  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


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  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    2 opinion JTn . www.JTnews.neT . friday, augusT 10, 201

    Th cltr o sccss anailr

    Jonathan S. tobin JNS.orgAlls air in love, war and politics. So it is

    to be expected that Jewish Democrats desir-

    ous o President Obamas re-election will

    be doing their best to perpetuate the ideathat Republican presidential candidate Mitt

    Romneys oreign trip this month was an

    unmitigated disaster. But the media narra-

    tive about his trip to Israel is one that ought

    to worry supporters o Israel no matter

    which party or candidate they support.

    Romney is said to have disgraced him-

    sel by saying that i you want to under-

    stand the stark contrast between the success

    o Israel and the ailure o the Palestin-

    ians, Culture makes all

    the dierence. It was to be

    expected that the Palestin-

    ian Authority (PA) would

    attack him. But the Ameri-

    can mainstream media has

    been almost as scathing in

    describing it as an insult.

    While political observ-

    ers will rightly put this

    down as just one among

    scores o minor skirmishes

    in a long presidential cam-

    paign that wont have

    much impact on the nal

    outcome, the controversy

    is actually quite signii-

    cant in terms o what it

    reveals about American attitudes toward

    the Middle East. Far rom Romney being

    revealed to be a oolish dabbler in or-

    eign policy whose blunders have exacer-

    bated an already troubled peace process,

    his comments were actually quite accurate

    about the reasons why Israel is a haven o

    ree enterprise and the areas run by the

    PA are, to be charitable, a basket case. It

    is, instead, Romneys critics, such as the

    pompous editorialists at the New York

    imes, who are demonstrating their pro-

    ound ignorance. Whats more, it is the

    reusal o so many allegedly inormed

    observers o the region, as well as Amer-

    ican and European political gures, to

    admit that what Romney said was true,

    that is enabling the corruption and vio-

    lence that continues to sink any hopes o

    Palestinian reorm.

    Te act that the key to success lies

    in the political and economic culture

    o a nation is something that has been

    acknowledged by virtually every credible

    authority on the subject. Indeed, even the

    United Nations Arab Human Develop-

    ment Report noted that existing cultural

    norms in the Arab world are a primary

    obstacle to progress.

    Romneys critics say hes wrong because

    Israels occupation is the reason why

    the West Bank and Gaza are so depressed.

    While the continuance o the conlict

    because o Palestinian intransigence doesnt

    help development, that is not the cause o

    all their problems. As anyone who has even

    a passing knowledge o how the PA govern-

    ment in the West Bank, as well as the ind

    pendent Palestinian state (in all but nam

    that Hamas governs in Gaza, work, o

    cial corruption is the rule rather than thexception. Te complete absence o the ru

    o law there is not the ault o Israel but

    the terrorist organizations masquerading

    political parties who run those places.

    Instead o concentrating on osterin

    ree enterprise and creating trust, the ocu

    o the Fatah-run entity is the enrichme

    o the ruling elite and the continuance

    the war on Israel. Following in the oo

    steps o Yasser Araat, Mahmoud Abb

    and his cronies have squandered or stole

    most o the billions that have been poure

    into these areas by the European Unio

    and the United States.

    Palestinians are not just hampered b

    the Arab cultural backwardness in whic

    human rights are abused, women are di

    criminated against, and gays and rel

    gious minorities are persecuted. Tey a

    harmed by their own particular culture,

    which rejection o the legitimacy o Isra

    and omenting o hatred against Jews h

    given their leaders license to eschew pea

    and gloriy violence. Anyone who ignor

    this truth and the need or Palestinians

    undergo a cultural sea change or peace o

    prosperity to have a chance is doing the

    no avor.

    Te troubling aspect o this story

    not whether Romney will be hurt by it, b

    whether riends o Israel on both sides

    the political aisle will continue to avoid th

    truth about the Palestinians. Neither pol

    ical correctness nor the political advantag

    that Democrats seek justies the attac

    on Romneys remarks. Anyone who car

    about peace in the Middle East includin

    Jewish liberals ought to be echoing th

    Republican on this issue, not attacking him

    JNS Columnist Jonathan S. Tobin is senior

    online editor of Commentary magazine and

    chief political blogger at He can be

    reached at [email protected]

    Follow him on Twitter at @TobinCommentary


    Mitt Romney touches the Western Wall during his recent trip to Isra

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  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    friday, august 10, 2012 . . jtnew OpiniOn

    Islam is the perfect religion for Muslims. Christianity is the perfect religion for Christians. Judaism is the perfect religion for Jews.

    Rabbi Jim Mirel of Temple Bnai Torah at a joint Tisha BAv/Ramadan event last week. See the full story on page 6.

    the rabbis turnObama has hlp makIsral sar

    Edgar M. bronfMan JTa World Nws SrvcNEW YORK (JA) Troughout a

    hal-century o international diplomatic

    work, I have learned to tell the politi-

    cians rom the riends and the charlatansrom the statesmen. Charlatans scream.

    Tey tell you what you want to hear and

    call other people names. Friends and lead-

    ers need not rely on rhetoric or boisterous

    bravado. Tey produce results and act on


    President Obama is such a riend and

    leader. In his 3-1/2 years in oce he has

    deepened and strengthened the relation-

    ship between the United States and Israel.

    And today, Obama continues to imple-

    ment a comprehensive pro-Israel agenda

    that has made Israel saer and more secure.

    Under Obama, U.S. nancial aid to

    Israel is at its highest levels ever. During

    the past our years, Israel has avoided

    becoming engaged in any substantial

    rontal military engagements, advanced

    its notable economic development, and

    remains prepared or negotiating a com-

    prehensive peace. Obama as president

    has led a mutually benecial resurgence

    in the exchange o strategic technology,

    intelligence and cooperation between

    U.S. armed orces and the Israel Deense


    Standing by Israel, Obama opposed the

    unilateral declaration o a Palestinian state

    and blocked its recognition at the United

    Nations. He supported Israels right to

    deend itsel and conronted head-on the

    now-discredited Goldstone Report that

    condemned Israeli deensive action o its

    coast. He also ordered the United States to

    withdraw rom the Durban Review Con-

    erence, whose namesake conerence was

    supposed to be about racism but instead

    became an anti-Israel hate-est. Obama

    stated unequivocally that he United

    States will stand up against eorts to single

    Israel out at the United Nations or in any

    international orum.

    Going even urther, Obama has taken

    the oor o the United Nations to declare

    that Israels existence must not be a sub-

    ject or debate and that eorts to chip

    away at Israels legitimacy will be met

    only by the unshakable opposition o the

    United States.

    When Fatah and Hamas joined polit-

    ical orces and pressured Israel to enter

    negotiations with them, Obama told the

    world that No country can be expected

    to negotiate with a terrorist organization

    sworn to its destruction, concluding that

    Israel cannot be expected to negotiate

    with Palestinians who do not recognize its

    right to exist.

    And this is also why Obama has taken

    such a strong stand against the Iranian

    nuclear program the single greatest

    threat to the State o Israel and the stability

    o the Middle East. Afer years o inaction

    and neglect by the Bush administration,

    Obama constructed an international coali-tion to impose the most crippling sanc-

    tions ever on the Iranian regime. Tese

    sanctions have already chocked o Irans

    access to many capital markets and have

    had a proound eect on the way ehran

    nances its nearious operations. Covert

    U.S. operations targeting Irans nuclear

    inrastructure reportedly have also slowed

    their rate o progress.

    While his opponents can talk tough on

    Iran, the president is doing what is nec-

    essary to prevent Iran rom developing a

    nuclear weapon.

    Nevertheless, despite clear acts and

    substantial evidence, political partisans

    and opponents o the president continue

    a coordinated campaign to distort reality

    in a brazen attempt to ool the public. Te

    same type o people who called Obama

    a closet Muslim and claimed he was not

    born in the United States now exercise lin-

    guistic calisthenics to obuscate the truth

    and portray the president as hostile to the

    Jewish State. Nothing could be urther

    rom the truth.

    Not long ago, while sitting in the Oval

    Oce, Obama looked me in the eye and

    said, My commitment to Israels security

    is bone deep. He did not have to say it. I

    already knew that President Obama would

    never orsake the Jewish State, its security,

    and its people. His record o perormance

    is crystal clear and the charlatans cannot

    change that.

    My ather beore me actively supported

    Jewish communities around the world and

    prior to 1948 closely worked with those

    establishing the modern State o Israel. For

    more than a hal century, I have worked

    with successive Israeli governments and

    U.S. presidents Republican and Demo-

    crat to provide or the saety and secu-

    rity o the Jewish people and the State o


    My amily has loved, worked, invested

    in and supported the State o Israel, its

    security and its people since beore its

    ounding. We have not always agreed with

    its policies, but we have always been there

    to support and deend its government

    and people. We are connected to every

    acet o Jewish lie and want nothing more

    than Israels peace, security, vibrancy and

    prosperity. I am condent that President

    Obama shares our values and I shall con-

    dently vote or him in November.

