of age & hence excision should be avoided by

this age.

2 Aspiration followed by crepe bandage

3 If it fails, complete excision of bursa by a transverse incision & closure of the capsular orifice by

a. Scarrification of edges & suturing

b. By using tendon graft from gastrocnemius

4 Treatment of associated joint pathology if any e.g. rheumatoid or osteoarthritis

Prepatellar Bursa :-

It is a superficial bursa present between skin and patella containing minimal fluid. It usually

does not communicate with the knee joint.

Pathophysiology :-

This synoviumlined structure separates the patella from the patellar tendon and skin. Its main

function is to reduce friction and allow maximal range of motion. Inflammation of bursa is

known as prepatellar bursitis.

Incidence :-

Bursitis is mere common in males and can occur at any age. In pediatric age group and

immunocomposed host it is likely to be infective.

Clinical presentation :-

- Knee pain

- swelling or redness of the knee.

- inability to kneel on the affected side.

- difficulty in walking.

- history suggestive of possible etiology such as excessive kneeling, history of trauma or

repetitive motion.

Physical findings :-

- Tenderness and erythema over the patella.

- fluctuant swelling over the lower pole of patella.

- reduced knee motion due to pain at terminal range.

Etiology :- It includes :

- direct trauma.

- repetitive overuse (i.e. kneeling)

- infective process (should be differentiated from septic arthritis where joint motion is

extremely painful and restricted and where popliteal fossa fullness and tenderness can be


- crystalline arthropathy.

- inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

- occupational predisposition : especially in homemaker (housemaid knee), plumber, coal

miner etc.

Differential Diagnosis :- Must be differentiated from other causes of anterior knee pain, cellulites and connective tissue


Investigations :-

These include X-rays (to rule out other pathologies) and aspiration of fluid for biochemistry and

microbiological analysis. Rarely MRI may be required in difficult cases. Aspirated fluid may

show presence of pus cells, bacteria and crystals of crystalline arthropathies.

Treatment :- Prepatellar Bursitis

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Conservative treatment (rest, ice, NSAID, avoidance of

kneeling, use of knee pads)

Successful Failure

Continue Aspirate

Non infective Septic

Steroid injection incision and Drainage

Responsive Unresponsive

Continue conservative Surgical Excision of bursa.


A. Genu Valgum (Knock-Knee) & Genu Varum (Bow-Leg): Normally the children are born with

a varus tibia-femoral angle which decreases with age. By 18-24 months of age, the knee becomes

straight. At the age of 3-5 years, valgus angulation becomes more pronounced from then to the

attainment of maturity there is a valgus normal angulation of knee around 5- 10.

In genu valgus the knee is angled inwards, the tibia being abducted in relation to the femur. The

two malleoli are away from each other, the distance between the two is indicator of severity of

genu valgus.

In genu varum the knee & leg are bowed inwards with & femoral condyles away from each

other. The deformity can be measured by measuring the distance between two medial femoral


Genu Varum: It is lateral angulation of knee with medial deviation of long axis of femur & tibia


A. Depending upon bone involvement




B. Depending upon number of knee involved


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Unilateral Bilateral

a. Traumatic (Affecting growth epiphysis)

b. Infective (E.g. osteomyelitis)

c. Neoplastic

d. Growth abnormalities Physiological Pathological

(Should get corrected by

4 years)

Common Uncommon

Congenital Bilateral trauma,

Developmental Neoplastic or

Metabolic Infective involvement






Paget’s Disease

Blount’s Disease

Associated Deformities:

1 Intoeing of both feet

2 Internal rotation (torsion) of distal tibia

3 Patella faces outward during stance phase

4 Associated laxity of lateral structures of knee

5 Contracture of medial structures of knee

Examination In Genu vara:

1 Degree of varus & tibial torsion should be especially measured & recorded

Both ankles of child are held together & the distance between the knee is measured

2 Knee motion & ligamentous instability should also be assessed.

3 Plum line Test: A line drawn from ASIS through the center of patella passes normally through

medial malleoulus. In genu varum medial malleoulus is medial to the line.

