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  • 8/13/2019 Jp Handbook 2014


    A handbook for

    Justices of the Peace

    in New South Wales

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    State of New South Wales through the Department of Attorney General & Justice 2011.

    You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with this work for any

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    owner. However, you must obtain permission if you wish to (a) charge others for access to

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    This document has been prepared by the Department of Attorney General & Justice for

    general information purposes. While every care has been taken in relation to its accuracy, no

    warranty is given or implied. Further, recipients should obtain their own independent advice

    before making any decisions that rely on this information.

    This information is available on the website and can be provided in

    alternative formats such as Braille, audiotape, large print or computer disk.

    For alternative formats, contact:

    Community Relations Unit

    Phone: (02) 8688 7586

    TTY: (02) 8688 7733 (for people who are deaf or have a speech impairment)

    Email: [email protected]

    Published Sydney October 2009 Fourth Edition

    Reprinted with amendments June 2011

    ISBN 978-1-921301-80-3

    "... I will do right to all manner of people, after the laws and

    usages of the State of New South Wales, without fear or

    favour, affection, or ill-will."

    Extract from the Oaths of Office for appointment

    as a Justice of the Peace in NSW

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    Section 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................3

    1.1 Your role as a Justice of the Peace .........................................................................................4

    1.2 Your obligations as a Justice of the Peace ..........................................................................4

    Section 2 Performing your duties as a Justice of the Peace.............................. 5

    2.1 Witnessing the signing of a document..................................................................................6

    2.2 Witnessing a statutory declaration..........................................................................................9

    2.3 Witnessing an affidavit ................................................................................................................16

    2.4 Witnessing an affidavit of a person who does not speak English.........................21

    2.5 Checking or certifying identification requirements........................................................25

    2.6 Certifying copies of original documents .............................................................................26

    2.7 Using the title of Justice of the Peace.................................................................................28

    2.8 Using a stamp .................................................................................................................................28

    2.9 Dealing with requests for Justice of the Peace services ............................................29

    2.10 Checking a person's identity ...................................................................................................29

    Section 3 Important information about your appointment................................ 31

    3.1 Justices of the Peace register .................................................................................................32

    3.2 Notifying changes in your name, address or contact details...................................32

    3.3 Your term of appointment ..........................................................................................................33

    3.4 Code of Conduct for Justices of the Peace .....................................................................34

    3.5 Review of appointment and removal from office...........................................................34

    Glossary ..........................................................................................................................................................37

    Appendix .........................................................................................................................................................38

    Code of Conduct for Justices of the Peace in NSW ................................................................38

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    About this handbook

    This handbook is a guide for Justices of the Peace (JPs) in New South Wales

    (NSW). It constitutes the guidelines issued for the purpose of section 8 of the

    Justices of the Peace Act 2002(the Act).The handbook is written to help you, in your role as a JP, to understand

    the duties of a JP and to carry out those duties in a proper and responsible


    The handbook also clarifies your other obligations, such as informing the

    Department of Attorney General & Justice of any change in your contact

    details and about matters that might affect your appointment.

    Using this handbook

    You must read this handbook before starting any duties as a JP. Failure

    to follow correct procedures when undertaking JP duties may cause your

    appointment to be reviewed.

    The latest information and any updates to this handbook will be available at

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    This section provides an overview of your appointment,

    obligations and role as a Justice of the Peace in

    New South Wales.

    Section 1


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    1 IntroductionCongratulations on your appointment as a Justice of the Peace (JP) in New South Wales

    (NSW). You have been appointed as a JP by the Governor of NSW under the Justices of the

    Peace Act 2002. You can access a copy of the Act by going to the website

    Your appointment is for a term of five years. You may apply for reappointment if there is a

    continuing need for your appointment. An application for reappointment may be lodged from 12

    months before the end of your term. The expiry date of your current term is listed on your letter

    of appointment.

    Other important information about your appointment is in Section 3of this handbook.

    Some JPs carry out their functions as part of the duties of their employment, while other JPs

    serve members of the community on a voluntary basis. No matter which type of JP you are,

    thank you for becoming a JP and for serving the people of NSW in the years ahead.

    1.1 Your role as a Justice of the Peace

    As a JP, you play an essential part in the legal system and in the community in NSW.

    The two main functions of a JP are to witness the signing of documents such as affidavits and

    statutory declarations, and to certify copies of documents. Some of these documents may be

    required in court proceedings. Other documents may be needed for people to access benefits or

    to meet their legal responsibilities.

    You must understand how to carry out each function of a JP correctly. To help you in your role as

    a JP, read this handbook and keep it near you when you act as a JP.

    The functions of a JP are detailed in Section 2of this handbook.

    1.2 Your obligations as a Justice of the Peace

    Your appointment as a JP means that you are trusted to be honest and careful, every time you

    carry out your functions as a JP.

    As a JP, you have a duty of carein relation to the documents you witness or certify. This means

    you have a legal obligation to follow correct procedure when acting as a JP, in order to avoid

    your actions causing harm to another person. For example, a person who suffers a financial lossbecause a JP did not follow the correct procedure for witnessing the signing of a document may

    have cause to take legal action against the JP.

    Following the advice in this handbook will help you to meet your duty of care to others in the


    Your appointment as a JP is also subject to the Code of Conduct for Justices of the

    Peace in NSW.The Code of Conduct explains the acceptable standards of conduct for

    JPs. You must understand and comply with the Code of Conduct. Failure to comply may

    mean that your appointment as a JP is reviewed.

    A copy of the Code of Conduct for JPs in NSW is provided at the back of thishandbook.

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    Section 2

    Performing your duties as a

    Justice of the Peace

    This section describes the duties of a Justice of the Peace

    and provides recommended step-by-step procedures for

    carrying out each duty.

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    2 Performing your duties as a Justice of the Peace

    It is important that you use a standard procedure when witnessing or certifying documents

    as a JP, and that you use the same procedure every time.

    This is particularly important if you are asked later about a specific document which you witnessed

    or certified. For example, you may be asked to give evidence in court about the signing of a

    document. You may not be able to remember every document you have witnessed. However

    if you use the same procedure every time, you can truthfully describe how you witness every

    document, even if you cannot remember the specific document in question.

    2.1 Witnessing the signing of a document

    As a JP, you may be asked to act as a witness when a person signs a document. The person whosigns the document is called the signatory.

    The purpose of your role as a witness is to provide independent verification that the signatory

    signed the document himself or herself. This independent verification may be very important to

    a court, a government agency or a business in deciding whether or not to accept the document

    as genuine.

    For this reason, it is essential that you only witness a document after you have actually seen the

    person sign the document in front of you. You must never act as witness to a document which

    has already been signed when it is brought to you.

    The types of documents you may be asked to witness include: Seniors Card applications

    divorce applications

    immigration forms

    insurance documents

    documents issued by interstate and international authorities.