    Edgar M. Bronfman is the former CEO of the

    Seagram Company Ltd. and the former

    president of the World Jewish Congress.

    All that w n

    rabbi JaninE SchloSS Tmpl Bth amI have a conession to

    make. You see, I thought Iwas pretty modest, but Ive

    recently learned that I might

    have been haughtier than I

    thought I was. You want to

    hear the story? Sure! Heres

    how it begins.

    Like I said, I think Im

    pretty modest. I dont have

    a lot o clothes; I dont spend

    a lot o time concerned with

    how I look. I dont brag about my house or

    my trips or my kids school. So i you had

    asked me this question a ew years or even

    a ew months ago, I would have comort-

    ably told you that I think I control my pos-

    sessions and my wants pretty well.

    hat was beore the divorce. Even

    though my husband and I separated quite

    amicably, we still had to divide up our

    possessions. Te process was understand-

    ably dicult, and it was the rst time that

    I began to realize how important my pos-

    sessions were to me.

    Ten we had to sell the house, and

    thats when the real trouble began. I love

    my house. Its beautiul and its big and

    everything I owned could t in it. Te

    problem is, when you get divorced, you

    have to get two houses or the price o one.

    So surprise, surprise, the rental home that

    I moved into a ew weeks ago is hal the

    size o my previous home. It wasnt until I

    started unpacking that I truly realized how

    manythings I own! I think I could ll my

    new kitchen three times over and still not

    have enough room or everything!

    Tis weeks orah portion, Ekev, talks

    about this exact experience. God tells us:

    ake care lest you orget the Eternal your

    God. When you have eaten your ll, and

    have built ne houses to live in, and your

    herds and ocks have multiplied, and your

    silver and gold have increased, and every-

    thing you own has prospered, beware lest

    your heart grow haughty and you orget

    the Eternal Your God (Deu

    8:11-14).God is sending us a ver

    important message. God

    saying: When weve eate

    everything we want to ea

    and weve built a big house

    live in, and our possession

    have not only increased b

    multiplied, we run the risk

    becoming ull o ourselve

    Te more we have, the mo

    likely we are to become conceited and sel


    Not only that, but the more we hav

    the less ofen we give thanks to God. Sud

    denly the money in our bank accoun

    seems like a tting reward or our bri

    liance. We believe we deserve to be so we

    o and perhaps most tragically o all

    we orget to give to others who have le

    than we do.

    So too with me. I had eaten my ll,

    was living in a ne house, and I had pro

    pered. I had plenty, but I had gotten t

    the point where I no longer appreciated

    Worst o all, I had orgotten to give thank

    to God or the goodness around me.

    I am grateul that the lesson o Eke

    came just when it did. Now that I

    downsizing, I need to nd a way to e

    just as proud o mysel and my home n

    matter how many bathrooms there a

    (or arent!) in my new house. I need

    stay appreciative and I need to rememb

    to give to others, even as I begin this ne

    stage in my lies journey.

    Most o all, with every box that

    unpack, I need to remember to thank Go

    or the tremendous good in my lie. I hav

    a roo over my head, I have beds or m

    children and me, and I have ood in m

    pantry. Tank you, God I truly have a

    that I need.

    Rabbi Janine Schloss is Temple Beth Ams

    director of education.

    CheCk out our new look!Tis issue marks the debut o our new logo and a reresh in the design o the

    paper. It also marks the rst time that JNews will be distributed throughout the

    Greater Seattle area on a biweekly basis, so its available or everyone to enjoy!

    One criticism we have heard since we adopted the JNews name was that we

    didnt sound Jewish enough. Now, when you see us in your synagogue, in your neigh-

    borhood coee shop, in your supermarket, or in your mailbox, youll know right

    away exactly who we are and who we represent: You, our Jewish community.

    As always, thank you or reading.

    Joel Magalnick

    Editor and Acting Publisher

    JNews, Te Voice o Jewish Washington

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    4 communiTy news JTn . www.JTnews.neT . friday, augusT 10, 201

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  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission

    is to meet the interests of our Jewish community

    through fair and accurate coverage of local, national

    and international news, opinion and information. We

    seek to expose our readers to diverse viewpoints

    and vibrant debate on many fronts, including the

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    2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121

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    JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by

    The Seattle Jewish Transcript, a nonproft corporation

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    The opinions o our columnists and advertisers do not

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    Nancy Greer, Interim CEO and President,

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    *Member, JTNews Editorial BoardEx-Ofcio Member

    friday, august 10, 2012 . . jtnw inside

    inside this issueyiddish/ladino lesson

    p u b l i sh e d by j e w i s h t r a n s c r ip t m ed i a


    welcome, ne advertisers!

    Chabad Hebrew School Eastside Family Medicine ClinicJewish High Kline Galland Hospice The Livnot Project


    CorrectionIn the Jews on the Ballot series article about Pamela Loginsky, we mistakenly noted th

    Loginsky is the only attorney running or the judgeship position with appellate experienc

    Te article should have stated she is the only candidate with extensive appellate experienc

    JNews regrets the error.

    From the Jewish ranscript

    August 15, 1985

    Were all going gaga over Jewish gym-

    nast and gold medalist Aly Raisman, who

    did a routine to Hava Nagila in this

    years Olympic Games. But back then,

    at the 12th World Maccabiah Games in

    Israel, the Puget Sound had a ull con-

    tingent o medalists, including karate

    expert Kathy Jones, pictured here. Jones

    won two gold medals: One in ghting,

    the other in contact karate. Te Jerusa-

    lem Post dubbed her Americas Queen

    o Karate.

    by iSaac azoSEKen kere la roza, no mira el espino.Whoever wants the rose does not pay attention to the thorns.

    Jews and Muslims, praying together 6

    In a special service commemorating Ramadan and Tisha BAv, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and

    Temple Bnai Torah held a service to break their respective asts.

    The preservation o Ladino 7A majority o the worlds Ladino speakers were killed during the Holocaust, and now an international eor

    led by a University o Washington proessor, is rushing to preserve it.

    Back to (Hebrew) school 9

    A number o supplementary programs are emerging this year that hope to change the way kids think o

    Hebrew school and maybe even want them to keep coming back!

    Jewish High 9

    The Livnot Project 10

    Chabad Hebrew School 1

    Live Online Learning 1

    Want salad? 16

    Next time you head to Island Crust Ca, order the Hadassah Salad. You get lettuce, alael, a bit o spice,

    and a donation to Israeli hospitals.

    Want deli? 17

    For dinner, Stopskys Delicatessen is oering a new menu that takes some deli standards and elevates

    them to something even more heavenly.


    Israel: To Your Health: Fighting cancer

    M.O.T.: Science! 8

    Crossword 8

    Community Calendar 12

    The Arts 14

    Liecycles 19

    The Shouk Classifeds 16

    Found on FaCEbooK El Als unintentional Groupon. And I missed it. DANG!

    Today is Pasteles Day at SBH! Anybody know how the baking is going?

    In Wisconsin, Jews seek ways to help Sikhs afer Milwaukee shooting

    Alec Baldwin interviews Billy Joel on his new NPR show Heres e ing.

    Want to see more? Follow us at

    Cmg pag 24bc sc

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    6 communiTy news JTn . www.JTnews.neT . friday, augusT 10, 201

    For comments or questions you can contact QFC Associate Communications Manager Ken Banks [email protected] or phone425-462-2205.

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    Two aiths, on Go: Jws an Mslims nit or sharobsrvancs, vals

    gwEn daviS, Spcl to JTNwsIslam is the perect religion or Mus-

    lims. Christianity is the perect religion or

    Christians. Judaism is the perect religion

    or Jews, said Rabbi Jim Mirel at woFaiths, One God, an event that brought

    Jews and Muslims to the synagogue to

    pray and break the asts o isha BAv and

    Ramadan together.

    Te July 29 event joined members o

    the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and

    emple Bnai orah. Mirel, o B, and

    the Ahmadiyya Muslim Communitys

    leader, Anwar Mahmood Khan, spoke

    about the unity o the two religions.

    Brothers and sisters, Mirel began,

    we both praise, honor and try to ollow

    the best we can God. Sometimes we

    have the Arabic word or God, Allah.

    Sometimes we have the Hebrew word,

    Elohim. And other times we have the Eng-

    lish word, God. But, one God.

    He continued, Its wonderul learning

    about the wonderul tradition o Islam,

    which, as you know, is our sister religion.

    Tis is a great gathering, Khan said

    when he addressed the audience. It teaches

    that people rom dierent aiths might have

    dierent ideologies, but they believe in one

    God. We all adhere to please our Creator,

    to ask or orgiveness rom Him, to thank

    Him and request o Him that He contin-

    uously guide us in the best way He can so

    that we can bring orth world peace.