Differential Diagnosis of Genu Varum:

1 Bow Leg: This is deformity at leg with an inward concavity of tibia, the knee joint is not

deformed. It can be detected by dropping a plumb line from the midinguinal paint. Unlike in

genu varum where the knee lies outside to the joint, the knee of bow leg lies at the center of the


Causes of Bow Leg:

a. Physiological of infancy

b. Idiopathic

c. Posttraumatic

d. Congenital

e. Syphilitic tibia

f. Paget’s disease

g. Pseudoarthritis of tibia

h. Osteogenesis imperfecta

i. Dyschondroplasia

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2. Anteversion of femoral neck may lead to apparent genu varum.

Genu Valgum (Knock Knee):

Definition: Outward deviation of longitudinal axis of both tibia & femur with apex at knee directed

medially is known as genu valgum.



Physiological Pathological

Unilateral Bilateral


Unilateral Deformities:

1 Traumatic

2 Neoplastic

3 Infective lesions

Bilateral Deformities:

1 Congenital

2 Idiopathic (commonest)

3 Endocrine disorders (e.g. thyroid


4 Rickets

5 Epiphyseal dysphasia

6 Inflammatory disorders (e.g. RA)

7 Paralytic disorders

8 Degenerative disease.

Concomitant Deformities

1 Lateral rotation of lower end of femur & upper end of tibia by pull of biceps & tensor fascia lata.

2 Medial rotation of lower end of tibia

3 Lateral dislocation of patella

4 Shortening of lateral structures & elongation of medial structures of knee

5 The gait pattern is marked by circumduction

6 Pronated flat foot may be present.

Clinical Examination:

1 The extent of valgus deformity is noted by measuring the intermalleolar distance with both knee

touching each other & patella facing upward (>10 cm is abnormal)

2 Tibial torsion, should be looked for.

3 Ligament laxity if any is noted

4 Range of motion is tested

5 If deformity lies in the lower end of femur, it will disappear with flexion of knee whereas it will

persist in upper tibial pathology.

6 If a plumb line is drawn from ASIS to center of patella, the medial malleolus will lie outside the

line, normally the line passes through medial malleolus.

Indications For Treatment In Genu Vara/ Genu Valga:

1 Presence of bowleg or knock-knee outside the age range (i.e. bowleg beyond age 3 & knock-knee

beyond age 7)

2 If it is unilateral

3 The intercondylar or intermalleolar distance of more than 2 inches

4 If the intercondylar or intermalleolar distance is rapidly progressing by more than ½ inch within

6 months.

Page 18: Knee pain

5 Associated symptoms like pain or limp or sign of rickets or Blount’s disease or other disease



Treatment Protocol

< 6 years of age > 6 years of age


Before attainment of maturity After maturity

- Stapling of epiphyseal Corrective Osteotomy

Convex side of deformity

- Epiphyseodesis: excision & fusion

of epiphyses on convex side of


Genu Recurvatum: It involves hyperextension at the knee joint.

It may be:

1. Congenital

2. Acquired :

a. Polio

b. Charcot’s joint

c. Ligament Laxity (Marfan’s syndrome)

d. Mal-united Fracture

e. Epiphyseal growth defects


Supportive Brace

Corrective Osteotomy


1. Snapping of iliotibial band across a bony spur

2. Snapping of medial hamstring.

3. Loose bodies in the joint

4. Meniscal tear

5. Patellofemoral malalignment

3.9 MEDIAL JOINT LINE PAIN: Commonest causes are:

1. Patellofemoral malalignment

2. Medial compartmental OA

3. Meniscal tear/degeneration

4. Medial collateral ligament tear.


1. Loose body

2. Meniscal cyst

3. Torn lateral meniscus usually associated with anterolateral rotatory instability.

4. Iliotibial band syndrome caused due to friction with lateral femoral condyle

5. Lateral compartment DJD (Rare secondary to long standing valgus malalignment at knee or

due to avascular necrosis).

Page 19: Knee pain


The knee joint is the third commonest site for osteoarticular tuberculosis & forms approximately

10% all skeletal TB.


2 Types

Osseous Tuberculosis Synovial tuberculosis

(Start in femoral or (starts in synovium)

tibial condyle or rarely



Tuberculous Granulation tissue formation

Erosion of articular cartilage, cruciate ligament, periarticular

tissues, capsules & ligament


Articular Fibrous ankylosis Triple deformity: flexion

cartilage fraying due to filling up of of joint with posterior

of joint by granulation subluxation, lateral

tissue subluxation & lateral

rotation, abduction of tibia

Prognosis: It depends upon stage of disease

Stage of synovitis stage of early stage of advanced

treatment arthritis: treatment arthritis: treatment

Excellent ROM Good ROM Arthrodesis in functional

good prognosis

fair prognosis position

Page 20: Knee pain

Clinical Features:

Symptoms: Gradual onset

Younger age group usually 10-25 yrs

Pain & swelling

In later stages stiffness & deformity


A. Swelling: due to

a. Synovial hypertophy

b. Synovial effusion

B Muscle atrophy: usually due to disease

C. Regional lymphadenopathy

D. Deformity:

a. Flexion

I. Due to synovial effusion

II. Muscle spasm.

b. Triple displacement due to ligament laxity.