    The above is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other types of documents you may be

    asked to witness.

    Step-by-step procedure

    Step 1: Check if a JP can witness the document

    The document will usually list the categories of people who can witness it. You must check if a

    JP is included. For example, a document for use overseas may require a Notary Public to witness

    it instead of a JP. If a JP is not listed, you should explain to the person who has asked you to

    witness it that you cannot do so.

    A Notary Public is a public officer, usually a practising solicitor or attorney, who is appointed

    by a state or territory Supreme Court. A Notary Public has statutory powers to witness

    documents, administer oaths, and perform other administrative functions of a national and

    international nature. Information about locating a Notary Public is available on the

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    If the document is not a statutory declaration (like the ones on pages 13 to 15) or an affidavit (like

    the one on pages 19 and 20), the top of the document will usually indicate the law under which

    the document is required. If the document is a form required by a government or business agency,

    it will have the agencys name and other details on the form. If no such details are stated, or there

    is no indication that a JP is required to witness the document, you should ask the signatory toexplain why he or she believes it needs to be witnessed by a JP. Note that some documents only

    require the witness to be an independent adult, rather than a JP. If you witness these types of

    documents, you should not sign as a JP.

    Step 2: Confirm the name and signatory match, and ask for proof of identity if


    The person signing the document must be the same person named in the document. A person

    cannot sign a document on behalf of another person.

    You must ask for proof of identity:

    if you are not satisfied about the identity of the person intending to be the signatory, or if proof of identity is a requirement of the document you have been asked to witness.

    You can accept any form of photo identification, unless the document requires a particular form

    of identification. For example, the document may require you to sight the signatorys passport or

    citizenship certificate.

    If the signatory has no photo identification, and you are not satisfied about his or her identity, you

    must decline to witness the document.

    Step 3: Look for any special requirements

    You must check if the document has any special requirements before you witness it. Examples of

    special requirements may include that you:

    know the signatory personally

    check the signatorys identity

    confirm the signatorys Australian residency status.

    Step 4: Look for any alterations or omissions

    While you do not need to read the content of the document in detail, you must check the document

    for any irregularities.

    Both you and the signatory must write your initials next to any alteration or omission on the

    document. If you find that a part of the document has been left blank, you should suggest thesignatory complete that part, if it is relevant. If it is not relevant, the part of the document left blank

    must be crossed out. This can be done by drawing separate straight lines at the top and bottom

    ends of the blank space and then drawing a line from the top right hand side to the bottom left

    hand side to create a Z over the blank area of the page.

    Step 5: Check if the person understands

    Before witnessing a persons signature to a document, always ask if he or she has read the

    document and fully understands the nature and purpose of the document. You can do this by

    asking open-ended questions such as What kind of document is it? or Do you know what it

    means? etc.

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    Step 6: See the person sign the document in front of you

    The signatory must sign the document in front of you. If there is more than one place on the

    document that requires signing, you must witness each signature separately. You must never


    a document which was already signed when it was brought to you, or

    a blank or partially-completed document, for the signatory to complete or sign later.

    Step 7: Sign and print your full name, JP registration number and other details

    After you have seen the signatory sign the document, you must immediately sign and add your

    full name and your JP registration number in the space provided.

    Some documents may ask you also to provide additional information such as your address.

    Frequently asked questions

    Do I have to read the contents of each document I witness?

    You are not required to read the contents of the document in detail. However you will need to look

    through the document in order to carry out the procedure outlined above.

    Is it necessary for me to keep a copy of documents I have witnessed?

    No, you cannot keep a copy. It is not necessary or appropriate for you to do so.

    What if I cannot comply with a requirement set out in the document?

    If you cannot meet a particular requirement about witnessing the document, you must decline

    to witness the document. For example, citizenship applications require you to have known the

    signatory for a specified period of time. If you have not known the signatory for the specified

    period of time, you must decline to witness the document.

    Can I leave out some details required by a document, such as my address?

    No, you must provide all the information required by the document. If the document requires

    details which you do not have, you should decline to witness the document.

    If the document requires your street address, and you hold reasonable fears about the privacy or

    security of that information if it were recorded on the document being witnessed, you may declineto witness the document. However this would be an exceptional circumstance and it is important

    to note that the Code of Conduct for JPs requires that you do not unreasonably refuse to provide

    JP services.

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    2.2 Witnessing a statutory declaration

    As a JP, you may be asked to witness another person making a statutory declaration.

    A statutory declaration is a written statement declaring that the information provided is trueand correct. The person who makes the statutory declaration is called the declarant. There

    are penalties for a declarant who makes a false declaration.

    Many government departments, statutory authorities and businesses require information to be

    provided by way of a statutory declaration. Some laws specifically require that information be

    provided by way of a statutory declaration.

    Note that it is an offence for a person to take or receive a statutory declaration if he or she is

    not authorised to do so. This applies to a JP who has not yet taken the oaths of office, whose

    appointment has lapsed, who has resigned or who has been removed from office.

    Step-by-step procedure

    Step 1: Check you are satisfied as to the declarants identity

    You must be satisfied that the person preparing to sign is the same person whose name appears

    at the start of the statutory declaration. If you are not satisfied, you must ask to see an identity

    document. You can accept any form of photo identification, unless a particular form of identification

    is specified. You should not proceed to witness the statutory declaration if you are not satisfied

    about the person's identity.

    Step 2: Check the correct format

    You must check that the statutory declaration is in the correct format. The standard wording and

    format of a statutory declaration is important because it is set under legislation which provides

    that a declarant is liable to a penalty if he or she makes a false declaration.

    The standard wording of a NSW statutory declaration is prescribed by the Oaths Act 1900.

    The standard wording of the Commonwealth statutory declaration is prescribed by the Statutory

    Declarations Act 1959(Cwth).

    You should familiarise yourself with the examples of statutory declaration forms shown

    on pages 13 to 15.

    Although statutory declarations come in differing forms, they all include similar text at the start

    of the statutory declaration and at the end. You must not witness a form that is not correctly setout or if it is blank. You should note that the Commonwealth statutory declaration requires your

    address. This can be a postal or business address but not an email address.

    Step 3: Look for any annexures

    An annexure is an attachment of additional pages. If an annexure is included it must be referred

    to in the statutory declaration.

    If there is more than one annexure, they must all be marked in alphabetical order, for example,

    Annexure A, Annexure B and Annexure C. The alphabetical marking can be placed in a

    conspicuous position on the annexure, for instance at the top of the page.

    Changes to the law from 30 April 2012, mean thatNSW JPs must take additional steps to confirm theidentity of a person making a NSW statutorydeclaration or affidavit. Please refer to Ruling 003 atthe end of this handbook.