    Along with the addresses, the evening

    alternated between Jewish and Muslim

    prayers. Mirel and Khan told the con-

    gregants to participate only i they elt

    comortable. A orah and Quran exhibit

    was set up in the social hall or people to

    observe afer the services and beore and

    during the break-ast meal.

    Approximately 200 people joined the

    event, with about 60 percent rom the

    Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the

    rest Jews, mostly members o B, as well

    as some Christians.

    Both Jewish and Muslim attendees

    seemed happy that this event was taking


    I was always impressed with how the

    Islamic aith embraced the Jewish proph-

    ets and Christian prophets and respected

    the orah and Gospels in a manner that is

    beautiul, said Phil Gerson, interaith dia-

    logue coordinator at B. It sets the stage

    or realizing were all connected.

    I ofen read the Quran or the congreg

    tion and at home, said 16-year-old Awa

    Ahmae, who sang Quran versus during th

    service. I eel blessed Im able to do thaIm happy Ive been blessed by God.

    Te event was planned several month

    ago when Khan reached out to Mirel, su

    gesting the two organizations create a

    interaith experience. Mirel proposed

    should be on isha BAv, which this ye

    coincided with Ramadan, when bot

    groups ast.

    Our celebration reminds us that th

    tradition whether Jewish, Christian o

    Islam the most important thing is to b

    aithul and ollow God or Allah, Mir

    said. Tats what its all about.

    Te Ahmadiyya Muslim Communi

    is not considered to be mainstream Islam

    Te Ahmadiyya movement was ounde

    in 1889 in India by Mirza Ghulam Ahma

    who claimed he was the messiah. Fo

    lowing his death, the group split in

    the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community an

    the smaller Lehore Ahmadiyya mov

    ment. Te community has 65 chapters

    the U.S.; the Seattle-region mosque is


    } PAGe 1

    GWeN DaviS

    Rabbi Jim Mirel addresses the mixed sanctuary o Jews and Muslims at Temple Bnai Torah and the

    Ahmadiyya Muslim Communitys joint Tisha BAv and Ramadan gathering.

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


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    [email protected]

    Innovativ rsarch ma la tocancr prvntion, vn a cr

    JaniS SiEgEl, JTNws ColumnstDoctors will tell you that it

    is ar better to prevent cancer,

    i at all possible, but i a cancer

    does begin to grow, the nextbest deense against its ast-

    growing tendencies is to diag-

    nose it early and ght it with

    as many tools as possible.

    his year, our research

    institutions in Israel have

    made signicant leaps toward

    the prevention and the detec-

    tion o the disease.

    On the prevention side,

    researchers ound strong evidence that

    overweight children are more prone to

    developing certain cancers as adults, and

    a plant geneticist ound that altered sleep

    cycles may also play a role in developing

    the disease, according to his innovative

    research on plant genes.

    On the treatment side, researchers may

    have succeeded in nding a smarter, more

    cancer-sensitive blood test using inrared

    light technology, while other researchers

    have come closer to nding a more precise

    chemotherapy procedure that only attacks

    cancer cells, and spares healthy ones.

    Chidhd besity and cance

    A large, long-term study by Dr. Ari

    Shamiss at the Sheba Medical Center and

    Dr. Adi Leiba o el Aviv University ol-

    lowed 1.1 million average-weight and

    obese Israeli Deense Forces members

    over 18 years and ound that those sub-

    jects who had a body mass index above the

    84th percentile as an adolescent had a 50

    percent greater risk o developing cancer

    o the bladder, urinary tract, and colorec-

    tal cancers as an adult.

    he research, recently published in

    the journals Cancer Epidemiology, Bio-

    markers, and Prevention and Obesity, has

    prompted uture studies to see whether

    weight loss as an adult can reverse this

    eect, or whether a higher BMI acted on a

    genetic mutation to produce the cancers.

    Shamiss has a hunch that childhood

    obesity may be linked to several other can-

    cers, including the subject o his current

    research, pancreatic cancer.

    Pants and humans

    In a highly innovati

    study coming out o AUManna Center or Plant Bi

    sciences, its director, pla

    geneticist and proess

    Daniel Chamovitz, ound th

    plants can see, smell, touc

    and taste, although not t

    same as humans do, and th

    we share a large part o the

    genetic makeup.

    Chamovitz discovered th

    plants, humans, and animals all share th

    genes that makes us sensitive to light an

    regulate our circadian rhythm, cell div

    sion and immune system.

    When his team studied ruit li

    that had a mutation in these genes, t

    researchers ound that they developed

    ruit-y type o leukemia and that the

    circadian rhythms were o. Te ruit i

    exhibited something like jetlag.

    Te same group o proteins that plan

    use to decide i they are in the light

    dark is also used by animals and humans

    Chamovitz reported to AU sta. Fir

    they control the circadian rhythm, the bi

    logical clock that helps our bodies keep

    24-hour schedule. Second, they contr

    the cell cycle which means we can lea

    more about mutations in these genes th

    lead to cancer.

    Chamovitzs nding could also le

    to the use o plants as subjects or c

    research, replacing much o the anim

    subjects used in research today.

    Bd tests cance

    Even though this study was perorm

    on small groups o in-clinic patien

    researchers at the Soroka Medical Cent

    and Ben Gurion University in Beer She

    experimented with a new blood test usin

    inrared light and less than a teaspoon

    the patients blood that proved to be 90 pe

    cent successul in detecting several cancer

    Dr. Joseph Kapelushnik, the head

    israel:t Y h

    Rshing to prsrv Lainolgacis

    charlottE anthony JTa World Nws SrvcNEW YORK (JA) Isaac Azose

    knew he had a treasure in his hands a

    nearly century-old booklet or Ladino-

    speaking Jews immigrating to the UnitedStates that eatured English, Ladino and

    Yiddish expressions to help them accultur-

    ate into their new communities.

    I thought to mysel, Ive got a real nd

    here, said Azose, the cantor emeritus at

    Congregation Ezra Bessaroth in Seattle,

    whose amily came rom urkey.

    So he became one o many people in

    Seattle to share a Ladino artiact with Devin

    Naar, an assistant proessor in Jewish stud-

    ies at the University o Washington who

    is trying to uncover, collect, preserve and

    digitize the rich heritage o Sephardi Jews.

    While small collections o Ladino books

    and documents can be ound at the Library

    o Congress, the American Sephardi Fed-

    eration and Yeshiva University, Naar says

    his project, the Seattle Sephardic reasures,

    is the rst community-based initiative to

    gather Ladino source materials in one place.

    More than 10,000 Yiddish books are

    readily accessible and digitized through

    the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst,

    Mass., but no equivalent exists or Ladino

    and virtually no original Ladino books

    can be accessed online, said Naar, whose

    eort is part o the larger Sephardic Stud-

    ies Initiative o the University o Washing-

    tons Stroum Jewish Studies Program.

    Ladino, also known as Judeo-Spanish,

    was the language o Sephardi Jews whose

    ancestors were expelled rom Spain in 1492

    and then settled throughout the Mediterra-

    nean basin o the Ottoman Empire.

    Its Ashkenazi counterpart, Yiddish,

    continues to survive through Yiddish-

    speaking haredi Orthodox communities

    and some secular advocates o the lan-

    guage. Ladino, however, has aced a steep

    decline in the past century. While Yiddish

    has more than 3 million speakers world-

    wide, UNESCO estimates that ewer than

    150,000 people still speak Ladino.

    Gloria Ascher, co-director o Judaic

    Studies at ufs University, oers sev-

    eral reasons or the languages precipitous

    dropo: 90 percent o Ladino speakers,

    particularly in places such as Bulgaria and

    Greece, were murdered during the Holo-

    caust; with the rise o Zionism, Hebrewis emphasized as the central Jewish lan-

    guage; and Ladino-speaking immigrant

    parents encourage their children to speak

    the native language o their new countries,

    such as English.

    Afer New York and Los Angeles, Seat-

    tle has the third largest Sephardi com-

    munity in the United States. According

    to a 2000 study by the Jewish Federation

    o Greater Seattle, there are 2,700 Sep-

    hardi households in the communitys total

    22,490 Jewish households.

    Naar started collecting materials at Ezra

    Bessaroth, a Sephardi synagogue, at the

    annual Purim bazaar in March. He already

    has gathered dozens o documents, includ-

    ing a rare Ladino textbook published in

    Salonika, Greece, in 1929. He even ound

    a set o letters rom the 1930s written by

    9-year-old Claire Barkey rom the Island o

    Rhodes to her amily members in Seattle.