E. Cold abscesses & sinus formation.

F. Movements: Earlier restriction is due to muscle spasm, later restriction is due to secondary


Radiographic Changes: Typical radiographic changes as noted in osteoarticular TB can be


Differential Diagnosis: Other Mono-Articular affections must be differentiated e.g.

- Rheumatic arthritis (in children)

- Chronic traumatic synovitis as in Internal Derangement of knee

Rheumatoid arthritis

Subacute pyogenic arthritis


Dysenteric arthritis

Villonodular synovitis

Synovial chondromatosis




Aim: To achieve, whenever possible, a painless mobile joint



Conservative Surgical

- Medication

- Splintage

- Physiotherapy

Page 21: Knee pain

Diagnostic Curative

Arthroscopic/ open - Synoviectomy

Synovial Biopsy - Joint

Synovial Aspiration debridement

- Arthrodesis

Treatment plan for TB Knee:

T.B. knee

Stage I & II Stage 3 & 4

Traction + AKT Traction + AKT


Reasonable Reasonable

joint possible joint not


Pop immobilization surgical


Fibrous Ankylosis

Individual Techniques:

A. Synoviectomy: it can be done by 2 methods

a. Open synoviectomy

b. Arthroscopic synoviectomy

Indications: a. Plain synoviectomy in stage I knee TB.

b. Synoviectomy & joint debridement in stage 2 knee TB.

B. Joint debridement: Done in stage 2 knee TB whereby pus is drained, synovium tissue excised,

cavities curetted.

C. Arthrodesis: Done in functional position of 5-10 of flexion & neutral rotation in stage 3 arthritis

not responding to conservative treatment.

Methods used:

1. Charnley's compression arthrodesis

2. Intramedullary nail from femur to tibia.

3. Ilizarov apparatus.

4. Internal fixation using plates or steinmann crossed pins.


The term internal derangement originally coined by William Hey (1784) is loosely used to describe

the abnormalities in the knee functions due to any cause, but mostly traumatic.

These include the following:

Articular Proper Lesion:

1. Bony Lesion

a. Sliced fracture of articular cartilage.

b. Epiphyseal fracture

Page 22: Knee pain

c. Condylar fracture

- Tibial

- Femoral

d. Tibial spine fracture or avulsion

e. Bony loose bodies

f. Chondromalacia patellae

g. Osteochondritis dessicans

h. Chondrocalcinosis

i. Osgood schlatter’s disease

j. Pellegrini steida’s disease

k. Sinding -Larsen- Johansson’s disease

l. Traction osteochondritis of lower pole of patella

m. Recurrent subluxation / dislocation of patella

Soft Tissue Lesion: a. Meniscal Lesions: tear, cyst, discoid meniscus

b. Cruciate tear or avulsion: ACL or PCL injuries

c. Synovial folds entrapment

d. Nipping of intrapatellar pad of fat; hoffa's


e. Loose bodies: fibrous loose bodies

- Cartilaginous loose bodies

- Synovial chondrocalcinosis

Walls Of The Joint:

Lesions of the capsule with its reinforcing ligaments

Avulsion or rupture of

Collateral ligament

Oblique ligament

Quadriceps expansion

Accurate ligaments.

Quadriceps Apparatus Lesions:

Quadriceps tendon rupture

Fracture of patella

Avulsion or rupture of ligamentum patella

Avulsion/ fracture of tibial tuberosity

Clinical Presentation Of IDK: These include

1. History of trauma (usually twisting or rotational)

2. Immediate pain

3. Swelling

4. Slight flexion of knee

5. Inability or disability in bearing weight

6. History of locking or giving away (instability)

7. Other associated features of etiological condition.

Investigations in suspected IDK:

a. Arthroscopy

b. Arthrography: It is gradually being displaced by arthroscopy

c. Examination under anesthesia: It is specially useful in tense swellings & painful muscle


d. Provocative Exercises: Specially useful in doubtful meniscal lesions. It is aimed at stressing

the menisci by applying torsional stress to the weight-bearing knee. In damaged meniscus,

the exercise is followed by localized pain, swelling & sometimes locking.