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    For an annexure which is only one page, the following statement must be included on the


    This is the annexure marked [insert A, or B or Cetc as appropriate] referred to in the

    statutory declaration of [insert name of declarant], declared before me this [insert date] day of

    [insert month, year]. [insert your signature, full name and JP registration number]

    For an annexure which is more than one page, the following statement must be included on the

    firstpage of the annexure:

    This and the following [insert number of pages] pages is the annexure marked [insert A,

    or B or C etc as appropriate] referred to in the statutory declaration of [insert name of

    declarant], declared before me this [insert date] day of [insert month, year].

    [insert your signature, full name and JP registration number]

    The above statement should preferably be placed at the bottom of the first page of the annexure

    if the space allows it. The statement should not deface or obscure the contents of the annexure.

    If the above statement has not been included on an annexure to a statutory declaration you have

    been asked to witness, it must be placed on the annexure before you witness it. It is sufficient if

    the statement is written by hand.

    Step 4: Look for any alterations, erasures and blank spaces

    You must never sign a blank statutory declaration. You must ensure that the declarant has filled in

    the space for the declaration and his or her details.

    If there are any alterations on the statutory declaration, both you and the declarant must write

    your initials next to each alteration.

    Any blank space at the end of the statutory declaration should be crossed out. This may be done

    by drawing separate lines at the top and bottom ends of the blank space and then drawing a line

    from the top right hand side to the bottom left hand side to create a Z over the blank area of the


    Step 5: Warn the declarant

    You must warn the declarant that there are penalties for making a false declaration. Under both NSW

    and Commonwealth laws, the penalties for making a false declaration include imprisonment.

    Step 6: Check the declarant understands

    You must ask the declarant if he or she understands the contents of the statutory declaration. If

    he or she does not understand, or is not familiar with the contents of the statutory declaration,

    you must decline to witness it.

    If the declarant has a visual impairment or cannot read, you must read the entire document aloud

    to the declarant.

    You can explain to the declarant that the contents of the document will remain confidential but you

    have to read it aloud to be sure that he or she understands and agrees with it.

    Step 7: Ask the declarant to declare the contents are true and correct

    You must ask the declarant the following question:

    Do you declare the contents of this declaration to be true and correct, to the best of your

    knowledge and belief?

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    Step 8: Watch the declarant sign the statutory declaration in front of you

    If the declarant has agreed that the contents are true and correct, ask the declarant to sign the

    statutory declaration. He or she must sign it in your presence.

    If the declarant is unable to sign because he or she has a visual impairment or is illiterate, ask the

    person to make a mark on the document. After the person has made the mark:

    insert the following information around the mark


    [insert the declarants first name] X [insert the declarants last name]


    include the following certification at the end of the document

    I have read the contents of the document to [insert name of the declarant] and he/she

    appeared to me to understand the contents of the statutory declaration, and he/she placed

    his/her signature / mark on the document in my presence.

    If the declarant is unable to sign or make a mark on the statutory declaration due to a motor or

    physical disability, write the following certification at the end of the document:

    I certify that [insert full name of declarant] agrees with the contents of this document but is

    physically unable to sign or make a mark.

    Step 9: Sign and print your full name, JP registration number and other details

    After you have seen the declarant sign or make a mark on the statutory declaration, you must

    immediately sign, print your full name, your qualification (JP), and your JP registration number in

    the space provided.

    You must also include any additional information requested on the form, such as an address.

    A Commonwealth statutory declaration requires your address. This can be a postal address orbusiness address, but not an email address.

    Frequently asked questions

    Who can witness a NSW statutory declaration?

    A NSW statutory declaration in the forms shown on pages 13 and 14of this handbook can be

    witnessed by:

    a Justice of the Peace

    an Australian legal practitioner

    a Notary Public

    a commissioner of the court for taking affidavits

    any other person authorised by law to administer an oath.

    Who can witness a Commonwealth statutory declaration?

    The list of people who can witness a Commonwealth statutory declaration is provided with the

    Commonwealth statutory declaration form. A NSW JP is included on that list.

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    Should I witness a persons statement or claim that is not in the form of a statutory


    Your role is limited to legal and other official documents that require a JP to act as a witness. You

    should not witness documents as a JP which are not correctly set out, or agree to sign personal

    statements or claims made by a person, simply because the person asks you to do so.

    Can I witness any documents while I am outside of NSW?

    No, you must be physically present in NSW to exercise your functions as a JP for NSW. You are

    not authorised to act as a JP for NSW while you are in another state, territory or country.

    The Oaths Act 1900provides that an oath declaration or affidavit made outside of NSW may

    be taken before any person who has authority to administer an oath or affidavit in that place or


    Can I leave out some required details, such as my address?

    No, you must provide all the information required by the document. If the document requires

    details which you do not have, you should decline to witness the document.

    If the document requires a street address, and you hold reasonable fears about the privacy or

    security of that information if it were recorded on the document being witnessed, you may decline

    to witness the document. However this would be an exceptional circumstance and it is important

    to note that the Code of Conduct for JPs requires that you do not unreasonably refuse to provide

    JP services.

    Can I witness interstate and overseas documents as a NSW JP?

    As your appointment as a JP is made under NSW legislation, your role and authority is generally

    applicable to NSW and Commonwealth documents. However you may witness a document for

    use interstate or overseas if the particular document specifically allows it. This means that you

    must first check to see if a NSW JP is permitted to act as a witness for that particular document,before proceeding to act as witness. When signing a document for use interstate or overseas, you

    may sign: Justice of the Peace in and for the State of New South Wales, Australia.

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    This is example 1of the format of a NSW statutory declaration form

    Statutory Declaration

    OATHS ACT 1900, NSW, EIGHTH SCHEDULE____________________

    I, ..........................................................................................................................

    do solemnly and sincerely declare that, ................................................................













    and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true,

    and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act 1900.

    Declared at: .................................................. on ................................................

    [place] [date]

    in the presence of:

    ........................................................... ..........................................................[Signature of witness] [Signature of declarant]

    ...........................................................[Name of witness]

    ...........................................................[Qualification of witness] Justice of the Peace, Australian legal practitioner, other(specify)

    JPs must include

    their full name and

    registration number in

    this section

    The declarant must

    enter his or her name

    and address here

    The declarant must

    enter his or her

    statements here

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    This is example 2of the format of a NSW statutory declaration form

    Statutory Declaration

    OATHS ACT 1900, NSW, NINTH SCHEDULE____________________

    I, ..........................................................................................................................

    do hereby solemnly declare and affirm that, .........................................................












    And I make this solemn declaration, as to the matter (or matters) aforesaid,

    according to the law in this behalf madeand subject to the punishment by law

    provided for any wilfully false statement in any such declaration.

    Declared at: .................................................. on ................................................