    She was able to correspond her way

    and her amilys way o the island o

    Rhodes to evade Nazi persecution and to

    nd saety in the U.S., Naar said. Te

    entire story is preserved in the set o let-

    ters. Its really an amazing story.

    Te value o the objects should not be

    underestimated, says Noam Pianko, chair

    o the Stroum Jewish Studies Program.

    Its the stories and the past o the Sep-

    hardic Jewish community o Seattle, so

    it has tremendous communal value, he

    said. Tese documents are important on

    a scholarly level as well. Tey tell an untold

    and yet incredibly important story o the

    Sephardic Jewish experience in America.

    Many o the documents, he says, have

    been buried in basements or closets and

    breathe an authenticity that can never be

    captured in academic works.

    I want to make the materials available

    in their original orm so you can see the

    handwriting, the coee stains and the lived

    } PAGe 18 } PAGe 1

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    8 m.o.T.: member of The Tribe JTn . www.JTnews.neT . friday, augusT 10, 201

    This Weeks Wisdom

    Keep Your Measures Honestby Mike Selinker

    2012 Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cae, 1538 12th Avenue, Seattle.

    All rights reserved. Puzzle created by Lone Shark Games, Inc. Edited by Mike Selinker and Mark L. Gottlieb.

    Answers on page 12

    Few acts in the Old Testament were more likely to get you a severe stoning than having

    dishonest weights and measures. Shaving a ew shekels o your talent was an egregious way to

    deraud your neighbor. But who can tell a shekel rom a talent these days? I you do some quick

    conversion rom these old-time creative works weve uncovered, you can.


    1 Brokeback Mountaindirector Lee

    4 Preempt, as on a talk show8 New Denver Broncos QB Manning

    14 Internet co. that owns The Hufngton Post15 Cmo ___?

    16 Peter who plays Pope Paul III on The Tudors

    17 Grp. whose members hear a lot o reports18 Will Smith flm converted rom the Old

    Testament movie One Hundred Ninety-FourShekels?

    20 Well, that certainly puts a ___ on things22 Thumbs-up vote

    23 Have a bagel, perhaps

    24 With The, Bruce Willis flm converted romthe Old Testament movie One Hundred Eight

    Handbreadths?28 Charge

    29 Paleozoic, or one30 Houston Rockets star Ming

    32 ___ the Knie35 Aint fxed?

    39 Guys and Dollsnumber converted rom the

    Old Testament song One and a QuarterEphahs?

    43 TiK ToK singer44 Instrument that represents the duck in Peter

    and the Wol45 Intl. association whose 1999 conerence in

    Seattle resulted in riots46 Swiss mountain

    48 Distorts51 Jane Smiley novel converted rom the Old

    Testament book Nineteen Point Three Six

    Million Square Cubits?57 In the manner o

    58 Friend o Harry and Hermione59 Someone who eels your pain

    60 Tennessee Ernie Ford olk song convertedrom the Old Testament song Two HundredNinety-Six Talents?

    64 Decorate an Easter egg65 First-string squads

    66 Olympians weapon67 Pyramid Breweries Thunderhead, or one

    68 Sticky note69 Reasons to practice sae sex

    70 Above, in poetry


    1 Root beer brand

    2 Little Broken Heartssongstress Jones3 Apt to grace the cover o Vogue

    4 It remains to ___5 You enter it to enter a website

    6 Jersey Shorechannel

    7 Song o praise8 Character the spinach industry adores

    9 WWII arena10 Told ___ so!

    11 Showing good results rom a workoutregimen

    12 Words beore the hills or Methuselah

    13 Jays home

    19 Science Guy Bill

    21 Opposite o sing.25 Author Calvino

    26 Piece such as Nessun dorma27 Have a hoarse throat

    30 Shaggy Tibetan beast31 Mary Todds hubby

    33 Hailed vehicle

    34 Famous36 Show on which Jon Lovitz replaced Phil

    Hartman37 Columbus Day mo.

    38 Boxing result, or short40 Deposed Iranian leader

    41 Xbox video game series eaturing MasterChie

    42 Rendered less sensitive47 Most like driven snow49 Title character in Anne Rices The Mummy

    50 Angel dust51 Supreme Court Justice Samuel

    52 April 15 submission53 Junior

    54 Helps create a pot55 Classic Jaguar model produced rom 61-74

    56 Cut the wool o o

    57 Right now!61 Skin ink, slangily

    62 UK record label63 Choose

    A scinc proig an annvironmntal rstorr

    diana brEMEnt, JTNws Columnst

    1Earlier this year, Kurtis

    Carsch, 18, became a

    nalist in the Intel Sci-

    ence alent Search (IntelSS), which seeks out and rec-

    ognizes pre-college contribu-

    tions to science by students

    and their schools. Initially

    he was one o 300 competi-

    tors selected rom 1,839, and

    went on to become one o

    40 invited to Washington,

    D.C. or nal judging. Final-

    ists were competing or $1.25

    million in awards (o which

    everyone got some).

    While he was born and raised in Bel-

    levue and started school at the Jewish Day

    School, Kurtiss amily moved to exas

    about 10 years ago. He graduated rom

    exas Academy o Math and Science, a

    high school program at the University o

    North exas on the outskirts o Dallas.

    he amily retained its connection

    to the Pacic Northwest, says his mom,

    Leslie Mickel Carsch, and they returned

    to Bellevue. Kurtiss sister, Lillianna,

    attended Camp Solomon Schechter or

    many years and the amily returned ofen

    to visit Leslies parents, Jack and Mar-

    grethe Mickel. Oh, and yes, we have had a

    subscription to the JNews sent to Dallas

    or many years, Leslie added in an email.

    Kurtis will attend Calech in the all,

    and while classes havent started, hes

    already there doing research in computa-

    tional chemistry. Working under Dr. Wil-

    liam A. Goddard III and Smith Nielsen

    in the Materials and Process Simulation

    Center in the chemistry department at

    Caltech, Kurtis is researching theoret-

    ical uel cells that use natural gas more

    eciently than their commercial counter-

    parts. Hes the youngest person to partic-

    ipate in this research program.

    In SoCal, Kurtis is enjoying the sunny

    weather and some sightseeing. In his ree

    time he enjoys weightliting, hanging

    out with riends, and multi-player video

    games, with Super Smas

    Bros. Melee a current avorit

    2here was a bronmedal o a diere

    sort awaiting Rebec

    Hof, who traveled to Was

    ington, D.C. this spring

    accept an award. It was ro

    her employer, the Nation

    Oceanic and Atmospher

    Administration (NOAA).

    An environmental scien

    tist in the Northwest Regio

    o the Oce o Response an

    Restoration, Rebecca leads the Duwami

    eam, which was recognized or its wo

    planning natural restoration areas alon

    that industrial Seattle waterway.

    Tese plans are tied into the Low

    Duwamish Waterway Superund Si

    cleanup. Rebecca and the team worke

    with Boeing and other businesses to pla

    naturalized areas along the bank o th

    Duwamish that will be put in place whe

    the work removing contaminants rom th

    waters and river sediment is nished.

    We had a cooperative settlement wi

    the Boeing Company, says Rebecca, an

    also, we are working with a private com

    panyto create [another] restoratio

    bank in the Duwamish area.

    Most people are amiliar with th

    Superund law and the EPA, the primar

    site cleanup agency, says Rebecca. B

    another part o the law designates agen

    cies to be trustees or natural resources

    [providing] the option afer they do th

    cleanup to make the environment who

    by creating restoration, she said.

    Our piece is NRDA, Natural Resour

    Damage Assessment, Rebecca explaine

    M.o.T.Memer f t

    CourTeSy KurTiS CarSCh

    Intel science contest fnalist Kurtis Carsch.

    heNry Bo

    Rebecca Ho and her daughter Ilana take

    backpacking trip by the ocean.

    } PAGe 1

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    friday, augusT 10, 2012 . www.JTnews.neT . JTn back To hebrew school

    '# #!%!*#$$#!%!&%!(%




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    F ys, dds, gnins vn, Jishdus hv mnd h ss f Jishnggmn h mny v, f hB B Mizvh, nd in high sh. thisy, diffn gnizins nd synggushv m up ih diffn pgms fdiffn gs h im snd h smd suppmny md n is hd, inh nm f ming Judism vn gnin f m nnd h dhn ny h m bf i.

    Other new prOgrams

    Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue (proled in May 2012)

    Kol hn Ou of Box

    Jwish High: ral-worl

    Jwish cationEMily K. alhadEff assoct edtor, JTNws

    How do you make Jewish education

    interesting and relevant to teenagers? Its

    a question probably as old as the Jewish

    people. And the organizers behind Jewish

    High are taking a stab.

    Were tremendously improving the

    curriculum, especially the Jewish philos-

    ophy or ethics curriculum, along with a

    number o electives, said Rabbi Mark

    Spiro, Jewish Highs principal. hey

    should get a secure Jewish education, not

    just talking heads.