Page 23: Knee pain

It is a painful disabling swelling about the tibial tubercle occurring in adolescents.


Repeated trauma


Children about the rapid growth period of puberty

particularly boys are predisposed

It may be bilateral

Pathology: Partial separation or failure of fusion of tubercle- epiphysis

With the main epiphysis may occur due to trauma

Obliteration of blood supply

Aseptic necrosis

Typical pathological changes of osteochondritis can be seen

Clinical Picture: Patient presents with pain, tenderness and soft tissue swelling without

inflammatory signs at tibial tubercle, kneeling is painful. Active extension of knee against resistance

is painful. The symptoms usually subside at 15 yrs of age when the apophysis fuses to the main bone.

X-Rays Findings: The tibial tubercle consists of multiple fragmented appearing areas of ossification

that are dense in contrast to underlying osteoporotic area in the main bone. The soft tissue anterior to

the tubercle are swollen.

D/D: In complete avulsion of the tubercle, the ossification center is displaced upward.


Conservative: Ice packs


Ultrasonic therapy

Pop cylindrical cast immobilization


Surgical Options

Local steroid Multiple drill Bone peg

injection holes technique inserted thro the


Surgical excision of persisting

Fragment (must be avoided to prevent

Premature epiphyseal plate closure)

Treatment Protocol:

Pain in tibial tubercle area with focal tenderness in adolescent

X-rays –AP & lateral projections

To rule out other bony lesion (e.g. osteosarcoma,

soft tissue lesion, tuberosity avulsion)


Page 24: Knee pain

Mild enlargement Moderate enlargement Marked enlargement

Few symptoms Moderate symptoms severe symptoms

Reassurance; resume Restriction of activities, Restrict activities, knee

normal activities knee immobiliser cast, NSAIDS immobiliser cast ,

NSAIDS, USG therapy

Symptoms persist

Local wycort injection

Symptoms resolves

Resume normal


Symptoms persist



Loose bodies are common presentations in the joints especially the knee joint.


Fibrous loose bodies

Cartilaginous loose bodies

Bony/ osseous loose bodies


A. Non Traumatic

1. Osteoarthritis with detached osteophytes

2. Osteochondritis dessicans

3. Synovial chondromatosis

4. Tuberculous arthritis

5. Rheumatoid arthritis

6. Haemophilia

B. Traumatic:

1. Organised hoemarthrosis

2. Organised, snapped synovial fringes

3. Loose fragments of intraarticular fracture

4. Avulsion of articular cartilage

5. Foreign bodies

6. portions of menisci

Clinical Presentations:

Locking in the joint which may get corrected automatically & is followed by synovial


Some times loose body can be felt in the joint.

X-rays: Most loose bodies are radio opaque & can be detected by plain x-rays, fibrous loose bodies

require arthroscopic diagnosis.



Surgical removal

Open surgical Removal Arthroscopic surgical removal

Page 25: Knee pain

Complications: It left unattended, can lead to damage to the articular surfaces.


It is characterized by blistering, fibrillation & cystic change in patellar cartilage mainly involving

medial facet. It is caused by patellofemoral malalignment which may be due to weak vastus medialis,

increase ‘Q’ angle, foot abnormalities, genu valgus etc.

Clinical Features: Anterior knee pain exacerbated on descending down the staircase or while sitting

for a prolonged period (as in cinema hall). Features of chronic synovitis & patellofemoral

malalignment are present. On grinding the patella on femur while flexing the knee pain is produced,

tenderness can also be felt clinically on undersurface of patella.


1 Swelling and softening of the cartilage

2 Fissuring within the softened areas.

3 Fasciculation of articular cartilage almost to the level of subchondral bone

4 Destruction of cartilage with subchondral

bone exposed

X-ray Findings: It is better seen in slightly or

overexposed lateral x-ray. Axillary radiograph

helps in determining facet involvement.

Commonly medial facet involved.

Treatment: Rest, activity modification,

physical therapy, realignment of maltracking of

patella using orthotics & arthroscopic shaving of

undersurface of patella.