    [place] [date]

    in the presence of:

    ........................................................... ..........................................................[Signature of witness] [Signature of declarant]

    ...........................................................[Name of witness]

    ...........................................................[Qualification of witness] Justice of the Peace, Australian legal practitioner, other(specify)

    JPs must include

    their full name and

    registration number in

    this section

    The declarant must

    enter his or her name

    and address here

    The declarant must

    enter his or her

    statements here

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    This is an example of the format of a Commonwealth statutory declaration

    Commonwealth of Australia

    STATUTORY DECLARATIONStatutory Declarations Act 1959

    1 Insert the name,

    address and occupation

    of person making the



    make the following declaration under the Statutory Declarations

    Act 1959:

    2 Set out matter declared

    to in numbered



    I understand that a person who intentionally makes a false

    statement in a statutory declaration is guilty of an offence under

    section 11 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959, and I believe that

    the statements in this declaration are true in every particular.

    3 Signature of person

    making the declaration


    4 Place

    5 Day

    6 Month and year

    Declared at 4 on 5 of 6

    Before me,

    7 Signature of person

    before whom the

    declaration is made (see



    8 Full name, qualification

    and address of person

    before whom the

    declaration is made (in

    printed letters)


    Note 1A person who intentionally makes a false statement in a statutory declaration

    is guilty of an offence, the punishment for which is imprisonment for a term of

    4 years see section 11 of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.

    Note 2Chapter 2 of theCriminal Codeapplies to all offences against theStatutory

    Declarations Act 1959 see section 5A of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959.

    JPs must include

    their full name and

    registration number in

    this section

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    2.3 Witnessing an affidavit

    An affidavit is a written statement for use as evidence in court proceedings. The person who

    makes an affidavit is called the deponent. When witnessing an affidavit, a JP must hear the

    deponent take an oath or affirmation.

    An oath is a form of words spoken by a person to promise that he or she is telling the truth.

    An oath refers to the God recognised by the religion of the person swearing the oath.

    An affirmationhas the same legal effect as an oath, but does not refer to God. Any person may

    choose to take an affirmation instead of an oath.

    After the deponent takes the oath or affirmation, the deponent and the JP complete the section

    at the end of the affidavit. This section is called thejurat.

    Step-by-step procedure

    Step 1: Check you are satisfied as to the deponents identity

    You must be satisfied that the person preparing to sign is the same person whose name appears at

    the start of the affidavit. If you are not satisfied, you must ask to see an identity document. You can

    accept any form of photo identification, unless a particular form of identification is specified. You

    should not proceed to witness the affidavit if you are not satisfied about the person's identity.

    Step 2: Ask the deponent to choose either an oath or affirmation

    When a person contacts you about witnessing an affidavit, it is a good idea to ask if he or she

    chooses to take an oath or an affirmation. If the deponent wants to take an oath, the deponentmay wish to bring the holy book appropriate to his/her religion and beliefs. However it is not

    necessary for a holy book or religious text to be used in taking an oath.

    Step 3: Check the correct format of the affidavit

    You must check that the affidavit is in the correct format. You should become familiar with the

    example on pages 19 to 20 of this handbook.

    An affidavit usually has the court details at the top and the filing details at the bottom of the first

    page. The deponents statement also starts on the first page and may continue on second and

    subsequent pages.

    Step 4: Look for any alterations, erasures and blank spaces

    While you do not need to read the content of the affidavit in detail, you must check it for

    completeness and for any alterations or erasures. You must never sign an affidavit that does not

    contain the deponent's statements, in other words, that is blank.

    If there are alterations or erasures on the affidavit, both you and the deponent must place your

    initials next to the alterations or erasures.

    If there is any blank space left at the end of the deponent's statements, you must place a line

    through the blank space, to ensure that additional words cannot be inserted after you have

    witnessed the affidavit. This can be done by drawing separate straight lines at the top and bottom

    ends of the blank space and then drawing a line from the top right hand side to the bottom left

    hand side to create a Z over the blank area of the page.

    Changes to the law from 30 April 2012, mean thatNSW JPs must take additional steps to confirm theidentity of a person making a NSW statutorydeclaration or affidavit. Please refer to Ruling 003 atthe end of this handbook.

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    Step 5: Look for any annexures

    An annexure is an attachment of additional pages. If an annexure is included it must be referred to

    in the affidavit. If there is more than one annexure, they must all be marked in alphabetical order,

    for example, Annexure A, Annexure B and Annexure C. The alphabetical marking can be

    placed in a conspicuous position on the annexure, for instance at the top of the page.

    For an annexure which is only one page, the following statement must be included on the


    This is the annexure marked [insert A, or B or C etc as appropriate] referred to in the affidavit

    of [insert name of deponent], declared before me this [insert date] day of [insert month, year].

    [insert your signature, full name and JP registration number]

    For an annexure which is more than one page, the following statement must be included on the

    firstpage of the annexure:

    This and the following [insert number of pages] pages is the annexure marked[insert A, or B or C etc as appropriate] referred to in the affidavit of [insert name

    of deponent], declared before me this [insert date] day of [insert month, year].

    [insert your signature, full name and JP registration number]

    The above statement should preferably be placed at the bottom of the first page of the annexure

    if the space allows it. The statement should not deface or obscure the contents of the annexure.

    Step 6: Check if the deponent understands

    Ask the deponent if he or she understands the contents of the affidavit. You must be satisfied that

    the deponent understands the nature and purpose of the document before the deponent takes

    the oath or affirmation.

    Step 7: Warn the deponent

    You must warn the deponent that it is an offence to swear or affirm a false affidavit.

    Step 8: Ask the deponent to swear the oath or make an affirmation

    The deponent may take the oath by holding a holy book or other religious text in his or her hand.

    In this case he or she may hold the holy book or religious text in either hand while swearing the

    oath. If the deponent chooses to take an oath, whether by using a holy book/religious text, or

    without it, you must ask:

    Do you swear that the contents of this your affidavit are true and correct to the best of yourknowledge and belief?

    The deponent should then swear to the truth of the contents of the document by saying:

    I swear that the affidavit is true, so help me [God, or the name of the god recognised by the

    deponents religion]

    If the deponent chooses to make an affirmation, you must ask:

    Do you solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that the contents of this your affidavit are

    true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief?

    The deponent should then swear to the truth of the contents of the document by saying:

    I do.

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    Step 9: Watch the deponent sign the affidavit in front of you

    After the deponent has sworn an oath or made an affirmation, ask him or her to sign in the space

    provided for the deponent in the jurat. The deponent must sign the affidavit in your presence.

    Step 10: Sign each page of the affidavit with the deponent

    After you have witnessed the deponent sign the jurat of the affidavit, both you and the deponent

    should sign each preceding page of the affidavit. If there are annexures to the affidavit, you must

    complete and sign the statements contained on the firstpage of each annexure to the affidavit. It

    is not necessary for you to sign and date every page of each annexure, unless a particular affidavit

    requires you to.