    J e w i s h H i g h

    e me r ge s r om a

    partnership ormed

    in 2010 between

    Hebrew High, a

    n o n d e n o m i n a -

    tional program o

    the Jewish Federa-

    tion o Greater Seat-

    tle, and orah High,

    an accredited pro-

    gram out o oronto

    adapted by Ari Ho-

    man, the director o Seattles Orthodox

    National Council o Synagogue Youth

    chapter. Hebrew High closed its doors

    afer 41 years this June, and in its place

    have grown Jewish High and the Livnot

    Project, a social justice curriculum.

    At Jewish High JHigh or short

    students attend two one-hour periods at

    the Stroum Jewish Community Center on

    Mercer Island. First, they choose an elec-

    tive like conversational Hebrew, cook-

    ing, Krav Maga, Israel advocacy, music, or

    independent Jewish study then 9th and

    10th graders head to Jewish values and

    11th and 12th graders to Jewish ethics.

    Jewish High also oers a junior high pro-

    gram or 6th8th graders.

    Spiro hopes the students will discuss

    and debate and come to their own con-

    clusions. Te Jewish values class covers

    a spectrum o Jewish oundational con-

    cepts such as God, orah, reward and pun-

    ishment, and community; Jewish ethics

    works through applying such concepts to

    real-lie ethical dilemmas and situations.

    So, how do you make Jewish educa-

    tion interesting and

    relevant to teenag-

    ers? You pay them.

    And give them school

    credit . For every

    riend students sign

    up, they get $20, and

    the student who signs

    up the most riends

    wins a trip to Israel.

    But the real driving

    orce behind Jewish

    High is its accredita-

    tion program, which

    has expanded since the days o orah


    We are ully adapting the model that

    has proven very successul in Canada,

    said Homan, reerring to the original

    orah High, where students earn school

    credit or their supplementary school

    classes. Homan is the dean o Jewish


    Homan is particularly excited about

    a new program he and two partners, Josh

    Russak and Greg Berretta, are implement-

    ing called Business Ethics orah, or B.E..

    wanT To SiGn uP?Ji hi k lc

    wddy 79 ..

    sou Ji Couiy

    Center, 3801 E Mercer Way,

    mc Ild. Fo o

    ifoio d o oll, vii

    o cll rbbi sio


    } PAGe 17

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    Mak wa or Gnration Z

    JaniS SiEgEl JTNws CorrspondntMove over Generations X and Y, the

    Jewish Generation Z is making its Seat-

    tle debut. Trough a new Jewish high

    school program ocused on social justice,

    there will be no classrooms in sight.

    Gone is the Community High Schoolo Jewish Studies (Hebrew High) that was

    centered in the Stroum Jewish Commu-

    nity Center and where a cascade o Jewish

    teachers and leaders imparted wisdom to

    youth in chairs and desks or 41 years.

    Beginning in October and during the

    rst year, small groups o students in

    the Livnot program will travel to jus-

    tice organizations throughout Seattle,

    say program creators. High schoolers will

    engage with ood justice programs, envi-

    ronmental agencies, and homelessness

    prevention organizations. Tey will also

    work in a peer-to-peer Muslim-Jewish

    dialogue group.

    Generation Z students, born rom

    1994 to the present, are an exceptional

    group o young adults who are much

    more savvy than previous generations and

    require a shif in how institutions connect

    with them, Julie Hayon, Livnots educa-

    tion director, told JNews via email. Tey

    are digital nativeshave strong connec-

    tions to a broad range o people, and they

    tend to orm relationships with people,

    not institutions.

    Hayon, who last year moved to Seattle

    with her amily rom exas, was recruited

    or the education director position. She

    has spent the bulk o her 15-year career

    working in dierent acets o Jewish edu-

    cation across the country, and has directed

    programs ranging rom K8 to adult


    Generation Z was also born into glo-

    balization, Hayon said. Students are

    aware o the larger world, they see them-

    selves as part o something bigger, and

    want to be part o global change and inno-vation. In addition, Generation Z is very

    creative. Te Internet has allowed students

    to explore art, music and language and

    participation in these media.

    Livnot students will get involved in

    projects and get to see, rsthand, how and

    why social service organizations operate.

    Tey will also go on extended retreats

    during the year as well as service-learning

    trips that will reinorce the experiences

    theyve been having in the commu-

    nity organizations theyve been visiting

    throughout the year. Once a month, the

    entire student body will come together or

    think tanks.

    According to research used in mod-

    eling the Livnot program, Irit Eliav, edu-cation director at Congregation Beth

    Shalom, told JNews that Z-ers are polit-

    ically aware, socially conscious, and tech-

    nologically astute. Z-ers, she said, eel

    more condent than ever that they can

    make change and that they can persuade

    their peers to ollow along.

    Tis program is designed to capitalize

    on these strengths and interests, while also

    being rooted in Jewish tradition and learn-

    ing, Eliav said. We held ocus groups

    or teens, met with them one on one, and

    asked them questions at youth group

    meetings and events. Tey were very clear

    that they wanted high-quality learning, a

    chance to engage in tikkun olam [repair-

    ing the world], and to have a chance to

    participate in these experiences with their

    riends. Tis program is designed to meet

    all o these needs.

    Te Jewish Federation o Greater Sea

    tle gave Livnot a $35,000 grant in startu

    unds. Other monies came rom priva

    donors, and tuition will round out th

    remainder o its operating budget. T

    program, originally conceived o by staand clergy at Congregation Beth Shalom

    and Herzl-Ner amid, was urther deve

    oped by a board made up o clergy and la

    members working over the last year.

    Carol Starin, Livnot committee co

    chair with Donna Peha, said she is look

    ing orward to the pilot year o the projec

    Im very excited, because it is bold, it

    new, its pretty creative, and its scary, to

    because I dont think our community ha

    ever done anything like this, Starin said

    Its not going to be ocused in just on

    place and all o the learning is going to b

    ocused on social justice issues. Tey ar

    going to have choices.

    Beginning October 7, students wi

    gather at Jewish Family Service rom 5:3

    to 8 p.m. or their rst think tank sessio

    called Why Poverty Exists. Ken Wein

    berg, CEO o Jewish Family Service, w

    speak. Parents are welcome to attend th

    session and dinner will also be available.

    eaching will also look very dierent i

    the Livnot program. Jewish teachings w

    accompany each eight-week module, bu

    they may come rom a variety o sources

    Tere will be texts, but I dont know

    there will be textbooks, added Starin.

    text might be rom the orah or a almu

    text, or a novel. It will depend on what

    is theyve chosen to learn. What are bein

    hired are text people.

    10 back To hebrew school JTn . www.JTnews.neT . friday, augusT 10, 201

    Herzl-Ner Tamid Frankel Religious Schoola family-centered approach to Jewish education

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    Interest-free lending wi th digni ty.

    now enrolling fall 2012The after-school Jewish studies program for teens that offers you

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    wanT To SiGn uP?

    t Livo pojc luc o

    Oct. 7 at 5:30 p.m. Contact

    206-486-0104 or

    [email protected]

    fo iio d cou


    CourTeSy Julie hayoN

    Livnot Project director Julie Hayon.

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    Hbrw school rom hom

    olivia roSEn JTNws intrnraditional Hebrew school has under-

    gone a 21st-century makeover with the

    introduction o Live Online Learning

    (L.O.L.), a new Seattle-based Jewish edu-

    cation program that provides an inno-

    vative way or students to study orahonline. L.O.L., a project o Congregation

    Ezra Bessaroth in conjunction with orah-

    utors, an international program that

    conducts orah study through video con-

    erencing, plans to educate local students

    coming rom any Jewish background in a

    live, hassle-ree video-chat ormat.

    he ongoing and uture health o

    our community depends on cultivating

    an authentic and relevant Jewish iden-

    tity, said Rabbi Ron-Ami Meyers, Ezra

    Bessaroths rabbi, a teacher at the Seat-

    tle Hebrew Acad-

    emy, coounder and

    director o orah-

    utors, and leader o

    the L.O.L. program.

    Familiarity and even

    uency in our clas-

    sical sources goes

    a long way in org-

    ing such an identity.

    My central goal [or

    L.O.L.], which uels

    much o what I have

    done proessionally over the past two-and-

    a-hal decades, is the dissemination and

    clear articulation o orah knowledge.

    L.O.L.s technology integrates video

    camera, microphone, instant chat, and

    desktop applications to allow teachers to

    ully engage and communicate with their

    students. Rabbi Meyers has been using

    this platorm, developed by Cisco-Webex,

    or over our years during his work with

    orahutors and is condent the pro-

    gram will be successul due to the learn-

    ing opportunities accessible through the

    video-conerencing system.

