






























This is a man-made waterway.

• What was a canal

What is the name given the land purchased from France in 1803?

• What is the Louisiana Purchase

Where did the Oregon Trail begin?

• Where was Independence, Missouri

What was the first state located west of the Appalachian


• What was Kentucky.

What President was known as the “common man”?

• Who was Andrew Jackson

The tax on paper goods?

• The Stamp Act

What caused Britain to begin taxing colonists?

• What was their debt from the French and Indian War.

What caused the passing of the Intolerable Acts?

• What was the Boston Tea Party.

What was the name given to colonists who supported the


• Who were the loyalists.

What important document did Thomas Jefferson write?

• What was the Declaration of Independence.

Who was the first European to see the Mississippi River?

• Who was Robert LaSalle.

Who helped the British fight during the Revolutionary War?

• Who were the Hessians.

Who helped the Virginia Colony by planting a crop of tobacco?

• Who was John Rolfe

Who were referred to as “The Society of Friends”?

• Who were the Quakers.

James Oglethorpe started what colony for debtors?

• What was Georgia.

What are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution called?

• What are the Bill of Rights.

What does the first amendment guarantee?

• What is freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and press.

What amendment states you cannot be forced to quarter soldiers in times of peace?

• What is the 3rd amendment

What does the 10th amendment state?

• Any power not specifically stated in the Constitution as a Federal power is given to the states and the people.

What amendment protects privacy?

• What is the Fourth amendment.

Who said, “I have not yet begun to fight?”

• Who was John Paul Jones

What document starts, “When in the course of human events . . .”?

• What is the Declaration of Independence

Who said, “I regret that I have but one life to give for my


• Who was Nathan Hale

Who said, “Give me liberty, or give me death?”

• Who was Thomas Paine

What document begins, “We the people of the United States. . .”?

• What is the United States Constitution.

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