    Step 11: Sign and print your full name, JP registration number and other details

    After you have seen the deponent sign the affidavit, you must complete the jurat by signing and

    adding your full name, qualification (JP), and JP registration number in the space provided. You

    and the deponent must also sign at the foot of each preceding page of the affidavit.

    Some affidavits may ask you also to provide additional information such as your address.

    Frequently asked questions

    Who can witness an affidavit?

    If the affidavit is made in NSW, it can be witnessed by a NSW JP, or an Australian legal practitioner.

    If the affidavit is made outside NSW, then it may be witnessed by:

    a Notary Public or Public Notary any person who has authority to administer an oath or affidavit in that place or country

    a British Consular Officer or an Australian Consular Officer exercising his or her functions in

    that place or country.

    Where should we sign if the affidavit is more than one page long?

    The deponent, and the JP as witness, must sign each page of the affidavit. The signatures may

    be placed at the bottom of each page. If there is insufficient space at the bottom, then it may be

    placed on the top of the page or at another appropriate place on the page.

    Where is the jurat located on a multiple page affidavit with annexures?

    If the affidavit is more than one page, the jurat will be on the last page of the affidavit, but before

    any annexures. You must place your signature, your full name, your qualification (JP), and your JP

    registration number in the space provided in the jurat.

    How should I witness an affidavit by multiple deponents?

    Where an affidavit is made by two or more deponents, the names of the persons making the

    affidavit should be inserted in the jurat. You must only witness the affidavit of the person or people

    present before you at the time of signing. However, if the affidavit is sworn by both or all the

    deponents at the same time before you, it is sufficient for you to state the following on the affidavit:

    the affidavit has been sworn by each of the abovenamed deponents.

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    This is an exampleof the format of an affidavit

    Page 1 of 2



    On ...............................(insert date and year), I,.........................................................(insert name, address and occupation)




    say on oath/declare and affirm (delete whichever is inapplicable) -

    1. .................................................................................................................................





    Filing Details

    Name: DX:

    Address for service: Telephone:

    Facsimile: Ref:


    Filing and court details

    of the deponent used

    to send/deliver letters

    and documents. Note

    this should not be a

    post office (PO) box.

    Facts or statements

    made by deponent

    Details of deponent

    (person making


    This section lists the

    name of the court,case number, title

    of proceedings and

    the name of the


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    Page 2 of 2


    2. .................................................................................................................................






    3. .................................................................................................................................






    4. .................................................................................................................................






    SWORN/AFFIRMED (delete whichever is inapplicable) at (insert name of place):



    Before me: (witness signs here) (deponent signs here)

    (Justice of the Peace)

    JPs must include

    their full name and

    registration number in

    this section

    Deponentsstatement continued

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    Step 6: Read the affidavit to the deponent

    You must read the affidavit aloud to the deponent, allowing the interpreter to repeat your words

    in the deponents language. It is important that you make sure the deponent understands and

    agrees with the contents of the deponents affidavit. Through the interpreter, you should answer

    any questions the deponent may have about the content of the affidavit.

    Step 7: Warn the deponent

    You must warn the deponent that it is an offence to swear or affirm a false affidavit, and allow the

    interpreter to repeat your words in the deponent's language.

    Step 8: Administer the oath or affirmation to the deponent

    If it is clear the deponent understands and agrees with the content of the affidavit, you must

    administer the oath or affirmation to the deponent by using the wording specified in the procedure

    for witnessing an affidavit on page 17. The deponent must repeat the oath or affirmation in his or

    her own language, and the interpreter must interpret the deponent's response for you.

    Step 9: Ask the interpreter to sign his/her affidavit first

    The interpreter must first sign his/her separate affidavit, confirming that he/she has interpreted the

    contents of the deponents affidavit and oath/affirmation.

    Step 10: Ask the deponent to sign his/her affidavit next

    After the interpreter has signed his/her affidavit, the non-English speaking deponent may sign his/

    her own affidavit.

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    This is an exampleof the format of an affidavit of a person who has interpreted

    the contents of an affidavit sworn by a non-English speaking deponent

    Page 1 of 2



    On .(insert date and year), I, ..................................................(insert name, address and occupation)

    of ..........................................................................................................................

    say on oath/affirm -

    1. I understand the English language and the [ ] language well.

    Filing Details

    Name: DX:

    Address for service: Telephone:

    Facsimile: Ref:


    This section lists the

    name of the court,

    case number, title

    of proceedings and

    the name of the


    Details of the

    interpreter who

    is making this

    interpreter's affidavit

    Filing and court details

    of the deponent used

    to send/deliver letters

    and documents. Note

    this should not be a

    post office (PO) box.

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    Page 2 of 2

    2. I truly interpreted the contents of the affidavit annexed and marked A to

    the deponent (name) and the form of oath/

    affirmation administered to him/her before he/she swore/affirmed the affidavit,

    according to the best of my skill and ability.

    3. The deponent (name) appeared to me to understand

    the contents of the affidavit and the oath/affirmation.

    Sworn/affirmed at ..............................................

    before me:.............................................. ............................................. (Justice of the Peace) (Interpreters signature)

    JPs must include

    their full name and

    registration number in

    this section

    Standard wording

    used on an

    interpreters affidavit

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    2.5 Checking or certifying identification requirements

    In your role as JP, you may be asked to check or certify identification documents for people who

    are making applications under specific Commonwealth and NSW laws. These may include an

    application for benefit payments from a superannuation fund or for the purposes of the statutorydeclaration on a Seniors Card application.

    The requirements may differ from application to application. You must check the instructions in

    each application, to ensure that you comply with the specific requirements.

    Step-by-step procedure

    Step 1: Check the purpose of the application

    It is helpful to understand the purpose of the application and its requirement for checking or

    certification of identification by a JP.

    Step 2: Check if a JP can check or certify the identification

    Look at the information on the application to see if a JP can check or certify the person's

    identification. In addition, you must ensure that you are able to comply with other requirements

    stated on the application before deciding to check or certify it.

    Step 3: Look for the identificationrequirements of the application

    You must check the application and any accompanying information to establish which identification

    documents you are required to check. For example, the application may ask you to confirm a


    identity age

    Australian residency

    NSW address.

    Depending on the requirements, you should ask to see the persons passport, driver licence or

    birth card.

    You must always sight the original identity documents.

    Step 4: Check if there are any specific requirements

    Examples of special requirements may include that you:

    use specific words when certifying, such as This is a true and correct copy of the original

    include your name, address and other details in the certification

    have known the person for 12 months or more.

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    2.6 Certifying copies of original documents

    As a JP, you may be asked to certify a copy of an original document. This requires you to

    check that the copy is identical to the original, as made by a photocopying machine. If you are

    satisfied, you sign a statement on the copy, certifying that it is a true copy of the original.

    A government department, business or other organisation may often accept a certified copy

    instead of the original document. This allows the person to keep his or her original of an important

    document, such as a passport, birth certificate or educational qualification.