    Te Webex desktop comes along with

    annotating tools like highlighters, arrows

    and other eatures that help students ocus

    on the sources were studying, Meye

    said. Students can oer ideas and a

    questions via a privately directed chat

    or share their ideas orally or by chat wit

    the rest o the class. Whats unique abo

    the L.O.L. learning style is that the teachviews him or hersel as a acilitator. F

    rom giving a rontal class, the instru

    tor introduces texts and solicits studen

    response in interpreting the sources.

    L.O.L. is primarily intended or Sea

    tle children over 8 years old who are n

    currently enrolled in a local Jewish d

    school, explained Meyers, but will eventu

    ally expand to oer adult and teen inte

    est classes as well. Groups o any age w

    soon be able to solicit particular topics

    interest, and the L.O.L. team will work

    ormulate a curric

    lum tailored to the


    L.O.L. will o

    our initial cours

    or the all 2012 se

    sion: Year In, Ye

    Out, an overview

    the major themes an

    holidays through

    out the Jewish yea

    orah on the

    o Your ongue,

    weekly orah portion study, Love You

    Neighbor, a study o the history an

    applications o Jewish law, and Beginner

    almud, a weekly session on the conte

    and structure o the almud. Class si

    will be limited to around six students p

    eight-week course in order to ensure th

    teachers are able to provide personalize

    attention to students individual lear

    ing needs.

    L.O.L plans to utilize community spo

    sorships as the primary source o undin

    or the program. Rabbi Meyers is hop

    ul this unding will allow him to provid

    additional class resources and expand th

    menu and scope o L.O.L. course oerin

    or uture years.

    friday, augusT 10, 2012 . www.JTnews.neT . JTn back To hebrew school 1





    Sept 10th


    Sept 10th


    Afterschool programAfterschool program


    4:15 to 6:00 pm


    4:15 to 6:00 pm

    MMSC Day School campus

    8511 15th Avenue NE

    Seattle, WA 98115

    call: 646.369.3138

    email: [email protected]

    Montessori learning + Project Adventure skills:

    tproven methods plus a fresh & fu n approach to learning!


    No afliation or prior background needed

    Check us out!Check us out!Ages 3 - 6

    & 7 - 12

    Ages 3 - 6

    & 7 - 12

    Nw Chaba Hbrw Schoolrachs ot to amilisxploring Jaism

    JaniS SiEgEl JTNws CorrspondntHusband-and-wie team Rabbi Avi and

    Marave Herbstman hope the new afer-school Hebrew program at the Menachem

    Mendel Seattle Cheder will be an intimate

    and warm place, which kids wont want to

    miss a minute o.

    Our program is about Jewish his-

    tory, Jewish culture, Jewish values, and

    how Jewish heroes give our lie meaning,

    strength, and courage or our lives, Rabbi

    Herbstman, director o the Chabad Hebrew

    School, told JNews. Our school is not or

    religious children. Our school is or non-

    aliated Jewish amilies. It will give them

    real-lie Jewish skills

    under the umbrella o

    a Jewish perspective.

    h e p r o g r a m

    will run rom 4:15

    to 6 p.m. on Mon-

    days beginning Sept.

    10, with two concur-

    rent sessions. Marave

    H e r b s t m a n , t h e

    schools co-director,

    will lead First aste,

    a Montessori-style

    class or 3 to 6 year olds, and Rabbi Herbst-

    man will lead Hebrew School, which will

    ocus on the who, what, when and whys

    o Jewish history or 7 to 12 year olds.

    Tese values are very important to have

    or your children, that they understand

    their place in history, the rabbi added.

    Tat is important or every Jew to know.

    One o our goals is to bring Jewish

    people rom all around the community to

    create community, said Marave Herbst-

    man. Its a beautiul piece o property near

    the reservoir. Tis is also a space where

    adults will have an opportunity to meet.

    Te Chabad Hebrew School is a pro-

    gram o Chabad o the Pacic Northwest.

    he Chabad-Lubavitch movement hosts

    the supplementary school program in cities

    across the United States and internationally.

    According to MMSCs director o busi-

    ness and development ziviah Goldberg,

    the schools implementation is a response

    to requests or a Jewish educational pro-

    gram by mostly unaliated amilies that are

    not ready to send their kids to day school.

    We had many people asking in the

    community or some type o program that

    would address mostly unaliated Jews,

    that would be something that they could

    take part in that wouldnt be a day school

    program, said Goldberg. Te hope is to

    catch those kids that are not quite ready

    or day school, and give them a rich Jewish


    Te target amily is composed o people

    who are exploring Judaism, and not really

    looking or a shul, Goldberg said, but rather

    more looking or a community. Tey dont

    necessarily eel that theyre going to nd that

    through the synagogue experience.

    Te teaching duo describes the lessons

    on their website,, asmulti-sensory and hands-on.

    Avi Herbstman brings a condence-

    and team-building educational method

    called Project Adventure, which he has

    been using or over two years, to the

    Hebrew school. Its value, according the

    website, is to promote sel-condence,

    learn group dynamic skills, help with

    physical coordination, and to learn social


    Its a mode o learning that the chil-

    dren will walk in or their whole lives, he

    said. Project Adven-

    ture is a team-build-

    ing program that

    enhances working

    together, [teaches]

    how to be a leader,

    [and asks] How do

    you deal with disap-

    pointment? How do

    you deal with lies

    sudden blows?

    Marave Herbst-

    man, who is a certi-

    ed Montessori educator, said she intends

    to have a jam-packed un time planned

    or the young ones when they come each


    I would start o with circle time

    preparing them or what well be doing

    next, she said, and then, maybe do arts

    and crafs or baking or cooking some-

    thing that would make it personal or the

    kids who are coming.

    Ten, have a snack and talk about

    where ood comes rom and what bless-

    ings go with the ood, she added. Well

    be making our own, maybe a ruit salad or

    smores, and they prepare it so that will be


    In addition to learning to read and

    write Hebrew, students will also learn their

    way around the siddur (prayer book), and

    theyll study the orah portion associated

    with each week and learn about Israel.

    Using the Montessori materials that

    she has been developing or years along

    with her sta, Marave Herbstman said

    children will experience mock holiday

    meals leading up to Jewish holy days like

    Rosh Hashanah and learn Shabbat rituals.

    For now, the couple wants to limit

    enrollment to about 15 children, keeping

    the student-to-teacher ratio around seven-

    to-one. As the program grows, they will

    hire new teachers.

    We look orward to building [our

    school] through word o mouth, she said.

    She hopes it will add to the strength o the

    Seattle Jewish community. I denitely

    think this is a beautiul piece to add to the

    Northend. Its a link in our chain.

    Emily K. Alhadeff contributed to this article.

    wanT To SiGn uP?Cbd hb scool u

    Monday afternoons from 4:15

    to 6 p.m. starting Sept. 10 at

    mc mdl s-

    tle Cheder, 8511 15th Ave. NE,

    sl. Fo o ifoio


    wanT To SiGn uP?a dild cou li i

    d d i ill b

    ld f auu

    30 registration deadline. For

    o ifoio, vii o

    il [email protected].


    E V E N T S

    B L O G S

    N E W S

    R E V I E W

    F O R UM

    M O R

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012



    For a complete listing o events, or to add your event

    to the JTNews calendar, visit events must be submitted no later than

    10 days beore publication.

    Russ Katz, RealtorWindermere Real Estate/Wall St. Inc.206-284-7327 (Direct)

    JDS Gd & P Bd f T MmbMc Ind High Sch Gd

    Univiy f Whingn Gd

    Drive a new BMW today

    Eric ApplE 425-358-0634BMW of Beevue

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    [email protected]

    Comprehensive services to meet the needs of children and

    adults with ADHD and/or learning disabilities.

    Evaluation Specialized tutoring Counseling

    Behavior management Coaching

    Insurance accepted: Premera, Regence, Healthwise

    Markus Lefkovits, M.S., LMHCEducational Consultant/Licensed Mental Health Counselor

    3805 108th Ave. NE, Suite 222, Bellevue, WA 98004


    1202 harrison seattle 98109

    Hav y v id at hihtiia t a f hp? Which paitor apt or appia paia?

    For over 50 years the Home owners clubhas assisted thousands of local homeowners insecuring quality and guaranteed home

    services! To join or for more information call


    Home owners club

    Cndgtng tms

    agst 10 ........................8:12 p.m.

    agst 17 ....................... 8:00 p.m.

    agst 24 ........................7:47 p.m.

    agst 31 ....................... 7:33 p.m.

    friday10 auguSt5:30 p.m. Gt Sms Sbbt

    Jennier Fliss at [email protected]

    or 425-603-0677 or

    Annual outdoor, camp-style Shabbat dinner and

    service with sing-a-long, burgers, hot dogs and

    smores. RSVP to 425-603-9677. $12/adults, $4/

    children 613, ree/under 5. At Temple Bnai Torah,

    15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.