This condition usually occurs following an acute traumatic dislocation of patella which has not

healed properly after an initial injury. The dislocation occurs usually to the lateral side & must be

differentiated from habitual dislocation of patella in which dislocation occurs in each flexion &

extension movements of the knee.

The predisposing factors include:

A. Bony Defects

1. Patella alta

2. Genu valgum

3. Hypoplastic lateral condyle of the femur

4. Femoral anterversion

5. Hypoplastic patella

6. Genu recurvatum

B. Soft Tissue abnormalities

1. Tight lateral retinaculum

2. Lax medial retinaculum

3. Abnormal insertion of vastus medialis

4. Lateral insertion of patellar tendon

5. Atrophy of vastus medialis

6. Hypertrophy of vastus lateralis

7. Generalised joint laxity

Treatment: The results of conservative

treatment is poor, surgery being the treatment of




Page 26: Knee pain


A. Bipartite patella: It is a common Incidental x-ray finding. If the superolateral fragment is

mobile it can give rise to pain & tenderness at the junction of two fragments. If pain is

severe, excision of extra fragment is done for getting therapeutic relief.

B. Excessive lateral pressure syndrome: Caused due to tightness of lateral retinaculum,

patient presents with pain on superolateral aspect of patella & retropatellar tenderness.

Arthroscopy shows a normal patella. Pain relief is best obtained by lateral retinacular

release done either arthroscopically or by open release.

C. Fat Pad Syndrome: Retro patellar tendon pain & tenderness may be caused by fat pad

getting caught in tibia-femoral joint. Relief is obtained by rest, NSAIDS & heat therapy.

D. Ilio-Tibial Tract Syndrome: Due to repeated rubbing of ilio-tibial tract on the lateral

femoral condyle, synovium deep to ilio-tibial tract gets inflamed & is painful. Treatment

consists of rest, NSAIDS or steroid injection.

E. Patellar tendinitis: Commonly found in sport players, the tendon may get partially torn or

inflamed at its insertion to patella (Jumpers knee). Treatment comprise of rest, NSAIDS / or

steroid injection.

Sports Related Leg Problems:

A. Shin splint: It is characterized by pain along the medial distal third of tibial shaft caused

due to overuse of tibials anterior or posterior muscle unit. Patient presents with aching

pain after running with tenderness along the involved muscle unit. Treatment comprise of

rest, NSAIDS & contrast baths. Prevention involves warm up, conditioning & stretching

program, avoidance of hard surfaces & SOS orthotic devises to prevent foot from


B. Stress Fracture: It mainly involves proximal posteromedial tibia & distal fibula.

C. Exertional Syndrome (Chronic compartment syndrome): It is caused by a transient rise

in compartmental pressure involving anterior or lateral muscular compartment of the leg

as a result of exercise. Patient presents with increasing pain in the anterior or lateral

aspect of the leg with different levels of exercises. Numbness & paraesthesia in the foot

may be present. Diagnosis is confirmed by recording compartmental pressure in excess of

30 mm Hg or a relative increase in pressure by at least 20 mm Hg after exercise.

Treatment involves rest, orthotics, stretching exercises. In non responsive cases

fasciotomy (decompressions) of the compartment may be required.

Common causes of leg pain:

In children:

Osteitis or other infection



Neoplasm (osteod osteoma, osteoblastoma, osteosarcoma)

Young Adults:

Stress fracture

Infection (brodie’s abscess)

Anterior compartment syndrome

Shin splints



Vascular deficiency

Paget’s disease



Foot disorders

Ruptured plantaris tendon

Page 27: Knee pain

Thrombophlebitis & DVT

3.19 LOCKING OF KNEE JOINT: It is described as inability to complete the last few degrees of extension due to soft tissue or bony


Locking of the knee

Springy block Rigid block

Meniscal tear - Loose bodies

- Fixed flexion deformity


1. Trauma:

Injury with or without fracture


2. Tumors:

Pigmented villonodular synovitis


Secondary metastasis

3. Bleeding disorder:

Haemophilia type A, B & C

Certain drugs such as thrombolytic therapy

4. Connective tissue disorders:

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

Pigmented villonodular synovitis

5. Miscellaneous:


Acute septic arthritis

Charcot’s joint

Goucher’s disease

AV fistula or ruptured aneurysm

Haemoglobinopathies (i.e. sickle cell disease)

Clinical Presentation of Haemophilic Knee:

Family history

Previous such episodes

Patient pale, history of bleeding from other sides will be available

History of prolonged bleeding after any cut.