    Step-by-step procedure

    Step 1: Check you have a true copy of the original

    You must have in front of you both the original document, and the copy which you are beingasked to certify.

    You must also be satisfied that the copy you certify is a true copy of the original document. You

    can do this by watching the original being copied by a photocopier machine. Alternatively you can

    carefully check the copy against the original. If you cannot be satisfied that it is a true copy, you

    must decline to certify it.

    Step 2: Add your certification and sign

    If you are satisfied that the copy is a true copy of the original document, you may add your

    certification to the copy. An appropriate wording for certifying a single page document is:

    I certify this to be a true copy of the document shown and reported to me as the original [insert your handwritten signature and the date]

    [insert your full name]

    JP for NSW

    [insert your JP registration number]

    You may use a stamp to place the above words on the copy, but your signature must be


    For a document that is more than one page, you may add your certification to the firstpage only,

    and then simply sign or initial each subsequent page. In this case, the certification should read:

    I certify this and the following [insert number of pages] pages (each of which I have signed /

    initialled) to be a true copy of the document shown and reported to me as the original

    [insert your handwritten signature and the date]

    [insert your full name]

    JP for NSW

    [insert your JP registration number]

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    Frequently asked questions

    How do I know if a document is an original?

    An original document is usually clearly different from a photocopy or other reproduction. An

    original may often contain an official logo, seal, stamp or watermark, or may include a handwritten


    However if you are concerned that the document presented to you as an original may have been

    forged or fraudulently amended, you should decline to certify the copy.

    What if I cannot be certain that the copy is a true copy?

    You must never certify a copy if you are not satisfied that it is an exact and true copy of the

    original. For example, if you do not have the original in front of you, or if the original or the copy is

    not clear, you must decline to certify the copy.

    Can I certify an electronic document?

    No, because an electronic document cannot be considered an original document. This includes

    a scanned image, a word processing file or any electronic file format, including files in Portable

    Document Format (PDF). If a person asks you to certify a copy of a document sent to you by

    email, fax or other electronic means, you must decline to certify the copy.

    Can I certify a document if it is in a language I dont understand?

    If you cannot read the language, it may not be possible for you to check that a document is a true

    copy of the original document. However you may observe a copy of the original being made by a

    photocopier machine, in order to satisfy yourself that the copy is a true copy.

    Can I use a printed label or sticker (instead of a stamp) for the purpose of certifying


    No, you must either write the certification words in handwriting or use a stamp. Your signature

    must be handwritten. If you use the appropriate words to certify a multiple-page document (as

    shown in the procedure on the previous page), you can write the certification words on the first

    page only, provided you sign or initial the other pages.

    What if I get a request to certify multiple copies of documents?

    When a person contacts you for the purpose of certifying copies of documents, it is a good idea

    to ask how many pages you will be required to certify. If there are many, you may wish to make

    more than one appointment to certify the documents in batches. Alternatively, you can ask the

    person to make copies of the multiple documents in your presence.

    This information has been updated. Please refer toRuling 002 at the end of this handbook.

    This information has been updated. Please refer toRuling 001 at the end of this handbook.

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    2.7 Using the title of Justice of the Peace

    You can only use the title of Justice of the Peace, the post-nominal initials JP, or your

    JP registration number in relation to your functions as a JP.

    It is not appropriate to use them in situations which do not relate to your functions as a JP. This is

    because the Code of Conductprohibits use of the JP title to advance, or to appear to advance, a

    JPs business, commercial or personal interests. Examples of prohibited use would include:

    promoting your own business by using the availability of your JP services to attract new


    writing a character reference in support of a relative, friend or business associate and signing

    the reference using the post-nominal initials JP after your name

    writing a letter or statement about a matter which concerns your own interests, and signing

    using the title of JP and your JP registration number.

    Such use of the JP title is inappropriate because the JP is not acting impartially and is not acting

    in his or her capacity as JP.

    However the Code of Conduct does provide a limited exception to this rule. The exception allows

    you to include the post-nominal initials JP after your name on a business card or letterhead. This

    will assist members of the public to identify you as a JP.

    When using the post-nominal initials of JP, they should be placed after any National and

    Royal honours and academic qualifications.

    2.8 Using a stamp

    You may use a stamp to insert your full name, title of JP, and JP registration number. An appropriate

    form of a stamp is as follows:

    [Full name of the Justice of the Peace]

    A Justice of the Peace in and for the State of New South Wales

    [JP registration number]

    However your signature on documents must always be handwritten in ink. You must never use

    a stamp to insert your signature. Similarly you must never insert your signature by affixing a label

    with your signature on it.

    A JP is not authorised to use the State Arms, a State symbol, the Commonwealth Coatof Arms or any other unauthorised insignia on his or her stamp.

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    2.9 Dealing with requests for Justice of the Peace services

    The Code of Conduct for JPs requires you to deal with requests for JP services in a timely manner.

    However if a person requests your services at very short notice, and you are unable to assist in

    that timeframe, you may suggest an alternative time which is convenient to you.You are not expected to provide your address details to callers, or to invite people into your home

    for the purpose of providing the service. You can provide the service at a mutually agreed time

    and place.

    If the document you are witnessing requires your street address, and you hold reasonable fears

    about the privacy or security of that information if it were recorded on the document being

    witnessed, you may decline to witness the document. However this would be an exceptional

    circumstance and it is important to note that the Code of Conduct for JPs requires that you do

    not unreasonably refuse to provide JP services.

    2.10 Checking a persons identity

    When acting as a JP, it is important that you are satisfied about the identity of the person asking

    you to witness his or her signature. If you already know the person, or have sighted his or her

    proof of identity on a previous occasion, you do not need to ask for identification in order to be

    satisfied about the persons identity.

    However if for any reason you are not satisfied about the identity of the person, or if sighting proof

    of identity is a requirement of the document you have been asked to witness, you must ask for


    You can accept any form of photo identification, unless the document requires a particular form

    of identification. For example, the document may require you to sight the persons passport or

    citizenship certificate.

    If the person has no such identification, or if after checking the identification provided you are still

    not satisfied about the persons identity, you must decline to witness the document.

    Frequently asked questions

    Can a person re-sign a document?

    If someone approaches you to witness a document that is already signed, you may ask the

    person to cross out the signature and sign it afresh in your presence. However, this must be doneafter completing the usual steps for witnessing a document.

    Can I help a person to complete a document?

    If you wish to help someone complete a document, ask the person to have that document

    witnessed by another JP. This is because you must remain an independent and unbiased witness

    at all times. You must not fill in the details on a document on a signatorys behalf and then act as

    a witness to that document.

    Can I witness a document which refers to annexures but the annexures are not with the


    If a document refers to an annexure but it is not with the document you are asked to witness, you

    must not witness the document.

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    What if there are multiple signatories to a document?

