
METRIC Conference, Brussels,19th March 2015

Innovation and regional support: experiences from the

industry – The case of EFACEC Transportation Systems

Cipriano Lomba, Telecom & Signaling Managing Director

EFACEC Transportation Business Unit



The EFACEC Group – Transportation Business Unit

Recent innovations in EFACEC Transportation offer

RTD projects

RTD projects organization

Critical factors for RTD success

Concluding remarks


Created in 1905, in Porto, North of Portugal, private shareholders;

Presence in over 65 countries, more than 3000 employees;

Strong technological competences and industrial facilities in Power Transformers,

Energy Automation/Smart Grids, Medium Voltage Switchgear and Electrical


Long experience and strong technological competencies in turn-key integrated

projects in the sectors of Energy, Transportation, Environment, etc.;

Major industrial facilities in Portugal, Argentina and India;

About 600 M€ turnover, more than 75% outside of Portugal;

Railways, Metros and Light Rail Trams

Roadways and Road Traffic

Core competencies centered on applying IC technologies (R&D,

Engineering, Implementation and After-sales Services) to develop and

implement turn-key customized solutions for Transport / Mobility Systems

Efacec - Transportation Bussiness Unit

Solutions for Light Rail Tram, Metro and Rail Reference Concept - Turnkey solutions

Light Rail and Metro

Algeria: Alger, Oran and Constantine

Brazil: S. Paulo, Rio de Janeiro

Chile: Santiago Metro

Egypt: Cairo

France: Reims

Ireland: Dublin

Italy: Messina

Norway: Bergen

Philippines: Manila

Portugal: Oporto and Lisbon

Singapore: Punggol and Sengkang

Spain: Cadiz, Tenerife and Barcelona

Tunisia: Tunis

Turkey: Bursa

United Kingdom: Nottingham

Heavy Rail & Main Line

Algeria: ANESRIF

Australia: RailCorp

Bosnia: BHRPC

Brazil: CPTM

Iran: RAI

Morocco: ONCF

Malaysia: Klang Valley MRT

Portugal: REFER, CP and Fertagus

Romania: SPIACT

Tunisia: SNCFT

Infrastructures & Comms

Algeria: Algerie Telecom, CEEG, SONATRACH, SONELGAZ

Angola: ENE, Movicel, MSTelcom, Unitel

Morocco: Meditel

Mozambique: EDM, MCEL

Portugal: EDP, Optimus, PT, Vodafone

Successful projects in the 5 continents

Worldwide References Infrastructures, Rail, Metro & Light Rail

TimeKeeper: Integrated Solution for Vehicle Location and Operations

Optimization (Radio/TETRA, Public Information Systems, OCC SW);

TramKeeper: SW Platform for Automated Depot Operation and Management;

AEGIS: SIL-4 Electronic Rail Signaling for Light Rail Trams / Secondary Rail Lines;

EFARail: Integrated Unified Operation and Control Centre SW for Rail


SmartRoad: Operations Control Centre SW for Road Monitoring (Security and

Safety) and Telematics.

Recent Innovations in transportation offer

RTD Projects

R&D team of more than 20 full time dedicated resources (annual investment > 1M€);

In recent years, EFACEC has lead several RTD projects to reinforce its technological offer

in transportation systems, being the main initiatives:

IPSILON – Smarter Systems for Tramway Management (2013/14)

- Depot Management System for Light Rail Trams (TramKeeper);

- Demonstration prototype of a “safe” train detector using fiber optic sensors;

MERCURY – Transportation Made Easy (2012)

- Quality-of-Service middleware platform to support the integration of different applications in unified

Operations Control Centers (EFARail);

SMARTCENTER – Platform for Operational and Safety management of Transport Systems (2010)

- Integration platform for Operational and Safety management of Roads / Tunnels (SmartRoad);

PROSINAL – SIL-4 Electronic Signaling System (2009)

– Advanced SIL-4 signaling system for Light Rail Trams and Secondary Railway Lines, using HW&SW COTS


RTD Projects Organization

Project Leader: EFACEC Transportation BU

– Industrial company, knows market requirements (functional, technical and economics), defines overall

specifications, will become owner/promoter of the final solution, and takes main investment risks;

Project Partners:

– Universities, R&D Institutions and SMEs partners – bring technological competencies required in specific fields;

– Potential Customers (in some Projects) – contribute with functional specifications, but mainly to host the

implementation of prof-of-concept technological pilots, and to “bring” end-user


Financial support from Portuguese RTD Programs / European Funds, but support programs

and level of financing have been reduced in the last years.

RTD Projects – Success critical factors

EFACEC RTD initiatives were mainly structured from Market Needs/Requirements to Technology


Project consortium “balance” (Market + Industry + Technology + R&D) is critical:

Universities and R&D Institutions enrolment is important to assure the use of more updated


SMEs partners bring focused know-how and innovative technologies that can be decisive for the success

of the project, in terms of final results;

End-customers participation, showed to be very relevant for clear definition of final objectives;

The implementation of technological pilots in real scenarios proved to be decisive for product final

tuning, industrialization aspects and future market acceptance;

Pragmatic definition of the RTD Project main objectives and required resources is very important;

Geographical scale of application of regional innovation results is difficult to achieve, but very

important for industry success.

Concluding Remarks

To be innovative in transport systems at regional level is a challenging task, also because of the global trend for turn-

key integrated contracts from transport customers;

The existence of a large entity that takes the lead in RTD activities and calls for the participation of other

specialized local stakeholders is critical – regional innovative eco-systems in transports;

Enrolment of customers/end-users in RTD projects is very relevant for success;

At regional level, finanial support for RTD Projects is essential, but has become more difficult over recent years;

Participation of an “outsider” large company in European RTD Consortiums in Transportation Systems is becoming

more difficult;

The existence of specific mechanisms at regional level to support industry in developing innovative specialized

technologies for transport systems is very important, but should consider the enrolment of the different local

stakeholders (public entities, transport operators, industry, specialized SMEs, Universities, end-users, …);

The development of more Open European Standards at Interface Level, i.e. to access public domain data, would

stimulate regional specialized innovation on transport systems and increase the possibility of success for innovative

companies, namely SMEs.

Thank you

[email protected]

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