    Saturday11 auguSt9:30 .m. hngn nd is Sbbt


    Elise Peizner at [email protected]

    or 425-765-6245

    Join visiting Hungarians and TIPS Israelis or

    Shabbat services. Kiddush luncheon ollowing. At

    Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700

    E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

    14 p.m. K Mg Wmns Sf

    Dfns Css

    Chris Masaoka at [email protected]

    or 425-736-6019 or

    Learn rape prevention techniques and tactics, ho

    to spot danger signs, and how to be deensive wh

    no danger signs are given. Seminar is or wom

    only, age 16-plus. Participants under 18 must ha

    a parent present. $100. At Krav Maga Eastside LL

    13433 NE 20th St., Bellevue.

    Have you visited tHe online JewisH community calendar?

    Find it at!

    ongoing EvEntS

    Event names, locations, and times are provided

    here or ongoing weekly events. Please visit or descriptions and contact



    9:3010:30 .m. SJCC Tt Sbbt

    Stroum Jewish Community Center

    11 .m.12 p.m. Tts Wcmng Sbbt

    Temple Bnai Torah

    12:303:30 p.m. Bdg Gp

    Stroum JCC

    12:303:30 p.m. Dp-n M Jngg

    Stroum JCC


    910:30 .m. Tmp Bn T adt

    T Std

    Temple Bnai Torah

    9:45 .m. BCMh yt Scs


    10 .m. Mnng yt Pgm

    Congregation Ezra Bessaroth

    1 p.m. Kbb Css

    Temple Bnai Torah

    5 p.m. T rmcs Dc hsm,

    Pt fm t a t Mdnt

    Congregation Beth HaAri6 p.m. at uBnm

    Seattle Kollel (BCMH portable)


    910:30 .m. ace tlm

    Seattle Kollel

    10:15 .m. Snd T Std

    Congregation Beth Shalom

    7:3010:30 p.m. ha is Dncng

    Danceland Ballroom (call to conrm)

    8 p.m. rbb Fnd vd S

    Seattle Kollel


    10 .m. 2 p.m. JCC Sns Gp

    Stroum JCC

    12:30 p.m. Cffn f t S

    Chabad o the Central Cascades

    7 p.m. CSa Mnd Ngt Csss

    Congregation Shevet Achim

    78 p.m. en yk n engs

    Congregation Shaarei Telah Lubavitch

    7:458:45 p.m. F Wmn onCongregation Shaarei Telah Lubavitch

    810 p.m. Wmns is Dnc Css

    The Seattle Kollel

    8:30 p.m. Tmd, ys-St

    Eastside Torah Center


    11 .m.12 p.m. Mmm nd M Pgm

    Chabad o the Central Cascades

    126 p.m. Ks Gdn Ft Stnd

    Stroum JCC

    7 p.m. accs annms Mtngs

    Jewish Family Service

    7 p.m. Tn Cnt


    7:30 p.m. Wk rnd Tb

    Kbb Css

    Eastside Torah Center


    7 p.m. Bgnnng is Dncng f

    adts wt rn Fdmn

    Congregation Beth Shalom

    79 p.m. Tn lng f Mdd ScsBCMH

    7:30 p.m. Pss hs

    Eastside Torah Center


    10 .m.2 p.m. JCC Sns Gp

    Stroum JCC

    121 p.m. lnc nd ln

    Seattle Kollel (Island Crust Ca)

    6:507:50 p.m. intdctn t hbw

    Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation

    7 p.m. Jn Tn Cnt


    89 p.m. rbb Mns vd S

    Seattle Kollel

    810 p.m. Tn lng f hg Scs


    12 communiTy calendar JTn . www.JTnews.neT . friday, augusT 10, 201


    Become a fan > jtnews

    Tweet with us > jew_ish

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    friday, augusT 10, 2012 . www.JTnews.neT . JTn communiTy calendar 1


    ( Same as last year)





    Day Phone



    Call Becky for assistance or to charge your greeting

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    Email:[email protected]


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    5% Discount Deadline: August 28





    Order tOday & savetheres nO better way tO greet family & friends fOr the new year than with

    a persOnalized greeting in Our rOsh hashanah issue. a v o o,

    ro h o co! O o ro h a 28

    5% co. Co 1-2-3 o ck o Jtn o o.

    O c bck o c o o: 206-774-2238.

    new year publiCatiOn date is sept. 14!



    Give us your E-mail address

    for a $5 discount

    ____ LShanah Tova____ A Good & Sweet Year!____ New Years Greetings!____ Happy New Year!____ LShanah Tova (in Hebrew)


    Print your short messageand/or names here:

    quarter page


    $593 box

    $1508 box


    6 box

    $392 box

    $965 box

    $764 boxCheck the

    size greetingyou want.




    rOsh hashanah greetings

    Sunday12 auguSt24 p.m. SJFF/SJCC Bst f Fst: M

    l Sst

    Roni Antebi at [email protected] or

    206-232-7115 or www.sjcc.orgBlending Sephardic superstition, magical realism

    and an Eastern-favored score, this lm about

    the sibling rivalry and reconciliation is based on

    a Moroccan Jewish olktale. $8, $6/seniors and

    youth. At the Stroum Jewish Community Center,

    3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

    7 p.m. rb emc nd t Cssdc

    lgc f Btd

    Rabbi Avrohom David at

    [email protected] or 206-722-8289 or

    Documentary detailing the rise o the Chassidic

    movement, Reb Elimelech MLizhensk and the

    outcome o his doctrine o seeing the good in

    others. Producer and director Rabbi Hanoch Teller

    will be in attendance. $10. At The Seattle Kollel,

    5305 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.

    tuESday14 auguSt78:30 p.m. T Fs f Mg

    eqt: Spt, lg nd Pscgc

    Leonid Orlov at [email protected] or

    206-861-8784 or

    Get the scoop rom Rabbi Aaron Meyer, attorney

    Shelly Crocker and therapist Larry Nicholas over

    kosher ice cream. Financial assistance available.

    $7/person, $10/couple. At Jewish Family Service,

    1601 16th Ave., Seattle.


    710 p.m. Mg eqt intft Fm Jennier Fliss at [email protected]

    or 425-603-9677 or

    Reerendum 74 is on the November ballot, putting

    the decision to legalize same-sex marriage in the

    hands o the voting public. Religious leaders rom

    the Puget Sound region will participate in a dialogue

    about how their religions support marriage equality.

    Dessert reception to ollow. Free. At Temple Bnai

    Torah, 15727 NE Fourth St., Bellevue.

    thurSday16 auguSt1011:30 .m. Psc Pdt t

    Swd Pk

    SJCS at [email protected] or 206-522-5212

    SJCSs partners at the Seattle Jewish Cooperative

    Playschool will have drop-by play dates at area

    parks throughout the summer. Free. At Seward

    Park, 5902 Lake Washington Blvd. S, Seattle.

    tuESday21 auguSt6:308:30 p.m. JFS 120t ann Mtng

    nd Btd Cbtn

    Leslie Sugiura at [email protected] or

    206-461-3151 or

    Reception with hors doeuvres, wine and beer

    and a dessert buet to celebrate 120 years o

    Jewish Family Service. At Hillel at the University o

    Washington, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle.

    wEdnESday22 auguSt

    2 p.m. Mnt rn Fm Cmpng Tp Josh Lake at [email protected] or

    310-779-7670 or

    Join Torah Trek or a 5-day camping trip (returning

    Aug. 26 ). Hike, explore orests and glaciers, sing,

    bake challah over campre, and observe Shabbat

    under the stars. Geared toward amilies with

    children 5 and up, but all are welcome. $100/day,

    $45/day or children under 16.

    thurSday23 auguSt1011:30 .m. Psc Psc t

    Ckk Pk

    SJCS at [email protected] or 206-522-5212

    SJCSs partners at the Seattle Jewish Cooperative

    Playschool will have drop-by play dates at area

    parks throughout the summer. Free. At Carkeek

    Park, 950 NW Carkeek Park Rd., Seattle.

    10:30 .m.12 p.m. ectn Pm: T

    intt nd rfndm Pcss

    Ellen Hendin at [email protected]

    or 206-861-3183 or

    Katie Blinn, co-director o elections, will give

    an overview o how elections are conducted in

    Washington State and what sets it apart rom other

    states. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1441 16th Ave.,


    Saturday25 auguSt14 p.m. K Mg intdctn Css

    Chris Masaoka at [email protected]

    or 425-736-6019 or

    For beginners or those with past experience wwant to brush up on the basics, and ideal or you

    adults leaving or college in the all. Registratio

    available through $10

    At Krav Maga East side LLC, 13433 NE 20th S


    Sunday26 auguSt10 .m. 2 p.m. St t Ks 14t ann

    Gf Tnmnt

    Rabbi Avrohom David at [email protected]

    or 206-722-8289 or

    No proessional experience necessary. Pri

    includes green ees, awards and prizes, snacks, a

    a morning on the gol course. Hole sponsorshi

    available: $500 or $250 or hal hole. $60, $3

    students. At Foster Gol Links, 13500 Interurb

    Ave., Tukwila.