    If there is more than one person who is required to sign a document, you must only witness the

    signature of the person or people who are present with you at the time of signing. In this case it is

    appropriate to state on the document that you are witnessing only the signature of the person or

    people present. For example, The signature of Peter Williams only witnessed.

    Can different signatories sign before different authorised witnesses and on different


    It is acceptable for different signatories to the document to sign it separately and before different

    authorised witnesses. The date you record as a witness must be the same date as the date of the

    persons signature you are witnessing.

    What is a conflict of interest and what should I do if I have one?

    This refers to a situation where there is a conflict between your public duty as a JP and your

    personal, family, business or financial interests. The perception by other people that you have aconflict of interest can be just as problematic as an actual conflict of interest.

    If you become aware that you have a conflict of interest in a matter before you as a JP, the Code

    of Conduct requires you to disclose your interest to the person seeking JP services or to decline

    to provide JP services in that instance.

    However it is strongly recommended that you do not act as a JP in any matter where there may

    be an actual or a perceived conflict of interest. This is because such a conflict of interest may

    call into question your capacity to act as a JP without bias and free from influence by others or

    your own interests. The Code of Conduct requires you to remain independent and impartial when

    providing JP services.

    Can I witness a document for family members or myself?

    You cannot witness a document for yourself. It is not advisable for you to witness documents

    for your immediate family members as the documents may be rejected on the basis of an actual

    or perceived conflict of interest, and because JPs must remain independent and impartial when

    providing JP services.

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    33/4731Section 3Important information

    Section 3

    Important information about

    your appointment

    This section provides important information about your

    appointment as a Justice of the Peace, including the

    public register and reappointment information.

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    3 Important information about your appointmentIt is important that you are aware of how the JP public register works, how to be reappointed

    and how to notify the Department of Attorney General & Justice if your details change. Read this

    section carefully.

    3.1 Justices of the Peace register

    The Justices of the Peace register (JP register) is an online public listing of all current JPs in NSW.

    It is available at the website

    The JP register allows members of the public to look for a JP in their local area by entering their

    postcode. The register can also be used to check if a person is currently appointed as a JP, by

    entering the JPs name or registration number.

    The Justices of the Peace Regulation 2009 provides that a JPs contact details may be removed

    from the JP register if the JP notifies the Director General of the Department of Attorney General& Justice that his or her safety or wellbeing would be affected if the information is included or not

    removed and the Director General is satisfied that the exclusion or removal is necessary for that


    Finding a JP

    After entering a postcode, a user of the JP register is provided with a list of the names of JPs

    located within that postcode, as well as each JPs nominated contact telephone number and

    suburb. The user can then telephone a JP and ask to arrange a suitable time and place to meet.

    The JPs address and other private contact details are not available on the public register.

    The register includes an Acceptable Usage Policy which explains to users that JPs are volunteers

    and may not be available at short notice or at all times of the day. It also prohibits information

    on the register from being used for purposes other than locating JP services and confirming a

    persons appointment as a JP.

    Confirming an appointment

    The JP register can be searched by surname or JP registration number to confirm a persons

    current appointment as a JP.

    If a name does not appear on the register, the persons appointment may have lapsed or been

    cancelled, or the person may have resigned from office. A user may contact the Department ofAttorney General & Justice to clarify the status of the persons appointment.

    It is important that a person does not carry out JP functions if he or she no longer has a current

    appointment as a JP.

    3.2 Notifying changes in your name, address or contact details

    Changing your address or other contact details

    If you change your email, postal or residential address, or your home, work or mobile telephone

    numbers, you must advise the Department of Attorney General & Justice as soon as possible.This is a requirement of the Code of Conduct for JPs. It helps to ensure the Department can

    contact you if necessary and that you receive a reminder notice before the end of your term of

    appointment as a JP.

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    If your contact details are listed on the public JP register, you have an additional obligation to keep

    those details up-to-date.

    You can notify the Department of a change to your address or contact details by completing

    the form at the website Alternatively you can write to the Department at the

    contact details at the back of this handbook.

    Changing your name

    You are only permitted to provide JP services in the name under which you were appointed as

    a JP. Under the Code of Conduct for JPs, you must notify the Department of Attorney General

    & Justice if your name has changed. You must not perform JP services in your new name until

    you have received written confirmation from the Department of your change of name notification.

    A change of name form is available at the website Alternatively, you can write

    to the Department at the postal address provided at the back of this handbook.

    When advising of a change of name, you must include a certified copy of the change of

    name document such as a marriage certificate. You must also include another document

    which proves that you use the new name, such as a certified copy of your driver licence,

    Medicare card or Seniors Card.

    Moving interstate or overseas

    If you move interstate or overseas permanently, you should resign your appointment as a JP in

    NSW. This is because you are not authorised to act as a JP for NSW while you are in another

    state, territory or country. You would also cease to satisfy the criteria for appointment as a JP,relating to an employment or community based need for the appointment. Your appointment is

    not transferable to another state, territory or country.

    3.3 Your term of appointment

    Five-year terms

    Lifetime appointment of JPs was abolished in December 2003 with the implementation of the

    Justices of the Peace Act 2002. All JP appointments are now for five-year terms. The start and

    end dates of your term are shown in your letter of appointment.

    The introduction of five-year terms assists the Department of Attorney General & Justice to

    maintain an accurate public register of JPs and an up-to-date database of confidential JP contact

    details. Five-year terms also ensure that only JPs who remain eligible and willing to hold the office

    continue to do so.

    JP registration numbers

    Each JP in NSW is issued with a six-digit registration number. You must always record your

    current JP registration number on documents when providing JP services.

    Seven-digit and nine-digit registration numbers which were issued to JPs in the past are no longervalid and must not be used.

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    Applying for reappointment

    If you have a continuing need for your appointment as a JP, you must apply for

    reappointment beforethe end of your five-year term.

    You can apply for reappointment from 12 months before the end of your term of appointment. The

    Department of Attorney General & Justice will send you a reminder notice about three months

    before the end of your term. It is therefore very important that you advise the Department of any

    changes to your email address, postal address or telephone numbers.

    Your application for reappointment must be receivedby the Department of Attorney General &

    Justice before the end of your term. If it is not received before the expiry date of your term, your

    appointment will automatically lapse. This means that you will no longer have authority to carry

    out JP functions or use the title of JP. If your appointment lapses, and you wish to continue as a

    JP, you will have to submit an application for a new appointment through a NSW State Member

    of Parliament. You must not carry out any JP functions until such a new appointment has beenfinalised.

    Applications for reappointment received before the expiry of a JPs term do not require nomination

    by a NSW State Member of Parliament. Application forms and further information about the

    reappointment process can be found at the website

    3.4 Code of Conduct for Justices of the Peace

    Your appointment as a JP is subject to the Code of Conduct for Justices of the Peace in NSW.