Patient have swollen, warm knee with flexion deformity

Advanced cases may have varus/ valgus deformity & sometimes ankylosis

No lymphadenopathy noted.


Limitation of movements can be

a. In all directions - Due to arthritis

b. Not in all directions - Due to synovitis &/or spasm of muscle

Page 28: Knee pain

c. Fixed movement in - Due to fixed deformity

one or more directions

Index 3.7 Types of joint stiffness:

Knee joint stiffness

Clinical examination

Mechanical block No evident mechanical block

Flexion Extension pain absent pain causing ROM

contracture contracture



Non-inflammatory inflammatory

? internal derangement

Effective Ineffective

- Medication

Continue serial casting Arthroscopy - physical therapy

Effective Not effective

Physical therapy

Resume Arthrolysis if no relief

Exercises including

Release of

Posterior capsule Recent onset Long duration

& hamstrings

Manipulation Quadricepsplasty

No relief

Extraarticular Intraarticular

1 Biological factors like scar adhesion No obvious scar adhesion, sinus

Sinus or contracted tissue can be seen or contracted tissue can be seen.

2 Joint line tenderness is usually absent Present

3 Whatever range of motion possible is Possible movements are usually

usually painless painful

4 X-Rays are usually normal Joint space is reduced, joint

margins fluffy,osteoporosis is

usually present. Evidence of

Underlying pathology may be


5 Extraarticular release improves the Extraarticular release usually not

the movements dramatically helpful

6 Manipulation under anesthesia does not It may help.

Improve range

Page 29: Knee pain




Patient usually presents with history of rotational injury in weight bearing & partially flexed knee.

There is history of immediate pain, mild swelling & inability to extend the knee immediately. Full

passive ROM is possible, terminal active flexion is painful. McMurry test or Apley’s grinding test is

positive. Maximum tenderness is noted in the joint line approximately at the middle of medial



It may involve upper end of tibia or lowest end of femur in 3rd

decade. It is an eccentric, tender

swelling which may yield on pressure (egg shell crackling) with knee joint motion preserved for long

time. Diagnosis is confirmed radiologically & by biopsy.


A. Benign tumor-like lesion involving joints:

1 Pigmented villonodular synovitis

2 Synovial osteochondromatosis

3 Chondroma: It is an isolated cartilaginous mass mainly involving knee

4 Osteoid osteoma

5 Lipoma may involve joint capsule or synovium

6 Hemangiomas are characterized by recurrent episodes of hemarthrosis mainly involving knee

joints of children & young adults.

B. Malignant Tumors:

1 Synovial sarcoma

2 Synovial osteochondrosarcoma

3 Metastatic carcinoma (commonly from lung or breast cancer)

4 Lymphoma/ myeloma

5 Leukemic infiltration

6 Contiguous spread of adjacent bone sarcoma


Swimmer’s Knee: Knee pain occurring due to medial collateral ligament stress caused due to valgus

stress placed on the knee while swimming the breast stroke

Jumper’s Knee: patellar tendinitis occurring due to repetitive stresses in high jumpers & volleyball

or basketball player results in pain at the inferior pole of patella at its attachment to the patellar

tendon known as jumpers knee

Runners Knee (Patellofemoral Syndrome): Pain occurring in runners due to compression of nerve

fibers in the subchondral bone of the patella or from a synovitis

Sinding Larsen – Johansson Disease: It is caused by persistent traction at the cartilaginous junction

of patella & patellar ligament at inferior patellar pole leading to anterior knee pain with activity in

adolescent boys.

Clinically one can feel tenderness at inferior pole of patella with x-rays sometimes showing varying

amount of calcification or ossification at the junction. There is sclerosis, decalcification &

fragmentation of inferior pole of patella

D/D: It includes

1 Pediatric patella avulsion fracture

2 Patellar stress fracture

3 Bipartite patella

4 Osgood schlatter’s disease

5 Jumpers knee (which is a degeneration of patellar tendon).

Page 30: Knee pain

Treatment: It includes rest, ice therapy, USG therapy, NSAIDS, quadriceps strengthening exercises,

SOS immobilisation

Pellegrini - Steida’s Disease: It is caused by incomplete rupture of the medial collateral ligament at

its femoral attachment followed by calcification. It results in localised pain & tenderness in the



Arthroscopy refers to visualization of interior of a joint. “Endoscopy” means to see within referring

to a body cavity

Common Sites Where Commonly Arthroscopy Is Done:




Hip Joint

Instrument (The Arthroscope): It consists of a trocar

through which a telescope is inserted into the joint. At

the external end the telescope terminates in an eyepiece;

at the internal end in an electrical light bulb, back of

which is the lens. The trocar is equipped with two stop-

cocks for distension & irrigation of the joint.