    8:30 p.m. otd Fm M: B


    Kim Lawson at [email protected] or

    206-232-7115, ext. 267 or

    Bee Movie will screen in the SJCC Kesh

    Community Garden. Bring a lawn chair. Smores w

    be made in the campre area. Free. At the Strou

    JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    14 The arTs JTn . www.JTnews.neT . friday, augusT 10, 201

    Find out how you can be part of KehillaEastsidersCall Lynn at 206-774-2264 or

    E-mail her at [email protected]

    SeattleitesCall Cameron at 206-774-2292 or

    E-mail her at [email protected]

    Kehilla | Our Community

    The Anti-Defamation League is a leader infighting prejudice and protecting civil rights for all.

    Contact us to connect your passion for social justicewith your Jewish roots!

    Email: [email protected] Phone: (206) 448-5349Website:

    Where Judaism and Joy are One


    PNW Region & SeattleChapter [email protected]

    Centennial ConventionCome With Us to Israel!October 15-18, 2012

    Book before Dec. 31st for the best rate.HAPPY PASSOVER The premiere Reform Jewish campingexperience in the Pacific Northwest!

    Join us for an exciting, immersive, andmemorable summer of a lifetime!

    Kol Haneshamah is an intimate

    congregation, open to people of

    different backgrounds and traditions.

    We meet twice a month at Alki UCC

    in West Seattle.

    6115 SW Hinds St., Seattle 98116E-mail: [email protected]:

    Visit us at

    (206) 232-5272






    High School

    Temple De Hirsch Sinaiis the leading and oldestReform congregation inthe Pacific Northwest.

    With warmth and caring,we embrace all who

    enter through our doors.We invite you to share

    our past, and helpshape our future.

    1511 East Pike St. Seattle, WA 981223850 156th Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006

    Gary S. Cohn, Regional DirectorJack J. Kadesh, Regional Director Emeritus

    415-398-7117 [email protected]

    American Technion North Pacific Region on Facebook

    @gary4technion on Twitter

    Discover, Experience, Embrace

    ISRAELthe journey of a lifetime

    ALEXANDER MUSS HIGH SCHOOL IN ISRAELJudy Cohen, Director of Admissions

    [email protected] 206-829-9853

    Yossi Mentz, Regional Director6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 650

    Los Angeles, CA t Tel: 323-655-4655Toll Free: 800-323-2371

    [email protected]

    Yossi Mentz, Regional Director6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 650

    Los Angeles, CA t Tel: 323-655-4655Toll Free: 800-323-2371

    [email protected]

    Saving Lives in Israel

    Saturday, August 11 at 7 p.m.

    Kte Bontein

    autho event

    Returning to her old stomping ground on Capitol Hill, Kate

    Bornstein will discuss and read from her new book, Queer

    and Pleasant Danger. Born a man, she served as lieuten-

    ant on the flagship vessel in the Church of Scientologys

    fleet. Now, shes a lesbian playwright, best known for her

    activism, writing, and witty performances, challengingpeople to re-examine their assumptions about gender. Her

    newest book is an account of the wild, weird, and terrible

    things that happened to her along the way.

    At Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave., Seattle. For more information, call


    Tuesday, August 14 at 7 p.m.

    Jewih at sybology peenttion

    at lectue

    The study of Jewish Art since the 1800s has been

    dedicated to collecting, explaining, and preserving

    art works without digging too deeply or attempting

    to decipher the symbols behind them until re-

    cently. Many questions are now being asked: Are these symbols recognizable?

    What is the history behind them? Were these symbols always Jewish?This lecture is about the basics of Hebrew symbols and the Jewish people as art-

    ists. Be part of this informative and thought-provoking lecture by Andrea Diaz, an

    independent Jewish art historian who has worked in this field for five years.

    At Hillel at the University of Washington, 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle. For more in-

    formation, visit or contact Andrea Diaz at [email protected].

  • 7/31/2019 JTNews | August 10, 2012


    friday, augusT 10, 2012 . www.JTnews.neT . JTn The arTs 1


    Jewish Family Service

    Individual, couple, child and family therapy


    [email protected]

    www.jsseattle.orgExpertise with lie transitions, addiction and

    recovery, relationships and personal challenges

    all in a cultural context. Licensed therapists;

    lexible day or evening appointments; sliding ee

    scale; most insurance plans.


    Toni Calvo Waldbaum, DDS

    Richard Calvo, DDS


    [email protected]

    Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry

    Designing beautiul smiles by Calvo

    207 SW 156th St., #4, Seattle

    B. Robert Cohanim, DDS, MS

    Orthodontics for Adults and Children 206-322-7223 Premier Provider. On First Hill

    across rom Swedish Hospital.

    Warren J. Libman, D.D.S., M.S.D.


    www.libmandds.comCertied Specialist in Prosthodontics:

    Restorative Reconstructive

    Cosmetic Dentistry

    14595 Bel Red Rd. #100, Bellevue

    Arnold S. Reich, D.M.D.


    www.drareich.comJust off 405 in N. Renton Gentle Care

    Family Preventive Cosmetic Dentistry

    Ca Gis

    HomeCare Associates

    A program of Jewish Family Service


    www.homecareassoc.orgProvides personal care, assistance with

    daily activities, medication reminders,

    light housekeeping, meal preparation and

    companionship to older adults living at

    home or in assisted-living acilities.

    Ctifd PblicAcctats

    Dennis B. Goldstein & Assoc., CPAs, PS

    Tax Preparation & Consulting


    F 425-455-0459

    [email protected]

    Newman Dierst Hales, PLLC

    Nolan A. Newman, CPA


    [email protected]

    www.ndhaccountants.comTax Accounting Healthcare Consulting

    Cllg Plact

    College Placement Consultants


    [email protected]

    www.collegeplacementconsultants.comPauline B. Reiter, Ph.D.

    Expert help with undergraduate and

    graduate college selection,applications and essays.

    40 Lake Bellevue, #100, Bellevue 98005

    Linda Jacobs & Associates

    College Placement Services


    [email protected]

    Successully matching student

    and school. Seattle.

    Cllg Plaig

    Albert Israel, CFP

    College Financial Aid Consultant


    [email protected]

    Learn strategies that can deliver more aid.

    Pia Lsss

    Brittany Kohl


    [email protected]

    Mercer Island private piano lessons.

    Accompanying and performance.

    All ages, all stages. Levels from beginn

    to advanced. To schedule an interview

    and lesson, phone, e-mail or visit


    Si Sics

    Hyatt Home Care Services

    Live-in and Hourly Care


    www.hyatthomecare.comProviding adults with personal care,

    medication reminders, meal preparation

    errands, household chores, pet care

    and companionship.

    Jewish Family Service


    www.jsseattle.orgComprehensive geriatric care manage-

    ment and support services or seniors

    and their amilies. Expertise with in-hom

    assessments, residential placement, am

    ily dynamics and on-going case manag

    ment. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity

    The Summit at First Hill


    The only Jewish retirement community ithe state o Washington oers transition

    assessment and planning or individuals

    looking to downsize or be part o an acti

    community o peers. Multi-disciplinary

    proessionals with depth o experience

    available or consultation.

    Dtists (continued)

    Michael Spektor, D.D.S.


    [email protected]

    www.spektordental.comSpecializing in periodontics, dental

    implants, and cosmetic gum therapy.


    Wendy Shultz Spektor, D.D.S.


    [email protected]

    www.spektordental.comEmphasis: Cosmetic and Preventive

    Dentistry Convenient location in Bellevue

    Fiacial Sics

    Hamrick Investment Counsel, LLC

    Roy A. Hamrick, CFA


    [email protected]

    www.hamrickinvestment.comProessional portolio management

    services or individuals, oundations and

    nonprot organizations.

    Solomon M. Karmel, Ph.D

    First Allied Securities

    425-454-2285 x 1080

    www.hedgingstrategist.comRetirement, stocks, bonds, college,

    annuities, business 401Ks.

    Fal/Bial Sics

    Congregation Beth Shalom Cemetery


    [email protected]

    This beautiul cemetery is available to the

    Jewish community and is located just

    north o Seattle.

    Hills of Eternity Cemetery

    Owned and operated by Temple De Hirsch Sinai


    Serving the greater Seattle Jewish

    community. Jewish cemetery open to all

    pre-need and at-need services. Affordable

    rates Planning assistance.

    Queen Anne, Seattle

    Hspic Sics

    Kline Galland Hospice


    [email protected]


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