    The Code of Conduct was introduced in August 2008 following a statutory review of theJusticesof the Peace Act 2002. A copy of the Code of Conduct is in the appendix of this handbook.

    Additional copies can be downloaded from the website

    The Code of Conduct establishes acceptable standards of conduct for JPs. It clarifies standards

    for those JPs who may be uncertain of their obligations and is also useful for members of the

    public who are unsure about what to expect when seeking the services of a JP.

    It is very important that you understand and comply with the Code of Conduct. Failure to comply

    with the Code of Conduct may mean that your appointment as a JP is reviewed.

    3.5 Review of appointment and removal from office

    Complaints against a Justice of the Peace

    Complaints against a JP can be made to the Department of Attorney General & Justice.

    Complaints must be made in writing, lodged within six months of the date of the matters raised

    and accompanied by any supporting documents, where applicable. Complaints should be sent

    to the Department using the contact details at the back of this handbook.

    Review of an appointment

    A persons appointment as a JP may be reviewed at any time, if questions arise about his or hersuitability to remain a JP. This may include cases where the JP is alleged to have breached the

    Code of Conduct for JPs, no longer satisfies the criteria for appointment, or meets the grounds

    for removal from office prescribed by theJustices of the Peace Act 2002 and the Justices of the

    Peace Regulation 2009.

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    Under section 10(1) of the Act, a JP has an obligation to notify the Minister in writing of any matter

    that may cause the JP to cease to satisfy the prescribed criteria for appointment as a JP or if the

    JP satisfies any of the grounds for removal prescribed under the Act.

    The notice must be given as soon as practicable after the JP becomes aware of the matter

    concerned. A penalty applies for failure to notify.

    If a persons appointment as a JP is to be reviewed, he or she will be notified and given the

    opportunity to respond to the concerns raised.

    Removal from office

    A person stops holding office as a JP if he or she:

    fails to apply for reappointment before the end of his or her five-year term, or is not


    resigns as JP

    is removed from office by the Governor of NSW.

    The Governor of NSW may at any time, on the recommendation of the Minister, remove a JP from

    office if the person:

    becomes bankrupt or

    becomes a mentally incapacitated person or

    is convicted in NSW or elsewhere of an offence that is punishable by imprisonment for 12

    months or more or

    fails to take the oaths of office within four months of the date of his or her appointment or

    if the Minister is of the opinion that the person has failed to properly carry out his or her

    functions as a JP or

    if the Minister is of the opinion that the person does not satisfy or no longer satisfies the criteria

    for appointment as a JP.

    The criteria for appointment as a JP are that the person:

    be at least 18 years of age

    must be an Australian citizen or a person who is entitled to vote at a general election for

    the Legislative Assembly, unless the Minister exempts the person from having to satisfy this


    must be of good character

    must consent in writing to confidential enquiries being made as to the persons suitability for

    appointment, including a criminal records check

    must not be an undischarged bankrupt

    must establish that the persons appointment as a JP is required for reasons relating to the

    persons employment or to fulfil a community-based need for the appointment.

    Resigning from office

    A JP can resign from his or her appointment as a JP at any time, by writing to the Department of

    Attorney General & Justice using the contact details at the back of this handbook.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Where do I get my authority to perform the role of JP?

    The functions and authority of a JP are set out under sections 21 and 26 of the Oaths Act 1900

    and section 8 of theJustices of the Peace Act 2002.

    Are there any JP associations that I can join?

    Yes, there are a number of associations that offer membership, educational and other services

    to JPs. However there is no requirement for a JP to join any JP association.

    Can I perform marriage ceremonies?

    No, marriages are performed by Marriage Celebrants. A JP for NSW does not automatically

    become a Marriage Celebrant. If you wish to become a Marriage Celebrant, you should contactthe Commonwealth Attorney Generals Department.

    Am I exempt from jury duty?

    No, theJury Act 1977does not provide an exemption for JPs from jury duty.

    Can I obtain a certificate of appointment as a Justice of the Peace?

    JPs can apply for an optional certificate of appointment following confirmation of their

    appointment. A fee applies. Further information and application forms are available at the


    What if a person asks me for legal advice?

    You must never offer legal advice in your capacity as a JP, even if you have legal knowledge. If

    people ask you for legal advice you can refer them to LawAccess NSW, which is a free NSW

    Government service that provides legal information, advice and referrals for people who have a

    legal problem in NSW. The service can be contacted during business hours on telephone 1300

    888 529, or at website

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    For a more detailed definition of the terms used, refer to any standard dictionary or law lexicon.

    Affidavit Written statement that is sworn on oath or affirmed, and made

    before a person who is authorised to take an oath or affirmation

    Affirmation Verbal, solemn declaration, which is made instead of an oath, if a

    person objects to the taking of an oath or if an oath is contrary to a

    person's religious beliefs

    Agent Person who legally acts on behalf of another person

    Attest Bear witness to, affirm the truth of, to testify or certify

    Attestation clause Statement in an agreement or other document that it has been duly

    signed in the presence of a witness, confirming the signing of the


    Attest or witness

    the execution of a

    document (instrument)

    Sign a legal document to verify that it has been completed according

    to law in your presence

    Attorney Person appointed to represent or act on anothers behalf

    Australian legal


    Australian lawyer who holds a current local practising certificate or

    a current interstate practising certificate

    Australian Consular

    Officer/British Consular


    Person appointed to hold office in any of the positions set out under

    section 26 of theOaths Act 1900(NSW)

    Commissioner Person with the power and responsibil ity to administer laws or rules

    that relate to a specific matter

    Deponent Person who makes an affidavit or deposition

    Instrument Legal document such as a will, a mortgage or power of attorney

    JP register Online register of JPs listing all current appointments in New South


    Jurat Memorandum at the end of an affidavit, stating when and where the

    affidavit was sworn or affirmed, followed by the signature, title and

    other details of the witness before whom the affidavit was sworn or


    Justice of the Peace


    A person appointed (or reappointed) to the Office of Justice of the

    Peace in and for the State of NSW

    Signatory Person who signs a document or declaration

    Statutory declaration Written statement made in the form prescribed by the Oaths Act

    1900or the Statutory Declarations Act 1959(Cwth)

    Subscribe To write ones name or mark on or at the bottom of a document,

    especially as a witness or consenting party

    Witness a signature Sign a document to certify that it was signed by another person inyour presence

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    This code establishes acceptable standards of conduct for Justices of the Peace

    (JPs) appointed in New South Wales under theJustices of the Peace Act 2002.

    Code of Conduct for

    Justices of the Peace in NSW

    Access to services

    1) A JP must not unreasonably refuse to provideJP services and must treat all personsseeking JP services with courtesy, dignityand respect.

    2) A JP must deal with requests for JP services

    in a timely manner.

    Conduct and integrity

    3) A JP must not engage in dishonest a

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