Arthroscope Obliquity: This depends upon angle of

the end of the optical tube of the arthroscopic to the

tube. This angle is normally 25-30 & it alters the field

of view by that many degrees from the axis of the optical tube.

Functions Of An Arthroscope:

1 Sweeping: Side to side or up & down movement to see objects or anatomic areas.

2 Pistoning: Moving the tip of the arthroscope closer to an object to magnify it & decrease the

field of vision, or moving away from an object to decrease the magnification but increase the

field of vision.

3 Rotation: Turning the arthroscope about a 360 are because the tip of arthroscope is usually

angled, this rotation increases the field of view due to the obliquity of the tip cut.

4 Triangulation: using sweeping, pistoning & rotation to place an object in the direct field of

vision of the arthroscope through an adjacent portal.

Portal: Portals are small cut down incisions placed to access specific anatomic areas & avoid vital


Basics Steps Of Arthroscopy:

1 Anesthesia: Routinely spinal preferred,

but sometimes general or local

anesthesia can be used.

2 Skin incision & opening of the capsule

using stab knife

3 Insertion of trocar

4 Collection of synovial fluid

5 Irrigation of joint to achieve distension

6 Introduction of the telescope

7 Inspection of the joint in a systemic


8 Removal of specimen for pathological


9 Flushing of joint & closure of the


Indications for knee Aarthroscopy :-

Page 31: Knee pain

1. Injuries : ALC tear, meniscal tear, cartilage injuries.

2. Recurrent effusions.

3. Locking of joint.

4. Chronic synovitis.

5. Haemarthrosis : for evacuation of blood and diagnosis of possible etiology.

6. Knee pain of unknown cause.

Advantage of Athroscopic surgery :-

1. Very low morbidity and complication rate.

2. Can be done as an outpatient procedure or short indoor procedure.

3. Cosmetically excellent.

4. Short recovery time.

5. No disturbance of any sensory supply.

6. Associated injuries may also be treated.

7. Hard to reach regions such as posterior horn of meniscus may be visualized.

Complications of Arthroscopy:

1 Infection.

2 Vascular or nerve injury: Nerve injury is mainly due to prolonged tourniquet time.

3 Chronic persistent synovitis.

4 Haemarthrosis.

5 Persistent drainage with synovial fistula.

6 Deep venous thrombosis.


This localized condition affects articular surface involving separation of cartilage and subchondral


Etiology :- There are various theories proposed :

1. Ischaemia

2. Trauma.

3. Abnormalities of epiphyseal ossification.

4. Metabolic factor.

5. Hereditary factor.

6. Anatomical variation.

Incidence :- More common in males ( M : F 3:1). Bilateral occurrence is around 30 percent. It

is most commonly seen in adolescents.

Clinical features :- Anterior knee pain.

Features of loose bodies in joints.

History :-

- A vague pain with history of clicking or popping.

- Swelling and stiffness may be present.

- Symptoms may be associated with activities.

- Features of locking may occur due to loose bodies.

- Long standing cases may have features of arthritis.

- Giving away may occur secondary to weakness of quadriceps mass..

Examination :-

- Synovial effusion.

- Quadriceps wasting.

- Joint line tenderness.

- Restricted range of motion.

- Palpable loose bodies.

- Positive Wilson’s test.

Investigations :- These include X-rays / MRI. Bone scans are useful in monitoring healing


Differential Diagnosis :- Other causes of anterior knee pain must be ruled out.

Page 32: Knee pain

1. Osteoarthritis.

2. Chondral fracture.

3. Meniscal tear.

4. Synovial osteochondromatosis.

Grading of Lesion :-

Grade 1 : Detected on X-ray with articular surface intact.

Grade 2 : On arthroscopy articular injury seen.

Grade 3 : Lesion separates from rest of the bone.

Grade 4 : Loose fragment within joint.

Treatment :-

Severity of loose body

Grade I and II Grade III Grade IV

3 – 6 months of non operative Pinning Drilling of defect for revascularisation

trial using restricted motion screw fixation pinning

and axillary crutches. Screw fixation

excision of loose fragments

osteochondral autograft transplantation


It includes AP, lateral, axilla view & tunnel view in skeletally immature patient.

AP View: This view is taken with patient in supine position, knee extended & leg in neutral position.

Central beam should be directed vertically with 5 to 7 cephalic tilt.

One can visualize:

Femoral/ tibial angle

Medial & lateral compartment space

Size, position & integrity of patella

Axilla View of the knee: It profiles the patellofemoral joint, one can visualize patellar tilt, patellar

subluxation & sulcus angle.

Method: These x-rays are taken of both knees together (for comparison) in a knee flexion between

20 to 45.Any flexion more than 45 will mask patellofemoral anamolies.


Laurin Technique: The axial view taken in 20 of flexion is used to measure lateral patellofemoral

angle which gives an idea of an abnormal tilt. The angle formed by lateral patellar facet & line drawn

across most prominent aspect of anterior portion of femoral trochlea normally opens laterally.

Stress Axila View: Here knee is flexed to 35 at the end of x-rays table & a constant pressure is

exerted at the patella in an attempt to displace it laterally. The symptomatic & asymptomatic knees

are compared.

Sunrise View: The tangential view of patella is taken with the patient prone & knee flexed to 115.

The central beam is directed towards the patella with 15 cephalic tilt.

Merchant’s View: This view is taken with the knee flexed to 45 at the table’s edge with patient in

supine position. The cassette is held perpendicular to the tibia at a distance of 10cms from knee level.

The central beam is directed caudally through patella with 60 angle from vertical or 30 angle from


Page 33: Knee pain

Method of measurement:

Step I. First sulcus angle is drawn as a zero reference line (It is the angle formed between the 2

femoral condyle & is around 141)

Step II. A line is drawn bisecting the sulcus angle

Step III. Second line is projected from the lowest point of articular ridge of patella to apex of sulcus

Step IV. Angle formed between 2 lines is measured (congruence angle). If the congruence angle is

lateral to congruence line the angle is positive, if it is medial to congruence line it is

negative. Normal angle is less than -16 (males -6 & females -10 normally)

Lateral X-rays: Patient lies flat on the affected side with the knee flexed 25-30. The central beam

is directed toward the medial aspect of knee joint with 5-7 of cephalic tilt.

It helps in detecting

a. Patellar height

b. Fabella lesions

c. Evaluation of fat density zone

Fat Density Zone: The suprapatellar pad of fat is seen as fat density zone behind the quadriceps. In

joint effusions it is displaced anteriorly.

Fabella: Seen in 10 to 20% of individuals, it is seen embedded in lateral head of gastrocnemius.

Patellar height: 2 methods of measurement:

Insall & Salvati Method: In this method ratio of length of patella & length of patellar tendon is

measured. A ratio less than 1 indicated patella alta. The length of tendon is measure on its posterior

surface from the lower pole of patella to its insertion on top of tibial tubercle. Length of patella is the

greatest diagonal length of patella measured.

Blackburne & Peel Method: It is the ratio between perpendicular distance from lower articular

margin of patella to tibial plateau (A) & the length of articular surface of patella (B)

Tunnel Radiograph of Knee: It provides an angled PA projection of knee. Patient is prone with

knee flexed at 40. The central beam is directed caudally toward the knee joint at a 40 angle from

the vertical. It gives a good profile of intercondylar notch & posterosuperior articular surfaces of

femoral condyle. It is specially useful in detecting osteochondritis dissecans.

Rosenburg View For OA Knee: This view is used to evaluate for narrowing of the cartilage space

in posteroanterior flexion weight bearing radiograph. The film has anterior margin of tibial plateau

superimposed on the posterior margin

Method: Patient stands with knees flexed at 45, weight equally distributed on both extremities,

patella touching the cassette & toes pointing straight forward. The x-ray machine is 40 inches from

the cassette & central beam is directed at inferior pole of patella with 10 caudal tilt. Narrowing of

cartilage space of more than 2 mm is indicative of major degeneration (Grade III or IV)

Page 34: Knee pain

Fracture Patella Osteomyelitis lower end Total knee replacement

with tension of femur

band wiring

Unicondylar knee replacement Complete PCL tear

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